Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2024)

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Merced Sun-Stari

Merced, California

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MERCED (CALIORNIA) SUN STAR RIDAY NOVEMBER 6 1942 PAGE IVE 1 Rose Bowl and East West Games Get Army Approval 4 Go Ahead Subject To Change Should Military See it SAN RANCISCO Mili tary authorities will permit the RoseBowl football game to be played at Pasadena New barring changes in the pres ent military situation it was learned authoritatively today It was understood that the usual Tournament of Roses pa rade and pageant will be banned but that the tournament commit tee will be given the go ahead on plans for the football game Last year the Western Defense I Command banned the contest in Pasadena Oregon State college the Pacific Coast conference rep resentative and Duke university i the invited team played the transplanted game at Durham NEW YORK The lifting cf military restrictions on the East West Shrine football game at San rancisco January 1 gave promise today that Army 9 officials might remove a similar ban on the New day Rose Bowl contest William Coffman manag ing director of the Shrine game said here however that trans it portation problems furnished the biggest obstacle to approval of the Rose Bowl classic and might necessitate removal of the game to some location more accessible than Pasadena Calif Coffman reported that author ization of the East West contest annually sponsored by the Shrin ers for charitable purposes was given by Lieut Gen Leslie De Witt commanding general of the ourth Army San rancisco Profits of the Shrine game which was shifted to New Or leans last December when the Army cancelled the East West and Rose Bowl football games and the opening of the Santa Anita rase track would be di vided between the Shrine hos pital for children and war relief Tournament cf Roses parade has always been held in conjunction with the he said contest itself drew 90000 and the parade pulled about 1000000 persons which clogged the roads with vehicles from morning until night not the crowds but the jammed roads that present the difficulty field where our game will be playedis easily reached by street car so the Army did not hesitate to give us permis sion Our permit rules that in case of an alert all automobiles will be impounded and released only by the Army so that cars be blocking the streets of the Rose Bowl have notified Army officials in their application tiiat the pa rade will not be Coffman said will eliminate the major problem and doubtless will gain a permit for them Pasadena stadium is dif ficult to reach though and the game may be transferred to the Los Angeles coliseum or some other stadium which can be reached more The Pasadena spectacle was shifted to Durham last New day when Oregon State Coast conference titlehold er defeated Duke university In Pasadena sources close to the Tournament of Roses asso ciation indicated that the Rose Bowl game if played anywhere in southern California will be held in the Rose Bow stadium Coffman was here to confer with Coach Andy Kerr of Col gate one of the coaches of the eastern team Babe Hollingbery of Washington State will be one of the western pilots Co 'coaches are to be chosen to re place Lieut Cel Bernie Bierman1 who went from Minnesota to the Iowa pre flight school and Maj Lawrence (Biff) Jones who went from Nebraska to West Point A successor to Jones will be picked from the southwest or Missouri Valley conference Coff man said while re placement will come from the Big Ten Selection of the players for the competing teams will begin im mediately after the coaches are named TELL MEHOft sURE' ME CAPTAIN YOU HELPUM Oe GANG KIDS OUT IM WAP: I WHO GO AROLW St EORT LITTLE NEIGHBORHOOPAXIP I COLLECT UM OLP 'I RUBBER AMP SCRAP "MyT METAL? THAT HELP JW WK WAR YOU MM AiLur4 COM 1MI wiaZmviCT iwrr Sun Star Sports Tin Ear Tintype Hassan not that kind of a A A jvpf A UA A Bruins ear Rain May Upset Rose Bowl Hopes Bv DAN McGUIRE SAN RANCISCO Old man weather that nefarious in stigator of gridiron upsets may get in his first licks of the season Saturday when Pacific coast teams hit the home stretch of one of the wildest campaigns on record The old gentleman can make a mess out of the coast conference standings by sprinkling a few rain drops on the University of Oregon field at Eugene thereby giving Coach John Web