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PAGE TVTO INDIANS CROWD YANKEES Sun Star Sports CORBETT WHIPS GLEN LEE Allen To ace Pol Shots iTalk About 'Double Headers! Corbett Beals Armstrong Will ormer Mates Lee In resno SUITS New Styles Crowell Knocks Out Hankinson King Second In Wawona Golf 28 (UE Play in the SUITS TheStandings 56 6 35 I so SEE NORGE 3 1 Baseball Results AMERICAN LEAGIE 4 6 COAST 46 40 BEORE 32 prinz MORE ELECTRIC COLD! MORE PROTECTION SPORTS MORE ECONOMY! TROUSERS PICK OUT YOUR NORGE NOW: SAVE! $5500 TO $70 00 Highland MONTHS TO AY BOB LDRSHEIM HOME 415 Seventeenth Street Merced California AMATEUR IGHTS 4 R0UND 8 Mei red 'vrrsBURCh AZv McGinnis gull'n 168 41 4 5 of Rochester He in southern Cali 66 63 4 I 46 54 hind His at gait 2 PIECE TROPICAL WORSTED 463 453 AV 4 50 4 46 49 Lode Tournament August 6th and 7th Over 125 to choose from Wide selections of pat terns and colors Tailored in that inimitable McGinnis manner finest quality Oakla nd Scuttle RISE RAPID ST LOUIS Arky Vaughan Pittsburgh shortstop p'ayed only one season of minor league ball and that year stole 43 bases for Wichita the the Boston Washington Chicago Detroit Philadelphia St Louis 3 PIECE ALL WOOL YEAR EXCLUSIVE ROLLATOK COLD MAKING CARRIES A 10 YEAR GUARANTEE fight en route to New York YOU BUY AND CAUC! ta 4 63 3S7 293 INJURY BENCHES RISCH ST LOUIS Another foot in jury has put rank risch out of uniform and in the St Louis Cardinal dugout in shirtsleeves Los Angeles Portland Lillard and Sueme: Ililchrr PREMIUM BOOKS OUT STOCKTON Thou sands of premium books have been mailed to prospective ex hibitors in the twentieth annual San Joaquin County air to be held at Stockton August 19 2S inclusive Secretary Manager Ed ward Vollmann announced fo ci a Pittsburgh New York Cincinnati Chicago Brooklyn Boston St Louis Philadelphia 547 SEVENTEENTH ST MERCED CALI 7 1 lollvwood Salvo Brenzel ar for his Regular $4500 Values INCLUDING AMOUS KUPPENHEIMER Regular $4500 Values INCLUDING AMOUS KUPPENHEIMER ans Are Strange They Leave Contests See or Yourself Miss Best Action Tredway urniture Co S3S Seventeenth Street Exclusive Agents for CROSLEY RADIOS and RERIGERATORS SAN' RANCISCO The Sacramento baseball club 'today announced the signing of infielder Tony Malinoski makes his home fornia 2475 RIDAY JULY Memorial Building GUARANTEED TRUSS ITTING WILEY DRUG Golf Tourna Headquarters for RADIO and RADIO SERVICE Grunow Refrigerators Electrical Appliances Lighting ixtures 650 Street Phone 858 RADIO SHOPPE By BOB SHUMAN A sport fan is a strange ani mal He is one of the few cus tomers who is willing to pay a stiff admission price and then leave befoie the event has ended You have all seen it It may be a state league baseball game or a high school football game here it may be a world scries game or the Cai Stanford grid classic or some reason the least few minutes bring a rare dis ease to many fans They must get out of that stadium before the crowd Maybe there are 100 people in the stands yet never theless along comes the eighth timing with five runs separat ing the two teams and the cus tomers start for those enticing exits In football suppose one team is beaten 48 to Owith less than two minutes to play The beaten team could not possibly win and yet the most spectacular play of the game may occur in those closing seconds Once a few years ago Portland San rancisco in an opening game of the coast league Seals trailed by six runs in ninth inning but launched a JESS LATHROP Strum! Theatre Bldg RELIABLE ALTO REPAIRING 30 years ex peril nee Ah work guaranteed You pay only factory flat rate pliers regardless of time spent on ear ALTO REPAIR lOlt lTth Street Phone 637Shop in Rear met day The the surprising rally to tie the game and win it after a trio of extra in nings That whirlwind finish was one of the few genuine sport thrills A goodly portion of the crowd missed it They bad left early so they could be one of the first 100 to drive down the street away from the lot I have never been able to