Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: a few weeks in Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 2: back to school bash Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 3: first day of school Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: Woodbridge Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 5: sleepover with Elena Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: caroline's birthday Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: the theatre only an hour drive away Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: parents Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: christmas unlike it was Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: dire straits Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: unpalatable cognizance Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: damon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 13: dearly despised Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: what has and what will happen Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: the divine unexpected Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: unease among the formers Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: it's not right Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: Don Eyague Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: apologies Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 20: bad argument Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: paths crossed in the 20's Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: foreign Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Caen Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: katherine's sector Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: old demon Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: chaos Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: one day Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: the annual grand gala Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Manarola Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: anger and defeat Notes: Chapter Text Notes: References

Chapter 1: a few weeks in


Welcome to the world of What We Knew. As you read, you'll see changes to certain characters' history, for some, even their personality. I altered according to how I believe they would behave/speak/interact. This fic will not be following plot points from the show! There may be mentions of some here and there, but it will not be a primary focus. Okay! That’s it! I hope you enjoy :)
Visit for visuals and fic updates!
As always,
~~much love

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (1)

“Oh, it’s just perfect,” Y/N remembered her mother saying a couple of months back, “excellent lighting, an ensuite bathroom and walk-in closet in the master! Here, Y/N, take a look,” she said, turning in the passenger seat to hand the phone to Y/N, a bright smile on her face. Her smiles were contagious, and looking back, Y/N remembered she smiled back at her mom, though not on purpose. Looking at the screen, it was a beautiful place. The kind of place she could see herself buying in the future.

“You’re wanting to buy this one?” Y/N asked, seeing that the listing was on their realtor’s site.

“Yes, we have enough for the entire payment up front, so we’re really just waiting for her to send us the papers,” her mother sighed, reaching her hand back for Y/N to give back the phone. This would be her fourth home and fourth school. What fretted her most was that this time, she would be moving to a small town. Y/N had only ever lived in big cities, and she liked the independence of it. Knowing your neighbours not. Block parties and community get-togethers, mere fuel for a joke about permits, leading to talk about taxes then rent then worse. Y/N never knew in full why they would move. She knew it was something about her parents' work and that would be the most she ever knew. As she grew, the innocent curiosity of her parents’ jobs did as well. They never talked about it, neither did she out of respect. Though at twelve, she asked her father. He mentioned something about NDA’s, legal documents and other things of that sort before quickly changing the topic. Later she asked her mother. And as expected, received as vague an answer. She didn’t ask again. They spent a lot of time moving from place to place for work, and even more time at work. This was the way ever since Y/N was small. They trusted her to be alone. Thought her responsible and independent enough to take care of herself. And, she was. But she shouldn’t have been. It was hard because her parents weren't bad . They were just… Unavailable. And in her eyes, calling the police and changing her whole life just wasn’t worth it. It was made clear that this new place they were getting was going to be Y/N’s. Now almost eighteen, they could leave her alone for much longer, only coming by for a visit in the second bedroom.

“Use the family card for whatever you want or need,” Y/N’s mother smiled, when Y/N was packing up her old room.

Now she sat at the kitchen bar, on the one barstool she unboxed out of the three. The entire first floor and second bedroom upstairs were full of furniture boxes she had yet to unpack and build. Unexplainably grateful for the furniture, she would have liked it if her parents helped her move in a little. They were long gone, having dropped her off a little over a week ago. Standing from her seat, she made her way to the front door, having decided she would be getting a coffee from CJs Sip she was sure she saw on her grocery run last week. She picked up her tote bag by the door, slinging it over her shoulder as she turned the door knob. 2:00 pm Sun shone on her. The weather of this late summer in Mystic Falls was chilled enough for the hoodie she wore. She closed the door behind her, locking up and stepping down the walkway. The block was quiet as Y/N walked down her street. Despite her anxiety and pensiveness, the afternoon air smelled of love, friendliness and Summer flowers. She looked at the houses she passed by. A lot older than hers, and all very big. A block ahead she noticed a busy avenue, seeing dozens of Mystic Fall residents chattering amongst each other as she neared. Closer, she saw a booth on the side of what now appeared to be a public park. The booth had the words “Donate Here!” on a banner hanging on its front and two girls sat behind it. A blonde and brunette seemed to be in their own conversation as they helped each person at the booth.

“Looking for something?” A friendly voice asked behind Y/N. She turned and met the eyes of a girl no more than five feet tall. She wore a trendy outfit of a too large sweater knitted with different greens and blues, over a pair of large brown denim. Dirty high top converse peeked past her pants, and her right hand rested, holding her tote bag’s handles over her shoulder, knuckles slightly brushing against her perfect curly hair. Y/N wanted to be her friend.

“Oh yeah actually, I was just looking for CJs Sip? I thought I saw one last week,” Y/N replied, regaining her focus after seeing someone so cool looking.

“Oh yeah, totally. It’s just over there a couple blocks down!” She smiled, pointing left, “you just moved down the block, right?” She asked, pointing behind her with her thumb.

“Yeah, a little over a week ago,” Y/N smiled politely, initially finding the question weird, then remembering the smallness of this town.

“That’s great, are you going to Mystic High?”

“Yeah, do you go there?” Y/N asked in courtesy,

“Yeahh, I’ve lived here my whole life, and there weren’t many options for high school,” she chuckled, “I’m Bonnie,” the girl extended her hand.

“I’m Y/N,”

“Nice name,”

“Thanks,” Y/N smiled, now feeling relieved she had met at least one person that goes to school with her.

“Well, I’ll let you get your coffee, but I’ll see ya around, okay?” Bonnie said, slowly walking past Y/N.

“Yeah, for sure, see you,” Y/N smiled again, slowly turning away and walking the direction Bonnie had pointed her in. The overlapping voices quieted as she neared what would probably become her usual coffee spot. She pulled open the door, seeing few people inside.

They sat at different tables around the shop, computers or ipads open, each typing quickly. The only person who stood was a man, waiting for his drink at the other side of the bar that Y/N was approaching.

“Hey, what can I get ya?” The barista asked Y/N as she stood in front of the till,

“Please can I get a Y/F/D?”

“For sure. It’ll be $6.85, what’s your name?” the barista asked,

“Y/N, and Debit, please,”

“Whenever you’re ready,” the barista pointed with an open palm to the machine, “it will just be at the bar over there,”

“Thank you,” Y/N said, walking over to the bar. The man who had stood there now sat at a high table, drinking his coffee and looking at something on his phone. Her eyes met with a handsome man. A round chin contrasted perfectly with his chiselled jaw and cheeks. Dark, angled brows hooded a pair of eyes maya blue, bright against his palish skin. He wore a sophisticated, black turtleneck, maybe made of cashmere. It was tucked into a wide leg pair of slacks, a sleek silver watch round his left wrist and a chunky blue ring on his middle finger. She looked away, wondering how old he was and hoping she would see him again. Though today, she was not in the mood to approach.

“For Y/N?” A young boy asked, handing her the drink.

“Thank you so much, have a good one,” she nodded, turning to the exit, going home.

She was met with the cool air once more and decided to take a different route home.

Not too different, she realised once returning home where she was once again met with the boxes of furniture. She looked expressionlessly around the room, debating with herself whether she should unpack now or not. She was feeling considerably more energised now… And before she fully made her decision she began reading the labels on each box, figuring out what was what. Bending down, she set her drink a safe distance from her and the boxes, then turned to the window and pulled up the blinds. Orange sun stretched across the long room, touching even the kitchen at the very back. Reaching in her pocket she fished out her keys and began opening the first box.

The living room took about an hour to fully unbox. There was of course the decoration shopping needing to be done, but the basic furnitures and the mood lighting was complete. She sat on her couch, very happy with the purchase. Taking a sip of her drink, she felt at more ease than she had all week. So much more ease indeed she decided it was time to work on her bedroom. It would surely be much easier than the living space. Y/N had taken most of her furniture from her last home over here and the movers put it in the spots she asked them to. It was really just her clothes and personal stuff needing homes. Not too long after she began working, she heard a faint knock on the door and sighed.

Small town,’ she reminded herself, walking out of her room and downstairs. She looked through the peephole, seeing the handsome café man.

“Hello?” Y/N asked through the door, not exactly wanting to open it up to some man who apparently followed her home.

“Uh, hi, I saw moving trucks here a week ago and then you, a new face, at CJs and just wanted to introduce myself,” the man said, somehow easing Y/N’s initial anxiety. She looked to the side, debating on whether or not to open the door.

Small town,’ she thought, and opened the door. She snatched another quick glance of the outfit that suited him so well.

“People in small towns just show up unannounced, then?” She asked, half-joking half-not. He chuckled,

“Aha, I guess they do,” he shrugged, “it’s been so long I sometimes forget the big city, which I’m assuming your from,”

“Mhm,” Y/N nodded awkwardly, unsure how to feel of this very much unexpected visit.

“Well don’t leave me hanging… Which city?” He asked, truly interested. Y/N smiled and rolled her eyes playfully.

“Philly, for a while” she replied,

“Mmm, I should’ve known… A traveller…” He nodded, raising his brows, “what should I call you?” He asked,

“Y/N, and yourself?”

“Damon,” he answered plainly, now giving a slightly sly smile. She smiled back for a moment, studying his face. His expression was plain, despite his smile and tone of voice, and Y/N could not read him.

“It’s nice to meet you. Do you usually go to CJs?” She asked, creating an exit for the conversation,

“Yeah, I like a nice late afternoon coffee,” he shrugged,

“Okay cool. I’ll be there tomorrow around 12 if you want to talk more, but I’m just unpacking all of my sh*t right now ahaha,” she explained politely,

“Oh yeah of course, no worries… Do you need any help?” He asked and in courtesy, Y/N gave him a pretend look as if she was actually considering the offer.

“That’s very kind, but it’s okay. I’m kind of weird with where things need to go,” she smiled, really wanting to get back to her work.

“Okay yeah, no worries… Well, maybe I’ll catch you tomorrow then,” he raised his eyebrows once playfully and smiled, “goodbye, Y/N” he stepped once backward then turned around, walking away.

“Bye,” she replied, slowly closing the door and locking it.

At 6:00 pm, Y/N was long finished with her bedroom. Sitting now on her comfortable and familiar mattress, fumbling the heart-shaped locket around her neck that her parents gave her years ago. For a moment she considered sending them a message, telling them she missed them. Instead, her stomach rumbled and she quickly recalled her go-to delivery place a few years ago in New York. The perfect restaurant for tired nights like these where she knew she wouldn’t be cooking. The sweet and sour pork was just unbeatable and Y/N wished she could teleport there and back. Scrolling on her phone, there was but one chinese restaurant in Mystic Falls, and on Tuesdays they were closed. Safari showed her a few other restaurants near her, and Mystic Grill seemed the best choice. 4.5 stars made from thousands of reviews. It couldn’t hurt. Again, she walked downstairs and into the Summer night, golden sun pouring over her. The air was certainly more chilled, but still good enough for her hoodie. Approaching that same avenue from earlier, the gathering had seemingly ended. Being what was probably the Downtown of Mystic Falls however, there were still a few dozen people scattered about. A few were in the park having a picnic, walking or talking, some walked with their friend on the sidewalk, and others stood outside of the establishments that lined the street. Y/N stopped in the same spot where she had met Bonnie, and looked from right to left, searching for Mystic Grill’s sign, seeing it a block left. She stepped into the Grill, meeting a large room both dark and well-lit. Groups and pairs sat at each table, chatter overlapping until the noise became a buzz when you listened to it altogether. Beams of wenge wood striped the high ceiling, and a matching fence ran down the centre of the eatery on the edge of a platform. On the raised side, three pool tables on the front end, and a wet bar on the back end. Behind the bar, shelves of alcohol illuminated with a cream backlight. Only two people tended the bar this night, which for some reason, Y/N found odd. On the lower half of the restaurant, were about a dozen tables of different sizes. Servers manoeuvred cautiously and quickly between the tables, trying to serve everyone and get more customers.

“Hi there, for one?” The hostess asked hurriedly, when she noticed Y/N.

“Yes please,”

“Okay for sure, it’ll be up to a twenty-five minute wait is that okay?” She asked, stress radiating off of her.

“Sure,” Y/N replied,

“Can I get a name?”

“It’s Y/N, I’m just gonna wait out front,”

“Okay for sure, we’ll come get you when your table’s ready,”

“Thank you,” Y/N nodded, turning back around and pushing the grill’s door open. She stepped back into the summer air, enjoying the quietude outside compared to inside the grill.

“You again?” A somewhat familiar voice called from a few metres away. She looked over.

“Damon, right?” She smiled politely, knowing that was his name.

“Yep. You gettin’ dinner?” He asked glancing over to Mystic Grill,

“Yeah, I was unpacking all day, I didn’t feel like cooking dinner as well,” she shrugged, her lack of energy clear in her tone.

“Fair enough, fair enough,” he nodded. “Well hey, you’re new in town, let me buy you dinner tonight,” he suggested, “think of it as a neighbourly gift,” he added after seeing Y/N’s reluctant expression.

Small town’ she reminded herself, “okay, sure,” she decided, “but it’ll be a twenty-five minute wait,” she said,

“Well in that case,” Damon shrugged and turned around, jokingly taking a few steps before turning back around. Y/N chuckled. “Please, it’s Mystic Grill on a night of a fundraiser, i’m surprised it’s not longer,” he spoke, she smiled at him, appreciating his humour.

“What was the fundraiser for?” She asked,

“Trying to get more money for the high school,” he shrugged, as if he didn’t really care.

“Do you go to Mystic High?” Y/N asked, curious as to how old he was. Regardless of his answer she’d obviously let him pay for her meal tonight.

“Oh, no. Graduated thank god,” he rolled his eyes, stepping forward and leaning on a street lamp, “you are though, I’m assuming?” He asked,

“Yeah, a Senior,” she nodded,

“Alright, not too bad. Almost done,” he nodded slowly, “Okay, I have to ask… You moved from Philly, but, why did your parents choose here of all places?”

“Well,” Y/N started, taking a minute to make up some answer, “my parents travel for work sometimes and thought it best I was in a small town… Safer, I guess,” she shrugged.

“Okay that makes sense, but why not somewhere else in Pennsylvania? Why Virginia?” He asked, changing his tone for the word Virginia. She laughed lightly.

“I have no idea, honestly, I guess they liked the condo listing and everything else fit what they were looking for,” she shrugged, not knowing what else to say, “‘so if this meal is a neighbourly gift, you live nearby?” she asked after a few seconds,

“I mean it’s Mystic Falls everyone’s neighbours,” he shrugged, “my brother and I live a few minutes away, he’s actually a senior too,” he pointed out,

“What’s his name?”


“Okay,” she nodded, “maybe we’ll have some classes together,”

“For Y/N?” The hostess called, leaning out the door. Y/N waved, and walked the few metres back to the grill, Damon beside her. They were shown to their seats, given menus and only Y/N of the two opened up her menu.

“Already know what you’re getting?” Y/N asked after glancing at Damon leaning back in his seat,

“Yeah, it’s the only quality food in town… In my opinion… You could say I’m a regular,” he shrugged. The menu was pretty large,

“Well I’m just gonna get the Mystic Burger and Fries,” she decided, closing her menu and piling hers on Damon’s. The server came by quickly, a blonde boy with eyes as striking as Damon’s.

“Hey, I’m Matt, what can I get ya?” He said, placing two waters on the table. Matt looked at Y/N first, ready to take her order. She relayed her order, “and for you, Damon?” He asked flatly, not looking at him.

“Double scotch neat and a caesar salad, please and thank you,” Damon said, handing the menus to Matt.

“Okay, it should take about half an hour because of the rush, is that okay?” Matt asked Y/N,

“Yeah, no worries, thank you,” she smiled, and Matt walked off.

“You know him?” She asked once Matt was further away,

“Yeah he hangs out with my little brother and his little loser friends,” he said nonchalantly. Y/N furrowed her brows for a second at the way he spoke about his brother, especially to someone he barely knew.

“Loser friends?” She decided to repeat with a slight chuckle and a face of confusion,

“Okay I may be exaggerating…” He put his hands up in surrender, “I guess I just personally wouldn’t be friends with them,” he said

“That’s fair, we’re all our own people,” Y/N shrugged, taking a sip of her water.

“Very true,” Damon agreed,

“So you’re old enough to not only get a drink but handle a double scotch neat … How old are you if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Well I must say I am flattered by your recognition of my maturity,” he joked, placing a hand over his heart. Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed lightly. “I’m 22,” Damon said.

“Okay,” Y/N nodded, a little saddened that he was currently too old for her.

“Y/N, right?” Another, slightly, familiar voice sounded. Bonnie now stood at the side of their table, looking at Y/N with a sweet smile. Behind her, the blonde and brunette that she saw at the fundraiser booth in the square earlier.

“Yeah,” Y/N smiled,

“I wanted to introduce you to my friends! This is Elena and Caroline,” She said happily, looking behind her at the two girls.

“You just moved last week right? That is so exciting, we’ll have to hangout at school. Have you got your schedule yet? They sent it out a couple of days ago. But if you’re new maybe it will take a little longer,” Caroline spoke quickly, not letting Y/N get a word in.

“I did get it! Maybe we’ll have some classes together,” Y/N smiled once Caroline took a breath, Elena chuckled,

“We’re having this back to school bash next week, you should come!” Elena suggested. Bonnie and Caroline both made noises of approval, like it was a great idea.

“For sure! When and where?” Y/N asked, finding this invitation perfect for her current situation,

“I can just swing by your place tomorrow and give you all the deets?” Caroline offered,

“Yeah that’s cool, come around 11, you know where I live?” Y/N asked, assuming everyone did.

“Ahaha, yeah, it’s a few doors down from mine,” Elena smiled,

“Also we’re about to play some pool, do you want to join?” Bonnie asked, as if Y/N wasn’t already sitting down with someone else. She looked over at Damon and chuckled awkwardly.

“Um, how long are you guys gonna be here?” Y/N asked,

“At least a couple more hours,” Bonnie nodded,

“Okay cool, I’ll finish up dinner with my friend here and then I’ll find you after, is that cool?” Y/N suggested, finding the whole thing odd.

“Yeah for sure! See you in a bit,” Bonnie smiled, and the girls walked to the other side of the grill, not having acknowledged Damon once in the interaction.

“That was very strange,” Y/N shook her head, watching the three girls walk off, as she said that though, Caroline glanced back at her. “Do you think they noticed you? Or were they just being weird?” She asked Damon,

“They would also be my little brother’s friends,”

“That’s even stranger,” Y/N chuckled, “what, do they dislike you?” she asked,

“My brother, Stefan and I, don’t have the bes t relationship,” he shrugged, “I’m sure he’s bad-mouthed me,”

“That sucks,”

Yes , but I’m not gonna sit here and say I haven’t bad-mouthed him before,” Damon said,

“Fair enough,” she replied, with a smile. Matt arrived at their table once again, a good size tray in his hand. He placed down the scotch first, then the salad, then Y/N’s burger. It looked really good.

“Let me know if you need anything okay?” Matt said specifically to Y/N before walking off to serve the other tables. They dug in, Y/N very satisfied with her order.

“At least the food’s good,” Y/N shrugged,

“Why, ‘cause the people aren’t?” Damon smirked. She chuckled,

“It’s the vibe, not the people,” she spoke truthfully and casually, taking another bite,

“And what’s the real difference there?” He questioned again,

“Fair,” she nodded, “I don’t know, everyone’s really nice but it’s the same feeling when you’re watching a TV show about someone moving into a new town,” she started, “and you just know something’s gonna happen,” Y/N explained, Damon, listening intently.

“Well, how do you mean?” He asked slightly serious,

“Nothing I can pinpoint. Just vibes,” she shrugged, “i’m sure it’s just the initial stress of being the new person in a small town,” she said once Damon started taking it too seriously.

“This is true,” he pointed out, taking another bite.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Well, you better go hangout with the misfits over there,” Damon said once they finished their meal. She chuckled.

“I’ll see you tomorrow still?” She asked as she folded up her napkin and set it on to her plate.

“Yep, at 12,” he smiled, sliding to the edge of the booth and standing up.

“Okay cool. Thank you so much for dinner, it was excellent,” she smiled gratefully,

“Anytime,” Damon said, turning around and walking to the Grill’s exit quite abruptly. Making her way over to the raised section of the grill, to the pool tables, Y/N wondered if it was polite of her to have agreed to hangout with Bonnie and the others. She was quite literally in the middle of hanging out with him and had agreed to plans for afterward. She hoped he didn’t think much of it then brushed it off.

“Y/N!” Bonnie called, waving a hand. Caroline bent over the pool table as Y/N arrived, gliding one of the cue’s between a groove she made with her hand. With a sharp knock, the white ball shot across the table, sending the other fifteen balls surging in all directions.

“Hey,” Y/N greeted with a kind smile.

“We just started, do you wanna go?” Elena offered, holding out her cue for Y/N.

“Yeah, I’m down,” Y/N said, acting as casual and comfortable as she could. She took the cue letting Caroline finish her turn. However, it seemed neverending. She had chosen stripes, and had so far sunk three. The fourth, though, was unsuccessful, instead sinking one of Y/N’s. Caroline sighed then looked up, giving her attention back to Elena, Bonnie and Y/N.

“Ahah, sorry,” Caroline laughed, realising what she was doing, “I am very competitive,” she smiled what Y/N saw as a true smile.

“Well get ready because I haven’t played pool in years,” Y/N chuckled, the girls all smiling. Y/N looked at Caroline’s outfit as she walked past her. A white fitted crew neck fit pretty against her goldish pale skin, underneath a pink fleece cardigan with satin rosebuds as its buttons. Sunflower blonde hair reached a couple inches below her shoulder, and her curtain bangs fell along the sides of her face perfectly. White baggy denim for bottoms with pink Nike AF1’s the same shade as her cardigan. Y/N guessed that the retro Prada mini handbag was hers as well. Her outfit was cute. Y/N studied the pool table, seeing which solids she could knock. The evening drew on longer than Y/N expected, finding the next time she glanced at her phone, it was nearing 10 pm. The three were just finishing up a game.

“Okay let’s do one more after this then I gotta go home,” Y/N sighed, genuinely feeling reluctant to leave. They were nice, and good company.

“Okay, okay, we gotta make it count,” Elena chuckled, looking between the three girls

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Okay so I’ll swing by tomorrow at 11 to give you all the details,” Caroline said once more now standing at Y/N’s doorway. The girls insisted they walk Y/N home, it being so late and their now apparent growing friendship.

“Yes, that’s perfect. Tonight was a lot of fun, we should do it again,” Y/N said, finding herself looking forward to seeing Caroline come over tomorrow, even if it was just for a bit.

“Definitely, we go to the Grill like all the time and you’re always welcome to join,” Bonnie said, with a true smile.

“Okay, thank you for walking me home, get home safe,” Y/N said, and the girls began stepping away.

“We will, have a goodnight, Y/N,” Elena said as they all turned around and walked from Y/N’s new home,

“You too,” she said, opening the door, and closing it behind her.


HEYY!!!! Now that What We Knew's completed, I'm heavily considering changing Y/N to an original name... Pleaseeee comment and lmk your thoughts!

Chapter 2: back to school bash


*note for inconsistencies - i'm in the middle of editing Starbucks to a fictional coffee shop called CJs lol so you may find Starbucks or CJs a couple times but know it is all one coffee shop.

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2)

Beads of rain splattered Y/N’s window that Wednesday morning. Greyish white slipped through her blinds stretching the pale morning light about her room. She laid maybe too-comfy under her thick white covers, lingering there longer than perhaps necessary, listening to the rain darting at the glass. She felt her lack of energy greatly. Some soreness in her body. Something that she felt growing the day before after unpacking both the living space andher bedroom, though she hoped it would have lessened, perhaps even disappeared after a restful night.

Seemed she wouldn't have such a privilege. Y/N peeled the duvet off, sitting on the edge of her bed and planting her feet on the chilly grey oak floor. Reluctantly she stood, leaving the warmth of her bed, and walked to her bathroom. She finished her morning routine in a quiet silence, staring at her reflection and seeing a tired face looking back.

It was nearing 11:00 am once Y/N finished her little routine and Caroline would be arriving any moment, Elena and Bonnie with her maybe.

And she was right, only a few minutes after she dressed, a rushed knock on the door came from downstairs. Y/N descended, and opened the door seeing the friendly faces of Elena and Caroline. Today, Caroline wore a pink oversized sweatsuit, the hoodie cropped and the set made of Sherpa. Her hair was spun quickly into a claw clip, and some white AF1's on her feet. Elena dressed in baggy low-rise sweatpants the colour black. A white, lace trim tank top peaked out from underneath her black henley, its sleeves stretching to her first knuckles. The black converse on her feet seemed old. Nice and worn, the usual white leather now an off-white, unable to return to its true form.

“Hey!” Y/N said kindly, opening the door wider, “come on in,” she invited, Elena and Caroline exchanging a quick glance as they walked in.

Caroline strolled in first, furthering into Y/N's home with near shocking comfort. “Bonnie would have come but she had a promised late breakfast with her Grams," she said, sitting on the couch, Y/N and Elena joined her.“Okay,” she started again, fishing her phone out of her thrifted Juicy Couture purse--Y/N wondered how many thrifted Y2K items the girl had. “Put in your number so we can stay in touch,” she said, handing Y/N the newest iPhone with a Bratz phone case on it. God that girl was so cool.

Elena reached into her tote bag, pulling out her phone as well, and handing it Y/N. “Things are like, always happening around town,” Caroline began, “I’m usually working somewhere behind the scenes if not running the whole thing, so we’ll always know when something’s happening. This back to school party happens, like, every year,” she said to Y/N, filling her in on Mystic Falls’ common knowledge.

“Yeah, last year my Aunt Jenna let us have it at ours as long as all of the smoking was done outside,” Elena chuckled. Y/N chuckled as well, noticing that Elena maybe unintentionally implied she lived with her Aunt, but Y/N ignored it, “this year the Salvatore’s are hosting it,” Elena smiled somewhat knowingly and raised her brows once,

“Ugh, it’s gonna be so good, their place ishuge.Like,bigger than I’ve ever seen in person,” Caroline said, looking in front of her as if she could see the size of the house before her.

Y/N smiled. “That’s gonna be great, I’ve actually never been to a real house party before,” Y/N admitted, finding these girls nice enough to share with.

Caroline's head snapped toward her, blue eyes wide and lips parted slightly. “Really?” Caroline asked, and Y/N nodded.

“Yeah I moved so frequently when I got to the partying age, and was never anywhere long enough to be invited to a real... Rager.” she smiled, earning a similar look from her new friends.

“Well, this is just perfect. Your first party and it’s at the Salvatore Boarding House. God that’s sweet,” Caroline smiled.

Y/N smiled too, feeling a sudden overwhelm of butterflies--adrenaline, even--at the thought her attendance. Because what exactly did Ms.Y/N Y/L/N do to deserve such generous friends? “Not gonna lie, I’m hyped. If it happens every year it must be a banger” Y/N said, leaning back into her couch.

“Yeah, it’s so fun. The only rule is that you don’t bring your beef. It’s like the one time of year everyone can enjoy their time and not worry about anything,” Elena said.

“For real. I started the whole thing back in like fifth grade." Caroline shrugged.

"Fifth grade?" Y/N asked.

Caroline chuckled, "well, it certainly wasn't a party in fifth grade. More like a.... A slumber party, if you will," she said, "started as slumber parties with ten little girls watching movies and hanging out to full on house parties."

"And it's every year?" Y/N asked.

Elena nodded. "Every year."

"And each one is better than the last," Caroline shrugged, wearing a look of pride. "Anyway, we were all planning on getting ready at my place then sleeping there after too. You're obviously welcome to join."

"Yeah, I'd love that," Y/N smiled, "text me the date and all the times and I'll be there."

"Ooh yeah, lemme do that." Caroline said, pulling out her phone again and clacking away in a new text chat. "Okay, now let's talk class schedules." She sighed, closing her iMessage tab just as Y/N's phone buzzed. She swiped over a few pages on her home screen, finally finding a Google Sheets app. "you guys get yours too," Caroline said, eyes staying glued to her screen as she scrolled through several documents. Y/N went to her note's app, finding that easier layout she made herself a lot quicker. Faster than Caroline, Elena leaned forward with her phone, a simple screenshot of her timetable presented on the screen.

"Oh, Elena, you and your screenshots," Caroline sighed, glancing quickly at Elena's phone.

The brunette laughed, "what? Hey, if you wanna design me my own Google Sheets document with cute little gifs like yours, be my guest, but until then, I will proceed to collected hundreds upon hundreds of screenshots until they all must be deleted after a six month period, okay?" She joked.

Caroline snickered as she finally pressed on the right document. "It's a lot prettier on a desktop," she sighed, holding her screen forward. The document was mostly pink and white, a few cute gifs of popular characters moved about, but her schedule was quite clean.“Oh my god, this is perfect,” Caroline said looking happily between her and Y/N’s phone, “okay we have Spanish and Chemistry together. I didn’t have any friends in these blocks! Oh, Elena Y/N’s in our History and English class too, this is gonna be the best year,” Caroline said all at once, passing Y/N’s phone to Elena.

"Y/N, you have at least one of us in each of your classes… I’m definitely jealous.” Elena laughed, “okay other than History and English, we also have Phys. Ed together.”

“Okay nice,” Y/N sighed in relief, “do you guys know Bonnie’s schedule?” She asked hoping she would have a class with someone as cool looking as Bonnie.

“Yesss you have Physics with her. Andshe’s in our English and History classes,” Caroline said,

“This year is turning out so well,” Y/N smiled, "also,

the school's sent some mail over, talking about homeroom or something? How does it work at Mystic Falls?"

“Yeah, so on the very first day you’ll go to your homeroom and they’ll give you all of the papers and forms they usually do,” Caroline started.

“Yeah, and it’s only like an hour long, two hours max,” Elena added.

Y/N nodded, “Okay, easy enough, easy enough."

"Yeah, oh! You and Bonnie have homeroom together, so you won't be completely alone."

"Okay, thank God, honestly," Y/N chuckled, "I've been so worried about school and all that. The whole making new friends, a new life, all that fun stuff."

"I totally get you," Elena nodded, "but we aresohere for you. You've got one of us if not multiple in each class, and I'm happy to say, Y/N, that you very much one of us now."

Y/N smiled, "you guys are so cute. I'm fallin' in love already," she said in a funny tone, earning a laugh from the girls. "Well, what about spares? I've got one on Day 2 mornings," Y/N said.

Yes we share that spare. We can meet up before and get some coffee on our way to school if you want?” Elena offered,

“I’m so down,” Y/N nodded, looking to Caroline for her answer on which spares she got.

“Ugh, I wish , My schedule is so crammed because of the stupid pageant,” she rolled her eyes, flopping her back into Y/N’s couch,

“The Miss Mystic Falls Pageant,” Elena said once seeing Y/N’s confused expression.

“Yeah I have to like win or whatever, and I guess that means I need to commit complete social suicide just to get a crown,” she exasperated,

“All for a crown?” Y/N asked, not understanding her annoyance mixed with pride.

“Yes, Y/N, all for a crown,” Caroline said in a tone and Y/N didn’t know if she was joking or not, “whatever, honestly, I want to do it.”

“Do you?” Elena asked with a suspect expression. Caroline rolled her eyes, arms crossed tightly over her chest.

Y/N chuckled at the two girls on her right, feeling a loveliness unlike she was used to. She met them only yesterday, yet here there were sat in her home, speaking to Y/N like they'd been friends for years.

The time from Y/N's phone caught her eye. It was nearing twelve o'clock.

"Ooh, I hate to say it but I've gotta cut this hangout here," Y/N said, "Damon and I are meeting at CJ's at like, twelve. Gotta get going,"

"Yeah, yeah," Elena nodded, standing up,

"No worries.Elena’s house is on the way and we’re going back there anyway.” Caroline nodded.

“Perf, I’ll walk you,” Y/N smiled and the three left her home, Y/N making sure to grab her umbrella by the door as they walked out.

The rain had worsened, more of a pour than the drizzle it was only a couple hours before. They walked along the wet pavement side-by-side in a comfortable quiet. The streets were vacant. Grey clouds darkening their path all gloomy, as if each of them wore a hood that hid them from the light.

“So," Elena spoke up, silencing for a moment, maybe finding the right words to use. "How long have you known Damon?” She asked.

Y/N smiled, giving a small shrug,“only a day. He offered to pay for my meal last night and I was certainly gonna take up that offer,” Elena and Caroline chuckled at her response, and maybe it was just Y/N overthinking, but she thought it sounded slightly out of politeness, “why?” Y/N asked,

"Well..." Elena started,

“He’s not, like, the best dude,” Caroline finished, seeming to find the words a little easier than Elena.

“Yeah, technically it’s all hearsay, but his brother’s told us about him and apparently he’s not the greatest,” Elena warned.

“I’ll definitely keep it in mind,” Y/N said as they slowed to a stop in front of Elena’s home,

“Okay,” Elena smiled kindly, “we’ll see you next week, okay?” She said,

“Yes,” Y/N smiled, and the two girls departed down Elena’s walkway, up her porch and into the large house. Y/N continued down the block to CJ's, thinking of what they said, distracting her away from noisy rain against her umbrella. What was it with these small townspeople talking badly about others to people they barely knew? She took a mental note of what they said about Damon, and took another mental note about their strange gossiping.

Damon stood outside of CJ's as Y/N approached at exactly 12:00 pm. Today he wore an old black leather jacket over a black hoodie. For bottoms, large black denim and Dr. Marten boots. His minimal silver watch still round his left wrist and that blue ring still round his left middle finger. He held his now closed umbrella as he leaned against CJ's.

Hello, Y/N, he greeted, pushing himself from the brick wall,

“Hey,” she smiled, closing her umbrella. He opened the door for her, following her in after. His sweet and cool cologne wafted to her nose as she passed, but she forced away the butterflies that filled her,

“How was last night?” He asked as they walked up to the counter,

“It was cute. Nice to have some friends before school starts,” she explained, before the barista greeted them. The pair ordered, Damon so kindly paying for her drink. “They invited me to this house party at the Salvatore Boarding House," she raised her brows, amused, "whatever that is,” she shrugged.

Damon stopped walking. “Wait, what?” He asked, face twisted into a look of confusion,

“What?” She asked, wondering what exactly she said that put such a funny look on his face.

“That’s my house,” he said, Y/N’s eyes widening, “when did you say this party was?”

“Uh, next Saturday at 8:00…” Y/N said quietly, a certain guilt erupting within her. His brows furrowed and he looked away, eyes darting around as if he was thinking. He looked back at Y/N and shrugged, his plain expression returning once more.

“Maybe Stefan knows… But, I'm sorry, that must be really annoying,” Y/N said,

“Yeah well… Brothers,” he shrugged, “it is what is. What are your plans for today?” He asked.

“For Damon?” The same young barista from yesterday called, presenting two drinks.

She picked up her drink, taking a sip of her CJs. “Honestly, I just wanna finish unpacking, it’s been gettin’ me down and I just need to get on with it. Make my place nice to live in,” she shrugged, the disinterest so clear in her voice. “I’ll probably work on my Resumé as well. IfI have the energy,” she continued. Damon led them from the CJ's, and turned right, the direction of Y/N’s place. The air smelled of wet concrete and faintly of Damon’s cologne. He held her umbrella over the both of them as they walked slowly down the wet pavement,

“You’re wanting a job?” He asked, already knowing her answer,

“Yeah, I saw this old herbal dispensary near the grocery store and I thought it would be a cute place to work,” she shrugged as they walked through the chilly weather,

“Well, don’t worry about a Resumé, I’ve known Mary-Elizabeth for years.” Damon said,

“For real?” Y/N asked, turning her head to Damon, studying his handsome face quickly before looking back forward.

Of course. She can be a little weird when it comes to ‘trusting’ people, but I’ll give in a good word and I’m certain she’ll give you a call,” Damon shrugged.

She smiled. That tiredness wrapped around her lessened slightly. “That would be amazing, Damon, thank you."

“You are most welcome,” he said playfully. She smiled, looking forward. Closer to her place now,

“Well, what do you do for work? What's your day-to-day?” Y/N asked, curious of the kind man who walked her home that day,

“Mmm,” he started, seeming to think of what to call his occupation, “I'm a historian,” he decided, looking down at Y/N,“but I’m not paid very well..” He said, narrowing his eyes jokingly and Y/N laughed, “however, I am very privileged to have been born a trust fund baby,” he smiled tightly. Y/N giggled at his honesty. They were nearing Y/N’s home.

“Well, I’ll admit I’m a trust fund baby as well,” she said and Damon chuckled.

“Then why work at a Herbal Dispensary ?” He asked in a funny tone,

“Well..” Y/N knew her answer, but wondered if he’d find it funny, “you never know someone’s inheritance until it’s too late,” she shrugged.

Damon threw his head back and let out a laugh,“you’re good,” he smiled, “I like you,” he said, narrowing his eyes playfully as they stopped under Y/N's porch.

She smiled back at him,“well, thanks for the coffee. And for walking me home,” she looked into his stunning eyes. She looked away almost just as fast, but not so fast she didn't notice the seeming twinkle from the raindrops around them.

“Anytime, seriously,” he said, golding Y/N's umbrella and handing it over, “and let me know if you do end up needing help building your furniture,” he started, pulling his phone out of his big jeans and handing an empty contact to her. She entered her phone number and set her name as Y/N/N.

“Y/N/N,” he read out loud, once she handed the phone back.

“Yeah, don’t wear it out,” Y/N said casually, both of them chuckling at her choice of joke.

“Goodbye,” he said, and Y/N walked out from under his umbrella and back into the warmth of her new home.

That next week and half had been quite productive. She had completely unpacked everything, and found out that the local market would take her flattened cardboard for a few cents a piece. Living there for nearly three weeks, she discovered which organisation items she lacked or couldn't find use of. And too after learning the lack of quality home goods around Mystic Falls, she knew there would be a big online order to finalise soon.

She had seen Damon in passing three more times over that week. Two of the times, they walked opposite directions from each other, saying hey and smiling kindly as they passed. The other time, he walked with someone else. Another man, or, boy. The other person was little taller than Damon, and wore something completely opposite to the pretty man she was starting to know. They spoke in hushed voices, their expressions showing urgency and annoyance. That time, he didn’t notice Y/N as they passed each other.

Y/N thought of that moment as she packed her duffel, wondering who that other man was, and what they were talking about. She reached for her phone resting on her bed, and began texting Caroline to confirm the time for tonight. Caroline responded quickly, saying yes and that she couldn’t wait. Y/N would be arriving at Caroline’s already wearing her party outfit. Something masc to compliment her fem accessories. Her hair was in a quick bun, and she had messed with her flyways to her liking. With all her necessary sleepover goods packed up, next was stuffing her bag full with a snacks she'd purchased for the girls at the end of the night.

Google Maps said it would be a ten minute walk to Caroline’s, its route passing by Elena’s. She stepped in the summer night, golden hour having just finished, and the orange sky dimmed each block she passed. The air had been growing colder since last week, and Y/N almost needed another layer. A block from Caroline’s, she saw Bonnie crossing the road, and waved.

“Hey!” Bonnie said with a great smile, turning and walking side by side to Care’s. She wore a matching grey sweatsuit that was too big for her, “I hear this is your first party,” she smiled.

“Yess, first party. A little nervous but I've got you guys so I'm going with it.” Y/N chuckled.

“It’ll be so fun. It’s the single event everyone looks forward to each year,”

“I’ve heard. Apparently no beef either? We love a safe party,” Y/N joked and Bonnie laughed a pretty laugh,

“Safe parties are the best parties." Bonnie smiled, "also, I'm feeling a certain obligation, so I can assure you I'll stick with you the whole time."

Y/N laughed, "I mean honestly, feel no obligation, but I do love the support so, thank you."

They approached Caroline’s home. It was a bit smaller than Elena’s, but very cute and home-like. The front door had a window to look through, and they saw Caroline mid way walking across the front hall. She stopped though, seeing the two girls in the corner of her eye, and turned to the door. She seemed hurried as she opened the door. Greeting them quickly but turning around once more to get to that room she initially walked for. Bonnie and Y/N followed. Y/N entered what was very clearly Caroline’s bedroom. Elena had already arrived, sitting comfortably on her bed. Based on the few interactions Y/N had with Caroline, she could definitely say her bedroom suited her. It was truthfully something out of Pinterest. She had a white vanity with a heart shaped mirror placed in front of her floor to ceiling windows, the wall opposite the door. Her perfumes and other aesthetic decor was placed carefully on its surface. A few compacts and products all etched with Glossier, Dior or Chanel sprawled around the vanity. Her queen sized bed had thick covers with intricate white and pink flower designs, and a white mosquito net hung around her headboard. A light pink, tufted ottoman sat on the foot of her bed, and Y/N noticed it might have also been a storage box. There was a closet door on the right side of her bed, and opposite her bed, a white dresser with pink crystal knobs for the drawers. She displayed her jewellery and a few candles on top and a TV hung on the wall above it.

“Hey,” Elena smiled once she looked up, seeing the girls.

“Hey,” Bonnie and Y/N said in unison. Caroline had already gone back to doing her makeup at her vanity, paying attention to only her makeup look. Elena pulled a JBL from her bag,

“What’s the vibe?” She asked, picking up the speaker, asking for which playlist to put on.

“Whatever. Something hype--I need to be able to romanticise this.” Caroline said matter of factly, not looking away from her compact mirror as she did her brows,

“Copy that,” Elena said with a smile and played some Doja,

"Perfect," Caroline smiled.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Elena only started her makeup once Caroline finished hers. Caroline’s makeup was done almost expertly, her truly identical brows, seemless falsies and love lip gloss that was the shade of her lips but better. Finally she went to her closet to find an outfit. Elena had brought the least of all the girls. Y/N saw a pencil case and in it, two Glossier products and a compact mirror. With her fingers, she patted in some cream blush on her cheeks and lips then slicked her brows and lashes with clear gel. The simple look suited Elena well, but for a moment Y/N wondered what she would look like with a full face, like Caroline. Maybe they’d do it for fun sometime.

Caroline pulled out two outfits, holding the neatly folded piles in each hand, then walking out of the room, maybe to the bathroom. Y/N stood and backed to Caroline’s door to see a full view of her fit and makeup in her vanity mirror. She had mastered her favourite makeup look years ago, and it didn’t take long for Y/N to get it right every time. She stared at herself for a few seconds in the mirror, enjoying what she saw as her new blonde friendwalked back into the room. She had changed into a white halter tank and some pink cargo pants, holding her previous outfit and the other option in her hands. She tossed the old outfit into her laundry hamper then sat on her bed to refold the other outfit. Quite organised she was. As Bonnie finished up her makeup and hair, Caroline moved to her vanity and tidied up her already perfect makeup. Truthfully, Y/N couldn't really tell what Caroline was fixing or adjusting. The girl simply looked stunning.

“Okay,” Caroline sighed, standing up, each of them all finished getting glammed. “Let’s blow up the beds now, my mom has to be at the precinct early tomorrow,” Caroline said, walking to her closet and pulling out two inflatable mattresses. Bonnie and Caroline decided to share her bed, while Elena and Y/N would take the inflatables.

It took only a few minutes, then it was time to go.

Elena would be driving there.“Stefan offered to drive us back here whenever we’re ready to go,” Elena said as they piled into her little red car.

Stefan.’ Y/N thought, remembering Damon mentioning a little brother named just that. The drive was quick, no more than fifteen minutes.



It was nearing 10:00 pm when the group arrived and the party had most certainly started. Loud music and chatter from countless people sounded from outside the house. Elena clicked the garage open and parked inside, the girls all getting out of the car. They followed Elena to the door connecting to the house.

“Let’s find Stefan,” Elena suggested loudly against the noise when they entered. They travelled through the house, passing dozens of people while some old Lady Gaga played on the loud speakers scattered about the house, or, mansion. Y/N looked around the room as the four of them searched for a boy whose face she didn’t know. It seemed everyone was enjoying their time. In some corners, people danced and yelled the song’s lyrics, some people held loud conversations and the air smelled of perfume, cologne, tobacco and cannabis all at once. The rooms they travelled through were impossibly large, and for a moment Y/N wondered if they’d get at all lost. Though, the way Elena led them through the mansion with such confidence changed her mind quickly.

Dark wood panelled the walls, matching the planks on the floor, creating a dark room despite all of the lights. Beams rested visibly along the ceiling, and Y/N kept seeing old and perhaps authentic art pieces hanging on each wall. Some clearly expensive statues or sculptures stood prominent, taller than anyone in the party, and perhaps too heavy to be knocked over. Finally in the kitchen, Elena spotted Stefan, giving him a sweet kiss then turning to Y/N.

“This is Stefan, Stefan this is Y/N. She moved here a few weeks ago,” Elena smiled.

Stefan reached forward, offering his hand. Y/N shook it politely and gave him a kind smile, remembering him as the person Damon walked with that one time. His chocolate hair fell pretty, reaching a little past his brows. They were bold brows, a slightly darker brown than his head of hair, and quite straight. His hair was an impressive fade, starting no lower than a 1 guard. It framed his long, structured face well. His nose was thin and straight and eyes thin but kind. He wore a crewneck sweater in a leaf green, baggy brown cargo pants and what looked like new black AF1’s. A thin silver chain glinted around his neck, and he wore a ring justlike Damon's around his right middle finger.

“Welcome to Mystic Falls, how are you liking it so far?” He asked,

“It’s been so great. Everyone is so kind,” Y/N smiled, looking at her new friends and chuckling with them,

“Well, I havebeen waiting for you guys so we can play some beer pong. Takers?” Stefan asked and Caroline immediately spoke up,

“Oh my god yes, classic party game."



The night flew by and Y/N won her first game of beer pong, Bonnie on her side against Stefan and Elena. They would take breaks whenever a favourite song sounded, dancing and singing with one another like little kids.

Then, nearing the end of their night, they stood near by front door, talking about if they would ever try weed and under which circ*mstances. Y/N listened as if she had never smoked weed before, interested in their takes and curious if any of them had strong opinions for or against it. Something that would more than likely decide whether she’d share her little weed adventures.

With a little buzz in her brain, she spoke up, mostly to Stefan. “Hey, could you point me to the restroom?” She asked, Elena Caroline and Bonnie continuing their conversation.

“Oh yeah, here let me take you to the upstairs one, that one'll definitely be empty. And most likely cleaner than the rest down here,” he smiled, turning away from the girls and walking rightward, down the longhallway.

“But sometimes it doesn’t affect people, like they can just go about their day…” Caroline’s voice drifted off as Y/N and Stefan furthered. Y/N followed him, and they reached some stairs, few people on it,

“So, I hear we all have English and History together,” Stefan raised his brows once, making polite conversation,

“You’re in it too?” Y/N asked, feeling a sudden excitement though letting it quell just as fast,

“Yeah, it’s like they don’t want us to do well in class or something,” Stefan smiled and Y/N chuckled. They walked down the upstairs hallway, only a couple people up there, hovering around the staircase. She hadn’t yet a real conversation with Stefan alone, yet the two walked side-by-side in a comfortable quiet. Though, about halfway down the ridiculously large hallway, Stefan spoke again. “So, what brought you and your family to Mystic Falls of all places?”

Y/N tittered, “habit of my parents to move around every few montjs,” she shrugged, “the condo they found here was kind of like a gift for me. A couple bedrooms for them to stay in when they visit but it’s mostly just my space.”

”Ah, the travelled family trope,” he nods, earning a laugh from Y/N.

”Yes, in short. It’s been a thing since I was like, eleven or twelve so I’m used to it,” she shrugged, “nice being able to go home and just… Hangout in the living room.”

Stefan laughed, “of course, of course. I mean what else would you do in a parent-free home?”

They slowed near the end of the hallway, laughter lessening a little. “Just in there,” he pointed to a door once they approached one end of the hall.

“Thanks, I’ll meet you guys back down there,” she smiled,

“Don’t get lost,” Stefan raised his brows once then smiled before turning away, leaving Y/N chuckling. She closed the door and looked around the huge restroom. It had perfect square tiling on each wall, matching the floor. The bathtub was deep and the standing shower large. The sink seemed luxurious and the toilet even more so. How much money did they actually have?

She thought of the Salvatore brothers as she dried her hands. She thought Stefan very nice. Just in that evening, he wore a smile that seemed to always reach his eyes. He was polite and kind and something was just more welcoming about him.

Damon on the other hand, was not that readable. It had only been a few times she’d seen him, but even in those interactions she couldn’t get behind his eyes. Something about him was colder than Stefan, regardless of how nice he was to her. Perhaps that wasn’t necessarily a red flag, just something that Y/N found odd. She walked out of the bathroom, turning her back on the wide and tall hallway just for a moment as she closed the door.

When she turned back around, Damon stood a couple metres away.

Her face lightened slightly. “Hey,” she smiled,

“Hey,” he said, wearing his little smirk, “enjoying the party?” He asked, moving himself sideways as in an offer to walk her back downstairs. Y/N stepped forward and they walked slowly down the hallway,

“Yeah, I certainly can’t complain,” she shrugged, “how about you? Are you having fun?” She asked, already knowing his answer,

“Oh yes, very much. I do love a party full of high school seniors that haven’t yet learned their limit and in-turn cannot play within it.” He nodded, earning a laugh.

”Understandable, understandable,” she nodded too, “holed up in your room, then?”

”Oh yeah.”

”Okay, actually I have a question.”


“Where’s everyone getting the weed? Is it like a boot service or are there names?” She asked.

”What, you a cop?” He joked,

”ComeonI haven’t had a joint since I was back in Philly.” She said.

“Damn… That is… That sucks,” he said, brows furrowing slightly, “well, there are a few people around who sell,” he shrugged, “you feeling like a joint right now?” He asked, slowing to a stop as they reached the stairs,

“Most definitely,” she nodded,

“Well, come on then,” he nodded to the side, continuing walking past the staircase. She smiled, imagining he was leading her to his room. Perhaps odd, but she felt no hesitation. She joined him, pulling out her phone to text Caroline.

‘Heyy, I just met a friend, I’ll probs be back down in likee twenty mins!!’

Caroline messaged back,

‘Kk, text me if you need anything :)’

Damon opened the very last door in the hallway, the one on the right side. He casually strolled into perhaps the largest bedroom Y/N had ever seen. Its ceiling at a height as incredible as the rest of the Boarding House. His king sized bed sat on a diagonal against the far right corner, books piled high around the closest nightstand. A clock just in front of a table lamp, read 2:43 am. His duvet was fluffy, like a bed out of a movie. Wood of dark walnut panelled the room from floor to ceiling, darkening the room no matter how much light shone. Great windows lined the furthest wall, and double doors of the same wood sat in the middle of the left wall. She closed the door behind her and furthered into his room. He got himself comfortable at a table in front of the windows on the far left of the room. She neared him even more, taking a look at the left wall that was lined with bookshelves. It carried literature old and new, thick and thin, worn and fresh. He sat on the left of the two chairs and pulled a wooden box with quite some interesting carvings toward him. Y/N joined him in the seat on his right and he opened the box. A mixed smell of high quality cannabis and Damon’s sweet and cool cologne wafted to her nose. It was comfortable, and she found herself growing to enjoy Damon’s cologne. He rolled a slender joint quickly, and handed both the joint and a lighter to Y/N for the first puff,

“Thanks,” she smiled and he reached back into the box and pulled out a crystal ashtray for the both of them. She held the flame under the tip of the joint, burning it evenly before inhaling a few times. She produced a smooth pull and exhaled thick smoke out a window Damon must have left opened. She puffed it again and passed it to him, his fingers grazing hers as he took it.

She exhaled with a nod, “that is really good,” she complimented, feeling its quality and noticing its white ash, “dispensary?” She asked.

“Nah, nah. My friends grows and sends me a bunch once in a while,” he shrugged. He took another hit then stood up, holding the joint between his fingers. He walked to the pair of doors on that left wall. Opening it, Y/N saw it was a closet, much bigger than hers and lined with clothes mostly black. He tucked the joint between his lips, and kneeled to open a large trunk. He remained puffing the joint with surprising talent, and retrieved a black plastic bag maybe a foot in width and length. He finally took the joint from his lips, and walked back to Y/N, handing her first the joint, then the bag.

“Here,” he said, before turning around again and walking to a small liquor cart at the foot of his bed.

Her brows pulled together a little, glancing between him and the bag, “what?”

”It’s a half pound. Vacuum sealed, of course.”

She laughed, “are you serious?” Tone full of shock.

“Yeah, why not, I have too much anyway,” Damon shrugged, pouring a dark golden brown liquid from a bottle that looked old, into a crystal glass. He turned to Y/N and with only his brows he offered a glass,

“I’m okay thank you,” she smiled, slipping the huge brick into her tote bag. “I’ve never acquired a taste for bourbon.” Damon shrugged at that. "But thank you for this," she said, raising the bag slightly, "you are very generous."

He snorted slightly, taking a sip of hisdouble serving of drink in hand. She handed him the joint and he placed the heavy glass on the table with a thud. He took a hit, an impressively long one too. “Any other parties happening I should know about?” He asked, and Y/N chuckled at that.

“No, no parties. At least not thatIknow of,” she assured. “You’re more of a bourbon person then?” She asked, glancing at his expensive liquor.

“Yeah, familiar and nostalgic,” he shrugged. He glanced between Y/N and the cup for a second, “give it a taste,” he said, extending his arm to her.

"I don't know..." She said, trying to away her cringe. "Every time I've tried it it's been... Bad, honestly," she said, glancing into those maya blue eyes.

"Okay, well have any of those times included a top-shelf bourbon?" He asked, giving his glass a small shake, arm still extended.

She rolled her eyes, smile widening and took the crystal glass from his hand. Heavier than she thought, thankful for the grippy tumbler he'd chosen. She gave it a sniff, looking over at Damon who examined every little movement of hers. His smirk turned into a small smile as she sniffed the expensive bourbon. She brought the tumbler to her lips taking an embarrassingly small amount. But even that was enough for her to know it was not her thing. Smoky vanilla filled her throat, maybe a note of licorice if she wasreallythinking about it. But her mouth twisted funny at its unpleasant smack. It was spicy and at once she started shaking her head.

Damon let out a laugh, reaching forward and taking his own sip with ease.

"It isnot for everyone,” he said with a true smile.

She chuckled, hating the aftertaste,“definitely. Though, I will say it's better than any of the other bourbons or whiskeys I've tried, so you can have that," she shrugged. Y/N took the joint he handed her, taking in an extralong puff to air out the sick taste. She ashed the finished joint and relaxed in her chair with a pleasant high, feeling Damon’s eyes on her for a few seconds before taking a sip of his drink. The view from his window was of the Salvatore Boarding Houses backyard. Chatter and laughter reached all the way up to that window, little echoes of voices from the party guests who certainly roamed the back yard.

"Well," Y/N sighed, peeling her eyes from the dark outside and turning to Damon, "I appreciate you very much for the stunning gift of weed, as well a taste of that top-shelf bourbon. But I should probably go down and meet back up with Bonnie and the gals."

"Yeah, yeah," he nodded, taking another sip of his bourbon and setting the glass down again. The both of them stood.

“You have a ride home?” He asked, glancing over at her as they neared his door once again.

“Yeah, Stefan offered us a ride,” she nodded.

"Good, good." He nodded, "well, thanks for smokin' with me," he raised his brows once, that near familiar smirk played across his lips again.

She smiled too, and whether it was the weed or the light buzz--perhaps both--Y/N found herself going in for a hug.

"Thankyoufor the smoke and for the good word with Mary-Elizabeth," she smiled, stepping away from him no matter how long she wished she could stay in that hug.... Wait. What? She mentally kicked herself at the thought, pushing it away quickly.

"Of course," he nodded, pulling open his door.

"Oh and," she said, stepping out into the hallway and turning back to him for a moment, "sorry for the party."

"No need to be sorry," he smiled, "goodnight, Y/N."

A smile widened her face too, pushing away the butterflies that flooded her belly, "goodnight."

She walked downstairs, through the crowded house.

“Hey! I saw you at the grill yesterday!” A friendly face which Y/N remembered as Matt spoke to her. She had a better chance to look at his face now and saw a friendly and sweet boy, certainly drunk,

“Yeah, I remember! You’re Matt?” She asked, knowing that was his name.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect to see you here!” He said loudly over the music,

“Yeah, Elena invited me and Caroline, Bonnie, she and I all came together,” Y/N smiled, “you haven’t seen them, have you?” She asked.

“Oh, yeah they just came through going to the backyard!” Matt nodded, pointing through an archway to her right.

“Thanks! I’ll see you around!” She smiled.

“Yeah for sure!” Matt said, turning back to his friends, and Y/N to the backyard. She walked through the party alone, a smile on her face feeling delightfully high and a little tipsy. She passed through a small family room where about a dozen people either sat or laid on the furniture. The room was filled with smoke and a thick smell of sweat and weed, the weed smelling certainly less in quality than the joint she and Damon shared. She saw the glass doors to the backyard on the other end of the room, and slid it open, welcoming the cooler and fresher air. It flowed sharply to her lungs, and she caught the scent of smoke and fire. On the left of the backyard, a small fire had been made in the pit, a little over a dozen people sitting or standing around it. All of her friends sat beside each other, Stefan and Elena in a conversation separate from Bonnie and Caroline’s.

“Y/N! Hey!” Caroline smiled as she saw her. “We were just talking about heading out of here, are you down?” She asked, taking no time. Y/N smiled,

Soodown.I’m getting tired.”

