Voorbereiding op de dagen der ongezuurde broden (2024)

Voorbereiding op de dagen der ongezuurde broden (1)

Joseph F. Dumond

Jes 6:9-12 En Hij zei: Ga en zeg tegen dit volk: Jullie horen wel, maar begrijpen het niet; en zien, je ziet het, maar weet het niet. Maak het hart van dit volk vet, en maak hun oren zwaar, en sluit hun ogen; opdat zij niet met hun ogen zien, en met hun oren horen, en met hun hart begrijpen, en zich omkeren en genezen worden. Toen zei ik: Heer, hoe lang? En Hij antwoordde: Totdat de steden verwoest zijn zonder inwoners, en de huizen zonder mensen, en het land verwoest is, een verwoesting, en totdat Jehovah de mensen ver weg heeft verplaatst, en de verwoesting in het midden van het land groot is.

Sighed Moon News Letter 5843-058
20th day of the Thirteenth month 5843 years after creation

29 maart 2008

Shabbat Shalom Friends and Family,
This weeks News Letter is chucked full of information. In trying to answer the many questions about the Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread and the False teachings of easter, I have included a number of articles for you to read.
Ik zeg u nogmaals dat u Oprah en Dr. Phil moet uitschakelen en uw bijbel moet gaan lezen. Er is niets op tv dat het bekijken waard is. Velen van jullie delen deze Nieuwsbrief en moedigen anderen aan om hem te lezen en te bewijzen dat de dingen die hier gezegd worden waar of onwaar zijn. Ik dank je wel. Maar in werkelijkheid zijn het degenen die hier zijn gekomen en de waarheid hebben leren kennen, die jullie bedanken. Je hebt hun leven gered.
Maar als u eenmaal tot de waarheid bent gewend, lees dan niet alleen wat hier staat. Zoek op andere sites en andere groepen en leer ook van hen wat waar is en wat niet waar is.
I keep telling you how little time is left and so I am trying to give you as much information as I can with out you being over whelmed. Turn off the TV and this will help.
This week I must teach you how to count to three. I had a young girl show the audience in Dallas how to do it. Most adults seem to forget how to count to three when they grow up. So our first article is on how to count to three and then you will know whether or not the Messiah is our Messiah or not. As this was his only sign that He was our Messiah by being in the grave three days and three nights.
Het teken van Jona https://sightedmoon-archives.com/sightedmoon_2015/?page_id=19
289 Stag Rd, Kingston, Vic. 3364 Australia
Phone (03) 5345 7367 or (03) 5345 3109
This article is an extract from a full article titled God’s Calendar and the Sign of Jonah.
Our second article is a little more complex and it proves which year the Messiah died. The importance of this study leads into the understanding of the Feast of Trumpets which comes in the fall.
De glorie van Jahweh en de glorie van koningen https://sightedmoon-archives.com/sightedmoon_2015/?page_id=23 This is proof of which year was the crucifixion.
Our next two studies are on the importance of the Days of Unleavened Bread and why we need to keep them and why we deleaven our homes. This will give you three weeks to prepare your home for the upcoming festival of Unleavened Bread. Many of you may not be aware of these things and so I am sharing this with you now. To help give you some time.
All of these studies are a result of the many questions I was asked during the recent speaking tour. To help answer some of the things many do not know. Such as, What is the meaning of the Days of Unleavened Bread and why should we keep it? http://www.ucg.org/booklets/HD/leavingsin.htm
Next we have a sermon on the meaning of these days, the days of Unleavened Bread and to think on them. This is a good sermon and I recommend you all read it and digest the many things covered in it.. http://www.ucg.org/sermons/transcripts/200603festivals.htm
For those of you who want to learn more on How the New Moon is determined or the Reason we use the Barley to determine the beginning of the year or any questions about the Calendar please go to this link and search for the article that can answer your questions. http://www.truthontheweb.org/calendar.htm

