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0 MERCED (CALIORNIA) SUN STAR THURSDAY OCTOBER 291942 PAGE TWO 1 Merced Men ALSE TEETH 1 i I i sf 1 0 I DEANE 0 Berlin Reports Suite 302 Bank of America Building 4 Phone 389 i COTTON MATTRESS 22c IH ridav Saturdav ELECT I 41 SECOND rEATURE Qg QUALIIED EXPERIENCED LEGISLATOR ADiHNISTRATOR hildren 5 RANCHER DAIRYMAN 4 LAWYER LOWEST TERMS POSSIBLE RIO THEATRE VETERAN YOUR NEXT STATE SENATOR I MERCED NtS? Strand furniture stores i rank Scesa PC of Benecia was in Gustine riday until Mon day visiting his wife his parents' and her relatives PL I0D TOUGH ON BURGLARS SACRAMENTO A burg lar found out the hard way that reduced motoring has been hard on the service station busi ness After breaking into a sta tion he found it empty The owner said it had been aban doned months ago AUTHOR LEGISLATION and the Gospel Warriors STATION ollowing is an excerpt from a letter received by Mrs Mary Officers Will Honor Guards Club at Dinner WATER DISTRICT DIRECTOR 10 years HEAR THE OE HOUR 30 Minutes of Gospel Melody and Message with S' of Massachusetts wartime confer once 3 Officers cf Neighbors of Wood craft lodge headed by Mrs Mabel St Jeor will entertain members of the Guards club riday eve ning at 6:30 at the Bear Creek Grange hall Dinner will be served and a Halloween party will be arranged as entertain ment S' Joe Law the oldest son of Mr and Mrs Law of Livings ton is receiving his basic train ing as a midshipman in the Mer chant Marine at the San Mateo Basic Training School for two months He recently transferred from the Navy into the Merchant Marine having served in the naval intelligence office in San rancisco since his enlistment several months ago Henry Damos of the US Navy Destroyer base at San Diego has completed his fleet fire control school course and has re Join Marines COMING EVENTS Merced club card party clubhouse Oct 29 Pomona Grange election of of ficers Winton Grange hall Oct 30 in progress: for two weeks and while it officially was scheduled to close riday will probably be extended John Muir PTA met Wednes day afternoon at the school Mrs Hadley chairman of mem berships reported memberships this year had dropped one third from last total She ex pressed the hope that parents would aid in increasing the num ber before the present drive is closed Airs A Hoffman presided She presented Mrs Loraine Rogers Merced attorney who discussed the amendments on the November ballot Mrs concise and interesting version of the amendments was received with appreciation by her audi ence A discussion of the November meeting was held As it falls within Thanksgiving week it was decided with the consent of re mont Le Conte PTA the groups meet jointly on Nov 6 Tea was served following the meeting with the executive board as hostesses New teachers at the school were special guests and were presented to the members attending LT GOVERNOR CALIORNIA 4 years HIM ON EVERY MONDAY AT 7 :15 A'A This ad sponsored by the Merced County Republican Central Committee REGENT UNIV CALI 4 years KM 7:45 to 8:00 (German Broadcast Recorded by United Press in New The German high command reported today that Rumanian and German Alpine troops have captured strong ly fortified and stubbornly de town of Nalchik about50 miles southwest of Mozdok ini 1 the Caucasus 1 forces bottled up northeast of Nalchik were wiped out or tak' the com munique said mur days several Soviet divisions were annihilated and more than 7000 prisoners taken and 66 guns 38 tanks and vast quantities of other war ma terials captured or I ENDS Rex Harrison Karen Verne 10 noo Pearl Mondo Is Bride Of Deloy Gibbons The marriage of Pearl Mondo Merced and Deloy Gibbens of Pittsburg Calif was solemnized by the Rev ather O'Mara at the Reno Cathedral of Reno Nev Wednesday afternoon The bride wore a costume suit of soldier blue with navy blue ac cessories and a ccrsage of gar denias Accompanying the couple were the sister in law Mrs Gene Mondo and Miss Mar garet Pia of Merced i The newlyweds are enjoying a brief honeymoon before they re turn to Pittsburg to make their home Mrs Gibbons was previ ously employed here by the Mer ced