Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)

and ten 535 THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1902. 15 DULUTH VOTE RECOUNT SAME OLD TROUBLE AND DOUBT AT THE ZENITH CITY. Sheriff Sargent Defeated by Five Votes for Renomination-Thinks There May Have Been Mistake. (Special Telegram to The Tribune.) DULUTH, contest will result the Septimldry One election in this county. Sheriff William C.

Sargent, who defeated by five votes for the Republican nomination for sheriff by W. W. Butchart, this noon announced his intention of demanding a recount, and attorneys went to work to prepare his casa this afternoon. There are only five weeks to complete the recount and swift work will be necessary. SOUTH DAKOTA PRELATE NOW NATIONAL FIGURE (Copyrignt, 1902.) It was Bishop O'Gorman, of Sioux Falls, S.

who recently visited eSt President Roosevelt for the purpose of delivering to him the autograph letter from Pope Leo and the mosaic picture of the vatican gardens which the pope entrusted to the bishop for the president. Real Estate Transfers. George T. Angell and wife to Ella H. wold, part of lets 8 and 9, block 1, Nicollet Island, $2,500, Mary 5.

Sibley to Charles H. Herme, lot 11, block 2, Highland Park addition, $400. G. Dayton Adams to Samuel Hunter, lot 20, block 2, Chicago Avenue addition, $725. Albert B.

Clampet a and wife to August Knoth, lots 3 and 4, block 2, The Oakland addition, $600. Julius Mage (receiver) to Charles H. Lewis, lots 12 to 15, block 2, Cottage City, 2225. Albert B. Beadle et al.

to Emily Lindsey et lote 1 and 2, rearrangement of Torrance': subdivision, $2, Minnie C. Hage and husband to Minnesota Debenture company, lots 9 and 10, plock Walton Park, $:70. Christine Smetana and husband to Joseph Najmajatr, in section 34, township 117, range 22, $1,900. Clarence W. Whidden (trustee) to Catherine Norris, lot 7, Joyalin's rearrangement, $900.

John T. Richie and wife to Pauline Patten, lot 21, block 8. Forest Heights, $1,500. Emily D. Brown to Mary E.

L. Pinkham, in section 12, township 28, range 24, $100. Milton D. Brown to Mary E. L.

Pinkham, in section 12, townehip 28, range 24, $500. Joseph Najmajstr and wife to John Popelka, lot 10, block 3, West Minneapolis, $1,050. Julia A. Reed and husband to Minnie J. Schwappach, part of lot 3, block 49, Highiand Park addition, $165.

Mary E. L. Pinkham to Sarah C. Swift, in section 12, township 28, range 24. $750.

Western Realty company to Thomas Voegell, lots 8, 9 and 10, block 12, Gale's subdivision, $1,700. Helen P. Newel and husband to Thomas F. Wilson, part of lots 14, 15 and 16, block 19, Hoyt's addition, $3,000. Thomas Levin and wife to Isaac Bank, lot 9, Loring Pray' subdivision, $1,425.

Linda A. McLean to Ann F. Berry, south half lot 6, block 4. Menage's third addition, $1,600. Bank of Merriam Park to Kate E.

Crosby, lot 6, block 6. Lake Harriet Park. $150. Mary E. Brown to Della F.

Curtis, lots and 10, block 11, Lakevlew addition, $1,500. Arthur W. Austin and wife to Della F. Curtie, lots 1 to 5, block 2, Hennepin Avenue addition. $4,000.

Minnesota Debenture company to Arthur L. Davenport, William H. lot 17, Emery to Edward W. Decker, block 2, Walton Park, $137. lots 5 and 6.

block 3, rearrangement fifth division Remington park, to $3,500. Edward H. Luedke and wife P. C. Deming.

lot 10, Blood addition, (executrix) $900. to Henry 0. Helen M. Bradshaw Doeltz, lot 22, block 4. Chicago Lake Park addition, $225.

Charles W. Thornton to Martha A. Dyer, in section 20, township 117, range 22, $500, Harrison Blake and wife to Harry, subdivision. Eggera, part of lots 1 and 2, Russell's $600. Roller to Adam Gilles, lot 17, block Matlida 8, Cole Weeks' rearrangement, $260.

to Albert F. Graupman, Mary of 6 Graupman and 7, block 10, Bradford Lewis part lots addition, $2,000. Seven minor deeds, $8. Total, thirty-seven deeds, $35,850. CRADLE, ALTAR AND GRAVE.

Births. Mrs. Joseph Faulkner, Swedish Mr. and Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Buettner, 1143 Lyndale hospital, a daughter. avenue and Mrs. Thomas G. Church, 3130 Hianorth, a daughter. Mr.

watha avenue, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wall, 2211 Nineteenth avenue and Mrs. Henry McDonald, 1310 Fourth south, a daughter.

Mr. street south, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. F.

B. Hankinson, 619 Madison street northeast, a son. Mr. and Mrs. William Matter, 3921 Twentysixth street, a daughter.

Mr. and Mra. Henry Becker, 1114 Seventh street south, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs.

Mark Brennan, 829 Fifth street north, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Gilkerson, 1325 Irving avenue north, a son.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Swanson, 2412 fourth avenue south, a son. Marriage Licenses. August Buchholz and Amelia Haslach.

John W. Huff, Bird Island, and Nettie Estella Poole, Hortonville, Wis. Morris Goldberg and Jessie Cooperman. Andrew Bano and Mary Zipoj. Archie E.

Cramste and Annie O'Brien. Olaf Mattson and Mathilda Morin. Gunnar G. Odegaard, Steele county, N. D.

and Anna Christine Christianson. Deaths. Oscar Nordling, Swedish hospital, 40 years. Building Permits. R.

S. Goodfellew, Fourth avenue south between Sixth and Seventh streets, two-story brick barn, $7,000. Mary E. Appleton, 133 Thirty-sixth street east. story frame dwelling, $1.600.

Minnehaha lodge No. 165, 1533-5 Lake street east, two-story brick store and hall. $6,000. Ernest Broberg, 1522 Emerson avenue north, two story frame dwelling, $3,000. W.

E. Sege, 4216 Lake Harriet boulevard, two story frame dwelling, $4,500. Total, five permits, $21,600. FUNK REFUSES TO SUCCEED HENDERSON (Special Telegram to The Tribune.) IOWA FALLS, Sept. efforts of the friends and admirers ex-Speaker J.

H. Funk of this city to induce him to permit the use of his name candidate for the nomination to fill the vacancy caused by the declination of Speaker D. B. Henderson have proven unavailing and it is announced on the best of authority that Mr. Funk will not permit the use of his name in this connection under any circ*mstances.

EDUCATIONAL. THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. Classics, Letters, Economics and History, Journalism, Science, Pharmacy, Civil, and Blectrical Engineering, Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courses. Ecclesiastical students at special rates Rooms Free, Junior or Senior Year, Collegiate Courses.

Rooms to Rent, moderate charges. St. Bdward's Hall, for boys under 13. The 89th Year will open September 9, 1902. Catalogues REV.

A. MORRISSEY. C. 5. President Kimball Man, American The 239 to 253 Chicago.

School abash Leading Conservatory of Mwale and Dramatic Artin the West. Fifty eminent instructors. Teachers training dept. Many Free Ad. vantages.

