The Neosho Times from Neosho, Missouri (2024)

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The Neosho Timesi

Neosho, Missouri

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nt I i Mi rr 3SZ NEOSHO MISSOURI THURSDAY AUGUST 1 1940 NUMBER ORTY TWO fl A life Howard spoke for about Connely Bill CookXlcto re Tom JOB Edward Haldean out wet months the ap new Kansas City near Louis for for IS predicted sen McReynolds first this COUNTY SPORTSMEN TO MECT A special meeting of the New ton" County Conservation edera tion will be held at the Neosho city park riday evening Aug 2 at 8 Harry Hill county president has several matters of importance which he wants con sidered at the meeting Delegates from the chapters at Saginaw Seneca Racine and Stella will meet with the local group to take part in the discussions which con cern the conservation interests of the entire county Much Interest is being shown in the building of fish rearing ponds and lakes stocking the ponds with fish from state hatch eries and later releasing them in Newton county streams Everyone is invited to attend this meeting McReynolds praised for WORK OR STATE NEEDY rankie Peters 13 year oldson of and Mrs Horace Peters of Neosho route 3 will undergo an operation on his leg at St hospital in Kansas City this week He has been therefor ten days being prepared for it It will be remembered that this boy was injured by the collapse of a barn on his farm in which he had taken refuge during a near cyclone which vis ited this vicinity about five years ago This will be the fifth oper ation he has undergone the machine candidate Louis state wide McReynolds in Jefferson City sever ago Circuit Clerk IN COUNTY COURT The county court appointed Buzzard a commissioner of the Seneca special road district to take the place of Basil Patton deceased for a term of three years The court appointed Charles Stinson a member of the county text book commission for a term of three years REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE OR SENATOR HERE GOOD ATTENDANCE AT UNION CHURCH SERVICES NEWTON CO ARMER HAS INE YIELD WHEAT DEPUTY SHERI HAS DISLOCATED SHOULDER More than usual interest is be ing shown in the summer services held in Neosho by pas tors and members of the Presby terien Christian Methodist and Congregational churches alter nating places of holding the ser vices and ministers delivering the messages Services this Sunday will be at the Congregational church with the Rev Baker of the Methodist church giving the address his subject to bo Reality of 7 The Presbyterian church was comfortably filled last Sunday to hear the sermon delivered by tho Rrr Moore of the Congre gational church The good rer mon excellent music of the choir abundance of lovely flowers and fine fellowship prevailing com bined to make this an unusually inspiring meeting The services will continue through August Deputy sheriff ord Ratliff is carrying his arm in a sling and has a tightly bandaged shoulder as a result of an accident suffer ed when he tripped on a signal wire beside the tracks as he attempted to board a slow moving freight to capture three outlaws who were believed to be on the train To save himself from being drawn under the mov ing cars Ratliff threw out his hand against the train and in some manner the arm was pull ed out of socket Although he probably saved himself from a much more serious injury he has a badly wrenched shoulder The accident occurred about 4 Monday morning when Ratliff and Sheriff Bridges had gone to the junction of the risco and Kansas City Southern roads in response to a message received by the sheriff that Pa trolman Walter Grammer had been shot and slightly wounded by bandits who were thought to be escaping on the freight com ing this way In spite of the dis located arm Ratliff boarded the train and captured one of the men as he attempted to flee Two others were taken by Jess Saxton at the station The prisoners however 1 proved to be not the men wanted and they were leased Mr Milligan was district attorney for the western district of Missouri by appointment of Pcesldent Roosevelt being ap pointed for a second term but resigning the office about two months ago for the purpose of making the race for 3 sen ator Mr Milligan told of his work in cooperation with the I men and the United States district judges in the prosecution of the vote frauds other rack