figure why so many of the fans get this strange urge to be the first one out of the park They figure they know who is going to win any way by that time Yet if that is all they want why bother to go to the game They7 could easily find the result of the contest somewhere without going to that trouble If a fan goes because he really is a fan and knows the game he will not leave his seat as soon as the outcome becomes apparent No he will stay there every min ute watching every play despite the score 9it The next time the Merchants play here watch the phenomenon for yourself As the eighth inning comes up and if the score is at all decisive watch John an start for those exits Why do they do it? bite why NEW YORK eastern clay court tennis champi onships was resumed today with top seeded Wayne Sabin of Port land Ore meeting Phil Rubel of New York in the feature match the southwest have introduced a above shows the innovation being unfolded before Houston fans The wrestlers are ring in teams which makes the job the toughest of the evening Sol Slagle 6 1 Cubic oot De Luxe Cl 70 El NORGE RERIGERATOR ONLY Cubic oot De Luxe ClOO CA NORGE RERIGERATORONLY Hl77OV SAVE $1 good for $100 I ACES PRISON TERM VISALIA TH' ound guilty of issuing a worthless $1 check tRankle of Tulare ti faced a term in San Quentin prison TRAINER REMOVES SHOES TO PREVENT INJURY CLEVELAND Dick Naish pur is an unusual horse He races without shoes Naishpur runs in such a way that his forefeet hit his legs above the hock trainer made repeated tempts to correct his without success So to prevent injury the shoos were removed The horse experiences no diffi culty on soft tracks but the going' is a little more danger ous on hard strips NEW YORK The Yankees have been saying all season that the Cleveland Indians were a "fold up But they been able to prove it In 11 games between the pen nant rivals the Indians have won seven the Yanks four Today the Indians can tumble the Yanks out of first place by sweeping both ends of a double header at Yankee stadium Vitt Picks Allen Manager Oscar Vitt has se lected Johnny Allen who has won 12 straight games and would rather beat the Yanks than all the other six clubs combined and rookie Johnny Humphries who has been red hot lately The pitchers will be Lefty Gomez and Red Ruffing With this array of pitching talent on display and first place at stake some 70000 fans are expected to jam Yankee stadium The way the Indians beat the Yanks yesterday behind the steady pitching of Mel Harder indicated Vitt has kept his club from getting panicky over losing the lead With Harder pitching a six hitter the Indians conquer ed the Yanks 5 3 and trimmed their lead to a half game The de feat snapped the seven game winning streak and marked their first loss in 17 games at home errell Drives In Winner Rick double in the tenth inning scored Buddy Myer with the run by which Washing ton defeated Detroit 4 3 Pittsburgh held its half game lead in the National league by blanking the Phillies 8 0 behind the five hit pitching of Ed Brandt The Cincinnati Reds broke a four game losing streak by scor ing a double victory over the Boston Bees 3 1 and 7 2 and climbed back into third place one percentage point ahead of the Cubs Tamulis stopped the Chi cago seven game winning spurt as Brooklyn downed them 8 3 Values to $1195 $749 LOS ANGELES (UR) Chuck Crowell a gangling youngster from the little farming town of Artesia knocked out Hank Hank inson Akron veteran in one min ute and 12 seconds of the second round Tuesday night The first round was compara tively even Hankinson clipping Crowell sharply and backing him into the ropes The Californian retaliated however and finding a target for his swinging right hand jarred Hankinson soundly Just after the beginning of the second Crowell backed Hankin son into the ropes and landed a left hook Hankinson tried to slide away from the towering youngster with the flailing right but Crowell nailed him with a smashing right hand to the chin Promoters in tionate scene