Special rates to talonted pupils of limited Fail term JOUN J. 8, mailed free. HATTSTAEDT, Director. NOTRE DAME OF MARYLAND. Conducted by School Sisters of Notre Dame.

College for Women and Preparatory School for Girls, Teachers Specialists in every department. Lecturers of national reputation. Systemn of education thorough and progressive. Extensive grounds. Location unsurpassed.

Suburb of Baltimore. Spacious buildings, completely equipped. Charles Street Avenue, timore, Md. EDUCATIONAL. Girls' Classical School.

INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 21st year opens Sept. 17. College Preparatory and Academic work. Year book, address MAY WRIGHT SEWALL, Prin.

Theodore L. Sewall, Founder. The Tribune Under headings "Wanted," "For "For taken Rent," "To at TEN CENTS A line: count seven the words to each line. Where cash accompanies advertisem*nts, one cent for each word. No advertisem*nts taken for less than 20 Abbreviations counted as one word.

Compound cents. words as two words. Advertisem*nts recelved after 10 p. m. are too late to classify.

SITUATIONS WANTED--MALE. YOUNG man. experienced in office work, desires position; good references. Address W. 61 Eleventh st S.

A GOOD, honest young man of 17 would like some kind of employment after school nours. Address S. 328 Seventh av N. THOMAS job of CULLMANE some kind: would like to get some he is willing to work cheap; his arm and leg is crippled, but is able to do some light work. Thomas Cullmane, Warwick Hotel.

BOY 18 years old wants work of some kind in or outside of city. J. 818 Ninth av S. WHO WANTS competent all round laundry. man? At liberty Sept.

27. References exchanged. C. W. Tyler, Star Laundry, Mankato, Minn.

YOUNG man with college education desires work of some kind in office; salary no object: references. Address 520 Seventh S. EXPERIENCED bootkeeper and general office 18 now open for engagements; good penman, aceurate in figures; best of references. Address Bookkeeper, 524 Boston Blk. WANTED- Painting, kalsomining and paper cleaning, city or country, firat-class work done.

Call or address 227 Sixth st 8. COACHMAN with elty experience desires steady position; have good references. dress L. room 415, 618-620 Seventh st S. WANTED -A young man 19 years of age, having no bad habits, would like work of SOTTIA kind.

Kindly address A. 315 Twentyfifth av N. A YOUNG man of good education, strictly tenperate habits, several years' teaching experience and some business training, wants work. w. C.

1802 Lake st E. A YOUNG man must have a place to work for board and room while attending school. Address H. 320 Sixth st 8. MAN and wife wishes a position; young, strong and willing: references, Washburn, Minn.

YOUNG man of 19 would like work of some kind. Address O. W. J. 272 Twentieth av S.

YOUNG man of 17 would like work of some kind: call or address. 2017 Twenty -third av S. YOUNG, strong man would like to work in some shipping department of some kind. Address 2020 221 av 8. WANTED- Position as collector, solicitor or city salesman; young man with experience.

P. 1. 1120 Fourth st SE. EXPERIENCED man would like position in or to take charge of mail order department; also understands up-to-date advertising. 79, Tribune.

A YOUNG man who has had some experience would like a position as stenographer; will commence for small salary. G. 713 Madison st NE. STENOGRAPHER with two months' experience, high school education. 540 Andru3 Bidg.

Phone 8076 Main. PAINTING and papering, work and prices to please owners. Peel 423 Nineteenth av 8. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. WIDOW LADY, with one child, 11 years old, desires position as housekeeper; no objection to going in the country.

Address 83, Tribune. WANTED--By girl of 15, place to work for board and go to school. Address 3044 Harriet. EXPERIENCED stenographer 8 good permanent position at once. Address 2942 Second av S.

A BRIGHT. refined young lady would like anv kind of work except housework; leaving city; answer immediately, Address Hazel Hall, General Delivery. YOUNG lady desires employment in an offica: have knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. Address Box 72, Kasson, Minn. WAITING at private dinner parties, luncheons, receptions, weddings, thoroughly competent in all branches.

Amy Agate, 408 Fitteenth st E. DRESSMAKING, skirt and shirt waists a speclalty at home, or will go out for $1.25 per day. 2222 Clinton av S. Mrs. White.

WANTED- A position by a young lady as cashier, clerk, or office work; can furnish references. E. 2222 Clinton a.V 8. FIRST -CLASS lady stenographer wishes tion at once. J.

921 Twenty-second A.V 6. EXPERIENCED lady stenographer desires position at once; can assist on books. dress A. 409 Sixth at S. WANTED- Permanent position as Bookkeeper cashier; best of references.

3016 Stevor ens av. WANTED--At once, by a 'reliable, trustworthy lady, position in a doctor's or dentist's attendant and assistant; two office, 89 an experience; doctor's references. F. years' 913 Hennepin av. RED CROSS NURSE, 322 50 cts.

per day, medical and city references given; "engagements made." Address or apply. WANTED--Situation as chambermaid, Janitress laundry by experienced party; please call between 5 and 7 p. m. 927 av Washington Flat 3. AN wishes position; will work for moderate EXPERIENCED young lady stenographer a salary.

Miss G. care Caton College. WANTED permanent position with a reliable firm by a young lady stenographer having five months' experience. Address 428 Guaranty Loan Bldg WANTED--Day work, washing, ironing or Mrs. Bennett, 134 Ninth st N.

sweeping. STENOGRAPHER with experience. 540 Andrus Phone 3076 Main. HELP WANTED-MALE. WIDE AWAKE SHOE REPAIR 705 Hennepin av; half soles men's shoes, ladies' white 50c; 40c; sewed soles, 75c; best and boys', oak leather.

Done while you wait. WATCHES CLEANED, MAIN SPRINGS, warranted one year. Paegel's, 22 Third et S. WANTED-One locomotive air brake machinist and two machinists, floor hands. Apply MAster Mechanic, M.

St. L. Railroad, Cedar Lake Shops. A FEW MEN of ability can make money presenting a proposition that Kasota will Bldg. interest any one.

Call 9 to 12. 300 good appearing young men WANTED-Two who would like to enter and become permanently located in the newspaper business; must be able to stand hard work; salary to right parties; 9-10 a. Islands, Tribune Building. MAN--One who has been successful in writing fraternal Insurance; grand opening to the right party, Address 27, Tribune. STONE MASONS wanted, city work, long job.

Angus McLeod 409 Sixth av S. BARBER wanted at once, $12 per week and half over $20; steady job to right man. S. A. Shupe, Watertown, S.

D. SALESMEN wanted that have experience in selling goods on payments, for city only. Columbus Phonograph 13 Fourth st S. GOOD positions and good salaries secured by graduates of Minnesota School of Business, 4 Third st. Enter now.

WANTED--Experienced presser for ladies suits and jackets. Fred D. Young 513 Nicollet av. WANTED--Man and wife, man, teamster; woman, cook. Also single man, teamster.

Henry Ames and Son, Litchfleld, Minn. BOYS WANTED-16 years of age. A Apply at once to Hardwood Manufacturing 101 Third av S. WANTED--At once, fifty clothing salesmen, 50 cash boys and 10 wrapping clerks, Apply Ellerman and Sons, 318-320 Nicollet av. WANTED-Several switchmen and freight brakeman.