Karaite Korner Newsletter #326 Aviv Found!
On Sunday March 23, 2008 Nehemia Gordon and Devorah Gordon found large quantities of Aviv barley at Ein Mabua near Jerusalem and at multiple locations in the central Jordan Valley. This confirms that the new moon expected on April 7, 2008 will begin the Month of the Aviv. Chag HaMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread) will commence at sunset April 21, 2008 and continue until sunset April 28, 2008.
Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year!
Nehemia Gordon Jerusalem, Israel
For 2008 we expect the following days
2008 Appointed Times
(April 7/8 New Year) If the New Moon is seen in Israel we begin our count to the 14th and Passover from this day.
If the New Moon is not seen then the 30 day rule is used and we must adjust our Holy Days accordingly. Pray for the Moon to be seen to avoid any controversies.
Event begins sunset of ends sunset of

  • Passover Sunday, April 20 Monday, April 21
  • Feast of Unleavens (1st day) Monday, April 21 Tuesday, April 22
  • Elevation Sheaf Day (aka “wavesheaf”) Saturday, April 26 Sunday, April 27
  • Feast of Unleavens (7th day) Sunday, April 27 Monday, April 28
  • Pentecost Saturday, June 14 Sunday, June 15

Some of you had a hard time reading the Easter explanation from Hislop. So I have an easier article for you to read here. It is very short and very easy to understand.
This is taken from a yahoo group I subscribe to.
Broeder Martin
“Babylon is fallen, is fallen…. Come out of her my people!” Revelation 14:8, 18:4
The celebration of “Easter” is highly pagan in origin. Though we can find the word “Easter” in Acts 12:4 of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible, the name was never used in the original scriptures. The original word was “pascha” meaning Passover; the word Easter is NEVER biblically associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nor was it historically associated with it, until, the rise of Constantine in 325 A.D. For these reasons, biblical orthodox christians prefer to use the term “Passover” rather than “Easter” when referring to the annual remembrance of Christ’s death and resurrection, For Jesus was our Passover.


In 325 AD – Emperor Constantine in the Council Nice ordered all Churches to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Sunday. The ancient Church had celebrated the Resurrection during the Passover [Nisan 14], which could fall on any day of the week, but the Churches near Rome had abandoned the practice because they hated the Jews, and fixed the date to the first Sunday after the first full moon of Spring. They also called the celebration ‘Easter’, after the pagan goddess of Spring. All of this is verified by the following quote from the Encarta Encyclopedia:
“An important historical result of the difference in reckoning the date of Easter was that the Christian churches in the East, which were closer to the birthplace of the new religion and in which old traditions were strong, observed [the Resurrection] according to the date of the Passover festival. The churches of the West, descendants of Greco-Roman civilization, celebrated Easter on a Sunday.
“Constantine the Great, Roman emperor, convoked the Council of Nicaea in 325. The council unanimously ruled that the Easter festival should be celebrated throughout the Christian world on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox; and that if the full moon should occur on a Sunday and thereby coincide with the Passover festival, Easter should be commemorated on the Sunday following. Coincidence of the feasts of Easter and Passover was thus avoided.”
“The name [Easter] probably comes from Eastre, the Anglo-Saxon name of a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility, to whom was dedicated a month corresponding to April. Her festival was celebrated on the day of the vernal equinox; traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts…” – Encarta Encyclopedia, article: Easter.
The following is an actual quote from Constantine showing that at the heart of the Sunday issue was Rome’s hatred for the Jews.
“And truly, in the first place, it seems to everyone a most unworthy thing that we should follow the customs of the Jews in the celebration of this most holy solemnity, who, polluted wretches! having stained their hands with a nefarious crime, are justly blinded in their minds. It is fit, therefore, that rejecting the practice of this people, we should perpetuate to all future ages the celebration of this rite, in a more legitimate order, which we have kept from the first day of our “Lord’s” passion even to the present times. Let us then have nothing in common with the most hostile rabble of the Jews.” (Council of Nicea, pg. 52.)
Thus remember dear reader, when you celebrate Easter, you are not following an apostolic tradition, but a tradition set aside by a pagan King, who hated the Jewish people.