Stefan and the girls smiled.



Stefan walked them to Caroline’s door after the drive, and Elena stayed outside with him for a minute, saying goodbye.

“Thank you, Stefan!” Caroline said, not looking back and furthering toward her room,

“Thanks, Stef,” Bonnie smiled,

“Thanks for the ride,” Y/N smiled, and followed Bonnie inside. Bonnie and Y/N grabbed their skincare bags and met Caroline in the bathroom, getting nice and unready. Elena joined them only a few minutes later, taking longer than any of them to get unready, and seeming the only one with enough energy to shower the night off.

“God that was so much fun,” Caroline said, flopping onto her bed, and setting some pillows behind her. She reached for her TV remote on her nightstand and put on a cartoon, the volume low.

“Okay but did you guys see Sophie and Tyler?” Caroline began, filling the three of them in on what she saw and what it could mean when school starts. She spoke about how she and Matt were totally eyeing each other and they snacked their favourites all night, laughing much and falling asleep as the sun rose.

Chapter 3: first day of school


“You always wear this,” Damon started, reaching the few inches to the necklace round her neck. He yanked his hand back as soon as he touched the silver chain, a slight wince escaping his lips.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (3)

6:30 am - Monday, September 6th, Y/N’s phone read as she clicked her phones volume button. The alarm halted and Y/N lay drowsy. Late Summer sky somnolent from what she could see slipping past her blinds. School started at 8:00 am, plenty of time for her to wake up and ready for the dreaded first day of school. Eyes glued to the ceiling, she was exhausted. Though, a certain gratefulness pushed past it. At least Mystic Falls High started a little later than her last, but still. 8:00 am?

She stayed under her warm covers for a moment before finally whipping them away. A surprising cold gust shot at her legs. MaybeAutumn wouldn’t wait for late September. She rushed to her closet, putting on the much warmer outfit she planned last night. Something easy, something comfortable.

Her tiredness somehow eased with each step she took downstairs. The morning was quite nice. She'd have time to make herself a nice breakfast, maybe do some tidying. She closed her front door at 7:30, only that tote bag over her arm for that short homeroom class. It was supposed to be just an hour long, Elena told her.

The morning was darker than she was used to. The sky was grey and seemed ready to cry any moment. About fifteen minutes it would take her to reach the school. She saw some people on their morning jog, others piling their kids into their car or other students just like Y/N, on their way to Mystic High. The campus was quite unfilled as she approached the main entrance. She expected to see a few more groups or loners about. Perhaps Mystic Falls' people weren’t the kind to be early to the first day of school. The halls were vacant as she walked in. The smell of No.2 pencils, chalkboard dust, old sweat and bleach cleaner filled her nose. The average American high school smell was certainly curious. How did every school she attended smell the same? She had planned on stopping by the office this morning. Hoping to better acquaint herself with Mystic High. The office was empty, not a staff member in sight. She took heavy steps, maybe someone would hear her. But no one did and Y/N took a seat, thinking of waiting only a few minutes.

Five minutes it took for a voice to sound,“oh hello,” the polite though bored voice said. Y/N looked behind the desk and saw an old woman walking from what seemed to be a hallway. She was maybe in her mid-sixties, salt and pepper hair was spun into a slick bun and her face gaunt, so clearly with age. Her head seemed large compared to her petite body and she wore a cream wool sweater and a long grey skirt. Winged, grey spectacles rested midway down her nose with a matching beaded chain holding onto its hinges, hanging from her neck.

“Hey, my name is Y/N, Y/L/N, I’m a new student this year and just wanted to get my homeroom number?” Y/N said to, as from what Y/N saw on the name tag on her desk, Ms.Fernsby.

“Sure, dear,” Ms.Fernsby said quietly, glancing at Y/N for only a moment before sitting down at the desk behind the reception counter and clacking away on an old computer. “Y/N… Y/L/N… Yep, it’s gonna be in room two-zero-eight, dear. Eighth classroom on the second floor,” the old woman spoke.

“Okay, thank you,” Y/N smiled, and walked out of the office. So not only did Y/N have this simple timetable, but the classrooms were organised clearly? This would be the ultimate senior year. After what should have been a short interaction, Y/N left the office almost ten minutes later, off to her homeroom block in room 208. 7:57 the clock at the front of the classroom read as she walked in. Few students sat scattered around the classroom, some on their phones others waiting for the day to begin. Everyone looked up as she walked in. Quickly she scanned the room, keeping her glance at each person short as she searched for a good seat.

“Ms.Y/L/N?” The homeroom teacher asked before Y/N furthered in the classroom any more.

“Yeah, just Y/N,” she said, turning to the teacher.

“I’m Mr. Johnson, I teach AP Biology,” he said, reaching out his hand.

“Nice to meet you,” she smiled politely, taking his hand for a couple shakes.

“You as well. This will be one of the few times we’ll see each other this year. You guys only have homeroom for important events like report cards or first and last days of school,” he said, “take any seat you like,” he said, going back to sorting papers of different colours on his desk.

“Thanks,” Y/N said, turning around and walking to a seat at the back of the classroom. The bell rang shortly after she sat and a friendly face walked into her homeroom. Bonnie wore an outfit that day as cool as every other outfit Y/N had seen her in. Wide leg blue jeans with some cute flowersembroidered on its pockets... A chunky cardigan striped with shades of brown, and some trendy low rise Dr.Martens. A tan bandana that matched one of the shades in her sweater wrapped around her head, and she flashed Y/N a lovely smile as their eyes met.

She sat in the seat next to Y/N, dropping her matching blue denim tote bag to the ground.“Senior year is gonna be so good,” Bonnie said, relaxing as much as she could into the backless seat they rested on, “but I do not miss these stools,” she rolled her eyes, earning a chuckle from Y/N. Closer, Y/N noticed Bonnie had got her nails done. They seemed professionally done and could honestly be mistaken for natural.

“Your nails are so nice, can I see?” Y/N asked with a wide smile. Bonnie smiled, and moved her hands to Y/N. They were really nice and they looked so good on Bonnie. “So good, I love them,” Y/N said admiring Bonnie’s style.

“Thanks,” Bonnie chuckled, “have you had acrylics?” She asked,

“A couple of times, but honestly I’ve never been to a place where they end up looking that good,” Y/N said and Bonnie chuckled.

“I’ll text you her info so you can book with her when you need,” Bonnie offered,

“I would love that, thank you,”

“Of cou–,”

“Good morning, everyone,” Mr.Johnson said loudly, “first day of school… How are we feeling?” He asked, seeming to expect answers. A few responded with noises that meant ‘whatever’ or ‘I wish it was still summer’. “Well, only 179 days left!” He said, and somehow it didn’t make anyone feel better.

The rest of homeroom seemed quite irregular. At least based off of what Elena had told her. It had somehow taken three hours to get through the very first day. Mr.Johnson went on for a while about some animal attacks that had been happening in town, and how to stay safe. He mentioned too before his too-long speech that every citizen in Mystic Falls would be receiving this information.

"Now your parents surely got a letter with a much shortened version of this conversation here, though we request they do attend one of the four town meetings we have scheduled in the Towns Square. I understand you are all students and some may not have to opportunity, but if you do, please urge them to attend as well. It is important to the town that you all stay safe." He said. They was more talk about these attacks. He shared a few stories from the news, he shared what to do if you stumble across an attack. "Get your pencils out. Now, if you have the misfortunate of discovering an animal attack, the town has urge you not to call 911 unless you are in danger," Mr.Johnson glanced down at his desk every once in a while, like he was reading off of something, "due to the growing numbers of assaults and attacks, the town requests that you call 434-727-5464," he looked up from his desk, "go on, write it down or put it in your contacts. Now, this phone number is simply for the discovery. I'll repeat that if you have witnessed an attack or there is immediate danger, call 911."

"Seems a bit complicated," Bonnie mumbled, leaning over to Y/N slightly. The girl snickered, shaking her head and looking back up at Mr.Johnson.

It was 11:03 am when they got released, and Bonnie and Y/N were packed and ready to go long before.

“That was insane,” Bonnie said with what Y/N thought of as worry in her voice as they walked down the hallway. The hallways crowded quickly as students walked out of homeroom.

“It was so long,” Y/N replied, the two of them walking down the hallway to the exit.

“Yeah,” Bonnie nodded, “so much talk about animal attacks, like just give us mace or stop,” she joked, the humour unclear in her tone.

Y/N chuckled, "for real... If I see someone suffering from an animal attack I'm calling emergency services..." She said, pushing the doors open to grey fall day.

“Well, Elena, Caroline and I are going back to mine and we’re ordering chinese for lunch. Wanna join?” Bonnie asked,

“I’m so down,” Y/N said as they walked further from the school. A pair of girls, blonde and brunette sat a top a picnic bench, and closer, Y/N recognised the two.

“Hey!” Bonnie called once they were a couple of metres away. Caroline and Elena turned around.

“Hey!” Caroline said, stepping from the picnic table and walking to Bonnie and Y/N.

“Did your homeroom teacher mention the animal attacks?” Bonnie said, that seriousness in her tone returning slightly.

“Yeah,” Caroline nodded. The blonde turned to Y/N, expression lightening slightly.

“We’re ordering chinese, right?” She asked.

“Yess,” Elena said.

“I just need to get a coffee on our way there, is that cool?” Y/N asked,

“I was about to suggest that, let’s go,” Caroline said.

They arrived at Bonnie's home, coffees and teas in hand and their food on its way. A wave of herbs and flowers flew to Y/N's nose as she stepped into what must have been Bonnie's living room. Plants scattered the room, on shelves, side tables, the coffee tables, the hearth and the floor. Some nice open shelf units lined the left wall, holding dozens of leather bound books and candles and crystals. The candles varied sizes and colours, most of them blues, purples and oranges. Thick wax drippings coated many of the candles while others stood brand new. The crystals placed about the room seemed to land in the same shades as the candles, though their shapes and sized varied from piece to piece. Y/N could name of a few of the crystals there. Some obsidian, amethyst, rose quartz too.She even caught a glance of a magnificent slab of moldavite which she made a mental note of steering clear from.

“Omg, Bonnie let’s do a Tarot reading,” Caroline said excitedly as Bonnie closed the door behind all of them.

“Yes,let's. Y/N, we usually do a tarot reading at the beginning of each school year,” Bonnie smiled, leading them through her living room, "usually before school starts but, there were some... Setbacks," she shrugged.

"I don't really know much about tarot," Y/N mentioned, glancing at some old family photos hung about the hallway they entered.

"Oh, it is sofun." Elena said.

"Yeah and very accurate. Scarily accurate," Caroline mentioned,

"Sometimes," Bonnie peered over her shoulder at the girls, "the readings are subjective," she shrugged,

"Just like Alice's visions," Caroline sighed, "the future can always change."

She led them first to the kitchen, and Y/N saw an older woman. Her greys and wrinkles said she was in her early sixties but there was a certain energy around her. A liveliness and passion seemed to wave from her being, hugging Y/N in warmth and welcome.

"Hey, Ms.Sheila!" Caroline beamed walking past Bonnie. She went straight to Ms.Sheilas side of the counter. Her eyes scanned the pages of some old book she was reading, like she walked into her very own home.

"Hi, Ms.Sheila," Elena smiled, walking to the other side of the counter.

Bonnie walked over to this Ms.Sheila, giving her a tight hug, "hey Grams," she said. Her Grams closed her eyes as she embraced Bonnie, rocking her back and forth slightly before finally relaxing her arms back to her sides. “Grams, this is my friend Y/N, she and her parents moved down the block from Elena,” Bonnie turned back to, Y/N. She walked over to Ms.Sheila. “Y/N, this is my Grandma, Sheila Bennett.”

“It's nice to meet you, Ms.Bennett.” Y/N smiled kindly offering her hand.

“Please, Ms.Sheila’s fine,” the woman smiled kindly and shook Y/N’s hand, her other arm still wrapped around her Bonnie. As Ms.Sheila's palm met Y/N's a certain spark pinched her skin. Perhpas not pinched, but there was a jolt. A certain energy, as warm and welcoming as Ms.Sheila's flew up Y/Ns arm, but left as soon as the old woman took back her hand. "And how are you liking Mystic Falls? My Bonnie’s being good to you, right?” Ms.Sheila joked, giving Bonnie a little squeeze and glancing at the girls face.

“It’s really nice here, and yes Bonnie has been the sweetest,” Y/N smiled.

“As she should,” Ms.Sheila smiled, “what are you girls up to this afternoon?”

“Tarot reading and chinese for lunch,” Caroline said.

“A tarot reading, my-my, Y/N you’re in luck. My Bonnie has a real talent with communicating through the Astral Planes and to her guides,” Ms.Sheila said,

Grams,” Bonnie said.

“I’ll let you get to it,” the woman said kindly, with a pleased looking smile.

Bonnie led them all to her bedroom. Y/N closed the door behind her and saw a perfectly Bonnie bedroom. Her bed sat on some light wood palettes, resting underneath a window latched shut. Its thick green covers were made messily, and a pile of pillows were thrown toward the head. Some shelves sat perpendicular to her right wall, completely full. It was similar to the one downstairs, though less of those leather bound books. There were certainly a few, but Y/N knew a few titles that lined the shelves. She had made a small alter closer to where Y/N stood by the door. The Original 1909 tarot deck rested upon it as well an amethyst pendulum and small journal.

"Okay, Elena, can you grab few cushions from the trunk at the foot of my bed?" Bonnie asked, taking the first pillow that rested on the ground.

"Yep," she nodded, taking out three extra cushions for them. Once each of them sat, she pulled out an incense stick from the bottom shelf of her alter. She sparked and blew out the flame, strong patchouli filled the space quickly and Bonnie stood from her seat.

She waved and circled the incense around her body many times all, then moved to Elena, then Caroline, then Y/N and for each them, guiding the incense counter-clockwise. Finally, Bonnie sat back down and cleansed her deck. She placed the incense in a small moon shaped holder, and took the cards out from her deck. She held the deck in her hands, close to her heart and closed her eyes, muttering something only she could hear.

“Okay,” she smiled, opening her eyes. “Please tell us what this year has in store for Caroline,” Immediately, a card dropped from the deck. Bonnie pulled out two more cards, and Y/N didn’t recognize this type of reading. “So, in short,” Bonnie smiled at her blonde friend, “There might be some stress after a secret of yours is revealed. You learn a new normal, and there’s suggestions of a new love interest,” Bonnie said, raising her brow.

“Okay, okay, not too bad. I can work with that,” Caroline said.

“Please tell us what this year holds for Y/N,” Bonnie said. This time two cards fell out, and Bonnie picked the last one. “It’s all about welcoming new things. There may be many surprises and you might experience a major life change,”

“very fun, very fun,” Y/N nodded with a smile. The girls chuckled.

“Please tell us what this year has in store for Elena,” Bonnie asked again. This time four cards fell from the deck, and Bonnie furrowed her brows for a second.

“Uh-oh,” Elena said monotone.

“You need to understand your needs. You could experience a big life change, and find a new path,” Bonnie said, looking at the cards. Elena didn’t look too happy with her reading, perhaps uneasy at the Universe throwing four cards at her.

“Please tell me what this year has for me,” Bonnie asked. This time she had to pick all three cards. “New wisdom, friendship and general peace,” Bonnie said quickly and shrugged.

“I guess it’s your year,” Elena said with a smile.

“Hey, I won’t turn down general peace,” Bonnie chuckled, slipping her deck back into its case and picking up the incense once more, "and now to end our session," she smiled, guiding her incense around herself once more, and the girls, but this time clockwise.

Y/N’s phone vibrated in her pocket as Bonnie sat back down.“Wait, sorry one sec,” Y/N said, pulling out her phone, “hello?”

“Hi this is Mary-Elizabeth from Original Trees, is this Y/N?” A kind voice asked.

“Oh hi! Yes this is Y/N.”

“Hi, doll. A dear friend of mine has recommended you to me, saying you would like to work at the shop?”

A smile widened Y/N's face, “yes! I’ve come in for some spices and teas a few times and its so similar to my last workplace in Philidelphia. I felt that Original Trees would be the ideal place for me to work,” Y/N nodded, glancing at her friends' excited faces.

“Well I would love an extra hand, Y/N. When are you next available to come in and talk about scheduling and work details?”

“I can be there at around 4:00 pm tomorrow?”

“Ythat would be perfect, I’ll see you then,”

“Okay, see you!” Y/N hung up, excited. “I got a job!” Y/N said, relief bouncing off of her.

“Good for you, oh my god!” Caroline said, pushing Y/N’s knee playfully.

“Where at?” Bonnie asked a kind smile on her lips,

“Original Trees, the herbal dispensary!”

Oh my god, for real?” Bonnie asked, “I love their skin care and teas,”

“Well girl, I’m sure I can get a discount,” Y/N shrugged and Bonnie laughed excitedly. A knock came from the door.

“Come in,” Bonnie called, laughter tracing her tone.

“What’s so funny?” Ms.Sheila she asked sweetly, hearing the happiness in Bonnie’s tone.

“Y/N got a job at Original Trees!” Elena said, and Ms.Sheila’s jaw dropped.

“Oh, good for you, Y/N. They have quite the selection in your herbal roots and your sacred stems. I might ask you to get me something some time,” she joked.

Y/N laughed,“I’d love to pick up anything you’d need. I’m sure I’ll get a discount,” she said and Ms.Sheila smiled truly.

“Actually, Bonnie, I wanted to let you know that you, Caroline and Elena have a visitor by the door, says it’s important,” she said.

“Okay,” Bonnie nodded and Ms.Sheila walked away, flashing Y/N a quick excited smile and a raise of the brows.

“We’ll be right back, it’s probably Stefan or something,” Elena smiled. The three girls stood up as well, and walked past Y/N to see this visitor. If it was just Stefan why couldn’t she come? A bit annoying but she guessed they didn’t really know her and there was always a chance it was something serious. Unusually however, Y/N decided eavesdropped, though she heard very little. But it wasn't Stefan that she heard. Instead, she could make out the hushed voice of Damon of all people. Caroline would respond frantically though just above a whisper. Elena seemed to be reasoning and pleading, while Bonnie would add a simple sigh or scoff to the conversation. Finally, the front door shut. Sooner than Y/N realised. And then the girls were back, chinese food in hand.

“Yep, just Stefan about a potential party after the Heritage Display Event,” Elena lied.

“I think we should,” Caroline said excitedly as she opened the bags of food and began organising what was what. Bonnie chuckled and agreed. Y/N wondered why they lied, but the hurried and anxious tones she caught let her set it aside.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She stood over the stove, impatiently poking the tofu that fried on the pan. She wondered what Elena was doing that night. Maybe she'd be free to eat dinner with her.

Y/N never really found herself wondering such things. She'd never had a friend so close she could just offer a quick meal and that was it. That's all it had to be. Seemed Mystic Falls way of life was starting to grown on her.

Her phone vibrated on the counter. Maybe it was on of the girls thinking just was she was. Glancing over at the screen, a small rush of butterflies flew when she saw it was Damon.

‘Wanna sesh?’ He texted, and Y/N let out a giggle at the sight. The first message she got from him, and such a simple ask. She unlocked her phone and thought of how she'd accept.

'i'm so down. Just cooking dinner now though, want a plate?' She decided, receiving a response quicker than she could put the phone down.

'Very much. See u in fifteen'

'see uu' She smiled at her phone, clicking it off and dropping it back on the counter. She switched off the stove and opened the fridge for a second serving.

He arrived sooner than she expected, a sharp yet very Damon-like knock on the door. Very Damon-like? She shook her head at the thought. She barely knew the man. Only that he was extremely good looking, dressed nicely, was well-spoken and quite obviously charming.

That same flutter in her belly returned as she pulled her door open. She gave him a smile, a big one. "Hey, come on in," she stepped back, letting him walk in. He stopped just over a foot away from her and pulled from his pockets a black tube, a joint sounding in it as he tipped it over.

With a sly smile he handed the tube to Y/N and strolled away a few feet, gazing about her place.

"I've been wondering what these condos look like inside," he said, looking at its high ceilings and tall windows. Glancing back down toward her, he flashed a smile before going to remove his jacket. "You got a place I can hang this?" He asked, pulling the canvas from his body.

"Oh, yeah, here," she reached for it, trying not to take to long of a glance at his now jacket-less form. An all black outfit--for some reason it didn't surprise her--of a black crew neck shirt, fitting well enough to show his fit physique. It was tucked into some thick slacks and he was just then kicking off his blundstones.Hair as perfect as usual and that same chunky blue ring circled his middle finger.

"You wanna smoke now or after that dinner?" He asked,

"Definitely now," she nodded, walking past him and around her couch.

"My kind of girl," he nodded, following through. They flopped onto her too-pricey couch and Y/N reached for that lighter on her coffee table. Opening the tube, Y/N was pleased to see a blunt slide out rather than a joint, and she offered both it and the lighter to Damon.

"Nah, nah, go for it," he nodded.

“You sure you don’t want the first puff?” She asked, offering him the blunt and light.

“Please, I’ve had enough first puffs for a lifetime, I’ll still get high without it,” he shrugged, his eyes stopping on hers once he finished speaking. She smirked, glancing between those sparkling eyes. So enchanting and alluring. Her quickening heart pulled her back to her living room, and she sparked the light in attempt to hide her slightly shaky hands. Because why did he have to look at her like that?

They took a few hits each, much more blunt still to work through.

"So." Damon said before exhaling his impressive hit.

"So." She nodded, taking the blunt he offered.

"Now that we are here," he extended his arms slightly to her home before dropping them again, "smoking a joint, without the public eye nor a party in need of returning to," he pointed, earning a titter from her lips, "I would very much like to get to know you." He said, turning hid head to her fully.

"Get to know me, huh?" She asked, taking another hit before passing it back.

"Mhm. I wanna know you. I want to know Y/N Y/L/N." He nodded.

"Well, I mean there's a lot to know," she shrugged, "I do believe I still have a copy of my eighth grade 'Get to Know Me' project," she shrugged again, "it's got some pretty good tidbits."

He laughed, "nice try. Come on, give me you top three memories.Andyou bottom three," he smiled slightly sly.

"Bottomthree? I did not realise we were at Bonnie's doing a shadow work session." She gave him a funny look, wiping it into a smile quite quickly at his laughter.

"Come on, it'll be so good. What if I go first?" He said, taking the blunt.

"Fine. You have to go first for both." She narrowed her eyes playfully,

"Deal." He narrowed his eyes back. "Alright top three and bottom three. Top three is easy: one, getting my Mustang--obviously,"

"Obviously," Y/N nodded with a smile,

"Two, getting this one leather jacket I have and three, the day my father died." He finished with a smile, earning a look of utter shock from Y/N.

"What in the deep-rooted trauma answer is that?" She asked through a laugh.

"Oh, certainly there's no denying the trauma, but I also cannot deny the utter relief I felt on his death day as well as the three ton weight that was lifted from my chest as he was lowered into the ground. Also the inheritance." Damon nodded.

"That is so f*cked up, but I wasn't there, so, you know," she shrugged, "believe the child, not the parent."

"Exactly. Okay, now you."

"Okay, okay," she said, repositioning herself slightly and giving it some thought. "Hmm, one... It would have to be winning a cake at a cake walk during this school bake sale in seventh grade."

"Cute, cute," he nodded,

"Two would be... This one sleepover I had with this girl in sixth grade. We were having the best time and did anything we wanted," she chuckled, "it end sadly, her parents didn't let her stay the night because my parents weren't there." She raised her brows.

"Hey, this is thetopthree,"

"It's still a top memory! She really wanted to stay, and now that I'm older I get why her parents picked her up. Regardless, we had a lot of fun."

"And number three?"

"Honestly moving here's been pretty good," she nodded, "new friends, new job, new school, new life. Everything here is just... Good."

"How touching," he nodded.

She rolled her eyes, "okay now you say your bottom three."

"Alright, lets cut deep..." He sighed, squinting his eyes slightly as he thought. "Number one. My mother's death was certainly one of the worst," he nodded, "never really recovered, don't think I ever will," he shrugged almost casually, "two, my bad influence on Stefan," he raised his brows once, "I was a very bad brother a very long time. But I'm happy to say that those days are behind me. Andthree... The day I crashed my Mustang."

"You crashed it?"

"Totaled it," he said, "but for my birthday the next year, Stefan and his genius mechanic abilities fixed it up for me. Good as new."

"That's real nice."

"Oh yeah."

"Though the rest of the three weren't all that nice," she sighed, "I'm sorry for your loss. And congratulations on your growth."

"Well thank you very much for you apology and congrats," he nodded, "now your turn to trauma dump."

"Ooh, this should be good. Number one, to build off of that bittersweet sleepover, it's gonna be the fact that my parents were too busy with work to have a relationship with me."

"That is a big starter," he nodded,

"Number two is definitely my entire time in L.A. Awful, hated it, hated the people, hated my school."

"Very valid."

"And three, being excluded in most social events at school," she nodded.

"You got some pretty long-term bottom threes."

Y/N shrugged, "you did say it was my turn to trauma dump. You want the rest?" She offered the end of the blunt to him.

"Nah, ash it," he said, "that was a very productive sesh."

"I agree," she smiled, "and I'm also hungry so let's go eat." Y/N stood from the couch, passing Damon for the kitchen.

"What are you makin'?" He followed, rounding the kitchen passthrough with her.

"Tofu, rice and some bokchoy," she shrugged, "simple but filling."

"Don't I know it." He said quietly, "what can I help you with?"

"I just need to warm up the tofu again and steam the bokchoy."

"In the fridge?"

"Yep," she nodded, watching him take the greens from her fridge and figure out which drawer held her pairings knives.



They sat side-by-side at her kitchen passthrough, eating her simple dinner and expanding a little on all the stuff they'd only just revealed.

Though, they found themselves in a moment of comfortable silence, and Damon glanced over. “You always wear this,” he started, reaching for the necklace round her neck. His fingers pulled the chain every so slightly to bring her attention to it, but he yanked his hand back as soon as he touched the silver, a slight wince escaping his lips.

Her head snapped at the movement, brows furrowing. “You good?” She asked. He looked at the finger he had supposedly hurt, confused, then back to Y/N.

His brows were furrowed and upper lip tugged upward into something of disgust, but he returned his expression to its usual calm state before speaking again.“Yeah, yeah,” he chuckled, “I nicked myself on the chain,” he shook his head and went back to the food. “But uh, yeah, you always wear it,”

“Yeah, my parents got it for me when I was eleven,” she shrugged, “it was the only gift they’ve ever personally given me. Christmas and Birthdays are always like ‘order whatever you want!’ With no real thought,” she explained, “maybe it’s dumb, but it’s like they’re with me when I wear it,” she shrugged, looking to Damon,

“That’s not dumb at all,” Damon said, shaking his head, speaking with a piece of tofu in his mouth. “I’ve kept everything father gave me,” he shrugged, “may he rest in peace,” Damon added, looking down instead of up. Y/N chuckled, her face a mixture of shock and amusem*nt,

“Did you just look down as in hell?” She asked, laughing as she spoke,

“Hey, his death day was literally in my top three memories. There is no way the big man let him upstairs,” Damon widened his eyes and glanced at Y/N before taking another bite.

“You’re so funny,” Y/N said, chuckling, lifting her bowl to sip the rest of the soup,

“I know,” he joked.

Damon cleaned up the entirety of Y/N’s cooking mess, regardless of her protests. It wasn't too much to clean, but still she tried to get to certain before him, but he seemed to just take over.

"You cooked dinner for me, Y/N, just let me clean the place,"

"That wasn't in the contract of you coming over," she shrugged, "in fact, there so contract at all,"

"Exactly, that also means there is no contract saying I'm not allowed to clean," he shrugged back at her, scrubbing the pan.


"No, just sit down, tell me about school or your friends or something, just get out of the kitchen," he waved away playfully. She chuckled, shaking her head, but finally she rounded the kitchen and returned to the barstool.

Once he was all done, Y/N had walked him to the door. Though for a little longer they spoke at her door, talking more about their top threes and bottom threes.

As their last words to each other night ends in a chuckle, Y/N leaned against her railing and Damon against the door, jacket on. As they quieted, she saw his eyes travel down her body for a moment, but they shot back up just as quick, “I guess I gotta go sometime,”

“Okay,” she said quietly but with a smile on her lips. He turned the door handle, pulling it open and stepping out into chilly autumn night.

She followed, snatching a glance of the sky, "full moon," she started, eyes glued to bright sphere the inky twilight, "perfectnight to accept all you’ve manifested this month,” she half-joked with a smile, looking back to Damon’s eyes, somehow as stunning as the moon. An energy, similar to the one she felt around Ms.Sheila filled within her as she stood under that moon and in front of Damon.

“You a Moon girl?” He asked rhetorically.

“Yeah, always been drawn to it,” she shrugged.

He smiled and his eyes narrowed classically.“Well, Y/N, I had lovely evening. Call or text me, okay?”

"I will." She smiled. They stood close, no more than a foot inches away.

And Damon leaned in, pecking her cheek sweetly and pulled away. “Have a good night, Y/N,” Damon said, butterflies filling her stomach at the sound of her name from her lips. Damon walked away into the night and she closed the door behind her, smiling like a child.


hope y'all enjoy!

please visit for all your visual and fic update needs!

as always, ~~much love

Chapter 4: Woodbridge


She thought of how much that must have cost, but it seemed money was no object to the Salvatore’s. There was nothing between the front seats, only the stick shift under the centre console. The seats in the back were incredibly small, but could squeeze in two people. The air smelled of old leather and faintly of Damon’s cologne and Y/N found it comforting.


***EDITING RIGHT NOW (Dec. 2023)***
There is an inconsistency in this and the next chapter, mentions of the two going to Ikea. We all know Damon wouldn't go there, being a ridiculously rich individual, of course. Only got half way in this chapter so if you see any mentions of Ikea... No you didn't!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (4)


"Hey." Bonnie and Elena walked past Y/N, furthering into the girls condo, straight to the dining table.

Y/N let out a chuckle, closing the door behind her new friends, close behind them. Apparently Bonnie and Elena had something important they just needed to tell Y/N about. Something important that for some reason Caroline needn't know. Bonnie dropped the big bag of take-out the three had ordered, immediately unpacking it and setting up the table.

"So, what do you guys need to tell me?" Y/N asked, reaching for the dish she asked Elena to grab her.

"Very fun stuff," Bonnie mentioned, rounding Y/N's kitchen passthrough for some cutlery,

"Yes. Very fun, very fun," Elena nodded, "so, Caroline's birthday is October 10th, Bonnie and I started thinking of maybe a surprise party this year? Wanted your take." Elena took her seat, Y/N too, a wide smile spreading her face no matter how hard she tried to calm it. Bonnie returned back to the table, each of them digging into Mystic Grills great meals.

"What are your thoughts so far?" Y/N asked, leaning forward a little as Elena whipped out her notes app.

"Well, Bonnie and I decided a few months ago that an expensive or formal pink and white theme would be the vibe,"

"Okay, yeah," Y/N nodded, images of Caroline in dozens of different pink dresses flashed in her mind.

"But we really need help with details, and being in the squad now we rest easy we know we have a third opinion," Bonnie chuckled, taking another bite of the only tofu dish The Grill offered.

"Great, yeah. What are you guys stuck on?"

"Well..." Elena started, glancing at Bonnie for a moment, "everything, honestly. We don't really know what to do. Decorations, venue, cake, all that stuff. It's always Caroline doing the parties..." She sighed.

"Alright, well let's start with venue," Y/N nodded.

"We were thinking the Boarding House, it's big, pretty nice inside," Bonnie shrugged. Even she sounded unconfident in the suggestion. A certain tug from her mouth told Y/N that the Boarding House was theironlyoption. And yeah it was big inside, and pretty nice. But from Bonnie's tone that certainly sounded like someone trying to convince another of it's state, regardless of how beautiful the Boarding House really was.

"It's pretty dark in there for a pink and white themed birthday," Y/N shrugged.

"Yeah, but we can make it lighter looking," Elena said, uncertainty pulling at her tone.

"Well, what about the ramen place on Main street? It's literally just white panelled walls and marble floor," Y/N shrugged.

Bonnie and Elena looked at each other then back at Y/N. "See, Y/N, this is why we desperately needed your opinion," Elena said, looking up the ramen bar on Safari.

'Wait, wait." Y/N held her hand out slightly, the girls looked up. "Why don't we just do it here?" She asked.

"Atyourplace?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah. Why not?"

"I don't know, you saw Caroline's Back to School Bash..." Elena mentioned,

"Sure but that was everyone in senior year, a few strays here and there. I feel like we could fit like fourty people here. And, if we're doing that formal theme, should be easier clean up than a regular party," Y/N shrugged. Elena's brows furrowed for a moment as she thought it through. Y/N couldn't imagine any type of combat to her suggestions, and eventually Elenas face lifted into a small smile and she started nodding.

"Well I guess the venue's decided. That's great, Y/N. Thank you." Elena smiled.

"Of course. What do we need to make it a true pink and white theme?" Y/N asked, pushing her finished plate away from her slightly.

"Here, I got this Pinterest board..." Elena said, pulling up yet another app. She handed her phone to Y/N, an impressive array of pink and white themed party things filled the board. A little over one hundred pins saved, according to the board Elena showed her. There were images of pink drinks, pink cakes, pink cupcakes, white or pink tulle curtains, heart balloons, pink LED lights, just pink and white stuff everywhere.

"Okay, maybe we can decide on things that are definitely a yes then go from there?" Y/N shrugged, glancing between the girls.

"Yeah," Bonnie nodded, "Ireallywant that polaroid wall," she pointed,

"Me too," Elena nodded,

"Okay, polaroid wall is a yes," Y/N nodded, opening her notes app and typing down 'polaroid wall', "I feel like we'd need at least five packs of film..." Y/N mentioned,

"That's already like a hundred dollars," Elena glanced at both of the girls.

"What if we just get disposables?" Y/N asked, "we can get two or three, similar price but several more exposures," Y/N nodded.

"Okay I'm very down for disposables," Bonnie said, "no polaroid wall though... I liked the idea of having a space to take pictures or something."

"Well, I saw that Max's on 33rd does like 24 hour pictures? We could get a bunch of photos of Caroline and friends, you guys and stuff and develop them for the party?" Y/N shrugged.

"Oh my god." Elena said, jaw dropped at Y/N's suggestions. She covered her face, elbows planting on the table, "this is so perfect." She said, earning a laugh from Y/N, "literally weight after weight is being lifted from my chest," she joked, earning another laugh from her new friend.

Through a laugh, Y/N spoke again, "okay, so disposablesandphoto wall is decided. What about balloons? I feel like the dollar store would have some heart ones. At the very least some pink and white ones."

"Oh yeah, definitely," Bonnie nodded, standing from her seat and strolling to Y/N's couch. The girls followed. "Elena and I got a couple packs of white and pink balloons. Fifty in each pack. I'm pretty sure I saw a few heart helium balloons there when I was picking up the packs."

"Okay, okay, nice. I think on the day of we can go get the balloons filled? Maybe see if we can get the heart ones?" Y/N suggested,

"I mean, the heart ones aren't super required, pink and white colour are, though." Elena pointed out.

"Okay, well, if the balloons are covered, we can just figure out the details later." Y/N shrugged, "how about food? Dessert?"

"Wedidfigure out the cake and cupcakes," Elena nodded to Bonnie,

"Both, huh?" Y/N asked,

Bonnie shrugged, "yeah, the cake's super expensive and not big enough for the crowd. Better Caroline just has it for herself and just cheaper cupcakes from, like, Safeway or something for the rest of us."

"Sounds good," Y/N nodded, "what cake are you getting?" She asked, eager to see its design from what Elena showed off on her Pinterest board.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm just finding the DM now..." Bonnie muttered, scrolling through her Instagram and finding the right message. "Here." She said, reaching across Elena and handing Y/N her phone.

"What..." Y/N whispered, a smile widening her face even more as she glanced at the cake Bonnie requested. "This issoperfect." Y/N said, handing Bonnie's phone back, "I haven't heard of Mei-Li's Menu."

Bonnie chuckled, "she's quite local, my Grams used to babysit her and I so Imaybe getting a discount," the girl winked.

The cake Bonnie showed her was just perfect. Very much Caroline. It was heart-shaped--of course--all pink and had red icing on the top saying 'Libra Baby!'. There were some candied cherries across the heart's borders, stuck into some thick pink frosting, and Y/N was very much looking forward to seeing it in person.

"I'm assuming there will be drinks too?" Y/N asked,

"Well of course," Elena shrugged with a certain smile, earning a smile back from the other girls.

"I know Damon'll boot for us, so no worries about that. But what do we want?" She asked.

Y/N ignored the glance Bonnie and Elena exchanged at the mention of Damon's name. "Caroline can get real down with some tequila so definitely some Cuervos, unless Damon is willing to spend more on something better," Bonnie smirked.

Elena piped it, "honestly, make that joke to him when you ask,"

"Make that joke?"

"Yeah, like, let him know he is well within his rights to upgrade to better alcohol," Bonnie shrugged.

Y/N chuckled,"I will certainly try to remember that. What else? Other than tequila,"

"Rum, for sure," Elena nodded, "honestly let's keep it strictly happy drinks. Rum, tequila... Coolers too, with said liquors... Should there be a bar?" Elena asked, looking between Y/N and Bonnie,

"Bar would be cute," Y/N nodded.



Bonnie and Elena left Y/N's condo nearing 11:30. Each of them feeling ready, confident and excited for Caroline's surprise birthday party in just under a month. They'd need to meet up once more to finalise the details and make sure everything was ready and ordered, however besides that, the two girls left Y/N's place with a much stronger disposition than when they arrived.

Now, Y/N sat upstairs in her bedroom, at her desk. Her fingers drifted over her laptops trackpad as she skimmed different websites. Some she'd turn into a new tab, some she'd ignore and some she'd smirk at.

School had been easy enough those first two weeks. Each of her teachers seemed relatively easy and relaxed--though, it could very well have been the fact that Y/N had at least one friend in all of those classes. She and Elena had come up with a routine coffee date during their morning spares every other day. Certainly compared to her other schools, it was pleasant having something to look forward to such as that. Knowing she'd be meeting some she not only was friends with but someone she truly cared about, and who she knew cared about her as well.

Sitting at her desk, finally clicking on one of the dozen tabs she opened, she scribbled a note down in her book.

Mr.Saltzman had assigned them a small essay, which in Y/Ns opinion, felt very much like an English class assignment. Though it was perhaps more educational than any of the homework her English teacher had assigned as of then.

Mr.Saltzman--or, Alaric as he permitted them to call him--asked the class to complete a small essay on their studying or project making abilities. What they did and how they went about it. Upon giving each student a list of a variety of subjects in their curriculum that year, they'd need choose one and provide a step-by-step essay on how they went about forming a paper.

'If no knowledge on topic, watch at least three videos from varying channels'she wrote down. Then, 'upon obtaining basic info, search up a generic idea, read multiple articles from varying sites. '

She skimmed through one of the tabs she opened '--have performed seemingly vampiric rituals upon their victims--' Her phone vibrated on the table. Peeling her eyes from the Wikipedia site--no matter how many times Alaric urged them to avoid such a site... Never in a million years could she see herself avoiding Wikipedia. She wasn'tthatridiculous. She glanced at her phone. It was Damon.

A rush of butterflies flew down her chest, overwhelming her belly. They formed a smile on Y/N's face, a crinkle by her eyes and maybe even one of her dimples started showing at how wide she smiled.

Yet another simple ask from him, and still she couldn't stop that overwhelm.

'Going to Woodbridge for some home stuff, come with me?' She shook her head, smile still wide on her face, and put the phone down. Woodbridge? For home stuff? And he wantedherto go with? What a completely ridiculous assumption, however, Y/N certainly took notice at how she began typing her response regardless of her initial defence of those butterflies.

'I'm so down' she sent back, grinning at her screen as if she wasn't just in the middle of a History assignment.

"Takes a couple hours to get there--would you be down to leave soonish so we make it back before tomorrow?' A giggle left her beaming smile at his message, and then she caught herself.

"Jesus..." She whispered to herself, her hand holding the phone relaxing slightly as she looked off and truly thought of her reactions. Because... Who exactly was she? Acting all giddy and giggly at simply some man messaging her. Though however, who was she not to? The man had been nothing but kind and lovely to her, and here he was offering a free trip--in his old Mustang--to Woodbridge.

'I can leave whenever! Just gonna change and pack my tote before' She texted back, standing at once for her closet. Her hands ran along of the shoulders of her hoodies and shirts, deciding on something comfortable for their just under three hour drive. Very long drive, Y/N might have added, though to her friends and perhaps Damon, it was just one of those average trips.

Her phone buzzed again as she pulled up her fresh sweats and hoodie and like a true teenage girl she raced back to her phone to see.

'Be there in thirty' He texted. She liked the message and ran to her bathroom for a few adjustments. She pulled and gelled at her hair where necessary, giving her face a quick wash to preserve that usual glow she perfected.

Y/N shook her head at her reflection. "Girl, what the f*ck," she said, "a simple man has asked you to drive to Woodbridge. NOTHING MORE!" She exclaimed to the mirror, "get over yourself," she said, tapping in her moisturiser a little more, "get the hell over yourself," she said under her breath.

He pulled up to her house those thirty minutes later, knocking on her door a little less sharp than that first time she heard it.

"Hey," she smiled, snatching a quick glance at his fit. That day, he wore a black crew neck t-shirt over some black wide-leg denim. Those same Blundstones that she saw him where last time, and--near expected at that point--his blue and silver ring.

Damon led them to his old car, parked right out front. A 65' Mustang, in icy blue.She smiled, liking its oldness and ignoring its striking resemblance to Damons eyes. He unlocked her door first, then rounded the vehicle to the driver’s. She sat herself in the bucket seat, eyeing the interior at once. Seemed his centre console was slightly modified, though in all honestly that aux port he'd added could have very well gone unnoticed. She wondered just how much the change must have cost, but it seemed that money was no object to the Salvatores.

Nothing lay between the front seats, only the stick shift and an E-brake that too seemed a more recent addition. Glancing behind her, the seat behind were incredibly small. Could squeeze in a couple people, sure. But it certainly wouldn't be that fun of a ride.

Her nose filled with the smell of old leather, as well as some of that sweet and cool cologne Damon seemed to always wear. There was a certain comfort she felt among all of it.

Damon turned the ignition, letting the engine rumble for a couple minutes.“What’s on your list?” He asked, glancing over.

She pulled her phone from her pocket, "I need some boxes for storage. Small ones," she nodded, finding her photo gallery to show off some ideas, "here," she said.

He nodded at the photos, scrolling through a few she'd offered, "mostly stuff for bathrooms and the kitchen. Little things," she shrugged, taking back her phone as Damon pulled from his parking spot, "but what about you?" She asked, half-expecting him to mention something quite grand. She'd seen little of the Salvatore mansion, but what seemed like a pattern, she noticed how the wealth they had.

He shrugged."They've got some decent clothing trunks," he nodded, "wanted to check out their plates as well," he shrugged.

"Plates?" She asked, another smile setting her lips.

He glanced over, "can't go wrong with a good plate."



Windows rolled up, the two of them sitting and chatting filled the cold car up with some decent heat. Listening to some old hip-hop, bumping their heads and chatting about too many things. They'd just started talking about her school. She got through all of the 'school sucks', 'school's school' and 'it's whatever' statements, but Damon was ready to hear more. Not only ready, she might even say eager. He wantedto know her day-to-day. Wanted to know her opinions on said day-to-day. Wanted to know what she'd change about it and why. Wanted to know her favourite class so far. But eventually, once she mentioned what her History class was focusing on, he let out a scoff. “Sorry, how long have you been discussing vampires?” He asked, glancing over with a look of utter incredulity.

Her head shook, tongue waving off a chuckle, "three weeks." She sighed.

His tongue clicked and eyes rolled, "lord,is there nothing else in the curriculum?" He asked.

She turned to him almost fully, keeping her head in his direction, "what do you mean?" She asked, smile still wide on her face,

"Ohplease,how is that at all relevant history? Why aren't we talking about..."

She tittered quietly, "about..." She repeated, watching his hand waved off as if hoping certain topics would just spawn in his mind.

"Well, about black history? The colonisation of the Americas? Current events that also tie in with said atrocities. And, you know, more." He shrugged, wearing a face as if it was just so obvious.

"Okay, well obviously I agree, however that can also be added to a further discussion about each states school curriculum and how the education system in general is directly tied to colonialism and white ideals, which---I hate to say it--is besides the point," she nodded.

"Well, whatisyour point?"

"I don't know, that it's fun? Mr.Saltzman always gives homework, and at least now I can watch Twilight for good grades," she shrugged.

He gave a scoff, “don’t even get me started on Twilight.”

“Wh-What?” Y/N laughed, “what do you have against Twilight?”

He rolled his eyes, waving his hand, “it is so unrealistic."

She let out another laugh.“Okay so you don’t want us learning about vampires in school but you’re also an expert on what is and isn’t realistic for vampires?” She bantered.

“Those are two, completely separate conversations that have absolutely no correlation,” Damon said, Y/N laughing as he did, “besides I am allowed to enjoy vampire media and have firm beliefs on what characteristics they would have,” he shrugged.

“Fair enough, fair enough,” Y/N said, putting her hands up in surrender, cheeks aching a little from smiling so much.

"Speakingof vampires..." He said, glancing over to her for a moment, "would you be a vampire if you could choose?” Damon asked. Y/N looked over to him, “actually no, if you could be any supernatural creature, what would you be?” He rephrased.

Y/N smirked and looked off, out the window as she thought.“Do witches and wizards count?” She asked.

“Yes. But not in a Harry Potter way, just like a one with the land, herbal kind of way,” he nodded, “and no angels or demons either,” he added, pointing over to her.

“Hmm,” she said, “okay well what about vampires? What are the rules?” She asked,

“What’re you thinkin’?”

“Well, I feel like it’s only natural to have the inability to go out in the sun, just to keep things fair,” she said.

“Okay, yeah. So no sun,” he nodded,

“No sun, what about garlic?” She asked,

He shook his head, “pfft, too children’s book."

“Okay, death by silver or wood?” She asked

“Yep,” he nodded,

“Oooh, what about mind control?” She suggested, “Or, like in Twilight, each vampire has their own ability,”

“No, no, definitely mind control,” he said.

“Obviously inhuman strength and speed,” she said,


“Okay so: No sun, mind control, speed and strength and death by silver or wood,” she listed, “honestly I’d choose vampire out of all of them,” she said,

Really?" He asked, looking over.

She shrugged. “Yeah. Why? what would you pick?” She asked, looking at him as well.

He turned his eyes back to the road,“shapeshifter’s always sounded cool,” he shrugged, “you could be anything, anyone... You could turn into a fly on the wall, see everything one couldn't...” He said and Y/N nodded. “But, someone could kill you a lot easier as a fly,” he shrugged, looking at her for a moment, “why did you choose vampire?”

She shrugged too, knowing her answer maybe too well. “You have an eternity to do whatever you want,” she said, looking out the window on her right, “you could learn every language, visit every city, every town, every village,” she day dreamed travelling to such extents, turning back to Damon, “you could read every perspective from every history book in the world,” she continued, “and you could be anything, be anyone--much like a shapeshifter but with several more perks in my opinion. Get anything and everything you ever wanted…” She smiled.

“Yeah but no sun?” He asked, raising his brows and looking at her for a moment. She shrugged,

“I’d sacrifice the sun for immeasurable knowledge,”

“Okay but how could you do anything or be anyone if you can’t go out during the day?”

“Well that would be an issue to deal with as a vampire, but in short, I’d simply explain that I’m one of those people who prefers working at night,” she shrugged and Damon snorted.



All in all, the furniture shop was quite nice. Ranges of aesthetics in all kinds of furniture and decorations. There was some chaos to it too; chests of drawers, mirrors, side tables, partitions all scattered the shop at random. Not one thing alike. The common theme however, regardless of how different each wooden piece looked from one another, there was a certain darkness to all of it. Not in an eerie or spooky way, but there was a coolness to each piece. Something about each one that Y/N for some reason knew would look good in the Boarding House. Despite how little she had seen of it.

The cashier that rung them through still used an old cash register, from the late 70's or 80's, Y/N guessed.

"Debit, please," she smiled, flashing her card to the man.

"Sorry, dear, cash only." He sighed.

Her brows furrowed, glancing for a moment at the man, then Damon, then her wallet. "sh*t, I don't got any. Is there an ATM around?" She asked, pointing behind her with her thumb. Among the randomly places of furniture and decor, Y/N had found a small collection of ceramic storage bins. Four of them and near exactly as she was looking for. There was no way she was leaving Woodbridge without them.

Damon stepped forward, wallet open already, "don't worry about it," he shook his head, speaking only to Y/N. He pulled out a Grant bill and offered the man to keep the seven dollar change.

"Thanks," she said, shaking her head, "I never have cash on me. I'll transfer you when I'm around wi-fi."

He shrugged. "Anytime. And don't worry about it." He shook his head.

The old bell clanged sharply as Damon pushed open the door once again, the rain unstopping. Somehow even worse than before. It thundered down on the pavement, streetlights shining the drenched roads and sidewalks. Raindrops against cars echoed about the carpark, almost soothing.

"What? No, you're not paying for it..."

'Why not? I'm offering." He looked at her, both of them standing under the small overhang of roof.

She sighed, rolling her eyes, "well I don't want you to pay for it," she tried.

"Too bad, I already did, I won't accept your money. Let's talk about the weather," he glanced at the pouring rain, "it's not lettin' up, we should grab dinner," he raised his brows, earning a laugh from her.

She shook her head at his subject change. She'd let him pay for it this time. Why not? "Fine, dinner, butI'mpaying."

"If you can in time," he shrugged, "let's go." He said. She smiled, giving him a sigh before bracing for the cold rain. They took a moment, and jogged out from under the cover. They raced to his Mustang, Damon so politely unlocking her door first.

Y/N flopped in her seat, locking the door and pulling on her seatbelt. Her hand rubbed together, warming as best she good under her too-thin hoodie. He sat next to her, giving a sigh. His hand reached up to his hair, slicking it back slightly. Raindrops bounced from his jacket as he shrugged it off, tossing it in the backseat before starting the engine and it's A/C. He turned over the engine and Y/N spoke again, "know any restaurants nearby?"

He nodded, taking his phone from his pockets. On it, he searched up a french place.

"I remember this place being good," he shrugged, handing Y/N his phone and pulling out of the stall. 'Oliviers' she read, scrolling and seeing plenty of good reviews. "I remember it being decent," he said.



"Hey, for two?" Damon held up a couple fingers to the host.

The host nodded, taking a glance at the little screen in front of him. He gave another nod, "for sure, you can follow me." He smiled, leading Y/N and Damon through the quaint dining room.

"Thanks," Y/N smiled at the host, taking her seat.

"Thank you," Damon nodded. He peeled off his coat, hanging it on his chair and took his seat. "Well, what else is there for us to talk about?" He asked, pulling out a drink menu from the middle of the table.

She snickered, "uhh, I don't know," she shrugged, glancing around at the old furniture about the restaurant, the formal attire each server garbed, "well, earlier today Bonnie and Elena came over to plan a surprise party for Caroline," she said.

He looked up from the menu, "surprise party?" He nodded, "I guess her birthday is coming up..." He looked off for a moment, eyes narrowing for a moment before relaxing his face once again and giving Y/N a small shrug. "Well, what's the plan so far?" He asked, dropping the menu back on the table and leaning back in his seat, comfortable.

"You'll be happy to know my place is the venue," she pointed out, earning a small laugh, "just a whole pink and white theme," she nodded,

"Well, of course. It's Caroline. Anything but a pink and white theme would just be absurd," he joked.

"Andwe'll be ordering this very Caroline-like birthday cake. Heart-shaped, pink icing, some candied cherries and stuff."

"Very nice, very nice,"

"Oh, actually I meant to ask you,"


"It's a birthday party so we obviously need booze, would you be down to pick some up for us closer to?--"

"Hi, welcome to Oliviers," a server smiled, placing a menu in front of each of them, "may I start either of you with a drink?"

Y/N smiled, "just water for me."

"Sparkling or still?"

"Sparkling, please."

"And for you, sir?" The server turned to Damon.

"Yes, I'll have a Rémy Ginger." Damon nodded. The server offered a smile and departed for their drinks. "Anyway," Damon sighed, "I'd be happy to. Do you guys have a date?"

"Not yet, but I imagine it'll be same weekend as her real birthday,"

"Okay, yeah I can do that." He nodded, "what are you guys gonna get?"

"We decided mostly rum and tequila."

"Ah, yes. The happy drinks," he smiled.

"There were some photo on Elena's Pinterest of some pink co*cktails but we also decided that would just be too messy," she shrugged, "so shots will be the way to go."

"Mmm, so what you're saying is that you need a barman."

“I mean yes, a bartender, or, barman , would be great but unfortunately we cannot afford such a luxury,” she sighed.

He chuckled at her verbiage, “which is why you can hire me. For free,” he raised his brows once.

You wanna be the bartender?”

“Hell yeah,” he nodded, almost proud, “I make one hell of a co*cktail,” he shrugged,

“Well if you’re serious we would love your co*cktail expertise,” she smiled.

“I am very serious.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Strolling out of the restaurant, the rain hadn't stopped. Still pouring and pouring from the near pitch dark sky. “This is gonna suck to drive in,” Damon said, sat in the drivers seat and turned the ignition. He pulled out of the stall, the lot had emptied plenty by then. Rain thundered against the hood of his car, wind scraping at its sides. Y/N could already tell Damon was a skilled driver, feeling a certain at ease despite the disagreeable weather. They turned onto I-66, only at the beginning of their journey. Surely it would take over three hours back; This rain’s heaviness, unforeseen.

It was closing in on 7:00 pm when he slowed his Mustang. A couple cars in front of him and a fireman speaking to the drivers. Each car in front made a U-turn.

Finally, curious as to what the man had to say, Damon pulled forward. “An accident!” The fireman spoke loudly over the rains and winds, “roads are too slippery, we weren’t ready for the storm!” He said, “should have it cleared in a few hours!”

“Thanks,” Damon nodded and pulled a U-turn himself, driving back where they came.

“Damn,” Y/N said, sighing as Damon rolled up his window. She usually loved the rain, but not when it was this inconvenient.

He pulled over into the shoulder, engine still rinning. “We’ve got a few options,” he started, “get into the other shoulder and wait those few hours, take another route that would total six hours back to Mystic Falls.”

Y/N sighed, “or…

Or,we can get a room at the Moonlight Motel.” He said, looking over at her.

She rolled her eyes at the options, at this point in their trip wanting nothing more than to get back to her warm and comfy home.

”Waiting’s definitely off the table… And I don’t wanna spend another six hours in here—no matter how nice the car is,” she smiled, earning a smirk from Damon. “Let’s just get a room,” she decided.

”Alright.” He nodded, changing gears and pushing on the gas.

‘Moonlight Motel’ glowed bright from a tall sign, the words ‘vacancy’ much smaller underneath it. It shone pretty through the countless raindrops, Y/N saw a small fog rolling through too.

They pulled into a shabby motel car park, the entire lot dimmed that moonless night besides a single tall lamp, placed surely next to the check-in building. He parked the car as close as he could, a short four metre jog for them to race for undercover.

He sighed, reaching for his leather jacket in the backseat. “Ready?” He asked.

She pulled on her hood, “yeah,” she said with a smile. They pulled the door latches and stepped out of the car. Rain thundered on them, unstopping. They shut the door and at once ran for the thin strip of overhanging roof.

Jesus Christ,” Damon said, slowing his pace under the cover. She tittered at his comment, following him into the warm building. A woman, maybe 30, sat behind a desk. She had blonde hair cut untrendy and wore a boring sweater and boring jeans.

“Hey,” Damon raised his brows once at the woman, “two queens for one night, please,” he pulled out his expensive wallet, and fished out two bills.

The woman smiled kindly as she accepted the cash, “only full beds. Room 11,” she said and handed them a key. He turned back around to Y/N, shaking the key as he walked past her and out the door. They walked back into the cold and wet night, air smelling strongly of cigarettes and wet concrete. They furthered away from the single light on the lot. None of the rooms had their lights on, or at least had their curtains pulled. She could barely make out the outline of Damon in front of her as they approached wicked darkness.

As if he read her mind, he spoke. “Here,” he said, and faintly, Y/N saw his hand reaching behind him for her. She reached for his hand too, their fingers lacing together, his hand much bigger than hers, and he guided them to their room. His hand was warm compared to the chilled air, something so cozy about it. Especially if she added the waves of cologne she could smell every once in a while.

They stepped carefully through the night, cold wind knocking some even colder raindrops on them once in a while. Finally he slowed to a stop, letting go of her hand. Something Y/N wished he didn’t do. It was truly quite nice to have a hand to hold. She shook her head at the thought as Damon turned the keys and pushed open the door.

“Here,” he said, holding the door for her.

She stepped past him, “thanks,” she said, slipping off her bag at once and heading for the lamp between the beds. She twisted the turn-knob, warm white light filled the room—dim at first. Damon closed the door behind him and peeled off his soaking leather jacket. Y/N crouched in front of the radiator, cold fingers messing almost desperately with the dials. She barely noticed Damon going to the restroom and leaving with a small rag. She heard him swipe the cloth against the aged fabric, drying as best he could she assumed. Though, after a few minutes of pressing and turning the dials and buttons on the heater, she stood with a defeated sigh. “And it’s busted,” Y/N said, crossing her arms tightly across her chest and turning to Damon.