State age and experience. 76, Tribune, WANTED -Quarrymen and laborers, winter's Job, good wages. Kettle River Quarries Sandstone, Minn. MEN for steady employment, salary $50 month. Call at 819 N.

Y. Life bldg. EVENING SCHOOL now open THE MUNSON SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. Guaranty Building. Liberal discount to all who enter this month.

SOLICITORS. WANTED -Two first-class solicitors to take orders for the best known brand of coffee in this city, Call forenoons, Twin City Tea 2212 Riverside av. WANTED Boys over 14 years of age to run cash. John W. Thomas Co.

WANTED -Young man, 16 to 18 years of age, to wrap dry goods: none but experienced bundlers need apply. 24, Tribune. TEAMS WANTED- Apply to Pioneer Fuel 123 Western AV And 2839 First AV 9. WANTED -Office boy with wheel. Address 79, Tribune.

WANTED-Salesman, $60 monthly and expenses; permanent. Perry Nursery Rocheter, N. Y. WANTED -Man and wife on dairy farm; no children; man must be used to stock and milking; $35 fret month. Fred Artaur, St.

Louis Park, Minn. TRUSTWORTHY person in each county to manage business of old established house of wolld Anancial standing: straight fide weekly salary of $18 paid by check each Wednesday, with all expenses, direct from headquarters; money advanced for expenses. Manager, 312 Caxton Chicago. WANTED Swede to work in nursery at Lake Minnetonka; must weigh over 150 pounds; $1.25 per day and board. A1- fred Hawkins, Deephaven, Minn.

WANTED-Busheiman at once. Hoffman' Toggery Shop. HELP WANTED MALE- -Con. WANTED- Harnessmaker at once; must be steady and honest; steady Job to right man; don't answer unless you mean business. T.

A. Hamlin, Dazey, N. D. YOUNG MAN to travel, advertise; experience unnecessary: salary $50 month, expenses. Kinkaid Cleveland, Ohio.

WANTED--Boy (German preferred), about 16 years, to sweep up and clean in studio; steady place, with a chance to work up. W. R. Miller, Photo, 427 Nicollet av. WANTED-First-class iron stair fitters for shop work.

Call at 1107 Third at 8. WANTED Boys over 16 to work in factory; come ready to go to work. Northwestern Compo Board Forty-fourth av and Lyndale, WANTED An experienced dry goods and shoe clerk; one that can talk Scandinavian preferred; must te good stock keeper and able to do some trimming; permanent place for good man: good references required; state age, experience and wages expected. Addrerg Northern Lumber Cloquet, Minn. WANTED -Teams to haul lignite coal.

Washburn Coal 15 Fourth st 8. BOYS, 16 to 18, to work in factory. Apply 11 a. Heath-Quimby 102 Hennepin av. WANTED Wire mattress weavers.

Lloyd Mfg. 1610 Central av. TINNER wanted at Janney 250 Second AV S. WANTED- An errand boy. Miss Morrisey, 67 Ninth st 8.

WANTED--An office boy. Apply American Bridge Seventh av and Second st SE. AN EXPERIENCED advertising solicitor wanted. Inquire of G. P.

Laybourn, care News Letter, Tribune building. TAILORS. bushelmen and pressers wanted at once; good pay. Waldron Crockett, 630 First av S. WANTED- -Two first-class solicitors for newspapers and books; salary and commission.

Call Monday on M. Harper, Room Daily News building, St. Paul. LAW STUDENT. stenographer and typewriter.

506 The Phoenix. WANTED--Three or four young men not under 25 years of age, also two or three not over 20 years of age, aN clerks. All must be men of good character and and good penmen; references required. Apply Room 9, Corn Exchange, 10 a. m.

Monday. CATHOLIC priest wants a Catholic housekeeper: married couple preferred; age 30 or upwards. Addrees 79, Tribune. ENERGETIC lady -or gentleman on a good proposition: call Sunday between 2 and 6 or address E. J.

Pixley, 426 Hennepin av, upstairs. A LARGE FINANCIAL INSTITUTION REQUIRES an active, reliable and capable business man of good standing, one who has an extenalve acquaintance among savings depositors and investors, for the sale of very attractive, high-class, secured investment bonds. This 19 an excellent opportunity for the right man, with whom satisfactory arrangements will be made. Please state age, former business and references. Address B.

F. Office 738, No. 150 Nassau st, New York. READ! THIS IS NO want A good salesman with $1,000 cash in a good manufacturing business, with large profIts and endless demand for the goods. Call on A.

A. Kelly, Bank of Commerce WANTED -Three Arst-class salesmen. tooroughly acquainted with city, familiar with grocery, drug or meat trade: call between 8 and 10 this morning at room 237. Nicollet House. STENOGRAPHER with over one year's expertence, $8 to $15 per week.

540 Andrus Bldg. Phone 3076 Main. HELP WANTED--FEMALE DR. BLY, specialist, all diseases of women. New book, 25c.

27 Fourth st S. YOUNG GIRL to look after baby afternoons; arrangements might be made with one attending school; block south public library. B-5, 1117 Harmon place. WANTED-A bright girl to do light housework in family of two; can learn to sew if desirable; good wages. Hennepin Flats, A 1.

WANTED- -Competent waist and skirt help at once; good wages; steady employment. Hennepin Flats, A 1. GOOD POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIES secured by graduates of Minnesota School of Business 54 Third st. Enter now. SEWING girls can And steady work at $1 a day, making wrappers on power sewing machines.

Sterling Mig. corner Third st and Fifth av N. second floor. WANTED -Girl for general housework at once; good wages, small family. 520 Fifteenth av N.

WANTED -Experienced coat and waist finishere; good wages and steady work to competent help. Fred D. Young 513 Nicollet WANTED- Competent girl for general housework; small family, big wages. 3127 Second av S. WANTED--Experienced skirt finishers; good wages and steady work to competent help.

Fred D. Young 513 Nicollet av. YOUNG LADY -Increase your earning city by attending Evening School at The Munson Shorthand Institute, Guaranty building. Liberal discount to all who enter this month. GOOD GIRL or woman to do housework; a (Seventh Day) Sabbath keeper preferred.

Mrs. Elsemore, 1813 Twenty-second av NE. WANTED- on pants, also experienced overall operators; our girls make from $8 to $12 a week. 104 Second N. WANTED-A kitchen girl at the National hotel.

GOOD woman cook wanted at 422 Hennepin. WANTED--At once, a bright and intelligent lady for business in Minneapolis; experience not necessary; engagement by the month on fair terms; lady of middle age preferred; state previous occupation, if any. Address 84, Tribune. WANTED--Competent girl for general house work. 227 Eighth av SE.

A NEAT, trusty girl who understands cooking for housework, small private family, house modern; call at Mrs. Webb's, 529 Seeond av S. WANTED-Chocolate dipper; must be experienced. American Confectioners, 600 Hennepin. WANTED-Girl for light housework.

Call at Forty -ninth st and Minnehaha av. Call at once. IT WILL pay you to learn dresscutting, dress. making, ladies tailoring at McDowell School, Fall patterns cut. 412 Nicollet av, Eastman Block.

