That's the way it is! (2024)

Table of Contents
Nieuwsbrief 5851-00528e dag van de 1e maand 5851 jaar na de schepping van AdamDe eerste maand van het zesde jaar van de derde sabbaticalcyclusDe derde sabbatcyclus van de 119e jubileumcyclusDe sabbaticalcyclus van aardbevingen, hongersnoden en pestilentieHet Jaar van de Tienden voor de weduwen, wezen en LevietenDe 14e dag van het tellen van de Omer And That’s The Way It Is! Introductie Thursday April 2, 2015 Paris, Geneva, Lausanne, Saint Cierges, Switzerland Friday April 3, 2015 Le Lieu, Switzerland Saturday April 4, 2015 Le Lieu Switzerland Passover Preparation Day beginning in the morning. I SAW THEM. Sunday April 5, 2015 Le Lieu SwitzerlandFirst day of Unleavened BreadDag van de Zwaaischoof Monday April 6, 2015 Saint Cierges SwitzerlandToday is the secondday of the first week of seven weeks. Today is the secondday of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Sabbath. “Which Day do we Count to Pentecost from?” “The Second New Moon” “The Omer Count and the Jubilee Cycle” A very Special Day The 20th Day of Counting the Omer in 2015 Dag Twintig | Pleidooi voor verlossing | Psalmen 119:153-160 WEEK DRIE Sunset Saturday April 18-Sunset Sunday April 19 is Day 15 of counting the Omer. Dag vijftien | Veiligheid in de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:113-120 Dag zestien | Gehoorzaamheid aan de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:121-128 Dag zeventien | Verlangen om de wet van Jehovah te gehoorzamen | Psalmen 119:129-136 Dag Achttien | De gerechtigheid van de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:137-144 Dag Negentien | Gebed om bevrijding | Psalmen 119:145-152 Dag Twintig | Pleidooi voor verlossing | Psalmen 119:153-160 Dag Eenentwintig | Toewijding aan de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:161-168 “ERIKTOLOGIE – ALEPH/BEYT” “OUD HEBREEUWS ONDERZOEK – Jeff Benner” “Driejaarlijkse Torahlezing” Ex 38 Jeremiah 10-12 Prov 11 Acts 8 The Tabernacle Accoutrements (Exodus 37-38) “Learn Not the Way of the Heathen” (Jeremiah 10) Plot to Kill Jeremiah; Message for Neighboring Lands (Jeremiah 11:18-12:17) The Broken Covenant (Jeremiah 11:1-17) Eerste deel van de grote Solomonic-collectie, vervolg (Spreuken 11:1-27) Wat de Heer verafschuwt (11:1-21) Schoonheid zonder discretie (11:22) Vrijgevigheid en egoïsme (11:23-27) Acts Chapter 8 Hoofdstuk Inhoud FAQs References

Nieuwsbrief 5851-005
28e dag van de 1e maand 5851 jaar na de schepping van Adam
De eerste maand van het zesde jaar van de derde sabbaticalcyclus
De derde sabbatcyclus van de 119e jubileumcyclus
De sabbaticalcyclus van aardbevingen, hongersnoden en pestilentie
Het Jaar van de Tienden voor de weduwen, wezen en Levieten
De 14e dag van het tellen van de Omer

18 april 2015

And That’s The Way It Is!


I had left work early on Wednesday to catch the flight to Geneva via Paris on Air France. I think it is time many of you are made aware of some things. I go to speak wherever those who want me to come, ask. I used to pay for this myself. Since I sold the business just over a year ago, I have not been able to afford this luxury. We had people in the Philippines who wanted me to come there for Sukkot 2015, but neither they nor I could afford the cost of flying, hotels and the shipping of books. We have others in Idaho who have offered to pay my airfare and we plan to go there this summer. There are others in Sri Lanka and Africa who want us to come and teach them. We simply just cannot afford it. And now others in Switzerland would like to have us teach them.

Let me also say that the website is soon to be moved to Israel, where it will remain until the end. The cost of this is going to be about $4,000 per year and we also need to have James looking after it so his wages will need to be taken care of up front. So we are, in this alone, looking at about $60,000 per year for the next 15 years or just under 1 Million. This does not include other expenses for traveling in the future. We cannot expect to do this when no man can buy or sell in the near future. We do need to build up a war chest as it were, for what is soon to come and we need to do it now.

We need you to step up. I am going to share in this News Letter why, as I have learned so much on this trip. I pray you will join us. I pray you will put your divisions aside and your accusing fingers and self-righteousness’s and go before Yehovah and ask Him what you should do. Do nothing for me, but what ever you do, do it all for Yehovah and His great name.

The people in Switzerland offered to cover the airfare which made this trip affordable, but I still had to miss work on Wednesday and Thursday while I traveled there and again on Tuesday as I flew back home. It was Good Friday and Easter Monday so those two days we did not work. I also was not able to be with my family this long weekend. There is also the changing of planes and rushing around in airports and dealing with delays and alternative flights, and on some occasions, sleeping at the airport. Our return flight to Toronto is delayed for unknown reasons as I write this in Paris on my return home leg. Please consider what your messianic teachers go through in order for you to listen to them for a few hours, when they are in your area.

I am not paid to speak. Sometimes a collection is made to cover expenses, but they never do cover the total cost involved. The rental of the hall or the food provided or the books that are given away for free or the rental of the booth – all of this cost money that the organizer has to pay in order to host an event like this. I share this with you because of what you’re about to read, so you can see the work in front of us and what must be done. I am going to ask you to faithfully get behind this work and support it in unending help until we are done. It is going to take both prayers and money. Do not be like the self righteous ones who say God will provide and then they do nothing to help those doing the work. Those who do that are deceived. David would not take the land for the Temple, saying He would not take it if it cost him nothing.

2Sa 24:10 And David’s heart struck him after he had numbered the people. And David said to Jehovah, I have sinned greatly in what I have done. And now, I beseech You, O Jehovah, take away the iniquity of Your servant, for I have done very foolishly. 11 And David rose up in the morning. And the Word of Jehovah came to the prophet Gad, David’s seer, saying, 12 Go and say to David, So says Jehovah, I offer you three spullen. Choose one of them, so that I may do it to you. 13 And Gad came to David, and told him, and said to him, Shall seven years of famine come upon you and on your land? Or will you flee three months before your enemies while they pursue you? Or shall there be three days’ plague in your land? And advise, and see what answer I shall return to Him who sent me. 14 And David said to Gad, I am in great distress. Let us fall now into the hand of Jehovah, for His mercies zijn great. And do not let me fall into the hand of man. 15 And Jehovah sent a plague upon Israel from the morning even till the time appointed. And there died from the people, from Dan to Beer-sheba, seventy thousand men. 16 And when the angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, Jehovah turned from the evil, and said to the angel who destroyed the people, Enough! And stay your hand. And the angel of Jehovah was by the threshing-place of Araunah the Jebusite. 17 And David spoke to Jehovah when he saw the angel who struck the people, and said, Lo, I have sinned, and I have done wickedly. But these sheep, what have they done? I pray You, let Your hand be against me and against my father’s house. 18 And Gad came that day to David, and said to him, Go up! Rear an altar to Jehovah in the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. 19 And David went up, according to the saying of Gad, as Jehovah commanded. 20 And Araunah looked and saw the king and his servants coming on toward him. And Araunah went out and bowed before the king, his face to the ground. 21 And Araunah said, Why has my lord the king come to his servant? And David said, To buy the threshing-floor from you, to build an altar to Jehovah, so that the plague may be stayed from the people. 22 And Araunah said to David, Let my lord the king take and offer up what lijkt good to him. Behold, oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instruments, and instruments of the oxen for wood. 23 All these Araunah, like a king, gave to the king. And Araunah said to the king, May Jehovah your God accept you. 24 And the king said to Araunah, No, but I will surely buy from you at a price. And I will not offer burnt offerings to Jehovah my God of that which costs me nothing. And David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver. 25 And David built there an altar to Jehovah, and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And Jehovah was entreated for the land, and the plague was stayed from Israel.

What have these news letters cost you? What have you given to help make this work possible? What do you do weekly to help spread this end time message? It is now time to put all bickering aside; to stop being a tare and begin to produce some fruit so that we will be found worthy to be amongst those first fruits Yehovah is now calling.
Again I ask you, will you stand with me? Do not write to me your excuses. Tell them to Yehovah.

Will you stop supporting those who lead you astray? Talk to Yehovah to show you and make it plain to you. It is now time to decide whom you will follow, Yehovah or some man.
Het is tijd.

This was written at the Geneva and Paris airports and in Saint Cierges Switzerland as well as 35,000 feet above the Atlantic as I fly home. So it may have some sections that are repeated here and there.

Thursday April 2, 2015 Paris, Geneva, Lausanne, Saint Cierges, Switzerland

We arrived Thursday in Geneva about lunchtime. We changed planes in Paris and it was crazy busy. In Paris I had to take a train from one terminal to the connecting flight to Geneva. I have not seen such a huge airport before. It is like a maze and your are the mouse looking to find your way out and you are rushing to make sure you do not miss your flight or get lost.
Geneva is beautiful. The grass is green and the flowers are out.
That's the way it is! (2)
René picked me up and took me to Lausanne for a late lunch with Nicole (Natalia), who had a very hard time understanding my French and I, hers. There are no airs here. No fancy rich people, just ordinary people, doing extraordinary things, who seek to learn more about Yehovah and to obey Him. Humble, earthy, real people whom I have fallen in love with.
We stayed and talked a while before heading up to René’s home. I had not slept on the plane from Toronto to Paris and just started to nod off before landing in Geneva. The grass is green here and the legumes in the fields are already 6 inches high. This is such a great sight for me, having not been out of my igloo for the past 6 months and dealing with -40 temperatures for what seemed like forever. It is drizzling and cool but much warmer than what I left in Canada.
I think I was up the whole flight as I was thinking about what I would say. René had told me he wanted to have a question and answer period, where everyone could take part and ask and contribute. I loved the idea but it did not help me to know what to present. That evening I again asked him what he wanted me to say. He wanted them to experience and to know why they need to keep the Holy Days. Now I knew what to do and had to get my notes in order, as we have no internet up in the mountains where we are going at Le Lieu.
We then had to go and get the lorry with all the equipment for the weekend which René had already loaded by himself, and then take it to Le Lieu where we were holding the meeting. René and I talked the whole time and I fought hard to keep my eyes open and pay attention as we felt each other out to get to know each other. I also did not want to miss any of the awesome views going by us as we drove up through these mountains with Swiss chalets and homes and villages on them. It is enchanting. I am sure there are no straight roads in Switzerland; they are all rolling hills and curves.
We got to the hall and we checked it out with the owner and were about to begin to unload everything when some people began to come into the hall. They had it that Thursday night. We were going to stay here in the mobile home and prepare the hall in the morning, so we left the lorry there and returned to René’s home to spend the night back at his place. It is about an hour each way. I think I went to bed and slept like a log from 12:30 until 7 AM when it was time to get up and get going again.

Friday April 3, 2015 Le Lieu, Switzerland

We thad breakfast and talked and then headed up to Le Lieu again to begin setting up. We arrived and unpacked the lorry and set up tables and chairs in the hall. Shortly after we had moved all the equipment in, then others began to arrive and the excitement of the Passover began to build as the people started showing up.
I was to learn that for most of them this was their first or second or maybe even third Passover. They had no idea how to do it though, as they had only done it in their homes by themselves and were excited to know I was there to show them and that we were doing this as a group. I could feel the weight on me getting heavier the more they talked about what they were looking for. Some had been to Israel and some had just learned a wee bit about Hebrew roots. Most were Sunday keeping Christians who also kept the Sabbath.
As I was watched them go about setting up the hall I could see their hearts. They decorated the walls with colourful curtains and lifted up a huge white sheet over the whole area we were sitting in. Just like a giant Chuppah but they did not know what that was. They placed white paper on the tables with coloured laces around the edges. What was a 200-year-old gym was now a beautiful hall in which we were about to begin. Everyone helped, having never done this before and it all came together very quickly, and it also had homemade table decorations for each table. Some people had met before and others from a few years before and a few were meeting now for the first time.

That's the way it is! (3)

They had no clue what was about to come and they were so happy to be there so they could learn more about Jesus, as they call Him. I could really see their hearts, and as I watched them I new I had to change my teachings. I had to make that this weekend would be something they could understand and never forget. I had to leave them convinced they had to continue to keep the Holy Days from now on. So the notes I had were now out and I wrote out my thoughts on the table paper with scriptures I wanted; totally off the cuff.

As evening began to arrive and the time for the Memorial Supper neared, we began with introductions and then supper this Friday evening. I had to explain to them that this is not Good Friday, but how the Passover this year happened to fall on Saturday evening and in other years it was on other days. This was the Memorial Supper Yehshua had with His disciples.