eteering of the Pendergast polit ical machine He referred to the fact that Senator Truman oppose ed him and made a speech in the senate against him after his second appointment for the of fice of district attorney when his name was presented for confirmation He said also that Governor Stark had postpon ed for several pointment of a election board Mr Milligan a half hour and was heard with close attention He was accom panied by his son who is a stu dent in the state university He spoke at Cassville and Pineville before coming to Neosho Camfield in charge Each club will enter one boy and one girl from each project within the club Health contestants must be 15 years old and not over 21 by July 1 Dr Harold Lentz will act iudgn nd win examine each entrant At 9:00 all members will as semble in the high school audi torium for a group meeting and to receive Instructions for the day At 9:15 the demonstration contests will start The senior home economics demonstrations will be held in the auditorium Moore young the Congregational Monday for his par in Weaubleau Mo vacation MAJORITY OVER 50000 VOTES OR Sfembers of Senate Committee Point to His Record in Old Age Assistance an organ medley Miss Mary Mar garet Anderson sang the Prayer and Dr Cady gave a rem iniscence of Mr long and useful life The Masonic lodge had charge of the rites in the I 00 cemetery James Conell reading the Masonic ritual The pallbearers were A ullerton Jeffers Nolen Embrey Mitchell (xibson'W Beuhler Ar cularlus and Harns Hon orary pallbearers were 0 Wa ger A Phipps Davis Corbett Buxton Newton A McGinty Sturgis Coulter and Price Alexander Wallace Duff was born on a farm near Troy in Lincoln county Missouri August 14 1853 He was educated in the public schools and at Ashley Sem inary a Presbyterian school in Pike county Mo ollowing his graduation he elected super intendent of schools in Troy his home town and later he was sup erintendent of schools at Osceola Pleasant Hill Nevada Eldorado Springs and Neosho He wasTiarried to Miss Kate Harlan at Troy Jan 1 1885 and he and his wife and two chlldren Lucille and William came to Neosho in 1901 He was superin tendent of schools 'here until 1908 when he was elected superintend ent at Mangum Okla and the family moved there While super intendent at Mangum Mr Duff was appointed' a member of the state board of education by the governor of Oklahoma Mr Duff and his family returned to Neo sho in 1914 and have made this their home ever since Mr Duff retired from teaching in which he had been engaged since he was a young man and engaged in the insurance business' He sold out a few years ago to Ar cularius and retired from busi ness Mr Duff was a past president of the Neosho Advertising Club and at the time of his death was chairman of the board of the irst National Bank of which he had been a stockholder and di rector for many years He had been a member of the Masonic lodge for over 5 0 years and a member of NeoshoLodgeNo 247 A and A during his resi dence here He was also a past commander of Commandery No 57 Knights Templar He was active in all civic affairs and con tinued his interest in the public schools where he had spent the larger part of his life Surviving are the widow a daughter Mrs Leo Johnson of Neosho a son William Duff of Chicago four sisters Mrs Georgia Robey of Bowling Green Mo Mrs Elizabeth Henley of Billings Okla Mrs Sadie Hen ley of Troy Mo and Mrs Kate Schocklee of Jopesburg Mo a brother A Duff of Windsor Mo and several grandchildren Including Mrs Claude Garner Mrs Bob Newton and Randolph Johnson of Neosho and Johnson of Chicago UNLUCKY DAY OR CARELESS DRIVERS Sunday was a hard day for reckless drivers on highways 71 and 60 out of Neosho when scores of them were hailed into different courts to answer charg es of violating the traffic The occasion was the unexpected visit of the state safety squad of the Missouri highway patrol which operated with a broadcast ing car stationed at the junction of the highways west of town About 20 patrolmen on motorcy cles and in cars and the radio operator made up the squad The system worked effectively no offending driver being able to slip by after he had been spotted by the vigilant officers Judge Morgan of Neosho dealt with ten of the miscreants fining each of them He said charges against them were for drunken driving reckless driving driving without a license and without