WANTED--Girl for general housework, where some boarders are kept. 1020 Nicollet av. WANTED--A strong German girl to work in factory; wages $1 per week to start. 506 Washington av N. GIRL wanted between 10 and 15, call at 2010 Minnehaha av, upstairs, after 6 p.

m. WANTED-Good woman cook, come ready to work today; also experienced dining room girls. Webb Coffee House, 31 Fifth at S. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, three in family. 1519 Nicollet av.

WANTED--A good girl for general housework: none but first-class need apply. 607 Sixth AV S. WANTED--Girl for students' restaurant for kitchen and pantry work; good wages and reasonable hours; room and board; afternoons off; Scandinavian girls not wanted. 412 Fourteenth av SE. AN EXPERIENCED general housework girl who is a good cook will get highest wages in a family of two at 925 Fourth st SE, on Como and Kenwood car lines.

Do not Inquire Saturday or Sunday afternoons. WANTED Young girl about 14 years old to help in store and help take care of baby. Call 1210 Third av confectionery store. WANTED--Old housekeeper to care for rooms through winter. 309 Ninth st SE.

MACHINE operator on light leather. Call at Burkhardt's, Seventh st S. $10 PER 1,000 copying letters at home to be sent to us; two stamps with application. Oceanic Industrial Union, Desk 22, Chicago. WANTED girl 614 for Ninth general SE.

housesmall family, av WANTED Waist makers and skirt makers. Miss Morrisey, 51 Ninth st S. WANTED Experienced knitters on lamb or German knitting machines. Call at Room 200, 104 Second st N. Twin City Knitting Co.

WANTED--Competent girl for general housegood wages. Call at 82 Highland av. WANTED -Lady stenographer; must be firstclass, rapid and accurate at dictation and in operating Remington typewriter; must be able to write good hand and assist in general office work; state experience and give reference: good position to the right party. Address in own handwriting, 86, Tribune. WANTED-Waist and skirt help.

Hennepin Flats, A 1. WANTED -Competent girl for general housework; references required. 1506 Third av 3, Flat 5. $1.00 TO $2.50 PER DAY paid while learning dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. Call at Northwestern Dresscutting School, 728 Hennepin av, or send 1 for circulars.

WANTED Girls to strip tobacco, at cigar fac. tory. Apply G. Pflaum 221 First a.V S. AGENTS WANTED.

THE GLOBE Fraternal Accident N. Y. Life Minneapolis, pays from $30 to $60 per accident or sickness. Call and investigate. CHANCE for hustlers in the health and accident insurance line.

We make the agent a participator in the pronts. Write at once for particulars. F. R. Van Dusen, Detroit, Mich.

VANTED- Two experienced solicitors, good pay, permanent position. Call News Monday build- on A. M. Harper, Room 11, Daily ing, St. Paul.

Bring references. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED--Rooming house, bowling alley or light business paying not less than $100 per month; confidential; give particulars. 81, Tribune, IF YOU WANT TO SELL your real estate or business, and sell quick, send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency.

Bank of Commerce apolis, Minn. BUSINESS CHANCES--Con. FOR SALE A 70-gallon milk route with all implements for running It, including horses, harness and wagons. 94. Tribune branch.

JUDICIOUS, systematic speculation in wheat is very profitable; $20 will margin 1,000 bu 2 cents. Send for free book, Facts and Figures, explaining option trading. The Osborn Grain 813 Phoenix Minneapolis, members Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT-Hotel, newly furnished, In country town. Address Box 25, Tintah, Minn.

FOR SALE-A good opportunity to invest in a good paying boarding house, 16 rooms, 8 beautiful lawn, thoroughly modern, centrally located; will sell on easy terms; object selling. have other business. Address 27, Tribune. FOR SALE -Meat market, first-class fixtures, good location, good trade, cheap rent; easy terms if desired; a sacrifice if sold at once; must leave city. 2811 Blaisdell av.

I WILL pay cash for farmers' paper In any amount in North Dakota. O. W. Kerr, Cooperstown, N. D.

STOCK of general merchandise or hardware in exchange for North Dakota farm land. Address Lock Box 274, Sisseton, S. D. A GOOD opportunity. 100 dollars will earn 200 dollars.

Money fully secured. Larger sums pay in equal proportion. You may withdraw your money on demand. Central Security 96 Wall st, New York. central, good business.

LODGING needs a landlady. CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS; near large school; snap. ROOMING HOUSE, $325 if taken today, great bargain. 1100 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE One half or whole Interest in 60-barrel flour mill; feed grinding pays all expenses.

Address 8. care Tribune. FOR SALE- Saloon in prosperous young town; will sell reasonable; good reason for selling. A. F.

Miller, Eraham, Minn. SPECIAL Bargain for quick 32 rooms: Great Western Hotel, 35 Washington av $400. See Babco*ck. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LARGE quantities old and new lumber, doors, windows, inside finish; must be moved at once.

Cor. Eighth st and Fourteenth av S. CLOSING OUT the largest stock of secondhand store fixtures and household goods west of Chicago; 500 counters, shelving, cases. 100 refrigerators, all sizes and makes, lot of fine Mosler, Hall and Diebold safes, saloon, office and restaurant fixtures, cash registers, scales, 1,000 cook stoves, ranges and heating stoves from $1 and upwarde, wagons, carriages, etc. 1027 Washington av S.

RENOVATING, repairing, refinishing (make over mattresses and furniture); furniture dealers and undertakers. Both phones. Rainville 17 to 23 Nicollet Island. WE HAVE a big line of cash registers whic1 we want to close out at very low prices. Call between 4 and 8 p.

m. L. Sorsky, 533 Washington av N. FOR SALE- The following goods very cheap: One 30 horse power electric motor. Four Parker cigar machines.

One Howe counter platform scales. One laundry ironing machine. And many other goods. Address or inquire at 406 and 408 Third av N. FOR SALE- -Grocery and confectionery store, good location, on street car line, good business; a bargain if taken this month.

20, Tribune. WOOD, dry, $2 to factory wood, $2. Plymouth Lumber Exch. 'Phone 717-J2 Main.

FOR SALE-100-light Detroit Gas Machine and mixer, good as new. Box 277, Chaska, Minn. FOR SALE -Cigar and fruit stand, good business location. 47 Central Market. FIVE good second-hand store fronts; lot of large inside sash and good heavy doors, at your own price.

1027 Washington av S. DOUBLE the value of your co*ckerels for 10 Caponizing done. Address SnowWhite Poultry Yards, 3024 Third av Minneapolls. $60 DROP HEAD No. Wheeler Wilson sewing machine, White $10; Domestic $5.

Elmer, 710 First av S. FOR SALE-Sewing machine, 2628 Blaisdell av. FOR SALE CHEAP -Beautiful upright piano used only six months, for sale cheap for cash or on easy terms to respectable party. Reasons for selling, party is about to move East. Address 78.

Tribune. FOR SALE CHEAP- One very large date palm. 629 Fourteenth st E. FURNITURE for sale and Ave room cottage for rent. 504 Fifth av S.

FOR SALE- One air tight lightning machine, with electric lights, good running order, price $35. D. E. Farmer, Stewartville, Minn SEWING machine bargain, new drop head Singer $23; Domestic White Davis $3. Alt kinds repaired, warranted.

Lynch, 919 Nicollet. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. GET best prices on second-hand household goods. Lindahl Diegre pay most cash. Get our estimates before selling.