He glanced back at her with a fake smile, “what a lovely day this had ended up,” he said, turning back to finish drying his jacket.

“I know,” Y/N said, sitting on the edge of the closest bed and lying on her back, ignoring the biting chill seeping through her wet hoodie. Certainly better than taking it off, she thought. Damon straightened and walked to his bed, sitting on its edge and laying down just like the girl. “Well,” she said, turning to her right side and propping her head up with her hand. She laid on her side toward Damon. He turned his head left to look at her. “We could order a pizza and watch whatever’s on,” she shrugged. He stared at her for a moment, letting his eyes trail down the curve of her waist then her hips.

His eyes snapped back to hers. “Sure,” he nodded. Y/N pushed herself up and stood for her tote bag. She pulled out her phone and walked to Damon’s bed, eyes on her screen. She sat beside him, opening Safari to search up nearby pizza places. Finally he sat up too, sitting next to her on the edge of his bed.

“Dominos? It’s like twenty minutes away,” she suggested.

He shrugged. “Sure."

“They do deliver to motel’s right?” She asked, now uncertain.

“Yeah, everywhere does,” he said, offering another shrug.. She made quick work of ordering their pizza. Only a couple minutes later she got the confirmation call.

“Okay, thanks!” Y/N said, hanging up her phone, “like half an hour because of the rain,” she told Damon, sliding her phone into her pocket. He nodded, glancing at Y/N’s hands. They looked paler than usual. He took hold of her left hand and his eyes widened.

“You’re freezing,” he exclaimed with some dramatics.

“Well the heater’s broken, so,” Y/N shrugged, her face falling into an expression of dissatisfaction.

So, we’ll improvise,” he said with a small shake of his head as he stood up. Butterflies flapped their wings against her stomach when he looked at her like that. They were friends now, and Y/N liked that.She liked sitting close to him. It was nice that they travelled to Woodbridge that day. And no matter how inconvenient, she too liked that they needed to stay the night. And all because of the rain.She stopped a giggle and Damon pulling the comforter down his bed. From the foot of the bed, she watched him slide underneath the covers and once fully seated, he looked at her.

"Well come on," he beckoned at the empty space next to him. She laughed, head back slightly, but she still stood. Y/N slid underneath the covers too, sitting closer to him than she ever really had. And no matter the butterflies in her belly, she was glad she did. That motel room was quite cold.



It was late. Pizza had come and gone, a handful of episodes of whatever was on had played and Y/N was tired."We should wake up early. Get home in the afternoon," she suggested, glancing over at him.

"8? Or 7?"

"7." She nodded, clicking off the TV and dropping the remote on the bedside table. "Well, thank you very much for the warmth," she nodded, peeling off the toasty covers and meeting a rush of the cold motel air.

Damon chuckled, "what?" He asked, watching her stand from his bed, "just stayed here," he shrugged.

Y/N shrugged, "it's okay. I don't wanna take up your bed."

"So you'renot cold anymore?” He asked, glancing at her slightly stiff posture.

She rolled her eyes, "what you want me in there?"

He smiled, "I don't wanna call the police saying that my friend froze to death in her sleep," he shrugged.

Her eyes narrowed at him. "Okay. It would be silly to say no."

"Exactly," he raised his brows once. With a sigh, and a fast heart, she sat back in his bed, getting comfortable right next to him. Alarms set for 7, she reached for the turn-knob, and shadowed the room in darkness. She settled in bed, facing away from him, and let her mind drift away with thoughts she was glad he couldn't see.


Helloooo! How are we feeling' about the fic? I need feedback y/all!!
Anyway, YES I know that his car is a 69' Camaro okay? Okay? I know! I simply prefer the 65' mustang and you actually can't change my mind because I already wrote it. LMAO. Cools, comment, like, share etc.

Check outs for visuals and fic updates!

As always ~~much love

Chapter 5: sleepover with Elena


The door opened too and it was still raining. She couldn’t tell what time it was, the memories themselves nebulous. But she remembered it still rained. Much lighter than when they arrived, the pattering against the concrete outside lulling. She remembered he walked out and closed the door behind him, taking care in his volume.


*currently editing, sorry for inconsistencies

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (5)

He sat on the edge of their shared bed, looking at the tired girl laying so close, her back toward him. Still he wanted her next to him. Sharing a bed with him. But he hadn't any excuse. Not anymore.

He turned away from her, knowing she'd wake soon. The rain outside had lessened much since the night before. Roads certainly safe by then. He stood at once as Y/N stirred, reaching for his hoodie on the table. He pulled the fabric on, hiding from the chill to the room that only Y/N would feel.

The girl sat up, hanging her legs over the bed. "I'm grumpy. Can't talk." She sighed, standing from the bed and going for the bathroom, hearing only a chuckle behind her. And even through her grumpiness, his little laugh spread the smallest smile across her lips. But only for a moment.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“How much do I owe you?” She asked. They sat outside a CJ's ten minutes into their drive. Light rain splashed the light orange umbrella above them as they enjoyed a small breakfast and large coffee.

Damon shook his head, “don’t worry about it,” he said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

Come on, you paid for dinner andmy stuff at the furniture place. Let me cover the motel."

“I will refuse anything you give me, Y/N,” he said, smiling tightly for a moment before taking another bite of food,

“How am I supposed to pay you back?” She asked, gesturing with her hand. He looked over at her wearing a smirk. Y/N rolled her eyes, “for real."

“Okay, okay, fine,” he chuckled, “how can you pay me back…” He repeated, sipping his coffee and wondering himself, “hmm,” he said, voice peaking slightly as if he found something, “you can’t,” he shrugged, taking a sip of his coffee.

She rolled her eyes,“well then you will be greeted with coffee the next several times we see each other,” she shrugged back at him,

“Um, no. No,” he said, straightening his back and looking at her,

“I refuse any objection,” she shrugged again, sipping her coffee and this time Damon rolled his eyes,

“You know what? Fine. You’re stubborn little self can have that,” he said, eyes narrowing playfully for a moment.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

They sat once more in those comfortable, old bucket seats, Y/N’s body sore from the inexpensive motel beds. Rain fell soothingly on the Mustang’s roof. The sky was a grey-blue, watering the foliage along their road. Their greens and yellows shined and bounced under the drops. She thought about last night, how rainy it was. She’d never been caught in a rainstorm. Needing to stay in a motel until it got better. She always had the fortune of being home when a storm that bad hit. And her very first time just happened to be with Damon Salvatore. The charming man she'd met only recently, and whom she'd justshared a bed with. Glimpses from the night flashed through her mind. She remembered laying in bed with him in a state of certain vagueness. They laid next to one another, unmoving, for what must have been a couple of hours at least. She remembered Damon pulling his arm from her slowly, feeling the dip in the bed as he stood. She remembered the bed growing cold the moment he rose. The door opened too and it was still raining. She couldn’t tell what time it was, the memories themselves nebulous. But she remembered it still rained. Much lighter than when they arrived, the pattering against the concrete outside lulling. She remembered he walked out and closed the door behind him, taking care in his volume. She remembered stirring slightly from a lighter slumber than before, his bed dipped once more. His familiar warmth travelled under the sheets, reaching her soft skin before his touch. She remembered he laid down behind her again, closer than before. His arm resting over her body, his sturdy and safe chest against her back. She remembered his legs sliding against hers and they laid aside one another like a puzzle finished. Together, they slipped once more into reposeful rest. She turned her head to him for a moment, then back out the window on her right, and in the corner of her eye, she saw Damon glance at her as well. For a moment she pondered asking where we went. Quite odd to just leave in the middle of the night in a town you didn't live in.

Though, he could very well have just went to a vending machine. Had a smoke. Any number of things. So she looked back out the windshield, the two speeding down the interstate in a comfortable silence.



He pulled his key out the ignition, both of them leaving his car. They carried in her items, placing them neatly on her coffee table.

“You wanna smoke up?” He asked, setting the last small storage box on the table,

“I wouldbe down, but Care and I were thinking of grabbing some lunch,” she said, knitting her brows together,

“Yeah, no worries,” he nodded. He looked around her apartment for a moment, “I will take my leave then,” he smiled, using words that sounded funny. She smiled and gave him a hug,

“Despite a rainstorm, no heating and a shared bed,” she started then pulled away from him, “I had fun.” She nodded, letting her smile reach her eyes.

He his eyes moved about her face as she spoke, a small smile growing upon his lips, "I had fun too." He said, "text me later, yeah?"He asked, stepping backward to the door,

“I will,” she smiled,

“Goodbye, Y/N,” he raised his brows once, and turned for the door.

“Bye,” she smiled.

He left her condo, his cologne lingering in the air faintly. She took a deep breath, looking about her tidy condo, the new bins on her coffee table. Then she thought of only the night before. Damon insisting he keep her warm for the night. And she was glad he did, no doubt. If she thought about it longer, sometimes her mind would drift off elsewhere... Thinking of whatelsecould have happened. How far the night could have gone. How different things could have been that morning....

With a sigh, she shook her head, going for her en-suite bathroom. What she really needed was to wash away the night. Hopefully some of the memories would drain away too.

And once she dressed in a fresh outfit, smelling of her favourite products, she grabbed her phone from her bed, calling Caroline.

“Hey!” Her blonde friend said with her usual perkiness,

“Hey! You still down to link today?” Y/N asked, sitting on her bed,

Yes let’s. Ramen?"

“It’s the one on Church and Peach?” Y/N asked,


“Okay cools I'll be there.”

“See ya!” Caroline said and Y/N heard the smile in her voice. Y/N slipped the tote bag from yesterday over her shoulder and departed her room, feeling a certain nervousness about seeing Caroline. Y/N wanted nothing more than to just tell someone about her night with Damon. Caroline seeming to be the most validating option. Y/N knew that Caroline would offer all of the reactions and expressions Y/N needed in that headspace. And she was very happy to know such a girl.

The air and sky drifted East as Y/N stepped back outside, unchanging since Damon dropped her off. The clouds were a warm white, the sun concealed weakly behind the pale fluffs. The wind was light and there in Mystic Falls, the rain ceased. The Church Street and Peach Avenue was a crossroads only a ten minute walk from Y/N. In this mid-Autumn brisk weather, the walk was lovely.

“Hey!” Y/N said, seeing her friend standing outside one of two ramen shops in Mystic Falls. She looked up, wearing a classicCaroline outfit. A skirt, of course, pleated and in a navy blue. A slouchy cable-knit in a cream colour hung on her shoulders so comfortably, it’s v-neck trimmed with a matching blue to her skirt. She pulled her hair into a ponytail with a satin scrunchie, curtain bangs still falling beside her eyes. A Prada mini purse hung on her left wrist as she read something on her phone. Her pale eyes met with Y/N’s and her familiar and warm smile spread across her lips.

“How’s it going?” Caroline asked, pulling Y/N into a quick hug. Y/N smiled and hugged her friend,

“Interesting, to say the least,” she chuckled slightly, pulling away. Caroline’s face lit up faintly.
They sat by the window, it was quite empty. Sunday at 11:07 am.

“Any drinks?” The server asked as they settled,

“Just water for me please,” Caroline smiled, picking up her menu,

“Me too,” Y/N said. The server nodded with a smile and turned away,

“So what is so 'interesting to say the least''?” Caroline smiled with fake sly.

Y/N chuckled,“God,” she sighed, shaking her head. She looked away with a sheepish smile on her face. What could she even say? Caroline was gonna find it totally crazy.

“Okay look,” she started, “I know that it’s crazy okay?” Y/N said, stilling smiling, “I just want to get that out of the way that I know exactly the… ridiculousness, that is, what I’m about to tell you.” She said,

“Stop stalling,” Caroline said with a smile.

Y/N let out a breath. “Damon and I shared a bed in a motel after a trip to Woodbridge last night,” she said quickly, Caroline’s face at once changing into one of near horror.

“I’m sorry what?” She exclaimed. The few customers in the restaurant glanced over at her voice, and Caroline back at them before looking back at Y/N, “you did what with Damon?” She asked quickly, her brows furrowed and voice more quiet.

Y/N's brows furrowed, “we shared a bed…”

“Y/N Y/L/N, why on earth would you share a bed with Damon Salvatore?” She asked,

“Look, it's straight out of a movie, okay?” Y/N said,

“What happened?”

“Sudden rainstorm, highway blocked off, had to stay at a motel and the heater was broken,” Y/N shrugged.

Caroline sighed, unable to hide her amusem*nt.“God, Y/N..."

“What can I get you two?” The server asked, placing down two waters and pulling out her notepad.

“Um, sorry, yeah...” Caroline said quietly, shaking her head and looking at her menu. The two ordered and the server left.

“It wasn’t weird or anything, for real. Just a... Cold night.” Y/N nodded, leaning back into the booth.

"Well," Caroline shrugged, sipping her water, "was it really just that?"

"Girl, what?" Y/N asked.

"I just mean," her friend started again, "sure that's all that may have happened, but... I don't know, did you want only a cold night?"

Y/N's eyes narrowed.

"Hey, I'm just wondering," Caroline put her hands up in surrender.

Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. She shrugged, "I don't know." And at that, Caroline's eyes snapped to Y/N's. "He is... Very good looking."

"Yeah, well that's obvious." Caroline almost scoffed.

Y/N smiled, "well, when he dropped me off, after he left I started thinking, like... What if we hadn't just... Slept in the same bed. I don't know." Y/N shrugged, an undeniable timid to her words.

Caroline chuckled. "Why can't you just admit you have a crush on him?"

"God, Caroline I do not have a crush!"

"You have a crush, Y/N, without a shadow of a doubt," Caroline chuckled, earning a shocked look from Y/N, a glint of humour in her eyes. "I just don't get why you won't admit it."

Y/N nearly groaned. "It's just... It's complicated."

Caroline let out a mixture of a scoff and a laugh, "whatis complicated? He's single, you're single. He's attractive, you're attractive. It's obvious you both have a thing for each other," she shrugged.

"It's deeper than that..." Y/N shrugged, "literally the second day I met you, the morning with Elena where you gave me a run down of school and the town?"

"Yeah?" Caroline shrugged.

"You both acted so suspect when I mentioned I was seeing Damon," Y/N shrugged, looking down at the table as she let out a near confrontation.

Caroline sighed at that, "well," she shrugged, "it's... Different now. Elena and I... Bonnie and Stefan too... Honestly Stefanespecially," Caroline said mostly to herself, "we've all been on the receiving end of Damon's bad behaviour. At one point or another. But like I said, it's different now." Caroline shrugged.

"Bad behaviour?" Y/N asked.

"Shoyu ramen and Tonkotsu ramen?"

"Yes," Caroline smiled at the server, leaning back for them to place the dishes. She spoke once more as they left. "Look, his past doesn'treallymatter anymore. If it was something to worry about I swear I'd tell you." Y/N nodded at that. "But I guess it's just our experiences that made us defensive," she shrugged, "it's honestlynone of our business to say who you can or can’t be friends with, who you can or can't like. And, I get why you like him. Even though you can't admit it," Caroline shrugged playfully.

"Well, again, I don't even know if I like him--"

"Sure, sure," Caroline nodded.

Y/N chuckled, "I'm just enjoying my new friends in Mystic Falls."

And after their lunch they walked the direction Y/N came, only stopping near Chestnut.

"I'm picking up Matt. His shift ends in a few minutes," Caroline shrugged.

“Sound good,” Y/N smiled, reaching forward and pulling Caroline into a hug.

She hugged back, "I'll text you later, okay? We can get dinner this week, invite the girls," Caroline smiled, walking away for Mystic Grill.

"I'll be waiting," Y/N said, and they parted ways. The air was still comfortable as she strolled home. Though, the greying sky told her maybe it wouldn't last too long.

She passed the usual houses on her way home. The big houses, the old ones. Elena's, too. Y/N had only evercaught a glimpse of the inside a couple of times. Her eyes followed the house as she passed by. The lights were on inside, but it was quiet. The lot itself.

Something in her mind made her pull out her phone. She opened her chat with Elena and at once sent the girl a text.

'Dinner tonight?' She texted, nearing her home.

Elena texted back quickly. "Yes :) your place?'

Y/N smiled at her friends messages, pulling her keys from her pockets and opening her front door. 'Yeah' Y/N sent, quickly followed by another, '5?'

'See you then!' And Y/N shoved her phone in her pocket at that.

Mystic Falls was much different than she imagined. For some reason there was the thought of cliques, loneliness and such. But Y/N hadn't felt that way at all. Mystic Falls welcomed her with open arms, and she was glad to accept it.

And thenhefloated into her mind. She wondered what he was doing right then, wondering if she could find a way to see him again. But so soon? Surely she could find a silly reason... Maybe she needed help moving something, needed his opinion, or his help opening a jar. But... There was no way she was messaging him. No way she'd risk the 'sorry, I'm busy.' text. Certainly he had something else to do, she'd already declined an afternoon sesh. And instead of dwelling on wishing she could talk to him some more, she picked up the bins from the coffee table and went upstairs.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Hey!" Y/N smiled at the friendly face. Elena smiled, wearing a tired face and seemingly pyjamas.

No, perhaps not pyjamas, but certainly wears unlike her usual Elena. "Hey," she said, stepping past the door.

Y/N stole a glance from weary looking posture and drowsy eyes before turning away for the couch, "so, I can cook something uporwe can get a pizza," she shrugged and Elena flopped down next to her with a chuckle.

"Honestly, a pizza sounds really good right now," she smiled.

Y/N's brows furrowed slightly, "yeah... Is everything alright? You seem a little tired," she shrugged.

"I'm good, I"m good," the girl tried, giving Y/N a small nod. But Y/N didn't quite buy it.

"Well,Elena, I hate to say it but it looks like you're upset about something," she started, "I'm down to listen if you wanna talk," she shrugged, sitting more comfortably in her couch.

Elena glanced away, brown eyes taking in a few things about the room as she surely calculated whether or not she should say. "I've been trying to get my mind off it, but..." She started, shaking her head. Her brows quivered for a moment before she sniffled. "It's hard," she shrugged, "Stefan and I, we're... We're in a bad spot. It's beenmonths," she sighed.

"What triggered today?"

Her friend sniffled, looking to the side then back at Y/N before giving her another shrug, "this fight," she said, "we had an argument last night. He told me to leave... He doesn't do that, you know?" She nodded, "he usually wants to sort things out... God, just so much sh*t happened this year." She spoke through an exasperation.

Curiosity tugged at Y/N, "just with you guys?"

"Yeah, we had like, abreaklast year. He left Mystic Falls," she shook her head, "he was..." At that, Elena looked at Y/N for a moment then down, "he, uh, he went to his Uncle's. In California." She said quickly, "He didn't speak to me for months. Toanyof us."

"Seriously?" Y/N asked, head tilting at the true unbelievable words. Entirely unlike the Stefan she knew.

"I didn't know where he was until he was back," she shrugged. "And," she took a deep breath, easing some of the cloudiness in her eyes, "knowing his past... I can forgive that he left. It's just how he didn't speak to me while he was gone... How he acted and what we said when he came back..."

Y/N didn't like what she heard.

Elena spoke of nothing but damage and pain, yet she sat across from Y/N with seeming no consideration of leaving.

"You still..." Y/N shrugged, "you still wanna be with him?" She asked, but Elena didn't say anything at first.

She looked away again, taking in a breath as she came up with an answer. An answer she didn't know herself. "It's complicated." She said, raising her brows and nodding. His fingers fiddled together and like an old habit she picked lightly at her cuticles, but for only a moment. "I love him, Y/N. I love him more than I've loved anyone but..." She shook her head, "God, I don't even know."

Y/N nodded, "you do know you don't deserve to feelthis, right?"

"Yeah, Yes." She nodded, sniffling. A stray tear rolled down her cheek and with haste she swiped it away. "he's apologised, he has. Many times. And I know he feels bad, I know he wishes he could take it back.But there are things you just can't take back. He and I are at a point where he'd rather avoid an argument than solve it..." She shook her head. "Ugh, God," Elena sighed. Her fingers swiped her eys, mopping any dampness before, "whatever. I don't want to think about him right now. Let's talk about anything else," she said, earning a laugh, "how's your paper going?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, "God,which one?" She asked.

Elena chuckled, "English."

"I've barely started. Chose creative writing,"

"Yeah," Elena nodded, "me too. Two-thousand words is so lame," she groaned.

"Dude, I'll take two-thousand words for English than Physics," Y/N sighed.

Elena's jaw dropped. "Are you kidding?" She asked and Y/N just shook her head. Elena scoffed, "I would need like shrooms or something to get through that."

Y/N laughed at that. "God, I don't know if I could do a Physics paper on shrooms," she sighed, "I haven't done them in like a year."

"You've done them?" Elena asked,

"Mhm. Only a couple times. How about you?"

"Oh, no," her friend shook her head, "I want to someday, though. Sounds interesting..." She nodded, "but, not just someday but somedaysoon...I wanna try weed," Elena raised her brows once and Y/N gave her a certain look.

"Really?" Y/N asked

Elena chuckled, "yeah, why?"

Y/N laughed, "I don't know," she shrugged, "I just didn't think you'd be down for that."

"Well, there was definitely a time when I wasn't... But, you know, pretty much my whole family died and I've been having relationship problems for almost a year...Pretty sure there are worse things than getting a little stoned."

At once Y/N's eyes widened a shocked smile pulling at her lips, "oh my god," she chuckled, "I don't even know what to say."

"You don't have to say anything." Elena shrugged, "You can laugh. It's funny."

"Girl, it isnotfunny." Y/N chuckled,

"Well you're giggling."

"Because it was a pretty shocking thing to hear!"

Elena rolled her eyes, "whatever, whatever. You've tried it before, right?"

Y/N laughed, shaking her head at Elena's words. "Ihave.Quite frequently, actually. We should smoke together sometime, I'm down to babysit you."

"Well... Do you have any right now?"

Y/N;s smile widened at that, "just upstairs."

Elena chuckled, "I'm down if you are," she said.

“Let’s f*ckin' do it,” Y/N said

Yess, ahaha,” Elena laughed, clapping her hands together.

“You wanna just sleep over tonight?” Y/N asked, standing from her couch, nodding for Elena to follow along.

Oh my god,I should,” Elena smiled, standing too, "I don't have any of my stuff though..."

Y/N shrugged, stopping at the foot of the stairs, "well, go get it," she said, "I'll roll a joint order the pizza and we'll smoke when you're back."

"You sure?"

"I amverysure."

"Okay," Elena nodded, "okay actually, today's hair day I'm gonna hop in the shower too."

Y/N smiled, "take your time, girl. Let's reconvene here at like 6:30."



Elena returned to Y/N's door once again, wearing a similar comfortable outfit, a grey sweatsuit, and with a small duffel over her shoulder. A white satin bonnet was fastened around her head, and Y/N's smile widened at the sight. She loved that about Elena. No matter the hardship she felt, the girl wasalwaysready to go. Even if Y/N noticed the unusual choice in clothes, to the untrained eye she was still so put-together.

Y/N led her upstairs, pizza waiting on her bed tray, joint, lighter and ashtray right next. Elena let out a laugh. "We're gonna smoke inside?" She asked, eyeing the ashtray and looking to Y/N.

"This place hassuchgood ventilation. It may as well be a nail salon," she said, "go on," she nodded for the bed, "I'm just gonna grab a hoodie."

She saw Elena inspecting the joint when she left her closet. The girl looked at the smooth roll, holding it between her fingers for a moment before resting it once more on the tray.

"You ready? Y/N asked, rounding her bed and flopping down next to Elena. Her friend smiled, giving a nod as Y/N reached for the roll and a light. She took a few first puffs, guiding a smooth burn before handing it to Elena, "okay, so just breathe it in for like half a second, and make sure you inhale. Then you can sit with it for a while and see if you want another," she said, and Elena nodded. She held it like Y/N did, pinching the filter with her thumb and first finger, smiling as she took her hit. For a moment Y/N watched the girl it in. Only for a few seconds however, before erupting with coughs. Elena's face twisted as she let them out, arm shooting to her mouth to cover up as she expelled the smoke form her lungs. "Holy sh*t." She croaked, coughing a few more times. Y/N let out a laugh, standing from her bed and jogging to her bathroom. She retrieved a clean cup, bring something cool for Elena.

"Here," she nodded, and at once Elena grabbed the cup. Y/N refilled the cup once more before returning back to her bed, taking the joint Elena offered. "God..." The girl said, shaking her head, "that was f*cked up." She breathed heavily, eyes squinting slightly as she recovered.

Y/N chuckled, taking in a hit. "You get used to it, I'll say."

Elena smiled, "how often do you smoke?

“Not too often," she said, pulling the filter form her lips, "mostly with Damon,” she said,

Damon?” Elena asked, relaxing into her seat,

“Yeah, actually he gave me this weed,” she said, “it’s so good.” Elena smiled at that. “Holy sh*t, actually...” Y/N said, meeting Elena's eyes, "I've gotta tell you about last night."

“What?” Elena smiled,

God you’re gonna laugh,” Y/N shook her head, opening her grinder. She pulled a light pink cone from her stash box,

“Tell me,” Elena said eagerly,

“It’s so stupid,” Y/N said, “Damon and I went to Woodbridge yesterday,” she started,


“Yeah, he wanted to check out this furniture shop,” Y/N shrugged, glancing at her friend as she took another hit and passed the roll, “but, he picks me up, we drive there all fun and nice, eat a very nice meal at some french place,” Y/N said and Elena chuckled, “But,” she said, smiling, “when we were leaving it was raining really really hard, like it was so loud in Damon’s car and you could like feel the wind as he was driving,” she said “we’re like… I don’t know, maybe 20 minutes down I-95 when we’re stopped on the highway by some firemen,” she said, looking to Elena who listened so intently, “apparently there’s an accident because of the slippery roads and we can’t get through, so they turn us around and tell us to try again tomorrow,” Y/N raised her brows,

“Are you kidding?” Elena asked, Y/N shook her head, “ Jesus,”

“I know, it was insane,” Y/N shook her head, “but Damon drove us to this motel and when we got to our room the heater was broken,” she said and looked at Elena, her friend’s face smiling against and her head tilting,

No way,” she said,

“We shared a bed,”

Oh my god, Y/N,” Elena laughed and Y/N did too. She twisted the end of the pink cone,

“I know, I know, it was completely…” Y/N sighed, “unbelievable,” and Elena laughed.

“Is it ready?” Elena asked, a chuckle still in her tone,

“Yeah,” Y/N said. She sparked the light and held the flame under the tip of the joint. She turned the cone and pulled it a couple times, and it hit smoothly, “okay,” Y/N said, holding the filter between her thumb and first finger, “just breathe it in for like half a second, and make sure you inhale. Then you can sit with it for a while and see if you want another,” Y/N smiled,

“Okay, nice,” Elena smiled too. Y/N extended her arm, and Elena took the joint. She held it like Y/N did, pinching the filter with her thumb and first finger. She smiled then took a small hit. Y/N saw her inhale and after a couple of seconds she exhaled a little smoke. Elena’s face twisted slightly before she let out a couple of coughs. She brought her left arm to her mouth, holding the joint out for Y/N. Y/N took it and Elena coughed a couple more times. She reached for the water and took a couple sips,

Jesus,” she said, voice a little dry. She chuckled and so did Y/N. Y/N took a hit as well, then another, “ so,” Elena said, “do you like him?” She asked with a cute smile. Y/N chuckled and looked away,

“Look, he’s obviously attractive,” she said,

Obviously,” Elena smiled,

“But I don’t know, I like us as friends right now… I think,” she said, and Elena just listened, “and he’s twenty-two, Elena,” Y/N smiled. Elena looked away and chuckled, shaking her head,

“Right, god,” she said,

“Do you want another?” Y/Na sked, offering the joint,

“Sure,” Elena said, taking it.

“Should we watch something?” Y/N asked,

Yes,” Elena said, shifting her pillow behind her slightly then relaxing again. Y/N turned on the TV across the room and scrolled through the shows and movies,

“Oh my god, The O.C,” Y/N chuckled,

“Should we?” Elena smiled,

“I’m so down,” Y/N said,

“Put it on,” Elena said, taking another hit then passing it to Y/N. Elena didn’t smoke any more after that. They relaxed in Y/N’s bed, a smile plastered on Elena’s face and her eyes relaxed. They chuckled at the bad writing and fell asleep late in the night.

Elena was in the shower by the time Y/N had fully woken up. She stirred lightly when Elena left the bed, but drifted back to sleep for a little longer.

“I’m so tired,” Elena said, smiling,

“A little hangover,” Y/N shrugged. She made the bed, “help yourself to anything in the kitchen,” she smiled, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. She was pretty tired too, but at least today she hadn’t any plans. From her closet she chose a boxy white tee and baggy grey sweatpants. She glanced in the mirror for a moment, flashed the peace sign then left to go downstairs. Elena was eating granola and yogurt, and had apparently cute up some strawberries. She was looking at something on Instagram,

“Hey,” Y/N said as she turned into the kitchen and opened the fridge,

“Hey,” Elena said, turning off her phone and taking a bite, “do you wanna get a coffee after?”

“I’m so down,” Y/N said, pulling out the exact same meal that Elena was having, “so, how’d you like it?” Y/N smiled, looking up at Elena as she poured granola into her yogurt. Elena chuckled,

“It was actually so fun,” she smiled, taking another bite, “mm,” she looked up, “I definitely need to do it when I have nothing planned the next day,” she nodded,

“Oh for sure,” Y/N said, sprinkling the rest of the strawberries Elena had cut in her bowl, “well I have a joint at every party so if you’re jonesin’ you know where to go,” Y/N smiled, opening a drawer and pulling out a spoon. Elena chuckled.


yeah bitch I f*cking killed Jeremy I don't give a f*ck. I'm actually hyped about it. get mad. haters are my motivators. you hate me 'cause you ain't me. I love my haters. They're my biggest fans. anyway hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Y/N is literally corrupting Elena....... Why is this low-key a stoner fic. whatever. Who's excited for Care's birthday party?? I know I am...
Anyway, make sure you kudos, comment, share andddd

check out for visual resources and fic updates!

as always ~~much love

Chapter 6: caroline's birthday


“Helloo Y/N,”Damon said with a smile, pouring a drink and handing it to someone, “looking good,” he said, looking her up and down then went back to arranging a new drink for someone else,
“Thanks,” she smiled, checking him out as well. And he looked incredibly hot. A bubblegum pink turtleneck, cool-tone of course, hugged his comely physique, it was surely made of cashmere. He tucked it into some wybie trousers of the same pink and had a white rhinestone belt round his hips. White blucher shoes on his feet and of course his silver watch and that blue ring he always wore.
“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she smiled and he smirked, not looking at her, “bar duty, huh?” She asked,“I make a great co*cktail,” he shrugged, glancing up at her, “anything for you?” He asked, with his smile.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (6)

“Are you sure you’re up to it?” Y/N asked for the last time, as if there was any time for him to change his mind. He chuckled on the other end of the phone,

“Y/N, it’s fine, it’s her birthday and I’d love to be a part of making it great,” Matt said and Y/N heard a smile in his tone,

“Okay, thank you so much,” she smiled,

“Of course, I’m heading over to hers in a bit, I’ll keep you guys updated,” he said,

“Okay, see you later,”

“Bye,” he said, and Y/N hung up,

“Okay,” she said, Elena and Bonnie looking up from their phones, “Matt is gonna be on his way to Care’s soon, you brought everything?” Y/N asked the girls,


“Yep,” they said. Bonnie was in charge of getting the photos developed. Crucial for Caroline’s socials. She also took the lead in planning all of Care’s appointments that day, she spent more time in Lynchburg than Y/N or Elena. Elena ordered her cake, and brought some necessary party decor; candles, sparklers, disposables and, of course, a tiara.

“Perfect, should we get started?” Y/N asked,

“Yes,” Bonnie said, standing from the couch. Elena followed, and each went to their own bag, “Where’s the photo wall?” Bonnie asked, turning to Y/N,

“Uhh,” Y/N said, looking around, “here, here,” she said, walking to the wall across from the stairs, “the ‘bar’,” she said with air quotes, “is gonna be here, and we can have it on the left,” she said,

“Okay, nice,” Bonnie said, “is the dining table the bar?”


“Okay, let’s get it in place,” Bonnie said. They moved her square dining table a few feet from the wall and Bonnie got to work taping the photos on it’s left.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

4:03 pm, the oven flashed when Y/N glanced over. The girls had since decided to move the couch and they draped that sparkly tulle they ordered over it. It rested against the wall under the TV, on the right of the ‘bar’.

“Okay so I was doing this thing,” Bonnie said, walking once more to her bag. She pulled out her laptop, “it’s just a bunch of pink theme, girly type music videos, and I just made a ten hour loop of a bunch,” she said, opening the laptop and clicking Finder. She clicked on an MP4 file titled ‘caroline’, “I was thinking we could play it on the TV?” She suggested,

Oh my god, that’s perfect,” Y/N smiled and so did Bonnie.

“Aha, thanks,” she chuckled, closing her laptop and putting it to the side for later, “we can just put it under the couch,” she said,

“Yes, okay,” Y/N said, looking around her condo to see what else to do, then a knock on the door, “come in!” She called, Elena and Bonnie glanced at each other at that then to the door,

“Delivery,” a familiar voice said as the door opened. Damon walked in, holding a good sized box, certainly full of alcohol,

“Hey,” Y/N smiled,

“Hey, where do you want this?” He asked,

“Just on the kitchen counter is fine,”

“Alright, there’s two more in the trunk,” he said. Y/N went for her slides by the door, then walked out to the chilly fall air. The air nipped the skin lower than her shorts, but she made the trip to the car quickly. She popped the trunk and tried lifting one of the boxes.

‘Heavy,’ she thought. She heard his footsteps coming out of her home for another box.

“They’re so heavy,” she said. He smirked. He reached for the box in front of Y/N lifting it impressively,

“That one’s lighter,” he smiled. Y/N tried for it, and it was. He let her pick it up, then somehow balanced the box in one hand while he closed the trunk. He glanced at Y/N then placed his other arm back under the box and put it on the trunk as he locked up, “alright,” he said, lifting the box again and walking past Y/N to her house. They took the boxes to the kitchen and Y/N immediately filled her fridge with what she could, the fridge had been emptied for tonight, leaving plenty of space. Damon left once more for his car, coming back with a black duffel over his right shoulder. He closed the door behind him and went for the bathroom by the back door. Y/N glanced at him furrowing her brows at the bag,

“What, it’s my outfit for tonight,” he shrugged. Y/N smiled. He put the duffel on the counter atop the laundry, just by the door, “anything I can do?” He asked, stepping out of the washroom, glancing at all three girls,

Yes, actually,” Bonnie said, not looking away from the lights she was pinning around, “we still need to go to the grocery store if you’re down?” She asked, turning around this time, looking at him,

“Sure, wanna come?” Damon nodded, looking at Y/N,

“Yeah,” she nodded,

“And get the cake!” Elena said,

“Yes,” Bonnie said, “get the cake,” she pointed her finger with a small smile,

“You have the list?” Elena asked Y/N,

“Yeah,” she nodded,

“Alright, let’s go,” Damon said, walking down the condo to the front door,

“See you in a bit,” Y/N said,


“See you,” the girls said. They hopped into his car, Y/N feeling a sudden flutter of butterflies. She took a deep breath, smelling that old leather and his familiar cologne. She put on her seat belt, getting comfortable as Damon let the engine run for a second.

“Safeway?” He asked,

“Yeah,” she nodded, “then Mei Li’s Menu,”

“Nice,” he said, “I love Mei Li’s,” he said,

“I haven’t had it,” she shrugged, looking over at him then back out the windshield. He pulled out of the parking spot,

“You’ll love it,” he said, waving his hand at her, “what’s on the list?” He asked, turning right,

“Chasers, pink shot glasses, cupcakes, just minis,” she added, glancing at him,

“Of course,” he nodded, looking at her and smirking slightly. Y/N smiled,

And…” She said, thinking to herself, “pink napkins, oh! Veggie platters and some snacks,” she said,

“Good list,” he nodded, “what cake are you getting?”

“Oh my god, it’s actually so good, Caroline’s gonna love it,” she smiled, and so did he at her tone, “it’s confetti, in the shape of a heart. Pink and red with candy cherries, and ‘Libra’ on the top in frosting,” she said,

Very Caroline, I will say,” he said.

They returned at 4:57, two trips needed from the car. Elena happened to be on her way out when they arrived,

“Hey!” She smiled, walking down Y/N’s walkway,

“Hey,” Y/N said,

“I’m gettin’ the balloons,” she said, walking past Y/N,

“Okay, see you,”

“Bye!” Elena said, walking left to her house. She lived so close Y/N could almost see her red Mini Cooper from the boulevard.

“Stefan’s bringing your balloon pump,” Y/N said as they walked up to the door,

“Yeah, I saw him making those pizzas earlier too,”

“Yes, he offered to make a bunch, it was so nice,” Y/N smiled, opening the door, “hey,” she said, smiling at Bonnie who sat on the couch, elbows on her knees and looking at her phone. Bonnie looked up and smiled,

“Hey,” she stood, “anything else?” Bonnie asked, glancing out the window to Damon’s car,

“Yeah, just the cake,” Y/N said, walking to the kitchen and putting the groceries on the counter,

“Okay,” Bonnie nodded, walking out to the car and retrieving the cake.

“Everyone’s coming at 7?” Damon asked,

“Yeah,” Y/N sighed, “7, 7:30” she shrugged, taking the items out of their bags.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

People came closer to 7:30 or 7:45 than 7:00. As long as it was before 8:00, Y/N had to remind herself. It was 7:34 now and Bonnie, Y/N and Elena stood in Y/N’s bedroom, checking out each other's outfits before returning back downstairs. They had left Damon on door duty and had no reason to rush. Bonnie wore a light pink blazer with matching slacks and a satin corset in the same pink cinching her waist. White satin gloves fitted her hands, reaching her wrist. Her hair was slicked back, and her curls in a pretty bun at the nape of her neck. She pulled out specific curls at her ears, and sealed her edges. She had bright pink on her lids and she layered a gloss over top. She had lined her lips with a brown pencil, and filled the middle with a light nude. Elena wore a low, square-neck, spaghetti strapped dress. It was a blush pink with darker pink, tiny beads. It was backless with a slit up her left leg. She wore matching gloves up to her elbows and Bonnie lent her some fake pearls to create a wing on her eye. She used her usual cloud paint on her cheeks and lips, and the clear boy brow on her brows and lashes. Her hair was gelled behind her ears in a perfect middle part, and hung behind her shoulders smoothly. Y/N had chosen her outfit carefully over the past couple of weeks, and when she looked in the mirror this night, it was exactly as she planned. It hung perfectly and hugged all the right places. Her hair did exactly as she wanted and her goal makeup was easy enough to achieve.

“I can’t wait to see caroline’s,” Bonnie smiled,

“She’s gonna be so dressed up, I’m so excited,” Elena smiled,

“Me too,” Y/N smiled, “We should get back down there,” Y/N sighed,

“Yes, let’s go,” Bonnie nodded, walking past the girls to the door. They walked downstairs. Many more bodies had filled the space. Looking up, light and dark pink and white balloons covered almost the entire ceiling, quite dreamy, and it seemed Damon had someone cover for him on door duty as he manned the ‘bar’.

“Seems like Damon’s enjoying himself,” Bonnie chuckled. Y/N followed her eyes and chuckled as well,

“I’m gonna go say hey,” Y/N said, looking at Elena and Bonnie then walking off.

Helloo Y/N,” Damon said with a smile, pouring a drink and handing it to someone, “looking good,” he said, looking her up and down then went back to arranging a new drink for someone else,

“Thanks,” she smiled, checking him out as well. And he looked incredibly hot. A bubblegum pink turtleneck, cool-tone of course, hugged his comely physique, it was surely made of cashmere. He tucked it into some wybie trousers of the same pink and had a white rhinestone belt round his hips. White blucher shoes on his feet and of course his silver watch and that blue ring he always wore.

“You don’t look too bad yourself,” she smiled and he smirked, not looking at her, “bar duty, huh?” She asked,

“I make a great co*cktail,” he shrugged, glancing up at her, “anything for you?” He asked, with his smile. She smiled wider, somehow,

“Yes, please actually,” she said, “bartender’s choice,” she said,

“Copy that,” he said, fixing her a drink, “for the lady,” he said, holding up a pink drink for Y/N. She took it with that same smile and sipped it,

“Okay, damn,” she said,

“Right?” He asked, nodding,

“Yep, you do make great co*cktails,” she nodded, taking another sip, “thank you very much, I will definitely be back, are you on yelp?” She smiled, and so did he and she saw it was true, “Do you have a couple more for Elena and Bonnie?”

“Yep,” he said, lifting two drinks,

“Thanks, I’ll see you later,” she smiled,

“Goodbye, Y/N,” he said, fixing another drink. She walked over, cautious of the three beverages she held,

“Here, here, take ‘em, take ‘em,” Y/N said, holding herself awkwardly as she asked Bonnie and Elena to grab their drinks,

“Thanks,” Bonnie chuckled, Elena chuckled as well. They each took a sip,

“Damn,” Elena nodded, looking at the drink then over at Damon,

“I know right?” Y/N asked. Someone else knocked on the door, the boy who Damon had asked to manage the door opened it up,

“Stefan Salvatore,” his friendly voice said and the boy opened the door further. Y/N walked over to the door,

“Oh, my god,” she smiled, looking Stefan up and down and seeing his excellent outfit. Perhaps the best so far and that’s saying something after seeing Bonnie and Elena . “You look SO good!” Y/N exclaimed, walking out the door to hug Stefan. He wore a watermelon pink, muscle tank, crop top that rested a couple inches above his white cargo pants, showing a bit of his impressive abs. He wore white Nike Af1’s and a true silver chain round his neck, a chain bracelet to match and the blue ring the same as Damon’s. He smiled, wrapping his left, free hand around her. His right held a pile of large pizza boxes, unlabelled. “Come in, come in,” Y/N smiled, turning around and walking into the house. Stefan followed, Bonnie giving him a hug. He then kissed Elena sweetly, giving her a quick hug,

“Where do you want these?” Stefan asked,

“Here,” Y/N said, beckoning with her hand and walking through her place to the kitchen. Stefan close behind her, she opened the fridge, “just on the empty shelf,” she said,

“We’ll put ‘em in when she’s here?”

“Yes,” she smiled and they went back to the girls who had moved further into the living room,

“She’s supposed to be here at 8:30?” Stefan asked,

“Yeah, she could be earlier though, she’s only coming from Lynchburg,” Bonnie shrugged,

“Lynchburg?” He asked, “what’s she doing there?” He wondered. Y/N was slightly surprised, thinking Elena would share with him, but it wasn’t really any of Y/N’s business.

“We booked her a facial, lash and nail appointment,” Y/N smiled,

“Damn, she’s gonna love that,” he said,

“I know right, such a Caroline day,” Bonnie said. She looked Stefan up and down again, “I can’t get over your outfit,” Bonnie smiled, “it’s so good,” she said, “but it is against dress code. Crop top and cargo pants are not classy formal, Stefan,” Bonnie folded her arms, jokingly. Stefan chuckled,

“I am actually exuding very camp energy and I whole-heartedly believe Caroline will appreciate that over such an aesthetic trespass,” he said with a certain sass and at that the girls laughed. He smiled at their reactions, then asked, “refills?”

“We’re good, we just got ours,” Bonnie smiled. He nodded and left them, walking to Damon. Y/N’s phone buzzed,

‘Care’s finished getting dressed, be there in fiveish’ Matt texted,

“Okay they’ll be here in five minutes!” She said and in an instant their adrenaline spiked. Y/N rushed to the speaker, Elena went to the main light switch, and Bonnie made her way to the coffee table just in front of the couch against the wall. Bonnie stepped onto the table, then Elena switched on the lights and Y/N turned the music low.

“Everyone!” Bonnie called, “everyone, please, everyone!” She called again. After a few seconds people quieted, “Caroline will be here in five minutes! Five minutes y’all, so keep quiet,” she said, “inside voices only,” she chuckled, “Y/N, Elena and I will open the door for her and Matt, we may exchange a few words, okay? We may exchange a few words! Just stay quiet! Shut the f*ck up! Do NOT say surprise! You will say surprise AFTER we turn on the lights, okay?” She asked,


“Yeah!” The crowd laughed,

“So we are all clear that you say surprise AFTER we turn on the lights?”

“Yes!” Everyone laughed,

“Okay good, any minute now,”

“They’re pulling up!” Y/N said. Elena switched off the lights, and everyone pushed to the end of the room, closer to the kitchen. The girls walked to the door, waiting for Caroline to knock. They heard the clack of her heels against the sidewalk and Caroline asking Matt if her outfit was cute.

“You look amazing, Care, trust me,” he assured. They knocked and Y/N opened the door.

“Happy birthday!” Y/N said, giving Caroline a hug. She hugged all three girls. Caroline wore the ultimate outfit, this night. She wore a glittery white dress, the neck hung low and draped over her bust like those trendy satin dresses. The glitter was iridescent, as the girl with Sunflower blonde hair moved, the sparkles gleamed purpley-bluey-pink. It fit snug against her body, and her hair was as perfect as always. Her beautiful new lash set fit her eye shape like they were natural, and her new pink nails were to die for. She smelled of Ari perfume and she looked just beautiful.

“Aw, thank you guys, today was so amazi–” Caroline started and Elena switched on the lights,

“SURPRISE!” Everyone shouted. Caroline gasped, her face morphing into a beautiful look of joy as she saw everyone.

“Oh my god!” She laughed, “you guyyysss!” Caroline exclaimed, bouncing up and down and hugging the girls again, Matt too. Y/N went to the music and turned it up, playing a playlist of Caroline’s favourites.

God, this is perfect,” Caroline laughed, following Y/N through her house. Damon had quickly returned to his post at the temporary bar.

“Happy birthday, Carebear,” Damon said, smiling at Caroline,

“Thank you,” she chuckled, smiling wide with bliss,

“Any drink requests?” He asked,

“Something to get me drunk, maybe with lime,” she smiled, “ooh can you make a mojito?” she asked and Damon rolled his eyes,

“If you got some mentha pepirita tucked away in your dress somewhere then sure,” he smiled tightly and handed her a double G&T with three limes.

“Thank you,” she said, rolling her eyes with a smile, “this is so amazing, guys I love you all so much,” she said with a sweet smile, hugging everyone for the third but not the last time that night. Y/N glanced over to the kitchen, seeing Stefan preheating the oven. It had completely slipped her mind.

“Okay I have to say hi to everyone,” Caroline said, that joyous smile remaining on her face.

“We’ll be here,” Elena said with a smile.

“A success,” Bonnie sighed,

“For real, and we can say that officially,” Y/N said, the girls chuckled. Laria Sim walked up to the three, talking of how great the party was and some other things Y/N wasn’t very interested in. She smiled politely at Laria, though found her a little boring. She glanced around her apartment. It seemed everyone was having a good time. Each had a drink in hand, talking loudly with friends, getting to know strangers, or laughing about something that must have been hilarious. Finally, her eyes rested on Stefan and Caroline who spoke in the kitchen. They hugged, a little longer than Y/N expected, then began talking. She wondered what they spoke of. She knew Stefan and Elena were in a bit of a rut, and by the look on Elena’s face, she noticed how much Stefan was talking to Caroline.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It was almost midnight. Y/N, Damon and Stefan had been going around telling people that in ten minutes they’re turning down the music to sing happy birthday. Everyone nodded and agreed, drunk enough to just listen.

“We can take out all of the cupcakes while everyone sings, they can just get one from the counter,” Damon shrugged,

“Yeah,” Stefan nodded,

“Okay, thank you, Bonnie can do the cake,” Y/N nodded, “just stay around here, when I turn down the music you can start putting the cupcakes out,” she said, and the boys nodded. She turned, looking to find Bonnie. Caroline had been swept up with her cheer squad, she would be distracted until it was time. Bonnie was either still in or in a new conversation with Laria, looking quite bored,

“Bonnie, hey,” Y/N smiled, walking up to them, “sorry, Laria, can I borrow Bonnie for a moment?” Y/N asked politely,

“Yeah, of course,” Laria smiled,

“Thanks,” Y/N said and the two girls walked away. She led Bonnie to the kitchen,

“Thank you,” Bonnie said, “she’s really nice but sometimes she talks way too much,” she sighed and Y/N chuckled,

“No worries, I’m actually wondering if you want to give Caroline her cake?” Y/N asked,

“Yeah, of course,” Bonnie smiled,

“Okay nice, so Stefan and Damon are gonna put out the cupcakes while we sing, you’ll walk out the cake to her, I’ll turn down the music and get everyone’s attention and then Elena and I will film,” Y/N listed,

“Perfect, when?”

“Uhh,” Y/N sighed, pulling her phone out and seeing it was 11:57, “in three minutes, god,” she said. They walked into the small kitchen, Damon and Stefan leaning against the off stove and talking quietly, “okay do we have the candles?” Y/N asked,

“Yep,” Damon said. Still leaning against the stove he brought his right hand to open the drawer on his right and he pulled a box of pink candles,

“Thank you,” Y/N said, taking the candles from him and handing them to Bonnie,

“I’m thinking half the pack?” Bonnie asked, opening the fridge and glancing between the candles and the cake,

“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. She glanced at the oven clock, 11:59, “okay I gotta go,” she said, walking out of the kitchen and out to the speaker. She turned the music down and like she, Damon and Stefan asked, everyone quieted to hear, “hello, everyone, thank you all for coming,” Y/N chuckled, “tonight is a very special night for our dearly beloved Ms. Caroline Forbes,” Y/N smiled and everyone cheered. Caroline chuckled, “and, as birthday parties go, we have a very, very special song prepared for you,” Y/N smiled, “Happy Birthday…” she started, and everyone joined in. The crowd separated in a line from the kitchen to Caroline and Bonnie walked through the condo with the stunning heart cake, the candles all lit. Caroline smiled so beautifully at all of her friends. Y/N whipped out her phone, stopped singing and recorded her friend. She blew out the candles and everyone clapped.

“Cupcakes are on the counter, everyone!” Y/N shouted, then turned the music back on. Caroline laughed, and looked at the cake,

“Guys it’s so pretty, oh my god,” Caroline said, “I almost don’t want any,” she laughed,

“Come on, let's go cut it up,” Y/N smiled, wrapping her arm around Caroline. She, Care, Elena and Bonnie met the brothers in the kitchen. Damon took the cake from Bonnie’s hands. He placed it on the counter and pulled out a knife, cutting her a nice slice.

“For Ms.Girl,” Damon said, presenting the slice to Caroline. He picked the cake back up, placed it in its box and put it in the fridge. Caroline took a bite.

“Oh my god,” Caroline said, “this is so good,” she said taking another bite, “aww thank you guys so much,” Caroline said, her eyes glassy. She brought each of them into a hug, even Damon.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It was 2:00 am, Y/N saw on the oven. The cupcakes had long since been eaten, and they had less and less alcohol every minute. She had seen the bin for used disposables piling up and she was excited to get them developed. Some people had left at this point, only about twenty people roaming Y/N’s home aside from her friends. Damon had since left the bar, surely discussing whatever Damon discusses with strangers. She looked around the apartment, turning her head to find him. She saw Bonnie, once more swept into a conversation with Laria Sim. Elena and Stefan spoke in hushed tones, neither wearing an expression of happiness. The birthday girl danced with her cheer squad near that makeshift bar, but Damon was nowhere to be found,

“Lookin’ for me?” His familiar voice came from behind. She turned, looking over her right shoulder to see a tipsy Damon.

“Hey,” she smiled, feeling the drink as well. He stood beside her, wrapping his left arm around her shoulder. They rocked slightly as he used her for balance,

“Great party,” he said, looking down at her,

“Thank you, I agree,” she said, looking up at him and smiling. He smiled wider,

“You wanna go smoke?” He asked, raising his brows,

“I’m so down,” she said. With his arm over his shoulder they walked through her apartment, passing dancers or people in drunk conversation. They walked up the stairs,

“I will say, usually I prefer an extravagant ball, but I could absolutely see myself attending another party hosted by the Y/N Y/L/N,” he nodded as they walked cautiously up the stairs. She chuckled, and opened the door to her bedroom. Damon let go of her shoulder, relaxing his arm to his side as he glanced around her bedroom. She furthered in, walking for her weed bag on her vanity, then to her bed. He looked at the high ceilings, its slanted roof. Her excellent windows with white tulle curtains pulled back. She had a couple miscellaneous on her vanity table, the only things out of place. It was all very much Y/N. He nodded approvingly, looking at some of the books on her shelf, the photos she chose to display.

“Come on,” Y/N said, beckoning him over to the bed. He glanced at her, and walked over. He checked out the book on her nightstand, then joined her sitting on the bed, resting his back against her headboard.

“This place is a good venue,” he smiled as she finished rolling,

“Yeah I was reluctant because of the mess, but give people a theme, they’ll stick to it,” she shrugged. She sparked the joint and pulled it a couple times before passing it to Damon.

“The amount of parties they’ve thrown at my place,” he rolled his eyes, puffing the joint, “and none of them cleaned afterward!” He said in shock, shrugging his shoulders. Y/N chuckled and shook her head. He passed the joint. She puffed it as they sat in a comfortable and familiar silence. Though, something weighed on Y/N. Whether it was drink or the weed, she felt she couldn’t stop from asking him about it. She passed the joint,

“Can I ask you something about Elena and Caroline?” She asked,

“What, that Elena’s totally jealous of Caroline because Stefan’s lowkey falling in love with her?” He asked quickly, looking at her. Y/N’s brows furrowed and mouth dropped. He smirked and passed it back,

“Uh-Um… Okay no, but put a pin in that , because it definitely needs to be discussed,” she said, her face in shock from Damon’s quick words, “it’s a little more serious than that,” she said, puffing the joint,

“Alright,” he said, looking forward but at nothing in particular. She sighed, thick smoke passing her lips,

“They say things about you,” she said, finding it hard to explain for some reason. He gasped, snapping his head to her, and shot his hand to his mouth,

No!” He said dramatically. She chuckled, looking away and shaking her head. She puffed and passed it to him,

“They say…” She started, looking around the room, “they like, give me… Warnings, I guess you could say, about you,” she shrugged,

“Hmm,” he said, inhaling. He exhaled, “like what?” He passed her the almost roach,

“Like,” she said, pinching the filter between her lips, “here you can finish,” she handed it back to him, “I don’t know that you aren’t good news and not to trust you and stuff,” she listed. Truly, she found no validity behind her friends’ statements. He had been nothing but kind. But, of course, if three friends are saying the same thing about someone, it could be of value to listen. He sighed, ashing the joint,

“I’m not surprised, in all honesty,” he shrugged, Y/N furrowed her brows and looked at him, “I’ve made a lot of mistakes,” he said plainly, eyes glancing around the room, “I regret all of them, and several cross my mind each night,” he said, “In my life I’ve been a bad friend, a bad brother, a bad person . I’ve let people down, didn’t keep my word,” he said, sounding disappointed, “It’s different now, but, there was a time I was very, very emotional. Which of course can be good, but I had no understanding of how to regulate myself and my feelings,” he shook his head, “I would ruin relationships, hurt people just because I didn’t know what else to do or didn't know how to let go,” he said. Y/N looked at him, she saw his penitence written clear on his face.

“Have you apologised?” She asked, and he shrugged and shook his head,

“No,” he almost scoffed, “it would be utterly pointless,” he raised his brows slightly,

“At least they’d know you’re sorry,” she said quietly. He turned to her, so close he sat. Only inches from one another. He glanced at her lips, and she at his. He sucked in a breath then looked away, sighing. Y/N sighed as well, looking forward,

“Well back to what you were saying before,” Y/N started again, “What’s going with Stefan Elena and Caroline?” She asked in shock, somewhat disliking his accusation. He rolled his eyes and smiled,

“It’s just a very strong feeling if I’m being perfectly honest,” he said, “Caroline’s come to the house thinking I wouldn’t hear her,” he shook his head, “ very silly of her,” he said, “Stefan and Elena are definitely gonna break up. Too much is going on, it would be weird if they didn’t,” he shrugged, “and Caroline has been Stefan’s friend through this. Wouldn’t be surprised if they link after Stelena,” he smirked,

“I don’t know, do you really think Caroline would do that to Elena?” Y/N asked,

“Oh, there’s no way she’s actively pursuing him right now. Definitely not,” he shook his head, “but once they break up, I’m sure things will fall into place,” he said, “can’t deny they’d work better than he and Elena,” he shrugged,

“And you think Elena’s jealous?”

“Maybe not jealous, but I believe she sees what I do,” he said, “thanks for the smoke. And the tipsy therapy/gossip session,” he said, looking back up at her eyes with his stunning blue. She chuckled,

“Anytime,” she said and he turned from her and stood from her bed. They walked down the stairs, feeling pretty good, not too high however. Damon linked his arm with Y/N’s and they both held a railing as they walked downstairs.