Everything I said was translated into French by Andre and his wife Irenewho could understand my French English tongue and make sense of it. To them I am most humbled and thankful. In between teachings I showed Andre other things and when it came time to explain things, he could do it with little help from me. I was impressed and pleased.

We began by eating and then during the meal we acted out Judas coming to talk to Yehshua and how they all asked is it me that is about to betray Him. We then sent Judas out with the last of the Challah bread. But these people, in their love, had brought loaves and loaves of challah bread. They do not understand what unleavened Bread is. But Passover was not to begin until the next night so we had time to eat as much of it as possible.

As the supper ended we took the bread and broke it. I had one box of unleavened Bread with me. I asked them when was the lamb ever beaten. They had not considered it. This would come back again on Sunday morning as we explained the Wave sheaf to them. I kept asking them questions and they kept trying to answer them. I was not looking for an answer, as I wanted them to think.
Each person took the unleavened Bread for the first time and ate it reverently.

As the evening progressed we explained the 4 cups of wine and how it was directly related to the Exodus 6:6

Ex 6:6 Therefore say to the sons of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, (1st Cup) and I will rescue you out of their bondage.(2nd Cup) And I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm, and with great judgments. (3rd Cup)

We also explained how the 4th cup was for Elijah and left it on the table. We also showed them how Yehshua said He would not drink any more wine until he had returned. We also had them all drink the wine. Drinking wine for a French person is not something new, but this night was special and they all were getting it. As the evening ended I took that 4th cup and I drank it. Josephine noticed it and commented on it. I then told her of the things written in the back of the book Remembering the Sabbatical year of 2016, appendage “B”. She was amazed.
We had almost finished our meal. They had already finished, but while I was talking I had hardly touched mine. It was now time to wash their feet. So I stood up and they all watched me as I got things set up. They had not done this before and we had to scramble to find a couple of pots big enough to wash feet in. The men did the men and the women did the women.

That's the way it is! (4)
That's the way it is! (5)After this we went through the gospel of John starting in Chapter 13 and going all the way to the end of chapter 17. People kept asking questions and the same old Christian questions come up about this being no longer necessary.

It was now late Friday evening. I was tired, the time change and the lack of sleep was catching up to me and the Brethren kept asking questions and we stayed up until 2 AM when the last of the questions was then answered. Everyone was so pleased and still excited. They had heard in their churches some things but not all and read bits and pieces, but they had never experienced it. Now they have completed the Memorial evening and were very happy.

Saturday April 4, 2015 Le Lieu Switzerland

Passover Preparation Day beginning in the morning.

It is still rainy and drizzly outside. It has become cooler and is now snowing. Large wet flakes that do not last land on the ground. I walked from one end of the village to the other and back in ten minutes. Each and every house recycles the kitchen scraps in their own gardens in their yards. There are two farmers with the barns on the main street and a dozen or so milking cows in the yard. The manure is piled in the yard and has a mild smell. Totally different from North America where people do not even see a farm let alone know where their food comes from.

I had to go and get away so I could have a talk with Yehovah. I had asked Him to show me my secret sins as we approached the Days of Unleavened Bread. I do not like doing this because He does show them to me and I hate myself when I see it. So what I saw yesterday sat on my heart and weighed on me all night.

What do I do? They have brought loaves of Challah bread for the Days of Unleavened Bread. They have no Unleavened bread except my one box. They have brought and eaten lobster and shrimp, pork and Horse meat. (They call this European Meat). They do not see anything wrong with it. Again they are brand new and no one has told them. Later this day I asked a lady from Zurich, Margaret, who came down, a friend of my friend Marie-Louise from Thailand who had told her to come and listen to me. She has been in this walk a few years and said they eat meat like this in all the groups. Again no one has taught them.
As I was walking and praying, again asking Yehovah to put the words in my mouth that He wanted said, I confessed to Him my guilt.

I was not sure about coming to Switzerland to teach what I was told were a group of Christians who wanted to keep Passover. Red flags were going off each time I thought about it. I almost cancelled. I expected the same Christian fights and no one would want to keep this Sabbath Holy or the next day or first day of Unleavened Bread. I suspected they would all go back and forget this as just a fun weekend or something like that.
Some were from the Pentecost faith and others from other faiths and they brought those teaching with them. They do not know, because no one has explained it to them.
But I saw them setting up. I saw them talking and being excited about learning these truths. I saw them with tears in their eyes as they realized each point that was made.


I was not told by others,I saw them myself. So who are these people? And why was I here?
As I reached the far end of town and turned to come back, it hit me. And it brought me to tears as I realized my sin. And again as I write this, the tears come as I relive this moment. Read the whole account to the end. I pray Father Yehovah to forgive me. (After getting home, each of the religious programs I listened to this past week have also been talking about this very same verse. They of course think it is about the eating of unclean food. It is not. And all of this confirms to me this message from Yehovah.)

Akte 10:1 And a certain man named Cornelius was in Caesarea, a centurion of the Italian cohort, 2 een devout and fearing God, with all his household, both doing many merciful deeds to the people, and praying continually to God. 3 About the ninth hour of the day he saw plainly in a vision an angel of God coming to him and saying to him, Cornelius! 4 And he was gazing at him, and becoming terrified, he said, What is it, lord? And he said to him, Your prayers and your merciful deeds have come up for a memorial before God. 5 And now send men to Joppa and call for Simon, whose last name is Peter. 6 He is staying with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by de seaside. He will tell you what you must do. 7 And when the angel who spoke to Cornelius departed, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from those who waited on him continually. 8 And explaining all things to them, he sent them to Joppa. 9 On the next day, as these went on de road, and drawing near the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about de sixth hour. 10 And he became very hungry and desired to eat. But while they made ready, an ecstasy fell on him. 11 And he saw the heaven opened and a certain vessel like a sheet coming down to him, being bound at the four corners and let down to the earth; 12 in which were all the four-footed animals of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the reptiles, and the birds of the heaven. 13 And a voice came to him, saying, Rise, Peter! Kill and eat! 14 But Peter said, Not so, Lord, for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean. 15 And the voice spaak to him again the second niet de tijd of, What God has made clean, you do not call common. 16 This happened three keer, and the vessel was received up again into the heaven. 17 And while Peter doubted within himself what the vision which he had seen might be, even behold, the men who were sent from Cornelius had asked for Simon’s house and stood on the porch. 18 And they called and asked if Simon whose last name is Peter was staying there. 19 And en Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit said to him, Behold, three men are looking for you. 20 Therefore arise and go down and go with them without doubting, for I have sent them. 21 And going down to the men, those sent to him from Cornelius, Peter said, Behold, I am degene you are seeking. For what reason have you come? 22 And they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man and een who fears God, and one of good report among all the nation of the Jews, was warned from God by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear words from you. 23 Then he called them in and lodged aan hen. And on the next day Peter went away with them, and certain brothers from Joppa went with him. 24 And the next day they entered into Caesarea. And Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his kinsmen and near friends. 25 And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him and fell down at zijn voeten en worshiped. 26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up! I also am a man myself. 27 And as he talked with him, he went in and found many who had come together. 28 And he said to them, You know that it is an unlawful thing for a man, a Jew to keep company with or to come near to one of another nation. But God has shown me not to call any man common or unclean. 29 Therefore I came without complaint, being sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me. 30 And Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until this hour. And at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, and behold, a man stood before me in bright clothing. 31 And he said, Cornelius, your prayer is heard, and your merciful deeds have been remembered before God. 32 Therefore send to Joppa and call here Simon whose last name is Peter, he is staying in de house of Simon, a tanner by the seaside; who, when he comes, shall speak to you. 33 Therefore I immediately sent to you, and you have done well naar come. Now therefore we are all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded you by God. 34 Then Peter opened zijn mouth and said, Truly I see that God is no respecter of persons; 35 but in every nation he who fears Him and works righteousness is accepted with Him. 36 You know the Word which God sent to the sons of Israel, preaching the gospel of peace by Jesus Christ (He is Lord of all!); 37 that word which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John proclaimed; 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with de Holy Spirit and with power, and He went about doing good, and healing all those who were oppressed by the Devil, for God was with Him. 39 And we are witnesses of all things which He did, both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed Hem and hanged Hem on a tree; 40 but God raised Him up the third day and showed Him openly, 41 not to all the people, but to witnesses hand-picked before by God, zal u zelfs to us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from de dead. 42 And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained of God te the Judge of de leven en de dead. 43 All the Prophets give witness to Him, dat through His name whoever believes in Him zal receive remission of sins. 44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all those hearing the Word. 45 And those of the circumcision, who believed (as many as came with Peter), were astonished because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out on the nations also. 46 For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Then Peter answered, 47 Can anyone forbid water that these, who have received the Holy Ghost as well as we, should not be baptized? 48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Then they begged him to stay certain days.

The sheet with all the unclean animals that Peter saw, was on the table in front of me right now. The ham mixed in with the salads, lobster and shrimp and horse all right there. Leavened Bread and no one understood. Two ladies kept telling me what was okay and what was not. And I thank them for that. The sheet that had come before Peter was not giving Peter permission to eat unclean foods or else Yehovah would have become a hypocrite. No, the sheet was in reference to Corneliusand his family, to those who were not kosher and who were not keeping the Torah previously. But upon whom the Holy Spirit was now being poured out on.
It was not that long ago that I too ate just like this and had no idea. I had no clue because no one had told me. I was no different than they are. Now I know, but should that make me self-righteous and cause me to gloat it over them? Should I flee from them in order to remain spiritually clean? No, Heaven forbid and He has.

Yehovah has called the 12 tribes of Israel to come and join Him at His wedding Feast, but they have refused. They refused the Holy Spirit, the oil that leads to His truths. They want nothing to do with this Sabbath thing and the Holy Days or the Sabbatical years. Leave us alone, they say.

The Swiss are part of Israel. They are either Gad or they are Issachar. And here I am with them and they want to know, THEY WANT TO LEARN. Now read the scriptures that went racing through my mind as I realized this scroll thing of Peter. I have met many so called brethren who refuse to obey. Who consider themselves righteous while everyone else is wrong. They condemn others because they keep this day or that one. But these Swiss people want to learn and want to understand unlike someof those I have come across.
Speaking of those who refuse to listen, Yehovah says the following.

Zec 7: 11 But they refused to listen, and gave a stubborn shoulder, and made heavy their ears from hearing. 12 And they made their hearts adamant from hearing the Law and the Words which Jehovah of Hosts has sent through His Spirit, by the former prophets. And great wrath came from Jehovah of Hosts. 13 And it will be, as He called, and they did not listen, so they called, and I did not listen, says Jehovah of Hosts. 14 But I stormed them away on all the nations whom they did not know. And the land has been wasted behind them, from passing and from returning; for they made the land of desire a waste.

Voor 1:20 Wijsheid huilt buiten; ze laat haar stem horen op straat;21 ze roept op de belangrijkste plaats van samenkomst, in de openingen van de poorten; in de stad spreekt ze haar woorden uit, gezegde,22 Hoe lang zul je van eenvoud houden, van eenvoudige dingen? En zullen spotters zich verheugen in hun minachting? En zullen dwazen kennis haten?23 Draai je om naar mijn waarschuwing; zie, Ik zal mijn Geest over u uitstorten; Ik zal mijn woorden aan u bekendmaken.24 Omdat ik belde en jij weigerde; Ik strekte mijn hand uit en niemand lette op;25 maar je hebt al mijn advies veracht en niets van mijn waarschuwing willen weten.26 Ik zal ook lachen om je problemen; Ik zal spotten als je angst komt;27 wanneer uw angst komt als een wegkwijnen, en uw ondergang komt als een storm wanneer problemen en pijn u overkomen.28 Dan zullen zij mij aanroepen, en ik zal niet antwoorden; zij zullen mij vroeg zoeken, maar zij zullen mij niet vinden;29 in plaats daarvan haatten zij kennis en kozen zij niet voor de vrees voor Jehovah.30 Ze wilden niets van mijn raad weten; zij verachtten al mijn correctie,31 en zij zullen de vrucht van hun eigen weg eten en vervuld worden met hun eigen verlangens.32 Want het zich afkeren van de eenvoudigen doodt hen, en het gemak van de dwazen vernietigt hen.33 Maar wie naar mij luistert, zal veilig wonen en stil zijn uit angst voor het kwaad.

Almost every single Hebrew roots group or Messianic group has refused to keep the Sabbatical years. Most all Seventh Day Adventists will keep neither the Holy Days nor the Sabbatical years and they too have now mixed other holidays not found in Lev 23 into their worship. What about you?

Read what Yehovah is going to do to those of Israel who refuse to keep the Sabbaths. Notice that He is talking about all of His Sabbaths.