Dairy and Ice company ATTORNEY NORTHERN CALIORNIA 8 years GEORGE HATIELD eeived his certificate as Range finder Spotter He is rated a 7C 3c Sgt Verle Rice of Merced who has been stationed with the Air Corps at Ontario has been trans ferred to Buffalo where he will enter Allison actory school to specialize in mbtors He is a son of Mr and Mrs Rice of street Dr Clyde Hudson Merced dentist has received his commis sion lieutenant senior grade in" the Navy and will report for training on November 20 He will close his office at 17th and on November 6 Mrs Hudson willmake her home for the ime being at San rancisco ft Ends Charles Winniger Charles Ruggles Van Heflin Patricia Dane Central Mrs Harold Lilley Is Honored at Shower In Reno Ceremony A layette shower compliment ing Mrs Harold Lilley was given Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Leeker with Mrs Easby serving as co hostess with her sister An informal afternoon was spent by the guests with gifts presented Mrs Lilley from a table with a stork central ar rangement heaped with pack ages Refreshments were served from prettily appointed tables decorated with pink and blue Guests with Mrs Lilley were Mrs Boulogne Mrs Wil liam Hoffknecht Mrs Nelson Richards Mrs Walter Couse Mrs Robert Cothran Mrs Carroll and Mrs Marcus Rags dale Sending gifts but unable to attend were Mrs red Wilkins Mrs Everett Nicolaisen Mrs Hoffknecht Mrs William Wivell and Mrs Abbott 452 SEVENTEENTH STREET MERCED PHONE 1137 Beta Sigma Phi Sorrority Begins Seasonal Events Plans for the winter season were discussed by Beta Sigma Phi sorority members Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs Melba Larsen president A card party will be a November project and a formal dinner and installa tion of officers was planned for Nov 18 Also a dinner party at the Tea Garden was scheduled for Nov 3 Mrs Larsen announced recent activities of the international sorority Topping the list as the presentation of a station wagon ta the Red Cross at Honolulu through Mickey Leverton presi dent of the Honolulu sorority The international group also has established a blood plasma bank at Honolulu These projects were made possible through contribu tions from all sororities in the Beta Sigma Phi international group Mrs Cole secretary of the local chapter said A tea for rushees recently was held! at the home of Mrs Cole on Twenty third with Miss Janet McMartin and Miss Mildred Me Martin as co hostesses with Mrs Cole Iami Ax i NEWS NOTES ABOUT OUR Sons in Service irst Giant Cargo Plane in 16 Months BOSTON Henry Kaiser west coast shipbuilder said to day that the first of his giant cargo planes least twice the size of the 70 ton will be ready for its test flight 16 months hence is no question that the cargo ships will be a Kaiser said after arriving here to address the Associated Industries ALSO rances Langford Ken Murray It Do false teeth drop slip or wabbly when vou talk oat laugh or be annoyed and rmbarrnAJ by such handicaps ASTEETIVJ alkaline (non acid) powder to eprin kle on vour plates keeps false twu more firmly set Gives confident feeling of security and added com fort Xo gummy gooev pasty tasu or feeling Get ASTEETH todaJ at any drug store 0 CLVV' VL lit' rvvv 544 Now that the closing day for the annual membership drive in the three Parent Teacher Associa tions of Merced is drawing near parents and friends are asked to 1 turn in their memberships for Hrira Vttic Machado from her son John who is stationed with the headquar ters company of an ordnance reg iment at Camp McCoy Wis: for having my address changed for delivery of the Sun Star as it is a means of keeping in touch with Merced I never realized before how good the Sun Star as a companion The funnies of course I could pos sibly get from one of the local papers but the news never! Lesher should be proud of his paper which by the way is read by 8 or 10 different fellows in Camp When I get through with it I pass it over to some one and in turn it is passed on to some one else Every once in a while some guy will say do you know so and Yes known nim for many years etc Stuff like that It helps to bring some of us fellows closer