The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)

12B BURLINGTON (N.C.) DAILY TIMES-NEWS MONDAY, MAY 25, 1964 Graham Court Docket Led By Traffic Cases GRAHAM Traffic violations led the docket in Graham Municipal Court last week, and Judge Welker 0. Shue ordered a total of two suspended sentences on major cases. ues: i Veterans Corner Here are authoritative an- jswers by the Veterans Administration to questions from form- and their fami- Henry H. Summers was sentenced to two years in prison, suspended on payment of costs of court, for two counts of assault with a deadly weapon. John H.

Haithco*ck was sentenced to 90 days in prison, suspended on payment of $25 and costs of court, for careless and reckless driving. Other major cases included Lonnie J. Ingle, careless and reckless driving, $15 and costs; iimiwu Mandelene Brown and Stuart JBundren Toms, parking violations, $1 and costs of court each; Carrie C. Holt, improper turn, costs; John P. Black, violating load limits, costs; Mac Wayne Carter, failure to make a movement in safety, costs; Daisy M.

Rogers disregarding a stop sign, costs; and Viola Bradshaw, interfering with an officer, judgment suspended on payment of costs. James A. Baldwin was ordered to support his and a second charge ol to pay $5 and costs of, md befin sre Allison H. Harmon, ordered court were Judy D. Bowland, Warren R.

Holt, Seable Braxton, Curtis W. Moore, James P. Hauser and Jerry V. Barbee, Judgment was suspended on payment of $5 and costs of court in the speeding case of Gary Lee Kendall. Found guilty of speeding and assessed costs of court were John P.

Jones, Bobby W. Lyon, Alton M. Nicholson, and Fred for judgment continued on payment of costs in the speeding cases of I live in a small com- to find a lending agency which will grant me a loan to purchase a home. How may I obtain a GI loan? A Get in touch with your nearest VA Regional Office to see it your county is on the approved list for VA direct loans. If it is, you may be able to obtain a VA direct loan for home purchase.

My uncle, a world War I veteran, recently died leaving no family except a daughter John N. Landi and Grover Stan- wno is twenty-tree, but in an Jey Atkins. Five cases of public drunkenness were processed during the session. No Injuries 'institution. Is it possible for her to receive pension? A Children normally receive payments until age eight- or until twenty-one if still 'in school.

However, one who i becomes helpless before eight- jeen may still be paid as long inadequate pressed. support was nol Roger Dale Boggs was found guilty of speeding and ordered In Accident I as helplessness continues. A dent, involving no injuries, was claim should be filed to deter- by the Graham Police mine your cousin's entitlement, ait this morning a is a member of the Reone theft was the only other serves, injured while on inactive major Police Department week- duty training, eligible for dis- Negro News Activities MARGlUnTA KVANS CA Mttl B. T. ORBERT MEBANE Final rites for Brack Thomas Orbert of Rt.

3 Mebane, will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at Sweet Gum Baptist Church. He died Friday night at 8 I o'clock in Goldsboro following three years of declining health. A native of Alaraance County, he was a son of the late Mrs Carthy Orbert and was a farra- ler. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Emma Agnes Chambers Orbert of the home; five sons, Lenwood Orbert of Greensboro, Gilbert Orbert and Harold Lee Orbert of the home, Willard home, Wil- Burlington and 1-C Roy Orbert of the U.

S. Air daughters, Mrs. Thelma Crisp of Mebane, Mrs. Senolia Orbert of Greensboro, Mrs. Bradshaw of Hempstead, N.Y., and Miss Clara Orbert of the home; and two brothers, Ed- of the lard Orbert of end activity.

to pay $10 and costs of court' Nfm TM Allen of Graham VA Found guilty of speeding and was charged with failure to A Yes. The law provides ability compensation through PREPARE FOR BROOM SALE Officials of the Burlington cemetery ward Compton and Lee Holt, both of Mebane. Rev. Joe Brown will conduct the service, assisted by Rev. W.

E. Mills. Burial will be in the Sweet Gum Baptist Church Sueur of 426 N. Harden Graham, announce the arrival of a son May 24 at Alamance County Hospital, MT. CLAIRE HILL Rev.

W. J. Cox of Goldsboro will be the guest speaker at the Mt. Claire Hill Holiness Church and Wednesday nights. Members of the New Covenant Holiness Church will conduct a praise service tomorrow night.