stpnt into thp the referee in this case is trying to untangle from bottom to top Steve Malakoff Lou Plummer Pete Malakoff an Wee Willie Davis 3 5 1 ranks Koupal and $5 DOWN Olds usvn and Spin VISIT or Used Car Bargains PERSONAL SERVICE REE PARKING In the Bear tor Oiif Cutlomen OOD CENTER Locally Onncd and OperHfed 355 17th St Merced Calif SHOES $795 TO $895 5S9763532523GAO477 COAST Angeles Sa meiiio 1 San Diego SefcttlA San rancisco Portland Hollywood Oakland WAWONA laying the first round in sub par and the second in two over par Dave Wisnom of the Burlingame Coun try club scored a 71 to take low gross and tie for low net in the Store at Wawona Sunday His five handicap gave him a net 66 Max King of Merced was second with an 82 and Colbert Coldwell of San rancisco and John Robinson of Merced tied for third with an 86 Louis Milburn Jr of Mariposa tied with Dave Wisnom for low net He shot a 76 and carried a 10 handicap Charles Brusatori of the Marin Golf Club San Rafael was a close second with a 67 and Empey A 'Robertson' of 'Pre sidio Golf Chib of San rancisco shot a 69 net to take third Many of the players taking part in this tournament are plan ning to enter the Sierra Mother RESNO Young Corbett III veteran contender for the middleweight crown de feated Glenn Lee of Nebraska last night in a 10 round bout hold in the resno State College stad eum here Corbett look every round from Lee carrying the fight all the way Both men finished on their feet There was no knock down The fight was slowed dow by a hot nigiit The 33 year old Corbett used his left effectively He appeared slightly to better advantage than in his recent over red Apostoli in San rancisco The fight drew 5000 persons and netted a gate of $9000 Corbett weighed 160 Lee 156 MONTEREY COUNTY AIR SEPT 22 23 24 25 To ASSOCIATION Values to $895 $549 Values to $695 $449 Values to $495 $349 Just Why do Girls Leave Home 'iresfone 10c A DAY KEEPS ACCIDENTS AWAY TIRES AND TUBES Our Budget Plan 1 Enalext CrrdU In Town BOHN SHIPLEY RADIOS REPAIRED Any Make Any Model Auto Radios A Specialty A LTD ELECTRIC SERVICE Complete Electrical Service 5 Seventeenth St Phone 702 SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS Regular $3000 Values21" Regular $2750 Values Regular $1950 Values $1475 Regular $2500 Values 1475 I YOU LIKE COOD OOD VISIT CHUCK WAGON East Twenty irst Street Miles rom Courthouse Barbecued Menis Charcoal Broiled Stenka Chicken Dinners Regular $2500 Values 1875 BLOCKADE IS COMING! LN MONTEREY II PROPOSED CAPITAL SITE or Literature Write MOM ERE PENINSULA "A va A A a i vAie 3 01 3 A cA cv oVi or a aVC aV ight Covelli CHICAGO Tentative rangements have been made Henry Armstrong to defend world featherweight champion ship against rankie Covelli of Brooklyn at a Chicago ball park in September it was announced today liddie Meade manager of the featherweight and welter weight titleholder conferred here yesterday with co inanagers Jimmy O'Grady and John Ricketts who of fered a 8'20000 guarantee for the title Meade to train Armstrong for a title fight with Lightweight Champion Lou Ambers said he would re turn next month to sign a con tract Sport lashes SOUTHAMPTON Eng Mrs Helen Wills Moody of San rancisco recent winner of her eighth All England singles tennis championship sailed for United States todav aboard Europa "'s' jU iillMMlL wl new wrinkle nut vUS TIL 1 i Uu i H9 I ii (J 4 IL IL Im I 3 io i Till 1 I 12 SR I Jl I i BA rylv and Kai 7 I le I ga a it it pl? 'AZal I I I SiH i Ke Ipia rp 1 6 I if I liK lilill Mm 'w jEagB lioucr KI I ViK Ins ami Iwlzrv EiaK vA'L'iL i i rei sA MB ft 1 I I Jf 1 £3 fl ih a 1 Bl A eS jV'I A rtjPrj JB I "Li C7? 1 1 "2 a bi i a i I Bl 7 'N HI Zw I SpIMES I fc 7 5l 9KT I aft I XMkCrrmd 5 A a xA ft jLv sk A 9 Br XM AS A MKft a na 4 bB UNIT rwfcy rf jffr hsrl He I jg Ahh I SEE Tl kltZ fl'XL'PLt A BHHHEMBBIBHBBBHliBliBKBIBIHBHIHBBHiBHHBBfl rHBSMw5E I if! Ill 'i 1 I 111 rH I I I s' Hi IliWlL 3 te jri '1 itad 7l I Phone 168 I.
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