a car license and passing cars on hills and curves The safety squad is in contin uous operation all over the state its members being selected from different cities This is the time it has been active in vicinity 5 A visitor in Neoshp this week is three year old Cardl Sue co*ck rell Char ti'n granddaughter 'ot Heien McGinty 619 Jef whose guest she Is while her parents Mr and Mrs John co*ckrell are having a vaca tion IhreUbh Ruckj' Mountain states ANNUAL ACHIEVEMENT DAY OR' 4 CLUBS The big day for 4 clubs of Newton county is to be riday Aug 9 On that day club mem bers will meet In Neosho to dem onstrate the things they have learned which will make them I better farmers and homemakers and Miss Katherine Welker Jas per county home demonstration agent will be judge The junior home economics demonstration for members under 13 years of age will be held in room 11 with Miss Jean Cook in charge and Miss Wilma March Lawrence county home demonstration7 ag ent as judge The agricultural demonstrations will be held in room 14 with LeRoy Schantz in charge and Carl Lewis Jasper county agent judge At the entire group will again assemble in the audi torium At 1:15 the home eco nomics judging contest will be held in room 11 with Mrs Ed Kellhofer in charge and Miss Wilma Marsh judge At the same time the forestry rope and wood work identification contest will take place in room 14 with Mr Schantz in charge and Mr Lewis as judge The good grooming contest will take place in room 10 at 1:15 Each club may enter a boy and girl from each project in the af fair Contestants will be judged on neatness cleanliness approp riateness otcbSUnne posturwand general appearance 9 Miss' North will be in charge and Kath erine Welker will act as judge At 2:00 the preliminary show ing of the style revue will be held in room 11 with Mrs Cam field and Miss North in charge Miss Welker and Miss Marsh will serve as judges At 2:30 the group will assem ble in the auditorium for presen tation of awards in the groom ing contest style revue health contest demonstration contests home economics judging contests and identification contest Awards will also be made at that time In the 4 essay contest which closed July 10 Lt The Rev of church left home to spend his annual through August with them Upon his return he will prepare to en roll in Drury College for a theo logical course this fall and win ter He will continue his pastor ate with the Neosho church spending his week ends here loyd Corbin Eugene oadlck Albert Gosvener Jasper Hays Dean Herring Richard Jackson Theodore Herring John tRagan Vernon Rinehart Smith Skaggs' Homer Snow Raymond Snow Leo Staib Leonard Stelts Jas Sults Jas Thomas Edward Tice Privates Herman Sawyer Regi nald Jackson LaVerne Hubbard Alfred King Charley King Jes sie King Kenneth 1 King Harry Kennedy Lawrence Leamon Mc Marion Lee Jas McDaniels Donald Miller Walter Montgom ery Malcolm Morris Meuller Harry Nicholson Pace Jefferson City July Pre dictions that State Senator Allen McReynolds of Carthage will win the democratic nomination for governor by a majority ranging upward from 50000 votes were freely made in this politically minded state capltol as the hot campaign swung Into its last lap Newspaper men and others closely associated with the po litical situation were of the opin ion tat McReynolds would sweep out state Missouri 2 to 1 They agreed he was clearly in the and still marchint up ward on a wave of popular ap proval of candidacy against that of from St At a meeting al days Sam Priest of St Louis chair man of the McReynolds campaign in St Louis declared that the rural Missourian was making great inroads in St Louis and added: the present rate of his progress I believe he will actually receive more votes in St Louis than will his opponent Larry Priest also said that a record registration in St shows the keen interest being displayed in government by inde pendent thinking people there and was a good sign for the McReyn olds cause He declared that there will be an honest vote and an honest count in St Louis At the same meeting Caldwell co chairman of the Mc Reynolds Kansas City organiza tion reported that Kansas City will give the state senator a sub stantial majority In the closing week of the campaign Senator McReynolds running as an anti machine can didate and his record of exper ience in state government drove at a furious pace In all