foots an even chance to trip up the pace setting Bruins of the University of California at Los Angeles The Bruin offense is predi cated on seed passing and finesse while attack is built around the solid should ers cf Tommy Roblin one of the most powerful line smash ers on the coast A soggy turf would be all that the Webfoots would need to knock Babe Mor rell's Uclans off the Rose Bowl road On the other hand the sun may shine on another Bruin vic tory under the guidance of Quar terback Bob Waterfield the No 1 candidate for all America backfield honors Second place Washington State plays host to Michigan State in an intersectional tilt The Cou Noire Dame 5 2 Betting Choice Over West Point NEW YORK The fighting Irish of Notre Dame ruled a 5 to 2 choice over Army today on the eve of their intersectional foot ball battle which features the week end schedule and is ex peted to draw the larg est crowd 76000 to Yan kee stadium Headed by this" game the East came up with one of its best pro grams of the season The South also had a heavy schedule with Georgia and Georgia Tech its un defeated teams battling lorida and Kentucky respectively and Texas scrapping with Baylor for the Southwest conference lead Unbeaten Wisconsin against Iowa in the Mid west and at tempt to hurdle Oregon on the coast rounded out the headline list Boston College sole team in the East with a perfect record luled 3 to 1 over Temple Penn Princeton and Yale drew the nod in the Ivy league The Quakers were 3 1 choices over Navy Princeton 8 5 over Dartmouth and Yale 6 5 over Cornell Brown Holy Cross was 6 to 5 and pick Colgate 7 5 over Columbia and Syracuse 8 5 over Penn State Intersectional tilts had three invading teams as the choice St was 8 5 over Duquesne LSU 9 5 over ordham and North Carolina Pre light 8 5 over Georgetown Southeastern conference games had Georgia Tech 9 5 over Ken tucky Georgia 3 1 over lorida Vanderbilt 7 5 over Mississippi and Mississippi State 7 5 over Tulane Alabama was a 5 2 choice to defeat South Carolina Georgia Pre light 7 5 over Auburn Tennessee 3 1 over Cincinnati and Wake orest 7 5 over VMI In the Southwest Texas was 8 5 to defeat Baylor Rice 2 1 over Arkansas and the Texas Aggies 8 5 over SMU TCU was spotted at 8 5 over Texas Tech in a non conference tilt Wisconsin unbeaten conqueror of Ohio State rated 3 1 over Iowa in the Big Ten with Minnesota 8 5 over Indiana and Illinois 65 to set back Northwestern Iowa Navy was a prohibitive choice over ort Knox with Marquette 8 5 tcbeat Manhattan Michigan 3 1 over Harvard Ohio State 2 1 to trim Pitt Purdue a 5 8 underdog against Great Lakes Missouri and Oklahoma drew the nod in the Big Six The Tigers ranked 3 2 to turn back Nebraska in a game to decide the title with Oklahoma 2 1 to wallop Kansas State fast stepping eleven drew the nod 2 1 over Oregon in the Pacific coast conference with Oregon State 3 1 over Mon tana California an 8 5 selection to stop Southern Trojans and Washington rated even money with Stanford Wash ington State was rated even with invading Michigan State In the Big Seven Denver was 8 5 over Brigham Young Colo rado 6 5 to turn back Utah and Utah State 7 5 over Colorado State SPORTS PARADE By JACK CUDDY NEW YORK We predict) that the major league player limit will be raised from the cur rent 25 to 27 at the annual league meetings next month in Chicago as a duration measure The change will be accom panied by steaming debate in tire separate circuit sessions before the National and American leagues merge in a joint meeting The proposed increase in playing personnel has many vigorous op ponents in both divisions Despite these for and against apostles in each league the tide probably will be turned by suggestions from Commission er Kenesaw Landis reflecting wishes of the International league and American associa tlon Unquestionably the Interna tional circuit and the American association clubs will enlarge their active player limits adding to their personnel from lower circuits that have gone out of business because of service de mands Yet hardly a manager in either minor circuit who does not hope that the majors will vote to increase their player limits They know full well that if a major league in crease is not adopted they never will be sure of keeping for any length of time the players op tioned to them by the major league clubs Major league owners are di vided in their opinions of the de sirability of