to each other knowing that we knew someone that the other fellow knows Odd Warren Woods of Camp Robert was a week end visitor in the home cf his mother Mrs Orelia Woods and family Woods was a clerk in the Gustine post office before entering the serv ice George Butts who has been in defense work for the past several months was in Merced Tuesday to enlist in the Army Air Corps He is a son of Mr and Mrs Butts of the Gustine rural dis trict Mr and Mrs Clarence Silveria left Gustine Sunday for Turlock where Silveria will take an Army training course for duty with the Signal Corps Pvt Douglas Parker of Walla Walla Wash spent Saturday until Monday in Gustine with his wife and friends MANY NEVER SUSPECT CAUSE BACKACHES Old Treatment Often Happy Relief Maiiy offerers relieve backache qmekly once they discover that the real cauM of their trouble may be tired kidneys The Hdseys are chief way cf tak ing the excess acids and waste out of tee blood Thry help most peoplepass about 3 plots a day V'hen disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood it may cause nagging backache rheumatic pains leg pains loss cf pep and energy get ting up nights swelling puffiness under the eyes headaches and dizziness requent orcanty passages with smarting and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong wiiu jruuf or otaoaer I rui A' Pills used successfully by millions for over 40 years They give happy relief and will help the irixies li innw niten ruit ruii i ate ora your blood Get Dow iPilz A ENDS TONIGHT (All Spanish) MILAGRO DE UN t) Merced California American Legion Auxiliary rummage sale former Justensen store Oct 30 31 St Guild Halloween bridge dessert luncheon Guild hall Oct 31 Methodist church birthday din ner at church Nov 6 all Garden estival Merced clubhouse Nov 7 Catholic Women rummage sale Nov 7 10 irst Baptist Southern cooked dinner November 12 3e 10e le Neglect Slipping A HEAR REV JESSE KELLEMS TELL HOW MINISTERS WERE MISLED BY ADVOCATES Hot Cargo RIDAY OCTOBER 30 Leave Thursday Seven men left Merced at 1 Thursday for San rancisco where they vvill be given their final physical examinations be fore being sent to San Diego for basic training with the States Marine Corps Sgt Jack letcher recruiting officer here says that all of these men will be returned to Merced Xo await further orders before being sent to San Diego for basic training Enlistments include: Melvin Olin Waits of Merced Eddwen William Douglass of Mariposa Herbert George Reecer of Mari iposa Lawrence Olin Ashworth Merced Anthony Louis Giardina Merced Gordon Bruce StringerMerced and Edwin Eugene Kirby of Merced George Henry Willett Merced The Marine Corps Recruit ing Station which is located in the lobby of the Merced post office will be open from 9 a mUntil 4:30 every day except Sunday NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC RUBBER SHORTAGE AND GASdtlNE RATIONING make it necessary for us to get this word to our patients While we have a staff of five including a resno Doctor who regularly visits our offices and specializes in the treat ment of diseases of the Eye Ear Nose and Throat we can not take care of all patients living in Merced and those who come from a great distance in large groups unless those living In Merced and vicinity will kindly let us know so that we can arrange appointments for the examining of eyes prescribing ana iiiung ux uvaumiii of diseases of the Eye Ear Nose and Throat We ask vour cooperation in this matter so that we may have the proper time to devote to your case as well as sufficient time to devote to those patients who come great distances ABLE The Women Page EDITED BY MRS SIBYL GROVES Appeal Is Made or PTA Menibers Loraine Rogers Speaks at John Muir at XA IV nod TD VI MV no Lod AOed? co a dr od 23 C'nX fV TV A I rOO 1 nV All rV AL a Mnvcv A Gain Russia 4140 KG Every riday at st EVENJLi JiBi I I 9 7 rn I 4 Bi VTI Pw i 4 7 Nuivrri 3 Ml 1 J' 4 nV' LWSSa' I I A WKW? cs nd nV' 1W JI 'Bl At Anvt 1 7 i rl 7 vv 7 a WBMkj i 3 i or SA' II I Il I Is WI vA? Tirt urfiBMfflBbAaBWTLg 5 LT I 1 7 M1 ir A jrw 1 5 MERCED Strand tf? 4W.
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