sections of the state to reach a peak on primary day The candidate was being as sisted by an army of and other speakers who were taking up his fight In meet ings ln virtually every county in i ho state These forces were be mg directed by Senator Deltnar Dail of Marceline outstafe cam paign chairman An intensive out the vote also was launched in ev ery county by local forces organ ized in behalf of Senator Mc Remolds They planned to pour out a primary vote approaching that of the famous RilHngn Dpjg las fight of 1938 Such a heavy rural endorsem*nt for McReyn olds was expected to boose Ms in the final tabulation of votes Senator McReynolds devoted most of the final week of the campaign to Kansas City and St Louis where he was delivering a series of public addresses and radio broadcasts He will close his mmpaign Monday night Aug 5 with an all southwest Missouri rally at Springfield While wheat farmers of mid western states are proudly pub Icizing their splendid yields this season a 2 9 year old Newton county farmer has something to write home about in that his 26 acre wheat field recently har vested and threshed has yielded 30 bushels to the acre Accord ing to information from the farm office the average yield for Newton county is 12 bushels The young farmer who claims this success is Garland Huffman whose 117 acre farm is a mile east of Stark City Huffman has been growing wheat nine years and the varietyused Is Kawvale a Kansas hard wheat Although he keeps a small herd of dairy cows he is actual ly a grain farmer and in addi tion to wheat has some acreage in corn and oats this year both crops above the average although corn is in need of rain he said Even should no rain come within ten days he still will have Corn Mr Huffman was reared' on a farm an'd his success is an exam ple of the by tem He is married and has a 14 months old son Jefferson City July 27 In reply to several attacks on Senator Allen Mc Reynolds of Carthage which seek to brand him an enemy of the Missouri old age assistance members of the senate committed on social security and pensions today Issued the follow ing statement regarding Senator McReynolds chairman of that committee and a candidate the democratic nomination governor: the undersigned members of the Missouri senate have heard reports that Senator Allen Mc Reynolds has been attacked as an enemy of the Missouri old age assistance grants and In ordy that no injustice be done we wish to make the following state ment: Allen McReynolds is the present chairman ot the Mis souri senate committee on social security and pensions and each of us is a member of that com mittee As his colleagues on that committee we have always found him in favor of giving every as sistance possible to old age pen sioners and to all other needs of the people He is recognized as the authority on these matters by the Missouri general assembly and his advice is sought by all members when questions relating to social security arise should be praised instead of censured for his activities in behalf of needy people Signed Sen rank Briggs Ninth District Sen Ed A Barbour Twentieth District Sen Delmar Dail Sixth District Sen Paul Jones Twenty first District MV 1 fa sponsible for the decision to day to defer for a week? the start of senate consideration! of the nation's first peace time conscription bill A half "dozen given for this sudden halt Some mem bers of congress who have been on ttieir home fronts campaign ing for reelection or resting af ter the presidential nominating conventions report that some ot their constituents are the draft might lead us into the Eur opean war are demand ing the President clarify his for eign policy and lay his cards on the table tell the American pub lic why it is necessary to have a million and a half to two million men under arips Also the ques tion is being why the army has changed its mind In recent weeks regarding its needs In number ot troops This uproar is embarassing to Gen George Marshall chief ot staff and his fellow officers They do not propose to inaugur ate departures from established policies without the approval ot the President their commander in chief Mr Roosevelt Is said to have urged upon the the compulsory training program But he has yet to throw his prestige behind the Wadsworth Burke bill which has formed the basis tor the laeasure now before the sen ate military affairs