Eze 20:2 And came the Word of Jehovah to me, saying, 3 Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel and say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: Have you come to ask of Me? As I live, says the Lord Jehovah, I will not be inquired of by you. 4 Will you judge aan hen, son of man, will you judge them? Cause them to know the abominations of their fathers. 5 And say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: In the day that I chose Israel, and lifted up My hand to the seed of the house of Jacob, and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt; when I lifted up My hand to them, saying, I am Jehovah your God; 6 in the day dat Ik hief Mijn hand naar hen op om hen uit het land Egypte te brengen naar een land dat Ik voor hen had uitgezocht, stromend Met melk en honing, die is the glory of all lands; 7 then I said to them, Let each man throw away the abominations of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves with the idols of Egypt. I am Jehovah your God. 8 But they rebelled against Me and would not listen to Me. They did not each man throw away the abominations of their eyes, nor did they forsake the idols of Egypt. And I said, I will pour out My fury against them to fulfill My anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt. 9 But I worked for My name’s sake, that it should not be profaned before the nations among whom they waren, voor I made Myself known to them in their eyes, by bringing them out of the land of Egypt. 10 And I caused them to go out from the land of Egypt, and brought them into the wilderness. 11 And I gave them My statutes and showed them My judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them. 12 And also I gave them My sabbaths to be a sign between Me and them, that ze weet misschien dat ik am Jehovah who sets them apart. 13 But the house of Israel rebelled against Me in the wilderness; they did not walk in My statutes, and they despised My judgments, which if als een man dat doet, zal hij er zelfs in wonen. En zij ontheiligden Mijn sabbatten enorm. En ik zei, I will pour out My fury on them in the wilderness to destroy them. 14 But I worked for My name’s sake, so that it should not be profaned before the nations in whose sight I brought them out. 15 And also I lifted up My hand to them in the wilderness, that I zou hen niet naar het land brengen dat ik gegeven had aan hen, vloeiend Met melk en honing; Het is the glory of all lands; 16 because they despised My judgments and walked not in My sabbaths; and they profaned My sabbaths; for their heart went after their idols. 17 But My eye spared them from destroying them, nor did I make an end of them in the wilderness. 18 But I said to their sons in the wilderness, Do not walk in the statutes of your fathers, nor observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols. 19 I am Jehovah your God. Walk in My statutes, and keep My judgments, and do them, 20 and keep My sabbaths holy; and they shall be a sign between Me and you, that you may know that I am Jehovah your God. 21 But the sons rebelled against Me. They did not walk in My statutes, nor kept My judgments to do them; the judgments which, if als iemand dat doet, zal hij er zelfs in wonen; zij ontheiligden Mijn sabbatten en Ik zei I would pour out My fury on them, to fulfill My anger against them in the wilderness. 22 But I withdrew My hand and worked for My name’s sake, that it should not be profaned in the eyes of the nations, from whom I brought them out in their eyes. 23 I also lifted up My hand to them in the wilderness, that I would scatter them among the nations and scatter them through the lands, 24 because they had not done My judgments, but had despised My sabbaths and had profaned My sabbaths, and their eyes were after their fathers’ idols. 25 Also I gave them statutes not good, and judgments by which they should not live. 26 And I defiled them in their own gifts, in that they caused all that open the womb to pass through het vuur, dat ik ze zou kunnen verspillen, zodat ze zouden weten dat ik am Jehovah. 27 Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel and say to them, So says the Lord Jehovah: Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed Me, in that they have committed a sin against Me. 28 When I had brought them into the land For which I lifted up My hand to give it to them, then they saw every high hill, and all the thick trees, and they offered their sacrifices there. And there they offered their provoking gifts. There also they made their sweet aroma, and poured out their drink offerings there. 29 And I said to them, What is the high place to which you go? And the name of it is called High Place to this day. 30 Therefore say to the house of Israel, So says the Lord Jehovah: Are you defiled in the same way as your fathers? And do you go whoring after their abominations? 31 For when you offer your gifts, when you make your sons to pass through the fire, you defile yourselves with all your idols, even to dit dag. En zal ik door u worden ondervraagd, o huis van Israël? As I Live, says the Lord Jehovah, I will not be inquired of by you. 32 And what comes up on your spirit shall not happen at all, that you say, We will be like the nations, like the families of the countries, to serve wood and stone.

33 As I live, says the Lord Jehovah, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, I will reign over you. 34 And I will bring you out from the people, and I will gather you out of the lands in which you are scattered among them, with a mighty hand and with a stretched out arm and with fury poured out. 35 And I will bring you into the wilderness of the people, and there I will enter into judgment with you face to face. 36 Just as I entered into judgment with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will enter into judgment with you, says the Lord Jehovah. 37 And I will cause you to pass under the rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant. 38 And I will purge out from among you the rebels and those who sin against Me. I will bring them out from the land where they reside, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel. And you shall know that I am Jehovah.

Brethren we are very close to the time when this next section will take place. Which one of the virgins are you? How is your oil doing? Do you have any at all or are you just another tare that has no fruit and only argues and takes up space? Are you actively sharing Yehovah’s truths with others?

Mattheüs 25:1 Then shall the kingdom of Heaven be likened to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps, but took no oil with them. 4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom comes! Go out to meet him. 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, Give us sommige of your oil, for our lamps have gone out. 9 But the wise answered, saying, Nee, lest there be not enough for us and you. But rather go to those who sell, and buy for yourselves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came. And they who were ready went in with him to the marriage, and the door was shut. 11 Afterwards the other virgins came also, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12 But he answered and said, Truly I say to you, I do not know you. 13 Therefore watch, for you do not know either the day or the hour in which the Son of Man comes.

Yehovah is pouring out His spirit on all flesh. Those invited do not want to come. Those being called do not have anyone to teach them. Notice the last part of this parable. Even those not dressed in the proper clothes.

Mat 22:1 And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables, and said, 2 The kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king who made a marriage for his son. 3 And he sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the wedding; and they would not come. 4 Again he sent out other servants, saying, Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and fatlings zijn gedood, en dergelijke zijn ready. Come to the marriage. 5 But not caring, they went their ways, one to zijn veld, een ander zijn handel.6 En de rest nam zijn bedienden mee en behandelde hem aan hen wraakzuchtig en vermoord aan hen. 7 But when the king heard, he was angry. And he sent out his armies and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they who were invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go into the exits of the highways, and as many as you shall find, invite them to the marriage. 10 So the servants went out into the highways and gathered together as many as they found, both bad and good. And the wedding was filled with reclining guests. 11 And the king coming in to look over the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. 12 And he said to him, Friend, how did you come in here without having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot and take him away, and cast hem into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14 For many are called, but few chosen.

At 9 AM I presented them with Yehshua being stoned to death and I did it as if they were the Jury and I arguing my case before them. We went step by step, scripture by scripture. At first there were some rejections of this. But as we presented our evidence the tears began to flow. Then the sobs and when I had finished I left the evidence in the hands of the jury. As the prayer for closing this morning’s session ended there were a number of people sobbing uncontrollably in the foyer. I had my verdict.

In the afternoon we ended up teaching about the Blood Moon that had come but we could not see due to the clouds.And that evening we did the Passover Seder reading from Exodus 1. By 11 O’clock we had only gotten as far as chapter 12 and we had to stop as everyone was getting too tired, including myself. We answered every question that came up. Sharon asked why we had to do this and why it took so long. I explained in Israel they stay up all night and that we had to repeat everything here twice. Once in French and once in English and then the answer back in English and then in French. She is very smart and just wanted to get to the end, but the bible gives you many answers by doing and by being patient. You cannot just go to the book of Revelation and read it expecting to have the conclusions all there. The lessons come in the doing and this is why we do this each year. And each year we learn more.

Today Michelle and Pierre had come, as well as Margaret. Some in the group were unsure about keeping this “Jewish” thing of Passover. They only wanted to celebrate Jesus and that is all. Bernard questioned me about the tutor in Galatians. So I got up and asked him to close his eyes. Bernard is 71. I then commanded him to walk and as he did I tripped him repeatedly until he was afraid to walk at all.
I then grabbed his shoulders and told him to walk and I guided him and pushed the other people out of his way. I then told him to take 4 steps forward and I let him go and then I said to stop and then I said to turn and take 4 steps back and then stop.

I was his tutor. I protected him when he needed it and I guided him to the place he had to get to. I was also the one tripping him up when he did not listen to me. When I let him go and he obeyed my voice he was safe as I guided him.

I was the Torah and I was there to protect him. Without the Torah he is tripped up and unsure of what to do. It was a great lesson and most got it.

Sunday April 5, 2015 Le Lieu Switzerland
First day of Unleavened Bread
Dag van de Zwaaischoof

It was time now to tie the death of Yehshua in with all the Holy Days. To make them understand the teachingsthey know all come from the Holy Days and by not keeping them they in fact cut themselves off from not understanding the Plan of Salvation.
We did our teaching on the Wave Sheaf and expanded that to explain briefly each Holy Day and what it represented. One by one I saw them get it and clue in to the importance of these special days. How the Death of Yehshua and the resurrection showed the plan of salvation just as the wave sheaf did. Josephine got very excited about this as she realized what I was showing everyone.
Most of those loaves of Challah Bread remained on the tables untouched on this first day of unleavened Bread. They were trying to obey now that they had learned, even though they did not completely understand.
By lunchtime I was done. Those who had opposed the keeping of the Holy Days, having counted them along with the temple sacrifices, had now come to understand that they were needed in order to understand Yehovah’s plan of Salvation and prophecy and many things to which they had only a partial understanding.
As each person said goodbye, they had tears in their eyes. They asked when I would be back. Some had already told others about what they had learned here this weekend and they were now calling Rene asking if I could come to Zurich or if I would stay and teach in Lausanne.
I was exhausted after all of this and thrilled and very happy. We then had to pack up and drive back to Saint Cierges where Rene and I took everything back out of the lorry and put it in storage. We then dropped off the lorry and headed to Lausanne for supper with Nicole (Natalia). It would be close to midnight before I would get back to bed in Saint Cierges.
At supper I began to explain the Daniel 9 Prophecy. I was stunned to know they had little to no news about ISIS and what was going on in the Middle East. Nicole (Natalia) had found some unleavened bread for us to eat for supper and was very pleased when I checked the label and approved of it. We also had to explain to Rene why we eat unleavened bread.

Monday April 6, 2015 Saint Cierges Switzerland
Today is the secondday of the first week of seven weeks. Today is the secondday of the counting of fifty days from the day of the waving of the Omer on the morrow after the Sabbath.

In this little village they collect the milk from seven other villages, with each individual farmer drives over to the cheese factory (just a little house) themselves to deliver the milk. All the farmers have shares in the cheese factory, like a co-op. Rene brought me here at 7 am so I could see how this was done. It caused me to think of theTyropoeon Valley (i.e., “Valley of the Cheesemakers”) is the name given by Josephus the historian (Wars 5.140) to the valley or rugged ravine, in the Old City of Jerusalem, which in ancient times separated Mount Moriah from Mount Zion and emptied into the valley of Hinnom.
The milk is brought twice a day, morning and evening, and they make the cheese once each day. The milk is weighed and then pumped into three large tanks. Chemicals are added and the curdling process begins. Forty minutes later the milk is curdled and the master cheese maker watches until the precise moment when the curdling has reached its peak. Once he decides it is ready, it is then pumped into the large cheese filters where the serum is drained out the bottom and just the curds are left in the form which is then compressed at 800 pounds for ten hours, I believe.
This serum is then bottled and sold in local stores. We drink it with our meals. It almost taste like ginger ale, but it has no sugars added like soda pop does. It was very good and is supposed to be good for you. I liked it a lot.
The block of cheese is then soaked in salt water for a day before being stored on shelves in the basem*nt where it is rubbed with salt each day for a month. It is turned and rubbed and turned and rubbed, so both sides and all the outside edge is salted. This is done each and every day in the local cheese factory and then it continues when it is shipped to the larger cheese distributor.
The specialty cheese of this village, Sainte Cierges, uses a combination of apple and pear ground to paste and then boiled down into a think rich sweet syrup. This syrup is very sweet to the taste. It is then rubbed all over the cheese giving it, its dark rosy colour and flavour. This type of cheese is only made in this one town alone and it is world famous. The cheese is called Le Brigand Du Jorat from Saint Cierges et Boulens.
The cheeses are then stored another three months in the basem*nt before they are shipped to the large cheese seller. The cheese seller then continues to salt both sides for another five months and only after a total eight months since the cows gave the milk is this special Swiss Cheese shipped around the world.
The master cheese maker takes samples of the cheese each step of the way watching for bacterial infection. If a farmer is not careful and the cheese develops bacteria, it will bloat and after three months will swell to such a size. It is infected and all the cheese from that date to present are then thrown out. Months of work are gone, so they are very careful in cleaning and being clean right from the time they collect the milk and during each step of the way.
The Tyropoeon Valley would require lots of water for the cleaning of the vats during the cheese making. This would only be possible with the Gihon Spring being so close. It was located under the South East Corner of the Temple.
This tour was finished before 9 AM and I bought two large blocks of cheese to bring home. It is so good. The name of the second one Gruyere.
This afternoon Rene took me to Lausanne to meet Nicole (Natalie) again. We went down to Lake Lausanne and to the Palace where John Kerry and the Iranians were meeting. As you can see I just had to go in and straighten them up about Prophecy and explain to them all what Zechariah 5 really means and why this deal they were working out was so dangerous to the whole world.