“Hey, Y/N,” Elena smiled, meeting them at the bottom of the stairs. She seemed about to say something, but instead glanced at Damon, hesitant. He narrowed his eyes,

“Seems your friend wants me to go,” Damon said, looking at Elena. He unhooked they’re arms and, quicker than Y/N knew, pecked her cheek and said, “catch me later,” with a smile and walked off. Y/N smiled and she watched him walk to Stefan. She looked to Elena,

“What’s up,” she asked. Elena chuckled knowingly,

“I’m wondering if you got a joint?” Elena asked,

Yes, I just smoked though,” Y/N said,

“No worries, no worries,” Elena said,

“Let’s do it once everyone’s gone,” Y/N nodded and Elena smiled.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

4:00 am. The night had been long. Caroline finally found Y/N, not too drunk anymore, but definitely tipsy and tired.

“Y/N, oh it is so good to see you,” she smiled, pulling Y/N into a hug, “Hmm,” she sighed, relaxing into the hug. Y/N chuckled,

“How you doin’, Care?” Y/N asked, pulling away, and wrapping her arm around her tired friend,

“I’m tired, I want to make them all magically leave,” she said, eyes droopy. Y/N smiled,

“Roger that, birthday girl,” Y/N said, turning them around to the kitchen. She leaned Caroline against the counter, facing away from the passthrough. She grabbed the last cup in the cupboard and filled it with water, handing it to Caroline, “want me to kick everyone out?” She asked,

“Yes please,” Caroline smiled, eyes closed and sipping her water.

“Okay,” Y/N said, “that better all be drunk by the time I come back,” Y/N smiled and walked out of the kitchen. She found Stefan and Damon, certainly sober at this point, in a conversation by the stairs,

“Hey,” she smiled,

“Hey,” Stefan said,

“What’s up?”

“I’m kicking everyone out,” Y/N said,

“Roger that,” Damon said, walking past them. He went to the stereo, and unplugged Y/N’s phone. He then looked across the room to Stefan. He chuckled and went to the lights, turning them on then Damon started to speak, “alright, everyone!” He raised his voice, “get out!” He said. A few people groaned, but others started saying goodbye, “yep, bye, bye, thank you, goodbye, there’s the door,” he said, smiling tightly as everyone filed out, Y/N found Matt, walking over to him as everyone else walked out,

“Hey!” She said,

“Hey! Amazing party,” he smiled,

“Thanks,” she chuckled, “did she bring her makeup remover and her pyjamas?” Y/N asked,

“Yes,” Matt said, “it’s in the car,” he said, smiling and walking past her to get Caroline’s things. Y/N turned to Damon, her home almost empty now.

“Excellent work,” Y/N nodded, watching as everyone walked out.

“I do have some practice,” he smiled.

“Can you still move the uh,” Y/N began,

“Yeah, yeah, totally,” Damon nodded, turning away and walking to the stairs, “Stef,” he said, nodding right and walking up the stairs with his brother. Matt walked back in,

“Here,” he said,

“Awesome,” Y/N said, taking her things, “she’s just in there if you wanna say goodnight,” Y/N smiled, looking down to the kitchen to Caroline who was refilling her water cup and Bonnie who was already getting Y/N’s sponge mop ready. Elena had taken the garbage bag tied to the stairs and had begun collecting the stray cans, cups and bottles around the condo. Y/N jogged up the stairs, Caroline’s outfit and skincare routine in hand. She turned right, into her room. Stefan and Damon had moved her room around a bit, her mattress and a second mattress from the guest across the hall on the ground. Stefan and Damon arranged them neatly and placed plenty covers and pillows atop just like she asked them a couple weeks ago,

“Oh my god,” Y/N smiled, she went for the bathroom quickly, putting down Caroline’s things then walking back out to them, “thank you guys,” she smiled, going for Stefan first and pulling him into a hug, then to Damon, who hugged her a little longer,

“Of course,” Damon said,

“No worries,” Stefan said,

“Tonight was such a success and you two were very big parts of that,” she said and both shook their head, “without you two it would have been a party without food or alcohol and honestly I wouldn’t call that much of a party,” she said and Stefan chuckled, Damon smirked, “just… Thank you,” she said. They walked out of her room and back downstairs, Stefan and Damon lingering by the door while Y/N walked down the condo once more to the kitchen.

“Hey,” she said, Matt and Caroline hugging as she came back for Caroline,

“Hey,” Caroline smiled, hugging Y/N immediately after. Y/N chuckled,

“I’ll see you, Y/N,” Matt smiled, placing his hand on her left shoulder as he passed,

“Bye,” she said,

“Bye, Matty,” Caroline said, stilling hugging Y/N,

“You’re not driving right?” Y/N asked turning her head slightly,

“No, no, Stefan’s giving me a ride,”

“I saw him drink,” Y/N said,

“He’s fine Y/N, don’t worry,” Matt chuckled,

“Okay fine,” she said, “alright, Ms.Girl,” Y/N smiled, pulling away and linking arms with Caroline and walking her to the stairs where Elena spoke to Stefan politely,

“We’re gonna go,” Damon raised his brows once at Y/N as they approached. Caroline opened her eyes a little wider and looked at both Damon and Stefan. She pulled Damon into a tired hug,

“Thanks,” she said, tiredly,

“You’re most welcome, Care-bear,” then Caroline went to Stefan whom she hugged a little tighter and with a little more affection,

“Thank you, Stefan,” she said quieter,

“Of course, Caroline,” he smiled, pulling away. Caroline turned to Elena,

“Aw, Elena, hey,” Caroline smiled, and the two walked upstairs,

“Bye,” Elena smiled tightly at the brothers and kindly at Matt. Bonnie put the clean mop in the sink to dry, and walked up to Y/N and the boys.

“Oh my god! You guyyyyysss,” Y/N heard Caroline say upstairs, surely she saw the sleeping set-up Damon and Stefan helped with. Everyone glanced upstairs and chuckled,

“Bye guys,” Bonnie smiled, hugging each of them tiredly, then walking up Y/N’s stairs,

“Thanks again,” Y/N said, opening the door and walking out with them. She hugged Stefan goodnight, then Matt, “I have no idea what we would have done without you, Matt, thank you so much,” she said, holding his shoulders when she pulled away. He smiled boyish,

“Of course Y/N,” he said, and followed Stefan to his car. Damon hung back, having driven his Mustang,

“You’re good to drive?” Y/N asked, looking from Stefan and Matt to the man in front of her. Damon rolled his eyes,

“Please, I’m fine,” he said, “besides, you really want me crashin’ your slumber party?” Damon asked. Y/N chuckled and he smiled slightly,

“Well, thank you again,” she said, going in for one last hug that night. They embraced each other, Y/N enjoying his warmth against the cold fall air. They hugged for longer than usual, relaxing in each other’s arms, even after Stefan pulled his car from his spot. Finally Y/N sighed and let go,

“Goodnight, Damon,” she smiled looking into his stunning eyes. She glanced at his lips then back to his eyes, wanting to kiss him more than she ever had. The corner of his mouth turned up slightly in a side smile,

“Goodnight,” he said and he placed his hands just under her mandible and placed a sweet kiss on her cheek. He glanced at her lips for a few moments, then to her eyes, then walked down to his car right out front, Y/N watching as he left. Only when he rounded to his side of the car did she turn to go back inside. She closed the door, leaning her back against it with a child-like smile on her face. She loved when Damon kissed her like that. She loved Da… She sighed, pushing herself from the door and jogging up the stairs. She walked into her room, the door already open. Bonnie was in the bathroom, convincing Caroline to take off her makeup, Elena laughing almost hysterically on the assortment of mattresses on the ground, skincare routine clearly done. Y/N smiled, seeing the arguing Caroline sitting on the counter while Bonnie held her micellar water, desperate. Y/N walked to Bonnie’s line of vision and made a gesture that she was gonna go smoke. Bonnie nodded then Y/N grabbed her weed bag from her vanity. She rolled a quick joint, chuckling at Caroline’s points,

“Look, one night is fine. I’m not gonna blame anyone for one night,” Caroline shrugged,

“Caroline you just got a facial, you’ll never forgive yourself if you sleep in your makeup tonight,” Bonnie said, as Y/N smiled and walked to her door. She turned to Elena, nodding and Elena stood as well. They went back downstairs, Y/N opened the front door. They sat on the one step, facing each other and leaning against the columns out front. Y/N sparked the joint and puffed a couple times before passing it to Elena,

“That was fun,” Y/N smiled, looking to her right, to the boulevard and where Damon left from moments ago,

“Yeah,” Elena nodded, “you really know how to organise a party,” Elena smiled, passing the joint and coughing into her arm,

“Thanks,” Y/N smiled, “can I ask you something?” Y/N asked puffing the joint,

“Sure,” Elena shrugged. Y/N passed it to her,

“Were you and Stefan good tonight?” She asked. Elena sighed, looking away, “you don’t need to answer, of course,” Y/N said,

“No, it’s fine,” Elena shook her head, not looking at Y/N, “it was that obvious, huh?” Elena chuckled almost weakly and looked at Y/N,

“Only to someone who knows what’s up,” Y/N shrugged and Elena nodded,

“We weren’t good, tonight,” Elena said, taking another puff then handing the joint to Y/N, “I don’t know, things are just… Staying the same, it seems like,” she shrugged Y/N nodded, wondering herself whether they would make it out or not.


Cuteee. Pretty long chapter I'm ngl. Also I don't wanna see anything weird about Stefan's outfit. Could you imagine Stefan in that? I would yell out loud and it would be awkward for everyone. Sorry if you don't like confident Stefan tf? Yeah I'm getting defensive. As y'all can see this is very slow build, but worry not! worry not. Exciting things are indeed coming. Also I literally have a Pinterest for this fic so you can see my vision. There's a whole ass board for Caroline's party. I highlyyy recommend checking it out. All the links you need are on Tumblr!

make sure you check out for visual resources and fic updates.

as always ~~much love

Chapter 7: the theatre only an hour drive away


“Password’s ‘hahaha’ no capitals,” he said, lifting his legs onto the desk, crossing them and puffing the joint. Y/N chuckled, “exactly,” he smirked and Y/N typed in the password. The screen opened up to a few tabs on Chrome. She read a headline stating
‘Killer Found in Recent Murder-Suicide’ she skimmed the article for a moment,
‘Authorities have confirmed that Darwin Siobhan’s DNA matches at least thirteen of the crimes that have been occurring since April of this year. Sheriff Forbes assures us that Mystic Falls can rest easy now that his remains have been uncovered’ Y/N sighed,
“I heard about this,” she said quietly. Damon puffed the joint,
“Hmm?” He asked looking at the screen, “oh yeah,” he shook his head, exhaling and passing her the joint, “you can close those,” he said,
“At least he was found,” she sighed,


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (7)

It was cold and Y/N was grateful she could stay in bed a little longer. At 8:00 am she stepped out the door, outfit comfortable for her short school day. History and Chemistry. Two relatively easy classes. Certainly History, with the pelnty familiar faces sat around her each class. That day however, she and her friends had an exam. Finally they would be moving on from supernatural and Eastern American folklore. She stood out of Elena’s home, waiting for her friend to meet her before their day. The brunette stepped out onto her porch, calling out a goodbye to her Aunt Jenna before meeting Y/N down her walkway. Today she wore a bulky sweatsuit, cream coloured; the top cropped and half-zipped, underneath a white baby-tee with a small teddy bear upon it's chest. The warm-looking sweats hung on her hips and she held a tote bag over he shoulder.

Her brown hair was held back in a low bun and her skin glowed, like usual.

"Hey," Y/N smiled, turning right for CJ's.



“Is Stefan meeting us here?” Y/N asked as they stepped for the bar to receive their warm drinks.

"Oh, uh..." Elena shook her head and looked down, "no, he-uh... He cancelled," she sighed, looking away at anything but Y/N in that moment.

The girl's eyes narrowed at her friend's defence, a sudden smallness to her posture. Finally Elena's chocolate eyes met Y/N's again and she nodded for a pair of lounge seats so often taken by other customers.

"You ready do the exam?" She deflected, taking a seat and sipping her drink.

“Yeah, I reviewed a little more last night. Shouldn’t be too hard.” Y/N shrugged,

Elena shook her head, chuckling, “I just can’t believe how long we were learning about that stuff."

“I know,” Y/N rolled her eyes, “I’ll definitely owe my A to Twilight and other supernatural media.” Y/N smiled.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Y/N and Elena told the girls to meet after their Phys. Ed.. Apparently they were in Gym A today.

“Hey!” Caroline smiled, upbeat no matter the early hour. She wore black biker shorts and a long sleeve white shirt, both garments snug. Comfortable looking New Balances were on her feet with some slouchy socks and her hair was in a cute ponytail. Having cheer practice after school on those days, it was routine to see her in such fits every other day. Bonnie must have changed out of her gym strip, and she was wearing something entirely opposite. A fitted ribbed tank in a dark brown rested a little bit above her green denim. She wore dirty, high-top converse and her right arm held onto the canvas backpack slung on her shoulder. Her lighter brown, oversized hoodie was unzipped, slouching halfway down her upper arm and gold necklaces layered around her neck. She had rings on almost every finger and her hair was a wash and go.

“Everyone studied?” Caroline asked, looking mostly at Y/N and Elena as she stepped forward.

Elena smiled, "Yes, Caroline don’t worry,” Elena said

“Of course we did.” Y/N said.

“Okay good, because I do not want any my friends selling themselves short.” Caroline nodded.

They entered the classroom, taking their usual seats in that back corner by the windows.

“Good morning everyone,” Mr.Saltzman said, “test today, as you know...” He walked around his desk with a pile of thin booklets in his hand, “One hour block,” he said, raising his brows. He leaned against his desk, looking around the class, “and this test requires a lot of writing, which I’m sure you surmised based off of your homework for this topic.” he shrugged, “This test will be split into two blocks. This booklet is what I expect of you today, and I’ll be printing off the second booklet so it’s ready by Tuesday next week,” he said, “one good thing... If you find this part easy, the second is gonna be breeze.” He said. Once each student held a booklet, he spoke one last time. "Go."



“Alright, anyone else?” Mr.Saltzman asked, glancing at each face. Everyone had handed it in, “okay, you’re free to go. Just be mindful of other classes, they're still in session. Keep your voices down, goodbye,” he said, waving them off. The class stood up, some sighing, others mostly silent. Y/N and her friends grabbed their bags and walked out of class.

“Easy enough,” Caroline sighed, walking down the hall with everyone close behind.

“I have another test after lunch,” Elena rolled her eyes,

“God,” Bonnie said, wrapping her arm around Elena. They walked to the picnic tables, their usual spot any time of day. Bonnie, Caroline and Y/N shared a bench, Stefan and Elena across from them.

Caroline was already in conversation about cheer.“Yeah, I usually love it, but Laria is having such a hard time getting the routine right,” Caroline spoke and Y/N looked at Stefan and Elena, neither looking comfortable. Stefan glanced at Caroline once in a while, though mostly looked at the table or anything else. Y/N furrowed her brows once then went back to Caroline’s conversation, listening for an exit, “but hopefully, today will be the day,” Caroline sighed,

“I’m sure it’ll all work out,” Bonnie nodded,

“Yeah, you’re a great cheer coach,” Elena said,

“From what I’ve seen I agree,” Y/N said.

Then there was silence. Nothing Bonnie, Y/N, Caroline or anything else could say. Certainly not when a tension waved between three of the five of them.

"Well... Shallwe get some food?” She asked, looking at each face, “Stefan and I can pick it up. You drove today, right?” She asked, looking over at him.

His brows pulled together for a moment, "Uh, yeah--"

"Then great!" Y/N smiled, looking for approval anywhere else.

"I mean, yeah, that would be nice," Elena nodded, eyes moving from Y/N to Stefan.

"The Grill?" Y/N suggested,

"I'm down," Bonnie nodded.

"Alright, well, let's call now..." Caroline started, pulling her phone from her bag, " that it's ready when you're there. What does everyone want?"

Stefan led Y/N to his car, not speaking.

He slowed at a Ferrari Testarossa, Y/N had definitely seen it around town, only unaware it was her friend Stefan's. He had it painted a dark forest green, its interior beige from what she could see.

“This is amazing,” Y/N smiled as Stefan unlocked her door. His concerned face disappeared for a moment, replaced with a smile at her compliment.

Seated, Stefan turned the ignition and drove off.

“Now what do you wanna talk about?” Stefan asked, sooner than Y/N expected.

She sighed, glancing to her right then in front of her.“Maybe I'm out of line, but..." She started, "I feel like if I'm gonna be subjected to the awkwardness that was... Whatever we just left... I gotta know what happened between you and Caroline?"

"Me and Caroline?" He repeated, too quickly. He sighed when she said nothing, looking straight ahead and squeezing the wheel for a moment."Nothing happened between me and Caroline."

Y/N smirked, "well, that took a while to come up with--"

"What do you want me to say, Y/N?" He almost laughed, "I love Elena," he shrugged.

"I definitely didn't question your love for Elena," she shook her head and he sighed again, glancing to his left then back to the road.

"Okay..." He started, sighing once more. "You don't... You don't strike someonewho runs their mouth.” He started.


He rolled his eyes. “I mean, that if I tell you what’s up, I wanna trust you won't share it, alright?” He asked, looking at her then the road, “if anyone comes to me asking about it I’ll know it came from you.” He said and at once Y/N felt his gravity.

“Yeah, of course. You can trust me.” She nodded.

But Stefan didn't say anything for a moment. He let a silence fester between them, growing inquiry within her mind and an angst at whatever he might say.

Perhaps it was much worse than she thought. Perhaps it wasn't but high school drama.“There was a time,” he started, “not too long ago... I left. I left and I went to New York," he said, "To visit our cousins.” He added quickly, shaking his head, “Didn’t tell Elena, Damon... Any of them where I was going or what I was up to. They didn’t know what happened until I was back.”

Y/N nodded, “Elena said that. She told me you went to LA? To see your uncle?” She repeated what her friend told her. Was it more than just the one time?

“Uh, yeah. At first. But then New York more towards the end.” He said and Y/N didn’t question further. “Being gone, it was like..." He shook his head, voice trailing off for a moment, "It was like I forgot my life with Elena,” he said quietly, “and then I came back, for some reason seeing... Caroline in a different light,” he shook his head again, “but I also still remembered my love for Elena...” He shrugged, “but it's not like I want Caroline, you know? I don't, I don't..." He shook his head, "I just... I made a sh*tty mistake, and now it's making everyone else feel sh*tty."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

They stood outside of Bonnie and Caroline’s Biology class, the bell would ring in a few minutes. Elena and Stefan were long gone, the havingwhat turned out to be threetests that day, while Stefanhad a spare. But certainly didn't wait around, didn't say goodbye to the girls. Y/N could say indeed he left with some haste. Perhaps as to not be with Caroline without Elena.

“I’ve got cheer after this but are you guys free at like 4:30? 5?” Caroline asked, clutching her tote bag.

“I’ve got a paper,” Bonnie sighed,

“Damon and I have plans,” Y/N said.

“What are you and Damon gonna do?” Bonnie asked, Caroline chuckling.

Y/N rolled her eyes, a smile on her face,“We’re going back to his place and watching a movie."

“A movie, huh?" Caroline asked

Stop,” Y/N rolled her eyes.

“Okay, okay. Well, we’ll plan something. Text later.” Bonnie shrugged, pulling Y/N into a hug, “Bye.” She smiled.

Y/N hugged Caroline too, receiving some words of wisdom form her friend.“Make good choices.” She sighed, so motherly, earning a big smile.

"No worries there. Goodbye," She said, looking at both girls before turning for the stairs.

The fall weather was certainly colder than the warm, sweaty halls of school.Cool air and fallen leave whiffed up her nose quickly but a few steps outside.

Damon waited for her in the lot, offering to pick her up that day. Not as if it was unusual. Rarely she'd see the man without his Mustang being involved.

"Hey," She smiled, pulling the door open and relaxing into the familiar bucket seat.

He smiled back at her, "Hey," driving off as she closed the door.

"How are you?" She asked, taking off her jacket and pulling on her seatbelt.

He glanced over, smirking at a question he rarely heard coming from her. "I'm good," He nodded, "Actually, my buddy back in Lexington need some help this morning, came back a few hours ago," he nodded.

"Oh nice. Little vacation," she sighed, relaxing further in her seat.

"Yeah," he nodded, "well, how are you? How's my girl?"

She glanced at him, chuckling lightly at the name. Butterflies fluttered in her belly, rising up her chest. "I'm good too. History exam went well, butElena...God, she had three tests today."

"sh*t," He said. "God school sucks. Especially now," he shook his head.

"Right, because it wassomuch different but five years ago," she chuckled, glancing out the window. For a moment, she thought she heard him about to say something. But when she glanced back over, his lips were shut.

"Stefan's making this curry for dinner if you're down," he said, deflecting almost too quickly.

So much of that today.

"I'm very down for that."



The ride to the Salvatore Boarding House was pleasant like usual, and the home itself quiet behind the faint clattering of dishes in the kitchen. They kicked off their shoes by the garage door.“Joint?” Damon asked, raising his brows once.

“Of course,” she smiled, following him to his room. She was welcomed to his familiar cologne and an unfamiliarly unmade bed.

Before anything he tossed the corners of his duvet, covering his sheets. Y/N hid her smirk, going for the chair she always did. He sat next to her, pulling an already rolled joint between his lips and sparking it smooth.

"Oh my God..." Y/N covered her face with one hand as she took the joint he passed.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I have a paper." She groaned, taking another hit.

"Dinner won't be ready for a while, you need my laptop?"

She offered the last of the joint, "Is that okay?I’ll be like half an hour, maybe a full hour.”

“I don't mind,” he shook his head, brows knitting together as he moved his chair back. Y/N followed him and he opened the single desk drawer for his laptop. Too inside, she caught a book bound in leather, a well-used notepad, blank paper and a few extra lighters.

He stood from his seat, "Password's 'hahaha', no capitals." He pointed, going for his closet, "I'm gonna get a coffee, you want one?"

"Yes,that would be great." She said, typing in his absurd password.

At once the screen openedto a few tabs on Chrome. She read a headline stating‘Killer Found in Recent Murder-Suicide’

She skimmed the article for a moment.

‘Authorities have confirmed that Darwin Siobhan’s DNA matches at least thirteen of the crimes that have been occurring since April of this year. Sheriff Liz Forbes said that Mystic Falls can rest easy now that his remains have been uncovered’ Y/N sighed,

“I heard about this,” she said quietly and Damon returned from his closet, leather jacket good looking on him.

“Hmm?” He asked looking at the screen, “oh yeah.” He shook his head, “sh*tty stuff. Good thing he's gone.” He said.

“I guess, yeah.” She sighed.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Dinner was certainly ready, Stefan walked past them on their way down.“It’s warm,” he said.

“Thank you,” Y/N smiled.

“Thank you very much, brother.” Damon nodded, walking down the front hall, not looking back at his brother. Damon went straight for the cupboard and took out two bowls then the drawer for a couple spoons. He handed one of each to Y/N and peered over the open pot on the stove.

They sat next to one another at the kitchen island finishing their generous servings of Stefan’s great meal.

“So what was your paper on?” He asked, nearing the end of his dish.

“Physics.” She sighed,

Physics?” He asked,

“I know,” she rolled her eyes, shook her head, “we’ve been talking about ‘Newton’s Laws of Motion’, and she’s wanting us to summarise everything we’ve talked about so far,” she sighed, taking a bite, “good way to learn I guess. If you can explain it, you know it.” She shrugged,

“I guess that's true...” He shrugged too at the thought, “What drew you to physics in the first place?”

“Mmm...” She hummed, looking forward, to the sink then to the window above it, “It’s mostly space that I’m interested in,” she said, looking at him, “I’ve always been drawn to the moon and the planets and stuff,” she shrugged looking at her bowl, “I felt taking an AP Physics class would be helpful in opening doors to certain careers.” She said,

“Really planning ahead, huh?” He asked and she chuckled,

“Yeah,” she said, uncertain, looking at him then taking another bite, “I don’t even know what I wanna do,” she sighed, “but I guess I have a lot of time.”

He studied her face, a small smile growing on his lips. Y/N looked over and smiled back,

“What?” She asked, and he narrowed his eyes slightly, “what?” She chuckled, wiping the corner of her mouth, just in case.

“I just had the greatest idea.” He shrugged. He grabbed her hand and pulled from her stool, “Come on.” He said, leading her from the kitchen,

“Wait, Damon,” she laughed, “our dishes,” she said, though not protesting too much,

“I don’t care, let’s go.” he smiled, his large hand holding hers delicately. He led her to his room first, “Okay, we’re going somewhere that has a certain... Dress code.” He started, walking to his closet, “and the fun of this night, will be from the dressing up, to the actual event."

"Damon," She smiled, following him though lingering at the doors to his closet.

"Come in," he nodded at her, pulling a garment bag from the rack and waiting for her to near. "Unzip it," he said, and she gave him a smile. Y/N reached for the zipper and revealed perhaps the mostbeautiful dress she had ever seen. “Now, I know for a fact you would look absolutely striking in this, but I must know your thoughts,” he said, her eyes gazed in awe at the duch*ess satin, gleaming almost sparkly in a certain light. There were small floral designs scrawled on the bust and it's edge was lined with beautiful diamonds and led to frills made of silk tulle. Its skirt was thin with two layers of that same lovely satin.

She took in a breath, “this is amazing,” she said, reaching forward and meeting the soft dress.

“And you would look amazing in it.” Damon said, “What's it gonna be?” He asked, raising his brows once.

Y/N knitted her brows,“Damon, this is, like..." She started, “This is obviously a really expensive dress, I can’t wear this...” She shook her head.

"Why? Couldn't possibly wear a dress that would look perfect on you?" He asked, looking away before she could banter back. "I have an excellent idea for this evening Y/N, and such an idea requires uniform. If you wantI got a couple others to choose from--”

"No," she said, "No. This one's good," she smiled. "But," she chuckled, "I've never... Done this. I don't know how to wear this stuff. I don't know how to put any of it on..."

"Alright, well, I'm sure we can figure it out together. Most of it goes overtop a thin dress I believe..." He said more to himself. "Okay, yeah... This is it," he nodded, eyes studying the fabric with some uncertainty before handing her the thin chemise.

"You sure?"


"I'm not convinced."

"Go put it on, I'll help with the rest."

She chuckled, shaking her head and taking the garment before heading for his bathroom.

She pulled the loose fabric over her head, smiling at whatever Damon was up to tonight. No matter how strange the circ*mstances, she was not one to say no to a little dress-up. Certainly not if there were old dresses like these lying around. She undressed and slipped the chemise over her body, its bust low. Then she pulled on the soft stockings.

She opened the door, at once pulling Damon's attention to her."I feel silly," she said, a sheepish smile wide on her face as he stepped in. She looked at her reflection, seeing what he did.

"Please, you're gonna look amazing." He said, "Alright, so pull the fabric down very slightly. You want it tojustcover what it needs to," he said, glancing to his side as she adjusted the chemise.

"Now, if I remember correctly, there are a few more things involved before the bodice but you chose a very particular dress." He said, "Ready," he asked, holding the corset in one hand.

“Yeah,” she nodded, smiling.

“Lift up your arms a bit,” he said quietly, and she did. Under her right, he held one end of the bodice, wrapping his other arm around her for the other end. She took in a breath as he pulled the bodice against her stomach, “now press the front against your stomach,” he said and Y/N flattened her palms against her stomach and pressed it against her body, not too tight, “okay. Tell me if it's uncomfortable.” He sighed.

"Okay," she said, as softly as he spoke. She watched in the mirror as he kneeled, lacing the first loop and pulling. He worked delicately, tightening so little each loop.

“There we go.” He said quietly, looking down the back of her body. His fingers traced down the sides of her back, down to her hips and he looked in the mirror, letting his fingers rest there for a moment, "Beautiful.” he said, lips tugging into a slight smile. He reached for the dress hanging on the door and pulled it from its hook. He opened its back and turned it in his hands, “here,” he said, letting Y/N step into the fabric.

It's softness travelled even through her stockings, comfortable and friendly, no matter how many layers she wore.

He finished dressing her, at last bringing something speckled in diamonds to add to her hair. "However, wherever you want. Or Not at all," he shrugged, handing her the last piece. She smiled, turning to the mirror and eyeing every part of herself.

Garbed in wears she'd never been near to touch, dressed by someone she so greatly liked being at the fingertips of.

"I must dress myself now, but I have these for you, if they're of any use." He offered a small box of jewellery before departing for his closet and closing it behind him.

Y/N sorted through different jewels. Rings, necklaces, earrings, before finding a set near identical. The earring and bracelet were quite easy to fasten, the necklace would have to wait for Damon.

She strolled from the bathroom as he stepped out too, fitted in an outfit Y/N hadn't the luck of seeing just yet.

He wore an excellent pin-stripe suit, black and grey, with a cravat resting under his chin. A pocket watch hid in the pocket of his waistcoat, and his shoes looked recently shined.

Y/N laughed, "This is amazing."

"We gotta get a photo," he pointed at her, walking for his bedside table and fishing out a camera, a polaroid. "I think I got shoes to match the dress in there," he nodded to his closet, "at the very back, try 'em on."

She watched him step out of the room for a moment, hearing him knock on Stefan's door as she went for those shoes he mentioned.

They were there, as he said, but resting in size very-much not Y/N's.

She stepped from Damon's closet at the sound of Stefan's voice. His jaw dropped at the sight of her. “You look amazing.” He laughed, seeing Y/N unlike he had ever.

She chuckled,“Thank you.”

Damon neared her again, pulling her to his side, “Okay let’s do a very serious one.” He said, fixing his posture slightly. Y/N did as well, looking straight into the camera, expressionless. Stefan snapped the photo, waiting for it's print before bringing the camera back up to his eye. “Now we smile." And Y/N did leaning closer to him than maybe she tried. But he let her, sides near flushed with one another.

The second photo printed and Damon let his fingers trail against her skin as he pulled away. "Thank you, Stefan," he nodded.

“Where are you two going?”

“That’s what I’ve been asking,” Y/N said, looking at Damon.

“And it’s a surprise."Damon said, holding his hand out for Y/N , “Let’s get outta here.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

They arrived at a humble country home, a few people dressed fancy like them scattered in groups or pairs around the house, the boulevard and the yard. Damon pulled next to an old car Y/N didn’t know the make of and they stepped out of his Mustang. He rounded the car to her side and offered his arm. With a smile and a quick flutter of butterflies, she linked her arm with his. They walked to the front door, surely, but Y/N’s eyes darted around the property. Everyone seemed in their own conversations, and each outfit Y/N saw, her eyes lingered for a moment. Every fabric her eyes met she could tell was expensive and she wondered what exactly it was that Damon brought her to. He walked his way to the door like he had been here a thousand times, he seemed as comfortable as he did walking into his own room, and because of that, Y/N found herself worrying less. They stepped up the six stairs to the main foundation, meeting a tall man who stood at the front door,

“Name?” He asked,

“Damon Salvatore,” Damon said, a certain boredness to his voice. She looked up at him for a moment, then back to the man who stared at her,

“And you?” He asked. She was about to speak, though before she could, Damon reached for the man's shoulder. He looked into Damon’s eyes, and Damon spoke,

“It’s no worries, she’s with me,” he smiled tightly, squinting his eyes slightly but not breaking their contact with guards. For a moment, the tall man furrowed his brows, but he then shook his head and chuckled,

“Alright, have a good night you two,” and smiled, opening the door for Damon and Y/N,

“That was close,” Y/N said,

“Yeah,” he said and Y/N could almost hear the smirk on his face. He led her through the home, walking down a narrowish hallway, passing a man who carried a tray of tall glasses filled with a pale gold drink.

“Refreshment?” The man asked, almost bowing slightly to Y/N and Damon and extending his arm to the tray,

“Please,'' Damon smiled, taking two glasses of champagne. Y/N smiled somehow wider and took the glass Damon offered her.

“Thank you,” she said to the man as he walked away. He walked off, acting as if she said nothing. Damon opened his right arm once more, letting Y/N link to him and he led her further into this old country house. As they moved toward the back of the house, Y/N swore she could hear notes of a dozen violinists tuning their instruments. She shrugged off the thought, but as he neared the very back of the home, he showed her a wide staircase, and now, she couldn’t deny the beautiful sounds of the strings instruments. At the very back was a wide stairway leading down and music sounded. He took her down and turned right to another stairway down. the music grew louder. They descended maybe five flights of stairs before entering an entire theatre. The ceilings were carved beautifully and people stood scattered about, muttering amongst themselves. Y/N heard everyone speaking in quite formal conversation and Damon walked them across the very back of the theatre, through an archway. He turned down a hallway on their left, the private boxes Y/N could see. Another man stood in the middle, fewer people behind him.

“Sal,” Damon smiled, opening his arms to the man and hugging him.

“Damon, it’s been too long,” he said,

“Good to see you’re still here,” Damon said,

“Oh yes, a great job indeed. Free shows every night,” he smiled, “well, I won’t keep you waiting, your box is ready for you whenever,” Sal said and moved to the side,

“Thank you,”

“Thanks,” Y/N smiled, following Damon down the dark corridor. They walked to the middle booth and sat on seats maybe forty feet from the ground. Their view of the stage was excellent and Y/N was intrigued on what would be performing. Y/N laughed, looking around still at the lovely dresses and robes and suits everyone wore. Damon smiled at her in his lovely fit,

“It’s amazing." Her eyes gazed about, "I’ve never been to an actual underground theatre,” Y/N smiled and so did he,

“In the past, I’ve seen more attractive performances, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy tonight’s all the same,” he said,

“I’m sure,” she said. More and more people enter the theatre, taking their seats. The tall room echoed with mutterings Y/N couldn’t make out, but all silenced once a woman walked out on stage. Immediately the crowd burst with applause, cheering at someone Y/N didn’t know. She looked at the woman who smiled wide, waving at the audience. She was remarkably beautiful. She wore a strapless dress of an expensive silk, crystals embroidered on the bust and abdomen. An impressive piece clasped around her neck, diamonds and pearls falling across her shoulders and down her clavicle. The dress draped a little behind her and she wore Satin gloves with bows on the wrists, a true pearl in the centre. She wore a bright red lip and had lovely eye makeup. The audience quieted, and the lights dimmed. She cleared her throat and stepped into the spotlight. Her voice was sudden and powerful but had a certain gentleness and delicacy. Y/N watched with admiration as the woman’s fierce voice stretched the lengths of this room. She was beautiful.

She noticed his eyes on her every once in a while, but each time she was swept away by the orchestra or the woman’s voice. The woman stopped singing and the audience erupted in applause,

“How did you find this place?” She laughed, leaning over as she clapped. He clapped as well, looking at her, so close, then leaning closer to her ear,

“A friend took me here once, I’ve been a few times since,” he said, sitting back, looking again into her eyes. She smiled, looking away to still the butterflies in her belly, “this performance goes until midnight, a few different singers,” he said again, and she looked over, “when would you like to leave?” he asked, she glanced once more at the stage then.

“What’s the time?” she asked. out his pocket he pulled his phone, she saw it was 8:38,

“8:40,” he said,

“Let's stay for a couple more,” she said and he smiled.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

The woman stopped once more but this time the spotlight shut off as well. She looked down and the audience roared again. A wave of people stood up for the singer who gazed out at the audience with the biggest smile Y/N had ever seen. The woman bowed and waved then walked off stage, the crowd continuing even after she was gone. Finally the audience quieted, some stood from their seats and stretched and others walked to the bars at the back.

“Intermission,” he sighed, standing up, “shall we?” he asked, holding his hand down for her. She smiled, looking up at him,

“Yeah,” she said sweetly, grabbing onto his hand and standing. Hand on hers still, he walked her down that narrow hallway, past Sal and around the very back once more. They scaled the five flights of stairs, feeling relief at the top.

“I see why they have bars down there,” she sighed. He smiled, and walked her back to the entrance. The night had chilled since they arrived a couple hours ago. It nipped at her upper arms and she greatly looked forward to being back in his car. She took in a breath, looking around the secluded property. Fields stretched the land surrounding, not a single light in the distance. Her cheeks almost ached from smiling so hard, but she couldn’t stop. He stopped at the passenger door, opening up for her then rounding to his side.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She laughed as they walked back into his room,

“I gotta get this off,” she sighed, pressing her palms against her waist,

Yes ,” Damon said, untying his cravat and tossing it on his bed. She walked to the bathroom, her outfit before still folded on the counter. He followed her in, walking behind her. He glanced at her front in the mirror for a moment, before bringing his hands to her back. He tugged at the top lace and unfolded the back. He pinched the fabric at her sides, pulling it down and she let him do it for her. At her hips, he tugged a little harder, and let the fabric fall into his hands, “step out,” he said, and she did, stepping out of the bunched fabric around her knees. He lifted it and walked out to his bed. Y/N watched him walk out, fitting the dress back into the garment bag. She went for her earrings, the hair pieces. He came back in, walking behind her once more. His fingers grazed her back as he fumbled with the lace, pulling it loose. She slid off the rings and pulled each finger on her gloves, slipping the fabric off her arms.

“God, I didn't realise how uncomfortable that was,” she sighed, feeling relief with each lace he unlooped. He chuckled, pulling the bodice from under her right arm and tossing it onto the counter. She smiled and turned around, closer to the man than she expected.

He looked down into her eyes, glancing at her lips quickly then back up.

“Thank you so much for tonight. It was amazing,” her brows furrowed, "I've never seen anything like it."

He smiled back, hands lifting to her mandible, and so gently he swiped her jaw with his thumb,“The pleasure was all mine.” He said just above a whisper. And had she stood any further from him, she wouldn't have heard it. He smiled small down at her, studying her lovely face, so close... She sucked in a quick breath, he let out a sigh and before she knew what he had done, his lips were pressed against hers.

And not at all did she protest. She let him kiss her. She wanted him to kiss her. Craved, her hands raised to his wrists, though at her touch he pulled away from her, stepping back.

At once he brought his fingers to his lips, shaking his head and looking away from her breathless face, "I..." He started, "I'm sorry. You, uhm..." He had no idea what to say. And Y/N just looked at him, brows slowly knitting together at his words. "I'm sorry." He let out again. "Get dressed. I'll take you home." He said, turning from the bathroom before she could speak. Y/N’s eyes followed him out and once she heard his bedroom door close, her eyes began moving about the room anxiously. She brought her hands to her face, taking a deep breath as she realised what exactly he had done. She slipped off the chemise and pulled on her own garments with haste, already dreading the awkwardness that awaited her in his car.



Her stomach twisted at the tension in the air. So thick it was as if a film clinging to her like a second layer of skin as he drove his Mustang through the night. The streets were empty at, what Mystic Falls would consider, this late hour. He didn’t put on music, to Y/N’s cosmic dismay, but she was grateful for the rumble of his engine, pacifying the absolute discomfort that encompassed their silence. He slowed in front of her home, not pulling into the spot out front.

“Goodnight,” he said quickly, not looking at her. She looked at him for a moment, then pulled the door handle and stepped out, saying nothing in return.

She walked to her front door and only when she pushed it open did she hear him speed away. She closed the door and locked it, groaning loud as she rounded her couch and took a seat. She propped her elbows on her knees and buried her face in her hands,

f*ck!” she whimpered, mimicking a crying noise as she felt each thread of anxiety within her ribcage. She pulled out her phone, opening her group chat with Bonnie, Caroline and Elena. But before she could even type, something stopped her.

What was she to say?

She didn’t even know how she felt about it herself. Damon kissed her. He kissed her. She pondered what it meant. What could it mean?

Because, sure, she could admit to those feelings of desire for him. Of course she could, and so easily too.

The man was charming, he was funny, he was kind... It certainly helped that he was just objectively good-looking.

But that was never a part of the deal.

She didn't start speaking to him to get closer to him like that.

In fact...

She wasn't the one who started speaking to him at all.

“God,” she said out loud, standing up and shaking the energy out of her arms. She walked upstairs, turning out the lights on her way up.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She woke in the late afternoon, she didn’t set her alarms. She almost hoped she’d sleep forever. Dealing with what happened last night with Damon was the last thing she wanted to do, and today was surely the day to clear things up. She stared at the ceiling, already feeling the anxieties tugging within her. She groaned, reaching for her phone at the bedside table then flopping back in bed. 1:26 pm her phone read. She scrolled through her notifications–a couple emails from Mary-Elizabeth about the shipment on Monday, a few DM’s from Elena and Bonnie and a text from Caroline asking to hangout that day after dinner. The earliest notification, from hours ago, Damon. At 4:34 in the morning.

‘Can I see you tomorrow?’ He asked, surely not having slept when he sent it. She laid back, groaning at his message then propped herself back up and opened their chat. She typed in her message,

‘Sure’ she deleted

‘yeah I—‘ she deleted

‘do you want to—‘

‘can you—‘

‘should w—‘

‘yeah, i’ll be home today if you wanna stop by’ she settled with, sending it off. She put her phone back on the bedside table, hearing it buzz but choosing to ignore it.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

The knock on the door couldn’t be missed. Her heart pounded in her chest, her stomach and she felt almost light-headed.

“Okay,” she sighed, looking at herself once more in the mirror, “you can do this,” she said, just above a whisper. She nodded her head, wiping her clean hands on her pants then leaving her bedroom. She stepped downstairs, taking another breath before pulling the door open to Damon.

“Hey,” he said, quietly. She smiled, studying his face for a moment before stopping on his eyes,

“How’s it going?” She asked, tilting her head. He sighed, looking to his left then back to her,

“It’s goin’,” he shrugged. They looked at each other for a moment. He glanced at her lips, then finally broke their silence, “look, I don’t want things to be weird,” he said, “I didn’t mean to spring something like that on you,” he took a small step forward, gesturing softly with his hands. She sighed, brows furrowing slightly and she leaned against the door, “I was very much caught in the moment. It was all just…” He shook his head, not looking at her, “perfect,” he shrugged, finally placing his striking eyes back onto hers. She looked down, taking a deep breath, then looked back up at him,

“Do you wanna come in?” She asked


sooo about that jamboard... Add anything yet?
girl the only reason Damon can get away with this sh*t is bc he's a f*cking vampire. they just get different trope rules. sorry, I don't make the rules. but girl..... wtff..... they just kissed?!!! are you for f*cking real? I yelled. yep. mhm. I really did. I hope you did too. anyway, enjoy the wait.

check out for visual resources and fic updates!

until next time, and as always ~~much love

Chapter 8: parents


“Hey, don’t diss the Biebs, alright, he’s still got a place in my heart,” Bonnie warned jokingly, raising her brows at Y/N who chuckled. Y/N looked out the window, the skinny trees flashed by the window. The sun would set soon, a greyish orange covered the sky behind some cream fluffs. Y/N sighed, glancing at her friend than out the windshield. The song changed, Biggie started playing. She remembered hearing this song in Damon’s car, he was driving them somewhere. To his house, to hers, to the store. Maybe she heard it when they drove to Ikea. It didn’t matter. What mattered was how quickly it reminded her of that night. That night after that operahouse. She glanced at Bonnie again, wondering if she should say anything. She hadn’t told anyone yet. Not Bonnie, not Elena, not Caroline. But now, as she sat next to Bonnie on their way to Lynchburg for the next several hours, it ate her up completely.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (8)

The last customer of the day walked out couple hours ago and Y/N was too ready to get back home and get warm. Mary-Elizabeth had yet to fix the heater so there Y/N was, bundled in a puffer jacket, some warm pants and wearing gloves as she finished writing down next week's order. First official day of winter break, finally Y/N would get some downtime, a refresh after all of her winter exams. The thought of midterms crept in her mind but she shook the nervousness away. She tapped her phone on the wooden counter on her right. 5:58. She sighed, closing the order book and turning around to fit it back in the crammed bookshelf. The door’s bell chimed and she held in another sigh, “Hey,” she said kindly, not turning around, and pushing the binder into the shelf, “how’s it goin’?” She asked in her customer service voice. She turned around,

“I’m doing well, how are you?” Damon smiled. She chuckled, rolling her eyes and rounding the counter. She reached for his shoulders, pulling him into a hug.

“What’s up? What’re you doing here?” She asked, pulling away, smiling at him kindly,

“Wanted to pick you up from work,” he sighed, “and I brought chinese,” he shrugged. She gasped,

“Ohmy god, yes,” she said, bending her knees slightly in excitement, “I’m totally starving, I forgot my lunch today,” she rolled her eyes, “let me just lock up.” She said, walking to the front door.

“Take your time,” he said, leaning against the counter, looking around the shop, “it’s cold in here,” he said, shrugging at the nippiness.

“I know,” she sighed, turning the open side and locking its three locks, “Mary-Elizabeth is really challenging me on getting the heating fixed,” she said, walking back down the narrow store to Damon. She turned the open sign and locked the door in its three places. She turned back around, walking down the narrow store, past Damon behind the counter, “we’ll leave out the back,” she said, walking into the back room, Damon behind her. She grabbed her tote, and pushed the door to the front open once more. She glanced around the store, making sure everything was tidy before flicking the lights off and closing the door again. She turned around and unlocked the very back door, walking out onto the pillowy snow outside. She looked up, the sky white with faint lines of light grey. Damon stepped out with her and she locked up.

“Wanna eat at my place?” He asked as they walked down the alley,

“Sure,” she said, “did you drive?”

“Yeah, they ploughed the street pretty well,” he said. They turned left, seeing his icy Mustang, clean by the curb. He unlocked her door then went to his side. Y/N looked at the colour he chose for his car. She chuckled. He glanced at her, both of them taking a seat, “what?” He asked,

“Nothing,” she shook her head, pulling on her seatbelt,

Come one, ” he said nudged her lightly, “tell me,” he said with a small smile, pushing his key in the ignition and turning the engine,

She chuckled, “Did you mean to paint your car the same colour as your eyes?” She asked with a smile, looking at him,

“What?” He asked, looking out the windshield, at the hood of his car, “oh my god,” he whispered, his face relaxing in some sort of shock. He looked back at Y/N, “oh my God—that is the most douchebag thing someone could do,” he said, looking off, at nothing in particular, seeming almost destroyed at this realisation. Y/N chuckled, shaking her head, “I can’t believe I never noticed it. Is it obvious? Do you think people make the connection?” He asked, pulling out of his spot.

She laughed, “No, I don’t think so. I just noticed.”

“Damn,” he shook his head, “back when I got it I was choosing between this blue and a green,” he started, turning left onto Willow Drive, “but then Stefan got his Ferrari 330 in too similar a shade,” he sighed, shaking his head,

“How dare he,” Y/N shook her head,

Exactly, ” Damon said and Y/N chuckled,

“Wait, so Stefan has two cars?” Y/N asked, looking over,

“Yeah,” Damon shrugged,

“You two really are rich,” she sighed,

“Like I said.”



“Oh my god, did you know I love this?” She chuckled, looking happily at what Damon ordered them,

“Maybe,” he shrugged, grabbing a couple of plates from the cupboard. She chuckled, shaking her head, taking the few food containers out of the bag, “so, how’s work? How’s Mary-Elizabeth?” He asked, taking half of the rice and opening the two other containers.

She shrugged, “It’s pretty good, she’s pretty good.” She nodded, taking her share, “Honestly, I don’t really see her much anymore. Only when I first started,” she said,

“And how’s that?”

“It’s fine, nothing happens in the shop, it's not like we need two people in the store at all times,” she shook her head. Damon closed the leftovers and popped them in the fridge before they ate, “she really loves emailing me though,” she chuckled, picking up her plate and walking to the barstools,

Emailing? ” He said, amused,

“Yeah, like every morning I wake up with at least one email from her,” she said and Damon chuckled, “sometimes it’s standard stuff like shop plans and delivery dates but then I’ll wake up to emails that say nothing important. Just following up and random things she could save for an end of week email. Twenty dollars an hour though,” she shrugged and he nodded.

“True. Oh, yeah I wanted to tell you,” he said, finishing his bite, “my buddy sent me this new strain hew grew,” he started, “wanna try it after this?” He asked,

“Yes.” Y/N smiled.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She saw Stefan leave his room as Damon pushed open his door,

“Hey,” he nodded to her, smiling his usual kindness, then departing down the cold they came from. She closed his bedroom door behind her, following him into his now more familiar room. It held that same darkness still, but the snow outside gave it a certain comfort. Y/N took a seat at his desk this time, lifting her legs onto the chair and getting comfortable. He went for his closet, retrieving a vacuum sealed bag from that trunk she saw at that party. He went to the desk and opened his box.

With a small pair of scissors he opened the bag,“I’ll jar it later,” he sighed, pulling out a couple buds then handing the bag to Y/N. She took it, smelling the sweet, thick and earthy cannabis.

“Mmm,” she sighed, closing her eyes for a moment and putting the bag down,

“Take a few nugs if you like it,” he nodded to the bag, grinding up the buds he took,


“Because when have I falsely offered you something, Y/N?” He looked at her, head tilted slightly. He rolled the joint with usual speed.

“You wanna watch a movie or somethin’?” He asked, twisting the end of the joint and looking at her,

“Sure,” she nodded,

“Alright, what are you feelin’?” He asked, standing from the seat and walking to his bed, “actually, wait,” he said, pointing his finger up and turning to her, “you sleepin' over?” he asked,

“I could,” she shrugged, “I'd need to grab some stuff back home,”

"I'm down for a drive," he said.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

That next morning he drove them to CJ's, paid for her drink of course.

“What’re you gonna do today?” He asked, walking to a couple lounge chairs near the floor to ceiling windows,

“I don’t know,” she shrugged, “midterms are coming up in February, I definitely need to review some Chemistry,”

God, you're thinking about midterms already?” He asked, furrowing his brows, “come on it’s winter break, think of literally anything else than school,” he said and she chuckled.

Her eyes drifted from him, glancing around the coffee menu behind the till, eyes not really reading anything. “Maybe I’ll hang out with Bonnie,” Y/N said, matching his eyes once more.

“There we go,” he nodded, “What are you gonna do with Bonnie?” He asked,

“Mmm,” she said, taking a sip of her drink, “We've been meaning to go to Lynchburg,” she said.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Text me,” he sighed, easing on the gas as he pulled up to her home,

“I will,” she said, leaning over to him. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders, “bye,” she said, “thanks for the ride,” she pulled away and opened the door,

“Anytime, Y/N.” He said and she smiled, shutting the door.

The two envelopes on the floor just outside her house was the first thing she noticed. Mail people always used the box beside the door, with a pull of her brow, she kneeled for the two letters. The rumble of Damon's Mustang grew quiet as she stepped inside, the man driving seeing her safe.

But Y/N was no longer paying any attention to Damon or his Mustang. She gazed at the careful writing scrawled upon each envelope, her full name and address, but no way to return it.

She slipped her tote bag from her shoulder and rounded her couch, taking her seat before reading the contents of these strange envelopes. She opened the first, opening the tri-fold paper and meeting the familiar handwriting of her father.


How are you, Dear? You’re mother and I miss you very much, and hope you are doing well. Please accept our apologies in this being our only words to you since august. We've no permanent phone number for contact, our days are filled with meetings. Excuses and excuses, but I do hope you understand how difficult it has been for us to connect with you.

These letters take little time, perhaps I shall began writing you more frequently. Though, receiving your responses might be difficult...

I shall figure out the details myself, Y/N.

I've much to ask, but I shall save it.


A smile only Glenn could put on her face ached her cheeks, and with a shake of the head she went for the second envelope. This time, her mother's


I hope you can forgive me for this being my first contact since august, child. I think about you everyday.

Glenn and I have have arranged for leave this winter, we will be arriving in Mystic Falls on December 22nd and leaving on December 26th.

We hope this letter arrives with enough notice for you.

We are so very excited to see you.


She looked up from the letters, eyes moving around as she thought of everything she just read. From her pocket she whipped out her phone, checking the date once again. December 18th.

The letters most certainly did not arrive with enough notice. And for a moment she felt the joy of the thought of Carla and Glenn arriving at her doorstep for Christmas. The first, all together, in years.A tradition she thought of often and experience so little.

So with a sigh, she pushed herself from the couch, forgetting the letter behinds her and trudged up the stairs for her guest room.She tugged the messy sheets and duvet from the bed, having yet to strip the bed since Caroline slept over a couple weeks ago. With her new-found energy, perhaps simply adrenaline mixed with dread, she dusted those corners and surfaces she'd procrastinated, getting them out of the way fore her parents arrival.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Bonnie drove on route 29, half an hour from Lynchburg. A very Bonnie-like playlist sounded through the speakers, even as if she picked Y/N up that morning.

They nodded along to SZA, muttering lyrics here and there.

“I’m definitely going to her concert,” Bonnie said, as song faded out.


“Hell yeah,” she nodded, looking over at Y/N, “I’m sure she’ll come to Washington. I pray...” She chuckled, so did Y/N.

“I’ve never been to a concert,” Y/N shrugged,

“Really?” Bonnie asked, “I mean that's not too crazy, I guess. I’ve been to like, two,” she said,

“Which ones?” Y/N asked and Bonnie smiled,

“It was for two of my birthdays,” she smiled, “Grams got me some tickets to Rihanna. And when I was much younger my dad took me to Justin Bieber,” she chuckled.

“That’s so cute," Y/N smirked, "JB, huh?”

“Hey, don’t diss the Biebs, alright? He’s still got a place in my heart,” Bonnie raised her brows playfully at Y/N.

Y/N looked to her right, out the window, watching the skinny trees flash by. The sun would set soon, a greyish orange covered the sky behind some cream fluffs. Though, a certian paleness stuck to all of it. The familiar grey of winter.

Y/N sighed, glancing at her friend then out the windshield. The song changed, she remembered hearing this song in Damon’s car, he was driving them somewhere. To his house, to hers, to the store. Maybe she heard it thatnight. It didn’t matter. What mattered was how quickly it reminded her of that night after that theatre. She glanced at Bonnie again, wondering if she should say anything. She hadn’t told anyone yet. Not Bonnie, not Elena, not Caroline. But now, as she sat next to her friend on their way to Lynchburg for the next several hours, it ate her up completely.

“I need to tell you something completely insane,” Y/N sighed, not looking at Bonnie. She saw her turn her head, brows furrowed and a suspect smile creeping on her lips,

“What?” She near chuckled.

Y/N sighed,“You can’t tell anyone. I haven’t even told Elena or Care,” Y/N said,

“Y/N, what’s up?” Bonnie asked, tone less humorous.

“Damon and I kissed.”

“WHAT?!” Bonnie exclaimed, veering into the shoulder of route 29 and slamming on the brakes. They lurched forward, Y/N raising her forearms against the dash and slamming into it.

“sh*t!” Y/N said, backing hitting the seat once more. She let out a sharp sigh, eyes wide as she turned to her friend. “Bonnie!”

“Sorry! I’m sorry!” she shook her head, letting out a big a sigh as she process Y/N's for a moment. "You guys kissed?" She asked,pressing on the gas once more.

“He kissed me.” Y/N nodded, “he took me to this,” she started, shaking her head, “we drove an hour to this underground opera house,”

“Sorry, what?!” Bonnie exclaimed, almost smiling at it's absurdity,

“I know,I know!” Y/N said, “and we had to dress up all fancy and stuff,” she said, “we came back a lot later and he was helping me out of this dress,”

“Helping you out of a dress?!”

Yes, and then…” Y/N sighed, “And then he kissed me...” She looked at Bonnie, brows furrowed,

“Whew..." Bonnie nodded, saying nothing for a moment. “When was this?”

Y/N felt reluctant to answer. It had been much too long ago. Certainly for this to have been the first of Bonnie or any of the girls hearing about it. “November…” She said,

“NOVEMBER?!” Bonnie asked, “Y/N!” Bonnie looked over at her and Y/N chuckled, brows furrowed,

“I knowwww, ” Y/N covered her face, feeling not shame, but almost humour at Bonnie's reaction. No matter her words, the girl still held a laugh around each of them.

“Well, what’s going on with you two, then? I’ve seen you two hanging out since,” Bonnie shrugged,

“We didn’t want it to be weird. He apologised, said he wanted to be friends. We’ve just been... Ignoring it,” Y/N sighed, glancing out to her right,

“And... You want that?” Bonnie asked, glancing at her friend for a moment.

Y/N sighed.“I don’t know what I want.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Grocery shopping was the last thing on her to-do list fore her parents arrival. He said he'd be there to pick her up any moment, she but waited for his text. Perhaps just the rumble of his Mustang that travelled however faintly through the walls of her home.

‘Here’ Damon texted. She smiled, small, and stood from her couch, walking to the front door and out into the brisk winter. She locked up and walked the short way to his car, sitting in the familiar leather seats.

“Hey, girlie.” He said, shifting into first and driving off.

The butterflies fluttered in her belly, but she ignored them like usual,“I'm good. Glad to get grocery shopping off the to-do list.” She smiled, looking over at him, “How about you?”

“I'm good too.” He nodded, “You excited to see them?”

“Yeah," she shrugged, earning a glance from Damon. She saw a small smirk on his lips.

"That's convincing," he smiled,

"I mean, the notice was... None. At all, so that's annoying, but very like my parents." She said, "And besides, it’s been a few months, I think it could be really nice,” she nodded.

He glanced at her with a kind smile, but it dropped slightly,“Hey, put your seatbelt on,” he said, looking back out the windshield. She chuckled, doing as he asked. “So, what’s your plan?” He asked.

“Well, they'll definitely be hungry when they arrive. They always are," she rolled her eyes, "then, we'll see. I'm sure I'll see them only at meals. I find it hard to believe they arranged for any time off."


"Because they've never done it." She shrugged, casual.