405 Washington av 8. Tel. 1815-L-2. CARLOADS of household goods made up for Pacific coast points, making a big saving in freight. Parties moving to the coast should not fail to consult us.

The Boyd Transfer and Storage 45 So. Third st. CASH paid for all kinds of household goods. Don't sell before getting an estimate from Town Market, 22-24-26 Fifth st S. Both 'phones 1993.

BEFORE buying, selling or exchanging your second-hand household goods call on Peter Keith, 115 Sixth st and get estimate. WANTED-To buy old feather beds. Will pay from 25c to 50c a pound. Mail orders promptly attended to Address L. Baron, General Delivery, Minneapolis, Minn.

WANTED -To buy a second-hand Remington typewriter, No. state time in use and price. Address H. J. care Tribune.

GASOLINE engine wanted; good second hand; three or four horse power; state lowest price, 80, Tribune. WOULD like to buy 8 second-hand mandolin in good condition at reasonable rate, Aidress 78, Tribune. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE, WANTED AND TO EXCHANGE. WANTED--We are always ready to buy and pay cash for horses, buggies and harnesses. Barrett Zimmerman, Midway Horse Market, St.

Paul, Minn. BARRETT ZIMMERMAN, Midway Horse Market, St. Paul, have constantly on hand the largest assortment of horses to be found in the Northwest, consisting of all classes and kinds; lumbermen and loggers will find it to their advantage to look over our stock and get our prices before buying elsewhere. CASH paid for horses, harnesses, buggies and wagons. Frost 12 Second st N.

FROST co. Headquarters for the sale of heavy draft horses, farm mares, general purpose horses, fine drivers and mules. Part time given when desired. 12 Second st N. KELLY ZIMMERMAN, North Side Horse and Mule Market, 1428 Washington av N.

We are always ready to buy and pay the highest cash prices for all classes of horses, buggies, carriages and harnesses. JUST RECEIVED--A fresh consignment of high class coach and driving horses; also three fine combination saddle horses. Bloom's Stable, 218 Second av N. MUST be sold for feed bill, two young, sound mules, wagon and harness, suitable for light delivery or milk wagon. Bloom's Stable, 218 Second av N.

FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--Good gentle horse, weight will take good grocery part payment. 1919 Central av NE. wagon WANTED--Horse and buggy for canvassing books, snap for horse; particulars. Call 74 Seventh st S. WANTED--To hire horse about 2 Fetterley months for at light work.

Inquire of J. A. carpenter shop in rear Metropolitan theatre at noon. COWS, DOGS AND POULTRY. FOR SALE good two-year-old heifer.

Call at 3112 Colfax av S. FOR SALE Two (2) English pointer puppies, lemon and white and as pretty as you ever saw; $10 each, a bargain. 629 Fourteenth st E. FOR SALE- One pointer doge five years old, a great bird finder, an all day worker and good retriever on land or water, $15. 629 Fourteenth st E.

FINANCIAL. BONDS AND MORTGAGES FOR SALE. Write or call for our special circular. MINNESOTA LOAN AND TRUST 313 Nicollet av. TO 6 PER CENT MONEY, with the "on or privilege, to loan on Improved property in 309-311 Minneapolis Phoenix and St.

Paul. R. M. Newport, Building, 60 Fourth st 8, Minneapolis. WE LOAN on city real estate at lowest rates.

Nickels Smith, 311 Nicollet av. LOANS--TO salaried people holding permanent positions with reliable concerns, without indorser or security except your own name. Our rates are and always have been the lowest, ax you can find by comparison with other companies; small or large payments, to suit borrower; weekly or monthly, with privileges of payment on or before, thus stopping all interest; insure our honorable record and and conntion for 20 years dential dealing to all. Minnesota Mortgage Loan 306 Bank of Commerce Building. MONEY loaned salaried people, retail chants, teamsters, boarding houses, without cecurity.

Largest business in 42 principal cities. Tolman, 920 New York Life Building. HAVE YOU MONEY? IF NOT, WHY NOT? SALARY AND FURNITURE LOANS. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL Room 408 N. Y.

Life Fourth Floor. WANTED Good applications for real estate loans: current rates. Thorpe Andrus. MONEY TO LOAN, lowest rates: 66-foot lot for sale near state university, $560; desirable industrial and mining stocks cheap. A.

phreys. 640 Andrus Butiding. TO 6 PER CENT money always on hand for good loans, W. W. Clark, 318 Nicollet av.

-Con. LOANS to salaried employes ON their plain notes AT cheapest rates in the city. NO mortgage, Indorser or publicity. SO. Fourth st.

No. 22, room 601, Globe Bidg. MINNEAPOLIS LOAN CO. PRIVATE MONEY on hand to loan on real estate, lowest rates. Dever, 537 Andrus Bldg.

WANT MONEY AT WITHOUT mortgage, Indorser or publicity, LOWEST RATES and confidential treatment. RELIABLE CREDIT Room 202--256 Hennepin av-Room 202. (Over Adams Express Co.) INTEREST ON DEPOSIT-4 per cent for six 3 per cent for three and 4 per cent on savings accounts. Minn. Title Ins.

Trust Co. Capital, $250.000. PRIVATE BANKING. WHERE you can get ready money upon demand in a business way. same 88 business men do at their banks: $10 and upwards; easy terms; low rates.

GUARANTY INVESTMENT 807 N. Y. Life bldg. N. W.

Tel Main 959-L1. CHATTEL LOANS FURNITURE LOANS, without removing goods: easy payments as desired. Room 408 New York Life Building. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, HORSES, WAGONS.


WILLIAMS, 418 Guaranty building, loans any amount on personal property; lowest rates. ON FURNITURE. pianos, horses, anything: very, very low rates. 740 Temple Court. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, PIANOS.

ON THE SAME DAY AS APPLICATION. The goods to remain in your undisturbed possession. CALL AND BE CONVINCED THAT OUR PLAN IS THE CHEAPEST AND BEST IN THE CITY. PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS, MINNEAPOLIS LOAN 601 Globe Building, 20-22 Fourth st S. Open Wednesday and Saturday evenings.

LOST AND FOUND. LOST- -Bay mare, 5. years old, No. 52 on left hind leg; had part of harness on. Send information to Harwood's Livery, 216 Third st Minneapolis.

LOST OR STOLEN--Bank Book No. 76590, issued by "The Farmers' and Mechanics' Sav Ings Bank of Minneapolis." If not returned to said bank before Oct. 2, 1902, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. STRAYED away from 2647 University av NE. a horse and sorrel pony.

Return to receive reward. H. H. Hanson. LOST -Pearl beaded chatelaine bag, on Nicollet av between Ninth and Eleventh, between 2 and 3 o'clock.

For reward to 1110 Third av S. LOST -On night of 17th, a plush laprobe, black and green, between railroad and Cedar av on Lake st. Please leave at Pardoe's drug store, Lake and Bloomington. LOST--At fair grounds, charm, crowned with red cross. Return to Forty-ninth st and Minnehaha av for reward.

AUCTION SALES. W. D. GORDON, auctioneer, 18 years' expertence. 841 Guar.

Bldg. Tel. N. W. M.

1751-J1. NOTICES. NOTICE--Dead horses removed. N. W.

Scavenger 102 First st tel. 195 Main. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION--Office of Chief Q. St. Paul, Sept.

19, Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be recelved at this office until 11 o'clock a. Oct. 18, 1902, and opened then, for the construction of one double barrack at Fort Meade, S. D. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank proposals with full instructions had upon application here or to the Quartermaster, Fort Meade, S.

D. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals, or any part thereof. Geo. E. Pond, C.

Q. M. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION-Office of Chief Q. St. Paul, Sept.

2, Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 11 o'clock a. Sept. 22, 1902, and opened then, for construction of a sewer system at Fort Keogh, Mont. Plans and specifications may be seen and blank proposals with full instructions had upon application here or to the Quartermaster at Fort Keogh, Mont. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof.

Geo. E. Pond, C. Q. M.

WANTED -People to know that religious meetings will be held every Sunday in room 313 Berglund Block. corner of Seventeenth av and Franklin, at 8 p. all are welcome. BOARD AND ROOMS OFFERED. TWO rooms en suite, parquet floors, front alcove room; other pleasant rooms, modern; Arst-class board.

1115 Second av 8. BOARD and room in private family to man and wife; also other boarders. 1514 Washington av N. table board at 1115 Nicollet av, former residence of Bishop Joyce. CHEERY ROOMS and the best of table board in private family, Call or address Mrs.

2813 Ninth av S. LARGE, pleasant room, modern, with board; references. 1115 Nicollet av, former residence of Bishop Joyce. 21 MEAL TICKETS $3.50, strictly first-class. Burtis House, 112 Fourth st N.

FURNISHED ROOMS. ARLINGTON HOTEL -Newly furnished rooms, steam heat, gas, bath, phone, A. D. T. service.

618 and 620 Hennepin; $2.50 per week and ST. LAURENCE HOTEL, European, nicely furnished rooms, by the day, week or month. 221 Nicollet av, city. FURNISHED Toms for rent, heat, gas, bath, hot and cold water, near University and Oak st. 817 Ecacon st SE.

FOR RENT-Several fine rooms furnished and unfurnished, suitable for one or two, modern conveniences. gas, bath and heated; reasonable; no light housekeeping; walking distance. 11 Willow st. ONE thoroughly modern, nicely furnished sunny room on ground floor. Hennepin Flats, A 1, or phone Main 3400-L1.

TWO nicely furnished rooms, gas, bath, steam heat, walking distance. 1219 Hennepin av, Flat 2. NEATLY furnished room, conveniently located in business district; nice quiet roomers; desirable location; price very reasonable. 42 Seventh st 8. FOR RENT-Nicely furnished room, separate beds, suitable for two persons, modern house, comfortable home for winter, $12 per month.

Address 85, Tribune. TWO furnished rooms, strictly modern, nepin Flats Al, or phone Main TWO large and very desirable rooms, suitable for one or two gentlemen; one with private bath, private entrance; detached house, private family, walking distance. 1693 Haw. thorne av. FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite.

The Rexford, 918 First AV 8. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. WANTED- Three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, near car line on south or southeast side preferred. 81, Tribune. UNFURNISHED ROOMS.

$25 PER MONTH, modern house, 12 rooms, No. 2023 Stevens av. Secley 103 Boston Block. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. MODERN house furnished or unfurnished.

2626 Bloomington av. FURNISHED HOUSES AND FLATS. WANTED. WANTED -By Oct. 1, the care of furnished house or flat in good location for parties leaving city for winter; best of care guaranteed; will pay reasonable rent; references given.

8 74, Tribune. FLATS FOR RENT. FOR RENT--New modern six and seven-room flat, $30, $32.50, and $40. Fifth and Fifteenth av 6E. Inquire Janitor, or Gould, owner, 815 Ontario st SE.

FOR RENT--A new seven -room flat, all modern except heat, walking distance. 723 Emerson av N. OUTSIDE FLAT, five rooms, steam heated, every modern convenience, fine location, good service, very desirable, $30. See janitor, 527 Fifth AV SE. FOR tour-room flat, 2900 Dupont av all modern conveniences except bath; inquire at flat 4.

536 Temple Court. HOUSES FOR RENT. WHY PAY RENT OR INTEREST? THE HOME CO CO. will buy you a home, farm or lift mortgage, you pay it back In 200 months at $5.35 per $1,000. This plan is OVER 100 YEARS old in England.

Open evenings. Earl D. Beardsley, state manager. Offices 256 Temple Court, Minneapolis; 202 Chamber of Commerce building, St. Paul.


Y. LIFE BLDG. FOR RENT-Seven rooms, modern house and good barn. 2717 Harriet RV. Call at 220 Nicollet.

THE Citizens' Building League will buy you A home on small monthly paymenta. The rent you are paying will pay for your home. Write for circulars or call and see us, open Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Good agents wanted. 204 Northwestern BuildIng.

HOUSES FOR RENT- 3714 STEVENS AV. eight-room house and large barn, all modern conveniences; $20. without barn, $23 with. Baxter Temple Court. FINE modern residence, rooms, east front, hardwood, brick brown stone, lawn, hut water combination, central, very desirable, good neighborhood.

609 Globe Bldg. LAUDERDALE 355 Temple CourtNo. 3117 Third st N. new 5-room cottage, rooms all on ground floor, city water and woodshed, screens and storm windows, $19; $6, newly finished, five rooms, second floor, with well, cistern and shed: No. 1718 Fortyfourth av N.

near Camden Methodist church and school; $7, new, one-story cottage, No. 5147 Camden av. STORES AND OFFICES TO RENT AND WANTED. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF RENTING BUS PROPERTY: CHOICE OFFICES IN SYKES BLK. THORPE ANDRUS BLDG.

NORTHWESTERN newly remodeled, has fine selection of offices at moderate price, steam heat, Italian marble tolleta, first-class elevator service. 322 Hennepin av. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FIVE GREAT BARGAINS. great snap; new, complete, fully modern; nine rooms, cove cornice, swell side and front; a beauty; lot and barn.

cottage, fully modern except furnace, piped for furnace; 8 bargain; barn; corner lot. cottage, fully modern except heat; fine lot, fine location; near large school. $1,400 -Modern design; part hardwood, city water; well built, $400 cash, $16 month; 6 per cent interest. rooms, good lot, good location, city water. These houses are ABSOLUTELY NEW.

WELL BUILT and the first three finished entirely in hardwood, and are perfect 1 homes. For sale only by MORRISON-CRITTENDEN 507 Phoenix. EDMUND G. WALTON, catalogue of house bargains and plats of suburban tots on application at office. 300 Hennepin av.

SOUTHEAST sale, five very Ane new modern houses, hot water and furnace heat, open plumbing, hardwood floors and finish; three on Ninth av and Eighth st SE; two on Division st and Thirteenth av SE. Geo. C. Anderson 711 Globe Bidg. W.

A. BARNES 300-302 Nicollet av, issue a rental bulletin every Monday. Cail or send tor one of our new real estate lists. SEVERAL well rented flat properties for sale, netting 8 per cent and better, $22,500 to terms easy. W.

W. Clark Realty 313 Nicollet av. FOR SALE-By owner, a fine strictly modern residence, large corner lot, east front, fine large barn, combination heat; reason for selling. leaving city. Inquire 2700 Fremont av 8.