That's the way it is! (6)
Having now warned them about this we sat down to eat cooked banana over perch as we looked over Lac Lausanne. What an awesome meal. And the company was also awesome. We began to discuss in broken French and broken English the end time prophecies of Daniel which can only be understood by understanding the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles. Lunch would prove to be too short a time for this conversation which would last until the end of the night this evening.

We were about to leave to go to this Montagne when I realized that CERN had started up and all the conspiracy teachings and fears about it creating the black hole right here in Geneva were all wrong and lies, just as are all conspiracy and Illuminati type teachings. Whether or not CERN is a good thing or not by looking for the GOD GENE is no reason to use any conspiracy teachings to prove your points. We condemned this in last weeks News Letter and on my plane ride home I sat behind the wing and watched the air that was heated by the jet engine turn to what would be a cloud behind us. Some of you call this chem trails. Again I tell you to leave any group that is teaching you these lies from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Truth mixed in with lies. They all lead you from the Torah.

Just like those who teach lies about chemtrails are deceived, so are all those who teach about the Illuminati and the secret orders of the Jesuits and Freemasons. It is all, IT IS ALL, a complete waste of time that will lead you further and further away from Yehovah and His Torah as you go around and around like CERN chasing your tail and never catching it. And yet after going around in circles for days or months or years you end up light years away from Yehovah. It does not matter how many times you mention God in your teachings. When you begin with a lie, you end up not knowing the truths of Yehovah. This too goes for all of those spreading the Twin Towers 9-11 conspiracy teaching as well. Get over your secret handshakes that only you and those with a 33 degree order of understanding can understand.

It is time to get back to Torah and to it ALONE. Do not add, DO NOT ADD to Yehovah’s word. Not false Holy Days nor false teachings. Those who mix the truth with the untruth are in sin. You have missed the mark. Stop and come back to the truth. If this makes you mad then that tells you that you are already in trouble. With so little time left to do the work, you have wasted so much of your time chasing your tail. Repent now. You have wasted and continue to waste the time you could have been reading His truths, and traded Yehovah’s words for the teachings of Satan and his tree of good and evil, of truth and lies mixed together and you have swallowed it hook line and sinker, and do not know just how far away you are from Him. Again I warn you repent now. STOP READING ALL CONSPIRACY TEACHINGS AND STOP LISTENING TO THOSE WHO TEACH THEM. PERIOD.

CERN is a huge machine buried very deep under the mountains here in Geneva. It is kilometers and kilometers long with many huge connecting tunnels. The piping in these tunnels has been cooled to 1.9 degrees K, which is just above absolute zero. They have created this tunnel system in order to smash two atoms together to replicate the “big bang theory” of creation. They have already done this once and have many results from this collision. This also gave them more questions and they continue to test. You can watch a short video explaining this here.
My question is who created these first two atoms?

Now that we had helped the cows by taking their milk and turning it into Swiss Cheese and buying two huge blocks of it, and having now straightened out the Americans and Iranians, and having put to rest the conspiracy teachers, my host thought I was lonely for snow. So we drove to Montagne and to Les Diablerets. They thought I liked snow because of the -40 degree temperatures we have had this winter, which was very long.

Hairpin turns back and forth up this Mountain. Along the way just outside Lausanne, I saw the vineyards and the orchards. All of them trained on wires, the trees too. What I saw was amazing. They had terraced the mountainside and built up walls to hold the earth in place. It is exactly as Israel did on the mountains in the Promised Land. Those in Israel today are broken down and the soil eroded, but what I was seeing is how it would look when it is restored. How beautiful it is with all the trellised grape vines on it.

That's the way it is! (7)
While we drove, Rene had to sleep. The weekend was catching up on him. Each day we would be up with the Brethren until midnight or 2 AM answering questions and explaining the Feasts and Passover and prophecy. Each day we began at 7 AM. So while Rene slept I tried to share with Nicole (Natalie) how close we were to the end of this age. Her English was poor and my French was poor, but we conversed for the entire time expounding on these things.
When we arrived at Les Diablerets, the humor of the name was not lost on me. I had come to teach the Torah and the Feasts to these people. And here we are at this 3209-meter mountain named Les Diablerets due to the dangers of the avalanches. I again explained the prophecy of Daniel 9 to Rene with Nicole (Natalie) listening intently and asking for clarification on those things I was not able to explain to her in French. I showed them how we keep coming to the year 2020 in all of our teachings. And I explained the importance of the brethren keeping this upcoming Sabbatical year.

That's the way it is! (8)That's the way it is! (9)Rene then told me of the miracle that took place with him. He had attended the ICEJ conference last year for Sukkot in Jerusalem. He was upset that they charged you each day to come and listen to them teach. You had to pay to come and sit. He did not like this at all. They were selling the word of God.
So he was not going to come back to the convention site. Nicole (Natalia) convinced him to go one more time. It was on this trip that he came across my display showing the Sabbatical and Jubilee years. He looked at it for a while and then talked to me for a bit. He left after buying Ter herinnering aan het sabbatsjaar 2016. I think it was my very last copy, hard cover. It was my last day at ICEJ.
I can remember our conversation and I also remember how Nicole (Natalie, Natalia) could not understand and went a few steps away and just waited and watched. I can remember this myself. Now 6 months later they both organized a Passover event and asked me to come and teach. They both have now learned about not just the Feasts and how important they are to understanding the New Testament, but they also now know about these end time prophecies and how much work is in front of us.

That's the way it is! (10)
You can tell we are both speaking French because our hands are going.
Rene told me on our way back from the Montagne, that Switzerland hates Europe and wants nothing to do with the Euro or European Union. I had brought Euros and could not spend them. They only want to use Swiss Francs. They do not want European laws. Switzerland is central to Europe. They speak French and German and English and Italian. Rene speaks French, German and English. Geneva to Tel Aviv is between $400 to $600.
Switzerland is in the heart of the coming Beast Power of Europa. We can not hide from what is coming. In fact right here in Geneva is where the first Geneva convention was drawn up in 1863. And 3 1/2 Jubilee cycles later again brings us to 2020 when all civility on how to kill people will be dropped in favour of all out war and killing any way they want.
In 1897, at considerable personal expense, he founded De Wereld of Vienna, Austria-Hungary, and planned the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. He was elected president (a position he held until his death in 1904), and in 1898 he began a series of diplomatic initiatives to build support for a Jewish country. He was received by Wilhelm II on several occasions, one of them in Jerusalem, and attended the Hague Peace Conference, enjoying a warm reception from many statesmen there.
We can also read of th emany Jews who fled to Switzeland before and during WW II. I recommend everyone lees dit artikel, as it will shed some ideas on what is coming and how various governments work together. In this case Switzerland and Germany and France.
We can prepare to face this evil empire head on and warn and rescue as many people as we can while we speak out, telling them about the Sabbath, Holy Day, and Sabbatical years. Last week we wrote you about those already hiding, trying to save their own skin. I am asking you to join me in the greatest event in history and be an active part in helping our brethren survive it.
Some join us for a short while and then move on. I am asking you to stand with us, shoulder to shoulder every week and every month until this is done, until we have exhausted the saying “Come out of Her my People” and brought them home. I need your help and I need you support. Will you stand with me?

“Which Day do we Count to Pentecost from?”

This year, 2015, has proven to be a year of testing upon many people as far as the calendar issues are concerned.
With The Memorial Supper or Last Supper being Friday night and the Passover meal falling on Saturday Evening, the first day of Unleavened Bread, many of you do not know how keep the calendar dates.
As a result some people will be keeping Pentecost on May 24th and others on May 31st. This is extremely important to understand. If you show up a week early or a week late you could very well miss the time when we are to be changed into spirit beings in a twinkling of an eye. It is on this day in the future when the dead will rise up first and those of us who are alive will be changed. Do you really want to take the chance and miss this event? Then you had better know how to keep it at the proper time or you will not be a part of this wave offering.
How do we prove which one is right?
First of all each of you is called to be a Priest or a King in the coming Kingdom of Yehovah.

Isa 61: 6 But you will be named the priests of Jehovah; it will be said of you, Ministers of our God; you will eat the riches of the nations, and you will revel in their glory.

1Pe 2: 9 Maar jij zijn a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for possession, so that you might speak of the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Rev 1: 5 even from Jesus Christ the faithful Witness, the First-born from the dead and the Ruler of the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood,6and made us kings and priests to God and His Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Rev 5: 10 En U hebt ons tot koningen en priesters voor onze God gemaakt, en wij zullen over de aarde regeren.

As a King we would be called upon to enforce the laws and as a Priest we would be called upon to teach those Laws.

So why is there so much confusion over this issue this year? As either a King or a Priest how are you to figure this out and teach it or enforce it? Each of you should be able to go to your bible and your Torah to prove it. But instead many of you are choosing the leadership your following and letting them decide for you. That is not the sign of a King.
First thing we do is go to the scripture in question and read it.

Lev 23: 10 Spreek tot de zonen van Israël en zeg tegen hen: Wanneer u in het land bent gekomen dat ik u geef en de oogst ervan zult binnenhalen, moet u een schoof van de eerstelingen van uw oogst naar de priester brengen.

Lev 23: 11 En hij zal de schoof voor het aangezicht van Jehovah bewegen, zodat hij voor u ontvangen kan worden. De volgende dag na de sabbat zal de priester ermee zwaaien.

Lev 23: 14 En u zult geen brood, noch uitgedroogd graan, noch groene koren eten, tot op dezelfde dag, totdat u een offer aan uw God hebt gebracht. Het zal zijn een eeuwige inzetting, voor al uw generaties, in al uw woningen.

Lev 23: 15 En u zult vanaf de volgende dag na de sabbat moeten tellen, vanaf de dag dat u de schoof van het beweegoffer hebt gebracht; zeven sabbatten zullen voltooid zijn.

Lev 23: 16 Tot de volgende dag na de zevende sabbat telt u vijftig dagen. En gij zult een nieuw voedseloffer aan Jehovah aanbieden.

From these verses we learn that the wave sheaf must be done on a Sunday the day after the weekly Sabbath. We know it is the weekly Sabbath because of verse 16. You can only end up with the 50th day being a day after the weekly Sabbath if you start your count on Sunday, the day after the weekly Sabbath.

Next verse 14 is crucial in your understanding. No one, NO ONE was to eat anything from the land until this wave offering was made that Sunday morning.
Now let us look to Joshua who was taught by Moses on how to keep this wave sheaf day and when.

Joz 5:10 En de zonen van Israël legerden zich in Gilgal en vierden het Pascha op de veertiende dag van de maand, 's avonds, in de vlakten van Jericho.

Joz 5:11 En zij aten de volgende dag na het Pascha van het oude graan van het land, ongezuurde koeken en geroosterd graan op dezelfde dag.

The phrase old grains is not a proper translation. That was the MKJV. Now lets see what the JPS says or you can go back to the original Hebrew which does not say old grains.

Joz 5:11 And they did eat of the produce of the land on the morrow after the Passover, unleavened cakes and parched corn, in the selfsame day.

This word old has been added to the text. So what we are being told here in this verse 11 is that Israel ate the produce of the land on the morrow of the Passover in the self same day.

Remember Israel was not allowed to eat anything until they made this wave sheaf offering on the morrow of the weekly Sabbath. In fact this event in Joshua is the exact same timing of the Passover with us this year in 2015.

The Memorial Supper was Friday evening when Yehshua ate the last supper with his disciples. Saturday evening was the Passover. The lambs were killed at 3 PM on the 14th as the 15th was approaching. Saturday evening was the Passover meal and it was also the start of the 15th of Nisan and it was also the first day of Unleavened Bread. You are commanded to eat Unleavened Bread for only 7 days. And you are told to eat the Passover with Unleavened Bread. So Passover must be during those 7 days of Unleavened Bread.

Ex 12:15 Je zult ongezuurd eten brood zeven dagen; zelfs op de eerste dag zult u het zuurdesem uit uw huizen verwijderen. Want wie van de eerste dag tot de zevende dag gezuurd brood eet, die ziel zal van Israël worden afgesneden.

Ex 13:6 Je zult ongezuurd eten brood zeven dagen, en op de zevende dag zal zijn een feest voor Jehovah.7 Ongezuurd brood zeven dagen gegeten worden. En er zal geen zuurdesem zijn brood bij u gezien, noch zal er zuurdesem bij u gezien worden in al uw grenzen.