Most reference books say that the name “Easter” is derived from Eastre, the Teutonic goddess of Spring. Although this relationship exists, in reality, the origin of the name and the goddess are far more ancient; going all the way back to the time not long after the flood.
Nimrod: the powerful ruler who rebelled against God.
Nimrod, the grandson of Noah, became a mighty ruler and he built and organized major cities. These included BABEL, Accad, and Erech; he also built Resen, Calah and Nineveh in the land of Asshur (Genesis 10:10-12*) *Here Asshur is another name for Assyria, see Micah 5:6*. Ancient history tells us that these cities were home to unimaginable satanic, cultic, and perverted practices, all headed up by its ruler and high priest Nimrod. When Nimrod finally died, the Babylonian mystery religion continued on through his wife, Queen Semiramis. Upon Nimrod’s death, she deified him as the Sun god. In various cultures he later became known as Baal, Janus, Saturn, Baalim, Bel, Osiris, Bacchus and Molech.
Later when Queen Semiramis gave birth to an illegitimate son, she claimed that he was Nimrod reborn, Nimrod Tammuz by name. She claimed that he was the promised seed of God (Genesis 3:15), the savior. Semiramis became the mediator between man and this “god”, you had to pray through her to reach him. So Nimrod was deified as the god of the sun, Queen Semiramis became the Queen of Heaven, the goddess of the moon and fertility; and Nimrod Tammuz became the savior in this satanic Babylonian religion. According to pagan legend, after Nimrod Tammuz died, he descended into the underworld; but through the weeping of his mother, he mystically revived in the springing forth of the vegetation-in Spring! (EZEKIEL 8:14) Much in the same way Queen Semiramis said the evergreen tree symbolized his father’s eternal life (Jeremiah 10:1-7). Thus a terrible false religion developed with its sun and moon worship, priests, astrology, demon worship, idolatry, mysterious rites, human sacrifice, and more. The celebration of Nimrod Tammuz’s revival is called Ostara (Easter), probably in honor of his mother, who’s weeping brought him from the dead. Ostara begins during the Spring Equinox, which is considered holy by pagans. The Spring Equinox occurs on a day in late March when day and night are of equal length, thus its name, Equi-nox.
God saw that the world was united in this occult, which was centered around Babel, and that the degeneration of man would soon fall to the level of the pre-flood era; So God put an halt to their order. He confused their speech; and separated the people (Genesis 11:7); then he divided the continents; thus scattering the people upon all the face of the earth. (Genesis 10:25,, Peleg means earthquake, and Genesis 11:8)
When the people were scattered, they carried their evil Sun god religion with them. They continued to build pyramids reminiscent of the tower of Babel as part of their Mystery religion. Today, we can still find remnants of these through out the world; In Iraq, South America, Central America, Egypt, Burma, China, etc. Jeremiah 51:7, Babylon hath been a golden cup in the Lord’s hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nation’s have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. Almost every idolatrous practice you can think of originated at Babel. As the people scattered from Babel with different languages, they used different names for Nimrod and Semiramis. Some called her the Mother Goddess “Ishtar” (originally pronounced Easter), in other lands, she was called Eostre, Astarte, Ostera, and Eastre; she was also called the Mother goddess, Wife of Baal, Ashtaroth or Ashtoreth; and the Queen of Heaven (Judges 2:13 and Jeremiah 44:17-19). She was worshipped as the god of fertility, as Mother Nature, the goddess of Spring and the goddess of the moon.