committee The army taking its cue on foreign policy from the President says a force ot a million or more is necessary as an insurance pol icy against involvement ip war No hint has been given that the feverish rush to prepare is any thing other than a recognition ot the need to insulate this nation against a possible invasion in th event England finally capitulates to Hitler and Mussolini Also it is said the army is unable to fill its ranks by voluntary enlistment By Its reaffirmation of the Mon roe doctrine this nation' lacom mitted to defend the western hemisphere from encroachments by foreign powers but the navymarines and alr xrpwould get the first call to resist any coup by Nazi plotters in South Amer ica rather than the army While opposition to the draft increases the President says noth ing Nor has he to date made a move to come to the ald pf the generals who have worked' night and day for the last month pre paring for the call to arms ot 400000 men by October PIERCE CITY ARMORY HELD UP Lack of form lumber Is halting still more the work on the WPA armory job says the Pierce City Leader Journal The contract was awarded to an Arkansas firm and reporta from them are that they could not get the lumber from the mills because of weather The force reduced first to was gradually cut until all rn Ktta it'hM AX culcUonOn Jth county 1 AT NEOSHO SPEAKING 1 7 Maurice Milligan of Rich mond a candidate for United State senator from Missouri on the democratic ticket had a very good crowd out to hear him when spoke the court' house steps' on the west side through a microphone last Thursday night Gars packed the west side of the square from which' the speaker could easily be heard and many stood or sat on the grass in the courtyard vYvW1 Hon David Proctor of Kan sas City a republican candidate for senator was in Neosho Tuesday and spoke to a small crowd from the east front steps of the courthouse He spoke over a microphone and was distinctly Mr Proctor has been a candidate for high office before and is quite well known by re publican voters over the state He did a good deal of lambast ing of the New Deal and made a lot of promises for Mrr Wlllkle if he is elected or one thing he promised that all of the ten million Idle men In the country would be put to work at once in private employment' soon after 1s inaugurated He did not: explain how lt wouldbe done It seoms to be the general opinion among republicans here that Manvel Davis of Kansas City will be nominated by the 'repub licans for' senator eoho Time9r 150 1 A WM Maurice Milligan Mr and Mrs A Bastian and the sister Miss Ruth Bar nett have had with theut recent ly their cousins Misses Josephine and Grace Packer of Wichita Kan Mr and Mrs' Johhf Strecker and the small pon Joly Earl of Joplin were hero anjdj Miss Josephine? Bastian employ ed'ln state offices in femstr nbv fa ananrHncp to' iwiv 7 vacation them Mrs 'Strack er and Miss Basting re tew' nr Mr nnrt Mrs Bastian' VOLUME' SEVENTYX)NEr ANNUAL ENCAMPBIENT More significant than ever since its organization are the prepara tions being made by members of Battery Neosho unit of the203rd anti aircraft1 regiment of the Missouri national guard foi leaving Sunday for their annual encampment and gamee The 203rd includes units district and wiMjsvehome at thense tlmtTbutwill not travel together because of the congestion the long cavalcade would cause to trafflc on the highway The troops will travel four days' and have three over night stops before Teaching their destination at Camp Ripley Minn The first night stops will be made at Sedalia apd MarsfiaiiT the sec ond at Ames and Indianola la and the third at Owatanna and armington Minn The national guards are be gone three weeks and undergo two full weeks of intensive train ing The action of congress now In session on defense measures will determine whether the units will return home to their regu lar every day pursuits or be! call ed upon to go to southern camp for a The decis ion of congress probably will be made soon and the guardsmen may have the newf while In camp Jn' the meantime Capt Ralph Bolick Is a busy man revis ing the personnel of Battery getting exemption for those men who do not wish to serve full military duty should the unit be called and enrolling others to bring the battery up to 104 en 1 listed men which is full peace time strength Today he lacks 17 of having his