Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2024)

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Merced Sun-Stari

Merced, California

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CASE OSBORNE MOWERS AND RAKES Lightest Running 1 1 Hay Tools JAMES GRAIN CO and Streets Phone 1276 Tredway Co 443 Eighteenth Street Exclusive Agents toy CKOSLEY RADIOS and RERIGERATORS 460 17TH ST Corner of Street Aeu prin Style Paris Eashion Shoes Exclusively at THE STERLING Kill al St cored Calif Buy Chrysler luid Drive 5 ON DISPLAY AT SW Zcntncr Motor Co 617 17 th St Phone 251 I about Merced Brief Items Of Local Interest On Event In And Around The County Seat Here rom Marysville ShirlOy of Marysville a guest here of Robert McMath and Miss McMath Dies In Bakersfield Mrs Perena Zirker was call ed to Bakersfield Sunday by the death of her brother in law Shearer His death followed a heart attack Son Ts A son was born Saturday to Mr and Mrsy Stoltz in Dixon Mrs Stoltz was Miss Ethel of Merced daughter of Mr and Mrs rank Hale The newcomer second son of the Stoltzes weighed eight pounds five ounces Mrs Hale'left Mer ced Saturday for Dixon where she will spend a month with the Stoltz family Returns rom Mrs itzGibbon has re turned from a week end visit in San rancisco tlietum rom Mexico and Mrs Ernest Green have returned from a motor tour south as far as Mex ico City Return rom Mr and Mrs Hugh Lan dram have returned from1 a visit at Carmel and Berkeley On Oakland Trip Robinson is in Oakland for a few days on court duty Here rom Ireland Miss Sarah Stewart of Belfast Ireland spent the week end here with Mrs A Hawkins at 941 a Returns To Harrv Lourie returned today his home in El Portal after spending the week end here visit iing iVernon Guest Leaves or 'Mrs Burl Love left' today for Lindsay where she will stop sev eral days with her daughters and son in law Mr and Mrs William Beckman Thomas Schofield To Bing CrOsby Bob Hope'and Dorothy Lamour play the leading foies in" to playing tonight at the new Mer cod theater The latest March of Time also' is on the bill Here rom Oregon Mrs? Robert Somerville of Port land has been a guest here of Mr and Welch Returns rom Marvin Jones has returned from a week end visit in Berkeley with 'his family On Eastern Hadley is' in the east on business at Chicago Cleveland and New York city Merced Chorus Sings Merced chorus singers taking part in a PTA program in resno riday included Mrs Hadley Mrs Christine Hayes Mrs Wayne Morgan Mrs Peak Mrs Lowe Mrs Kenneth Monson Mrs Cyril Hansen Mrs loyd Barney and Mrs Paul McCombs They sang with the resno chorus before a dis trict audience Return rom East Chief Deputy Sheriff Morse and Mrs Morse have re turned from Oklahoma City En route they visited at former' home at Winslow Ari zona: They were accompanied by their nephew Clifford Welch In Hospital Here Mrs Donald Herron is a pa tient at Mercy hospital after Un dergoing an appendectomy on riday Here' rom Portland Mr and Mrs SE Welch of Portland have been guests here of Mrs sister Mrs Pearl Nelson at her home at 44 east Twenty second Mrs Welch ac companied by Mrs mother Mrs Webb and her niece Mrs Robert Somerville left by motor today for 'Portland Welch who is convalescing from an automobile accident will fol low them by train in a few days Commissioners to Meet If i 'Dies rom all I Thomas Stephen Schofield 75 of Merced died in Mercy hospital Agricultural Commissioner Kinsley president said today members of the San Joaquin Val ley association will meet here the morning of May 3 to discuss crop prospects Here rom resno Sunday afternoon Schofield was Mr and Mrs John Leicham of taken tothe hospital Tuesday aL tor was thrown from a horse at his ranch in the Lone Tree dis trict He was believed to have suf fered hemmorhages never re gaining consciousness Boot in Ewing Missouri Scho ield lived in Merced county 52 He' was a well known rancher and well driller and was active up until the time of his death Surviving Schofield are his widow Mrs Clara Schofield four a daughters" Mrs Joseph Yager and Mrs Alice Hass both of Red ding Mrs George Haskell andMrs Howard Hamilton both of Merced and two sisters Mrs Lee Brown of Pacific Grove and Mrs Joljn Hall of Nelsonville Missouri Nine grand children al so survive' uneral services wil be Tues day afternoon At 12 at Wclch 'Nelson mortuary with the Rev David McMartin officiating' En tombment will follow at the Ever green mausoleum V' END WAR HONOLULU 'JJ Unoffici al today indicated the battle fleet would complete its 1940 war games this week WOfllD'S ffililW JIS 1 11 SO mSfegg resno formerly of Merceduvisit ed friends here Sunday' Return rom Eureka Mr and Mrs Daggshatte returned from a recent' visit at Eureka (Advertisement)' Your first taste tells you and sells Extra Pale IVERS ALCORN UNERAL DIRECTORS I friendly and efficient service within the means of every family i 1 AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT DEPUTY OICE Phone 1440i Merced You vill enjoy living at the St rancis when visiting the air in location excellent appoint mentsjine cuisine from MERCED (CALIORNIA) SUN STAR MONDAY APRIL 221940 PAGE fHREE 1 A 9 SALE! 