FOR SALE Cheap, ten room house and large lot, near Thirty-first and Nicollet av; rents for $19 per month, good for $22 per month. Inquire of V. E. Brown, 3101 Stevens av. HOUSES NEAR UNIVERSITY rooms, pardy modern, corner, rooms, thoroughiy modern.

7 rooms, large lot near car, 13 rooms, thoroughly modern, tWO small houses, lot 56x155, $1,10, 9 rooms, thoroughly modern, 12 rooms, up to date, corner, 9 rooms, lot 9 rooms, modern, full basem*nt, 10 rooms, bunt for home, modern. houses near Lake Calhoun-8 rooms barn, front and back stairs, 8 rooms, east front, large lot, 3 rooms, modern, brick, Lave some good p.aces north and a good list of cheap nouses south from $700 up; have a large list of farms and tarm lands. McCurdy Temple Court. FOR SALE--House and lot, 426 Twenty-third avenue owner leaving city will sell cheap, make me an offer. NEVER buy real estate without having the title insured.

Office, Oneida block. FOR SALE -Corner lot, graded and sodded, shade trees. Sewer, water, gas, business corner, on street car line; owner goes west, cheap. Inquire on premises. 2904 Emerson av N.

AN OLD TIME SNAP! ELEGANT HOME NEAR LOWRY HILL! Cost $9,000, for much less than fine East front, 50 ft. lot, sightly location, fine shade, house of ten rooms, up to date in every particular, elegant sideboard, in fact the finest we have seen, paneled dining room, china closet, sliding doors, plate giass windows, electric and gas lighting, elegant gas fixtures, cove ceilings, connecting sleeping rooms, perfect repair, almost new, good barn also, but OWNER IS GOING AWAY IMMEDIATELY and it must be sold for the best ofter. SEE US TODAY. Morrison-Crittenden Co. 507 Phoenix bldg.

9 rooms, renting for $12; $250 cash, balance $10 monthly; a decided bargain. Walker, 404 Century building. 160, SMOOTH, mile city 5,000, thirty minutes St. Paul, worth $50, owner removing, slaughters at $22. United States Land, Andrus Bldg.

FOR SALE -Corner lot, graded and sodded, shade trees, sewer, water, gas, business corper, on street car line; owner goes west; cheap, easy payments. Inquire on premises, 2904 Emerson av N. LAUDERDALE 355 Temple Court, $130 per acre, small acre tracts on Golden Valle; road, near city. Minnetonka. JAEGER TORELLE, 310 Bank of Commerce, Our specialty is Lake Minnetonka and otber suburban real estate.

REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LOOK acres No. 1 farm land six miles from Forman, N. county seat of Sargent county; cash value of land $20 per acre; will exchange for a good residence in St. Paul or Minneapolis; prefer to deal with Owner; no agent.

Address Box 22, Forman, FARM LANDS, RANCHES AND FRUIT LANDS FOR SALE. CHEAP Western lands, wild and improved. Call or write. Don't delay. E.

F. Lambert, Western Lands and Mortgages, 1023 Guaranty Minneapolis. GET GOOD LAND -I have it, a farm of 400 acres, no better land in Minnesota, improved; 180 acres cultivated, balance good timber, nearly level, fine clay loam soil, clay subsoil; within two miles of good railroad town; 50 miles from St. Paul; surrounding land no better, than this, was selling for $50 per acre and worth it. This goes tor $30 per acre.

Come and see it. 52-63 Court block, 243 Fourth St. Paul, Minn. SNAPS in Red River Valley lands; 320 acres three miles from good town; fair buildings, nice grove, oniy $20 per acre; 160 acres wild land; six miles from market. Price only $8 per acre.

Call and see samples of products and get further particulars. H. E. Crandall Land 420 Temple Court, Minneapolis. I HAVE 320-acre improved farm in Donnelly township, Marshall county, that I will sell reasonable for cash, easy terms, Thomas J.

Croak, general delivery, Minneapolis. LANDS FREE -Government land in Minnesota to Homesteaders; meadow land, hardwood, spruce, cedar and pine. Fine land for farming purposes. Lands for sale in Minnesota, North Dakota and Maniteta, improved and unimproved. For particulars address The Northern Land and Locating 501 Lumber Exchange.

ACRES. $2,000 for 60 acres, Shakopee, home, barn, shed, granary cost $800; three cOWS, horse, 60 hens, worth $260; new Deering binder, wagon, cost $165; harrows, plows, rakes, buggy, $128; twenty acres oats, twenty acres rye, ten acres corn, $200; winter wood, potatoes, corn fodder, $125; making a total of the land is certainly worth $30 an acre; only one and a half miles from town, good schools, churches, only eighteen miles to Minneapolls. will show the land to anyone Sunday, that is able to buy. Call me up. Twin City phone 4150, after 6 p.

m. Marcus P. Hobart, Phoenix building. FOR SALE- Twenty -acre fruit farm 32 mile3 south of Minneapolis; splendid shipping tacitities to Twin Cities. Address owner, C.

Hetzel, Jordan, Minn. FARM LANDS, RANCHES AND FRUIT LANDS WANTED. 10-15 ACRES, no: over eight miles from city, some cash: state location and price. A. L.

25, Tribune. FARM LANDS, RANCHES AND FRUIT FARMS FOR RENT. FOR RENT; acres of land on river road, miles from city hall, with four room house and barn. $125 per year to a good attendant, for particulars address H. Netzinger, 929 Fourteenth av N.

MOVING. THE M. P. D. delivers packages in city, 10c; 8t.

Paul, 150. 15 Seventh st 8. Tel. 1521-1. T.

C. 1503, CENTRAL FUEL TRANSFER and storage, good vans, careful men, prompt service. Office 12 Fourth st. T. C.

'phone 1908. Main THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men. Collective loads for "the coast" a specialty. Office 46 Third at S.

Tel. Main 656, both exchanges. CAMERON'S TRANSFER STORAGE port packers for storage or shipment, largest and Anest moving vans. Office, 200 Nicollet. 1208 both lines.

Rose. Tel. $324. T. C.

TYPEWRITING MACHINES. TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE--Sell, rent, repair all makes. 237 Hennepin. MACHINERY. LARGE stock of pulleys, shafting and hangers always on hand.

Northern Machinery 317 Third et, Minneapolis. STEAMSHIP TICKETS. LOWEST rates to and from Europe. Wenham's General Agency, 302 Minneapoila, CLEANING AND DYEING NORTH STAR Dyeing and French Dry Cleaning Works, 725 Hennepin. Both 'phones, THE PANTORIUM, 925-7 Nicollet.

Fancy dyers and French dry creaners of clothing for men and women. We lead, othera tollow. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS, practical dyera and French dry cleaners, out of town orderi solicited; prices moderate. 816 Nic. Both phones.

MINNEAPOLIS DYE WORKS--French dry cleaning; oldest, largest and best dry cleaning establishment west of New York. Or4 fices, 242 and 522 Nicollet. STOVE REPAIRS. REPAIRS for all stoves. Great Western Stove Repair 212 Hennepin av.


TEL. 514-3. STORAGE. THE BOYD TRANSFER STORAGE CO. has unequaled facilities for moving and storing household goods; packing for storage and shipment by experienced men: collective carloads for "the coast' a specialty.

Office 46 Third at S. Tel. Main 656. both exchanges. PATENT3 AND PENSIONS.