a player limit in crease Some of them even lean backwards and seek a downward revision in which the limit will be 20 men instead cf 25 President Horace Stoneman of the New York Giants has come out for an increase to 27 He will spend the next couple of weeks trying to bring Branch Rickey new head of the Brooklyn Dodgers to his side And voice will bear more weight now than if he still were a mere maneuver er of men with the St Louis Cardinals However the two Philadelphia teams the Phils and the Ath letics bossed by Gerry Nugent and Connie Mack respectively are on the other side of the fence They advocate smaller squads Their attitude Is under standable because smaller squads would reduce the level ol their respective circuits Nugent has been reported as believing that the number of players should be limited to 20 And there is an entirely uncon firmed rumor that President Ed Barrow of the New York Yan kees shares the same belief Both factions use as the basis of their campaignings Stoneham of the Giants says: should be allowed to carry more than 25 players because a club can lose four or five valuable men in a few days Hence replace ments should be readily avail able If they minor league clubs will automatically suffer because we would have to draft new men from them on short notice which would react to their distinct disad Meanwhile little doubt gars will automatically take over the top spot in the if Oregon pulls the unexpected Michigan great halfback Dick Kieppe will be pitted against ullback Bob Kennedy (he leading scorer in the confer ence Golden Bears riding the crest of a three game winning streak face Southern California at Los Angeles The Trojans appear to have the strength to stop Jurkovich and Pcrto who form Cali new touchdown combi nation Stanford entertains Washing ton here and the team from the northwest is slightly favored The loss of ullback Buck aw cett was a severe blow to the Indians insofar as their ground game was concerned And the Huskies have a hard charging line led by Center Walt Harrison Last champs the Beav ers of Oregon State have a chance to get back in the victory column for be picking on hapless St meets Duquesne at Pittsburgh and has a cliance to salvage something of the reputation for Johnny Podesto the pass pitching left half is reported to be in good condition Sunday Santa Clara battles Loyola at Los Angeles and the St Navy Pre flight school inactive for three weeks takes on the March ield lyers also in the southern city The Pre lighters are the only major un beaten team on the coast and one of the four in the nation Other Saturday games: Arizona vs New Mexico at Tucson California Aggies vs College of Pacific at Davis Whit tier vs Pomona at Whittier San Jose State vs San Diego State at San Jose resno State vs Ne vada at resno Idaho Southern Branch vs Compton at Po catello College of Puget Sound vs Pacific at Tacoma Wash ington rosh vs Oregon rosh at Seattle California rosh vs Stanford rosh at Berkeley Portland vs Linfield at Port land Eastern Washington vs Whitworth at Cheney Pacific Lutheran vs St at Ta coma State vs California Poly at San rancisco Carroll vs Montana Mines at Helena Youth Pleads Guilty To Check orgery Seventeen year old William was removed from juve nile court where his petition had been filed and appeared before the superior court to plead guilty to charges of forgery at his ar raignment Thursday morning Application foi' probation was made and granted by Superior Judge Hal Shaffer and the pro bation officer was instructed to report November 23 Howell was arrested October 22 by local police after cashing a forged check amounting to $9342 at a local bank that if the 27 player rule is not adopted most major clubs that option players to the minor cut fits will insist upon a 24 hour re call clause being tagged on every man optioned out Commissioner Landis always has fought against this quick recall and thus far has succeeded in keeping the majors in hand in this respect Rickey Almost Took Job of Bossing Browns By CARL LUNDQUIST ST LOUIS Mo The pos sibility of a duel for popular favor in St Louis between the Browns and Cardinals and the added inducement that he might pass the rest of his days as a lo cal country squire almost made Branch Rickey the general man ager of the Browns instead of front off ice man for the Brook lyn Dodgers Rickey who has one of the sharpest competitive spirits in Haseball admitted