THE EASTER EGG: Now that we know the origin of the word “Easter”, we can look at one of Easter’s most loved symbols, the Easter Egg. The egg was a sacred symbol among the Babylonians. They believed the fable about an egg of wondrous size, which fell from heaven into the river Euphrates. From this marvelous egg, according to this ancient story, the Goddess Astarte (Easter) was hatched; And so the egg came to symbolize the Goddess Easter. The idea of a mystic egg spread from Babylon to many parts of the world. In Rome, the mystic egg preceded processions in honor of the Mother Goddess; the egg was part of the sacred ceremonies of the Mysteries of Bacchus. The pagan Druids used the egg as their sacred emblem. In Europe, China and Japan eggs were colored for sacred pagan festivals.
The egg was also a symbol of fertility; Semiramis was the goddess of fertility. The egg was also seen as a symbol of the Babylonian gods; the yoke was the sun god Baal, the white was seen as the white goddess Semiramis, and the entire egg was seen as a symbol of Nimrod Tammuz’s rebirth.
THE EASTER BUNNY: The Easter Bunny is also a pagan idol. The rabbit is a well-known sexual symbol of fertility; and in various parts of the world, religions that developed from Babel, associate it with periodicity, as in both human and lunar. As you remember the Mother Goddess Easter (Semiramis) is associated with the moon, and is considered the goddess of fertility. In other words, the Easter Bunny, is named after and symbolizes the Mother goddess. Pagan tradition also teaches that Eostre (Easter) saved a bird whose wings were frozen from the harsh winter by turning it into a magical, egg laying hare. Eostre was said to be the goddess of renewal and rebirth, who brought about the reappearance of bright flowers, baby chickens and baby bunnies all from their winter dens.
SUNRISE SERVICES: Sunrise services in honor of Tammuz is an ancient heathen custom. It is actually described in the book of Ezekiel.
Ezekiel 8:13-17 He said also unto me, Turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations that they do. Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the LORD’S house which was toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz. Then said he unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? turn thee yet again, and thou shalt see greater abominations than these. And he brought me into the inner court of the LORD’S house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the LORD, and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? for they have filled the land with violence, and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose.


It is also interesting to Remember that Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, as literally the Lord’s Supper. The Communion was eaten in the evening, not in the morning. Because of Rome and Constantine the Communion is now eaten for breakfast! Thought it is not a sin to eat the Lord’s Supper in the morning, it would be more Biblical to eat it in the evening, like Christ, the Apostle and the Early Church did. The evening of the 14th of Nisan, would be best.


If we remember the biblical day begins with sunset, then we will clearly see from scriptures that Christ was raised from the dead long before sunrise Sunday.
Johannes 20:1 Op de eerste dag van de week komt Maria Magdalena vroeg, toen het nog donker was, naar het graf, en zag dat de steen van het graf werd weggenomen.
Matteüs 28:1 Aan het einde van de sabbat, toen het begon te dagen tegen de eerste dag van de week, kwamen Maria Magdalena en de andere Maria om het graf te bekijken.
The first day of the week ‘dawns’ or begins Saturday evening. From reading the four gospel accounts it is clear the ladies made TWO trips to the tomb, after the Sabbath ended. The first during the dark part of the first day of the week, where they first realized the Lord’s body was missing; and then the later returned in the morning with the Apostles Peter and John. It was the second visit that the angels appeared to the women, and Jesus spoke to Mary.
There is also considerable evidence that supports a Wednesday crucifixion and a Sabbath resurrection. These are just a few things to consider.
How did this pagan festival become associated with Christ’s resurrection day?
During the third and fourth centuries A.D.. Roman christian missionaries traveled through the pagan countryside converting pagans to the new popular christianity. At every chance they would transform pagan traditions and customs into christian customs simply by giving it a christian name. They figured that the pagans would feel more at home in their new religion if they didn’t have to give up their prior beliefs, and it was also seen as a way to keep the new converts from being persecuted by the die hard pagans.
Changing the remembrance of Christ’s resurrection to the pagan Easter celebration of spring wasn’t hard; Seeing that the resurrected Christ was first seen on the Sunday after the Jewish Passover; which fell usually within a month of the Spring Equinox. In 325 A.D., Emperor Constantine (the true pagan father of the Roman Catholic Church) convened a council and decreed that the Resurrection would not be celebrated during the Jewish Passover, but rather, on the first Sunday after the first full moon, after the Spring Equinox (now you know why Easter doesn’t come on the same day each year). And as the Roman Catholic Church had done through out history; they took the purity of Christ, and corrupted it with paganism; and it was here that the celebration of the Resurrection FIRST received the abominable name ‘Easter’.