full quota but ex pects to bo able to add this many to the roll by Saturday night The list of officers and men up to' today as given out by Capt Bolick 1 as follows: Capt Bolick let Lieut Myron Calkins 2nd Lieut George A Baldry 1st Sgt William os ter Staff Sgt red Park Sgts Lannis Campbell Burton Miller Claude Nutt Everett Sal lee Earl Severs loyd Severs Wallace Wells Corporate DOlbert Day Elmer Houck Roger LeMaster Robert Martin Earnest Palmer Renfro Delmer Severs Taylor Privates first class Caywood Omar Campbell Don ald Crocker Clarence Edmisten Denean Edmisten Jess oraker Junior Grainger Chas Hagen sicker Art Kobus Chas Lank 'fard James Martin Orley Mills Clifford Monfort Jas Sprenkle John Tennison red Upton War ren Welker Archie Weston Privates Allen Edward Anderson Johnny Brimm Wilson Brody Justin Pon Cline iv A A DU 87 DIES AT HOME IN NEOSHO ormer Superintendent of School Active Many Yean in Civic and inancial Affair A Durr 87 years old for mer superintendent of schools ot 1 Neosho former president of the Neosho Advertising Club and at Registration will begin at 8:30 the time of his death chairman at the south door of the high of the boartHJT the irst Nation school building al Bank died Tuesday afternoon The program will start with a at 3:30 at his home 135 1 health contest with Mrs A NYA LOWERS AGE LIMIT OR EMPLOYMENT Effective immediately the Na tional Youth Administration in Missouri will employ young men and women between the ages of 17 to 24 inclusive instead of from 18 to 24 as heretofore Clark Buckner state youth ad ministrator has announced ollowing some recent surveys of the average age at which young people leave school and the age of employment on their first job said Bunkner NYA Administrator Aubrey Williams decided to al low exemptions in favor of the lower age limit to states which requested It The Missouri NYA has requested and received eycb exemption said 'Buckner after determining that (of youths employed on in this stafo have been out of school and out of work for an averago period Of twows np plying? tothe 's a i 7 ii ry 7 0 7' i i 1 High street He had been in failing health for over a year and confined to his bed for several weeks but his condition becameserious only a few days before the end came He was conscious until the last and with the family ofTIsfailing condi tion on Sunday before uneral services for Mr Duff were held at 10 today Thursday at the irst Presbyter ian church and were in charge of Dr Wm Cady who had been his pastor for 20 years He had been an elder in the Presbyterian church for over 60 years After with Jessalee Jdallalleu in charge 5fr rX SSSSl i i MEETINGS OR SEN McREYNOLDS i il i i OR GOVERNOR AT NEOSHO AND GRANBY NEXT SATURDAY AUGUST 3 Gene McNatt of Aurora delegate from this district to the Chicago convention will speak in Neo sho next Saturday Aug 3 pm and at Granby at 11 in the interest of Senator Allen McReynolds of Car thage for the democratic nonflna tion for governor 7 The speaking at Neosho will 7 be just before the Saturday night concert of the Neosho high school band and a very crowd Is expected Mr McNatt will be in cal attorney large crowd Is expected at Granby as Saturday A is the SSl 39 the workmen were laid off If the lumber is not here by next week the work will be delayed still further until it arrives Two car loads of river sand and also the Wentworth sand have beende livered on the job Reinforcing steel is here but there is a need We( Buy Junk tempo Garage am Ma 1111111 i Rising Sentiment Against i 'a Compulsory Military Training 1 1 5 Washington July The growing feeling throughout the country that the President and his army generals have not justified the need for compulsory military training of the youth struck the capital today with consider able force 1 The widespread opinion that the public has not been tak en into the confidence of the high command and that the so often mentioned in recent months has yet to shown is believed re itt ir 1 v7 ftw Jkdi to fl kt MXv Wr 9 2 I JW ft I a JW WMMW U' I A A '1WI W' IX ft I 'I It 'I St 'M 10 'i! WWW' hWp 71 11 nb 'a i' 0 i 4 A mW i 4 4 i i Xi ii 14 'I ft Afc cUw 4 i 1 4 i i pZ Wf I1 AM 4 4 T' Jo I 1 A I um 1 1 WW 17 7 4 fewWfi tJ 'k local iU 1 1 1 I il i i rag ri Mr Tm 4 '7 I I MM gM 1 1 ''V' Kv vs A 4 1 19 hW i MH ji ja I if I 1 Mgil MM 'I I 4 1 1 1.

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