He helped her take the groceries back in, of course. And, much to her protest, paid for them. They placed the last of the groceries on the counter and Damon began putting things away, knowing his way around her kitchen now.

“Ah, f*ck," she sighed, bringing a hand to her temples for a moment. She dropped it to her side and with a scoff, "this was notthe last of my to-do list.I gotta clean the guest bathroom,” she raised her brows once, wearing a smile entirely irritated.

He snickered, “Go ahead," he nodded, "I got this."

“You sure?”

“Yeah,” he shrugged again, glancing at her then back to the grocery bags.

“Thanks,” she smiled and he nodded. She walked past him, placing a thankful hand on his left shoulder. Briefly he brought his hand and touched hers, then returned to his task. She smiled, feeling the butterflies in her stomach as she walked away, upstairs. She went to her room first, grabbing a bag of some items she got from Original Trees. She took the bag to the guest bathroom, en suite to the room her parents would stay in just across the hall. She stocked up the drawer and cupboard with everything they might need; towels, toiletries. She placed a bar of soap in the dish by the sink for them, and a couple in the shower as well.

Not too much later, Y/N heard Damon from the stairs. "Hey," he said, leaning against the bathroom door frame.

She turned to him, flushing the toilet cleaner down.

"All done?" She asked, walking past him for the sink in her bathroom.

He followed along. "Yeah, all done. I unloaded the dishwasher, too," he shrugged.

She smiled, chuckling as she washed her hands, "you didn't have to do that."

"I know." He said. "Well, I actually have a question."


"Wanna come back to mind for dinner?"

“Yeah.” She nodded, drying her palms.

"Okay good because Stefan said he's with Elena and it's getting awkward." He raised his brows once.

"What?"Y/N said, "Well... Should we?" She asked, leaning against the counter and crossed her arms comfortably, only a couple feet from him.

"Well, they're not like, arguing or anything... But he specifically requested aid. Surely she wants some too." Damon said.

"I don't know, Damon... It's not really any of our business--"

"Look, I'm thinkin' we go, walk into the kitchen and be like 'oh my god...What?Elena you're here too? That's crazy!'," Damon said, making a funny voice as he imitated their entrance, "and besides, you're telling me Elena hasn't spilled the mess that the two of them are right now?"

"Again,not our place to judge."

"How very honourable of you, Y/N," he smirked, earning a look of shock mixed with amusem*nt.

She laughed, "Okay fine. But I'm doing this for Elena. You can do this for Stefan," she said,

"Well, obviously," he rolled his eyes jokingly and turned around. Y/N followed him, flicking out the bathroom lights on her way out.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Y/N could feel the tension the second she and Damon walked into the kitchen, the regret of ever agreeing to Damon's idea, or Stefan's request, immediately washing over her body. Elena and Stefan stood across the kitchen from each other, unspeaking and doing separate tasks. Elena glanced over, a glum look on her face before putting on a quick smile, dropping the knife that cut some ginger to walk over.

“Hey,” Elena said. Y/N smiled, walking to her as well and pulling her into a hug, “what are you doing here?” Elena asked. Y/N thought perhaps she heard a small hopefulness to the girl's tone.

She smiled, "Damon and I were chillin', decided to come back here," she shrugged, "what are you guys making?" Y/N asked,

"Chicken and some greens," Stefan smiled, glancing at her from the broccoli he cut, "you wanna join?" Stefan asked. Y/N tried her best ignoring the quick look Elena shot at Stefan. Her eyes snapping in his direction and brows furrowing slightly.

"Is that cool?" Y/N asked, turning to Elena.

Her friend nodded, "Yeah," and Y/N saw that while Elena may have disliked Stefan's suggestion, there was a part of her thankful for Y/N's presence.

“Well," Damon started, reaching one of many decanters across the room, "if we’re having a party, should we invite Bon-Bon and Care-Bear?”

"Yeah,” Elena nodded, “I can call Caroline?” Elena turned to Y/N,

“Yeah, I’ll call Bon,” she said, pulling out her phone,

"Oh, do we got any tofu?" Y/N heard Damon ask Stefan as she brought the phone up to her ear,

"Oh yeah," he said, turning to the fridge.

“Hey!” Bonnie said, slipping off her tote and nearing her friends..

“Hey!” Caroline said, looking at everyone but Stefan, something Y/N could notice now. “What are we eating?” The blonde asked, walking to the stove and looking at the couple pots and pans.

“We got some chicken,” Elena started as Damon walked for a cupboard across the kitchen--the misc cupboard, Y/N learned.

“Chicken?” Bonnie narrowed her eyes at Stefan, almost unimpressed,

And tofu,” Stefan said, turning to Bonnie who smiled pleasantly, "right in there," he pointed to a pan, still cooking.

“Then of course, we got some greens.” Elena pointed to the medium pot.

“Alright everyone, dish up” Stefan said, looking at each face, not Caroline’s. Y/N, Elena and Caroline went over.

“Come on, give it to me,” Bonnie said, reaching for the speaker Damon held too high. Y/N glanced at them with a smile, filling her plate.

“No, you alwaysget to play music.” He said, looking away like a child.

“Damon, come on, I just downloaded a bunch of sh*t,” she said, reaching for it again. As the familiar sound of pairing rung she gave up. “urgh, fine. You are so annoying.” She rolled her eyes, turning away from him.

With a smirk, he sounded a playlist Y/N hadn't heard before. Similar to the songs he'd played before, but this time it was certainly more slow.

They sat about the kitchen, Damon and Y/N at the barstools, Elena and Caroline at the table behind them. Stefan and Bonnie stood at the island across from Damon and Y/N, but they all spoke in the same conversation.

“No, no, no I’m telling you,” Caroline said, putting the side of her hand on the table, trying her best to prove her point, “it’s Sophie. It is. Ever since the party at the end of summer, she’s been on Tyler’s radar,” she shrugged.

“Okay, but that doesn’t mean anything,” Damon rolled his eyes, for some reason pitching in on their high school gossip,

“Of course it does! They are totally hiding their relationship because Mr.Lockwood is expecting him to end up with Jessica Carey. You heard it here first.” She shrugged, “Pretty old-timey, if you ask me...” She said quieter, earning a laugh from the girls.

Wait, you think Mr.Lockwood wants Mr.Carey to marry off his daughter to Tyler?” Stefan asked, speaking to Caroline for the first time that night, “like, royal alliance vibes?”

“Yes!” She said, andDamon let out a laugh.

No way.” He scoffed, shaking his head.

“Like I said,” Caroline shrugged, “you heard it here first.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“You guys can sleep here,” Damon shrugged, looking at Bonnie and Care as he closed the fridge, “Lord knows we got enough rooms."

“Yeah?" Bonnie looked at Caroline.

"Yeah," her friend nodded.

"Alright, well," Damon started, "go on, take your pick, I'll finish up." He said, taking the pan from Bonnie's hands and nodding Caroline from the room.

"I won't say no." Bonnie dropped the ware at once, drying her hands and departing the kitchen, Caroline close behind.

"You too," Damon said over his shoulder to Stefan and Elena.

"You sure? It's no worries." Stefan said, and again Y/N tried ignoring the look Elena gave him.How quick he was to stay than to be alone with her again.

Y/N didn't like it.

"No. Go on," he waved the two away.

Finally the waning couple, once sweet and saintly, disappeared into the depths of the Salvatore Boarding House.



Being the good host he was, Damon just had to check in on Caroline and Bonnie. Make sure they felt at home. Had everything they needed and all.

"So, nothing?" He asked,

"No, I think we're good," Caroline nodded, glancing between him and Y/N.

"Yeah--oh, actually!" Bonnie said, pushing herself from the bed she and Caroline would share. "I need your wifi," she said, holding her phone out to Damon.

With furrowed brows he grabbed it, typing in a short password. "I thought I gave this to youyearsago..."

“New phone, obviously." She widened her eyes playfully before turning back around for bed.

“Okay, well," He sighed, "goodnight." He waved, turning around and not looking back.

Y/N chuckled as he stepped past her,"See you tomorrow, Goodnight." Y/N smiled at her friends.

"Goodnight," Caroline said sing-songy, nodding her head to the side as if Damon was there.

Y/N scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Goodbye." She said, closing their door with a smile and following Damon back to his room. He didn't wait up for her and she walked down the hallway, empty and dark. The living room below was almost haunting as she peered down. The dark panels waving off an ominosity, a shadow within the room growing thick and enchanting below so easily without a wink of light.

“God, Stefan that’s what I’m trying to say,” Y/N heard, muffled as she approached Damon’s door. Elena voice flew angrily at Stefan across the hall. Y/N looked at his bedroom door for a moment before turning back to Damon’s and pushing it open.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

He slowed in front of her home, the last stop after Caroline and Bonnie, and coffee still quite full. “Last night was actually really nice,” Y/N smiled, looking at Damon.

“I agree,” he nodded, "Stefan is a great cook."

She chuckled, "yeah, we should it do more often. It's nice to see everyone together," she shrugged.

Behind them, a large, black car slowed in the middle of the street. She noticed Damon looking from the mirror, something he'd only ever do for a split second. Then he turned to look out the back window.

“What?” She asked quietly, following his eyes.

She saw a driver step from his seat and round the vehicle opening the back passenger door. First walked out a woman, then a man.

Each wore a fit of absolute affluence, unable to mistake for anything other. Colours made to match every detail in one another's outfit, hair styled perfectly, and uniform expressions of something indecipherable plaster upon both of their faces. Justlike any other time Y/N had seen them.

"Oh my God..." She said, more mumbled.

But somehow he heard. "What? You know them?" He asked, finally taking his confused look from the two and landing on Y/N.

She looked at him to, meeting his kind eyes, though right then, it seemed he was much further. As if she looked into a pair of maya blue eyes she hadn't yet seen. "It's my parents," she laughed, looking back out, seeing them near the boulevard. "Okay, okay, I gotta go," she chuckled, pulling the lock up then quickly turning back to Damon. She reached forward and perhaps quicker than he could register she pulled him into a hug, "thanks for inviting me over." She pulled away.

"Uh, yeah," he nodded, saying nothing more.

Y/N let out a small giggle, furrowing her brows for a moment at his silence before turning for the door. She opened, catching his voice before she closed it,

"Text me." He said,

"I will."

"Hey!" Y/N called, a wide smile upon her face. Carla and Glenn looked over, brows furrowed at the sudden noise before their features softened at their daughters face.

"Y/N," Carla smiled, opening her arms and pulling the girl close. She smelled of her usual perfume. Sweet and minty, something that never changed over the years.

“Come on, come on, let me get in there,” her father said after a while, earning a laugh from his daughter. She embraced her father, relaxing in his familiarity.

“Ah, oui,” she heard her mother say, turning back to the car. Y/N pulled away from her dad, smiling like a child before her gaze followed her mother.

Another person stepped out of the vehicle. A man.

He was tall, his face gaunt and eyes cold. He glanced at Y/N then looked at her mother, muttering something then looking away. Her mother said something in French, pointing at Y/N and saying her name and nearing her.The man followed close behind, looking at Y/N once more. Cold eyes that she couldn't tell were grey or green stared into hers like they had a right to.

Like he should be allowed to look at her, so intensely and for so long.

Perhaps she was being dramatic.

“Y/N, this is Monsieur Benoit Rivett, you may call him Monsieur Rivett ou jus Monsieur,” she smiled. The man stuck out his hand smiling politely, professionally.

“Monsieur will be attending this Christmas with us,” her father smiled.

‘Attending’ she thought. What, like it was a chore?

She let out a laugh, earning a quick look from each adult. Quickly she spoke, “Great!” Smiling tightly, “shall we?” She nodded toward the house, turning away. Her fake smile dropped at once as she turned from her parents and this so called Benoit Rivett.

Only then did Y/N notice the rumble of the Mustang speeding from her home.She opened the door, taking off her shoes and pushing them neatly to the side, perhaps her parents would see such a thing. Follow along.

“Oh, you’ve done a lovely job, Y/N,” her mother smiled, looking around the room. She looked at Y/N then took off her low heels, paying no mind where she place them.

“Ici, Monsieur,” her mother said to Benoit, leading him upstairs. Y/N watched her guide him into the guest room before the voice of her father pulled her eyes back downstairs.

“We thought Benoit would take the guest room and us, yours,” he smiled. Y/N’s minimal politeness disappeared completely at this, face falling blank and stomach twisting with anger. It had been nearly six months since they saw her last, and already they soiled what could have been quite lovely. To Y/N, at least. He sighed at her silence. She knew he understood what went on in her mind. “I’m sorry, dear, I know you expected only us," he said, reaching for her upper arms and pulling her into a hug. She let him, wearing a sad smile in his embrace, remembering when it wasn't so sad to hug her father. "But, Dear, Monsieur Rivett is of great import in our line of work.” He said, tightening his lips slightly, “It is only right he is here.”

But Y/N shook her head, pulling away from her Glenn, unlike her.“That same line of work you tell me nothing about,” she sighed, stepping away and walking down for the kitchen.

“Would if we could,” he said behind her, following her further into her home.

She shook her head,“Whatever.” she sighed, shrugging her shoulders and walking to the kitchen, “Hungry?” she asked, already knowing his answer.

“Starving.” Glenn chuckled, following her slowly, “we haven’t eaten since midday yesterday...” His words trailed off for a moment before he sighed. "As if you expected anything different." He nodded, speaking with more quietude.

She said nothing. Not at first, only thinking what exactly he meant by it. Did her father know the utter burden that surrounded each and every visit? Not just a meal upon their arrival, but absolute uncertainty in every capacity she could think, he could think. For she was told to expect a winter holiday with so frequently absent parents, yet they arrive upon her doorstep with a stranger, expecting Y/N to welcome him into her home, like it is nothing.

Perhaps her father did recognise such barriers they themselves set, indeed one would be a fool not to. Though, Y/N would certainly not poke that bear just then. She'd only just secured the condo.

So with a chuckle, she spoke. "Well of course," she shrugged, "you're lucky I'm so good at cooking."

Glenn laughed at that.

"Y/N dear," Carla called from the stairs. The girl looked past her father through the kitchen pass-through. "I'm washing up, I'll be down in time for lunch."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

The traditional awkward meal came and went, certainly longer than Y/N remembered. Or perhaps, she'd simply blocked it out.

Wouldn't surprise her in the slightest.

Too, the monsieur rested his eyes, so perhaps Y/N was indeed saved from an even less tolerable meal. Something that was absolutely agonising. The thought itself could make her violent if she was being truthful. The idea of just flipping the table and sprinting out the door.

What she'd do afterward didn't matter.

“You willbe comfortable on the couch, Dear?” Her mother asked, glancing to her right at the seating.

Y/N looked at the couch too, then her mother, then she sighed. "Uhm, I'll just sleep at a friend's," she shrugged, "see you guys in the mornings." Y/N nodded.

“Well that works perfectly.” Her mother smiled, pulling an anger from Y/N's stomach at once. She wondered if Carla knew just what her words sounded like, or if she was just that dim.

“Have you any wine?” Her father asked.

“Hm? Oh, uh, yeah, I asked my friend to pick a bottle up for you,” she sighed, putting the bowls beside the sink and opening a cupboard. She pulled out a bottle of red and grabbed a small corkscrew from the drawer. She reached over the passthrough, placing it on the counter before the stools. She then grabbed two glasses. She wouldn't be having any.

Her father took each item and walked them to the couch at the other end of the room. She cleaned up their lunch, hearing her parents speak of something she didn’t quite understand, people she hadn't heard of.

“Oh yes, I believe he’s quite brazen,” Carla said, picking up the glass of red Glenn poured her, “that absurd stunt he pulled in Toronto was entirely out of the blue,” she shook her head, sighing. Y/N closed the dishwasher and walked down her condo, rounding the bannister and going upstairs, saying not a word to her parents. She heard faint clacking of a keyboard from Benoit’s room, before she closed her door to pack. Already it smelled like her mother. Their bags piled on the floor at the foot of her bed.

Y/N retrieved a small duffel from her closet and packed whatever she'd need for the relatively lengthy visit.

Then, she'd have to decide who exactly would let her stay.

Her answer was already quite clear on her mind, but she at the very least wanted to consider Elena, Bonnie or Caroline. Her consideration was quite short, memories of where each of them were so visible. Bonnie's dad was back in Mystic Falls for Christmas. Caroline and Elena would be out of town with Liz for a few days...

So she pressed on the contact of the man she knew shewantedto ask. Though there was a reluctance as her thumb hovered over his number. What if he had family coming over? Sure, he hadn't explicitly mentioned anything, but... Y/N didn't explicitly ask either...

With a sigh and a shake of the head, she swallowed any doubt and pressed on his number.

He picked up on the third ring. "Miss me already?" He asked, andGodhow Y/N loved how quickly he spread a smile cross her lips.

"Hey..." She said, sucking in her bottom lip, sheepish.

"What's up? What's goin' on?" He asked, and Y/N could almost see his face behind the phone; curious, inquiring.

"Well... I'm wondering if you could do me a favour?"She asked,

“Anything, my girl.” His words at once sent a jolt through her belly, butterflies flipping and flapping for a moment at the nickname.

“I, uh…” She started, fidgeting with her hair, “My parents took both rooms... I didn't wanna sleep on the couch--”

"When do you want me to pick you up?" He interrupted, agreeing, accepting, helping, before she even explained.

Her eyes fluttered closed, a sigh of relief quietly passing her lips. "Anytime. Soon?"

"I can be there in ten?"




“I’ll see you tonight," Y/N slipped her shoes on, duffle bag held over her shoulder. “Tell Benoit I’m looking forward to dinner.” She lied,

"Monsier,Y/N." Carla corrected, "We will tell him. Have fun, Dear." She smiled toward the end, then turned back to Glenn, picking up the conversation like Y/N had already gone.

The girl's stomach curled at their carelessness, but she sighed it off, walking out of a home that would be theirs for the next while.

Damon leaned against the trunk of his car as she stepped out. The man's ears were good, he turned at once, popping the back and reaching for her bag.

He nodded for her to take a seat, and she was certainly not going to decline. He met her once more in the front seat, turning the ignition and pulling from his spot.

They drove in silence for a couple minutes.

"So," he started, glancing over then back forward, "your parents and Carla and Glenn?"

She looked over at that, brows furrowing, "you know them?"

Damon shrugged quickly, "my parents," he nodded, "saw them a couple times."

Y/N sighed, "well, that's them." She leaned her head on her head, gazing out the window. Trees flew past, wind scraped the side of the blue car. "I'm so..." She shook her head, looking down for a moment. "I'm disappointed. I keep forgetting that they do this. And every time it's a surprise." She shrugged.

"Ah, well, that's just setting yourself up for failure," he said playfully, earning a sad snicker.

"I know... I know," she shook her head, "It's just absolutely wild to me that they brought a stranger, into a home they let me believe was mine, for Christmas. Like gavehimthe guest room so they could sleep in my room and I could sleep on the couch."

Damon laughed out loud at that. "Sorry, that is f*cking crazy," he laughed, shaking his head in absolute disbelief. "Seriously? No hotel? No AirBnB?"


"Well, f*ck 'em . Show up late in the morning, leave early at night. Give what you get," he shrugged.

Y/N didn't say anything, but she laughed. Imagining doing just that.


okayyyy a lot happened in this chapterrrr. also sorry for making the parents het :( I'm simply planning ahead for when there's a tv adaptation and Anna torv plays the mother and a male actor I haven't decided yet plays the father. sorry not sorry. I need to put myself first. LMFFFAAAAOOOO. love y'all.

check out for visual resources and fic updates!

as always ~~much love

Chapter 9: christmas unlike it was


“Ohh yes,” her mother sighed and nodded, “young love can leave the heart quite doleful,” she said. Y/N chuckled, under her breath at her mother’s funny verbiage, “what?” Her mother asked,
“Nothing,” Y/N shook her head, “it’s just there’s a lot of craziness going on with them and stuff,” Y/N lied, deflecting from what she was actually chuckling at.
“Like what?” She asked.
“Well, her boyfriend, Stefan... Wait, actually,” Y/N started, remembering that Damon mentioned he knew them, “you might know him. Stefan Salvatore? His brother told me he knew you guys. Or, his parents did,” she said. Y/N’s mother’s expression almost blanked, she saw her father turn his head to them all the way from the living room.
“Uhm, Yes. We’ve spoken with Mr.Salvatore before,” her mother smiled tightly, nodding once, “very small world,” she said,


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (9)

She sat across from Elena, this time at the foot of her bed and Elena against her headboard. Her friend looked more pale today. Still beautiful, of course, but Y/N could see that she was tired. Her soft hair was swept up in a bun and she wore her pyjamas still, despite it being just after 12:00. That was certainly not Elena. Always dressed for the day. Her face was bare, eyes read puffy and red.

"What happened?"Y/N asked softly, and at once Elena sniffed, looking away.

Before Y/N's friend could say anything, her mouth turned into a frown, a whimper slipping past her lips.

She began to cry.

Y/N scooted forward, wrapping her arms around Elena, “what's going on?” Y/N asked, voice still soft.

Elena clung to her,“God,” she sighed, shaking her head, holding Y/N tight, “Stefan and I…” She cried and Y/N’s stomach dropped, “we... We broke up,” she said weakly.

Y/N’s eyes widened,“Oh sh*t...” she whispered, tightening her arms around Elena, “I’m sorry,” she said and Elena sobbed again. She reached for Elena's upper arms, pulling away, but holding the girl still, “What can I do? Should we get Bonnie and Care over? Have a slumber party?” Y/N asked half-joking, half-not.

“No, no,” Elena said quickly, “I don’t wanna see—” She started, then looked away.

For a moment Y/N tilted her head, stomach flipping as if she touched something she wasn’t meant to,“Sorry, I... I didn’t mean to–”

“No, it’s fine.I’m sorry,” Elena shook her head, “it’s not Caroline’s fault,” Elena sighed,“I’m just..." She shook her head again, looking away and swiping the tears falling down her cheeks. With a sad half-scoff half-chuckle, she said, "I'm pretty sure Stefan’s in love with Caroline,”Elena chewed at her bottom lip, gaze lingering past her window.

The girls brows furrowed again, eyes watering once more, "and now..." She said, "what's stopping them?" She shrugged, looking back at Y/N.

But Y/N shook her head, "this is very important for you to hear. While it's understandable for you feel that way, you need to remember she's your best friend." Y/N said and Elena sighed, looking down and nodding, "She would never do that you.Never."

“God, you’re right,” Elena shook her head, “f*ck,” she sighed, burying her face in her hands, elbows on her knees.

Y/N reaching for Elena's shoulder, comforting and thinking of a plan for the day,“Well,” she sighed and Elena looked up, sniffling, “we’re staying in today, obviously, ” she said, “I’m gonna dip for like half an hour max, get my laptop, some good food, and then you and I will enjoy the day and do absolutely nothing. Sound good?” She asked and Elena smiled weakly and nodded, “what do you want for lunch?” Y/N asked.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Sorry, friend emergency,” Y/N sighed, pushing her shoes neatly to the side and sliding her tote off her shoulder. She walked to the back of the kitchen,

“We were considering ordering in!” Her father joked. Y/N raised her brows, smiling tightly at his bad joke. If only they would.

“No worries,” Y/N said, washing her hands and stepping for the fridge, “I don’t feel like cooking anything too time-consuming so I’m just gonna make what I did when you came, okay?” Y/N asked, not listening for any objections.

“Sure.” Her mother said, “What was this emergency?” She asked more seriously, sitting at the barstool across the passthrough,

“Oh, uh,” Y/N furrowed her brows and shook her head, “she broke up with her boyfriend,” she shrugged,

Oh, yes,” her mother sighed and nodded, “young love can leave the heart quite doleful.” she said. Y/N chuckled, under her breath at her mother’s funny verbiage, “What?” Carla asked,

“Nothing,” Y/N shook her head, “it’s just there’s a lot of craziness going on with them and stuff,” she deflected,

“Like what?” She asked.

“Well, her boyfriend, Stefan--Wait, actually,” Y/N started, remembering that Damon mentioned he knew them the other day, “you might know him. Stefan Salvatore? His brother told me he knew you guys. Or, his parents did,” she said. Y/N’s mother’s expression almost blanked, she saw Glenn turn his head to them all the way from the living room.

“Uhm, Yes. We’ve spoken with Mr.Salvatore before.” Carla smiled. “Very small world,” she said.

“Yeah, well, Elena and Stefan broke up. Apparently like a year ago he left Mystic Falls to L.A, then New York, visiting family,” Y/N shrugged, continuing cooking. Her mother listened intently as she spoke, “and when he came back he ‘forgot’ his life with Elena, and started seeing this other girl--Elena’s best friend--in a different light,” she raised her brows,

“That never ends well,” her mother sighed,

“Yeah. But, he never did anything, it was just weird. They were doing pretty bad these past few months...” Y/N sighed, “I’m sure she’ll be fine."

“She will. It will be hard, but it’s possible to move on,” her mother said.

“Yeah,” Y/N nodded. She finished the rest of dinner quite quickly, speaking not a word more with her mother, no matter that Carla still sat watching as she cooked.

“Where’s Benoit?” Y/N asked, dishing up a bowl each for her parents. She placed them down as they sat at the table, Glenn joining them last as he finished up his chosen section in the News.

“Monsieur had an impromptu conference. He departed Mystic Falls only a few hours ago.” Carla smiled tightly, placing a napkin on her lap,

“No worries,” Y/N said, hiding her joy. She certainly didn't want him around anyway. Seemed like the universe was working in her favour with that one. Always busy with work, whether it be a business call, a meeting online or in person or just a task, Y/N saw him maybe once since he arrived. Rude, it might be, but Y/N much preferred him away. She'd still sleep at Damon’s, however.

“So, any plans for University?” Her father asked, taking a bite of his meal. Y/N shrugged,

“Not really. Still figuring things out,” she said, not looking at her parents,

“That was us too, for a time.” Her mother said, raising her brows, “We were out of school long before we found our profession,” she sighed, taking a bite,

“Yes... Perhaps you don't remember, you were quite young,” her father chimed in, “I used to work at home, your mother would go out to the hospital,” he said, “we lived in that run-down, ordinary house,” he chuckled and so did her mother, “but finally we found what we wanted to do,” he sighed.

So did Y/N. She glanced between her parents,“Look I know I’ve asked before--”

“We cannot share anything of our profession, Y/N,” her mother interrupted,

“Well what if it happened to be my dream profession?” She argued, earning a roll of the eyes from both of her parents, the most unprofessional thing she had seen them do in a long time,

“If ever you come to us speaking of interests within our career we will let you know,” her mother sighed, biting her meal. They finished dinner in silence.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Her phone buzzed on the bedside table, unstopping, but it was Damon that woke her up. He nudged her arm a few times, shaking her awake,

“Y/N,” he said, eyes closed as he mumbled, “Y/N, your phone,” he said, and finally she opened her eyes. Brows furrowed, eyes squinted, she reached tiredly for her phone, picking it up as the call ended. She saw it was her father. She slid the notification and called him back. He picked up on the second ring,

“Y/N,” her father said, so awake at this early hour. 6:13 am flashed on the clock on the table. Very early hour.

“Hey,” she said, voice tired with sleep. She peeled the covers off, yawning and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Good morning, are you able to chat?” He asked. Y/N’s stomach flipped at something she didn’t know,

“Sure,” she said quietly, nodding,

“I, um,” he started, “unfortunately I have ill news,” he sighed and she just knew what we was about to say, “we’ve received an impromptu summon,” he said, “we’re needed in Washington State by the end of the night, Dear,” he said and she felt the anxiety settle in her body. It relaxed, spreading across her chest, down her arms, into her belly, up her throat,

“So,” she said quietly and shaky. She cleared her throat but to no avail, “so you’re leaving?” Her voice shaky through a tight throat. The bed shifted behind her and she felt Damon’s warm hand against her arm,

“Yes, dear, I’m afraid we are,” he sighed. She didn’t say anything, “I’m so sorry, Y/N,” he said in her silence, “I was so looking forward to a Christmas altogether, myself. But we cannot decline this,” he reasoned,

“Okay,” she said,

“We will write to you, Y/N. I promise,”

“Okay,” she nodded, staring at a spot on the floor and soaking in disappointment,

“Goodbye. Be safe.”

“Bye,” and he hung up. She sighed, reaching forward slowly and placing the phone back on the table. She laid back down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling but not really looking at it. Damon was laid on his side, head propped on his arm, close to her and studying her face, her body. He reached forward touching her shoulder closest to him, and it was as if he pushed a button. Her mouth fell into a frown and she brought her hands to her face. She shook a couple times, sobbing silently into her hands. He clicked his tongue and reached across her. He held her far shoulder and pulled her onto her side, and closer to him.

He pulled her to his chest,“I’m sorry.” he whispered, and she didn’t say anything. She laid in his arms, tears streaming onto her nose, down the corners of her eyes. Her face nestled against Damon's shoulder as she cried, silent. His hand rubbed her back slowly, up and down. Finally, he held her shoulder and he relaxed with her close. She sniffled a few times, sucking in a few breaths before exhaling. She fell asleep.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

His room was much brighter when she awoke again. He was still next to her, maybe it hadn’t been too long. He had sat up a little bit since, but Y/N still rested against his side. Her eyes opened to a book he held against his right leg. She couldn't make out the words yet, eyes tired and perhaps still high from the night before.

She hadn't time to think of it when Glenn called, but Y/N didn't remember when they fell asleep. She remembered finishing off a really big blunt of some really good indica, then waking from a sweet slumber upon expensive sheets. Of course, waking up to a nasty phone call, too.

“Hey,” he said, closing the book. She felt a hand on her back. She pushed herself up, rubbing her face and turning to him, the headboard on her right.

She looked at him and sighed,“Hey,” she smiled sleepily. She sniffed and quickly, he brought the back of his fingers and gently wiped the dampness on her cheeks. He rested his hand on her right cheek, swiping her jaw with his thumb and a kind smile on his lips,

“Wanna talk about it?” He asked. She shrugged, looking away and out his window. It had started snowing. Thick flurries fell slow from the milky sky. It was beautiful.

“I just feel like I should've known,” she sighed, shaking her head and looking down at her hands,

“Doesn't make them any less unkind,"he said just above a whisper. He reached forward and played with a strand of hair near her face and the corner of her mouth twitched in a small smile. He stepped off his bed and walked to the bookshelves across the room. He slipped the book back into the wall of books, stepped away from it's filled state, “You’re obviously welcome to spend Christmas with us. We didn’t have any real plans, but,” he said, pointing his finger, “you have a turkey and I make one hell of a roast,” he shrugged, looking so fine in his fit. She smiled, knowing he was trying to make her feel better. She appreciated him so much for that, but the angst of her parents ditching her again was all too fresh, “you can consider,” he said at her silence and she nodded, “but I think it would be fun,” he shrugged.He turned to his closet, grabbing a few items, “And,maybe we can get Stefan to smoke some weed,” he raised his brows, holding a pile of three black items. She smiled again, feeling a glimmer of warmth among the anxiety.

“That would be funny,” she said, sleepy, “I feel like he's usually quite... Serious,” she sighed,

“And after Elena? I’m sure he’d be down,” he shrugged.

God, I almost forgot about that,” she shook her head,

“She doin' okay?”

“Yeah," she shrugged, "sad, of course,” she shrugged, “never gives a lot of detail though.” She said, looking at Damon who nodded. She sighed again, “okay,” she nodded, “let’s do it,” and he smiled, walking to the bathroom to get ready.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It was much later. 2:00 pm, and after some coffee and breakfast they knocked on Stefan’s door.

“You decent?” Damon asked.

“Yeah,” his voice was quiet. They walked in and Y/N saw Stefan’s room for the first time. It was beautiful and very much the opposite from Damon’s. Same layout, just mirrored. His King sized bed rested in the middle of right wall. A couple desks scattered around the room, one in front of the large windows, the other circular and in the middle of his room. Both surfaces filled with mess, inkwells in different stained glass, some oxidized shut. There papers and books piled and tossed upon each surface, seeming without care.

On her left, a bookshelf taking up as much space as Damon's. Some books laid upon the ground before the shelves. Stefan didn't really take care of his things, she could see.

Stefan was sitting against the footboard on the dark wooden floor. He read a much used copy of a book too-worn to read the title and wearing a large brown t-shirt and black sweats. He looked up to the door, chestnut brown hair sitting messy past his brow, too long. He looked tired.

“Y/N’s parents are dicks so we are gonna have a real Christmas again.” Damon said, “You down?” And Stefan smiled smally,

“Sure,” he said, closing his book on his thumb to keep his place,

“Good. We’re eating tomorrow so clear your schedule,” Damon raised his brows once then walked past Y/N out of Stefan’s room. She smiled at Stefan and him at her before she followed Damon out. They walked to the garage, through the huge and empty house. She wondered why they still lived here. Only the two of them, surely it could sell for a lot. She shrugged at the thought and slipped on her shoes outside the garage door. Damon turned the engine on as she stepped in the garage, cold from the winter outside.

They went to her place. Her parents were gone a few hours by now, the condo quiet.

“Everything in the fridge?” He asked, walking past her and straight to the kitchen,

“Yeah, turkey’s in the freezer,” she said. She followed him down the condo. She saw the downstairs bathroom light on. Walking in, a paper atop the counter over the laundry.

‘We stripped the sheets’ it said in her mother’s impressive writing. She saw some fabrics folded beside it and she smiled a little sad.

“I’m just gonna get another pair of pyjamas,” she said, nearing the stairs.

“No worries,” Damon said, putting some of their items for tomorrow’s dinner on the counter. She smiled at him and walked back to the stairs, picking up her duffel on the way to her room. She walked in, still smelling her mother's perfume, though faintly. She made quick work of emptying and re-packing her duffle, and from her closet, she grabbed the presents she had wrapped up all nice for Damon and Stefan. Now that she’d be spending Christmas with the Salvatores, it was certainly right to bring them over now. She was already thinking of setting them near the hearth in the main living space. She went back downstairs, and Damon had already packed everything. She held the wrapped gifts in each hand and her duffel hung on her shoulder.

“Oooh,” Damon raised his brows, walking over with two heavy totes over each shoulder,

“Need any help?” Y/N asked, glancing at the bags,

“Nah,” he shook his head, walking past her to his shoes. He slipped them on, “who are those for?” He asked. Y/N chuckled, slipping on her shoes too. He pulled open the door,

“They might be for Stefan and yourself,” she shrugged, walking out the door. He closed it behind him and Y/N locked up,

“What did ya get me?” He asked, smiling like a little boy. She chuckled again, pushing her keys in her pocket,

“Sorry,” she shrugged, passing him again to his car, “but you’ll see tomorrow morning,” she smiled,

“Fine, fine,” he sighed and she turned around as she walked, seeing him put his hands up playfully in surrender, thumbs holding the straps of the totes, “tell me what you got Stefan at least,” he tried, walking to the trunk,

“Well, of course,” Y/N smiled. He popped the back and dropped the two bags in before closing and going to the passenger side,“He's into writing and art, of course, so I got him some cotton paper andsome powder to make his own ink,” she smiled.

Damon nodded, impressed,“You are very good at gifts,” he nodded, rounding the car to his side

“He’ll like it?” She asked, the both of them sitting in his old car,

“Please, he’ll love it.” He said. Near half way to the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon spoke again,“So, I’m thinking,” he began, looking at Y/N, “I kinda wanna smoke as much weed as we can until we get tired and then just wake up whenever we do tomorrow,” he shrugged as if it was an average thing to do. She chuckled,

“It's winter break,” she shrugged, "it'd be crazy if we didn't," she nodded

"Damn right,"he said, raising his brows as he looked back out the windshield.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

No alarms this Christmas Day. They awoke nearing noon. 11:26 the clock read from Damon’s bedside table. Her eyes were heavy, his weed was really good.

“Morning,” Damon said quietly, eyes still closed and relaxed as if asleep. Finally he opened them, and while his body looked tired, his gaze read something different, “Merry Christmas,” he said, raising his brows once.

Y/N smiled, sighing and relaxing again “Merry Christmas,” she smiled.

He sat, standing from his bed, “I am very much looking forward to opening my present from you,” he raised his brows, earning a chuckle from the girl.

Too, she sat, going for his door. Perhaps she should have moved her duffle from that guest room to his, she slept there so much. “And I get to open the present you gotme,” she raised her brows, pulling open his door and stepped from his bedroom.

The hallway of the boarding house was as cold as ever, the fire from the hearth last night certainly put out and leaving the old home to chill overnight.
He knocked upon the guest door just as she pull the fresh top over her head,

”Breakfast?” He asked as she pulled it open, smile wide and sweet upon her lips.

“Yes,” she said, stepping from her room with him. Once more the air tingled at her forearms, her face, “Ugh,” she rolled her eyes, “I forgot my hoodie,” she sighed,

“No worries,” he shrugged, unzipping his and handing it to her casually before walking down the hallway, apparently not feeling the wintry breeze. She smirked, following down the hallway and pulling on his warm, big hoodie. The corners of her mouth tugged into a smile wider than she wanted and she was glad Damon walked a little ahead of her. They walked down the stairs, past the main living room. Y/N glanced to the hearth, seeing a few more gifts than the two she had placed there the night before. Her heart warmed at the sight, imagining a couple for her.

Entering the kitchen, Stefan was already at work, mood particularly chipper that late morning.

“Good morning,” Stefan said, looking at Damon and Y/N who walked in. Smile warm and kind, he walked up to Y/N, “merry Christmas,” he said, pulling her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms over his shoulders and hugged him back,

“Merry Christmas,” she smiled.

He pulled away and looked to Damon, “And, brother, merry Christmas to you,” Stefan said, pulling his brother into a hug,

“Yes, yes, very lovely. Merry Christmas to you,” Damon nodded, patting his brother on the back and pulling away before Stefan did. Y/N and Stefan chuckled at his reaction,

“Well, we got everything for pancakes,” he said, turning to Y/N,

“Let’s do it.” Y/N nodded.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

The three lounged about the living room, deciding when they’d eat dinner. As each shared their own idea for the evening, they picked up their torn wrapping paper, shoving it in the bag Stefan already brought.
The gift opening didn’t take long. Y/N opened her gift from Stefan, a near identical pencil drawing of her and Damon’s, more weed. Of course.Already she pictured the drawing of her hung somewhere she could look at. Maybe in place of her mirror, the piece of so well done.

For Damon, Y/N gifted a new bottle of the cologne he always wore, and apparently he was about to run out.

“Well,” Damon tied up the bag and sat back down on the couch, “I say we smoke some of this,” he reached over Y/N who had flopped down next to him, picking up one of her jars, “specificallyyou,” he pointed to Stefan, earning a laugh, “then sit down for some roast bird,” he shrugged.

“Damn, should I?” He said mostly to himself.

“Come on, dude, when was the last time?” Damon asked, "like, 2007?" He asked and Y/N laughed. The brothers looked at her for a moment, brows furrowed and faces puzzled for a split second before chuckling too.

"Yeah, Damon, the last time was 2007 when I was two," Stefan widened his eyes slightly, "It’s been a couple years," he shrugged. Y/N raised her brows slightly. Maybe it wasn't twobut still young.Though, she wasn’t one to judge.

“You don’t have to but I do think it’ll be fun,” Damon shrugged. Stefan narrowed his eyes.

He looked to the hearth, then to his right, then back at Damon and Y/N. “Okay,” he shrugged, “come get me when you’ve rolled it. I’ll be in the kitchen,” he said, standing up.

“Alright,” Damon sighed, standing too, collecting his things before he and Y/N wen upstairs.

Y/N took one of the three jars he gifted, pulling from it three small buds before closing it up for the next while.

“Thank you,” he said, picking them up and pressing them in the grinder, “oh sh*t, I completely forgot,” he said, standing up and walking to his closet. He opened the door and quickly returned to his seat, carrying an envelope. “It was kind of a last minute addition to your gift, forgot to put it with the main,” he shrugged, handing her the envelope. She took it from him and opened it slowly. He began rolling the joint, quickly and experienced. She pulled out a pile of 4x6 photos. She remembered each night, or day, these photos took place. The first one on the pile was of her and Damon. It was at Caroline's birthday party, taken several hours after birthday girl’s arrival. His arm hung over her shoulder, head tilted slightly as his eyes gazed into the lens, charming and handsome as he was beside her right then. Her eyes lingered upon that photo of them, on Damon a little longer than herself. Then she paid the rest of the photo some attention. Her fingers were laced with his, the one over her shoulder, and she made a kissy face at the camera. Freshman Y/N would have found it so cool. She tucked it under the pile, trying her hardest to bay the butterflies that beat her belly. The next photo was the same day, but much earlier. She was laughing with Bonnie about something while they snacked in the kitchen. Surely Elena took this during one of their many breaks. She couldn’t remember what exactly they were laughing about, but she guessed it was about one of the many gossips they uttered that day. The next photo was of her and Damon again. This time, it was the night everyone slept over. She and Damon were sitting at the kitchen island, Bonnie and Stefan across from them. She guessed it was Caroline who took it, a true candid. She looked at him as he twisted the end of their joint,

“This is so nice,” she said, quieter than she thought. He looked at her too, glancing down at the pile of photos, then at her.

Like she was back in that night after the theatre, she really noticed how close they were. Strange. They were always kind of close. It was weird that she’d only notice it sometimes. She thought of how easy it would be to reach forward, pull him against her. And for a moment glanced at his lips, ehen she looked back uo catching him doing the same. But, almost to her dismay, he raised his brows once and popped the joint between his lips with that smile. Like he knew exactly what she was thinking. They wouldn’t end the night like they did after the theatre. She looked away with a smile almost embarrassed. She looked back down at the photos,

“Thank you so much for these,” she smiled, looking back at him as he looked at the joint between his fingers, “I really love them,” she said,

“You’re welcome,” he replied, taking another hit and passing it to Y/N. She took it with a smile, “come on, I wanna see the rest,” he nodded toward the photos she held. She placed them on the desk, sliding each one away after she stared at them for a few seconds. She passed the joint back to him after a couple puffs. She slid one away and the next one she saw was of only her.

“Mm,” he said, taking the joint from his lips and exhaling, “this one’s my fav,” he pointed, looking at the photo. she smiled, glancing at him then back at the photo. She was smiling so truly and widely she felt she looked a little bad,

“Why this one?” She asked,

“What, are you serious?” He asked, picking up the photo and passing the joint to her. He looked at the photo, “look how cute you are” he said, turning it for her to see. She chuckled, shaking her head and looking away, “well which is your favourite?” he asked, putting the photo back down.

“Hmm,” she thought, sliding the photos around and looking between the twelve excellent photos he had chosen for her. She knew it was that first photo. She rememberedhow it felt when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. As if they aren't close. But, it was different when he touched her. Sure, she stood, sat next to him. Shared beds with him. But when he'd hold her hand or give her a hug... Or hang his arm around her shoulders, it was something else. And she knew that was the photo she wanted to say was her favourite, but there was a certain reluctance, anxiety. “This one,” she smiled, picking up that photo and smiling as if her heart didn't flutter and the butterflies didn't jump up her throat.

“Mmm,” he said, passing the joint back to her and grabbing the picture, “I do look good. I see why you like it,”

“Pfft,” she scoffed, taking a hit then passing him the joint as he chuckled.

“Oh sh*t, ” he chuckled, puffing the joint,


“We were supposed to smoke with Stefan,” he said

“Oh my god,” she chuckled, covering mouth, “okay, okay, put it out and roll another. I can smoke more anyway,” she shrugged, still chuckling. He laughed with a lovely smile then ashed the joint and ripped the rolling paper. He emptied its contents and rolled another joint, large enough for the three.

“Turkey’s carved,” Stefan said as they walked back into the kitchen,

“Nice, let’s smoke in the TV room?” Damon asked, raising his hand slightly and showing Stefan the joint,

“Yeah,” he nodded, rounding the counter. They walked back down the hallway, past the main living room and into a room on its other end. Y/N had seen it a few times, been there at the party before school. Damon went for the small sofa, sitting on one end, and Stefan took the comfortable looking leather chair. Y/N joined Damon, folding her legs; her knee brushed his leg slightly, she didn’t move it. He pulled a light from his pocket and lit the new joint, hitting a few times, then passing it first to Y/N. She took a couple puffs then passed it to Stefan who took it with a smile.

“Here goes nothing,” he shrugged and puffed a long inhale. He pulled the joint from his lips and held it in for a few seconds before blowing it out. Quickly, he buried his face in his elbow, coughing manytimes. He reached forward, handing the joint to Damon with haste, still coughing, “ God, ” he said, palm flattening against his chest. He sighed, relaxing into the chair, leaning his head back and fluttering his eyes closed as the high took over his mind.

Y/N chuckled and Damon smirked. She tried ignoring Damon’s hand that dropped on her knee as he puffed the joint, looking at his brother, “it has been a while,” Stefan nodded, looking at Y/N and Damon again, his eyes already a little droopy. She chuckled again, taking the joint Damon passed.

Stefan and Y/N stood in the kitchen, getting the fixings for their steamed vegetables and salad. Damon was somewhere around the house. Y/N didn't remember what he said he doing or getting.

“Can you,” Stefan started, looking to Y/N, pointing his finger, “uhh,” he said, shaking his head, “god, no, ” he said, closing his eyes and completely forgetting his train of thought. Y/N chuckled and so did he, “umm,” he said, laughing, “oh! Pecans, can you get the pecans?” He asked her,

“Yeah,” she laughed, turning around and walking to the drawer on the left of the stove. She smiled wide, behind her hearing Stefan chuckle still. She grabbed the pecans and went back to him, “what?” She asked as he spun the salad spinner. He chuckled again, shaking his head,

“Nothing, nothing,” he laughed. She laughed too, feeling the weed and realising that was what he was laughing at. It somehow made her giggle harder. She covered her mouth, leaning into his shoulder slightly. He hung his head back, shoulder bouncing as he chuckled so hard he was silent. He put down the knife and turned into Y/N as well. He covered his mouth putting his hand on her shoulder for support as they giggled hysterically at absolutely nothing. Stefan was fun to be high with. Damon walked in,

“What are you two doing?” He chuckled, taking a sip of his dark drink. They looked at him then back at each and giggled even harder.

“Okay, okay,” Stefan laughed, taking a deep breath then chuckling once more, “okay. This is serious. We need to make dinner,” he said, trying to blank his face, but when he looked at Y/N he smiled again. She shook her head, turning around to the stove, chuckling under her breath and checking on the potatoes.

They relaxed around the dinner table, bellies full from Damon’s excellent roast and Stefan’s skill with the greens in a meal.

“That was amazing,” Y/N nodded approvingly, almost uncomfortably full but wishing she could fit in more. It was just so damn good. “Are you both done?” She asked, glancing at their empty plates,

“Yeah,” they both nodded. She stood and grabbed their plates piling them up,

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” Stefan said, standing up as well,

“I won’t complain,” Damon shrugged, standing up and leaving the dining room.

“Come on, Stefan, I got it,” Y/N insisted,

“We literally cooked the same amount,” he grabbed his plate before she could, narrowing his eyes playfully and Y/N rolled hers, taking her and Damon’s plate and turning into the kitchen. Damon poured himself a glass of bourbon.

Y/N and Stefan put everything away. Damon did end up helping a little, filling up their dishwasher and wiping the counters.

“Well?” Damon sighed, “we gonna watch a Christmas movie or something?” He shrugged, looking mostly at Y/N,

“Is everyone down?” She asked, looking at Stefan too,

“Personally, I wanna watch Home Alone. It’s been quite a while,” Stefan said,

“Home Alone it is,” Damon said, turning around and leading them once more to the TV room.


oooohhh la laaa. Christmas with the Salvatore's yassss. High!Stefan?!! consider me smitten. LMFAAAOOO... god. well, I thought that was fun. her parents really suck... damn.

anyway hope y'all enjoyed. crazy sh*t coming up.

be sure to check out for visual resources and fic updates!

as always ~~Much love

Chapter 10: dire straits


Her eyes peeled open, groggy and heavy. She couldn’t tell what woke her up, but something in the air was off. She looked to her right, out the blinds. The moon was nearly full, she saw. Maybe that was the energy she felt? No. It couldn’t be. The moon never felt like that. But she needn’t question any further. She felt a dip in the bed on her left and her head snapped to a face that looked familiar,
“Easier to get in than I thought,” she heard the person say before blackness consumed her vision.

CW for those who cannot consume content that include major injury, bl**d loss, anxiety due to injuries. It's a relatively short chapter, and the entirety centres around this injury. You can feel comfortable waiting for the next chapter, as there won’t be graphic detail of the injuries, going forward. (and dw! not in a pretend it didn’t happen way)


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Hey," Y/N smiled, speaking to a woman she hadn't seen come in before, "how's it goin'?" She asked, rounding the counter and leaning against it,

"Well, thanks." The woman nodded. Y/N heard a thick accent in her voice from those couple words, something she'd decsribe as co*ckney perhaps, though she wasn't too confident.

She asked the woman some questions, trying to help out as much as she could, though the woman was apparently just passing through. Staying only a night and thought she'd stop by a shop she liked the look of. She was friendly, no doubt, though something about the woman's eyes left Y/N gazing a little too long. A glint within them that made Y/N think the woman had much more to say than she let on. Then, the door opened once more.

Y/N's eyes met Damon's as she peered over her shoulder, offering him a small smile before turning back.

She purchased near every item Y/N suggested her, body staying facing the back of the store, away from Damon and the bright afternoon sun. With a small smile and wave, Y/N watched the woman depart back out into Mystic Falls, paying no last glance behind her.

"You're definitely not getting paid enough," Damon sighed as the woman walked out.

Y/N's mouth dropped and she looked at him before letting out a laugh,"Whatever." She rolled her eyes, "What are you doin' here? Miss me already?" She asked, rounding the counter and leaning against it,

"I do," he nodded, smiling sarcastically, "what can I say, Y/N, it's been ten hours and I miss you," he shrugged. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "When's your break?" He asked.

She turned and glanced at the clock behind the till,"Whenever," she shrugged,

"Well, let's go get coffee," he raised his brows, not waiting for her answer before turning back to the door. She chuckled, reaching over the counter for her keys and followed him to the door.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Night had risen as Damon dropped her off after her lunch, or, dinner break. Now, as she walked home in the brisk winter the night was dense in shadow. Work was too long that day. Sure, extra cash, but the 6:00 am start wasn't great. Mary-Elizabeth shared some ambitious plans for the store. New layouts and such, asking Y/N to deal with the work fore her arrival back in Mystic Falls but a week from then. Something to do, Y/N would repeat once in a while when she found herself growing near furious at the precarious placements and ideas that would surely go out of style.Exhausted, she trudged back home after her twelve hour day, ready to eat a cheap package of ramen, smoke a joint and sleep. And that's what she did. Though first, a shower.

Barely had she enough energy to cook her dinner. However easy it might be.

And then she sat upon a barstool at her kitchen pass-through, one of the three she'd purchased. Utensil holding the lid of her ramen down, Y/N twisted the end of her joint and lit it, turning in her seat and glancing about the condo. All unpacked, looking lived-in and comfortable.

The couch in near mint condition, especially from where Y/N looked at it. Far enough away, she couldn't see the stain Caroline made on her birthday. Though, it truly was Caroline that got the shorter end of the stick, the lipstick she smushed was her absolute favourite.

Y/N chuckled at the thought, a ding from her phone pulling her attention behind her once more.

She sucked in another hit and pulled the joint from her lips, opening a text.

Damon, of course.

'Going to Richmond w stefan, need anything?' he asked and she smiled, putting the joint back between her lips before messaging back,

'I'm all good!!' she sent.

Then, 'Thank you 😊😌'

'always' he said and she smiled at that, liking his message.

She reached forward, ashing her joint in the sink, leaving the filter on the side to dispose of tomorrow, before digging into her easy meal.



Her eyes peeled open, groggy and heavy. The moon was bright, shining near full, glowing upon her skin gently and cool.

The air she awoke to was unlike she'd felt mere hours before. A weight to it, a presence she didn't know.

She felt a dip in the bed on her left and her head snapped to a face that looked familiar,"Easier to get in than I thought," she heard the person say before blackness consumed her vision.

She awoke again. The scene around her still familiar, this time the Salvatore Boarding House.

In the living room, the hot living room. Waves of heat rippled behind her, kissing her calves, the sides of her torso, her shoulders. The girl sat upon a chair, bound by her forearms and legs. The chair was no doubt the old one in the corner she never saw anyone sit in.

Her breaths heaved suddenly as she pulled her arms and pushed her legs as much as she could,

"Don't bother," a voice spoke behind her. She jumped at the startle and looked behind her shoulder. A short woman walked around to Y/N's front, "hi," she said with that thick co*ckney accent. Y/N's brows ached from their furrow, her belly twisting anxiously, jumping up her throat, down her bound limbs. It could explode from her.

It was her.That customer just passing through. Same outfit, same brown hair.

She sucked in a couple breaths, eyes wide, dry and stinging with tears. "DAMON!" Y/N screamed, voice fearful and distraught.

"Think I'd've gotten this far with ya if he was 'ere?" She chuckled, "I do admire your faith in me." The smile dropped from her face with eerie quickness and the woman whipped a blade from around her forearm. Sharper than Y/N knew, the woman sliced a thick gash across her thigh. A scream jumped out of Y/N's chest at its pain, leg tensing and arms struggling against their barriers.She felt the heat, chill and tingle of the rip, a sob escaping her lips. Her hands shook, legs trembled.

"What?! What do you want?!" She yelled, desperate, near blind through her tears, snot running down her nose. She whimpered, sucking in a few fast breaths before letting out another sob.

But the woman sighed and as if a chore, she carved a few more cuts on Y/N's body. Some on her upper arms that hissed after the waves of heat from the fire behind her. There were a few more on her thighs and three more between her two calves.

"Please," Y/N begged, throat weak from her terror, "please stop," she shook her head, breaths laboured.

"Can't do it, Love," the woman shrugged, "he mus' see ya like this," she sighed.He?

There was nothing in her mind that could explain what the woman did those hours Y/N sat in the living room. It was just... Pain.

As if she was in a dream. Indeed it was easier to think of it as such.Perhaps she was. There's no way she could be held for this long without anyone finding her--without Damon finding her. She was in the middle of his living room.

Why hadn't he come home? Where was he? Why hadn't he found her yet?

And then, she remembered.

The boys had gone to Richmond, and quite late that evening she might add. The girl didn't know what time it was, didn't know for how long she slept. Perhaps the brothers would stay the night in Richmond. Surely too late to stay up and drive all the way back.

Once more, the woman raised her reddened blade to Y/N's cheek, wiping the cooled blood upon her face. Degrading her as much as she could. The first couple times, Y/N would wince, cringe away from the blade.

But this time, she didn't.

And it was not as if Y/N could plead or barter her way from her bounds. The woman asked not a question. She remained silent if ever Y/N spoke and seemed utterly aimless in her pursuit. There was nothing for her to do any longer but accept whatever happened. The blood, slimy and drying upon her face, stretching and cracking any time she let out a sob or moved mere millimeters.

She'd vomit had she the energy. But instead, and perhaps comical, it helped her focus on something else. It felt terrible, it felt gross, but feeling the cracking dried blood on her cheeks almost let her accept everything else she felt. Her head hung down, weak. She couldn't imagine how much of it she had lost. The carpet beneath her feet that she loved so much was red and wet underneath her, stains layering her feet. Surely they'd have to throw it away.

What a shame. It must have been so expensive.

Though, she forgot about it fast as the woman carved another line in her torso. All she could muster up was a weak sob, sounding more like a scoff now. She felt the fireplace behind her again. She imagined what they looked like, the flames. So bright and pretty, whipping side to side as it burned through the wood,

"What are ya doin'?" The woman whispered, stepping back slightly. Y/N sighed, not really hearing her. The fire was warm and welcoming. And it was hotter than before, like it could wrap itself around her like a warm and safe hug. "STOP!" The woman exclaimed. Y/N didn't hear her that time either.

"GILLIAN!" And Y/N heard thatvoice. It bellowed somewhere from Y/N's left, angry and dangerous.The warmth behind her was forgotten and she lifted her head slightly, seeing a blurry figure at the door. The woman snapped her head to the voice, it didn't speak again.

And neither did this Gillian for a moment, Y/N thought she heard a hitch in the woman's throat, but there was nothing of that evening Y/N could say with too much certainty.

"We were just havin' a laugh," Gillian finally spoke, "weren't we?" She glanced at Y/N whose eyes were puddled with tears, head slumped and eyes staring at her legs sliced and gashed, "the Damon I remember wouldn't have to ask what I was doin'. He'd simply join, maybe even share the laugh I had with her,"

"The Damon you remember punished those guilty of Vile Treachery,not this."He hissed, deadly eyes unbreaking from Gillian.

"Guess 'm just rememberin' wrong," she narrowed her eyes. Y/N raised her head slightly and saw Damon rush Gillian. His speed unnatural as he closed the space between them. Violent, dangerous hands reached for the woman's neck and he flung her away from Y/N. Gillian took a moment to regain her strength, but Damon was already on her again. He took hold of the woman, much smaller than him, and lifted her up by the clothes around her neck. Pushing back with full force, Gillian's slammed against the wall, Y/N almost thought she heard a crack. A wicked breath escaped Gillian's lips with a grunt blowing from her lungs.