The Morgan Town Prayer Band will be in charge of the praise service Wednesday night. These services are i sponsored for the benefit of the Mt. Claire Hill Church and will begin each night at 7:30 o'clock. REVIVAL OPENS Evangelist Carl Patrum of Tampa, Fla. and Evangelist L.

F. Clay of Burlington will conduct revival services for a week, beginning tonight at the Temple of Prophecy Revival Miracle at Florence and Cadiz Streets, where Evangelist R. L. Brown is pastor. The sick will be administered to nightly.

Special music will be rendered on the program. Mrs. RacKley Winner In Competition Mrs. Peggie L. Rackley oi Rt.

4, Burlington, was first place winner in the semiannual Motorcycle Beach Rally, conducted at Ocean Drive Beach, S. C. She competed with 10 other women for the honor. Her husband, C. R.

Rackley, is a member of the Flying Rebels Motorcycle Club of Burlington. Mrs. Rackley is an employe of Glen Raven Tricot and has one child. The Flying Rebels Motorcycle Club also walked cff with another honor during the rally. It was named the club with he best uniform.

Judging was based on appearance, safety equipment and neatness. The club was one of six participating in the rally. A total of mere than 30 people attended from Burlington. The rally was sponsored by the Piedmont Harley-Davidson motorcycle dealers. The New York Jets will open their American Football League schedule as hosts to the Denver Broncos at Shea Stadium on Sept.

12. Rural Home Destroyed In Fire Imake a movement in safety as compensation for injuries in- a result of the accident. Patrol- jcurred in line of duty by re- of A. room frame home Bradsher on Rt. 2, lege, was completely destoryed by fire last night, with two fire man Jerry Ray reported Allen struck a parked car on' i North Main Street which belonged to Clifford Edwin Barrett Sr.

of 701 Heather Bur- ilington. Damages to were estimated car and Elon 6 car owned by Mr. Barrett. In other activities, Patrolman Clark was investigating seryists during a drill or other period of authorized inactive duty training. Application should be filed with the nearest Regional Office, and be Lion's Club display samples of the brooms that will be offered The body was taken to the res- for sale during the club's annual sale, which will open tonight i idence this afternoon to remain and continue through Thursday night.

Shown above, left to until taken to the church for right, are Raymond Tatum, club president; Bill Meredith, chairman of the broom sale; and Byron Osborne, vice president VA ac-i companied by an official state- of the club. (Times-News Photo by Ed McCauley). Club Sets Annual Sale the service. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS departments called to the scene'the theft of a tacometer from a to extinguish the blaze. car parked at Allison's Service! (Veterans or dependents Members of the Altamahaw-'Station on East Harden Street, this area wishing further Ossipee volunteer Fire Depart-j Tn car belonged to formation about their benefits ment were called to the home atjLanibeth of East Harden write or visit the Ala- imance County Veterans Service Mr.

and Mrs. Willie Lee 'Crisp of Rt. 4, Burlington, an- inounce the arrival of a son May 23 at Alamance County Hospital. ment from the Unit Commander The Burlington Loins Clubjlington, selling brooms, ironing, Mr. and Mrs.

Cecil Cripe of towels, Rt- 2, Elon College, announce arrival of a daughter May 23 at Alamance County Hospi- addition to the nightly showing the date and nature of will conduct its annual sale of I board the inactive duty, and the date, circ*mstances, nature, and line of duty status of the injury. products manufactured by Guil- ford Industries for the this week. The sale will Blind, begin covers and tea by blind workmen. In 10:20 o'clock and were assisted by the Elon College volunteer i York's Condition' Office Wachovia Bank Build-; impaired Fire Department. ling Burlin ton TM-- The home and its contentsilg Satisfactory were declared a total loss.

The old World War I hero was, house, owned by B. E. was valued at $7.000 and was Medal of Honor winner Sgt. -partly covered by insurance. No in York was listed in very sat- pital several days, estimate was made on the val- isfactory condition today at Vet- Yor lives on a mountain ue of the furniture, which was erans Hospital, where he was farrn at Pall Mall, about not covered by insurance.

admitted Friday for internal i 140 miles northeast of here. He Origin of the fire was un- hemorrhaging. been bed-ridden about 10 known. No one was at Doctors stopped the bleeding years and has been in and out when the fire started. i and continue through door-to-door canvan by the 1 Lions, Lady Lions will sell the m-i All "proceeds will be used at the old Serv-Rite, aid the blind of Alamance Coun-, Service Station building at the ty, as well as to purchase i corner of East Fifth and South glasses for needy persons with Church Streets during the day.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Le- vision. Members of the Loions Club will call at each home Bur- Monday through Friday. Piano Pupils Of Mrs.

