Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (2024)


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  1. All properties
  2. Rentals Velp Gld
  3. Rooms Velp Gld
  4. Rentals Zuider Parallelweg

Room for rent Zuider Parallelweg, Velp Gld

433, - p/m

( Excl.)


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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (19)

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (20)

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (21)

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (22)

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (23)

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (24)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (25)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (26)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (27)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (28)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (29)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (30)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (31)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (32)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (33)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (34)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (35)

Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (36)





17 m2



In this stately student house in Velp, a room is available from June 1!!! In cozy Velp, at an ideal location near Van Hall Larenstein and the HAN, we offer a charming room in a cozy student house. Surrounded by supermarkets and stores, life here will be a mix of convenience and homeliness! The spacious room has its own countertop with sink, large built-in closet and a conservatory. On each floor there is a kitchen and a bathroom and toilet. The house has a large shared backyard. In total, the house has 15 rooms.

In this stately student house in Velp, a room is available from June 1!!! In cozy Velp, at an ideal location near Van Hall Larenstein and the HAN, we offer a charming room in a cozy student house. Surrounded by supermarkets and stores, life here will be a mix of convenience and homeliness! The spacious room has its own countertop with sink, large built-in closet and a conservatory. On each floor there is a kitchen and a bathroom and toilet. The house has a large shared backyard. In total, the house has 15 rooms.


  • What is the deposit?-
  • Is there an outdoor area? :None
  • Viewing
  • Smoking allowed?
  • Pets allowed?
  • Status : Ask the landlord
  • Availability Date : Immediately -

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Room Zuider Parallelweg for rent in Velp Gld (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 5771

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.