"You come into my house," Damon muttered, each word enveloped in wrath. "MY, house," he said again, pulling Gillian from the wall slightly and slamming her back in it, her head smacking the wall again. "You hurt her," he slammed her against the wall once more, this one caused a guttural cry to leave Gillian. "And expect anything but this?" He hissed, tone wrapped tightly with fury. He dropped her, letting her fall the half foot to the ground. She crumbled to her knees, yelp sharp in even Y/N's ear as she hit the old, hard floors.

She but glanced up at the man, a terror so clear within her eye to be at the mercy of Damon Salvatore.

He hadhurther.Waving his left hand over his right shoulder, he backhanded her on the jaw with a wicked smack. Gillian cried out, a thick gash of red striped her jaw as she brought a shaky hand to it.

"I asked you a question," he asked, indifferent. "Didyou,expect anything different?" He questioned another time but she stayed silent again, daring not answer.

This time, he hurled her behind him with force enough to slide her across the expensive and stained rug, burning her olive skin no doubt.

"If you won't answer that then perhaps it's futile I question who sent you?" He smirked, nearing the woman laying at Y/N's feet, weakened.

"A..." She heaved, Damon's eyes narrowing.

"Speak." He ordered.

"A tale retold," she sucked in a shakey breath, head seeming too injured to lift, "a soldier sent to carry out an act repeated through centuries--"

"Gillian--" He tried,

"A man that stands in place of--"

"Tell me or you're dead."

"In place of a larger--" His hands flew round her neck, snapping it with an ugly crack, something reaching Y/N's muffled, tired ears, and the woman went silent. He dropped her limp body to the ground, jumping up and stepping for Y/N.

"Y/N," he whispered, hands reaching for her cheeks.

Weakly she mumbled. "Mm..."

And quicker than Y/N could register, it seemed Damon bit his wrist, bringing the open wound to her lips.

At first she whimpered, unaware if this was part of the pain or not. She couldn't stop him though. A cold, metallic taste slid against her tongue, and down her throat without her even swallowing. The last she glimpsed was another figure rushing from the front door, and the pain she felt dissipated.

Maybe she was dying, and maybe it was death who neared from the front door.


girl... oh my f*ckin' god whaaaatttt... This is real bad...

Chapter 11 April 6th :)

check out for fic updates

Chapter 11: unpalatable cognizance


The way he did almost anything… Like he had done it countless times before. And sure, a stranger, a passerby might take it for twenty-two year old assertiveness, but when you knew him, you could tell he really knew what he was doing. The way he spoke of his opinions, his likes and dislikes, he’d express it with such conviction and not in a way that was overly confident. However old he was, which was certainly old, she could see it.


TW: panic attack, description of hunger

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (10)

The sky was still dark as she awoke that winter night. Coldness nipping at her cheeks, a blanket heavy upon her chest as she lay groggy and weak, not a sound around her.

Her eyes parted to a guest room. Dark and with familiar walnut panels and matching floors. The bed she rested in was grand, like any other bed she’d seen in the Salvatore Boarding House. The door was shut, silence seeming on the other side.

”A soldier sent to carry out an act…”At once Y/N remembered everything.

She remembered the pain, the red. Gillian was her name, and she hurt Y/N for hours. Any tiredness fell at once from her bones, jolting up and sitting in bed. Eyes, wide and watering with a never felt terror, she looked down upon her arms. She pulled the thick covers down and pulled up some sweats around her legs--something she didn't remember putting on.

She'd have to question it later.

And with an absolute shock her eyes met with not a trace of blood nor an etch in her skin.She remembered the pain stopping that night. Perhaps not stopping but certainly slowing. Gillian had carved too many lines in the girls skin for her to have woken up clean.

But the sound of the door knob across the room pulled her away from any thoughts; Stealing her gaze at once. The door opened slowly, quietly, and with impressive silence Damon stepped into the room.He shut the door behind him, carrying nothing but a glass of water she saw as he turned around.

“Y/N.” He said, stopping in his tracks at the sight of her sitting, the sight of her awake. He strode across the room to his bed, placing the glass aside before sitting himself down.

Y/ N watched every one of his movements. His forearm extending as he put down the water, the way he positioned himself before sitting upon the bed.

But as soon as he reached for her, she reached for him. Perhaps with more haste. Her hands grabbed at his shirt, pulling him close as her face morphed stressful and distraught. Her arms wrapped over his shoulders, closing any space between them. And his palmsflattened against her back, holding the girl close and secure in his arms. His safeness enclosed around her, wrapping comfortable like a quilt.“I’m so sorry.” He said gently, keeping her in his arms as long as she needed. "I'm gonna find who sent her," his hands wrapped over her upper arms, pulling them apart only a little, "okay? I will." He nodded.

"Damon..." She shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks and eyes stuck down, "What... Why...Why me? Why did she bring me here?" Her voice was weak, waning and quiet. Trembling through her choked up throat. She gestured about the room as she questioned him.

Because why would Gillian have brought her there? How did Damon know that woman?

"Look, let's get some food and water in you before we re-hash that, okay?" He suggested, eyes moving between hers, searching for something.

For a moment she pondered any challenge she could offer, wanting nothing more than to know exactly who the person was. Instead she sighed, “Okay." And moved her body feebly, trying to stand.

“Wh-Where are you going?" He asked, standing from the bed and making his arms available for her to grab,

"The kitchen."

"The kitche--Y/N, it's fine. I'll bring something up.” He said,

“No, no.” She said, her stomach twisting tightly at once and mouth watering from her profound hunger.

"Y/N, you haven’t eaten in over a day, just let me bring it to you.” He insisted, hand holding the girl's arm now, lightly. She hadn't realised when he'd put it there. The girl wouldn't be making it to the kitchen without passing out, even if Damon held her up. Her head was heavy and body seeming detached from her the more she moved.

“Okay, okay.” she nodded, looking at Damon again.

He sat her upon the bed once more and left for the kitchen, urging her to drink the whole glass of water before he came back. She must need it. And she did what he asked, holding the glass to her lips and letting the cold race down her throat. It didn't take long to finish the glass, a sigh blowing past her as she went for more air. She hadn't eaten in a day, he said...She'd been out for a while. Longer than it felt.Perhaps the pain was just that bad, she barely remembered. Though, she certainly remembered the relief as her tired eyes matched with his, worried and wide before he…

Before he…

She brought her fingers to her lips. So easily remembering the thick metallic in her mouth just before blacking out. And… And she remembered how he came to her that night. He was angry, no doubt. Furious. His face emotionless and eyes frightening. She remembered him running toward Gillian. Was he sprinting? Not even… He moved faster than any sprint Y/N had seen. He charged Gillian like an animal, and Y/N felt that desire to have him near drifting away quite surely. His speed, the way he handled Gillian. Hauling her across the room as if she weighed nothing.

The door opened again, sooner than she thought. The girl didn't know for how long she tried making sense of what she saw. He handed her a plate of something small and simple, but at once she placed it upon the bedside, next to her empty glass.

"Come on," he nodded to the plate, sitting at the foot of the guest bed, relaxing against it's bedpost.

"Not yet." She shook her head, ignoring the nauseating hunger, "I need you tell me what happened..." She said, not meeting his eyes, looking at anything but.

Though, she did catch a glimpse of him glancing away. Jaw clenching for just a split second before he shrugged, "Which part?"

Y/N said nothing for a moment. Finally she met his eyes, looking for something before darting away again. "I..." She started, lifting her arms slightly, touching her perfect skin, "Don't have any marks. Not from last night," she shook her head, "and Iknowthey were there. What did you do? What is this?" She asked, the cloak of uncertainty weighing heavy upon her back.

The man nodded, tearing his eyes from her, looking down. "Okay..." He sighed, speaking mostly to himself, “Okay,” he nodded. He turned to her again, “you’re gonna find everything I say completely delusional and impossible and you’ll most certainly be in immediate denial.” He said, seeming almost casual behind his so very minacious words. Coldness spread through her body, for just that night introduced a fate already striking fear within her. "It’s easier if I show you,” He whispered, moving forward, nearing her.

And at once the girl backed away, a danger standing stark between them now. No longer did she trust him as she did. Perhaps only enough to show him her discomfort.

"I'm sorry," he put his hand out, stopping where he was as she cringed away, "this is gonna freak you out, but..." He started, words trailing off. He sighed, glancing to the side then back at her, "Just know... Just know I'd never hurt you. Okay?" He nodded, eyes desperate and longing for some type of reassurance perhaps. "Okay..." He said, he whispered, before salient lines of black travelled around his eyes. Veins, dark and inhuman wriggled beneath his somehow paler skin, and no longer did she see the kind, charming blue looking back at her.

Blue still, indeed, though much darker. The whites of his eyes reddened and sore looking. Too, the man, the monster, looked away from Y/N, baring his teeth and exposing something she hadn't yet seen. His canine grew sharp and pointed right before her eyes.

Her insides tightened at once, body tensing at the sight. But she didn't move. Didn't look away. She sucked in quiet breaths, maybe she could hide, maybe she could be quiet enough.

Finally, after too long, his face relaxed. Those maya blue eyes returned and his fang slowly retracted. He studied her face for a moment, seeing her blank look, something maybe familiar to him. Then, like he had done so many times, his hand slowly reached for hers. But quicker than he moved, she pushed herself away, off the bed and stood, planting her feet firm on the old floors. “Don’t…” She shook her head, holding her hand out slightly. Tears pricked at her eyes like little needles, burning the whites and pooling too fast to blink away. And as they fell she scoffed. Something mixed with some amusem*nt. Or perhaps just shock. “So, you mean to say that you‘re…” She trailed off, shrugging.

And he knew exactly what she meant. Knew exactly what she thought. So he nodded, “Yes.”

”f*ck…” She walked down the length of his bed, stopping in the middle of his too-large bedroom. "Why..." She whimpered, looking away, body weak, "why didn't you... Tell me?" She asked, "f*ck! What the f*ck is this?" She asked no one, covering her face and standing still. "f*ck..." She sighed.

At once Y/N relaxed her knees, taking a seat on the cold ground fore she could fall to it. His eyes on her were heavy, like rays shooting from them she knew how closely she was examined. "Is.. Is Stefan a…" She finally started, searching for any other word, to no avail, "Is he a f*cking Vampiretoo?!" She asked, arm straightening toward his door.

Damon sighed, "Yes." He nodded, "Caroline too."

"Caroline?" Y/N sighed, eyes widening. "f*ck..." She shook her head. "And Elena? Bonnie? Them too?"

"No, no... Well, Bonnie's a witch, but--"

"What?!"Y/N exclaimed, not knowing what to think, what to say, what to do.

"But Elena's human! She's human. Bonnie's family, they're all... The Bennett Witches are an extremely old family, their name is found in documents from centuries ago, they're a powerful coven."

"Oh my God..."

"Look, Y/N," he started, nearing her seated on the floor. He sat before her, trying to catch her gaze, "we were going to tell you, okay? It was gonna be better, they were gonna be here--All of them. It wouldn't have been forced like this. But..." He shrugged, "Gillian was... Unforeseen. And, anyway it's different now. This isn't just about you finding out what we are, but us finding out whatyouare."

And at that, Y/N met his eyes. She tilted her head slightly, suspect at his words. "Me?" She asked, "I'm not a vampire.Not a witch--"

"Maybe not, but you'resomething." He said, moving forward slightly and reach for her hands. "Listen to me, when I walked in the other night, I heard Gillian yelling at you to stop. I walk in and the fire she set in the hearth is kissing the skin on your back, and it's not hurting you." He said.

Y/N shook her head.

"Yes." He urged, "you were two yards from the fire, yet somehow it burned a whole lot of the hardwood and that carpet." He said, "Now Gillian's worked under countless crooks in her couple hundred years on this Earth, but obviously this one's latest objective's peaked her interest."

"What the f*ck does that even mean? I didn't even know about you guys." Her voice trembled, eyes watering as she argued something impossible.

"It doesn't matter," he shrugged, brows furrowing, "whoever it is, they don't care. They sent one of their underlings to find you, hurt you and prove a point tome."

"Why not just kill me then? She brought me here..."

Damon clapped once lightly then flattened his palm, as if she hit it on the nail. "Which is why we need figure out what you are." He said, "Clearly you're of value, but I'm interested in how they know what you are, and you don't."

Y/N sighed, looking down and taking in every word he spoke. They sat before one another for some time, making not a sound.

But he spoke again, "Ms.Sheila is an old witch, we were thinking you guys should talk," he said, but she didn't respond to that.

Instead she stood, turning away for a moment and sniffling."My parents." Shelooked back at him, "My parents, they need to know,"

He followed her up, "Y/N--"

"No, this is... They needto know.This is too big of a deal."

"I know it is, Y/N, but, Carla and Glenn..." He shook his head, "Look they won't... They're not gonna help, okay?" He said.

"What?" She asked sharply, a disbelief at his words. "How can you even say that? It wasn't even you that knew them."

"My mother died in 1858, Y/N. My father in 1864. Vampires can't procreate, so it wasn't my parents they knew." He shrugged.

Y/N let out a breath, brows furrowed. She shook her head, denial racing through her being. "You?" She asked, lip tugging up in disrelish. "Did you..." She sighed, looking away, eyes fluttering closed for a moment as she fought away the ick enclosing around her, "Did you know me before I knew you?" She asked, voice defeated, heart ready to hear the worst.

"N-no, Y/N, no. It's not like that," He stepped forward, gaze assuring and steady. "I had no idea. I knew they had a kid, didn't know their name. I didn't know it was you until I saw them a few days ago."

"So, what? You like...Workwith them? Do they know about you?"

"Yes," he nodded, "that's their job. They're in this... Bureau, of some sort. We call them The Unit--though they do have an officially recognised title," he shrugged, rolling his eyes as he spoke those last words.

She shrugged, waiting for it's name. A name Damon seemed to dislike.

He sighed, "The Global Administration for Defence and Protection," he said, as if he knew much of this Administration Y/N had never heard of.

"More. Tell me everything you know about them--Carla, Glenn."

"Not much, alright?" He offered easily, "Based on my findings they were officially accepted into the Bureau in 2007, that's when I met them. Newport Beach. But I've seen, heard their name plenty of times before then, dating back to... 2002. I don't know what they were doing then," he explained quickly.

"I don't believe this..."

"Y/N, you don't have a choice." He shook his head.

"Damon, there's no f*cking way..." She shook her head. That denial, just like Damon said, lingering over her.

He sighed at that, eyes looking for any evidence. Then, they landed upon her neck, the thin chain holding the small heart locket. "You need more proof?" He asked, but she said nothing. "What about your necklace, hm?" He stepped forward glancing at the jewelry once more, "Haven't seen you take it off. Notonceand I've known you for five months."

Y/N's brows furrowed, understanding little of what he tried to say. The girl had never thought of it. She simply kept the necklace around her neck because... She liked it. "So?" She shrugged.

"Listen..." He reached forward slowly, touching the locket. At once she heard the sizzling of burning flesh. Like oil and a pan it bit at Damon's skin. With a hiss he snapped his hand back, shaking away the pain. Quickly she saw a blister form and disappear. "You told me you were learning about vampires in History class. You remember vervain?"

Her eyes widened, belly dropping. "How?”

“You tell me. You tell me why you wear a vervain necklace and never take it off.” He said, “Why don’t you take it off now?” He shrugged.

She took in a breath and sighed,“Okay...” She nodded.

Vervain, something that stopped mind control, she remembered. And for but a moment there was reluctance to remove the silver from her neck. But plenty of times Damon had the chance to rip it from around her, perhaps her feeling of trust in him wasn't farfetched. But it wasn't her reluctance that stopped her. The girl's fingers fumbled weakly as she reached for the lobster clasp. Something told her not to, something didn't let her.“I-” She started, the chain slipping from her grasp, “I can’t, I can’t,” she shook her head, sighing, “God,” she breathed, chest heaving. Her head felt heavier, chest too as she tried with the clasp, “I-I can’t get it off.” Her words escaped past trembling lips,

“Hey, hey--” he said, reaching for one of her arms,

“No, no, Damon, I can’t… I can’t get it off!” She said, sucking in air like she was drowning. She had kept it on for nearly a decade but only now did it begin to suffocate her. Her eyes watered and she let out a sob, trying desperately for the clasp but it slipped from her fingers each time she tried, “Damon, get it off, please, get it off...” She sobbed.

At once he pulled her hands from the chain and took hold of the heart. With a quick yank, he broke its delicate silver chain, dropping it to the hardwood floor before too deep of a burn. She sniffled, tears still streaming down her cheeks, her hands held her traps as she sucked in quick breaths, “It's okay, it's okay... You remember compulsion? Mind control?” He asked, reaching forward for so familiarly. And she let him, no longer spurning his presence she had grown so fond of. His fingers grazed under her chin and he held her face gently, stepping forward. She nodded, meeting his eyes, comforting,“Good. That’s what that was.” He whispered, swiping away new tears that fell down her heart-rending face, “You said your parents gave it to you, right? I remember touching it that night,” he said, taking one of his hands and playing with a strand of hair near her face, “they must have had a vampire compel you to keep it on for good measure. Better to assume good intentions, yeah?” He said and she looked down, sighing. He pulled his hands from her face, moving them to her hands,

“I was... I was ten…” She whispered and he sighed, feeling her complete gloom, “And, what? They were just meeting with vampires this whole time? Every birthday they missed, every Christmas...” She shook her head, looking up at him, defeated with a tinge of bewilderment,

“I can’t say for sure.” He shook his head,

“Why the f*ck would they have me?” She cried, her brows furrowing closer together and her frown deepening. She looked down at her hands that squeezed his. He said nothing at that. There was nothing for him to say.

Indeed Damon knew that, letting her be the one to speak next.She sniffed and let out a breath, “you said you knew them in 2007?” She asked, voice still shaky.

“Yeah,” He nodded,

“What were their contacts? How did you access them?” She asked but he shook his head,

“I didn’t, they found me.” He said and she sighed, looking away.

"Okay, I..." She stepped past Damon, bringing her hands to traps once more with a sigh, "I need to get out of here," she walked for the door, not looking back.

“Y/N, wait,” he said, and she did. She stopped, eyes staying forward. “We don’t know who else is out there.” He said quietly and she wondered if it was obvious that her stomach dropped at that. Just how accurate were the stories on Vampire hearing?

“Just to the backyard.” She said weakly, and when he didn’t say anything, she continued to her door, relieved when she heard he wasn’t following her.She closed his door, meeting the rest of his and Stefan’s absurdly large home. It was much colder out here than Damon’s room, like she knew it would be. The breeze she felt threatened to bite her skin even through her thick cotton shirt but still, she walked down the wide hallway. Nearing the stairs, she thought of every single thing he told her. So much to know, to remember... To learn, surely. The way she looked to his eyes a few minutes ago compared to a few days had changed considerably, despite them looking the same. But behind that familiarity, she now could see a certain distance. She didn't know the man at all.

‘My mother died in 1858, Y/N. My father in 1864...’ his voice rang in her head. 1858… 1864…

Based on that alone, he was at least one-hundred sixty-four. And that summoned a ball in her throat and an anxiety in her belly. And despite it’s complete insanity, she believed him.However old he was, which was certainly old, she could see it. The way he'd speak of his likes and dislikes, voice opinions with such conviction. And too many, certainly passersby, it could be deemed as simple twenty-two year old assertiveness. But now everything seemed to fall in line before her.

The house sounded empty or, at least the path she took was. She turned into that smaller living room, rounding the cosy furniture placed--in Y/N’s opinion--quite basically about the room. She went for the french doors and pushed one open, letting it close behind her as she stepped into the sharp chill. She strolled forward, down the single step and took a seat. Immediately she felt the ugly cold as she met the ground but ignored it, focusing only on the soft flurries that blanketed the already thick layer of white on the ground. Only last year she was in that Manhattan apartment her parents found. She liked winter break there, watching the people below on their way to work, on their break or running errands. Sure, the snow was grey and unattractive and inconvenient in the city, but she liked it when she’d look up and see the snowflakes falling between the high rises that surrounded her building. But that was then.

Now, that coldness numbed her cheeks, her nose, and she no longer felt the beauty it once exuded. Her eyes stung with hot tears as she stared unblinking at the snow. And, she let out a sob, silent and her brows furrowed together achingly. Her body shook and she let out a few more sobs, arms crossed atop her bent knees.

So long, she could say, to an epoch of lacking grasp and an inadequate understanding of the dangers she faced. Never again could she wake with a pleasant sigh, knowing the worst she could encounter was an annoying email from her boss or a bad grade.

The door behind her creaked open, familiar footsteps of the other brother approached her side.

Y/N hoped he would stay silent, perhaps letting the both of them pretend they thought of naught but the snowflakes and the cold. No words would she have to give to any of his questions. And with his old mind, Stefan took a seat upon the freezing ground next to her, offering just presence.She took it, leaning her head on his shoulder close-by, letting the frosty air bite the tip of her nose and the whites of her eyes.She was happy it was Stefan sat next to her. With Damon, the woman had something. Whatever it was, it was there.And Stefan, her friend, filled the disquietude so honestly and so kindly, despite her knowing that he was one of them.


this is the starttt of something newwww it feels so righttt to be here with youuu ooohhhh.... Idk why but that was stuck in my head so, enjoy. But yeah. Y/N knows about the vamps. Crazy things comin'

Chapter 12 April 16th

check out for sneak-peeks and visuals!

as always ~~Much love

Chapter 12: damon


“And who is it that seeks me?”

“An ale,” the man nodded to the barman, then turned to Damon, “myself,” he said, “Sir Aubrey Ford,” he said, extending his hand. Damon narrowed his eyes slightly, taking the man's hand, “what I seek is your audience in my proposal,” he sighed, “thank you,” he nodded again to the barman who placed a heavy cup of drink before him.

“Proposal?” Damon asked, looking forward and sipping his brandy,

“You’ve quite a gift in persuasion,” Aubrey said, taking Damon’s words as invitation to divulge. Damon scoffed under his breath at this, “I’d quite appreciate your help in something,” he said,

“You’d approach a stranger in a tavern seeking aid?” Damon smirked, looking at the man, “I’m curious why you believe I’d assist someone so…” He looked off, searching for the word, “heedless,” he said, raising his brows once. Aubrey Ford smiled, narrowing his eyes slightly, “you sit next to me, tell me my name and expect my surprise?” Damon's smile dropped surely.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (11)

Maybe things could change. It would make more sense now than any other time. He stared out his foggy window. He saw the Forbes’ walking side-by-side, toward the Lockwood's estate, he knew. William hid his double chin with a thick black cravat, tucked into his frock coat. Linked on his right arm, Margaret, who took this occasion to wear that new crinoline hoop Damon had seen her receive only a week prior. Their children walked a little behind them, the boy in a fitted black suit similar to his fathers, and the girl in a white dress. He wondered what they thought of, and for a moment caught himself wishing he’d be like them; On his way to someone else’s funeral.

“Brother,” a kind, soft voice called behind him. He turned and saw his boy of a brother, only twelve, standing in the doorway to his bedroom.

“Yes?” He asked, voice drier than he expected.

In his small hand Stefan held up his bowtie, “I can’t tie it.” he said quietly. Damon smiled softly and beckoned for Stefan to come in.

He looked down, taking the fabric from Stefan’s small hand and pulling it under the boy's collar.“How are you?” Damon asked, taking his time unlike he would usually. Giving both Stefan and himself this calm before the storm.

Stefan shrugged.“Father said,” he spoke quietly. The boy cleared his throat, “father said I’m not to cry,” he said louder, but Damon heard the shakiness in his tone and found himself rolling his eyes before he could stop himself.

“Cry if you feel like it,” Damon shook his head,

“Father says I must learn to be a man.” Stefan said,

“But you are a boy, ” Damon raised his brows once as he twisted the small tie.

“I want to be a man,” Stefan challenged weakly, voice trembling as he fought nothing.

But Damon sighed, pulling the bow tie in place and resting his hands atop his little brother's shoulders."Our father is incapable of human emotion. You are ten and you may cry if you feel like it." He said again, eyes locked onto Stefan's. "And, brother," He started, "if you are to be arealman, you would notfear another’s remarks over a few drops of salt from your eye. Real men know it is okay to mourn the death of their mother,” He said quietly, throating tightening around his words, “because they know they only get one,” he whispered, brows pulling together. Stefan’s eyes watered quickly, his lips pulling into a frown.

And Damon drew him near, holding Stefan’s head to his chest as tears stung his own eyes.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“You looked perfectly radiant this eve, Ms.Pierce,” Damon said almost nervously, narrowing his eyes slightly as he glanced down at the same dress he saw her in hours ago.

Her mouth twitched into a small smile for a moment before she sucked in a quiet breath.“Would you like to come in?” She asked,

And at once he'd made up his answer.“Certainly,” he nodded and she opened the door wider for him.

Do take your time, Mr.Salvatore, it’s not as though I’d dislike to be seen with a bachelor,” Katherine smirked as Damon took his time walking into what she called her home this past week. He chuckled and she closed the door behind him with a smile, “might I request your help with something?” She asked, voice quieter than before, but eyes just as tempting.

“With pleasure, Ms.Pierce.” Damon said, and so the woman turned right and walked upstairs, making sure to glance back and let him know he was to follow.

She led him around the staircase, to the door at the very end of the hall. Certainly the most grand room in the estate, decorated much prettier than he'd ever seen.

The woman went for the vanity before the windows, a furnishing Damon remembered seeing in the Lockwood estate years ago.“Help me with this necklace, will you?” Katherine asked, pulling him from every thought as he still stood in the doorway.

From the mirror he saw her glance at him then smirk before reaching for her earrings and removing the heavy pieces. "O-Of course." Damon nodded, furthered into her bedroom. His chest weighed heavy as he neared the woman,fingers grazed her neck, as he reached for the clasp. With all his might he focused on steadying his nervous hands, following through the one task she requested of him. Katherine was busy removing her bracelets and twisting off her rings all the while he removed the neck piece, but she smiled once he finally lifted it. "You aren't incapable, don't worry. The clasp is difficult even for me," she smirked, reaching to her hair and pulling small pins from her coiffure.

"You flatter me, Ms.Pierce--"

"Please, call me Katherine." Still she reached for the small pins in her hair, pulling on the beautiful crystals stuck on each end. "If you wouldn't mind," she said, "I can't reach all of them." This time, her gaze didn't meet his. Not until her soft hair flowed downward entirely, past her shoulders, soft and the colour of chocolate. And like she hadn't a care what it did to him, her fingers traced through her hair, brushing the soft skin of her neck and bouncing softly as she let out a satisfied sigh. With a final look in the mirror, Katherine stood before Damon, not budging an inch as they looked at one another near too-close. "One last thing, have you the time..." She smiled, stepping past him though letting her soft hands carress his arm. She held his hand, bringing him before the mirror. "The back," she said as her fingers pulled apart the carefully concealed buttons upon her bust. His breath hitched in his throat as his fingers neared the bow at the nape of her neck. Her stunning tresses silky at his touch as he moved them over her shoulder. He hadn't a clue how he'd found himself in such a spot. Undressing the very woman he eyed the entire evening, knowing entirely he'd never see her bedroom. But he had seen much more than that already and perhaps if she felt as she acted, the man wouldn't leave the room for some time.

He pulled at the strings of her dress, unlacing it and went for her arms and pulled the dress off gently, unclothing her like he had once before. His heart pounded in his chest and butterflies in his stomach, rising up his body, up his throat as she stepped out from the gown.“Where shall I put it?” He asked, hoping she didn’t see his shakey arms as they held expensive garb.

“On the table” she nodded, to her left, near the door. He laid it flat on the surface, walking back to her, behind her, letting her pull off the petticoat. Then he helped her with the crinoline, letting it rest on the floor by the table and she peeled off the other petticoat. He stepped behind her once more and began unlacing her bodice, hearing a sigh with each loop unlaced. He freed her from the hard shapewear, putting it too on the table. Then he turned, and he saw her unlike he did minutes ago, though perhaps even more beautiful she was now.

His eyes, though just for a moment, snatched a look at her near barren body.

But a thin linen chemise hung from her shoulders, neck low and tempting. Fabric clean and bright, surely new and it's stitching told Damon it cost no less than a fortune. Something his mother and the other Founding Wives talked much of even when he was a boy. And with her comely face, looking up at him as if something to say, he looked into her eyes of dark umber, wondering just what was so captivating about them. Because it was not as if there was a certain light, no. No glimmer nor glint of a gentleness or affection or even that demureness he'd catch in near every other woman's eye.

Perhaps, he thought, it was simply just that that he found so alluring. The utter enchantment of her ambiguity and enigmatic energy just releasing from her verybeing.

“Come here,” she said, looking into his eyes, and without hesitation he stepped forward. Her palms flattened softly upon his chest, sliding up atop his shoulders. For a moment he worried his heart might burst from his chest.Katherine studied his face for a moment. Eyes gazing into his, taking in every part of his sight before she spoke again. “What is it you think of me?” She whispered.

And so desperately he wished to bite his tongue, eschew any embarrassment that would no doubt hang over him until her departure, perhaps even after. But no matter, for Damon spoke his truth, doing so as if she held a musket to his chest.“Never in my life have I witnessed a woman bewitching as you. Your every action this evening has compelled a desire within me of which I’m enraptured,” he said quietly, at once grateful as he saw the expression that took hold of Katherine's face. She sucked in a breath, glancing at his lips as he spoke to her, knowing he spoke true. “I would kiss you, if it please.” His eyes were stuck on her lips for a moment before finally resting his striking gaze into her own look of allure. So Katherine sighed and reached for his shoulders, pressing her lips against his. Without a wink of reluctance or doubt he kissed the woman back, wrapping him arms around her and pulling her close to his chest.And how greatly he wished he knew what she was that night, for he never would have paid her that visit. And never would he be standing before his baby brother, now a man almost grown, being coerced to turn by him

“Look, see?” His brother said, his fingers dripping with red as he held his hands tightly held the woman's throat, “it’s what you want.” He smiled, nodding.

It was wrong.He knew that. He knew that. But... But a part of him... Damon knew Stefan was right... “She's yours,” his baby brother told him, and he couldn't stop it. He couldn't stop himself.Or maybe it wasn't really him, because in that moment, as he bit into that poor innocent girl, drainingher life's blood... It truly felt as if someone else had taken over his mind.

He sat a few feet from the pond, dew soaking into his trousers, but he cared not. Only the ripples travel over the water as he sucked in a breath smelling more than he had ever. The earthiness and smell of something like mould from the wet grass he sat upon, the algae that littered the edges of the pond and crusted the water lettuce. He stood up, taking what might be his final look at the familiar water body, and turned away, walking from the broken down home he was brought to.

And for a short time he walked in silence. “Wait, Damon, where are you going?” Stefan called, jogging over. Damon didn't stop until Stefan called out again, then he sighed. He turned around, “I can’t do this,” he shook his head, sighing.

“What? What do you mean? Can’t do what?” Stefan asked, seeming truly puzzled and, Damon noticed, unbothered,

“This,” Damon said, gesturing between them, “I just,” he shook his head, “I need to be alone,” he said and turned back around, walking away again,

“W-wait,” Stefan chuckled, jogging forward and reaching for Damon’s shoulder. He pulled him to turn back around, but Damon turned faster than he thought, and shoved Stefan back,

“Don’t f*cking touch me,” Damon said, pointing his finger and face looking at Stefan as if he was a stranger. Stefan looked at Damon, offended and hurt, “you killed Dad, Stefan!” Damon yelled louder than he expected, gesturing with his hands. “He’s dead!” He exclaimed, tears stinging at his eyes, “And you turned me into a..” He said, looking off and waving his hand.

“Apologies, but were you planning on mending your relationship with our vampire hunter father now that you are a vampire?" Stefan chuckled, earning a roll of the eyes from his older brother. He continued, "Think it would forgive the mockery and utter dishonour you brought upon our family? That it would forgive you soiling of the Salvatore name?” He spat and at that, something just snapped. For the first time in his life, Damon close his hand into a fist and wound back his arm. He swung it forward, striking his brother. A right-cross, ugly against his cheek.

“Do not show me your face everagain.” Damon said and turned around once more, walking off without looking back.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Orange County.


Two days ago marked his third week there, and so far, he hadn’t found a reason to leave. As per his custom, he scoured the tavern he sat in. Searching for a rich woman that took to his fancy. This pattern he discovered worked quite well for him. Find a woman, f*ck her, meet her husband, take his money. Then of course, using his helpful compulsion to help the couple forget the source of their debt.

Though before long, as he sat at the bar with a mediocre glass of brandy in his hand, another man sat next to him.“Mr.Salvatore, I’ve heard.” The man said, waving a hand to the bartender. Damon smirked, looking over at the man. He sat on the stool right next to him, wearing a waistcoat in a colour that matched his soft vicuna trousers. He sported an impressive handlebar moustache and the man was large, bulky and heavy looking. If there were a bar fight and Damon was a betting man, he'd surely place his luck into this stranger. The man ordered an ale from the barman then turned to Damon,"ifI'm not mistaken, of course." This stranger said in a tone Damon wished greatly to decipher.

He narrowed his maya blue eyes at the man. "Who is it that seeks me?" He asked.

"Myself." His response was quick, raising his thick brows once, “Sir Aubrey Ford.” He said and extended his hand. Damon narrowed his eyes once more before taking the man's hand, “And what I seek is your audience in my proposal,” he sighed, picking up the heavy drink placed before him.

“Proposal?” Damon asked, looking forward and sipping his brandy,

“You’ve quite a gift in persuasion.” Aubrey said, taking Damon’s words as invitation to divulge. Damon scoffed under his breath at this, “I’d quite appreciate your... Help in something.” he said,

“You’d approach a stranger in a tavern seeking aid?” Damon smirked, looking at the man, “I’m curious why you believe I’d assist someone so…” He looked off, searching for the word, “Heedless.” He shrugged. Aubrey Ford smiled, narrowing his eyes slightly, but Damon spoke again. “You sit next to me, tell me my name and expect what? Fear? Shock?” Damon's smile dropped surely.

The man sighed, "What I expected was for someone at your large age to be obtaining their money from greater things. Not preying on women who haven't been touched since the night of their holy matrimony."

Damon held back a smirk.

"Rarely do you meet a vampire--"

His eyes snapped to Aubrey's at once.

"--with utter disinterest or, perhaps, even ignorance about their Juvenile status and their relation to a Former or equivalent."

Damon's eyes narrowed curiously at his words, hearing labels he'd never learned.

"Now, Damon, this aid I seek is simply for me to ascertain your skill.” He shrugged, sipping his ale.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Bleeder,” Mister Larson smiled, placing a hand over Damon’s and bowing as he shook it,

“Please, Mister Larson I insist you refer to me by name.” He sighed, pulling his hand away. He hadn’t visited Beverly Hills in a little over two decades. It was always business that brought him to his least favourite coastline. “If you would,” he smiled tightly to the man before him, gesturing forward.

“Of course, of course.” The old man nodded, turning around and leading him to one of the doors on the right of the foyer. He was led through a tall home he hadn’t seen the insides of in over a decade and a half. It looked different, uglier decorations than what Damon remembered. He definitely hadn’t seen the carpets he walked across. Mister Larson was already an old man fore he turned and Damon guessed these unappealing decorations were just a reflection of that delusion he rested on the brink of before his death day. He sighed, wondering what it was that pulled him here so easily. Though, money did speak louder than anything. They sat in a long dining room, seated on chairs with low arms and backs, upholstered in a blue velvet. Damon rested back, leg crossed over the other as his thumb fiddled with the ring round his left middle finger. The same ring he wore for the better part of fifty years. It hadn’t aged a day. Not even a slight discolouration.

Witchcraft was always so fascinating.

Damon nodded and smiled at Mister Larson who had yet to speak of what he originally summoned Damon there for. The chit-chat and pleasantries fore discussing business was always tiresome for Damon, but this potential partner was a man of tradition, and in truth, he found he found no real reason to stop the man's conversation.

But then, quite quickly, Mister Larson began speaking of something Damon disliked most. “I assume you’re aware of the pastes up North?” He asked, looking at the younger vampire.

He took a breath, glancing right then back to Mister Larson.“Unfortunately.” He smiled tightly.

“Ripper of Monterey, the whispers impart,” he nodded,

“So I’ve heard.” Damon said,

“And your plans to put an end to it?”

“Put and end to it?” Damon laughed, “Please, Mister Larson, don't make me laugh," he shook his head, "I’ve no business in the dealings between my brother and his torments up North.” He shrugged,

“One would think an older brother feels responsible--”

“A seventy-five year old man should not require command.”


“Now, please. Of you will share your proposal, I do have additional meetings requiring my presence.” Damon interrupted, wanting nothing more than to get to business.

Mister Larson sighed.“Well, we have opportunity for this city block, here,” he said, sliding a map to Damon with a circle already drawn around a block. He didn't really listen as Mister Larson spoke of the details. He justlooked at the map, pulling it closer. He knew Mister Larson had no true desire in sharing land with Damon. This was an alliance in its purest form. A signal of good faith. They might as well match up their children had they any. The quantity of housing would pay them forever and while Damon knew the protection from their alliance was what Mister Larson truly sought, the money was enough for Damon to pay no mind.

“Where shall I sign?” Damon asked,

“Thank you, Mr.Salvatore. An excellent choice indeed,” Mister Larson smiled.

He left the manor nearing one in the morning, walking South. Prostitutes scattered the strip as he strolled nearing the edge of Los Angeles. The women eyed him, noticing his expensive suit and that pocket watch tucked into waistcoat pocket. He avoided their eyes, thinking only of his train ride back to New Orleans.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

1953. The Whitmore's. He never spoke about it and knew he never would. In fact, he was actually quite pleased to do so, thank you very much.

They had him captured and justhow they did itwas beyond him. The all-powerful Damon Salvatore. Bleeder. Damon the Devious.Simply taken, simply disappeared without a trace. In only half a decade he experienced every type of pain the mind could conjure up. Nearing four years, he could tell his jail mate, withconfidence, that he'd felt every single nerve in his body. And in that very conversation, that same jail mate,Enzo,would develop a plan for their escape.

It didn't matterwhatthe plan was. What mattered was exactlyhow he achieved it. The chaos of their unrivalled plot bred a fire. Countless of the candelabras around fell as Damon raced to every human he could see. One of their flames, maybe several, bound itself to the rugs, the curtains, table cloths, everything. And in his anger, in his complete inability to just stop... He found that there was justno time to save Enzo. Not without risking himself, of course. And if they had worked thathard to be free... It's better one than none. So he turned his back on his jail mate. His friend.Their escape held a sacrifice Damon hadn't imagined. And no matter the time... No matter how many years or decades passed, the dreams never stopped. The random flashes as he went about the most mundane of tasks, neverdid they stop. Damon simply deemed it appropriate penance. Sure, he could just make the decision to forget about it. But he had already done that. He lived life feeling no regret for over twenty-five years until finally the day came where we was bored. Bored of feeling the same lulling satisfaction.

It was then he really understood what people meant when they said, “no love without hate”. It was always older people telling him that when he was a boy. Trying to teach him gratefulness and perspective, but it always went in one ear and out the other. But, there was a time that truly stuck the words in his brain. He was a little older and his motherhadsaid it. She was laying in bed, only a month before her death day. He sat on a chair beside her resting state, the lady’s maid had gone to warm up some water. There had been a handful of deaths in Mystic Falls already, and he sat across his frail looking mother, anxiety tight in his belly thinking of what her fate may be. They would know sooner or later, and until then, Damon made sure he saw as much of her as he could. Just in case. Nineteen he was and looking at the ailing woman, feeling like a boy once more.

He reached forward, holding onto his mother’s hand and she smiled weakly at his touch,“My boy.” She said quietly. The candle on her bedside whipped sharply, casting bouncing shadows upon her sickly face. “You look tired,” Her brows slightly, as she reached squeezed at his palm lightly. Lighter than she ever had. “How is your brother?” She asked.

“He..." Damon shook his head, "He doesn’t understand.” He remembered Stefan’s scrunched up, red face. Cheeks stained with tear streaks once he was told he wouldn’t be seeing mother. “Can’t he see you just once? Even from the door?” He asked, sliding forward slightly in his chair, his mother’s hand still around his.

“How I would love it, but no, Damon.” She smiled sadly, “He is too small; even away from me he is at risk of consumption from the town--"

“But Ican sit across from you? The lady’s maid? Father?--"

“Damon, please, you mustn't argue with me. I wish to see my second boy more than anyone could know but it is for him I exercise restraint.” She said, her face more serious and stern.

Damon felt a pang of guilt in his stomach. Perhaps she wasn't upset, but he wished he hadn't argued at all. “I’m sorry.” he said, looking down,

“Oh, my boy.” Her voice was full of a smile as she forward for his cheek. Her too-cold palm met his face and he looked up again, feeling like a child and wishing he was. “You know," she started, "I’d trade a lovely barouche and two chestnut morgans just to know what went on behind those eyes.” She smiled playfully, earning a sad chuckle from her boy's lips. “Might you tell me?” She asked, the dole so clear within her eye.

“I just…” He started, voice faltering once he felt the tightness in his throat, “I hate this so much,” he barely got it out, mouth turning downward and brows furrowing. She reached for his hand again. Her brows furrowed too as she watched her grown boy feel things she wished he’d never have to, “I’ve never felt so…” He shook his head and a tear fell down his cheek. He didn’t wipe it, she acknowledged, and in a way, she was happy he didn’t. “I’ve never felt so useless,” he whispered, voice weak as he looked into his mother’s eyes that matched his.

"While we may be unsure of how severe my illness, you are not dense and neither am I. I will not live to see your twentieth year.” She said gravely and Damon’s stomach dropped. He knew. Of course he did. “My mother died when I was young as well, and I’ll tell you that for a time it was the worst pain I had ever experienced.” She said, looking away, “I was so… Angry.” She said quietly, shaking her head and narrowing her eyes. “I never told you--Nor your father for that matter, but... It was bearing a second child that killed her,” she said, and Damon straightened his posture slightly at that. “My father was selfish and he couldn’t accept that his only child was a girl,” she shrugged, looking at her sheets as she told her story, “For it, for his greed and disregard he lost his wife and the child too.” She raised her brows once and shook her head, “And I lost my mother. And mysister...” She smiled wistfully, “Never had I felt such defeat, for she was taken from me. As was a sister I’d never get to meet. And for too long I prayed I’d never feel such ugliness and hate again. under each moon for countless nights I prayed to whoever would listen that I feel only love and only light.” She said, finally looking at Damon again who listened eagerly. But she said nothing.

Not until he spoke. "And were your prayers answered?"

"No, not at all." she chuckled, placing her other and over his, "It was perspective. For I would never know such pain if I knew anything but the opposite," she shrugged, "and it was that which gave me comfort. Knowing that there must have been so much love for me to have felt such a way... One cannot feel only love and only light without understanding what makes it so."

And that’s what he told himself over and over and over as he sat on the front pew, arm around his baby brother as the priest spoke nothing Damon believed. And then he watched them close the family crypt, sealing his mother away forever. For some time he didn’t experience anything worthy of bringing that treasured memory up. Not until after the Whittmore’s.

And during his decision of mental penance, there was a time he was given opportunity to remember one of the countless acts he'd committed. It was the 90’s and he had a little run-in with the police. He sat in a room that stank of cheap coffee and old sweat in the ugly city of Seattle--In Damon’s opinion at least. The fluorescent lights buzzed miserably and he very much wanted to leave. But, no. They needed him for something. There were too many things they could be wanting to speak to him about, and Damon found this to be the perfect time to wipe his record if he even had one. He waited for nearly ninety minutes before a man walked in. Clipboard in hand and three thick folders under his arm.

“Hi, thanks for waiting” the man said, raising his brows once at Damon and arranging his things on the table,

“Sure,” Damon shrugged.

“My name is Parker. I’m hoping to ask you a few questions?” He asked and Damon didn’t say anything, “great. Of course, if you feel the need, you can contact a lawyer whenever you’d like,” Parker shrugged, “do you need any water? Coffee?” He asked, looking up at Damon,


“Alright,” the man smiled tightly and opened the first folder, “let’s start with your name,” Parker sighed,

“Damon Salvatore,” he said,

“Alright, nice and easy,” Parker nodded, “now, Mr.Salvatore–-Damon-–Can I call you Damon?” He asked,

“No.” Damon said, face unmoving and Parker chuckled.

“Alright, alright. Well, Mr.Salvatore, we’ve got a few cases on our radar and I would like your opinion on them,” he said, carding through a few papers in the folder,

“Law judges off opinions now?” Damon asked, and Parker only chuckled again.

“Here,” Parker said, mostly to himself. He pulled a large photo from the folder and tossed it in front of Damon. It slid a little across the surface and Damon stopped it, seeing a gruesome crime scene on the page. He took a deep breath, recalling exactly who was in this photo.

He looked back up at Parker,"You gonna read me my rights or somethin'?"

The man smirked, "For some reason I don't think they apply to you." Parker closed that folder and moved it to the side and then opened the second. He carded through some more papers then pulled out another photo. He slid it across the table to Damon. He gazed at the second image, finding familiarity in it as well. The photo was a little older looking. Parker sighed and moved the second folder aside. He did the same with the third, pulling out another photo, the oldest of the three, and slid it towards Damon.

“I understand you have uncanny genes.” Parker shrugged, relaxing in his chair as Damon picked up the last photo. He remembered the woman in this photo too. He also remembered what exactly brought him to the West Coast each of these times. It was never anything that fun and it was only natural he make up some type of entertainment.

Damon looked up at Parker, silent for a moment, then shrugged,“And you’re implying?” He asked and Parker smiled, looking down at the photos then back to Damon.

“Mr.Salvatore, I work within the bureau under a strictly classified unit that even most government officials haven’t heard of. I believe I know more than you think I do.” He sighed, and Damon smiled, amused,

“And I would love to hear what you think you know,” Damon smiled. And thank god he asked. Because who knew the kind of setbacks he’d meet if he hadn’t. Though, when Parker described his unit’s knowledge and history, Damon didn’t find it too surprising. In a way, he found comfort knowing people were aware of them. Despite how secretive it was. But there wasn’t much he could really get out of Parker. Only a couple names though, like Parker had warned, Damon hadn’t any luck whatsoever accessing them. Just under a couple decades he spent searching. Searching for anythingrelating to the names Parker gave.Meeting with other vampires he hadn’t spoken with in a lifetime, even trying to access them through the police. He heard of this one lead from one of his partners managing the western shore. Someone in Orange apparently had some news that Damon might find appealing. It wasn’t though. And he drove his Mustang back to his property in Newport Beach, thinking what kind of consequence would be appropriate for this partner of his. To waste his time on a lead that wasn’t actually a lead. He clicked his tongue in annoyance and turned the ignition, silencing his vehicle. He stepped out and went for the door to the rest of his home, but as he reached for the knob, he felt a shift in the air that certainly wasn’t usual. He took a deep breath and heard two heartbeats a little bit away. They sat in his living room, side-by-side, Damon could hear. Humans, he could tell. Their hears lacked that certain bounce vampires had. He entered his home, kicking his shoes off and strolling first to his kitchen. He poured himself a large glass of a too-expensive liquor and went to the living room. So desperately he wanted to drink himself into dreamless slumber, but that would have to wait. He turned into the living room, walked down a couple steps and looked between a man and woman, maybe in their late 20’s.

“Carla and Glenn, I’m assuming?” He asked, ignoring the spike of adrenaline once his brain racked who they could possibly be,

“Correct.” The woman said. Her confidence exuded across the room. Even from one word he could tell she meant business. And he didn’t mind that so much.

“Might I offer you a drink?” He asked,

“You can offer,” Glenn shrugged, and Damon smiled tightly, taking a seat on the couch across from them,

“We understand that our unit is under your investigation.” Carla said.


“And we’ve come here to stop it.” Carla shrugged.

Damon huffed through his nose, amused,“Can’t blame my curiosity,” he shrugged, sipping his drink, “hear that some unit knows about Vampires. Only natural for one of us to be interested.” He said,

“And we understand completely. Which is why we’ll answer anything you need,” Carla sighed.

Damon narrowed his eyes slightly at her,“Alright. Why was I being investigated in the 90s?”

“We weren’t confident in a few of your crimes. Needed to ensure it was you that did them.” Glenn said,

“So your unit’s aware that I’m a murderer and I’m sitting across from you a free man?”

“Correct.” Carla nodded once, “You see, Damon,” she started, “we as a unit, have an obligation to see things for what they are.” She said, raising her brows slightly. “Over a thousand years have passed since we as a species have needed to fear something greater than ourselves. And in none of that time have we done so.” She said quietly, looking at Damon’s who listened, intrigued, “We’ve no understanding why, but we know if your kind truly wanted so, we would not be here, sitting across from you, free people,” she shrugged, “so, as beings below your kind on something as primal as the food chain… It would simply be unproductive to view you demons evil as a whole.”


cute... a lil backstory... how do y'all like the flashback?? I wanna do more pre-Y/N backstoryyyyy... Lmk your thoughts

check out for visual resources and fic updates :)

as alwayssss ~~much love

Chapter 13: dearly despised


“Whispers flow from the East,” she said, “there’s been some…”
“Unease…” Stefan added, Y/N and Damon looked to him then back to Katherine,
“Correct,” she nodded, “now, I’m not one to attend to any canard, however, almost a year ago, a handful of my subordinates came forward with these claims,” she shrugged and Y/N furrowed her brows. Glancing at Damon and Stefan, it seemed they knew what she spoke of.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (12)

A knock came to her door and she sighed. She’d been staying at the Salvatore’s for a few days now. Apparently Damon met with Mary-Elizabeth and after, what Y/N was told, an incredibly short conversation, she no longer needed to worry about upcoming shifts. Not until she was ready.

“Come in,” she said, looking up from her laptop. Stefan opened the door, leaning against the frame,

“We, uh…” he started, looking to the side then back at her, “we have a guest,” he sighed, “we think you should meet her,” he said. Y/N took a deep breath and peeled the covers off. Standing from her bed, she walked toward him, not arguing. She wished they mentioned this guest before. Given her time to prepare or something. Whatever. He stepped out of her given room once again and she closed the door behind her. Walking down the long hall, the opposite end from their bedrooms, she linked their arms. Finally, after too long, they reached the stairs and turned left. On the main floor hall, she glanced at the main living room, feeling a pang of anxiety at the little she could see of it. They turned left instead, away from the room and the anxiety settled slightly. Finally, he led them right, walking into the smaller living room,

“I’ve plenty of contacts in need of my presence this week,” Y/N heard Elena say, “I mean to see you two, or… Three this once,” she said and Y/N and Stefan walked into the small living room. She saw Damon sitting on the familiar loveseat, facing Elena, no doubt, who sat on the nearest couch. Damon looked up, past Elena,

“Pl—“ Elena started again, cut off once she noticed Damon's lack of attention. She turned as well, looking behind her at Y/N. Y/N met those chocolate eyes like she had so many times before but for some reason this time those eyes held a certain distance, an unfeeling that Y/N found terrifying. Her brows furrowed and she felt a daunt tangle in her stomach,

“Y/N, I presume,” the woman– not Elena–spoke with poise. Her eyes narrowed guilefully, almost glaring through Y/N. Her brows pulled together at this eerie look alike, but before she could panic, Stefan led them further into the room. She sat next to Damon and Stefan seated himself on the chair next to them. Almost everything about this person was identical to Elena. Besides the subtle highlights she added to her hair, the makeup Elena would never use and an outfit Elena would never wear. A smokey eyeshadow that lengthened her eye and a dark lip to match. Her hair was curled beautifully, flowing past her shoulder and reaching just under her bust. Chanel No.5 filled the air around her and she wore a dress no longer than mid-thigh. It was grey, a short turtleneck. The fabric hugged her fit physique and on her feet, expensive pumps that Y/N had seen everywhere online. The woman looked at Y/N with amusem*nt, as if she wanted Y/N to mistake her for Elena. Though, once Y/N didn’t say anything, Katherine sighed and looked to the men,

“Has she been apprised about,” she gestured toward her face, “ this,” she asked them, then sipped a thick red wine from a glass held in her left hand. Y/N’s narrowed slightly, curious at this person. Her voice, her disposition. It was all so enchanting…

“She hasn’t,” Stefan said simply, looking at the woman with a very bored expression as he sipped a dark amber beverage,

Really,” she said with what sounded like genuine surprise, “not even from you, Damon?” She asked, narrowing her eyes and taking another sip of her drink. The vampire beside Y/N rolled his eyes and sipped his own glass of thick wine, staining his lips slightly,

“Y/N, this is Katherine, our dearly despised acquaintance,” Damon said, finishing with a tight smile,

“We weren’t always acquaintances…” She smiled longingly at both of the men,

“Mm,” Stefan smiled tightly, “our dearly despised Katherine, is wanting to help us,” he raised his brows once,

“Which for some reason I find highly improbable,” Damon narrowed his eyes and gave her a small smile. Katherine rolled her eyes,

“You two and your longing for the past… I find it rather boring,” Katherine said in a monotone voice and sipped from an expensive looking wine glass. Stefan chuckled,

“Sorry, sorry, just to clarify… Are you referring to the time you compelled me to fall in love with you and then you turned me into a vampire?” Stefan asked, looking at each face in the room then back to Katherine’s, “is that the past you think I long for?” He asked with impertinence. Katherine seemed untouched by his words and instead smiled like he had given her a compliment,

“That is precisely what I am referring to, Stefan” she spoke, “however,” she sipped her drink, “I did not force you to complete your transition. Seems like I’d need not anyway. Seems like it would have been… You,” Katherine said, turning to Damon, “who would need force… Or just your brother,” she shrugged, tilting her glass up as she swallowed more, watching Stefan’s eye twitch and mouth scrunch slightly. Katherine sighed, “regardless of your trust in me, none of us want the storm that’s coming,” she said,

“Are you gonna share what you found or just play with us, Katherine?” Damon asked, impatient, leaning back into the couch. Y/N glanced at him then back at the woman with eerie likeness to Elena. She smiled, letting it reach her eyes for a moment,

“Whispers flow from the East,” she said, “there’s been some…”

“Unease…” Stefan added, Y/N and Damon looked to him then back to Katherine,

“Correct,” she nodded, “now, I’m not one to attend to any canard, however, almost a year ago, a handful of my subordinates came forward with these claims,” she shrugged and Y/N furrowed her brows. Glancing at Damon and Stefan, it seemed they knew what she spoke of. She stayed quiet. She’d ask questions later. The boys didn’t speak either, but it didn’t seem to stop Katherine. Quite a storyteller, she was, “I scrutinised every factor that had been presented to me, of course. And, truthfully to my dismay, I discovered these rumours to be true,” she said, narrowing her eyes at Damon, then Stefan, “a plot festers in Normandy,” she said plainly and at that Damon sucked in a breath and sighed. Stefan huffed, quietly but surely. Even Y/N felt a certain dread. She hadn’t any idea what this Katherine person spoke about, but none of it was good.

“A plot, huh?” Damon asked, sipping his drink,

“In Normandy ? Like all of Normandy? Whose plot is it?” Stefan asked

“And this has to do with Y/N… How?” Damon asked, and Y/N glanced at him for a moment before looking back at Katherine again. She just couldn’t take her eyes off of this woman. It was almost… Almost sick . Katherine ignored Stefan,

“Over time I’ve heard of many trespassers among the sectors, a juvenile named Darwin, a second-rate witch named Gillian,” she said, and Y/N’s throat tightened. She took in a breath and Katherine looked at her, right into her eyes. Her stomach dropped at Katherine’s stare and she looked to the side, “don’t like that name, huh?” Katherine asked, lips pulled to the side in a smirk, or maybe what she would call a smile. Y/N’s stomach dropped. It was her heartbeat, surely, that gave her away. She took a deep breath, and leaned back in her seat,

“Darwin… Darwin Siobhan?” Stefan asked. That name… Y/N found it was familiar…

“Correct,” Katherine sighed,

“We killed him. In November,” Stefan remembered and Y/N’s stomach dropped. Killed him? Darwin Siobhan…

“Darwin Siobhan…” Y/N thought out loud and each face looked at her, “sorry, sorry… It’s just familiar,” she said,

“He was the one who was responsible for those deaths last year,” Damon said, “found in a murder-suicide,”

“Right,” Y/N said, shaking her head and looking at the carpet. What the actual f*ck was happening? She hoped her heart rate wasn’t too distracting because surely it was beating faster than anyone else’s,

“I had this run-in with another juvenile in Chicago… Pretty sure Darwin followed me because of him,” Stefan said,

“I would agree,” Katherine said, “his movements were reported to be in line with that,” she shrugged,

“You know how he got to Mystic Falls?” Damon asked, tone wrapped lightly with disbelief,

“In essence. He was seen on a standard route all the way there,” she said, “but it’s no matter,” she shook her head, “what matters is that each of these trespassers have a certain background,” she shrugged, “no matter what, no matter where they came from, their beliefs or the language they speak… Each of them have had their presence accounted for in Normandy for at least three months at some point following their turn. Sometimes it’s near Caen, sometimes closer Rouen,” she said, “maybe a month ago I came up with a name,” she said tone somehow more serious, “Elias Tyrell,”

Who ?” Damon asked, craning his neck slightly and Katherine chuckled, shaking her head,

“Quite a character, to say the least,” she shrugged, narrowing her eyes at him,

“Elias Tyrell…” Stefan said, “I’ve heard that name before,” he said quietly, mostly to himself,

“I’d be surprised if you hadn’t,” Katherine shrugged. She took a sip of her thick wine then sighed, “he has an interesting reputation,” she nodded, “well,” she shrugged, downing the rest of her drink. She stood up and placed the glass on the table between them, “I must take my leave,” she smiled, “more whispers I must seek, juveniles mostly,” she sighed, walking around the three, on Y/N’s side, to the french doors behind them. She reached for the only coat hung on the coat stand and draped it over her body,

“What, that’s it?” Damon asked, standing up and turning to her. Katherine sighed,

Yes, that’s it. That’s all I’ve gathered,” she said, “I’ll return before the next quarter moon or you will receive word of a change,” she sighed, looking away and opening the doors. Damon sighed as she left and Y/N watched the woman walk a few metres ahead then turn left out of sight, around to the front of the house. She clearly knew this place well, using a private access so familiarly. Finally, Y/N sighed, turning forward again. She looked to the brothers,

“What the hell was that?” She asked, feeling the anxiety still in her belly,

That was Katherine,” Damon shook his head, turning back around. He down the rest of his thick wine then rounded the couch, and picked up Katherine’s empty glass on his way out of the smaller living room. Y/N watched him leave then turned to Stefan,


“Does she look like Elena?” Stefan finished,

“Literally identical,” she shook her head,

“Well, I’ll let you know, it’s possible you may encounter a person who looks just like me as well,” he raised his brows once,

What?” She asked, sliding over in the small loveseat to where Damon once sat, closer to Stefan,

“In short, it’s a very long and very old love story,” he shrugged, “Ms.Sheila lent me this book, or, more of a journal. It spoke of two soulmates, divided on account of another’s jealousy,” it seemed he recited, “they performed atrocity to remain lovers through eternity. The universe would respond to their acts of defiance–the erasure of mortality–by providing beings who were true to the mortal world. Who could die like the lovers were meant to,” he shrugged,

“And she’s a vampire,” Y/N asked in a statement-like manner. It was almost obvious she was. That certain paleness to her skin, just like Stefan and Damon… And Caroline. The way she curled each word and enunciated each T like she was old .