Deu 16:1 Vier de maand Abib en vier het Pascha voor Jehovah, uw God. Want in de maand Abib heeft Jehovah, uw God, u ‘s nachts uit Egypte geleid.2 En gij zult daarom het Pascha offeren aan Jehovah, uw God, van de kudde en de runderen, op de plaats die Jehovah zal uitkiezen om Zijn naam daar te plaatsen.3 Je mag geen zuurdesem eten brood ermee. Zeven dagen moet u daarbij ongedesemd brood eten, het brood der verdrukking, want u bent haastig uit het land Egypte vertrokken, zodat u zich de dag zult herinneren dat u uit het land Egypte bent gekomen, al de dagen van uw leven. leven.4 En er zal geen zuurdesem zijn brood zeven dagen lang met u gezien in al uw grenzen. Dat zal ook niet gebeuren elke van het vlees dat je op de eerste dag 's avonds hebt geofferd, blijft de hele nacht tot de ochtend.

So the Passover Lamb is to be eaten with Unleavened Bread and you are to eat Unleavened Bread for only 7 days. That first day of Unleavened Bread is a High Holy Day and it is also the Passover day.

Num 33: 3 En ze trokken op inzet van Rameses in de eerste maand, op de vijftiende dag van de eerste maand. De volgende dag na het Pascha gingen de zonen van Israël met opgeheven hand naar buiten, voor de ogen van alle Egyptenaren.

Numbers is telling us that Passover took place at the beginning of the 15th after sunset around midnight. And the self same day, the 15th day right after the Passover. Passover was eaten the night before, which is also on the 15th day, the exact same 24 hour day when Israel left Egypt.

Now back to Joshua 5.

Joz 5:11 And they did eat of the produce of the land on the morrow after the Passover, unleavened cakes and parched corn, in the selfsame day.

The Passover is eaten that Saturday night. The 15th. The next day is Sunday and is also the 15th day and also still the 1st day of Unleavened Bread. It is also the day of wave offering. If not then Israel could not eat of the produce of the land as we are told in the same verse.

It is the exact same thing this year. Passover was Saturday Night, the 15th and the next days is Sunday is also the 15th and the morrow after the weekly Sabbath. This is the day the wave sheaf is to be offered. It is during the days of Unleavened Bread not after as some are now saying.

As further confirmation of this, we have the Jews today who start their count to Shavuot/Pentecost based on Joshua 5:11 and they end up with Pentecost each year on Sivan 6 and not on the Sunday as Lev 23 says after the 7th Sabbath.

Had the Jews been following Michael Rood’s method today, back then, they would now be keeping Shavuot/Pentecost on Sivan 13 each year.

I hope this helps to clear this up. When you understand this, then Pentecost will be on the 24th day of May 2015.

“The Second New Moon”

This Sunday night April 19, 2015, there is a very slight chance the new crescent moon may be seen. If it is seen then Monday April 20 would be New Moon Day and day one of the second month. If it is not seen then Tuesday April 21 would be the New Moon Day.

No man can know the day or the hour. The reason is because the 7th month begins with a crescent moon which no one can predict will be seen or on which day. Not the day or the hour……
So take your family out and practice the sighting of the moon. See who can see it first. Se who can guess at what time it will be seen.
We all should by now understand why the barley is needed for the wave offering at Wave Sheaf day to begin the counting of the Omer. The Barley must be located within a reasonable distance from the Temple in Jerusalem for people to bring it. In the same manner those who witness the moon must be able to come and testify to the High Priest. That is two witnesses must both declare they saw the new moon. There for it must be sighted from Jerusalem in order to begin the month. But no matter where you are you should practice doing this for the time when you are back in the land of Israel.

“The Omer Count and the Jubilee Cycle”

A very Special Day

The 20th Day of Counting the Omer in 2015

Vrijdag april 24,2015

Each year when we count the Omer it is an annual reminder of exactly where we are in the Jubilee Cycle. Just as we are commanded to count the Omer,

Lev 23: 15 En u zult vanaf de volgende dag na de sabbat moeten tellen, vanaf de dag dat u de schoof van het beweegoffer hebt gebracht; zeven sabbatten zullen voltooid zijn.16Tot de volgende dag na de zevende sabbat telt u vijftig dagen. En gij zult een nieuw voedseloffer aan Jehovah aanbieden.

we are also commanded to count the Jubilee year.

Lev 25: 8 En u zult zeven sabbatten van jaren voor u tellen, zeven maal zeven jaar. En de tijd van de zeven sabbatten van jaren zal voor u negenenveertig jaar zijn.9Dan moet u de bazuin van het jubeljaar laten klinken op de tiende van de zevende maand; op de Grote Verzoendag zal de bazuin klinken in heel uw land.10En gij zult het vijftigste jaar heiligen, een jaar, en vrijheid in het hele land uitroepen aan al zijn inwoners. Het zal een jubileum voor u zijn, en u zult iedere man teruggeven aan zijn bezit, en u zult iedere man teruggeven aan zijn familie.11Dat vijftigste jaar zal voor u een jubileum zijn. Gij zult niet zaaien, noch oogsten wat er uit zichzelf in groeit, noch daarin verzamelen van uw ongeklede wijnstok.

Each week we show you which year we are in as we count the years in a Jubilee Cycle. 2015-2016 from Aviv to Aviv will be the 5851st year since the Creation of Adam.

We are commanded to have our years start in the month of Passover otherwise known as the month of Aviv which some call the month of Nisan.

Ex 12:2 Deze maand zal zijn voor jou het begin van de maanden. Voor jou is het de eerste maand van het jaar.

The Sabbatical Years as well as the Jubilee Years all begin with this month of Aviv. They never start in the fall. There is no scripture to start them in the fall. Starting the year in the fall is a Jewish making which is not supported by Yehovah and His torah.

As you count the Omer it reflects the Jubilee cycle. 2015-2016 otherwise known as 5851 is the 6th year of this third Sabbatical cycle. It is the 20th year as we count towards the 50th year. As such the Psalm reading for this year which is read on Friday is

Dag Twintig | Pleidooi voor verlossing | Psalmen 119:153-160

Vandaag is het de zesde dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is de twintigste dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
153 Zie mijn ellende en bevrijd mij, want ik ben Uw Thora niet vergeten. (Psalm 119:153)
154 Bepleit mijn zaak en verlos mij. Breng mij tot leven volgens Uw Woord. (Psalm 119:154)
155 Bevrijding is verre van de verkeerde, want zij hebben Uw wetten niet gezocht. (Psalm 119:155)

156 Your compassion’s are many, O Yehovah. Revive me according to Your right-rulings. Psalm(119:156)
157 My persecutors and adversaries are many; I have not turned aside from Your witnesses. (Psalm119:157)

158 I saw traitors and was grieved, because they did not guard Your Word.(Psalm 119:158)

159 See how I have loved Your orders, Jehovah. Revive me according to Your kindness. (Psalm)119:159
160 De som van Uw Woord is waarheid, en al Uw rechtvaardige uitspraken zijn voor eeuwig. (Psalm) 119:160

Out of all 150 psalms, why do we readPsalm 67 each day as we arecounting theomer? The quick answer is that once you remove the first verse (For the conductor, with stringed instruments, a praising song)the song itself has 7 verses and 49 words in Hebrew. And counting the omer is all about the numbers 7 and 49.We count theomer(a measure of barley) for 49 days between the holy days ofPesachenShavuot.


Sunset Saturday April 18-Sunset Sunday April 19 is Day 15 of counting the Omer.

Dag vijftien | Veiligheid in de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:113-120

Vandaag is de eerste dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is het de vijftiende dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
113 Ik heb twijfelende gedachten gehaat, maar ik heb Uw Thora liefgehad. (Psalm 119:113)
114 Jij bent mijn schuilplaats en mijn schild; Ik heb op Uw Woord gewacht. (Psalm 119:114)
115 Keer u van mij af, jullie boosdoeners, want ik onderhoud de geboden van mijn Elohim! (Psalm) 119:115
116 Steun mij volgens Uw Woord, zodat ik mag leven; en zet mij niet te schande vanwege mijn verwachting. (Psalm 119:116)
117 Steun mij, zodat ik gered mag worden, en kijk altijd naar Uw wetten. (Psalm 119:117)
118 U hebt allen die van Uw wetten afwijken, lichtvaardig gemaakt, want valsheid is hun bedrog. (Psalm 119:118)
119 U hebt ervoor gezorgd dat al het kwaad op aarde, zoals schuim, ophoudt; daarom heb ik Uw getuigen liefgehad. (Psalm 119:119)
120 Mijn vlees beeft van angst voor U, en ik heb ontzag voor Uw rechtvaardige uitspraken. (Psalm 119:120)

Dag zestien | Gehoorzaamheid aan de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:121-128

Vandaag is de tweede dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is het de zestiende dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1) 2 Opdat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2) 3 Laat de volken U loven, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)

4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5)
6 De aarde zal haar inkomen geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6)
7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
121 I have done right-ruling and righteousness; leave me not to my oppressors. (Psalm 119:121) 122 Guarantee Your servant’s well-being; let not the proud oppress me. (Psalm 119:122)
123 Mijn ogen zijn weggekwijnd naar Uw verlossing en naar het Woord van Uw gerechtigheid. (Psalm 119:123)
124 Do with Your servant according to Your kindness, and teach me Your laws. (Psalm 119:124) 125 I am Your servant—make me understand, that I might know Your witnesses. (Psalm )119:125
126 It is time for ???? to act! For they have broken Your Torah. (Psalm 119:126)
127 Therefore I have loved Your commands more than gold, even fine gold! (Psalm 119:127) 128 Therefore all Your orders I count as right; I have hated every false way. (Psalm 119:128)

Dag zeventien | Verlangen om de wet van Jehovah te gehoorzamen | Psalmen 119:129-136

Today is the third day of the third week of seven weeks. Today is the seventeenth day of the

het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de dag na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
129 Uw getuigen zijn wonderen; dus mijn wezen observeert ze. (Psalm 119:129)
130 The opening up of Your words gives light, giving understanding to the simple. (Psalm )119:130
131 I have opened my mouth and panted, for I have longed for Your commands. (Psalm 119:131) 132 Turn to me and show me favor, according to Your right-ruling, toward those who love Your Name. (Psalm 119:132)
133 Establish my footsteps by Your Word, and let no wickedness have rule over me. (Psalm )119:133
134 Redeem me from the oppression of man, that I might guard Your orders. (Psalm 119:134) 135 Make Your face shine upon Your servant, and teach me Your laws. (Psalm 119:135)
136 Waterstromen zijn uit mijn ogen gestroomd, omdat zij Uw Thora niet bewaakten. (Psalm 119:136)

Dag Achttien | De gerechtigheid van de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:137-144

Vandaag is het de vierde dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is het de achttiende dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)

2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5)
6 De aarde zal haar inkomen geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6)
7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
137 Rechtvaardig bent u, o ????, en uw juiste uitspraken zijn eerlijk. (Psalm 119:137)
138 You have commanded Your witnesses in righteousness and truth, exceedingly. (Psalm )119:138
139 My ardor has consumed me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words. (Psalm 119:139) 140 Your Word is tried, exceedingly; and Your servant has loved it. (Psalm 119:140)
141 Ik ben klein en veracht; Ik ben uw bevelen niet vergeten. (Psalm 119:141)
142 Uw gerechtigheid is gerechtigheid voor altijd, en Uw Thora is waarheid. (Psalm 119:142)
143 Nood en angst hebben mij gevonden; Uw bevelen zijn mijn vreugde. (Psalm 119:143)
144 De gerechtigheid van Uw getuigen is voor eeuwig. Laat het mij begrijpen, zodat ik mag leven. (Psalm 119:144)

Dag Negentien | Gebed om bevrijding | Psalmen 119:145-152

Vandaag is het de vijfde dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is de negentiende dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
145 I have called with all my heart. Answer me, O ????! I observe Your laws. (Psalm 119:145) 146 I have called upon You. Save me, that I might guard Your witnesses. (Psalm 119:146) 147 I rise before dawn, and cry for help. I have waited for Your Word. (Psalm 119:147)
148 Mijn ogen zijn vóór de nachtwaken uitgegaan om Uw Woord te bestuderen. (Psalm 119:148)
149 Hoor mijn stem overeenkomstig Uw vriendelijkheid; O ????, breng mij tot leven volgens Uw rechterlijk oordeel. (Psalm 119:149)
150 Those who pursue mischief have drawn near; they have been far from Your Torah. (Psalm )119:50
151 Je bent dichtbij, o ????, en al je bevelen zijn waarheid. (Psalm 119:51)
152 Van oudsher heb ik Uw getuigen gekend, dat U hen voor altijd hebt gegrondvest. (Psalm 119:52)

Dag Twintig | Pleidooi voor verlossing | Psalmen 119:153-160

Vandaag is het de zesde dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is de twintigste dag van het tellen van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)
153 Zie mijn ellende en bevrijd mij, want ik ben Uw Thora niet vergeten. (Psalm 119:153)
154 Bepleit mijn zaak en verlos mij. Breng mij tot leven volgens Uw Woord. (Psalm 119:154)
155 Bevrijding is verre van de verkeerde, want zij hebben Uw wetten niet gezocht. (Psalm 119:155)

156 Your compassions are many, O

. Revive me according to Your right-rulings.