Bivins Plan Recital NASHVILLE, Tenn. (APj- rushed here by ambulance edal of Honor winner Sgt. Al- said he must remain in the hos-' VTJL trcll vV cl Park Group Plans Event Man Recovers From Bite Of Copperhead GRAHAM ELECT WILLIAM E. DeLOATCH to the STATE SENATE May 30,1964 The Communists speaker ban law is the main issue. Saturday.

May 30, 1964, each Democrat will voting for a candidate who is most outspoken for the repeal of this anti- Communist law; or William E. DeLoatch who will fight to keep the Comunist speaker ban from being repealed. Each vote cast by a Democrat will be either his or her personal approval or his or her personal disapproval of Communists speaking at tax-supported colleges and universities in North Carolina. If Alamance County elects a state senator who is outspoken against the Communist speaker ban law it will be a mandate for the legislature to repeal this law. If Alamance County elects William E.

De- Loatch it will be a mandate for the legislature to keep this law. The Democrats of Alamance County will be rendering a decision that will affect the entire state. Saturday the people of Alamance County will show the state, nation and both the free and Communist world what their opinion Is of Communist propaganda and brain washing. William E. DeLoatch believes that the people should be given the facts about the Communists speakers who are appearing on the college campuses, facts compiled by the experts whom the people know and trust.

From the Federal Bureau of Investigations annual report 1963, entitled "Counter-Intelligence "Another major project during the 1963 fiscal year was the continuation of the successful (Communists) speaking campaign before students at colleges and universities. An indication of the importance the party (Communists) places on its drive to influence young people is the fact that Gus Hall has taken personal charge of the program. Who is the Communist Gus Hall? Arvo Halberg (alias Gns Hall) general secretary of the Communist party, U.S.A. said at the funeral of another Communist rat Eugene Dennis, February, 1961, "I dream of the hour when the last congressman is strangled to death on the guts of the last preacher--and since the Christians like to sing of the Wood; why not give them a little of It --slit the throats of their children and drag them over the mourners bench and the pulpit, and allow them to drown in their own blood; and then see whether they enjoy singing these hymns." Is that academic freedom? that freedom of speech? Do you want to pay taxes to provide a podium for a man like that, or someone that he selects? Of course yon do not. Do you want to vote for a candidate who will repeal the state anti-Communist sneaker ban law or one who win fight to keep it? The assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation said in Raleigh.

N.C., Thursday, March 1964: "We in the FBI am aware of this diabolical pkt, thto devilish plan to capture the mind of our youth. It to not a matter of academic freedom fa the pursuit of troth. Why give a Bar Why give a Communist party speaker a forum?" The good people ef Alamance County win be given an opportunity to express opinion Saturday. When the people are given an opportunity to express opinions about freedom, they express them wisely. JMEWSFAFERf Compact FREEZER GRAHAM Mrs.

Charles Bivins will present her i a students in their annual spring' recital tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the chapel of First Baptist Church of Gra- A bite by a copperhead ap- ham. parently caused no serious after- The program will be varied, effects for Vernon Moon of'ranging from classics by Bach Ureenway Park Burlington, who is back on the through folk music of different several hours after the 76-year- of hospitals a number of times. resic i en are planning another job as manager of Coble Dairy countries to popular music and 1 r----: i i t-t i 11 i chicken fry to secure funds to Products Cooperative here finally to American Jazz by Mil- help develop a city park in their'being bitten Thursday at Pine- ton Kaye. Miss Joyce Wilson residential area. hurst.

jwill perform her own original The chicken fry has been seh Mr Moon, who was bitten on i composition, "Rippling Water." for June 13, and will be held the index finger of the left hand. Students who will perform are at the park area at the end of was plaving a practice round of Paula Harrington, Pat Strat- Brookgreen Terrace. Plates will sell for $1 and will include one- golf before the Elks Tourney at ford, Denise Lockamy, Leianne Southern Pines Country Club Ruth, Gail Wilson, half of a fried chicken with when the incident occured. Wilson, Paula Jones, a all the trimmgs and coffee or He was hospitalized overnight Sharon Darst, a i soft drinks. at a Pinehurst hospital and Crawford, Keith Teague, Beth In an ealier fish fry, the given anti-venon serum to com- Lockamy, Robin Crawford and group earned $325 for the park, bat the snake bite Quick action Christie Hill.