“Damon and I met her in 1864,” he nodded,

“And so we’re just supposed to wait here for her? For her help?”

“Apparently,” Damon answered, strolling back into the room, holding a different glass, half filled with an amber drink, “she can’t exactly be trusted,” he smiled tightly, leaning against the door frame,

“She kept saying juveniles… ” Y/N said, brows furrowed and not looking at anything in particular. She was too busy remembering every second of that interaction with Katherine, “seeking answers from juveniles’...” Y/N remembered, nodding, “she’s questioning kids?

“No, not kids,” Stefan replied quickly, shaking his head, “we refer to any vampire under two hundred as a juvenile. It’s an easy way to categorise,” he shrugged,

“Categorise?” Y/N repeated,

“Like,” Damon started, pushing himself from the door frame and furthering into the room, “there was a time when being a juvenile didn’t mean much. There were only so many people in the world, only so many vampires. I’d say, maybe in the 20’s is when things started getting really hard. If you were newly turned you had to really work for your place in any industry,” he shrugged, and Y/N listened. He spoke of it like it was a whole other world. And it truly was, “by then almost every human of value had experienced compulsion and sure you can just go and find the vampire who compelled and kill them, but… What if they’re an ancient? A new vampire wouldn’t have a chance, so they need allies. Easiest way to get allies is to get a job. Work your way up,” Damon said, sitting on the couch Katherine sat in, “juveniles are always doing the dirty work. They’re the messengers, thievers, murderers,” he shrugged, “and they almost always know more about the state of things then their employers,” he sighed, sipping his drink,

Technically Damon and I are still juveniles, but…” he shrugged, “we found our ways,” and Y/N narrowed her eyes at that slightly,

“It seems complicated,” she said, “who are these employers?”

“There’re countless,” Stefan said, “but, like, Katherine’s the main employer–the head of her industry. Damon was the head of his. Whether it’s artillery, drugs, sex, fashion, bodies, fighters, a vampire’s at the head of every single one of ‘em… Except maybe food,” he shrugged,

“You never know,” Damon said, glancing at Stefan then back to Y/N, “there are a few details, like, if a Former is also an employer, they have the opportunity to manage a sector,”

What? ” Y/N asked,

“Former’s are anyone over five hundred,” Stefan nodded,

“Jesus christ,” she shook her head,

“I don’t know if he’s got anything to do with this,” Damon said and both Y/N and Stefan tittered, “and under these employers, or heads or whatever they feel like calling themselves, you have those who manage the sector as well as keep an eye on the juveniles,” he shrugged,

“That’s a lot,” she said, brows furrowed, “why can’t we trust her?” Y/N asked what she thought was an innocent question. But she could feel the air thicken so quickly once the words passed her lips. The men looked at each other for a moment, neither answering, “uhm, sorry, I didn’t mean to–”

“No, no,” Stefan shook his head, and put his hand out kindly, “you’re good. It’s important to know,” he nodded, sounding truthful, but nervous. He sighed and stood, “I will let you tell her,” Stefan said pointing to Damon. He walked past the couch and out the living space too, Y/N heard the creak of the first stair,

“Quite an interesting week this has turned out,” Damon raised his brows once at her and downing the rest of his glass,

“Interesting’s one word,” she shrugged and he pulled his mouth into a small side smile,

“Well, if we’re going down the Katherine rabbit hole, I’m gonna need a joint,” he smiled tightly, standing from the couch and rounding the coffee table. He offered Y/N his hand and she took it with a small smile. For a moment, she felt as she did before boxing day. Like they hadn’t just conversed with a replica of Elena. She linked her arm with his and he walked them out of the living space, for the stairs. Many times she had seen Damon in a certain quietude. She never really thought much of it. Because, there wasn’t an off type energy she picked up in those moments. Never did she feel a negativity from him, or a dread, or an anxiety. But now… This one… It was different. She knew she had tugged a string that had been fraying for perhaps over a hundred and fifty years. And an anxiety warmed in her belly at that. Was it really her place to ask? To know? But she sighed quietly at the thought. He was a grown adult. Overgrown . He could have said no; made up some lie about Katherine. And while the doubt did pull at her mind, she knew she wanted to know.

He walked in his room, going for the desk. Pulling that familiar wooden box closer, he rolled them a joint, larger than usual. She sat in the chair on his right, so heavily feeling the weight between their silence. Finally, he twisted the end and picked a lighter from the box. He sparked the end and pull it a few times,

“I had the great displeasure of meeting Katherine Pierce during Summer’s end in 1864,” he sighed, smoke passing his lips. He puffed it one more time then passed it to Y/N, “We were living here ,” he said, moving his forearms out slightly, “I was busy learning the business my father had with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad,” he shrugged, “there was talk of a valley road that would place travellers in Lexington, no more than a day’s trip by carriage to Mystic Falls. The town was on its way to becoming quite the tourist destination,” he shrugged, and Y/N furrowed her brows curiously. He didn’t look at her. Only forward, out the window into the dark night. The warm glow from the few lamps around his bedroom shadowed his face perfectly, “Katherine was one of the many young women who had come to visit, one of many who caught my eye, and… And the town knew me how they knew me,” he shrugged again, “I was considered a deserter and no matter how many times I relayed my perspective it didn’t matter. I had brought shame upon my family. I was the first born boy who’s greatest accomplishments were his skill in womanising and impressive desertion,” he scoffed, shaking his head. Y/N listened, quietly, and passed the joint back to him, “it was difficult, because when I saw her… When I spoke to her… It was like she saw who I was. She saw my heart,” he shrugged, speaking more quietly than before and looking ahead at nothing in particular, “and never had I been approached by a woman as captivating as her,” he shook his head, brows furrowed. Y/N felt her stomach twinge at this but she ignored it, “and I was young. And while, at that time, she might have been the most beautiful and charming woman I had ever seen… I would do anything to go back and stop myself from meeting her,” he sighed, blinking finally, “I hadn’t any clue of her intentions,” he shook his head, and Y/N felt an anxiety at that, “and then everything went sideways. She was found out. Same with the other couple dozen vampires that had been living right under our noses…” He shook his head, “it caused quite the commotion, I remember… All of the men from the founding families gathered to put an end to it, the rush was something I couldn’t forget,” he said, “my father, Mister Forbes and Mister Lockwood were in such a panic. It was the first time I had ever felt true fear. Even in my few days on the brink of war, there was just something so… Frightening about seeing my father show his own fear. They just couldn’t believe they allowed an infestation to grow wild in plain sight,” he shook his head, “a lot happened, I won’t bore you with details, but eventually that same night they were found out I searched for Katherine. I found her as she was being taken away, to be killed in some fire I heard the men muttering about. So I helped her, of course. I had to,” he said quietly, narrowing his eyes as if he was there just then, “and then… And then Stefan was there,” he shook his head, “and the last things I saw as human were my brother falling to ground next to me, with a gunshot to the abdomen, and Katherine Pierce leaving us behind, disappearing into the night,” he shrugged and Y/N’s stomach dropped slightly,

"That's when you died?" She asked quietly,

"September 25th, 1864," he sighed, "my death day," he raised his brows once, "I woke up in this run down house by a pond I used to take Stefan to play," his brows furrowed. He sniffled and took a deep breath, "Katherine was long gone," he shook his head, "didn't see her again 'til 1996," he shrugged,

"She just left?"

"Yep," he nodded, tightening his lips for a moment, “turned us too on her way out,” he chuckled,

“God,” she whispered, shaking her head, “I’m sorry,” she said,

"Me too," he nodded, giving her a weak smile, "but that was just the tip of the iceberg," he shrugged, "found out she had been in a relationship with Stefan the entire time," he shrugged, "and it was only when I finally found her... After years of looking... When I learned it was never gonna be me," he shook his head and scoffed under his breath with a sad smile,

"She said that?" Y/N whispered, feeling her heart tug at his words,

Oh yeah,” he nodded, “definitely caused a few emotional setbacks… I blamed Stefan for as much as her… He didn’t know she was seeing me,” he shook his head and sighed, “but, that is, in short, why she can't exactly be trusted," he smiled tightly and Y/N sighed, shaking her head.

"God," she said, "I'm..." she looked away then back at him, "I'm sorry that happened to you," she said softly, looking in his eyes and seeing that complete grief. The corner of his mouth twitched in a sad smile. He looked at the joint between his fingers and took a hit before passing it to her. She took it, “I wanna give you a hug,” she said, and looked at her,

“Well I’m not gonna say no,” he shrugged and she smiled slightly, leaning forward and wrapping her arms over his shoulders. He wrapped his arms around her too, and they relaxed slightly, just holding each other,

"You didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry," she said quietly, not letting go, "you deserve everything good," she said, finally pulling away and relaxing back in her seat,

"Everything, huh?" He asked and she smiled,

"Why not?"


damn a lot of world-building. Yeah I'm really gonna get on this whole vampire society thang. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed. Please like and commentttt love yaaa

check out for visual resources and fic updates!

as always, ~~Much love

Chapter 14: what has and what will happen


“Whatever you say, sweetie,” Ms.Sheila sighed, “they are all vampires, of course. Vampires are textbook definition of unnatural. Death is maybe the closest to nature we could possibly get. It is theoneunconditional permanent in our lives, inanybeings life," she said and Y/N's brows furrowed, "I've known plenty of witches who're a lot older than they should be, but there ain't no spell for immortality," she shook her head, "lengthening a life doesn't rid you the permanence of death. It's still coming, no matter how long someone pushes it away. Vampires have no such concern," she shrugged, "a being not cannot work alongside the universe if their very existence insults it,"


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

She slept on the couch last night. Who cares right? The gentle tingle of Damon's expensive liquor lulled her into rest so sweetly, and Damon didn't protest. She didn't need sleep, no. In truth she held a sincere dislike for it. Her subconscious would pull things out for her to see that she couldn't deal with. And then, though it took a year and half, she could rest her body and regain strength without falling too deeply into sleep. It did make her quite sensitive to noise however, and she greatly disliked Damon right now for using this liquor cart to retrieve his morning beverage. She opened her eyes, looking at a ceiling, absurdly tall. She turned her head right, a shudder rising within her at whom she saw, "What are you doing here?" She asked, louder than she thought. She sat up and swung her legs off of the couch. His lovely, familiar voice chuckled, though something about it sounded aberrant. She studied his body quickly, looking at his usual straight posture, a lack of tiredness under his eyes, a pretty obvious blood stain and the like. He looked more at ease than usual. Being without humanity could do that to a person, she guessed.

He arrived back wearing a slouchy brown hoodie over some large black denim, shoes off; maybe he smelled that Damon had just got the carpets and floors cleaned. At least he cared about that... His chestnut hair fell pretty down to his brow and there was a certain unfamiliar lightness in his eye. "Have you any idea how expensive oil paint is now?" Stefan asked, pouring himself a glass of dark amber at this ripe hour of 6:00 am, "I swear back in... What?" He started, looking off, raising the decanter slightly, as he thought, "God, 1861... I'd walk on down to Ms.Clara's, pop a quarter on the counter and she'd fashion me a small jar of red, blue and yellow." He smiled sweetly at the memory, "She even gave me her recipe before she moved," he said, looking up at Caroline as he stepped away from the cart. He rounded the couch and stood closer to the girl. But she said nothing. "In short, I needed my paints." Stefan shrugged, sipping his drink as Caroline listened with utter bewilderment, "and I do work with that unique medium best." He smiled tightly and walked off.

"Wait!" Caroline said, standing from her seat, whipping around, "So, are you just," she started, brows furrowed and gesturing her hands, "like, here, now? Like are you gonna be running off again or can we trust you?" Caroline asked,

"I'm not a child, Caroline, I'll come and go as I please. Currently, however, I haven't any plans for departure." He said, smiling politely once again before leaving her.

She scowled, rolling her eyes and pulled out her phone. "Pick up, pick up..." She whispered to herself, pacing alongside the couch and holding her phone to her ear.

"Caroline?" Elena's drowsy voice asked,

"Thank god," Caroline said, speeding to the front door. She slipped on Damon's too large shoes and walked out for a moment. The early spring air was chilly, she could tell. Not that her vampire skin let her feel cold, but that familiar nip upon her skin was something Caroline was grateful for.

"What do you want, Caroline? It's..." Caroline heard her pull the phone away to check the time, "Six twenty-three in the morning." Elena sighed slightly slurred.

Caroline could almost see her laying in bed, eyes closed and barely pressing the speaker to her ear. "I know, I'm sorry, I just woke up too." she said, turning to the door, "One sec," Caroline looked around. Perhaps Stefan shouldn't hear she was about to invite Elena over... The sprinklers. Of course, every morning. No wonder the Salvatore boarding house had such luscious green grass. She sped nearby, crouching behind the spritzing water. "No easy way to say this." She said, taking in a breath, "Stefan's back." She said,

"WHAT?!" Elena asked, voice cracking. Caroline heard her blankets crumple and her friends feet meeting her wooden floor, "Caroline, what do you mean? When? How do you know?" She asked.

The blonde sighed, "I don't know, I think just now... He was there when I woke up."

"I'm coming over," Elena said, "I'll be there in ten minutes. Wake up Damon."

"No! Wait, Elena–"

But Elena hung up.

"Urghh..." Caroline scowled, rolling her eyes and standing up. She brought her hands to the sides of her head and took a deep breath. She sighed again, looking around her but not really seeing anything. She turned back to the Boarding House with a new mission of waking up Damon. Her least favourite thing to do.

She knocked on his door,

"No," she heard him say, muffled through the door. She rolled her eyes,

"Stefan's back," she said and at once Damon's door opened.

"What the f*ck are you talking about?" He asked blankly,

"Stefan!" Caroline called with a roll of the eyes, looking behind her to his bedroom door.

From afar, they heard his sigh mixed with a scowl, then, "What?" He called back.

Caroline looked back to Damon, "Elena's on her way here." She said and Damon gave her a look of absolute disagreement.

"What?" He asked, "No." He said, turning around and walking into his room. He left the door wide open for Caroline. She stepped inside and closed the door behind her, "No, no, no. We need to think of a pla–"

"Shut. Up." Caroline said, widening her eyes as she walked to his bathroom. She turned on the shower, bath and sink faucet, "Continue," she said, gesturing forward before crossing her arms.

Damon rolled his eyes, "We need to think of a plan now that he's here and, honestly?" He asked, turning away from Caroline and walking into his closet. "It's easier to plot against a one-hundred seventy-six year old vampire away from his home." He came back out with a new outfit piled upon his hand. All black, nearly to be expected.

She followed him to the bathroom standing before him as he leaned against the counter. Caroline looked him up and down for a moment, having not seen Damon so intimately in a while. He wore light grey sweats and a boxy t-shirt. He looked comfortable and—though Caroline thought she'd never use this word to describe Damon—cosy.

But he interrupted her thoughts. "I'm gonna shower, get dressed, then you and I, and I guess Elena, now, are going to Bon-Bon's to deliberate." He said, turning off his faucet,

Caroline sighed, "Damon, she's not gonna wanna leave him—"

"Caroline, I don't care." He said, looking at her with wide-eyes, "She can say her hello's, give him a hug and a kiss and then we're gone, okay? Force is allowed. I've made the decision." He said, turning to the tub and turning it's water off.

"She hasn't seen him in two months! At least let her stay a whi–"

"Nooo! No, Caroline. Absolutely not. She can spend all the time in the world with him once he's actually him." He said, "If she doesn't come with us she's not involved in the plan and we're leaving her out, got it?" He said, "Now, are you gonna join me or are you gonna wait for Elena downstairs?" He asked. Caroline rolled her eyes and scowled, marching out of Damon's bedroom.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"God come on, Elena. I just got the floors and rugs cleaned." Damon whined, tossing his arm up at her as she sped down the hall.

"Where is he?" She demanded, ignoring any challenge.

"Take off your shoes!"

"Here?" She asked, pointing to Stefan's room.

"Your shoes are still on, Elena!" He said.

She walked to Stefan's door and knocked five times quickly, "Stefan? Stefan I know you're in there," she said, "Stefan open the door," she asked, not trying the doorknob herself.

The door opened, "It wasn't locked," he shrugged, confused and seeming annoyed that Elena made him get up and open the door for her.

"Stefan..." She whispered, wrapping her arms on top of his shoulders and pulling him close. Damon rolled his eyes at the sigh and departed back down the hall.

"You should really take off your shoes." He heard Stefan say as Elena pulled away from him,

"Stefan, are you serious?" She asked.

"Yeah, well, it costs a lot of money to clean a house this size, especially when you're including rug cleaning." He shrugged, "I guess you just don't care about other people's belongings." he said. Damon stepped into the living room and sat beside Caroline,

"Is it bad that we're eavesdropping?" Caroline asked, looking at him,

"Yes." He sighed, relaxing next to her. But they both listened in, almost shamelessly.

"Why are you acting like this? I haven't seen you in two months. I've been looking for you--we all have--"

"And when exactly did I ask you to do that?

"sh*t..." Caroline said, shaking her head.

"Call Bonnie," Damon said as they heard Elena's footsteps walking from Stefan's room. Damon stood from his seat and crossed the room, rounding the opposite couch to the liquor cart. He started pouring himself a glass.

"Seriously?" Caroline asked, looking between Damon and the liquor,

"Don't be judgy." He said, putting the decanter back in the tray and sat on the couch opposite Caroline.

She rolled her eyes and took out her phone, dialling Bonnie. "Bonnie, hey," she said.

"Caroline? What's up?" Bonnie asked. Her voice was tired and Damon could hear her moving under her blankets.

"I know it's really early but we could really use your perspective on things..." She started, her sheepish expression earning an incredible roll of Damon's eyes.

"Perspective? On what?" Bonnie asked, taking a deep breath after.

"Well..." She started, "Stefan's back."

Bonnie sighed. "Okay." She said quietly, "Yeah, okay." Damon heard her stand from her bed, the creak of the wooden pallets under her mattress, "I'll be ready in fifteen." She said.

"Okay, thank you so much Bonnie--"

"Thanks, Bon-Bonnn!" Damon called, and Bonnie must have heard it for she groaned and hung up the phone at once. "Alright, go on, get dressed." Damon nodded to blonde. She rolled her eyes and stood from her seat, heading to the guest room she'd been calling hers the past while.

Elena arrived back down as Caroline departed. "Your shoes are still on?" Damon asked.

"Can you get a hold of Lexi?" She ignored him, nearing the man as he sat sipping his drink.

"Don't worry, babes, I am on it." He pointed at her.

"Okay... And?" She asked,

"She's pretty hard to find." He shrugged, nonchalant as he drank more of his dark beverage.

"Damon, this is serious--"

"I've asked around, Elena, there's nothing more I can do." He shrugged again.

For a moment, her face changed between annoyance, confusion, anger and disappointment before finally she scowled. "I'll be in the car." She said quietly, walking out of the Salvatore Boarding House to her Mini Cooper.

He sipped the last of his drink once Caroline walked down the stairs. She stood in a long sleeve, white shirt with a pair of matching leggings. They fit snug around her body and while she was no doubt a friend, Damon knew she was beautiful. "Ready?" He asked,

"Yeah." She said and walked to the door, slipping on her white shoes and black puffer.

Damon pulled on his leather jacket but before they met Elena in her car, "Shotgun!" Caroline called and Damon rolled his eyes, unimpressed.



"I'm not a baby witch anymore, Damon."

"Don't I know it." He smiled tightly and she narrowed her eyes. "Okay , Bon-Bon, I get it. I almost killed you, it was scary, it was shocking and I feel bad. However I think it's important to note that you would have been considered collateral and there was no calculated malice." He smiled tightly and Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Come on," he bent his knees, "Invite me in." The man faked a pout, leaning against the door frame, body slightly smushed against the invisible boundary.

"Even if I wanted to, I can't , Damon. This is grams' house."

"Then go get her!" He said in his funny tone gesturing forward with his hand,

"No!" She hissed, "Look, walk around the side of the house, I'll open my window and give you a chair. It's cute, it's comfortable."


"I don't even want you here! Would you rather I not open the window and we instead go to the attic that's warded against vampire hearing?" She asked, narrowing her eyes and stepping closer. He scowled, turning around and stepping down her front stairs. Bonnie sighed and shut the door, turning around and walking past Elena and Caroline through her home, trying to quell her grumpiness that very early morning.

She unhooked the latch and pushed both windows by her bed open.

"Okay this isn't that bad." Damon nodded, standing outside of her window and watching her lock them in place,

"Like I said.'' She sighed, turning around and scooting off her bed. She walked to her desk chair. Over the years it had become home to her bags or whatever hoodie she wore that day. She piled the items under her desk then lifted the chair, over her bed and out the window to Damon. Caroline chuckled quietly, shaking her head.

"Okay." Damon sighed, sitting down. The girls sat on Bonnie's bed,

"So how are you gonna get Lexi here?" Caroline raised her brows once and he rolled his eyes.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"What exactly is it that you feel?" Ms.Sheila asked,

"I... I don't know," she shook her head,


"It's... It's like," she said, trying to think of the last time she felt it. She remembered the full moon at the beginning of December. Actually, that whole day was something to think of. She, Bonnie, Caroline and Elena went to Mystic Falls Fields for the afternoon, wanting to show Y/N the beautiful lookout. And it sure was beautiful. A huge field of overgrown grass, towering trees enclosed three sides. On its far side, a cliff. The drop was maybe a hundred feet, meeting a lake surrounded by more forest. The sight was endless and Y/N would've loved to build a home right there. Looking out at the trees, watching them change through the seasons... Just the thought sent a surge down her arms, her legs. A warmth struck every nerve in her body and butterflies flapped in her belly.

"Sometimes it's excitement." Y/N shrugged, remembering how joyful it felt to see that view, "Like, the view at Mystic Falls Fields? I felt so energised, but when I look at the moon..." She drifted off, looking at a spot on the table as she thought, "It's just as strong but it's different. It's like I'm being enchanted or possessed." she shook her head. She turned to Ms.Sheila who's brows furrowed, "God, that sounds bad."

"No, no, not necessarily." The older woman shook her head, looking back to her book. She wrote down a few things in her old writing, "Now, how do you mean possessed? Do you have urges to do things you wouldn't normally?"

"No, no, not like that." Y/N shook her head, "It's like... It's like it's giving me something... And I don't know what it is or what to do with it." She shrugged,

"Okay..." Ms.Sheila nodded. She looked at the words she wrote then closed her book, "Alright," she said again, "not today, but you and I are gonna be stopping by a few places. We need to figure what exactly that energy is. You could very well be first of your kind, Y/N, I haven't heard of these kinds of manifestations..." Ms.Sheila nodded, "Though perhaps you simply embody something long forgotten by our stories..."

"Is there anyone who can help?"

"You're a supernatural entity, Y/N. Like most of us, you are the only one who can help." Ms.Sheila sighed, "However, everything you're telling me points to one type of being. One that works alongside the universe rather than against it."

"Against it?"

"Your little vampire boyfriend? His brother? Even our dear Caroline..." Ms.Sheila sighed,

"Damon's not my boyfriend." Y/N chuckled nervously, shaking her head,

"Whatever you say, sweetie." Ms.Sheila smiled, "Vampires are the textbook definition of unnatural. Death is maybe the closest to nature we could possibly get. It is the one unconditional permanent in our lives--in any being's life." She said and Y/N's brows pulled together, "I've known plenty of witches who're a lot older than they should be, but there ain't no spell for immortality, Y/N." She shook her head, "Lengthening a life does not rid you the permanence of death. It's still comin', no matter how long someone pushes it away. Now, Vampires... They got no such concern. A being not cannot work alongside the universe if their very existence insults it." And Y/N looked away at that.

Insults it...

Strong words.

"Honestly before Caroline I didn't think there'd be a single vampire I'd trust." She sighed, "Anyway, the way you speak of your interactions with nature indicates an ability to manifest directly from the elements." She said, almost casual, "Though I imagine without them in your immediate vicinity you'd have no capacity to control them." Ms.Sheila sighed,

"Control them?" Y/N asked, brows furrowed,

"Control them." Ms.Sheila nodded, "And that could mean many things. I'm thinking we'll try the full moon in a few days," she shrugged, "and I'm interested in what you could do with some rain. Or a campfire, the lake." She listed. Ms.Sheila then looked away, out the window above the sink for a moment, "Why Elias would want you..." She said quietly, shaking her head.

"Hey, Grams." Bonnie said, walking into the kitchen.

"Hi," Ms.Sheila smiled, looking up at her granddaughter. Bonnie rounded the table, pulling her grams into a side hug,

"Y/N and I gotta go back to her place to get ready." She said,

"Alright, alright." Ms.Sheila nodded, "When do you think you'll be back?" she asked, standing from the seat and lifting the heavy book like it weighed nothing,

"Late. Maybe 11 or 12? I might just sleepover at Y/N's as well,"

"Alright, well I'll be in bed by nine so just text me if you sleepover. I'll wanna know you're safe when i wake up." Ms.Sheila said, walking to the hallway, "Have fun girls."

"What, you're not coming, Ms.sheila?" Y/N asked, half-joking,

"Oh, no, definitely not." She chuckled, "Never found them entertaining." she sighed, "Music's quite bland." she shrugged and then walked out.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"So," Bonnie said, glancing over at Y/N before she backed out of her spot, "how are you managing?" She asked and Y/N smiled, looking down then back out the windshield. She shrugged,

"I don't know," she shook her head, "it's all just a lot." She nodded and so did Bonnie. The air thickened slightly, but it wasn't discomfort she felt. It was just... Heavy. "There's just been this entire other... World out there. All this time." she shrugged, "And it's so like, developed. There are so many... They control everything..." she shook her head,

"It's freaky." Bonnie nodded,

"Yeah, and then the Gillian thing... Being healed like that."

"Feels like it didn't really happen?" Bonnie asked,

"Exactly. It's... It's like I cheated trauma or something. Like obviously I don't want the physical reminder, but... It's made me feel like I don't deserve to be as scared or... Traumatised from her,"

"Mm." Bonnie nodded, "I mean, it's obviously valid to feel this way, but know that it's also valid to be scared. You have every right to be." She assured,

"Yeah... It just feels like the acceptance of the whole thing was taken from me because now it's just mental traumas instead of physical ones. Urgh, that sounds really bad."

Bonnie chuckled, "Well, what can I do to make you feel better?" She asked and Y/N smiled, looking over to her friend.

"Being here's enough." She shrugged and Bonnie's smile widened. "You know, actually, I would love to know more about witches. Damon said witches usually keep to themselves." and that Bonnie snorted, shaking her head

"I can definitely see why he'd feel that way." She chuckled, "Witches' greatest error was the creation of vampires. By nature we're... Repulsed by their existence." She shrugged, "We owe them nothing, having given them quite literally everything. So witches don't keep to ourselves ... We just keep away from vampires." She said and Y/N laughed. "But Caroline for example, she's my best friend. I'd help her with almost anything. No matter how wrong it felt."

"'How wrong it felt'..." Y/N repeated, "I remember your grams was saying something about a vampire's existence. How they're like an insult to the universe." Y/N shrugged and Bonnie chuckled,

"I mean, she's not wrong." She said, "But, 'an insult to the universe' definitely sounds dramatic." and Y/N smiled, "Technically they are. But it doesn't mean they're evil." Bonnie said, "Who knows how many bloodlines have been saved from vampires, right? But then you're in the loop of, oh, well, how many bloodlines did they end?"

"God," Y/N shook her head, "it's like the universe is pulling a prank and this is the prank." She sighed and Bonnie laughed, "So, do all witches feel that energy about vampires?"

"All witches feel all energy," she smiled, "I heard what you said about the fields and the moon. That overwhelming energy, excitement?"


"Witches feel that any time we want, with anything nature. Sometimes the connection's weaker, like right now. I'm in a car--a man made item also surrounded by man made items... But if I really wanted to, I could feel... The grass, all the way over there. The breeze as intense as if I was in the clouds." She said, "And every time I help a vampire, no matter if it's Caroline or Stefan or Damon," she said, "it takes more out of me than it should."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She pulled in front of Y/N's home. "Damon's picking us up, right?"

"Yeah." Y/N nodded, "And you're sleeping over?"

"Oh, right, " she said, pulling her keys out and opening her door. They left the car and walked to Y/N's front door, "I'm sleeping at Mackenzie," she said,

"Mackenzie Frey?"

"Yeah," Bonnie smiled,

"Hey, what's that smile?" Y/N asked and Bonnie's smile widened, "Oh my god do you like her?" Y/N smiled, unlocking her door.

Bonnie rolled her eyes, "Maybe," she said, following Y/N into her home and Y/N chuckled.

"Sleepover, huh?"

"Oh yeah," She nodded and Y/N let out a laugh, locking up behind her.

"Well I very much love that for you. I had no idea you liked her." Y/N said,

"Yeah," Bonnie shrugged, "I don't know, I've known her forever but we only really became friends this year," she raised her brows once, following Y/N into her room,

"When did you meet?" Y/N asked, walking for her closet.

"She was in the same Kindergarten class as Care, El and I." She said.


"I knowww!" She groaned, "And for some reason it took me thirteen years to realise how cool she was." She sighed, "She's so kind and smart..." Bonnie smiled, pulling out some clothes from her bag, "And she's hot." Bonnie said, turning to Y/N and they both smiled.

"She certainly is," Y/N nodded, sliding each hanger to the side as she decided her outfit, "okay but please tell me I'm not the only one who didn't know," Y/N said, resting her arm on one of the hangers and looking out at Bonnie.

She chuckled, "Don't worry. You're actually the first to know. Though, it certainly won't be surprising to anyone else." Bonnie shrugged with one shoulder and Y/N chuckled, looking back to her clothes. There was nothing here she wanted to wear. Certainly not to this event.

"God, I can't find anything." Y/N groaned, looking at her options, "Wait..." She said, idea sparking at once in her mind. She turned to Bonnie, "You remember when... Damon and I kissed...?"

Bonnie lapped and let out a laugh, "Yes, why?"

Y/N laughed too, "we had to the whole dress-up thing for the theatre, right? I... I wanna ask him to bring the dress over."

"Oh my God, do it." Bonnie smiled.

"Should I?"

"f*ck yes, you should. Does he have more than one?"

"I think so. I think there were a couple."



"Delivery." Damon said with that smile as Y/N opened the door.

"Thank you so much." She said, pulling him into a quick hug.

"You are most welcome." He said, and he pulled away, stepping into her home and handing her the garment bag. "Here it is... Hopefully we won't kiss like last time." He said, raising his brows once. Her stomach flipped and she suppressed the urge to widen her eyes.

Instead she rolled her eyes and chuckled, "You know what I love about you? Is that you'll bring up stuff like that no matter how awkward it is." She nodded, smiling sarcastically and earning a smirk from him. "This is the one that doesn't need a bodice?" She asked, stepping upstairs

"Yes." He nodded.

"Okay, perfect, thank you. We'll be right down." And Y/N left Damon at the front door, wishing he'd be the one zipping up her dress instead of Bonnie.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"I'm gonna go find Mackenzie," Bonnie smiled.

"Okay, text me later." Y/N smiled, pulling Bonnie into a quick side hug hug. She walked off, nearing a duo of girls that Y/N knew Mackenzie was friends with. Arm still linked with Damon's, they strolled to the front doors, up the steps and to the entrance. The Lockwood's home was quite impressive. Though, compared to the Salvatore Boarding House, it was almost average.

"It's not too late to change your mind," He leaned close to her ear as they stepped into the home,

"No, it's okay." she shook her head, glancing at him then forward again, "Gotta do normal things if I wanna feel normal." She said, glancing around at people of ages 15 to old, "But I definitely need a drink if I have to be around sophom*ores." She sighed and he smirked.

"I will get right on that for you." He said, "Any requests?" He asked, slowing to a stop and unlinking their arms.

"Your choice." She shrugged and he nodded,

"I'll be back." He said, walking off somewhere in the house. She had been here once before. This party after Matt Donovan or, 'The Quarterback', as Damon referred to him, won some football game that made Mystic High champions. Apparently he and Tyler Lockwood were good enough friends for the rich boy to throw a whole party over it. It was fun, but in all honestly, it was no party at the Salvatore's.

But tonight was much different than from what she was used to. Everyone wore old, expensive and choice fabrics. It was quite formal and she was so grateful Damon had this dress for her to wear. Not a garment in her closet would have sufficed. She walked through the dozens of guests chatting around the large home and she found herself in a room where dozens of people danced. To bland music she might add, sounding from a set-up at the end of the room. If she looked well enough, she could see some speakers within the wall, hidden expensively. She glanced down at the crowd again, seeing Elena and Matt dancing. They giggled at something.

"Y/N, hey!" Caroline said behind her. Y/N turned to see her friend wearing a surprisingly simple outfit. Expensive, no doubt, however for some reason Y/N expected to see her in a dress. Instead, Caroline wore a skirt set made of tweed, it seemed. It was a stunning light blue, similar to her eyes. A snug turtleneck underneath in a tan colour and she wore stockings and Mary-Janes. Her accessories were just perfect, the small hoops, her usual Lapis Lazuli ring and a watch Y/N had seen her fashion only once before. Caroline pulled her into a hug, "when did you get here?" she asked,

"Oh, Bonnie, Damon and I just got here. He's getting us drinks and Bonnie went to link up with Mackenzie."



"Oh my God, Oh my God wait! Are they--" Caroline's eyes widened as she thought of something Y/N herself would never put together without Bonnie's tidbit that evening. "I know Bonnie's got the biggest crush on that girl, is it finally f*cking happening?!"

Y/N laughed, "Girl, I have no idea. All I know is Bonnie might sleep over at her place tonight," She shrugged and the blonde laughed, excitement for her friend near overwhelming.

"For the lady," Damon's voice sounded from her left, a glass of champagne held in his for Y/N. She turned to his voice, smiling brightly as she met his eyes,

"Thank you." she said, taking the glass. They clinked glasses and each took a sip.

"Sorry, Care, would've got you something too."

"Oh, don't worry about it," she waved her hand, "running events like these have their perks," she shrugged.

Damon smirked and turned to the dance floor. His eyes studied the dozens of pairs before landing on two familiar faces. "I see Elena and Matt are getting friendly," He nodded toward them.

"Again," Caroline said, "He is good for her..." She sighed.

"Well," Damon sighed, taking a sip and putting down his half full glass, "shall we dance?" He asked, looking at Y/N.

She smiled, glancing out to the floor then back to him. "Yeah." She shrugged, sipping the champagne and putting it down as well.

"Well, you two enjoy. I'm gonna go find Bonnie and Mackenzie." She sighed, walking somewhere else in that too-large home.

Damon offered his hand and happily Y/N took it. He led them into the crowd, zigzagging through and finally slowing to a stop. He turned to her and placed a hand on her waist, almost familiarly. Butterflies fluttered in her belly, rushing up to her chest for a moment. He raised her other hand and moved stepped forward, her backward. She smiled, letting the joy grow within her. Letting it rush up and perhaps even touch her cheeks. She felt as but a little girl simply dancing with a boy she found cute. She blinked, shaking her head once at the thought, then looked up at Damon.

"So, I'm thinking," He started, leading them smoothly through the song, "we stay for a couple hours, have a few drinks, do our thing..." He listed, "Leave around 11? Then smoke up." He looked down, eyes friendly and gazing into her eyes, "What do you think?"

"Sounds exactly like what I wanna do." She shrugged, but too quickly she spoke again, "But, I unfortunately cannot commit to two hours if I gotta listen to this absolute sh*t playlist." She sighed, earning a belly laugh from Damon. He stopped dancing, leaning his head back as he laughed some more.

"Agreed." He smiled. "Wait here." He winked, moving his hands from her and going for the DJ. He navigated through the crowd easily and leaned closer to the DJ, whispering something only they would hear. The young man nodded and took Damon's phone and the playlist changed quite drastically. Instead of the strings and woodwinds, a drumbat and some claps came on. Y/N hadn't heard this one before, but she knew it was on one of his playlists. Everyone sighed with unmistakable relief relieved as the song changed. Immediately, people started moving. The energy was already up, and with a smile, Damon made his way back to Y/N. He reached for her hands, lacing his fingers with hers as he moved to the beat.

Her cheeks already ached with her cheer, and she let him pull her closer as the song played and played. So easily she could just forget the past few weeks. Feel the music in her heart and bones and feel Damon's hands on her so comfortably as they danced. They moved smooth with the melody, she could step even closer... She should... A tap on her shoulder pulled her from the thought and she met the dark eyes of Elena. She saw that kindness that was so classic and turned around, reaching for Elena's arm and her waist, pulling her friend close. They laughed, dancing to a song they didn't know. And when Y/N looked behind her, she saw Damon dancing with whoever was near—a woman, she saw. But she turned away with haste, disliking though shaking away her jealousy.



She had no idea for how long she danced for, but finally Y/N took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off her brow. "Two more drink? Then I gotta get out of here." She smiled and Elena nodded in approval.

"Drinks, I hear?" Damon asked, snaking his arm around Y/N's back, head still nodding to the beat.

"You down to get 'em?" Y/N asked, raising one of her shoulders almost sheepishly.

"Yes, but you're comin' with me this time." He said, reaching for her hand and leading her away before any protest.

"I'll be back!" She said to Elena, following Damon through the crowded room.

He led her down a much emptier hallway, hand not letting go of hers.

"Here..." He said, pushing open a door and letting Y/N walk in first. She looked around at what was surely Mr.Lockwood's study. Quite boring looking, really. While every item in this room was certainly expensive, nothing about any of it stood out to her. Looked like your average old-money businessman's study. The standard unattractive globe near the window, a small bar in the middle of the right wall...

"And here is...?" She asked, turning around.

"The good stuff." He nodded, walking to the bar. He reached for an old bottle of amber drink from the top shelf and pulled a crystal class from an upturned pile.

"Now what would you like?" He asked, pulling out the cork and pouring his expensive drink,

"Whatever you think." she shrugged, walking closer,

"Come on, Y/N, you gotta give me somethin' this time." And she laughed at that.

"Your the one boasting your apparently undefeated co*cktail making abilities," She argued palyfully, earning a smirk as he fashioned her a drink he thought she'd like.

He made quick work before handing her the glass, "Here you are. It's a double, obviously." He said, and she took a sip. "How is it?"

"Very much like you should have your own business." She sighed, satisfied,

"Same for Elena?"

"Yes." she said.

"Alright," He sighed, placing Elena's drink to the side. "To being normal," he said with his side smile, raising his glass.

Y/N smiled and raised her glass too. "To being normal," she sighed, and their glasses clinked.

"Let's get this to Ms.Elena, dance a little more, then get the hell out of here." He said, handing Elena's drink to Y/N then wrapping his free arm over her shoulders.

"I am so down."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

They sat at his desk, resting comfortably in their pyjamas. Y/N's legs stretched out forward on his lap while he sparked the joint for the two. He pulled it a couple times before resting one of his arms on Y/N's legs.

"That was nice." She smiled, tired.

"Yeah. It was," he nodded, "what was your favourite part?" He asked, looking over to her and passing the joint. She smiled and looked down for a moment, then to the side,

"The playlist." She nodded, "The second one, of course."

"Of course." He nodded then smiled, studying her face.

She took another hit than leaned forward, handing it to him. "What about you? What was yours?"

"Definitely Mr.Lockwood's liquor stash."

"Oh my god, I can't believe we did that." She chuckled, shaking her head,

"Oh, please. He's ugly rich," Damon raised his brows once,

"Ugly rich, huh?" Y/N asked, craning her neck to look around his absurdly large room. She kept looking around, exaggerating,

"Alright, alright, settle down." He said and Y/N chuckled, "Maybe we're ugly rich but I can say with certainty that it ain't from my parents, darlin'." He said and she smiled,

"Fair enough, fair enough." She nodded,

"And what about you, huh?" He asked, leaning forward and nudging her playfully, "Carla and Glenn are definitely ugly rich."

Y/N laughed, "I can't deny these allegations, I fear." She shook her head and Damon laughed as well. She looked back at him, studying the sweet smile upon his face. Then, for some reason she thought of more. That sweet smile that knew more than he let on for so many months.... "This is totally off topic, but..." She started, "I was just thinking," she shrugged,

"Yeah?" He asked, passing the joint,

"Back when we went to Woodbridge..." She said, taking a hit, "you left for a while that night." She shrugged and he chuckled,

"I did." He said,

"Were you..." She started, shrugging, "Were you on a... What would you call it... A vampire mission... A hunt?" She said, widening her eyes jokingly.

He chuckled. "You could say that." He nodded, "I was hungry. Hadn't... Had any since Mystic Falls and sleeping next to you wasn't exactly helping." And at that her stomach flipped at just the thought of how vulnerable she truly was back then, and had simply no idea. "It's strange... Whenever there's a human in our lives that isn't aware of us, we compel them to be comfortable around... Our lifestyle," he shrugged, "but even with your vervain necklace there was something that urged me not to expose you to it." He shook his head, "I felt like it would trigger something if you knew, and... And I couldn't risk it." He shrugged,

"Trigger something?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, shaking his head before brushing it off. "But, it didn't matter in the end." He sighed and looked over at her wearing a small smile, wistful, "I'm sorry." He said.

"You don't need to be sorry, Damon." She sighed, leaning forward and handing him the rest of the joint, "I'm connected to this world because of my parents. And I'm lucky enough to have a support system." She shrugged, "I mean, of all the ways things could've gone down... I feel like having a few good backs is better than none." She said and he smiled slightly,

"I do agree." He nodded and she smiled,

"I'm wondering if you can answer something else too..." She started,

"Mhm?" He asked,

"Obviously tell me if I'm out of line, but... Can you tell me more about Darwin Siobhan?" She asked,

"What about him?" He asked, and for a moment, Y/N was glad he didn't pretend to forget the man.

"Stefan... He said you guys killed him..." She said, this time her voice was more quiet, eyes searching for any bounds she stepped past.

"We did." He nodded, looking forward out his window, "Yeah."

"Was he a human? Or a vampire?"

"He was one of us". Damon nodded, "I'm sure you've heard that about a year ago Stefan left? He was on this binge. Stopped feeling his wrongs." he shrugged,

"Yeah, right... I heard he was in L.A. and New York." She nodded,

"He wasn't in L.A or New York." Damon shook his head, and at that, Y/N furrowed her brows,

"I remember him saying he was visiting family..." She shrugged,

"Y/N, we were born over a hundred fifty years ago." He said,

"God..." She rolled her eyes, "Right." She shook her head. She glanced away, then back at him. She let out a small chuckle. So did he. It turned into a laugh, and suddenly the both of them were almost hysterical at just the idea. To be sat across a man--a vampire--over one-hundred fifty years old. It was utterly comical.

"You are taking all of this shockingly well." He chuckled,

"Well, like I said, my parents." She shrugged, "It's so f*cking weird," she sighed, looking out the window, "it's obviously very surprising and all that... But despite it all it's like I've been reintroduced to a friend I knew when I was a child or something." She shrugged, "It's scary but it's like I've known it for so long I don't need to be scared." she shook her head, "It's weird." She sighed,

"It's valid." He raised his brows once,

"Well thank you for validating me." She chuckled and so did he,

"Anytime." He smiled, "Oh, actually..." He said, standing from his chair. She smiled, furrowing her brows curiously and watching him go to the closet. He left her sight and she turned back in her chair, bringing her knees to her chest. Looking to the backyard, she saw they hadn't put the fairy lights back out yet. "Okay, here." He said and she turned around, seeing Damon walk out of his closet with a bag, tissue paper peeking out of it.

"What? What is this?" She laughed.

"Open it and see." He shrugged, holding the bag out for her. She took it, placing it on her lap and he sat down next to her again, sliding his chair over a little closer. She pulled out the tissue paper and saw a few boxes, varying sizes, a small envelope and a bag of flower petals. "Open the envelope last." He raised his brows once and she smiled at him. She reached for the first box, opening it to see a silver necklace, thin chain and an oval locket.

It had a floral pattern engraved and it looked expensive. "What is all this?" She chuckled, looking at the necklace then Damon.

"Guess." He shrugged again, though spoke as she eyed him curiously. "I'd help you put it on, but it would hurt me, I fear." He smirked.


"All of 'em." He nodded and she smiled. She placed the necklace back in its box and opened the rest. First, she saw a pair of crystal stud earrings, a ring then perfume from the same fragrance house as her others, and, unassumingly, a hair tie.

"Hair tie?"

"The metal's got the vervain. Less conspicuous." He shrugged,

"This is amazing." she said, "Thank you so much." She smiled, putting the items back in the bag, except for the ring.

"I wondered which finger to size it for, but I landed on the middle finger." He nodded and she smiled, slipping it on, "So, if a vampire tries to compel you..." He started, reaching for her hand. He placed four of her fingers down, "You can flip them off and really show 'em." He raised his brows and she chuckled,

"God." she shook her head, pulling her hand back to look at the ring again,

"Actually, don't do that... Not safe." He chuckled, "But yeah, you got some options. I always recommend consuming vervain, even if you're planning to wear it. Even with something as concealed as the hair tie, it's alway safer." He shrugged,

"How do you usually consume it?" She asked, pulling out the bag of flower petals,

"Put a bunch in a tea steeper, drink it hot or cold. Doesn't taste or smell like anything so some people just eat it." He said and she nodded, "And let me know if you're running low on the flower or perfume or anything. I'll get you more." He nodded.

"Thank you, Damon." She said and leaned forward.

Her arms wrapped over his shoulders and he hugged her back, "You're most welcome." He said.

She relaxed back in her seat, "Wait..." She started, "Sorry, I need to know more about Darwin." Damon chuckled at that.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Well, like... The conflict, I guess. You said Stefan stopped feeling is wrongs? How did that trigger Darwin to come here?"

"Well, Stefan's... Outing was reckless. While he was gone, he swept the country. Apparently a few juveniles got in his way." He shrugged, "He killed them and we believe one of those juveniles was tied to Darwin." He explained,

"And Katherine confirmed it." She verified.

"Exactly. Darwin was heedless. I'd met him once but quickly recognized his traits. He's... Sloppy and disorganised." He shook his head, lip tugging in a certain disgust and Y/N furrowed her brows at that. "He brought panic to Mystic Falls while on the hunt for Stefan." He shrugged, "We had to act first." And at that, Y/N looked away. Her face numbed for a moment at the thought. Damon was a vampire. He had killed people before yet he sat right in front of her, speaking like her friend.

And for some reason. A reason she just couldn't explain, her heart still pulled to him.

"So what's next? With Elias, or Katherine or whatever," She asked.

He sighed. "Stefan and I are still thinking. Katherine said she'll be back in a month. She's the best lead we got so I don't think we can do much until we know what she does." he sighed and Y/N nodded.

"If you looked in grade 10 Y/N's eyes and said she'd have not only a strong group of friends but half of them are vampires and she'd need surveillance due to some other, external vampire?" She said, "I'd call the police and ask them to do a wellness check on you." She sighed and at that he laughed, so lovely. She chuckled too, seeing his bright smile, so beautiful. And for the first time since she saw him that day at the end of summer, she really saw him. The expressiveness in his brows, the dimples from that damn cute smile–or, smirk, some might call it. His eyes, so piercing. That maya blue she could find if she looked into the ocean, the late-spring sky or those Forget Me Not's she saw in the Salvatore's backyard at the end of summer. The way his safe, friendly and warm energy encompassed her being so completely each time she stood in his presence. The way he'd laugh at her jokes, even this one, and she knew he probably wouldn't find it as funny if someone else had said it. And right there and then, Y/N knew there was no one in the world she wanted to be next to more than Damon Salvatore.


I'm f*cking dead--when I was writing this I accidentally typed Bonnie's name as Bobbie like ONCE and obviously corrected it but because I recently read My Immortal I immediately thought of Ebony... Sorry Enoby sorry Ebogy sorry Eboby sorry Taroby LMFAAFAFAOOOOOOO.... God.. Anyway. Sorry but this chapter was one of my favourites to write. PERSONALLY, I very much enjoy backstory pre-Y/N, it's fun and fresh.

check out for visual resources and fic updates!

as always ~~much love

Chapter 15: the divine unexpected


“Wait, can you pull over here?” Caroline asked, and Y/N turned, glancing at her and then Damon. He sighed, pulling into the parking lot of Mystic Falls High,
“What are we doing here?” Elena asked,
“Sorry, I just need to get my cheer bag, I left it in the girl’s locker room,” she said,
“Are you kidding me? Just get it on monday,” Damon said, turning his head,
“I have to wash my uniform, duh,” she said, “come on, let’s go,” she said, bouncing in her seat and tapping the back of Damon’s.


CW: dream about bad childhood memory--bad parenting, angry mother.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Alright..." Ms.Sheila sighed, walking down the couple steps to the living room, "shall we start?" She asked, looking at Y/N. The girl sat anxiously next to Damon, stomach twisting and pulling at strings of suspense. She nodded, standing up. She wiped her clean hands on her pants and pinched her fingers as hard as she could. It felt good. Despite whatever this night held for her. Damon and Stefan stood too following her to the front door, Ms.Sheila in front of them. They stepped out into the cold winter. It wasn't snowing, but there were a few inches still layering Mystic Falls. It glowed gracefully that night, the full moon's gleam certainly divine, lighting the night for Y/N's human eyes. Maybe not human anymore. A new being entirely. Y/N walked out of the mansion, out from under the front porch. She looked up, seeing the moon and its familiarity. She walked a few more steps out, hearing the three behind her, but thinking only of the moon. Its shine was so welcoming. So lovely. It sparkled so dear, like it was opening its arms for Y/N to hug. She pulled in a breath of frosty air, eyes stuck on the glowing body in the sky.
"Where should I go?" She heard Damon ask,
"You ask her." Ms.Sheila nodded toward Y/N and Damon turned to her.
Finally she peeled her eyes from the moon, turning back to the group, glancing ahead of her too and wondering herself where he should go. "Mm..." She shook her head, "I don't know, just..." She shrugged, "just near the bushes over there." She nodded to a shrub a few meters away. Damon nodded, going where she directed, then Ms.Sheila spoke again.
"Alright, Y/N." The old, wise witch nodded, standing away from her line of sight with Stefan. "We don't know how your powers manifest, but I want you to let it do the work, alright?" And at that, Y/N looked over at her.
"Let it do the work?"
"But..." Y/N said, shaking her head and glancing between Damon and Ms.Sheila, "Couldn't that go, like, sideways? Like really sideways?" She asked, but Ms.Sheila only shrugged.
"Maybe." She said, "But you can think of it was a very strong inkling that you'll do just fine." She said and Y/N sighed, looking away.
She looked at Damon those few meters away. She just wanted to run over to him and fall into his arms. Let him hold her and keep her safe from all of this. Instead she nodded,
"Trust the moon. It won't fail you." Ms.Sheila said and Y/N closed her eyes.
"You can do this." She heard, from him.
She took a deep breath, feeling a warmth in her lungs despite the cold air. The warmth grew, feeling like little bolts of lightning as it spread down to her stomach and up to her shoulders. They scattered up her chest and down her arms and she felt each jolt, no matter how overwhelming. It compiled within her belly, curling and flipping and jumping and fluttering. She could scream, cry, jump up and down, shake her arms and legs. So badly she wanted to. But instead she stayed in her place, feeling the energy settle. Her eyes opened as the energy warmed and she looked at Damon, but only for a moment did she feel that usual kindness. And she felt as if she was turning into someone else just then. Without her even trying the thought of his existence flooded her mind. How he simply should not be there. It was wrong for him to be there. The girl felt a violation within her unlike she had ever; He had absolutely no right to walk this Earth, stand so freely before her, unbothered and unintimidated. How... How dare he. Anger, Rage filled her being, shooting down her limbs and bursting in her belly.
And then, the vampire winced and his arm twitched. He sucked in a breath and brought his hand up, studying his fingers that seemed stuck in place. "Agh," He hissed, sucking in breath through gritted teeth. The tips of his fingers paled, for a moment before blackening stiff. A darkness travelled slowly but surely up his hand, "f*ck," he said, every muscle in his arm tensing and jumping at whatever it was he felt. A pump of anger shot down her spine and the blackness raced up his hand fast, reaching the middle of his forearm. "Urgh!" He exclaimed, his undamaged hand shooting to hold his arm as the pain spread. His knees bent slightly, weakened at her gaze. "Y/N--Y/N stop..." He winced, breathless. For a moment, Ms.Shiela stood by only watching curiously between the two. Eyes staying on Y/N, she walked to the vampire, grabbing his hand and studying the rotting flesh.
She then looked at the girl and studied her focused, angry face. "Y/N, please..." This time it was softer as he keeled over. She blinked at the sound of his voice, his pain striking through the veil of whichever enchantment the moon put her under, seeing Damon fallen to the ground, arm stretched, dying.

She sucked in a breath, eyes darting between each face."Holy sh*t...." She sighed, chest heaving and brows furrowing as her eyes landed finally on him. "Damon, oh my God." She gasped, taking only a few steps toward him.
But he held his hand up slightly, "No, no it's alright, I'm alright." He shook his head, pushing himself to his feet from his unhurt hand. "You did a really good job." He nodded, out of breath and shaking his blackened limb. The deadness lessened, bleeding from the tips of his finger with each shake. Finally he balled his hand up in a fist then stretched his fingers.
"Alright." Ms.Shiela sighed, nodding, "That was very impressive, Y/N." She said but Y/N crossed her arms moving her gaze from them.
"What, you think it isn't?" Stefan asked, stepping forward at her reaction.

She rolled her eyes before turning back to them, giving them a shrug,"It's scary." Y/N said, quicker than she thought, meeting Stefan's eyes then looking to Damon's. "That was..." She shook her head, glancing to the side wishing they'd just read her mind, "That was really bad. I hurt you." She said, glancing down at his arm,
"You did hurt him. But you also stopped," Ms.Shiela raised her brows,

"Yeah. What she said." Damon nodded and Y/N sighed.

"Look, Y/N. This is why we're training. Not even you know the extent of your powers. Your first time harnessing the moon's energy and you did this?" Ms.Shiela said, "And you stopped yourself?" She added, "Honey, I was about to step in but you had enough will, enough control, that you did it yourself. If it's not your species, it is clear you have an innate skill here, Y/N." she said,
"Seriously." Damon said and Y/N didn't respond. She let them say their assurances and their praises but not really hearing them.
"Tomorrow's the lake. I'm sure it'll be quite the sight." She smiled and Y/N let herself offer a similar look in return, but it couldn't reach her eyes. Ms.Sheila pulled her into a hug, "You're doing excellent, Y/N." She said, quieter and tightening her arms slightly before letting go. She brought her fingers up to Y/N's cheek then back down, "I'll see you tomorrow."
She sat on his bed, looking out the window as it rained. She could see the snow outside melting inch my inch.
"Hey," He spoke soft, fingers grazing her arm, "what're you thinkin' about?" He asked, reaching the back of his fingers to her forehead for just a moment. She looked at him, his fingers twirling that usual flyway then resting his palm on her forearm.

Her brows furrowed and she looked down at her hands."I can't believe I hurt you like that."

And at once clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You needed to train and I was more than happy to help. I gave you my consent, Y/N--"
"I know you did but it doesn't matter." She interrupted, turning from him and standing from the bed. She crossed her arms, "I don't..." She turned back toward him, seeing as he too stood from where he sat, "I don't wanna be capable of this. Of hurting you, of hurting anyone." She shrugged, "I felt... Like a stranger, last night. When I looked at you I was angry, more angry than I've ever felt. I wanted to hurt you." She said, and Damon's brows furrowed at that. But, it wasn't a discomfort she felt from him. Instead a curiosity. He nodded slowly, as if understanding exactly what she spoke. So easily he listened. And as she gazed into his eyes, kind and attentive, her brows pulled together, achingly as tears bit at her eyes. "I don't want this..." She shook her head, throat tight around her words.