)119:156 Psalm( ???? 157 My persecutors and adversaries are many; I have not turned aside from Your witnesses. (Psalm

158 I saw traitors and was grieved, because they did not guard Your Word.

(Psalm 119: 158)
159 See how I have loved Your orders, ????. Revive me according to Your kindness. (Psalm
160 De som van Uw Woord is waarheid, en al Uw rechtvaardige uitspraken zijn voor eeuwig. (Psalm) 119:160

Dag Eenentwintig | Toewijding aan de wet van Jehovah | Psalmen 119:161-168

Vandaag is het de zevende dag van de derde week van zeven weken. Vandaag is de eenentwintigste dag van de telling van vijftig dagen vanaf de dag van het zwaaien van de Omer op de ochtend na de sabbat. Vandaag is het sabbat, de derde sabbat van zeven sabbatten. Vandaag is de derde week van zeven weken voorbij.

1 Elohim begunstigt ons en zegent ons. Zorg ervoor dat Zijn gezicht over ons schijnt. Sela. (Psalm 67:1)
2 Zodat Uw weg bekend wordt op aarde, Uw bevrijding onder alle volken. (Psalm 67:2)
3Laat de volken U prijzen, o Elohim, laat alle volken U prijzen. (Psalm 67:3)
4 Laat de volken blij zijn en zingen van vreugde! Want U oordeelt de volken eerlijk en leidt de naties op aarde. Sela. (Psalm 67:4)
5 Laat de volkeren U loven, o Elohim; laat alle volkeren U loven. (Psalm 67:5) 6 De aarde zal haar opbrengst geven; Elohim, onze eigen Elohim, zegent ons! (Psalm 67:6) 7 Elohim zegent ons! En alle uiteinden van de aarde vrezen Hem! (Psalm 67:7)

161 Heersers hebben mij zonder reden vervolgd, maar voor Uw Woord stond mijn hart vol ontzag. (Psalm) 119:161
162 Ik verheug mij over Uw Woord als iemand die grote schatten vindt. (Psalm 119:162)
163 Ik heb de leugen gehaat en verafschuw het, Uw Thora heb ik liefgehad. (Psalm 119:163)
164 Ik heb U zeven keer per dag geprezen vanwege Uw rechtvaardige rechtspraak. (Psalm) 119:164
165 Er is grote vrede voor degenen die Uw Thora liefhebben, en voor hen is er geen struikelblok. (Psalm) 119:165
)119:166 I have waited for Your deliverance, and I have done Your commands. (Psalm ,???? 166 167 My being has guarded Your witnesses, and I love them exceedingly. (Psalm 119:167)
168 I have guarded Your orders and Your witnesses, for all my ways are before You. (Psalm )119:168


This week we are looking at the letter Yod–y-the 10th letter of the Aleph Tav.

Het onderwijs van deze week is te vinden in deel één en hier in deel twee.

I would like to point out the following to all those sacred namers. YHVH is the name of Yehovah. I say His name this way for a reason.

Jeremiah means Yehovah has uplifted. Notice the YE at the beginning of the name.
Jehoiakim-Yehovah has established.
Joseph- Yehovah will add to

When the yod-y- is at the beginning of the name it is pronounced YE. When the yod is at the end of a name as in Hallelujah, it is pronounce YA.


We do not have any teachings from Jef on the Yod. But you can learn some of his other teachings at our media page.

“Driejaarlijkse Torahlezing”

Wij gaan dit weekend verder met onze vaste Driejaarlijkse Torahlezing

Ex 38 Jeremiah 10-12 Prov 11 Acts 8

The Tabernacle Accoutrements (Exodus 37-38)

The building of the tabernacle and the items God commanded to be in it was a monumental task. In chapters 37 and 38, Bezalel makes the implements of the temple according to the commands God had earlier given Moses. No doubt the details are repeated to show that all was done exactly as God had instructed. And it should be pointed out that Bezalel did not work alone. He was the overseer and had many artisans working under him (see 36:8). Aholiab and those under hem did all of the weaving and engraving (38:23).

Chapter 37, concerning the furnishings of the sanctuary, begins with the manner in which Bezalel constructed the Ark of the Covenant, including the mercy seat and the cherubim. The text exactly follows the instructions God had given Moses on how the construction was to be done (see 25:10-22). The only thing left out here is God’s instruction that the tablets of the Testimony be put into the ark and that the mercy seat be put on top of it—which we will later find Moses doing once the tabernacle is complete (40:20). In the same way, all of the instructions God gave regarding the table of showbread (25:23-30) are followed by Bezalel in chapter 37. The only detail not repeated is God’s instruction that the showbread be placed on the table—which, again, is something that happens once the tabernacle is finished (40:4, 22-23). Then we see here the construction of the lampstand or menorah—also according to God’s instructions in chapter 25 (verses 31-40). The only thing left out is the lighting of its lamps, which, still again, is done when the tabernacle is completed (40:4, 25). Then we are presented with the making of the altar of incense, following the instructions God gave in chapter 30.

Chapter 38 concerns the court of the tabernacle. It begins with the construction of the altar of burnt offering, according to God’s instructions in 27:1-8. Then follows the bronze laver or washbasin, according to God’s instructions from 30:17-21. Finally, we see the construction of the court itself, following what God told Moses in 27:9-19. Notice that the various furnishings, including those inside the sanctuary, were made with rings to slide poles through for carrying. This was to keep people from touching the holy implements. God’s perfection and glory were symbolized by these items, and thus they were not to be profaned.

The chapter ends with a summary of the precious metals that went into the building of the construction of the tabernacle and its furnishings. As a talent weighed about 70 pounds, equaling 3,000 shekels, the weight of all the gold used may have been around a ton. The weight of the bronze was around 2 1/2 tons. And the silver added up to the enormous weight of 3 1/2 tons! Indeed, silver was used in even the most basic elements of the tabernacle and its accoutrements. As De Nelson Studiebijbel notes: “Although the tabernacle was a tent, it was not a makeshift dwelling. It was a glorious shrine that symbolized the presence of the living God in the midst of His people.” Lest we think these are unimportant or insignificant details, Hebrews 8:5 and 9:23 remind us that the tabernacle and its furnishings were “the copy and shadow of the heavenly things” and “copies of the things in the heavens.”

“Learn Not the Way of the Heathen” (Jeremiah 10)

In this chapter, God makes it very clear: “Learn not the way of the heathen…for the customs of the peoples are vain” (verses 2-3, KJV), stressing His total rejection of practices adopted from other religions even if they are intended to honor Him. For God is never honored by disobedience. We can read Deuteronomy 12:29-32 and 2 Corinthians 6:14 along with these verses.
God first points out here that pagans were “dismayed at the signs of heaven” (Jeremiah 10:2). As believers in astrology, they considered their lives to be controlled by celestial events. Today, it is no different among the huge number of people who make daily decisions based on their horoscopes. This practice is utterly condemned by God. Even if astrological forces existed—which they do not—the Almighty Creator and Ruler of the universe would have power over them.

Worse still, the sun, moon, planets and stars were actually aanbeden by ancient nations—and their movements were used to determine times for worship. Again, this was all based on fear and superstition. For instance, the winter solstice was observed because the sun reached its lowest zenith on that day, the shortest day of the year. It was believed that worship, fires and sacrifices were needed to encourage and boost the sun god back to his higher station. Afterward, the people celebrated the rebirth of the sun.
Indeed, the sun god was understood to have been born of his mother goddess around the time of the winter solstice—in fact, by the reckoning of various ancient cultures, on December 25. Evergreen plants and trees were used in this particular worship because they seemed to retain life through the winter months. These customs have continued down to our day in the form of the Messiahmas tree and decorations of holly and mistletoe.

Continuing then in Jeremiah 10, at least in the King James, New King James or Jewish Publication Society translations, the Messiahmas tree must surely come to mind. However, many mainstream Believer scholars, and other Bible versions, identify the objects addressed in this section as wooden poles or idols. That is certainly possible. In fact, it may even be likely if the word translated “workman” in verse 3 can only mean a skilled craftsman and if the word translated “ax” here can mean a carving tool, as some have rendered it. The exact meaning of the verse remains unclear.
Interestingly, it should be noted that the Hebrew word translated “wooden idol” in verse 8, ets, is normally translated “tree” in the Bible. Notice God’s instruction back in Deuteronomy 16:21: “You shall not plant for yourself any tree [ets], as a wooden image [Asherah], near the altar which you build for yourself to the LORD your God.”

There are a number of references in Scripture to Asherah—understood to be an idol representation of the goddess Ashtoreth or Astarte, the mother goddess referred to in Scripture as the “queen of heaven” (mentioned in the highlights on Jeremiah 7:1-27). “From the Biblical references, it appears that Asherah is referred to in three manifestations: (1) as an image, probably a statue or figurine representing the goddess herself; (2) as a tree; and (3) as a tree trunk. The latter two are, in effect, symbols of the goddess” (Ruth Hestrin, “Understanding Asherah: Exploring Semitic Iconography,” Biblical Archaeology Review, Sept.-Oct. 1991, p. 50). Indeed, the phrase “under every green tree” (Deuteronomy 12:2), is used a number of times in Scripture to denote a pagan sacred place—that is, not just trees but Evergreen bomen.

Jeremiah 10 is indeed talking about the setting up of idols. But what many fail to realize in reading through the chapter is that sometimes trees themselves were set up by ancient pagans as idols. Depending on the exact meaning of the words translated workman and ax in the chapter, a carved idol or an actual tree could be meant. Both were cut from the forest, with stands fashioned to keep them fixed and upright but still able to be moved and set up anywhere (compare verses 3-5). Both, in the ancient world, were decorated with silver and gold and draped with costly fabrics (compare verses 4, 9). With tree idols, idolatrous metal ornaments were sometimes fashioned and hung from the branches—which verse 9 could be describing. Yet the verse could alternatively be a reference to metal adornments for a carved idol.

In direct disobedience to God, the Jews under Manasseh actually set up an Asherah in honor of Baal, the son and husband of Ashtoreth (see 2 Kings 21:3). Indeed, such was used in surrounding cultures to honor the sun-god Baal and his mother on the verjaardag of the sun, December 25—which is when this abomination of Manasseh may have taken place, in imitation of neighboring societies. Even if that’s not exactly what Manasseh did, it is rather likely that such decorated trees in winter would have been part of the Jews’ worship of Baal, as in other cultures.

More amazing to consider is the fact that in the syncretistic blending of religions, Baal (“Lord”) was identified with the waar Lord. Thus, the apostate Jews, in copying pagan worship customs, may well have set up decorated evergreen trees to worship the birthday of the true Lord—the One who later came to earth as Yeshua Messiah! And the Lord called their adoption of such customs to honor Him an abomination. Indeed, He still does.

While people today do not aanbidden trees when they set up Messiahmas trees or other evergreen decorations such as holly and mistletoe, they are nevertheless using accoutrements of past idolatry to supposedly honor God. Yet the true God will have none of it. He sees it as disobedience and rebellion—and idolatrously clinging to tradition over His direct commandments. For anything that comes before the true God is an idol, whether we literally bow down to it or not. Indeed, it is even possible that modern Messiahmas trees are intended by Jeremiah’s words—particularly when we consider that this may be, as it seems to be on some level, an end-time prophecy to the “house of Israel” that speaks of God’s coming wrath on the nations and the destruction of all idolatry (compare verses 1, 10-11, 15). For in the end time, the Israelite nations are not setting up wooden Asherah poles. But every winter, there are millions and millions of Messiahmas trees. And even if Messiahmas trees are not directly intended by the prophecy, the principle is the same.

Eventually, all false gods will be utterly destroyed—not only through the obliteration of physical idols but through removing falsehood from the minds of all people. Verses 12-13 tell of God who created all the things that people worship. The latter part of verse 13 is also found in Psalm 135:7—it is not clear which was written down first. Jeremiah 10:14-15 goes on to reveal the folly of idolatrous worship (compare Isaiah 44:14-18; Romans 1:22-31). And verse 16 of Jeremiah 10 focuses again on the true and living God—the Maker of all things. He is here referred to as the “Portion” or “share” of His people—as He supplies our every need and will one day share His very power and glory with all who will submit to Him and His righteous ways. (Verses 12-16 are repeated in Jeremiah 51:15-19.)