The Catholic Chruch tries to mix satan worship with the worship of God, christianity with babylonism, the Truth with a lie; But God will not mix with evil; It is a shame to call a day that is suppose to honor Jesus after the pagan goddess “Easter”, celebrating it with the traditions of Babylon, and on the date the pagans set aside for it. As Jesus told the Pharisees, “In vain you do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men; For laying aside the commandments of God, ye hold the tradition of men,,, full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.” Mark 7:7-9 ,,
Should Christ be joined to a harlot? When the worship of God is mixed with the traditions of Babylon that is what happens. What concord hath Christ with Belial (Baal)?-2nd Corinthians 6:15. In Revelation 18:4, God pleads with his church “Come out of her, my people”. (Her being the Babylonian National and Religious Systems) In 2nd Corinthians 6:17-18 God commands
“Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, and will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” and in 2nd Timothy 2:21 “If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessal unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master’s use and prepared unto every good work.

Voorbereiding op de dagen der ongezuurde broden (2024)


Waarom ongezuurde broden? ›

Zo krijgen de verschillende elementen van de rituelen een andere betekenis. De ongezuurde broden (matsot) herinneren nu aan de haast waarmee de joden uit Egypte moesten vertrekken. Omdat zij geen tijd hadden om gezuurd brood te bakken (zie Exodus 12,39), moest er ongerezen brood bij het Pesachlam worden gegeten.

Wat zegt de Bijbel over Pesach? ›

Vanaf Exodus 12:43 vertelde de Here God Mozes en Aäron hoe ze voortaan ieder jaar het Pascha ieder jaar moeten vieren. Van het dier mag geen bot gebroken worden en het moet in huis worden gegeten. Slaven die zijn besneden mogen mee-eten.

Wat is een grote sabbat? ›

Het was een grote sabbat, de sabbat daags na het sterven van Jezus. Groot, omdat het niet zomaar een sabbat was, maar de sabbat dat ook het Paasfeest gevierd werd. Een voor de hand liggende verklaring voor de wat wonderlijke toevoeging van de evangelist, waarmee hij deze sabbat duidt: een grote sabbat.

Wat is de betekenis van Pascha? ›

Pesach, het Joodse pasen, is het lentefeest waarmee de Joden de uittocht uit Egypte en daarmee de bevrijding van slavernij herdenken. Het Aramese woord Pascha is verwant aan het Hebreeuwse Pesach. Pascha en Pesach duiden beide het Joodse paasfeest aan, en ook het Paaslam dat tijdens dit feest werd geslacht.

Wat mag je niet eten met Pesach? ›

Het eten tijdens Pesach

De week begint met een sederavond (in Israël) en 2 avonden daarbuiten. Tijdens deze uitgebreide maaltijd met familie – en ook de week erna – mag er geen gerezen voedsel gegeten worden. Dit gaat over alle soorten brood en andere deegwaren; voor Ashkenazische joden ook over rijst en peulvruchten.

Hoe vier je Pesach? ›

Hoe wordt Pesach gevierd? Tijdens Pesach herdenken Joden de slavernij en vieren zij de uittocht uit Egypte. De sedermaaltijd, die op de eerste avond wordt genuttigd, vormt daarbij het middelpunt. Op een grote schotel wordt allerlei etenswaar gepresenteerd dat symbool staat voor gebeurtenissen uit het Pesachverhaal.

Wat is het verschil tussen Pesach en Pascha? ›

Pesach en het christendom

Christenen noemen Pesach vaak 'pascha'. Pascha is het Aramese woord voor Pesach. Opvallend is dat men in de Oosters-orthodoxe Kerk het woord Pascha met het Griekse Pascho (dat "lijden" betekent) verbond. Daarmee gaf men een christelijke betekenis aan Pasen.

Welke rituelen horen bij de Pesach? ›

Het Pesach verhaal

De genadeloze Farao laat de Israëlieten pas gaan nadat God tien plagen over de Egyptenaren afroept. Deze zijn als volgt: bloed, kikkers, muggen, steekvliegen, veepest, zweren, hagel, sprinkhanen, duisternis, en de dood van de eerstgeborenen.