R. B. HOSTETLER, pension attorney, room 307 Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn. RUBBER TIRES. PNEUMATIC and solid rubber tires.

J. N. Johnson 915 Nicollet av. Send for catslogue. INSTRUCTION.

FIVE DOLLARS -Shorthand course to first 50 enrolling. Correspondence College, Northlleld. PATENTS. WILLIAMSON MERCHANT, Patent Law. yers and Solicitors.

Main Office 929-936 Guaranty Building, Minneapoils, Minn. Branch Office, 52 McGill Washington, D. C. DETECTIVE AGENCIES. BAXTER'S DETECTIVE AGENCY, 613 Tenpie Court, secret service work, all branches; operators sent to any point; none but experts employed.

HOTELS AND RESTAURANT SUP. PLIES. WE FURNISH the kitchen complete. Northwestern stove 312 Hennepin av. Lol.

161 Main. PERSONAL. FEMALE DISEASES CURED--Irregular med. struation quickly cured; 40 years' experience, Once open until 10 at night; good home tot patients. Dr.

Wheeler, Globe Minneapolis. Born Tel. Call 3203-L2. L. U.

FIRM, permanent, new hair in thirty days no pay. Oliver K. Chance, Hair and Sea. Specialist, bo0 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis, Minn. T.

H. BLY, M. SPECIALIST In all diseases or women, all irreguiarities corrected; private home for ladies before and auring connnement. New book, 25c, all you need 10 know. Once 27 Fourth st b.

Mrs. H. Land, strictly prevate home for ladies before through connnement. 1432 5th at N6 MRS. BOND'S monthly regulator is a never tailing remedy; longest cases success treated in two to five days at ottice or urepaid to any address, $2.

Private home for ladies before and during confinement; uate nurses, doctor's care; advice tree. Uttice hours, 9 a. m. to p. Sundays till 2 p.

m. Mrs. Bond, 306 sixth st Minneapolis. MRS. M.

N. STREETER, private home for dies before and during connnement. alt 9 st CORNS EXTRACTED 2c, Inverted nails and bunions treated. Collier's corn shields 230 per dozen; bunion shields DUG each. but sale by druggists or Dr.

Collier, 406 Nic. LADIES' preventives, perfect, sure and reliable, $1 per box, sent by mail; circular and advice tree. Midwife, No. 2323 Central av. MRS.

IDA JOHNSON (graduate), private homi for ladies before and during confinement. bade Twenty-second st S. Take Bloomington can MME. SIMS' FAMOUS "FACE still on sale at Nicollet av, room 404. MRS.

DR. LEVITT-Now open for business39 Washington av third floor, room kheumatism a specialty; gives medicated vapor, alcohol baths. LADIES everywhere use Lexington's French Capsules, the great French regulator, thoroughly reliable, absolutely sate; sealed particulars tree. Lexington Chemical tion Chicago. DOCTOR VAN DAMME, diseases or ties of women.

306 room 21. Call or write. EYES EXAMINED, spectacles fitted. Specialist, 329 Nicollet av, upstairs. NATURAL Health Institute--All diseases oured.

Consultation free. 612 Northwestern Bldg. LADIES -Use the Tuxor expanding syringed and tablets to avoid uncertainties and less worry. Send for our circular. Tne Luzor Minneapolis, Minn.

GERMAN home for ladies before and during confinement and finding of homes fur chitdren. 1007 Twentieth av N. MRS. DR. HAUGAN, professional masseuse, third floor, rooms 10-11; first-class assistant.

14 East Seventh st, St. Paul, Minn. DRS. HARDMAN-Osteopathy and vital magnetism. Office and residence 1613 Clinton av.

Phone N. W. Main 3301-J1. Hours 9 to 1. MRS.

DR. LEAVITT- Now open for business, 39. Washington av third floor, room 32. Rheumatism a specialty; gives medicated, vapor, alcohol baths. A MARVELOUS POWER-Mrs.

Strasser, Second st practices the world renowned Weltmer method of magnetic healing and treats acute and chronic diseases with wonderful success; she rescued me at the point of death after everything else had failed. Mrs. Bartlett, 1821 Second st N. MINNEAPOLIS HEALTH PARLORS. 526 and 528 Nicollet av, third floor, cornet Sixth st, suite 15.

Osteopathic, massage, electric and mental treatment given. HOW shall man attain the highest vitality Read September What to Eat. Newsdealers 10 cents. YOUNG man, successful in business, would correspond with refined, handsome lady, poor but honest; would marry. Address Neis Johnson, Grafton, N.

D. MEDICAL. DR. BLY, specialist, all diseases of women. New book, 25c.

27 Fourth st S. PARISIAN Bath Parlors, porcelain tub, cohol rube, at 152 East Fifth st; assistant wanted. St. Haul, Minn. IDEAL BATH PARLORS--Massage.

FILLA st flat 11, third floor; expert operator. MASSEUSE--Until very recently employed a sanitarium, wishes cases to treat at your home; rheumatism a specialty. 81, Tribune. MASSEUSE, manicure and chiropodist from Philadelphia, solicits refined patronage. Room 20 second floor, 250 Second av S.

IMPERIAL MANICURE PARLORS- -Scalp treatment, shampooing, face massage. 14 Seva enth st N. CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. SCHOFIELD, clairvoyant, 12 6th dime social Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday eve MME.

MURRETT, clairvoyant, astrologist, palmist; readings, 250 to $1.00. 525 Hennepin. MME. HUBBARD, fortune teller. tells past.

present and future. Price 25c. 609 Third st 8a MME. BATCH, professional card reader and palmistry. 520 Fifth av S.

Fee 250 and 000. MRS. JACOBS, Minneapolia' oldest. most be prominent consulted daily, all affairs of life. 510 clairvoyant; business medium; may Third av 8.

Satisfaction guaranteed. MADAME Andrews, Clairvoyant, 516 Ninth take Fourth av car. MRS. SCHWEINFURTH, trance medium, describes disease; gives absent treatment. ters answered.

Dime socials Friday evening. 14 Eleventh st S. 'Phone Twin City 2120. SEE THE BROCKWAYS FOR SATISFACTORY READINGS. 628 SECOND AV 8.

MEDIUMS union at Richmond Hall, Sunday night; skeptics especially Invited: come and learn the facts at Richmond Hall, Sunday night. Services 7:45 p. m. sharp. Hall corner Eighth and Nicollet, GRAND TEST SEANCE.

A. 0. U. W. HALL, 154 7TH ST.


Full names and facts which dumbfound the skeptical and set the serious to thinking, by the Brockways. Private readings dally at parlors, 614 Third av S. SEE THE BROCKWAYS FOR SATISFACTORY READINGS. 614 THIRD AVENUE SOUTH. PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY.


To the Creditors of Arthur 0. Hubbard, of the City of Minneapolis, County of Hennepin and District aforesaid, a Bankrupt: Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of September, 1902, said Arthur 0. Hubbard Was duly adjudicated bankrupt; thist the first meeting of his creditors will be held at the office of the undersigned in the Postomce Building, in the city of Minneapolis, on the 30th day of September, 1902, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend. prove their claime, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated September 10th.

1902. C. MERRIMAN, Referee In Bankruntey, WILSON VAN DERLIP. Attorneys for Bankrupt, 335 Lumber Exchange apolis, Mina,.

Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota (2024)


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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.