'NEW 69x1 Ill I I Reduced from 89c ROCKS 18 72c "101" Band Pants 1 Wards to bring 1104 3 Pcs IN WALNUT "Canying Charge nssEJ SENSATION! 318 I RADIO PHONO StOUClD fOU WKD WllK! WAllIgWtilljWtllt! UVt! WARD! WOABJE! SAVE 0UWWEQ1RW1 MWWaiWMMWW MB gallon in 5 gal lots Ward Week fat Saving ull Cut Sizes Cotton Covert or Chambray Lowest price of the season for a bike of this quality! the regular Hawthorne double bar Model 50 nothing cheapened but the price! Double saving for Ward Week! You getal1 the thinners you need AND a price cut tool Super is guaran teed to equal any house paint made regardless of price 'Bring con tainers for thinners Special for Ward while they last! New version of her pet Dutchies with those smart longer wearing red cork and j'rubbCr soles Sizes IQ'to 3 Automcli light! SUPER HOUSE PAINT WITH OIL AND TURP SALE! 25c APRONS Tubfast ruit oom percales! $5 A MONTH Down Payment Carrying Charge Printed Percales and Batistes! lodcDctVoiles! Leave it to you triple tested fabrics that look better wear better! And leave it to Ward Week to save you extra cash ull sizes Nine out of ten stores wpufd sell this handsome suite for $20 more' Tops and fronts are lovely American and Butt Walnut veneered on fine hard wood Mirrors Are genuine Plate Glass Bed Chest and Vanity or Dresser '25c Values Any where Big 22x44 Towels Look well! Wear well! Three big styles to choose from! Beautiful colors White Plaid sure proof that WardWeek values are real values! Amazing yVardWeek value! Automatic record changer! Self startihg pick iip 7 tube super het radio gets Europe direct! Has built in loop automatic tuning Compare any where with other combinations up to $30 more! ree Home Demonstration! Trade in your radio! automatically! '7 tube radio! WWIW0R favorite work pants at a new low price Made of denim you can depend on huskier 99 shrinkproof! 54e Sale! Band Pants Buy several save now during Ward Week! Beautifully made new prints styled like bet ter dresses! Tub fast! Coat and i a i s' Sizes rarige from 1 12 20 38 44 46 52 Crystal chjll tray! One piece reezer! Regular $498 Value! Wardolemh 0x12 32 Pieces 70 Asst Patterns id Save now! Tliese Ward Week prices on Wardoleum are economy news! Easy to clean stainproof wa terproof baked enamel 6x9 4J58 7x Compare with $6 Sets Service for (I Dinnerware tn Lovely floral design in bright gay colors! Red trimmed edges! irst quality American semi porcelainj Save morc'diirina VZard Week! 53 pc Service for 8 788 i Regular 149 Quality! Jfew Dntehies 1 Priced for action I 137 With Your 065 Old I re 1 0 0 6 0016 size NOW' OR WARD WEEK your old tire worth up traded in on warranted Ward River side Tires and Tubes! Buy during Wari Week for tremendous savings! now Regular 2595 I i Hawthorne Bieyeles Ward Riversides 2i or Toor Old Tires! COTTON 1 or Wards Regular 49c Quality! r' ir4 Work Shirt Sale 39 BIG 52 cubic foot! Ward Week! Lowest price ever for big all steel 1940 Makes 6 lbs of ice! 5 yr protection! 10 point temperature' control Compare nation ally advertised makes at $25 more! See it now! Deluxe featured 633 cu ft 11800 SAVE NOW ON AU YOUR NEEDS your greatest chance to save! Ward Week brings you greatest values great est variety of merchandise at the greatest possible savings to you! Plays 12 10 or K) 12" records Coverall lat Wall Paint Reduced from 179 Gal 159 Certified loor Enamel Specially made for inside floors 79c Qt Gal 278 Dry fast enimfel Nd bnishmarks! Dries in 4 'lire qt 82c' ekW 1 50ve Viwl tr DoVUr Carty EHKSskSsl a 'r4 9 fl 4 i i 1 Oil W77 al ftlH Mstn I 1 A fi I 1 IMmmmiSi Ki 1 711 I I 02 Hi I IM 'J pl VI' 'f I 1 I I I 1 1 a "JM ll I flfEjV ll I LUI JL 4 3 I "41 i) 4 M'S If til i lln 4 i ll tel I i i klH Milted WSiSi hk I i I 7 i sM Vna I 1 1 SJ 1 i mT 1 rs ji i I 1 I ft 147 ft I iPtsMBMiaBiiM i i lAt I AM I ras A 1 1 Vow riMr lij OfciWMaiwiirw i 1 I 1 Vb BX i i 8 tlrMw 1 Jb tWoHsfcql II iMK'1 tn I II i 'V'LkiYc TvSueVKTiAM AV A X'X'' aHT a 3 1 bm waJLapgMsa MKMWCTriflrtmiiWMgaSJWrrEr'WmwiT iliin ini tiinii'imwwwmnn iTirnrwwwin I 3 1 I linn hi i iii itr i rm i ilium' i mini mi in r' S': ft 'i 1 I 1W hi fAmI Ip I I 1W4 I BhtS Jtw Si 2s I LAW I 1 I.

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Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.