Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2025)

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Merced Sun-Stari

Merced, California

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1 MV Merced Ca Sun-Star 13 Thurs' Dec 28 1972 Awwriff The Hotdog 'War' May Resume Sacramento Summary I The Asseciated Press WedMSday Dac 27 dwMrng Council fcr" Higtiv THE GOVERNOR Education- and appropriates 1150 EUls vetoed 000 to pay tor it SB772 Harmw R' i Contraceptives r- Would permit Glendale doctors to prescribe contraceptives ftegnancy-Raquires anyone tor "sexually active" teenagers turnishing pregnancy test to obtain without parental consent SB 431 certificate of acceptability tram Beilenson D-Beverly Hills State Department of Heallb SB Fair employment Would have U0 Beilenson D-Beverly Hills authorised members the Fair-s Retirement Provides a five par Employes- Practices Commission to- nt increase in retirement benefits file complaints alleging unlawful for state or local' school districts employment practices two bilie SB employes who retired or members of 1 137 Oymally D-Los Angeles and fie Public Employees' Retirement 1 System who died on or before Dec 31 1970SB 335 Lagomarsino R-Oiai 'Cal-Vet Increases -the AB 7ft Ralph D-Los Angeles BHIs Signed' Townhouses Requires State Commission over how much fat should be allowed in them Until force years ago there was no federal lid on fat ihhot-dogs and some contained up to '50 per cent fat Consumer groups were pushing then to get the government to set a 25 per cent maximum-fat limit The Agriculture Department under pressure from meat companies urged limit of 33 percent I JBut the White House Spread the word that Nixon supported a 30 per cent Omit and that percentage was adopted types- Under the proposal JheaH- Yneat designation would be' dropped to favor o( or These could include only muscle tissue or red meat plus tap to 15 per -cent poultry meat' Sausages with additives such as dry milk soy protein and similar ingredients would have to be labeled "frankfurter nonfat dry milk The latest proposals could result jn foe' moat physically fit hotdogs since President Nixon intervened' in a 1969 dispute Lands and attorney general to review certain proposed a teases tor development ofmerin 5' 10 oriented- apartments and Zbtr' D' townhouses AB ISO 'Cory D-Gerden -Grove maximum Cai Vet home 4ori Sacramento and SB 1S07 SCtirade R-San Diego Child Survives On Aconi Diet Copley Newi Service ASpanJah boyagedSlwtio tad been missing four diys1 1 wis found hungry but weQ stelteringin a cra near foe town el Bede jot He had awyived several heavy raimtanng and lived on a diet of aconi 4 City Schools Mind Tneiday with meat sauce crip green salad seasoned 1 -green salad French rolls sliced peaches and milk Wednesday -Chili beans spinach corn bread cookie orange wedge and milk Thursday Tacos buttered corn confetti salad pan bread apple crisp and milk Friday Fish sticks baked potato broccoli whole wheat roll applesauce and milk Gov Wallace Fights Paiii any witness at state ministration' hearing who is not proficient in English AB 1557 Z'berg D-Sacramento -Geophysiciste Includes geophysicists under Geologist License Law AB INI Ketchum R-Paso Robles Appropriates 120000 to Cafifwnla Crime Technological Reason Foundation to study security of explosives storage facilities and recommend security standards AB 2U7 Crown D-Aiameda Requires school boards otf-niq refltighwaySihwIsiS funnels the money into facilities for operation of such vehicles AB 1S1 Chappie R-Cool Parkland Relieves builders of specified condominium projects from dedicating land for park or recreational purposes as a condition of subdivision map approval AB 1341 Quimby D-San Bernardino Equal opportunity Permits community colleges to refuse to provide instruction for apprenticeship programs if sponsors fails to try to comply with state MIAMI Fla: (AP) Gov George CL Wallace is using an experimental device to block pain impulses from the spinal-cord injury he received during an assassination attempt in Maryland last spring The Alabama governor on a holiday trip to Miami said Wednesday he had experienced rsuK 1 A 3M whose market value exceeds 1200 SB 452 Bradley RSan Jose: Community Requires four-year study of California community college system by Coor- Kidneys Appropriates ISMMM0 annually for treatment programs for children with chronic kidney disabilities AB 1414 Vasconellos D-San Jose WASHINGTON (AP) A stubborn wienie war which even spread