The park area was donated by! in cutting the bite with a pocket The program is open to the Durward Stokes and Fidelity Construct ion Co and includes a total of five and one-half acres. knife, sucking out the poison public. and applying a tourniquet were thought to have helped in pre- 1 Fabric of the week sew first quality fabrics save time save money Cone Mills dacron cotton poplin Wonderful blend of dacron combed cotton. Completely washable. Navy, olive, denim red, black, yellow, denim blue, pink, med.

blue, sand and grey. 45" wide. Each bolt is marked with Coats Clarks matching thread. 2 yds. 1.59yd.

Use for: shorts, skirts, capris, shifts, jackets, parkas, swim suits. Try these patterns' McCall's Butterick Simplicity fabrics third floor Bel-Bed The city has placed a set of venting a bad reaction to the swings, two see-saws, a sliding bite. board and two basketball back- ----boards NEW TUB KITS Plans call for the addition of An inexpensive way to add picnic tables, barbecue lasting beauty to wall volleyball courts and a softball areas above recessed bath tubs hope to make the area a family i is by installing easy-to-clean recreation park which can wall panels by the entire community, i available in the new Panel- FM-M 420 ib. fast freezing capacity 12 cu. ft.

capacity Fits 28" floor width Magna-seal door 189.95 18 cu. ft. capacity 616 Ibs. food storage UPRIGHT FREEZER 249.95 EASY TERMS SERVICE, DELIVERY In addition to raising funds for the purchase of materials, 'the group is also seeking volun- teer help in clearing the small I brush from the area. i The committee working on the project includes W.

D. McGowan, chairman, and J. D. Motley, board tub kits, the first do-it- yourself kits ever created for modernizing the bath tub area. Each kit includes three panels in any of 10 distinctive tile or smooth-surfaced styles, plus anodized aluniinun corner and edge moulding, adhesive, caulk- 'and A.

G. Tuttle, executive com- in material and complete step- imittee; Mrs. Mildred instructions. 'chairman of the program com- 'mittee; Tommy Fogleman am Conway Robertson, co-chairme: of the sports committee; Stu treasurer; a Douglas, teen-age committee, Forrest Hall, legal adviser; and L. Copland, project and planning committee chairman.

Anyone not wishing to eat chicken dinner may purcha and have it donated in name to the Elon Congregatio Christian Home for childrei The dinners will be delivi by members of the committee, A total of 85 dinners was dc nated on the first program. Heating comfort i fuel saving I ALL IH ONE PACKAGE Replace Old, Worn-Out Screens with lOMBINATION STORM DOORS AND COMBINATION STORM SASH HOME AND FARM CENTER Dial 226-5205 How River, N. C. $2.36 TICKETS TO 'BLUES' NEW YORK UP The box- office scale that was prevalent on Broadway 20 years ago is. being tested anew at the theater, where "Blues for Mister Charlie" is on exhibit.

Says Produce 1 Cheryl Crawford: "We hope to stimulate the interest of the great potential audience which, we are convinced, exists for theater that provokes thought as well as entertainment." The scale, for both matinee and evening performances, ranges from $2.30 to $4.80. The current top for most dramas is $6.90 on weekdays, $7.50 on the weekend. Baseball is listed as a "demonstration sport 1 on the Olympic program. One game will be played Oct. 11 in Olympic Stadium in Tokyo.

IRON I A warm air OIL FURNACE the inkle--Oofs na FktnMiOi fired fa. Par MIDWAY OIL CORP. Dial 226-6666 NOT ONLY DO YOU GET BOTH WINDOW AND SCREEN FOR SUMMERTIME, BUT YOU ALSO SAVE ON FUEL IN WINTER. PRE-HUNG ALUM.NUM Combination Triple-Track, Tilt Action ALUMINUM Storm DOOR Screen and Gloss Self-Storing Panel Sizes To IMUHMIM OpNoiul it Slight Extra Cost ZIMMERMAN LUMBER CO. 145 N.

MAIN ST. PHONE CA 6-2401 Paved Parking Lot Beside Building For Our Customers Hoars: 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday thru Friday Closed Saturdays lEWSPAPERt.

The Daily Times-News from Burlington, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.