But the time of the exaltation of Israel is yet future. For the time being, God pronounces His judgment on the people of the land (verses 17-18, 21-22). Jeremiah is again distraught, personally identifying with the hurt of the people (verses 19-20). He pleads with God, stating that it is not possible for mankind to find the right way—rather, the people need God to direct their steps (verse 23). Standing in the place of Judah, Jeremiah does not ask God to avert punishment—as God had told him not to (see Jeremiah 7:16). Rather, He asks that God’s correction be according to His sense of righteous judgment and fair justice (10:24)—and that it rightly be poured out as well on the nations who have been enemies of God and His people (verse 25).

Supplementary Reading: “Messiahmas: The Untold Story,” Holidays or Holidays: Does It Matter Which Days We Keep?, pp. 4-9.

Plot to Kill Jeremiah; Message for Neighboring Lands (Jeremiah 11:18-12:17)

Jeremiah 11 concludes with a plot against the prophet’s life. Those behind it wanted to destroy “the tree with its fruit” (verse 19)—that is, the prophet with his prophecies. But God gave Jeremiah supernatural awareness of it. Indeed, God had warned when Jeremiah was first called that such threats would come—and He had encouraged him with the promise of divine protection and help (Jeremiah 1:17-19). Yet that was long ago, and it is possible that Jeremiah had not faced such threats so far—as he surely had state protection during the reign of godly Josiah. Now Josiah was dead though, and the nation was conspiring against God and His prophets. Moreover, the circ*mstances no doubt made this situation particularly difficult for Jeremiah: “Throughout his four decades of service to God the prophet would know the wrath of kings and courtiers, prophets and priests, and the entire population of Judah. He would be accused of betraying his country. He would be imprisoned and almost killed. But perhaps nothing would hurt as much as this first crisis, when God revealed that the people of his hometown, Anathoth, were plotting to murder him! The conspiracy was even more dreadful because Anathoth was a city settled by priestly families. Anyone who has taken a stand for his or her moral convictions, or witnessed outspokenly about faith in Messiah, will understand the pain of ridicule or rejection. But few have any notion of the hurt Jeremiah experienced when those he had known from childhood wanted to take his life” (Bijbellezersgenoot, opmerking bij 11:18-20).

This parallels the reception Yeshua Messiah later experienced in Zijn hometown of Nazareth (see Luke 4:16-29). Indeed, there are other parallels with Messiah here as well. “His own familiar friends had plotted against the prophet. The language [about being a lamb led to the slaughter] is exactly the same as that applied to Messiah (Isa. 53:7). Each prophet and patriarch exemplified in his own person some one feature or more in the manifold attributes and sufferings of the Messiah to come; just as the saints have done since His coming (Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24)” (Jamieson, Fausset & Brown's commentaar, opmerking over Jeremia 11:19).

Jeremiah lays the case before God as the righteous Judge and Vindicator. And God pronounces a punishment of death by sword and famine, both of which would come with the later Babylonian invasion and siege. God says that “no remnant” would be left to “the men of Anathoth” (verse 23)—that is, to the men involved in the conspiracy. That there were some in the town who weren’t involved is evident from the fact that Ezra later reported that some men of Anathoth returned to the town following the Babylonian captivity (see Ezra 2:1, 23).

In Jeremiah 12, we see the prophet terribly disturbed at the whole affair. He asks questions that had been asked before. “Why does the way of the wicked prosper?” (verse 1; see Job 12:6; Psalm 73:12). He remarks on how such treacherous people spoke of God often—indeed, Anathoth was a town of priests!—but their hearts were far from Him (Matthew 15:8; Isaiah 29:13). This is a problem so many have today. They give lip service to following Messiah, but they don’t obey Him (Matthew 7:21-23). In contrast, Jeremiah served God from the heart as God well knew (Jeremiah 12:3). How strange then that the wicked seemed to have it so good and he seemed to have it so hard.

Jeremiah seems to wonder why God is talking about doing something but not yet doing it. He pleads for God to act. As he had been like a lamb led to the slaughter, he asks that they experience the same (verse 3). In verse 4, Jeremiah appears to be remarking on droughts that were already occurring as warnings of greater punishment to come (see 14:1-6). These hurt the plants and animals but were not reforming the wicked! They still said, “He [Jeremiah] will not see our final end” (12:4). In other words, they were basically saying that he would die before them—that he would be killed and they would go on living, in no worry over this dreadful “final end” he spoke of.

In verse 5, instead of giving an answer of comfort, God says things are going to get much worse. He first uses the metaphor of a race. If Jeremiah is worn out in his contest with the “footmen” (the men of Anathoth), how can he make it against “horses” (the much greater and more powerful antagonists he still has to face)? If he can’t take it in peacetime (as he yet suffered no actual harm), how would he make it through the “floodplain [or thicket] of the Jordan”? That is, as this expression connoted “the wild, luxuriant and beast-infested growths of the hot marshy land beside the Jordan” (Nieuw Bijbelcommentaar, note on verse 5), how would he endure real physical suffering later? Even now, it was already worse than Jeremiah knew. Some of his own family members were part of the conspiracy against him (verse 6).

The fact is, God had already told Jeremiah He would handle it—and would protect him. So He now expects the prophet to grit his teeth and develop strength. That is a call to character. Indeed, what he was now going through was to prepare him for tougher times ahead. It is very much like the Believer experience today. God does not remove all our trials. We constantly witness the seeming prosperity of those who don’t follow His ways while things don’t always go so well for us. Moreover, our families and others close to us sometimes turn against us as Yeshua warned (Matthew 10:36). But in spite of it all we must remain strong and devoted to following God—just as Jeremiah was required to. And in doing so, there will be great reward (see Mark 10:29-30).

In Jeremiah 12:7, God appears to simply pick right back up where He left off in 11:17—as if to say, “All right then, let’s get back to it.” But in his words there is a message for Jeremiah and his situation. God basically states that He has had to forsake Zijn house and those He loves because others have ruined them. God, we see, does not ask His people to endure things that He Himself has not endured. This was made most evident in the coming of Yeshua Messiah in the flesh to suffer and die for the sins of the world.

After speaking of the destruction that would come on His people for their sins, He then turns to the surrounding lands—”evil neighbors” who worshiped other gods and taught God’s people to do the same (verses 14-17). They would now invade. These neighbors “included the powerful nations of Babylon and Assyria, as well as opportunistic kingdoms like Edom, Moab, and Ammon. These latter kingdoms seized land, crops, and hostages when Judah was weakened by invasion” (Nelson Studiebijbel, note on verse 14). Ultimately, God would bring punishment on them all. But He also “gave them an amazing promise: He would show compassion on them by allowing them to learn about him, the God of Israel, even as they had taught the Israelites about their gods (12.16). Rather than just wiping them from the face of the earth, the Lord would give them an opportunity to turn from their worthless idols and serve him. This was truly amazing kindness. This gesture shows God’s heart of compassion for all the people of the world. It demonstrates the truth that Peter would later express, that the Lord is ‘patient, because he wants everyone to turn from sin and no one to be lost’ (2 P[eter] 3.9 [Contemporary English Version]” (“An Amazing Promise,” Word in Life Bible, 1998, sidebar on Jeremiah 12:14-17).

The beginning of Jeremiah 13 (verses 1-5) may have followed chapter 12 in time order, but since the remainder of chapter 13, explaining the significance of the first five verses, appears to refer to events during the reign of Jehoiakim’s son Jehoiachin or Jeconiah (compare verses 6, 18), we will read all of chapter 13 at a later time.

The Broken Covenant (Jeremiah 11:1-17)

Jeremiah 11 is a clear break from preceding chapters in the book. The section hearkens to God’s covenant with His people—which included blessings for obedience to God’s law and curses for disobedience. During Josiah’s reign, the nation had renewed its covenant relationship with God after the Book of the Law was found. But the recommitment of the people was merely outward as their return to evil ways following Josiah’s death made clear. “To a forgetful people the prophet says that the ancient stipulations still hold force, including the curses on the unfaithful. A date in the reign of Jehoiakim is appropriate for this discourse. Apparently Jeremiah was residing in, or frequenting, his native Anathoth, for he is made aware of a plot against him [there] (11:18-21)” (Het nieuwe Bijbelcommentaar: herzien, 1976, note on 11:1-12:17).

Because of Judah’s violation of the covenant, God pronounces the curse on disobedience called for in the covenant (verse 3). Verse 5 ends with Jeremiah responding, “So be it”—or, in Hebrew, Amen, which was the response the people were to give to the proclamation of the curses according to Deuteronomy 27:15-26, showing concurrence with God’s justice.

All the towns of Judah as well as the city of Jerusalem were to hear God’s case against Judah (Jeremiah 11:6). In verses 9-10, God describes the return of the people to their evil and idolatrous ways following Josiah’s death as an intentional plot—a planned rebellion to throw off the yoke Josiah had put on them. Just as the house of Israel had broken God’s covenant, so had Judah (verse 10).
Thus, God decreed that certain calamity was coming (verse 11). The many gods of the people wouldn’t save them (verse 12). God interjects with scorn over the fact that Judah had as many gods as they had towns (verse 13)—perhaps meaning that each town had its own god. Sadly, this statement is a repeat of the one made in Jeremiah 2:28, showing that the people had not changed at all since the time prior to Josiah’s reformation. Furthermore, God adds the fact that they had as many shrines to Baal as they had streets! So He repeats his earlier directive that Jeremiah not pray for them (11:14; see 7:16).

In verse 15 of chapter 11, “My beloved” refers to “Judah, who remains the object of Yahweh’s love although she must leave His house for her hypocrisy” (Nieuw Bijbelcommentaar, note on verses 15-16). The mention of “holy flesh” in verse 15 is unclear in the New King James Version. Most other translations render this as meaning sacred offerings. For example, the New International Version has, “Can consecrated meat avert your punishment?” “The reference is to sacrifices offered at the temple. It is hypocritical as well as futile to hurry to Assembly after sinning and then return eagerly to your sins” (Bijbellezersgenoot, opmerking bij vers 15).

God looked on His beloved Bride—His people Israel, of whom Judah was now the remnant—as a beautiful and fruitful green olive tree (as King David was inspired to describe himself in Psalm 52:8). Olive oil represented richness and blessing (Psalm 23:5; 104:15). But here the tree is pictured with broken and burning branches. These branches, representing individual sinning Israelites, were to be broken off. Paul later uses this imagery in Romans 11.

Jeremiah 11:18-12:6, the first part of our next reading, appears to be an interjection, as 12:7 seems to pick up from 11:17.

Eerste deel van de grote Solomonic-collectie, vervolg (Spreuken 11:1-27)

  1. Wat de Heer verafschuwt (11:1-21)

“In 11:1-21 wordt een groep spreukenverzamelingen bij elkaar gehouden door de inclusio gevormd door 'de Heer verafschuwt' en 'Hij heeft behagen' in vv. 1,20 [NIV].

  • “MORALE INTEGRITEIT EN GODS OORDEEL. Type: Chiastisch (11:1-4)….Vers 1 beschrijft Gods afschuw van bedrog, en vers 4 beantwoordt dit met de belofte dat de onrechtmatig verkregen rijkdom van de goddelozen hen geen goed zal doen op de dag des oordeels. Tussen deze verzen vv. 2-3 beweren dat nederigheid en integriteit, en niet hun tegenpolen, de beste gidsen in het leven zijn” (NAC). In its note on verse 1, De metgezel van de Bijbellezer zegt: “Leviticus 19:35-36 verbiedt het gebruik van 'oneerlijke normen', die zijn gewogen om de handelaar te bevoordelen in plaats van de verkoper [van wie hij koopt] of de koper [aan wie hij verkoopt]. De Joodse Talmoed roept op tot nauwgezette inspanningen om dit gebod na te leven, en bepaalt dat 'de winkelier zijn maten twee keer per week moet afvegen, zijn gewichten één keer per week, en zijn weegschaal na elke weging', om te voorkomen dat er iets mee wordt weggegooid. We kunnen niet voorzichtig genoeg zijn om eerlijk te zijn tegenover anderen.”

Zoals eerder opgemerkt is de taal van Spreuken 11:4 vergelijkbaar met die van 10:2.

  • “REDDING VOOR DE RECHTVAARDIGHEDEN. Type: Thematisch, parallel spreekwoordpaar (11:5-6)….Deze twee spreekwoorden lopen parallel met elkaar en beschrijven het respectievelijke lot van de rechtvaardigen en de goddelozen…
  • “DOOD VAN EEN ZONDAAR. Type: Inclusio, Spreukenpaar (11:7-8)….Zoals de tekst er nu uitziet, zijn deze twee spreekwoorden gebonden aan de opname van het woord ‘slecht’ in v. 7a en v. 8b…. Bovendien beweren deze verzen dat God de goddelozen een totale vernietiging brengt, en impliceren ze een belofte van eeuwig leven voor de rechtvaardigen” (NAC).

Zoals eerder opgemerkt bevat vers 7 taal die lijkt op die van 10:28.