hi foe White House once could flare up again when hotdog eaters and makers tangle over qew labeling requirements' The' Agriculture Department is under pressure to streamline hotdog labels and ban such uri-appetizing animal byproducts as Ups snouts and spleens' Consumer pressures court decisions and meat in- dustry's slow acceptance of new rules have highlighted hotdog struggles for the past four1' years The latest USDA proposal which is open for public comment until Feb 21 bows to recent court rulings that the "all-meat" labels on hotdogs contain up to 15 per cent poultry and non-meat ingredients are misleading Byproducts now are not allowed in all-meat hotdogs but are' permitted -along with cereals and dried milk in plain ThaLaudar Modal S02562M Early American Styling Spaca Command 800X 25" Diagonal in Mapla vanaari and intact hardwood solids txclualvc of dacorativa Irani and bratkal feat Electronic Tunar lONuisanet 31 Adjectival 12 Small suffix depremiona SBiUkal 13 Rate of motion 35 Iron IS Aunt (Sp) 37 Footed fo Open to public 3S Tbri peniaal 41Eaten eway 21 Violent dread- 42Ghoatly 22Spataiah 43AcreemeiU dining hall 23Anatorfiy (ab) 24 Ceremony Z7Turfciah refimeni 28 Coven with turf Fencing 44 Wi 47 Iria layer (anal) 48 Weights of MGaalie -Slfitoountmd 53 Arrival (ab) nr 5 IS --7r 27 28 29 32 34 38 42 48 45 53 57 1 Notices MERCED Dial-a-bilS 722-3532 Service anywhere within Merced City Limits 7:30 pm everyday Dollar minimum charga Two or more pasapnpers 50 cants pw passenger RUSS' Watch Repair Now Has for XMAS CLOCKS by Seth Thomas anothers Cuckoo Wall Clod Grand Fathw Grand Mother wait Disney Mickey Minnie Mouse and Watches Kit Cat Kitchen PLAZA CENTER 1355 WmhSf Between and 723-702 2 Personals problem witn alcohol? Alcoholics Anonymous corner Dan Ward and Beach wood Drive 722 5951 723-2544 QUIT smoking in three eesy steps Write to Atwotw Blvd Apt 5 Atwatw MEN'S toupees wigs on display Tony's Barber Shop 2830 Street Merced Lest and Found FOUND: Black female kitten Came to 1375 East Morcod Avenue Phone 722-4431 LOST: Vicinity Hoovw School 7th-Ith Avenues Mattel Superstar plane Child's Christmas toy Reward 722-1757 LOST: Gray female cat with pink collar Phone 722-0479 4 Food-Dining CAULIFLOWER tollards mustard turnips Rutabaga kale cabbage Allen's Acres 19T Belcher 723-2568 ORANGES at tlwir best 7c pound bring containers Whealan and Kratft Road 722r4311 722 7711 SERVICES Repairs Improvements BEAUTIFUL acoustic glitter ceilings Texturing sheetrock repair taping Licensed con tractor 529-4971 collect LIGHT carpenter work maintenance and repairs roofing also cooler repairs Phone 358 4340 COMPLETE garden yard care Cleaning pruning etcetera Free estimates 7231448 or 723-3389 WALLPAPERING 1 PAINTING FIRST CLASS PHONE 722-3254 or 723-4813 YARD cleaning and mowing landscaping pruning Experienced reasonable Phone 722 0890 or 723 4329 WHY pay more for painting and remodeling when you get it rinnr tor less 354 1135 or 721 8787 LAWN cere by the month Tree pruning yard cleaning hauling Phone 7217844 DOUGLAS SEPTIC TANK SERVICE New installations repair pumping 722-4871 TREE STUMPS REMOVED Machine operation Jack Helsbv Phone 722-5291 some discomfort from the injury and called the Veterans Administration to see if some relief could be provided VA doctors recommended a cutaneous stimulator which sends a tingling electric shock through the nervous system blocking pain impulses from the brain Simulated TV picture Tha Whitney Modal SD255S Space Command 500-25" Diagonal In Dark Oak vanaar or Pocan veneer and aaiacl hardwood solids exduiive of dschrattvo front and panel! and bait Solid-Sun Sugar Video Range Tuner Doggy Bit Skye 43 Due Map 46 Annual income (FrJ 47 Application 50 Poplars Slfawionr SiTandle 58noacwha encage for Uriah- SEnglish' dog 1 llHaniwuad 13 Principal commodity 14 Deduction 15 Hazards IS Goddam of foe dam IT Bury Feline animal 20 Long suffering 22Cirfinamc 2SSorrowful 28 Alleviate SOFeininina appellation 32Lowcatdeck ofariiip 33 Tardier MClamarioct 35 Solar dhk 38 Young canine 38 River in 56 Hack 57 Obliterate 'DOWN' 1 Had on 2 Martian (comb form) 3 Slight flaps 4 Greek letter 5 Anatomical" lUnbcndinf 7 Harold (ab) 8 Hemic Feminine 1-2 3 4 5 if 12 14 II 20 24 31 37 41 3T 45 46 3T 11 ST ST BIRTHS A 'MarcadOanaralHaspital To Mr and Mrs Cecil Hicks Dos Patoi ion Dec 20 To Mr and Mrs Jack Lac Dan-ford Merced son Doc 21 To Mr and Mrs Antonio Graieda Los Banos son 'Doc 21 To Mr and Mrs Homsr Larry Smart Los Banos son Dae 24 To