today that a battle for the favor between the Browns and Cards plus a generous from the local club made the recent con test for his services as general manager a torrid tussle between Brooklyn and the American league team He admitted however that the Dodgers back up their offer with a war clause that made it ply compelling to go to Brook But he added that he would have liked to remain here and try to make the Browns even more popular than the world cham pion Cardinals Rickey even figured on the possibility of an all St Louis world series next year with the Browns piloted by Manager Luke Sewell whom he admires greatly winning their first pennant Life as a squire on his subur ban acres' near here also exerted a tremendous pull since Rickey is a prominent member of the Grace Methodist church in St Louis and takes an active inter est in Republican state politics There were some indications that he might seek the governorship in 1944 All of these details slewed Ins final decision he said until he went to Brooklyn last week for the session which finally netted him an $80090 a year job and caused him to wire his regrets to President Donald Barnes of the Browns had really hoped to win Barnes said were more than a little disappointed Of course it would be foolish to say we could outbid the wealthy Dodgers but we went a iong way lor we knew that Rickey wanted to stay in St Louis Yet financial terms did not finally prevent us irom signing him It was his de mand for a war time contract which we simply meet I understand the Dodgers Barnes said Rickey wanted his contract to be effective for five years whether or not baseball carried on during the war Under the terms of the Brooklyn con tract Rickey is to receive full pay whether the war causes cessation of baseball or not Camp Needs Music Instruments Camp without Thursday issued an appeal to the people of Mer ced to contribute old musical in struments of any kind The service men there have started a band and have found in their ranks plenty of accom plished musicians but not one instrument for the musicians to play HOME ROM THE HUNT Hutson and Isbell Rudy Mobley of Hardin Simmons Another Whizzer' By TOMMY DEVINE CHICAGO Ol Another White was the tag placed today upon Rudy Mobley of Hardin Simmons college who leads the individual ball carriers according to the latest figures compiled by the Amer ican ootball Statistical bureau Back in 1937 White emerged from gridiron obscurity and paced the University of Colorado a stranger to big time rankings through an undefeated season During the eight game schedule White established modern foot ball records by gaining 1121 yards by rushing an average of 1401 yards per contest Those two marks have stood up against all challengers for four seasons but now Mobley appears certain to break them In five games to date the Hardin Simmons star has gained 882 yards an average of 1764 yards per game Mobley has four games yet to play and needs only another day comparable to the one he had last Saturday against Arizona to break the record Against Ari zona he gained 247 yards by rushing as his team won 34 to 26 Mobley is a sophomore and weighs but 160 pounds He and Camp Wilson a 215 pound fresh man fullback have carried vir tually the entire offensive bur den for Hardin Simmons un beaten outfit Wilson ranks16th in the nation in ball carrying with 427 yards to his credit Oddly enough this is the first season Hardin Simmons lias played a scheduled representa tive enough to gain it a place 1 IOS 1 I 1 ss S' Axles of their automobile groaned when Vern Soderstrom left and Kirby Seattle hunters returned from three and one half days of shooting near Baker Ore '1 he load: Two two point buck deer limits of pheasants ami Hungarian partridges near limits of ducks 31 Members of Crew Are Lost AN EAST COAST PORT Thirty one members of a crew of 50 were lost when their medium sized American merchant vessel sank before lifeboats could be launched after it had been torpe doed off the northern coast of South America late in September it was announced' Sixteen sur vivors have been landed at an east coast port The torpedo struck during the early morning' just forward of the No 2 hatch Dirty weather and a heavy ground swell com bined to make lifeboat launching difficult Before boats could be swung out from the ship it went down After drifting for eight days the survivors were picked up by a United Nations warship and