Wat hebben Pesach en Pasen met elkaar te maken? ›

In het Paasverhaal staat dood voor het kwaad en Jezus voor het goede. Het goede wint dus! In dezelfde tijd herdenken joodse mensen tijdens Pesach de slavernij en de uittocht uit Egypte. Bij beide feesten draait het om het overwinnen van het kwaad en een nieuw begin voor iedereen.

Wat mag je niet doen op Shabbat? ›

Rustdag voor joden: sabbat

Joden zetten de sabbat op vrijdagavond in met het branden van kaarsen. Op zaterdag gaan ze drie maal naar de synagoge om te bidden en eten ze een feestmaal met de familie. Tijdens de sabbat mogen joden niet werken. Maar ze mogen ook geen vuur aansteken of voedsel koken op een brandend vuur.

Wat mag je eten op Stille Zaterdag? ›

De Vastentijd duurt van Aswoensdag t/m Stille Zaterdag

Het wakkert lustgevoelens op en verhit het gemoed. Groente, granen, peulvruchten en fruit kon men gerust eten. Eieren en zuivel weer niet. Vis was als afkoelend voedsel geoorloofd.

Wat is de zevende dag volgens de Bijbel? ›

De sabbat is elke zevende dag. Het is een heilige dag die door God voor ons is ingesteld om van onze arbeid uit te rusten en Hem te aanbidden.

Wat eet men tijdens Pesach? ›

Je krijgt met de hele familie een speciale maaltijd: een bitter kruid, zout water, een ei, een geroosterd lamsbeen, een zoet fruitmengsel (charoseth) en verse lentegroente. Aan de hand van dit eten wordt het verhaal van de vlucht uit Egypte verteld aan de kinderen.

Wat betekent Pinksteren voor de Joden? ›

Joden en christenen

Zoals Sjavoeot bij de joden de bekroning van Pesach is, zo is bij de christenen Pinksteren de bekroning van Pasen. De uittocht van Christus uit het dodenrijk die met Pasen gevierd wordt, wordt met Pinksteren bekrachtigd door het goddelijk geschenk van de Heilige Geest.

Wat staat er op tafel met het Pesachfeest? ›

Op de tafel staat een seiderschotel met een aantal symbolische gerechten, en een schaal met drie matzes, die bedekt zijn met een doek. De seidermaaltijd wordt geopend met de Kidoesj, de zegening over een glas wijn. Daarna drinkt iedereen een eerste glas wijn.

Waarom wordt het Pesachfeest gevierd? ›

Officieel is de christelijke betekenis van Pasen dat Jezus is opgestaan uit de dood, nadat hij voor de zonden van de mens is gekruisigd. De Joden vieren dit weekend ook het paasfeest, oftewel Pesach. Dit is één van de belangrijkste feesten binnen het geloof. Dit jaar valt Pesach van 28 maart t/m 4 april.

Wat is het verschil tussen Pesach en Pasen? ›

Er is namelijk een wezenlijk verschil tussen het joodse Pesach en het christelijke Pasen. Pesach herinnert aan de uittocht van het joodse volk uit Egypte, de bevrijding uit de slavernij van de Farao. Met Pasen vieren christenen dat Jezus is opgestaan uit de dood.

Waarom eten we matzes met Pasen? ›

In het Jodendom wordt tijdens Pesach, het Joodse paasfeest, de uittocht uit Egypte herdacht. Joden moesten tijdens deze toch in alle haast vluchten. Zo snel dat ze geen tijd meer hadden om hun brood te laten rijzen. Het platte deeg werd nog wel snel gebakken: de matze werd geboren.

Wat is het verhaal van de Pesach? ›

Vierduizend jaar geleden bevrijdde God het joodse volk uit Egypte, waar ze in slavernij moesten leven. Met Pesach herdenken joden dit belangrijke moment. Pesach betekent “overslaan”. God strafte de mensen in Egypte voor de slavernij door tien rampen te laten plaatsvinden.


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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.