Mr and Mrs Gary Lynn Witt Merced daughtw Dec 21 To Mr and Mrs A Minor Merced ion Doc 25 To Mr and Mrs' Jesse Romero Turlock ion Dec 21 To Mr and Mrs Lao Waynt Cochncuer Los Banos daughter Dec 21 Mercy Hospital To Mr and Mrs James Taylor Winton daughtw Dec 21 To Mr and Mrs Kenneth Las Iter Chowchilla son Dec 21 To Mr and Mrs Jorgo Zaragoza Merced daughter Dec 21 To Mr and Mn David Sirl Merced daughtw Dec 21 To Mr and Mrs Louie Padilla Winton son Dae 24 TO PLACE YOUR CALLTHESUNrSTARIN: Merced 722-1511 Atwater 358-5654 Los Banos 826-4428 DIAL TODAY 1 friendly Want-Ad Taker will help you word your ad! Call befwe 3 pm to start your ad the following day Saturdays call before noon to stwt your ad Monday Ads received before em may appear that same day in "Too Late To Classify" at 5 cents more pw ADS CANCELED before 4 pm will not appear the following day: except Saturday call befwe noon to cancel tor Monday TO EXTEND VOUR AD call before 11 am on the last day ybur ad ap pears PLEASE READ -YOUR AD! Advertisers we asked to check their ads the first day 1 REPORT ERRORS BEFORE IX pm to ba in time lor next insertion The Sun-Star is responsible Iw only ONE incorrect insertion tor any ad THIS NEWSPAPER reswves the right to classify edit accept reject any edvwtising in accordance with its policy ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 Notices GRANDOPENING Of the new luxurious Happy House Massage 1S22V Street January 2 Phone 722-8141 BEFORE you go sky diving see Charles Alexander for an oil portrait! -X7 Wait 17th (Merced Theater Building) MEMBERS SPECIAL 12 Months Duel Only 836 Offer ends Dec Xth 1941 49 re 71 end 72 MembwNiip Still Valid ELAINE POWERS FI CURE SALON' 713 Merced Mall 723-3752 WANTED MERCED COUNTY OFF-SALE GENERAL UQUOR LICENSE pay lull cash Private Party Write Box Merced Sun-Star BRUCE Can make it all happen IN YOUR HOME because you've got the winner sitting right there in your Hiring room Super Chromecolor! As for you folks who haw Super Chromecolor here are a few reasons why you should SUPEPCHROMACObDK TTWI 100 Solid-State TitanOO Chassis 200 eliminates all chassis tubes forever It features Zenith! Dura-Mod uies small circuit packages designed for easy servicing Chromatic One-Button Tuning otters instant automatic control of brightness contrast tint color level and flesh tones at the flick of a single button Zenith's Chromatic Brain is a color demodulator that detects and extracts incoming color information providing sharp precision color Specs Command SOOX Remote Control adjusts volume mutes sound I changes both VHF and UHF channels turns set on or off And does it silently with no wires cords or batteries Electronic Tuning System permits automatic selection of up to 14 pre-tuned channels (where available) in any combination VHF and UHF and in any sequence It's an amazing electronic wonder you'll have to see to believe AFC Zenith's patentedAutomatic Fine Tuning Control locks in your finely-tuned Alwi picture and keeps it locked in as you change channels Just tune it once push AFC and forget it Super Chromecolor is the next generation of foe famous original Chromacolor-the picture that set a new standard of excellence in color TV And the new advanced Zenith Super Chromacolor picture tube provides richer colors superior brightness greater contrast and sharper detail than the famous original Chromacolor Zenith pioneered developed and patented Chromacolor TheAvantri Modal SD2564X UUramodni Space Command SS" Diagonal flniiliad In Bermuda Shell white lacquar and Grained Rosewood color 5'JOT57superhroaaacoior i i YEAR END CLEARANCE NOW IN PROGRESS CEMENT work patio foundation sidewalks Frte estimate At Pet 721-2705 attar 4 pm CARPENTRY painting roofing and -siding-plumbing-saww work-Phone Hal's Construction 722 0487 14" Diagonal Zenith Color Portable Modal D-290SC CLIFF'S Floor Covering complete lino linoleum carpet tile Phone 7215241 358-3442 GARDENING Prunln9- 723-0800 after 5 pm LET US PUT COLOR IN YOUR LIFE IN 73! -j tv stereo 7224017 Cloggd Sunday's GENERAL home maintenance anu repair Painting-Inside and out-slda Phone 354-4450 TREE removing pruning and shaping Also brush hauling Phone 7211551 1MIVesM7fb Street Open I to Thursdays 111 9 i 1 I.

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Merced Sun-Star from Merced, California (2025)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Views: 6117

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (54 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.