taken to a Caribbean port NEED COW TAILS WASHINGTON The Ger man army has ordered the tails of all cattle in Germany to be shorn to supply hair to the textile industry according to the office of war information The OWI report said the Germans had issued an order that little tuft should be left at the end of a tail for whisking off Lakes last Saturday and is now second Gene ekete of Ohio State is third Elroy Hirsch of Will Seek More Gridiron Records CHICAGO The National football league record book today took on the appearance of a grid iron history of two players Don Hutson and Cecil Isbell of the Green Bay Packers Hutson and Isbell have dotted professional football records with their accomplishments for the past five seasons but never pre viously did they so thoroughly dominate the list of league marks As Green Bay trounced the Chicago Cardinals 55 to 24 last Sunday five league records were broken and two more tied Hut and Isbell had a hand in compil ing each of the marks The Packers face the Cleveland Rams at Cleveland Sunday and another group of records appear certain to be smashed by the Green Bay duo Here are the marks that are in danger: (1) Isbell needs only two mere touchdown passes to set a new league record of 16 the most ever thrown in a season (2) Three touchdown passes (he threw five last week against the Cards) will give Isbell a new all time league mark of 52 The current mark of 51 was set over a span of nine seasons by Arnie Herber This is fifth yeaf in the league (3) Isbell owns the league record of yards gained by pass es for a season 1479 lie al ready has 1141 yards cn aerials this season and still has give games to play (4) Hutson is only 14 removed from a new individual scoring record He has 82 points in six games (5) Ten mere points after touchdown will give Hutson a new league mark of 32 for a season to break the mark of 31 Set by Man ders in 1931 Hutson made six conversions last week for a sin gle game recent (6) Hutson currcnty has 10 touchdowns to his credit and needs but three' more to break a mark he set a year ago for the most scored in a season (7) pass recep tions have been good for 819 yards just 28 yards short of an other record chances of grabbing a few of the records this week are bright because the Rams always have been a for the lanky end In a game earlier this season Hutson caught 13 passes for a gain of 209 yards against the Rams Hutson is far in front of all league rivals in two departments of the official statistics His 38 pass receptions more than dou bles the total of his nearest com petitor Jim Benton of Cleveland and his 82 points far outdistances second place Gary amiglietti of the Chicago Bears who has 36 points Bill Dudley of the Pittsburgh Steelers retained his ball carry ing lead with 524 yards in lid efforts Wisconsin fourth and Rcy Mc Kay of Texas fifth rankie Sinkwich the key man of great combination continues to set the pace in total offense with 1436 yards Paul Govemali of Columbia is second McKay third Ray Evans of Kan sas fourth and Stcuber fifth Sammy Baugh of Washington leads in passing with 75 comple tions in 139 attempts The 50 caliber machine guns our fighters have higher muzzle velocities than the They are more accurate more pene trating and more destructive Citizens who have old or dis cai ded musical instruments will help the soldiers make music by calling Camp Merced at 1980 or by bringing their contributions to the base Sixty seven per cent of farm car mileage is for necessity pur poses among the 125 major teams sur veyed by the statistical bureau It owns five straight victories including triumphs over the Southwestern conference teams Baylor and Southern Methodist Mobley replaces Bob Steuber of Missouri as the individual ball carrying leader Steuber gained only 54 yards against Great UNNY BUSINESS i Aj JS? i EZ gg i vo 't Uy" COK1942 SERVICt INC KtG PAT Off 1 I' medal for efficiency if they and an order for the guard house if they THIS CURIOUS WORLD fi SOA4E a SCIENTISTS gw NOW THINK i NOVA SCOTIA AND THE BRITISH ISLES CNCE WERE LINKED jSsMk' Ul' BY A 4VZ Jslij OVER I BM 'A I I WHICH ANCIENT A I ELEPHANTS REACHED I AMERICA 'y COPR 1 942 BY NEA SERVICE INC I A GOLDINCH hfc i state bird of iuhva BUILT ITS NEST ON A STALK I JJlf TWO When people buy egg 1 PLANTS THEY ONLY GET THE iW £GCS NOT THE PLANTS' Says RITA BOlDO I ll WG PAT ft 3 i.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.