  • “DESTRUCTIEVE LIPPEN. Type: Chiastisch, met een naderhand (11:9-13)….De verzen 10-11 vormen een voor de hand liggend parallelpaar, terwijl vv. 9,12 zijn gebonden aan het thema van de lasterlijke roddels van de goddelozen tegen het ingehouden stilzwijgen van de rechtvaardigen…. Vers [13] is een nawoord over het onderwerp van de tong” (NAC).

Vers 10 kan vreemd lijken in het licht van de impopulariteit van Gods dienstknechten onder de naties van de wereld. Ondanks de vervolging is het echter logisch dat anderen zich verheugen als het goed gaat met de rechtvaardigen: “Waarom zou de gemeenschap zich verheugen in de voorspoed van de rechtvaardigen? Omdat zowel de manier waarop een rechtvaardige man zijn rijkdom verkrijgt als de manier waarop hij deze gebruikt de samenleving ten goede komt. De rechtvaardige zakenman heeft anderen in dienst, ondersteunt scholen en de overheid met zijn belastingen en deelt, in de traditie van het O[ude] T[estament], genereus” (Bijbellezersgenoot, opmerking bij de verzen 10-11). En vaak vinden mensen het leuk om gerechtigheid te zien waar de goede man wint.

  • “NATIONALE EN PERSOONLIJKE PRUDENTIE. Type: Parallel (11:14-15)….Beide spreekwoorden volgen hier het patroon ‘onvoorzichtig handelen brengt rampspoed / verstandig handelen geeft veiligheid’, maar de eerste betreft nationale zaken, terwijl de tweede betrekking heeft op persoonlijke zaken” (NAC).

Vers 14 legt uit dat het essentieel is om advies te krijgen uit een aantal bronnen die samen kunnen worden gewogen bij het nemen van belangrijke beslissingen (zie ook 15:22; 20:18; 24:6).
Spreuken 11:15 moet ook gelezen worden in het licht van de volgende genoemde spreuk in vers 16. “Deze twee spreuken houden elkaar in evenwicht. De eerste waarschuwt tegen het overhaast stellen van een borg of een onderpand voor een vreemdeling. De tweede prijst vrijgevigheid [zoals 'genadig' of 'goedhartig' (NIV) zeker omvat]; vrijgevigheid brengt eer voort” (Nelson Studiebijbel, opmerking bij de verzen 15-16). Vers 16, dat hierna wordt besproken, moet ook worden gelezen in de context van het volgende vers, waarmee het parallel loopt.

  • “VRIENDELIJKHEID EN WREDEHEID. Type: Parallel (11:16-17)….Het patroon van deze twee spreekwoorden is 'vriendelijke vrouw / wrede man // vriendelijke man / meedogenloze man.' Op zichzelf zou v. 16 cynisch kunnen worden gelezen ('Een vriendelijke vrouw krijgt respect, maar een wrede man wordt rijk'... om gewetenloos gedrag te rechtvaardigen. In combinatie met v. 17 echter kan de zelfdestructieve aard van de 'hardnekkige' 'benadering van het leven is duidelijk….
  • “Het loon van de zonde en de gerechtigheid. Type: Chiasmus (11:18-19)….Dit paar heeft het chiastische patroon [in dit geval abba] 'slechte man / hij die gerechtigheid zaait / gerechtigheid / hij die het kwaad nastreeft'….Merk op dat dit paar links heeft naar vv. 16-17. De rijkdom van de wrede man komt overeen met bedrieglijke lonen, aangezien de eer die aan een vriendelijke vrouw wordt gegeven oprecht is. Ook de gezondheid/zelf toegebrachte pijn van v. 17 komt overeen met het leven en de dood van v. 19.
  • “GODDELIJK OORDEEL. Type: Parallel (11:20-21)….Gods houding ten opzichte van individuen (walging/plezier) in vers 20 komt overeen met de uitkomst van hun leven (onontkoombare problemen/bevrijding) in vers 21″ – wat ook gevolgen heeft voor hun kinderen (NAC).
  1. Schoonheid zonder discretie (11:22)


  1. Vrijgevigheid en egoïsme (11:23-27)

“TYPE: INCLUSIO….Verzen 23,27 lopen nauw parallel met elkaar en vormen een inclusio rond vv. 24-26, die allemaal draaien om het thema vrijgevigheid en egoïsme. De inclusio vermeldt de algemene waarheid dat men terugkrijgt op basis van zijn eigen gedrag, terwijl vv. 24-26 behandelen de concrete kwestie van hamsteren [en weigeren momenteel tegen een eerlijke prijs te verkopen]” (NAC).
Het beeld van degene die steeds meer naar het buitenland verstrooit – de vrijgevige persoon die rijk wordt gemaakt – komt overeen met Prediker 11:1: “Werp uw brood op het water, want u zult het na vele dagen vinden.” Het goede dat we doen, zal op verschillende manieren aan ons worden teruggegeven. Alleen al op menselijk vlak zal een egoïstisch, gierig persoon waarschijnlijk vijanden maken, een factor die hem later waarschijnlijk pijn zal doen – misschien zelfs financieel. De vrijgevige persoon zal vrienden maken die er zullen zijn om later bij te dragen aan zijn welvaart en welzijn. Maar er is meer in het universum dan dat: er is namelijk een echte God die vrijgevigheid zegent en hebzucht en egoïsme vervloekt.

Jesjoea leerde eveneens: “Geef, en het zal je gegeven worden: een goede maat, aangedrukt, door elkaar geschud en overlopend, zal in je boezem worden gestoken. Want met dezelfde maatstaf die u hanteert, zal het ook naar u worden teruggemeten” (Lukas 6:38).

Natuurlijk zijn de passages hier geen belofte van materiële rijkdom in dit leven in ruil voor genereus zijn. De grootste rijkdommen zijn geestelijke rijkdommen – hoewel dit ook de beloofde hoop omvat om het hele universum als mede-erfgenamen van de Messias te bezitten.
See also Proverbs 13:7.

Acts Chapter 8

Hoofdstuk Inhoud

Saul persecutes the Assembly. (1-4) Philip’s success at Samaria. Simon the sorcerer baptized. (5-13) The hypocrisy of Simon detected. (14-25) Philip and the Ethiopian. (26-40)
Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. Wherever the established believer is driven, he carries the knowledge of the gospel, and makes known the preciousness of Messiah in every place. Where a simple desire of doing good influences the heart, it will be found impossible to shut a man out from all opportunities of usefulness.

As far as the gospel prevails, evil spirits are dislodged, particularly unclean spirits. All inclinations to the lusts of the flesh which war against the soul are such. Distempers are here named, the most difficult to be cured by the course of nature, and most expressive of the disease of sin. Pride, ambition, and desire after grandeur have always caused abundance of mischief, both to the world and to the Assembly. The people said of Simon, This man is the great power of God. See how ignorant and thoughtless people mistake. But how strong is the power of Divine grace, by which they were brought to Messiah, who is Truth itself! The people not only gave heed to what Philip said, but were fully convinced that it was of God, and not of men, and gave up themselves to be directed thereby. Even bad men, and those whose hearts still go after covetousness, may come before God as his people come, and for a time continue with them. And many wonder at the proofs of Divine truths, who never experience their power. The gospel preached may have a common operation upon a soul, where it never produced inward holiness. All are not savingly converted who profess to believe the gospel.

The Set Apart Spirit was as yet fallen upon none of these coverts, in the extraordinary powers conveyed by the descent of the Spirit upon the day of Pentecost. We may take encouragement from this example, in praying to God to give the renewing graces of the Set Apart Spirit to all for whose spiritual welfare we are concerned; for that includes all blessings. No man can give the Holy Spirit by the laying on of his hands; but we should use our best endeavours to instruct those for whom we pray. Simon Magus was ambitious to have the honour of an apostle, but cared not at all to have the spirit and disposition of a Believer. He was more desirous to gain honour to himself, than to do good to others. Peter shows him his crime. He esteemed the wealth of this world, as if it would answer for things relating to the other life, and would purchase the pardon of sin, the gift of the Set Apart Spirit, and eternal life. This was such a condemning error as could by no means consist with a state of grace. Our hearts are what they are in the sight of God, who cannot be deceived. And if they are not right in his sight, our religion is vain, and will stand us in no stead. A proud and covetous heart cannot be right with God. It is possible for a man to continue under the power of sin, yet to put on a form of godliness. When tempted with money to do evil, see what a perishing thing money is, and scorn it. Think not that Religion is a trade to live by in this world. There is much wickedness in the thought of the heart, its false notions, and corrupt affections, and wicked projects, which must be repented of, or we are undone. But it shall be forgiven, upon our repentance. The doubt here is of the sincerity of Simon’s repentance, not of his pardon, if his repentance was sincere. Grant us, Lord, another sort of faith than that which made Simon wonder only, and did not sanctify his heart. May we abhor all thoughts of making religion serve the purposes of pride or ambition. And keep us from that subtle poison of spiritual pride, which seeks glory to itself even from humility. May we seek only the honour which cometh from God.

Philip was directed to go to a desert. Sometimes God opens a door of opportunity to his ministers in very unlikely places. We should study to do good to those we come into company with by travelling. We should not be so shy of all strangers as some affect to be. As to those of whom we know nothing else, we know this, that they have souls. It is wisdom for men of business to redeem time for holy duties; to fill up every minute with something which will turn to a good account. In reading the word of God, we should often pause, to inquire of whom and of what the sacred writers spake; but especially our thoughts should be employed about the Redeemer. The Ethiopian was convinced by the teaching of the Spirit, of the exact fulfilment of the Scripture, was made to understand the nature of the Messiah’s kingdom and salvation, and desired to be numbered among the disciples of Messiah. Those who seek the truth, and employ their time in searching the Scriptures, will be sure to reap advantages. The avowal of the Ethiopian must be understood as expressing simple reliance on Messiah for salvation, and unreserved devotion to Him. Let us not be satisfied till we get faith, as the Ethiopian did, by diligent study of the Holy Scriptures, and the teaching of the Spirit of God; let us not be satisfied till we get it fixed as a principle in our hearts. As soon as he was baptized, the Spirit of God took Philip from him, so that he saw him no more; but this tended to confirm his faith. When the inquirer after salvation becomes acquainted with Yeshua and his gospel, he will go on his way rejoicing, and will fill up his station in society, and discharge his duties, from other motives, and in another manner than heretofore. Though baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Set Apart Spirit, with water, it is not enough without the baptism of the Set Apart Spirit. Lord, grant this to every one of us; then shall we go on our way rejoicing.

That's the way it is! (2024)


How to reply is that clear? ›

1 Answer. When "Is that clear enough?" means "Do you understand it clearly?", you can't use clearest. Use: Yes, it is very clear to me.

How are you already good enough? ›

You are enough as you are, mess and all, beautiful and broken, showing up for your life every day. That's all you have to be and all you have to do. You're already enough. You are enough means you can grow and change and continue to become, because you aren't trying to prove yourself.

How to answer "How are you when you are not good?"? ›

When you're asked by someone you know or want to start a conversation with
  1. “Thanks for asking! ...
  2. “Things are good. ...
  3. “I'm looking forward to [future event.]”
  4. “Honestly, not too well. ...
  5. “I'm not feeling great.”
  6. “Busy.”
  7. “Pretty overwhelmed with [situation]. ...
  8. “I'm hanging in there.
Mar 18, 2024

How to reply when someone says "great"? ›

Sweet Responses
  1. "Thanks - that's nice of you to say."
  2. "I appreciate you saying that."
  3. "That's nice to hear."
  4. "That's very sweet."
  5. "You actually just made my day amazing by saying that."

What is a smart way to say clear? ›

  • clear-cut.
  • coherent.
  • definite.
  • distinct.
  • evident.
  • explicit.
  • obvious.
  • precise.

What is a better way to say very clear? ›

What is another word for very clear?
31 more rows

How to reply OK in polite way? ›

Add a brief and friendly sentence: Instead of just replying with "Ok," you can include a short sentence to show appreciation or understanding. For example, you can say, "Ok, thanks for letting me know!" or "Ok, I understand" [1].

How do I return a compliment? ›

Thank you, I really appreciate it.” “Thank you for your kind words. It means a lot to me.” “I'm pleased to hear you say that.

What are you doing flirty replies? ›

Just thinking about you.”

Save this for after you've been flirting with each other for a few days or weeks to avoid coming on too strong (it might be a bit much if you just met yesterday). Try adding a specific memory or thought about the person to make it more personal or touching.

What is a clear response? ›

"clear response" is correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase when you want to emphasize that you are providing a straightforward or unambiguous answer or solution. For example: "I was pleased to receive a clear response from the customer service representative about my issue."

What does it mean to say someone is clear? ›

having or showing a mind free from doubt I need to be absolutely clear about what you're saying. confident. sure. positive. certain.

How do you say everything is clear now? ›

Proper usage in context
  • Everything is clear for me.
  • Everything is clear now.
  • Everything is clear to me now.
  • Everything is clear to me, now.
  • Everything is clear today.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.