"Hey, hey..." He whispered, stepping forward and reaching for her as small tears rolled down her cheeks. He drew her in, safe arms warm around her, "You won't have to hurt anyone, okay? I will do everything I can to foil that burden."
"But I've already hurt you." She whispered, head resting against his chest.

Damon pulled away, holding her delicate cheeks,"Learning to protect yourself doesn't hurt me in the slightest." He shook his head once, "So what's a little discomfort if it means you'll be more safe?"

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Look at me when I'm speaking to you." Carla said, her finger pointing in Y/N's face. Y/N looked up, brows furrowed and tears falling down her cheeks, "You're crying now?" She asked and Glenn sighed, shaking his head. Y/N glanced to her father seeing a look of disapproval toward Carla, but he said nothing, "Don't look at your father, look at me." Carla demanded and Y/N looked back to her mother, "I go to work every single day to pay for this house, to pay for the food on your plate, and you have the nerve to say you don't like it?" She asked, "Put your dish away and go to bed." Carla said but Y/N didn't move, "GO!" Carla yelled, and finally Y/N turned back to the dinner table and grabbed her plate. An anxiety, dread and stress piled within her so heavily. The plate felt a lot heavier than before. She turned back around to the kitchen, but dropped the plate,
"God, are you kidding me?" Carla sighed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes,
"I'm sorry," Y/N sobbed. Carla stepped forward quicker than Y/N could register and took hold of her forearm, "Get..." Carla started, pulling Y/N to the hallway, "Out of my face!" The woman sneered, tossing the child into the hallway and turning back to clean up the plate.
Her eyes opened to the dark guest room of the Salvatore Boarding House. A thin skin of sweat layered her body as she took a deep breath, replaying what her subconscious pulled out for her to see.


Such a specific memory. There was a tightness in her throat and then she felt the wetness around her eyes. Was she... Crying? And in her sleep...
"God." She sighed, shaking her head and sitting up. Her eyes scanned the room but she saw only the dream. The tightness in her throat didn't cease, her brows furrowing. It was so... Sad. She hated thinking about the time before her parents' wealth. There were too few good things to pick from the bad. Her mouth turned into a small frown and she let out a silent sob. Her body shook a little as she cried, as quietly as she could. Even if the Salvatore's could hear her, they'd get she was trying to be quiet. She sniffled and took in a deep breath. She sighed and wiped her eyes.



He knocked on the door as she walked out of the bathroom.
"Hey." He smiled as she pulled open the door,
"Hey." she said, turning back round and balling up her pile of clothes. She stuffed it into her duffel on the bed, "You're going?" She asked, zipping up the bag and turning around. He followed her in,
"Yeah." he nodded, "We don't need to though, honestly." He added quickly, "We can just do it tomorrow," he shrugged but Y/N shook her head,
"Don't worry." she said, "I'll be fine, you guys should go."
"Are you sure?" He asked, stepping closer to her. He reached for that piece of hair by her face, "It's really no big deal."
"I know it's not. And I'm sure." She lied, knowing she feared a fate similar like the last time both brothers left town for the day.

He nodded too, sighing,"Okay. I'm choosing to believe you." We raised his brows, "When's Ms.Sheila supposed to pick you up?"
"About an hour," she shrugged,
"Okay," he nodded, "okay." He said again and pulled her into a hug. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his torso, cheek against his chest, "Be safe. Text me how it is." he said and she fluttered her eyes closed for a moment,
"I will."

"I had a weird dream," she said, looking out the window as they drove down the empty road,
"Yeah?" Ms.Sheila asked, glancing over,
"It was so vivid. It was a memory from years ago with my parents..." Y/N shook her head, "I've had dreams that just, like, replay memories, but this one was weird because it was exactly how I remembered it," she shrugged, "it didn't feel like a dream. I felt like I was there, reliving it." She said,
"Hm..." Ms.Sheila nodded, thinking, "I think we should keep an eye on that. It could be nothing, but you've been meditating frequently, you're more connected with yourself... It's possible your higher self is trying to teach you something." The woman shrugged, "I'd say write it down. This one and any others you can remember. There may be a time when we find something in one of them." and Y/N's stomach twisted anxiously at that.

They stood at the lake's shore that cold morning. She wished she hadn't insisted Damon leave. Sure, Ms.Sheila provided comfort, support. But Damon was Damon. He offered that certain care that Y/N hadn't experienced before. Something she could rely on without doubt without angst. But it was too late. He'd left a little over an hour ago.
"Do the same thing you did last night," Ms.Sheila nodded, "feel the lake. Let it do the work." She said, the two of them looking out to the great body of water. Y/N nodded, looking at it's lengths, imagining its power. She stared at the water, the world in front of her slowly changing before her eyes. Instead of seeing a lake in front of her, a cliff on its other side, trees surrounding it endlessly... She saw just one huge land. She saw how the ground was still the ground, even if it was under the lake. She saw the lake before it was a lake. When it was small like a puddle. But it wasn't small anymore. It was a gift, right in front of her. She could build a home, right here if she wanted, and the lake would feed her, water her, wash her and love her. Everything she could ever truly need was right before her eyes. And she smiled. So wide. It was... It was almost adorable, looking at it. The way it rippled over the tiniest of winds, but could so easily take down a structure. There was something almost tantalising about it. And that spread a joy across her chest. It was like butterflies flapping their wings throughout her body at just the idea of the lake. And as she focused more, eyes staring at the centre of the lake, the water began to dip. It was so abnormal, her brows furrowed almost in fear. She could feel a certain pressure as the water dipped further almost like a whirlpool in the centre of the lake. Then, suddenly, it bounced back up maybe six feet. It splashed back down and a wave formed at its base, growing larger and taller as it neared the shore. The two stepped back as the wave rushed toward them faster and faster. Y/N looked up at the wave, maybe teen feet tall, and she gasped, covering her head. Though, as she looked away and forgot the pressure she once felt, the wave stopped in its place and fell, splashing Y/N and Ms.Sheila,
"sh*t!" She said, stepping back as the water reached her pants and her arms. She looked at Ms.Sheila who also got splashed, shirt and jeans a little damp, "aw, I'm sorry, Ms.Sheila," she said, brows furrowed. But Ms.Sheila shook her head with a smile,
"No need to be sorry, sweetie, that was very impressive," she said, pulling Y/N into a hug. The girl chuckled, holding onto Ms.Sheila comfortably and really believing her this time, "alright, well," Ms.Sheila shrugged, "that's all we really needed to see," she nodded, "don't have much time today anyway, but at least we know what kind of power you have with the water," she smiled and so did Y/N, "now we won't see each other for another week, but I want you keep practising," she said and Y/N nodded, "do those meditations, ideally when you wake up and before you go to sleep," she said, "let's go home," and Y/N followed her back to the car, feeling hopeful for the first time in a while.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She walked into her bedroom, eyes meeting with the bag of vervained accessories Damon gifted her a couple days before. A smile spread on her face at the thought and she walked over to her desk. She picked up the bag and took a seat on her bed, once more looking through her items. Then she saw that small envelope.
"Open the envelope last," she remembered Damon saying. But she had completely forgotten. It seemed he had too. She put the bag on the side and took out the tiny envelope. Opening it she saw four small papers inside. They were little photos. The smile on her face widened and she studied each one of them: Stefan and Y/N sitting in the living room in the Salvatore Boarding House. Stefan was opening Y/N's christmas gift to him and she was surprised she didn't catch Damon taking the photo. Next, a photo she and Damon had taken in his car. She remembered why they took the photo as well. Damon had picked her up and as she sat in the passenger seat, they noticed they had chosen essentially the exact same outfit. Too coupley to go out in public like that. Being right outside her condo, it was Y/N who had to go change. And quite honestly, Y/N should have known. Damon only had so many outfits anyway. The third was of Y/N and Caroline at her birthday. It must have been taken nearing the 1:00 am mark–she saw a few cupcakes on the counter in the back if she squinted. Fourth, was another of her and Damon. They had taken a photo at Mystic Falls Fields'. With 0.5 zoom, Damon had lifted his phone up high. He smiled softly with his eyes closed and Y/N leaned close to his shoulder, hands up and making the grace face. They were all so perfect. She stared at the last one for a few seconds, looking only at Damon's face. She caught herself though, and tore her eyes away, pulling her phone from her pocket. Cheeks sore from smiling, she opened her chat with Damon.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"I mean Mystic Falls' Fields' cute, we could do it there?" Y/N suggested with a shrug,
"That's literally perfect," Caroline smiled, "we'll bring a tarp and blanket to sit on, a bunch of cushions and covers to keep warm."
"We have a canopy tent in case it rains. Attachable sides for wind," Stefan offered,
"That would be amazing, Stefan, thank you." Caroline looked at him. Elena sucked in a quiet breath, though it seemed only Y/N noticed it,
"I have a couple duvets and covers, who has a tarp?" Y/N asked,
"I have a tarp," Elena said, "and a thick blanket to sit on. Not enough pillows though."
"I've got a few." Caroline said,
"Same. Food?" Damon asked.
"I'll make that greek salad she likes and my famous pizza margherita," Stefan said with a smile,
"Famous?" Damon asked earning a roll of the eys from his brother.
"That's perfect. Ooh, should we get drinks?" Caroline asked Y/N and Elena,
"Eh, I don't know," Elena shrugged,
"Yeah, she's not that much of a drinker..." Y/N thought out loud, "Maybe we get a couple six packs in case she wants any when we're back here?"
"Yes!" Caroline nodded, "Okay, I'm wanting to pick up everything from everyone's house and set it up Sunday, February 5th at 3:30 pm. That work for everyone?" She asked. Everyone nodded. "Good. And we'll let Ms.Sheila know the plan so she can make sure Bonnie's free..." she asked, "Plans to get her there for 4:15?" She asked the group.
"Well you and I were there for a minute last week." Damon shrugged, looking over at Y/N, "You could say you forgot something? Need her to drive you there," he suggested.
"Yesss, oh my god that's so good. Y/N, are you able to get her in the car by 4:00?"
"Yep." Y/N nodded,
"What about us?" Damon asked pointing between him and Stefan,
"You'll be here when we're back for pizza after sunset," Caroline shrugged.
"Okay, easy enough," Elena nodded,
"I'll text everyone the deets," she said, pulling out her phone. Each of their phone's buzzed or dinged with the text message from Caroline:
'Y/N - duvet + covers, in charge of getting bonnie there BY 4:15!!!!!
Stefan - greek salad for the picnic + pizzas for when we get back here
Damon - canopy tent + pillows
Elena - tarp + blanket
Caroline - pillows + set-up
Everything must be ready to go, by your front door by 3:30 pm SHARP on February 5th. Elena will be at the field at 4:00, and Bonnie and Y/N at 4:15-20. After sunset, we will come back to Boarding House'
It read. Very detailed, which Y/N found quite cute of Caroline.
"Wait, why do I need to get the canopy tent? Stefan brought it up." Damon asked, looking at his phone. Y/N chuckled at his argument.
"So he's supposed to cook us dinner and find the canopy?" Caroline started, "Anyway, is everyone feeling good about the plan?" She continued before Damon could respond. They all agreed.

Then, a knock on the door, each face turning to it. Damon stood from his seat and everyone quieted, listening in, "Who are you?" Damon asked a young girl who said nothing at first. It looked like she was out for a walk, wearing a light grey sweatsuit similar to Y/N's, and some headphones around her neck.

Once Damon stopped speaking however, a smile spread across her face. "I have a word from Ms.Pierce." She said and Damon opened the door slightly for her to come in, making sure not to specifically invite her. But the girl declined, "Oh, no worries," she said, "I won't be long. Ms.Pierce wished to say this in person, but she expects your preparation for her arrival at 8:00 am on the 6th of February." She smiled, pulling from her hoodie a letter. Damon took it, seeing a blank envelope with a white wax seal, "Have a good night," the girl smiled, glancing past Damon to the others for a moment before disappearing into the night. Damon narrowed his eyes at her back then shut the door.
"Katherine?" Stefan repeated, standing from his seat. Damon only sighed, opening the letter and standing between the two couches. Stefan peered over his shoulder, reading as well.

I've arranged an audience with someone necessary if Y/N is still in need of guard. I will be picking you up the sixth of February at 8:00 am at the Salvatore Boarding House. If you are unpunctual, you will be left in Mystic Falls. You'll be escorted back to Mystic Falls on the seventh of February.

Damon read aloud. He passed the small paper to Stefan with a sigh and left for the kitchen.
"Day after Bonnie's birthday." Stefan sighed, "A Monday," he raised his brows once at Y/N and she shrugged,
"I'm sure Damon can help my teachers understand," she nodded,
"Alright," he nodded. He looked at the letter once more then folded it back up and slipped it in the envelope. He handed it to Y/N. "Unfortunate timing but I need to run to the grocery store before it closes." he raised his brows once, "I probably won't see you all before you go, so... Bye." Stefan smiled at the three and walked down the hallway to the garage.
"God this is just so classic Katherine," Caroline huffed,
"You know her?" Y/N asked,
"She's the one who turned me," Caroline said in the same annoyed tone and Y/N raised her brows once at that.
"sh*t..." she said,
"Yeah she is." Caroline rolled her eyes, "She's always being this, like, weird and mysterious vampire. Like please, you're over five hundred years old, can we just give up this sham already?" She said and Y/N and Elena laughed.
"Alright what are we doing tonight?" Damon asked, walking back into the living room, drink in hand.
"I don't got anything planned." Elena shrugged, elbow on the back of the couch and head leaning on her palm.
"We could go to Bonnie's? Ms.Sheila's still in New York and I bet she's done with her witch homework." Caroline suggested,
"Yeah, let's do it." Y/N smiled and stood up, "Wait what about Stefan?"
"He's marinating some ribs tonight," Damon shrugged, "couldn't possibly tear himself away," he sighed and the three girls chuckled as he pulled his keys from his pockrt.
"You're driving?" Caroline asked Damon, standing up,
"Shotgun!" Y/N said quickly,
"Shotgun! Aw, dammit!" Caroline said and followed him to the Mustang.
"Wait, can you pull over here?" Caroline asked, and Y/N turned, glancing at her and then Damon. He sighed, pulling into the parking lot of Mystic Falls High.
"What are we doing here?" Elena asked,
"Sorry, I just need to get my cheer bag, I left it in the girl's locker room," Caroline said.
"Are you kidding me? Just get it on monday." Damon said, turning his head.
"I have to wash my uniform, duh." She said, "Come on, let's go." She said, bouncing in her seat and tapping the back of Damon's. He groaned under his breath and turned off the car, unbuckled his seatbelt and opened the door. Y/N smiled, pulling off her seatbelt too and met him outside. Damon pulled his seat forward letting Elena and Caroline walked out,
"You sure we can get in?" Y/N asked,
"Yeah, they've been leaving the bomb shelter classroom unlocked for years and Bonnie and I may or may not have found a 'tunnel', for lack of a better word, in the supply closet." Caroline smiled, walking across the grass,
"Tunnel in a bomb shelter?" Y/N asked,
"Yeah something about that doesn't exactly scream bomb 'shelter' to me," Damon shrugged and earning a snicker from Caroline. They followed the blonde to the classroom outdoors. She opened the door slowly and peered inside—empty as she thought. They went for the supply closet and inside, Caroline pushed the right wall panel a few times. It fell forward, showing a crawl space, tall enough to stand. Except Damon perhaps, though he needn't bend his knees too much. Not too narrow either and only a few metres long. "Can you push the panel back in?" Caroline asked, looking at Damon. He nodded, and Caroline walked pushed open another panel, this one opening to the boiler room. Y/N had never been in this place. They walked through the poorly lit room, air humid and smelling of chemicals,
"Damn," Damon said, his voice echoing slightly, "hasn't changed a bit since '74," he said, looking around disappointed at the equipment. Caroline looked over her shoulder at him and chuckled at his expression. She led them to the entrance to the office and turned right, undoubtedly going to Gym B. Gym B was much smaller. And Caroline always booked out the A Gym for their practice. It had better showers. Y/N didn't question it too much though. Perhaps Caroline couldn't book the gym that day. She found herself smiling, looking around the empty and quiet halls. It was like a dream. Seeing a place when you're not supposed to. And, who didn't like a little high school senior adventure? With the addition of Damon, of course. But Y/N certainly didn't mind.
"Okay," Caroline sighed, standing in front of the gym. She turned to her friends with a small smile and Y/N furrowed her brows, wondering what her friend thought. Caroline pushed open the door and held it open for Y/N first. As she looked around, the gym lit up with dozens and dozens of fairy lights. On the stage hung a huge sign with the number 18. It was filled with beautiful swirls of paint, looking trippy from afar. She loved it.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone exclaimed and Damon blew a kazoo. She gasped and let out a laugh, bringing a hand to her mouth.
"Oh my god!" She laughed, and so did Caroline and Elena, "Are you guys serious?" She asked, smiling so wide it was almost painful.
"We are. This is a very serious birthday party," Damon nodded, pointing his finger at her. She laughed and pulled him into a hug first,
"This is so amazing," she smiled, pulling away from Damon and moving to Elena, "I love you guys so much," she almost whined as she went to Caroline next. She turned to the stage,
seeing Bonnie and Stefan jump down. She brought a hand to her mouth. She let go of Caroline and jogged over to Bonnie, "oh my god!" she smiled, wrapping her arms around Bonnie, squeezing her tight. Stefan stood beside them and Y/N moved from Bonnie to him. He hugged back. "You are all excellent actors," she said, pulling away from Stefan and turning back to Elena, Caroline and Damon who followed her over, "and I'm truly shocked only Caroline is in drama class." She said, looking at Elena who wore a grand smile.
"Let's put on some music!" Stefan clapped, turning around and going to a speaker at the foot of the stage. He slipped his phone from his pocket and plugged it into an aux cord. He put on a playlist that had everyone moving the second they heard it. The music had quite a vibe. Whenever a Salvatore brother switched on a song it was always a certain energy. But in all honesty, she hadn't heard Stefan's music taste before. Or maybe he was just really good at matching playlists to environments.
"And," Caroline said, unzipping her purse and fishing for something in it, "in honour of your eighteenth birthday, an official adult... In some ways..." She sighed,
"Age of majority!" Damon clapped,
"Yes, age of majority. While it may still be illegal, we will all smoke this blunt tonight," Caroline said almost formally and pulling a dube tube,
"No way!" Y/N smiled, widening her eyes at Caroline,
"It's been on my bucket list anway." She shrugged and Y/N laughed.
"Yeah, and I brought another one because there's six of us." Damon said to Caroline,
"As you should have, being the stoner and all." Caroline sighed, "Anyway!" She clapped, looking at Y/N, "I believe a tour is in order... Now if you will follow me." She said, turning around, and leading Y/N about the gymnasium. "We have our lovely speaker setup provided by Stefan and his disco jockey connections." She raised her brows once, "A very humble cooler filled with your favourites of course," she said, showing Y/N the lamest looking cooler she had ever seen. It was huge, there was no denying that and it was full of her favourites, "And then the lounge," Caroline nodded, showing Y/N a beautiful mess of blankets on top of some cushions, "we used some of the thick mats from here and then added our cushions and blankets for practical hygiene," Caroline said,
"This is so amazing, you guys," Y/N said, making a fake pouty face at how cute this was, "thank you so much," she said, pulling Caroline into another hug, "and all of you of course. Another round of hugs," she said and hugged each one of her friends once more,
"Alright, are we smoking this or what?" Damon said, pulling away from her and looking at each face,
"Yes," Caroline smiled. Elena cracked open a can and took a sip and Y/N went over to the cooler to retrieve her beverage. The gym wreaked of weed in only a few seconds. Her stomach flipped at just the idea of smoking a joint in school, but here they were, as comfortable as if they were home.
"For the birthday girl," Damon said, handing Y/N the blunt,
"Thank you very much," she nodded, popping the tip between her lips.
"Oh, and don't worry, I've instructed Caroline to start small," he said, sipping from a flask,
"Mmm, good choice, good choice," she nodded. She glanced at the flask, "what, too-cool for these?" She asked, raising her can a bit and he rolled his eyes,
"Babes, you know I'd choose being sober than getting drunk off those," he shrugged and Y/N laughed, taking a final hit then passing the blunt to Damon,
"Alright, I am going to go dance with my friends, but I would love for you to join," she smiled,
"I don't really dance to this kind of music," he shook his head,
"'This kind of music'?" She repeated, "You gonna start calling us 'preps' too?" Her eyes narrowed playfully as he looked away chuckling,
"Isn't that a little too old-internet for you?"
"Hey, I had unrestricted access to the internet at a... To be honest, extremely inappropriate age. So in short, no. It is not too old-internet for me." She said in an amused tone and he laughed, shaking his head, "But come on," she said, "it's my birthday," she said with a smile,
"Technically, your birthday's tomorrow–"
"Damon, come on," she whined, reaching for his hand and pulling him to Stefan, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie,
"Alright, alright..." He rolled his eyes, letting her pull him closer to the group. Caroline turned to Y/N as she joined her dancing friends. They linked arms and turned to face one another. Then, as if a movie, a song sounded that each girl gasped at with joy.
The chorus hit and each of the girls sang the lyrics loud and funny. Even Stefan tried getting in a few lyrics but he was cut-off by his own laughter, seeing his friends having so much fun. Damon didn't seem to mind such a drastic difference in this music to his usual choice. He bumped his head and swayed his shoulders and torso like he had danced to the song a million times. And Y/N acted like she didn't feel his eyes on her each chorus. At least the spike it caused in her heartbeat could be mistaken for her dancing.


Damn babes who f*cking expected that? EXACTLY. And this is the thing… That f*cking birthday party is literally sooo iconic. It is literally the most iconic situation in the history of situations and what I’m scared of—No, what I FEAR, is that you just don’t get it.
Make sure you check out for visual resources and fic updates,
And as always ~~much love

Chapter 16: unease among the formers


“So,” Stefan sighed, setting his glass down on the counter, “how’s it been?” He asked, raising his brows once at his brother. Damon scoffed at this,

“Really? That’s it?” He asked, shaking his head and going for the bar as well,


“Haven’t seen you in a year, barely seen you since you got back,” Damon shrugged, “seen the trail of bodies though,” he said, quieter. He poured his drink,

“Yeah, well, things happen,” Stefan sighed, sipping his bourbon,

“‘Things happen,’” Damon repeated with a tone of amusem*nt, shaking his head, “breaking a plate, pouring old milk in a bowl of cereal and sipping a cold coffee that was once hot are things that happen,” he sighed, turning around and leaning against the bar, drink in hand, “leaving dozens of bodies across the Land of Liberty really ain’t one of those things that happen,” he shrugged, sipping his drink and Stefan rolled his eyes,


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

March 12th 2022

He creaked open the bedroom door, his brothers bedroom empty for a few hour now. Damon would hear Stefan if he came back. Too, Bonnie followed him in, only ever having caught glimpses of Stefan's room, her eyes took in every corner she could whilst Damon went for the cabinet by the window. Old shelves, like something one would see in an apothecary. He opened it's doors, reaching for a drawer at the very bottom.

"Alright," Damon said, standing up with a small paper in his hand. He stepped passed Bonnie, leaving Stefan's room for his. The girl looked around once more, eyeing the bookshelf she greatly wished to pick through, before following Damon, closing the door behind her. Only recently Bonnie had taken it upon herself to search Damon's bookshelf. Perhaps a month since she finished going through the entire thing. She found however most of the literature the man possessed, Bonnie had seen at home. Placed on the shelves by her grams before the girl was even born. That or the books were simply written in a language she hadn't yet learned.

"You have everything you need?" He asked, walking to his expensive desk in front of the window, clearing off it his laptop. He placed a photo upon the table and stepped away.

"Yes, Damon." Bonnie sighed, reaching into her tote and pulling out a few candles. She neared the desk, smiling lightly at the thick picture. Lexi. Bonnie had met the woman once and while indeed a vampire, Lexi held a certain honesty that Bonnie knew was rare to come by. Her unwavering faith in her old friend Stefan, her impossible forgiveness for Damon. Just how many others Lexi might have helped was a question Bonnie would need to ask had she the chance.

No way Damon would no. But she did speak again, "How old is she?" She asked, placing down her three candles in a honey orange around the photo.

"Uhh..." Damon started, making a funny face as he thought, "She was born in 1659..." He said,

"Three-hundred and sixty-three." They said in unison,

"Yep." Damon smiled tightly.

The girl looked away, down at the candles. Her hand raised, hovering atop the wicks before, "Incenda..." She whispered, waving her hand smoothly over the candles. Flames hugged each wick her hand floated over, and no matter how many times Damon saw it, it always pricked a fascination. He stayed quiet, far though nearby, letting the girl do her job. Her eyes closed and she took a deep breath, arms relaxing by her sides. "Duces lucis et pacis, ostende mihi quem quaero..." She muttered, and only with Damon's hearing did he know what she said. A certain energy flew about his room, he couldn't deny. It manifested a small anxiety within his stomach, spreading warmly up his chest, "Hoc industria provideo ego invoco ductu," She continued and Damon narrowed his eyes at her words, understanding few. She asked for guidance. She asked for someone to be shown to her.

Bonnie sucked in a breath and at once shut her eyes. Her head hung back slightly though eyes wide as she gazed upward. Bonnie stood in silence for a moment, eyes darting from place to place quicker than even Damon could see. "It's busy..." She finally said, taking a few more deep breaths. "Very busy... And she travels alone." She said, describing a movie only she could see, "Gratias tibi, vale." Bonnie nodded and relaxed her neck, looking forward once more.

She sighed, looking down near defeated or perhaps just disappointed. She let out a snort, shaking her head and casting away the flames on her candles. "Busan." Bonnie raised her brows once, looking at the man waiting near impatient.

"Busan?" Damon asked and Bonnie shrugged, "Well, great." He scowled, turning for his liquor cart and pouring a cup at once. "You want one?"

"What? No, when have I ever said yes--"

"Alright, alright!" Damon put his hands up in surrender before sipping his beverage.

Bonnie sighed, "Still gonna get her?" She asked, picking up her dried candles and shoving them in her bag.

"We have to." He shook his head, putting the stopper in his decanter and placing it back in the tray, "Any details, though? How long she's staying there? Do we even have time to meet her?" He asked, looking at Bonnie.

"You know how it works Damon." She shook her head, earning a defeated toss of the eyes. She studied him for a moment seeing the stress in his body language. The hand held tightly around his glass and his short, stressed breaths. "Look," she started, glancing at the dark floor then back at Damon who looked forward, at nothing in particular. "I can do the spell a couple times a day, alright? Message you if anything changes." She offered and Damon looked over at her,

"Okay, yeah." He nodded, "Yeah, thank you." He said.

She smiled, "Flights are cheap right now. You should book sooner rather than later." She stepped forward, "The visions didn't feel urgent."

"Alright." He nodded.

They stood in silence for a moment, Damon's eyes distracted at what would be next while Bonnie waited expectingly. "So, you gonna drive me home? Or..." She finally said.

"Oh, right," He downed the rest of his drink, "Sure."

"Wow, thank you so much for finishing your drink before getting behind the wheel." She raised her brows once, following the man to his car.



"I appreciate everything you're doing, Bon-Bon. I know you Bennett's don't owe us anything." He said, looking out the windshield, then to Bonnie,

"Us Bennett's?" She asked, raising her brows and earning a smirk,

"Alright, you witches as a whole." He said and she smiled,

"Glad we're on the same page." She nodded, "And... Call me soft-hearted," she shrugged, opening the door and walking up to her house without looking back.

Damon snickered as he shifted into first and pulled away.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Caroline." Stefan said with a smile unlike Caroline had seen from him.

She sighed, crossing her arms. "Stefan."

"I have since realised my ill mannered form yesterday." He nodded, "I wished to come here and apologise face to face and convey that I am especially delighted to see you again." He smiled.

Her brows pulled together, lips tugging awkwardly at his verbiage. "Why are you talking like that?"

"Please, Caroline, a majority of my life was spent using this language. Forgive me if it's this generation's casual disposition regarding emotional conveyance that I find less comfortable." He shrugged and at that, Caroline rolled her eyes and turned around. Though, she left the door open behind her, letting the man follow her in.

He met her in her bedroom, walking in with a small smile lifting his face. Since the last time he saw her room, she had completely redone it. Perhaps it was for her seventeenth birthday. He missed that one. It was over six months ago. He looked around at furniture all pink or white. Rounding her bed and pulling back the white tulle curtains, the Camellias were blooming behind her window. He turned to her dresser on the right, looking at a few photos she pinned up. He saw one of her, Bonnie and Elena. One of her and him, and one of him and Damon.

The corner of his mouth twitched upward in a smile that almost reached his eyes before he looked away. "Lovely." He said, turning to her with hands in his pockets and posture perfect. He glanced her up and down, noticing the girl hadn't gotten ready yet. She wore one of those floral cami and short sets that he always found so sweet. Stefan would always ignore her whenever she'd slip from the guest room wearing them. But now, he didn't have to. Her hair was tucked into a clip and her curtain bangs brushed her temple. Though, despite being still dressed for bed, she had done her skincare routine, he could tell. Her cheek, brow and nose had a certain glow against the sun as she looked at him.

"What, you come here for a tour?" She asked and he chuckled, stepping toward her.

"I came here," he sighed, sitting before her on the bed, "to visit my dear friend Caroline." He said, a certain light in his eyes she hadn't seen directed toward her before.

She looked away and shrugged, "Well , I'm not exactly in the mood for company with a stranger."

"Stranger ?" Stefan raised his brows and looked away, "Phew, Caroline... Harsh words, I must say." He said in a voice slightly amused, "Come on..." he shrugged one of his shoulders. He reached forward, "We're not strangers, Caroline." He smiled, playing with a strand of her hair. She looked at him, brows furrowed. Her eyes darted to his hand then to his eyes and she sighed, shifting uncomfortably,

"Just... Stop it." She said, pushing his hand away and standing up. She tucked her hair behind her ears, hands landing on her traps in soothe. Her hair fell back forward as she walked to the other side of the bed, putting a distance between them, "How can you just do this?" She asked, crossing her arms receiving but a sigh in response. "Elena has been searching for you for months, Stefan. Months." She enunciated, "And I know for a fact you haven't seen her since she was at your place a couple days ago."

"Caroline, she was tracking dirt all around the house and using me as an excuse for it." He shrugged and Caroline scoffed, "You can't expect me to want to see her after that . It costs like six grand--"

"That's completely besides the f*cking point, Stefan!" She exclaimed louder than she expected and gesturing with her hands and he chuckled, belittling.

"Then please enlighten me, Caroline."

"God, Elena spent every single day since you left trying to find you." She shrugged,

"And I guess I'll ask you too. When did I ask her to do that?" He narrowed his eyes and the girl sighed.

"You didn't." She shrugged, "And that is the point." She said, defeated. She shook her head and sighed, "You need to leave."

"What?" He near laughed, "Care, I just got here. Let's get some coffee or something--"

"No! I don't want you here! I need you to get out of my house." She said, arms tightly crossed over her chest as she stared into his chestnut eyes. He huffed, amused with an annoyed smile and stood from the bed, leaving her home.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Pack your bags, we're going to London." Damon said, taking hold of Caroline's upper arms and moving her to the side before walking through her home as if he owned the place.

"Damon!" She exclaimed, eyes widening as she watch him turn into her room. She followed him in, seeing Damon already comfortable in her bed. He laid on his back, arms behind his head and legs crossed, just waiting for her to pack. "Damon, what the hell are you talking about?" She asked.

"Well, I only really need you accompany me to Busan, but I gotta stop by London, so... You're coming along." He shrugged and her face twisted somehow further with confusion.

"Sorry, what?" She asked,

"Look blondie," he sat up at once, "Stefan's humanity is off and Lexi is in Busan. You and I need to go find her and bring her back." he said, sitting up and she crossed her arms,

"And you can't take this trip to London another time? Damon spring break ends in like a week--"

"And you will be back in time! Maybe you'll miss a week--"


"But no more than that! Look, Care, I need a favour and it'll only be done in London, alright?" He shrugged, waving his hand.

The girl only scowled, glancing to the side for a moment before, "Fine. When are we going?"

"Flight's in six hours, Richmond airport. I'm leaving in two."

"God, okay..." She nodded, "And how long will we be gone?"

"I don't know." He shrugged. Her face wound up again with consternation. "Alright, alright!" He said before she argue, "A week and half. Two, maybe."

She rolled her eyes, going for her closet and pulling from it her pink duffel. "Why are you asking me ?" She asked, "Why not literally anyone else? Why not go by yourself?" She asked, turning now for her dresser.

"I trust you the most." He shrugged like it was obvious,

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Nope." He said, pulling on his coat,

"Damon, you can't just drag me to London then leave me in this apartment." She crossed her arms.

He sighed, something mix slightly with a groan as his arms dropped to his sides. He looked up then back at her. "You wanna come with?" He asked.


"The only way you can come is if you're my partner." He shrugged,

"Your partner?" She asked, brows furrowing,

"We can't just bring our friends into such a classified environment, Caroline." He rolled his eyes, "Even bringing our partners is frowned upon but, hypothetically, you would be the only person in my life who would be permitted knowledge of this workplace." He shrugged

"Ugh, fine." she said,

"And you need a dress. We'll stop by LV in Mayfair." He sighed, "You bring a purse?"

"No, Damon, you didn't mention a high-class gathering as something on our to-do list."

"Alright. We'll get you a purse too."



"Mr.Salvatore!" The man exclaimed, turning away from the woman he spoke with and walking toward Damon. Caroline smiled at the man who neared, glancing a few times at her friend close by and the stranger.

"Mr.Congreve," Damon smiled, reaching for the man and embracing seeming as old friends. Though, Caroline had never heard Damon speak of such a man.

"Lord, time has flown too long." Mr.Congreve sighed, and though it was a sigh, his voice was still loud. He pulled back, hands on Damon's shoulders, "Surely it is no coincidence I am meeting you here." He said, ignoring the blonde right beside the man he spoke with,

"You know me too well." Damon chuckled and Mr.Congreve laughed a booming laugh. "Selfishly, however it is a favour I seek your presence for."

"Ah, yes, yes of course." Mr.Congreve said, wrapping an arm over Damon's shoulder and walking down the grand hall, forgetting any interaction prior to his old friend. Caroline scoffed at the man who ignored her further and watched the two depart down the hall.

Though, Damon turned to look at her. "Sorry..." He mouthed. She shrugged, tossing her eyes and turning left to the bar.

Mr.Congreve led him to the elevator, and pushed floor 10. The highest room and too the room only one level up.

"How long has it been?" Mr.Congreve asked as the elevator doors slid shut,

"Three quarters of a century," he shrugged and the man chuckled, this time quietly now that he stood in front of only Damon. The doors slid open to a hallway empty though just as grand as the floor below and Mr.Congreve took them to the very last door on the right, showing Damon to his familiar study. It had been over seventy-five years, but little had Mr.Congreve changed of it.

"I've heard the unease has travelled all the way to the West," the man said, walking to his liquor cart. He pulled down an expensive bottle of amber, "still take it the same?"

"Certainly." Damon smiled and so did Mr.Congreve, "Unease, you say?" Damon questioned and his friend shrugged.

"Oh, the usual. I personally find it of absolutely no import," he shrugged, "though, no matter." He sighed, "What is it you must ask of me?" He asked, turning around and handing a crystal glass to Damon.

"Thanks." Damon raised his brows once. He took a sip and sat in one of Mr.Congreve's chairs, "I know you don't owe me anything, Edrick. This favour is not expected and I have complete understanding have you no interest--"

"Please, Damon," Edrick waved his hand, urging the man to just ask.

"You remember my brother, Stefan?" He asked,

"Mm... In the 20's he was on that binge." Edrick nodded,

"Yes. Same thing's happening now," Damon sighed

At this, Edrick's brows furrowed. He sighed. "Christ..."

"Now, there's this one woman he met along the way and I don't know why, but she can get through to him in a way that I can't. In a way that no one can."

"So you need me to find her?"

"No, no. I already did." he said, "What I need, is for you to put her in your index. If I need to find her again, I don't wanna have to rely on a witch." He said and Edrick laughed, this time loudly as if he was in front of the guests just downstairs.

"Ah, yes." He nodded, "Witch's are of the most fickle of species." He sighed, sipping his smooth drink, "Of course I'll keep an eye on her, Damon. In all honesty, you could have asked me this over letter and I would have agreed." He smiled

"Yes, well... I felt like I owed you more than a text." and Edrick laughed at that,

"Well, go on. Tell me the woman's name."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"It really is fancy seeing you here." Damon smiled, stepping in front of Lexi.

Her smile fell at once as she recognized the eyes gazing into hers. "Damon." She sighed.

"I'll keep things short. Stefan's on another ripper binge so you're gonna need to come back to Mystic Falls with us." He shrugged and Lexi scoffed,

"Are you kidding me, Damon?" She asked, standing from her seat. "How could you let that happen?" She asked, shoving his shoulder. Her eyes shifted to Caroline's for a moment then back to Damon's. "Hey, Caroline." Lexi said politely, still glaring at the man.

"Hey..." Caroline smiled sheepishly.

"Look, it's not my fault, Lexi. Are you coming or not?"

"Goddamn it." She sighed, turning to the bar once more, "Another, please." Lexi raised her hand at the bartender with a smile, "How long?" She asked, glancing over her shoulder,

"November last year." He shrugged and she scowled,

"And I'm assuming you've exhausted your efforts? Elena too?"

"Obviously. To be completely honest I started looking for you since he left. You're a difficult woman to find." He sighed,

"Good." She said, nodding to the barman as he set down her drink, "I'll go back with you, obviously..." She said, "I've got some things back at the apartment, though,"

"Yeah well, the sooner the better." He sighed flicking his fingers in a circle as if she must hurry. But the woman only smiled tightly before downing the rest of her drink. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and walked past Damon and Caroline, departing the crowded party.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"So," Damon sighed, sitting down on the chair and crossing his legs on Liz Forbes' dinner table, "What's the plan?"

"Ah, well..." Lexi shrugged, "I'm probably just gonna knock on the door and ask him to turn his humanity back on." She said, pulling on a second layer and flipping her hair out.

"Seriously?" Caroline asked face bewildered.

"Yeah, girl. He's like my oldest friend, he'll let me stay even if i'm annoying him about it." She shrugged,

"And you don't think he'll respond to your presence by just running away again?" Caroline argued, and at that Damon's ears perked.

"Hmm," He mumbled, "I think Caroline's right."

"Thank you." The blonde gestured the man before landing her eyes back on Lexi.

"Yeah. I think you should just go in there guns blazing." He said,

Caroline nodded, "Yeah--Wait, what?--"

"No, Damon." Lexi shook her head. She looked around for a moment then sighed, "But I'll meet you in the middle."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"So..." Stefan sighed, setting his glass down on the island, "How's it been?" He asked, raising his brows once at his brother.

Damon scoffed at this, "Really? That's it?" He asked, shaking his head and going for the bar.

Stefan smirked. "What?"

"Haven't seen you in a year, barely seen you since you got back." Damon said, "Seen the trail of bodies though..." He shrugged, pouring his drink.

"Yeah, well... Things happen." Stefan sighed, sipping his bourbon,

"'Things happen'..." Damon repeated, voice wrapped tight with amusem*nt, "Forgetting to compel a victim, coming across someone wearing vervain and learning you neighbour's a witch are things that happen." He scoffed, leaning against the bar, drink in hand, "Leaving dozens dead across the Land of Liberty isn't really one of those things." He shrugged.

Stefan said nothing. Only looking blankless at his older brother, as if expecting more. But nothing came from Damon's tongue. "Anyway," Stefan sighed, "You say you've barely seen me this year as if you didn't just come back from a trip away from Mystic Falls." He shrugged.

"What are you talking about?"

"'Blondie' or, whatever you call her, isn't great at keeping secrets."

"She told you?" Damon asked, stepping forward.

Stefan smirked, downing the rest of his drink. "Told Elena. Though, I'll give Caroline credit, she didn't actually mention you. Just a trip somewhere... Put two and two together."

"Well that's very good to know." Damon nodded, too downing his drink.

"Where were you?"

Damon rolled his eyes. "London."

"Interesting..." Stefan nodded, eyes wandering off for a moment as he thought of something. Something deep, Damon could tell, the way his brother's gaze narrowed, calculating.

"Is it an 'unease' that you think of?" Damon asked and at once Stefan looked forward.

He nodded, "Something's in the air." His voice was grave, unlike Edrick, who too mentioned a certain unease. "How do you know of this?"

"Edrick. He mentioned something in passing." Damon shrugged, "How do you?"

Stefan shook his head, "I was passing through Chicago. Maybe a month ago--two." He started, "I was heading back to that dank apartment in the Southside... Stopped for a bite to eat. So, I'm looking for dinner and the one man I choose has got a vampire friend in town, and he's walkin' down the same block." Stefan's eyes narrowed. "I kill the guy, easy. He's human. This other guy, he's strong. Our age, maybe a little younger but he was trained like Juvenile."

"Already strange." Damon shook his head,

"I know." Stefan nodded, "So, I take him away, question him. Tells me he is a Juvenile but refused to identify his sector."

"What?" Damon asked, straightening.

"I don't know, he wouldn't tell me. His mannerisms, his speech... Katherine's Juveniles don't act like that. Doesn't matter that they're on the border." He shook his head, eyes stern.

"Who am I contacting?" Damon asked without a doubt.

"Write to Edrick. Katherine, even."

"No. I hate her..." Damon whined, rolling his eyes.

"My God, you are such a baby." Lexi's voice sounded.

Stefan whipped around, eyes meeting with her in an almost relief. He smiled for amount, letting it reach his eyes. "Lexi..." He said, just above a whisper.

"Miss me?" She smiled, furthering into the room. But slowly, that smile upon her friends face faded and finally, he rolled his eyes.

Stefan turned to his brother, "Was this you?" He asked, gesturing to the woman then his brother.

"Huh?" He asked, face wound up utterly baffled. "I haven't seen her in like fifty years. Give me a break." He rolled his eyes.

"Please, as if you and the girls haven't been trying to find me this whole time--"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Lexi stopped next to Stefan. "Here's what we're gonna do," she started, "you," she pointed to Damon, "are gonna leave us alone." Then with a smile, "And you need to pour me a drink. I'm exhausted." She sighed, turning around and taking a seat at the breakfast table.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

February 5th 2023

"Poppy flowers, Deadly Nightshade, Aconite, Henbane, Alchemilla Mollis and Vervain, of course." Y/N smiled pulling out a jar for each she listed, "And this is just some sea salt." She shrugged, pulling out a final large jar. On a relatively slow saturday just a few weeks prior, Ms.Sheila delivered a small list of items while Y/N verified their order. Seemed the woman stopped by on a good day, Mary-Elizabeth walked out of the back room just as she set the list down.

At once Y/N's old boss began stepping about the shop, taking jars down from shelves high and low as she found each of the things Ms.Sheila listed. Now, in return for a generous discount, Mary-Elizabeth simply requested one of the jars be from her.

Y/N smiled, agreeing without reluctance, no matter the surprising ask.

Caroline and Elena showed off their gifts too. Caroline chose a large crystal plate and beautiful sphere in rose quartz. Elena had chosen a handful of beeswax candles, each of them a honey shade Y/N had seen at the Bennett house before.

"When are you linking?" Caroline asked Y/N.

She pulled her phone from her pocket. "I'm going to hers in..." Y/N started, glancing at the time "Exactly one hour."

"Okay, and you'll be in the car by 4:00 pm?" Caroline verified,

"Yes, Care, don't worry." Y/N chuckled and Elena smiled.



"Thank you for this, it has literally every note I need for the Physics midterm." Y/N sighed,

"Girl, why would you bring it there?" Bonnie laughed and Y/N chuckled,

"I don't know, obviously I wouldn't if it were under normal circ*mstances..." Y/N fibbed, "But Damon was like, oh, we're nearby let me show you..."

"And what, you needed to do physics homework right then?"

"Oh my god! " Y/N laughed, leaning over and nudging her friend, earning a laugh, "Look, he was helping me study, okay?"

"Helping you study, huh? Yeah, Mackenzie studied just last week--"

"Will you--Oh my God!" Y/N laughed, throwing her head back and covering her face as her friend laughed out loud too.

Finally the vehicle slowed, the south parking lot quite empty. For a moment Y/N's belly jumped as they walked through the forest, nearing the Fields. She couldn't wait to see the look on Bonnie's face.

"Okay, where were you guys sitting?" Bonnie asked as they approached the clearing. But Y/N said nothing, only widening her smile as she gazed upon the wonderful set-up Caroline perfected.

Bonnie looked up, curious at her silence then followed her cheerful eyes. "What is that?" She asked and Y/N raised her hand.

"Happy Birthday!" Caroline and Elena yelled from afar, voices quiet over the light breeze,

"Happy Birthday!" Y/N shrugged one of her shoulders, looking at Bonnie,

"So, no physics book?" Bonnie laughed,

"No physics book! Come on, let's go!" Y/N smiled, wrapping an arm over Bonnie's shoulders and walking to the tent set-up in the middle of the field. Caroline and Elena met them in the middle, each of them embracing one another for a moment.

"You guys are so cute. Thank you so much for this." Bonnie smiled, settling down upon the pile of a dozen pillows and comfortable blankets. The girls followed close behind, moving the cushions to their liking and pulling the thick blankets up for warmth.

"Now in here..." Caroline started, opening a cooler for some fresh water while Elena pulled out the large bowl of salad Stefan created.

"And Stefan's Greek salad," Elena smiled.

"Yes." Bonnie sighed, eyes closing and neck relaxing back in triumph.

"The sun's already setting, so the show will begin momentarily." Caroline smiled earning chuckles all around. Y/N and Elena pulled out a bowl for each of them as well as their utensils, setting up their pre-dinner meal.

"Welcome to the eighteen club." Y/N said, handing Bonnie her bowl and fork.

"Thank you very much," Bonnie nodded with a smile, "This is so perfect, you guys. I love you all so much." Bonnie almost pouted and her friends smiled wide, leaning in to embrace one another again, and certainly not the last time they would. They relaxed into the cushions, eating their portions and watching the sky unfold before them. Swirls and waves of pink and orange slipped in and out of the white fluffs. A golden light gleamed from the sky as their part of the Earth turned further and further away from the Sun. The light dropped below the horizon, only a thick stripe of orange where it once lingered.

"God, it's so beautiful." Bonnie sighed and Y/N smiled, eyes stuck to the sight. Light pattering sounded on their tent, and the girls were taken from the view. They looked up at the noise, then forward once more. Against the darkness of the loblolly pines they could see rain, faint.

"And this is why we have Caroline," Elena nodded, gesturing to the tent and pulling up her covers, "She will think of every timeline involving any type of interference of a good time." She said and the girls burst out laughing.



"Is that..." Bonnie slowed to a stop, peeling off her damp hoodie.

"Stefan's, apparently 'famous' pizza margherita? It certainly is, darlin'," Damon raised his brows once. Bonnie chuckled, hanging her garment on the side and nearing the man. "Happy birthday, Bon-Bon." Damon smiled truly opening his arms for the girl.

She gave him a quick hug before, "Thanks, Damon. I appreciate you." She said, pulling away and patting his shoulder twice before walking to the kitchen. Elena and Caroline nodded to Damon and followed Bonnie through the house, but Y/N lingered back for a bit.

"Hey." He smiled at her,

"Hey." She said, immediately going in for a hug,

"How was it?" He asked, not letting her go just yet.

"It was good." she smiled,

"Was it raining there?" He asked, pulling away.

"Yeah, but we left in time." She nodded, linking their arms and strolling for the kitchen. They entered just in time to see the adorable delight on Bonnie's face as she stood next to Stefan, looking at those 'famous' pizzas. She stood on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms over his shoulders for a hug. She pulled away and went for the sink to wash up after Elena and Care.

"Do you need anything?" Y/N heard Caroline ask Stefan, and at once, though she tried helping it, her eyes raced for Elena. Her chocolate eyes darted away from the two and she went for the dining room.

"Pizza's are just cooling," he said, glancing at them then back to Caroline "I'll be good, but thanks." He nodded.

"Okay, I, uh..." Caroline started again as Y/N and Damon followed Elena to the dining room, "Everything's just in my car, if you wanna help me put it away? I don't know where everything lives," Y/N heard her say as she took a seat,

"Yeah, sure." Stefan said. He stopped in the dining room entrance, "Care and I are gonna put everything away, but the pizza should be cool by the time we're back." He raised his brows once and each of them muttered their own remark..

Y/N peered behind her, out of the dining room just in time to see them leave the kitchen, and turning back, Elena's eyes lingered on them as well. She wore a certain look, the same exasperation she'd seen when Stefan spoke with Caroline. This time, Elena didn't hide that irritation like she normally did. Instead it stuck upon her face like a locked mask with a thrown away key. Quickly she stood, passing Bonnie back to the dining room, grabbing something from the cabinet.

The speaker, Y/N saw as the girl placed it in the middle of the table, connecting her phone. "Here, Bonnie." Elena handed the birthday girl her phone to choose whichever playlist she liked. "I need to ask you guys something." Elena started as the music sounded. "I need to know what's going on with them." She nodded behind Y/N, speaking of Stefan and Caroline no doubt. But no one made a sound. Only moved their eyes from Elena's to each other's. And it seemed that's all she needed. "God." She scoffed at their reactions,

"No, Elena--" Y/N tried,

"Look, we all know what he did without his humanity, but I need you guys to tell me if there's something up with them." She said, and though trough a voice trembly and upset, the girl was stern. Her eyes were hard and her face almost angry.

Sure, since their breakup he and Caroline had been more friendly in that he was no longer nervous in her presence. He'd speak to her, reply to her, laugh at her jokes unlike he would. And Caroline was Elena's best friend. She just simply wouldn't do that.

"Alright, well, if no one's gonna say it." Damon shrugged, adjusting in his seat. The girls all turned to him, Bonnie and Y/N's face perhaps the most shocked of the three to hear what he might say. "Stefan and Caroline definitely have the hots for each other and if we're being honest?" He shrugged, "They'd be more functional than you and Stefan were." He nodded.

"Damon!" Y/N exclaimed, pushing his shoulder.

"What the f*ck?!" Bonnie spat, eyes wide staring in shock at him.

Elena's mouth dropped slightly and she sucked in a breath, "Uhm..." Elena said, looking at the table, shaking her head once and darting her eyes.

"Elena, don't listen to him. Caroline would never do that to you." Bonnie said,

"Yeah, Elena, Bonnie's right." Y/N said then turned back to Damon, "What is the matter with you?" She hissed at him. He furrowed his brows as if he didn't care the severity of his claim,

"Well, Caroline would never get on with him with your explicit permission of course, so no worries there, Elena." Damon added.

"You are such an ass," Elena shook her head, standing from her seat and walking out of the dining room. Y/N turned, watching Elena walk through the kitchen.

"God, Damon, why would you say something like that?" Y/N asked, looking at him, shrugging with disappointed. He looked at her but before he could say anything, she and Bonnie stood and followed Elena.


oooo quite the lore we got going on here... Okay... Okay... How are we likin' it so far? Any feedback is greatly appreciated, so if you have time please leave a comment sharing your thoughts :)

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as always ~~much love

Chapter 17: it's not right


Faint music played from somewhere she didn’t know. She heard notes of a piano and strings of a violin in a melody she found familiar but couldn’t name. They walked through the excellent room, passing an impressive monstera. She followed Katherine further. After another hallway, lined with beautiful and expensive looking paintings, they entered Katherine’s kitchen. Y/N had a rough idea about what Katherine's primary residence might look like. Though, she had only seen the woman that one time prior, so, how right could she really have been? Nonetheless, Y/N thought she had the faintest idea of who Katherine was. However naive that may be. She expected Katherine to be a woman of dark luxury. Maybe it was the outfits, the cars, the chauffeurs. Though, she wasn’t upset to discover such a beautiful home that she’d have the fortune of residing in for the night.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The three of them stood outside, awaiting Katherine's chauffeur. Just as the letter said at 8:00 am on the dot, two black SUV's slowed before the Salvatore Boarding House. The back windows were tinted dark. So much so they may as well have been painted.

Each driver stepped out of their vehicle and rounded the front. The second driver stayed by his car, standing with perfect posture in front of the back passenger door, perhaps awaiting someone's arrival. The other driver however reached for the back door, opening it for
Katherine certainly.

The woman emerged from the vehicle and stepped toward them. She wore an outfit pretty against her. A black tank hugged her impressive physique, some sweatpants low revealing her golden skin. Skin that still held a paleness, Y/N could see. Her hair was held in a ponytail, hair as straight as Elena's and no flyways.

"The ride is long." She started with a sigh, stopping before the three, "There will be no stops in a drive totaling four hours minimum."

"Four hours?" Damon asked in disbelief, glancing at Y/N then Stefan then back at Katherine.

But the woman only rolled her eyes. "Yes, so, go to the bathroom, get something to entertain yourselves," she said, waving her hand, and turning back to the SUV, "Oh, and..." She stopped, turning back for a moment, "Y/N rides with me."

Both Stefan and Damon scoffed, though only one of them spoke. "No way." Damon smirked, but Katherine didn't mind.

"She rides with me or I leave you all here." She returned Damon the same smile then climbed back into her car. The chauffeur shut the door and returned to his stance, awaiting Y/N, they now knew.

"Four hours..." Damon repeated just above a whisper as he turned away, walking back inside. Y/N recalled everything she packed in her bag, knowing all the entertainment she'd brought as well as the energy bars she'd packed.

But the girl turned around too, hitting the bathroom fore their journey.

As she lingered at the Boarding House those few minutes, Y/N wondered just what Katherine might question her. Surely that was why the woman insisted her private attendance. She hadn't anything to say to the old vampire and couldn't imagine Katherine having anything of interest for her.

Stefan already sat in the back of the second SUV when she arrived back out front, Damon had yet to return. So the girl waited for him by the door, knowing he'd want to say goodbye... Knowing she wanted to say goodbye. And finally he walked through the door, a bag Y/N hadn't seen him fashion before over his shoulder.

He glanced between the two SUVs before turning to her. "Text me if you need anything." He said,
Y/N nodded, "I will." And quicker than she knew, Damon pulled her into a hug. His hands pulled against her upper arms, and he drew her near, enclosing her within his space.

The girl smiled, wrapping her arms around him they stood for just a moment. Saying goodbye, maybe good luck. He most certainly wished her good luck for her four hour trip with Katherine Pierce. But finally he pulled away, hands reaching for hers for a squeeze. "See you in four hours." He raised his brows and leaned forward, pecking her on the cheek before leaving for his ride.
She shook her head at his affection, turning to her own with a smile wide on her lips.

The chauffeur opened the door for her and she took a seat, noting Katherine typing quite quickly on her phone. Only when the door closed did the woman turn off her device and look at the girl.

She took a minute in silence however, letting Y/N look about the vehicle for a moment. Dark but for the dots upon the ceiling in a warm white. Expensive detail, she thought, noticing there was nothing more Y/N to really looking at. The windows were completely blacked out, no way for her to see their route to Katherine's home. A divider rested between them and the driver too, and while strange Y/N felt as the driver stepped into the car and when he buzzed the engine to life.

"How sweet of him." Katherine finally broke their silence.

Y/N looked over, finding the woman quite relaxed in her seat. "What?" Y/N asked, bored already whatever she might have to say.

Katherine smiled, "Damon, of course."

But Y/N only rolled her eyes, trying to look right out the window, meeting with only darkness.
And when Y/N said nothing, the old vampire spoke again. "Well, he's just so clearly in love with you... I find it quite sweet." She shrugged.

Y/N's stomach flipped and she turned to Katherine, seeing amused cold eyes. "What?" Y/N asked,

"You mean to say you haven't noticed?" Katherine almost laughed, "I mean, from that interaction alone, I could see the certain radiance in his eye..." She giggled but Y/N scoffed, bewildered,

"He's not in love with me, Katherine." Y/N chuckled, shaking her head and again looking at the pitch black window. Anything but the dreaded woman next to her.

"Really?" She asked, "Because I could have sworn th–"

"You're seriously telling me after five hundred years this is the only kind of conversation you've picked up?" Y/N's eyes snapped to Katherine's, matching her haughty stare.

The woman huffed in amusem*nt and looked away, "Curious." She said, but Y/N didn't respond, "You obviously know what I speak is true, however you refuse to engage in conversation with me about it."

Katherine said and Y/N took a deep breath, trying to calm the spike in her heartbeat, "Maybe because you think I'll drop it or, perhaps, there's a part of you that worries he doesn't think of you as you wish." The old vampire said and Y/N's stomach tightened with angst.

A warmth rose to her cheeks at her words, but she only shrugged. "You don't know me." She said quietly earning a small laugh.

Katherin sighed. "Well, we mustn't remain soundless for the entirety of this journey. I would speak of those... Salvatore's."

"What's there to talk about, Katherine? You were selfish, you made them turn and now you all have a weird relationship." Y/N shrugged, "I don't really care to hear the rest."
Katherine laughed, "You cannot possibly understand the story have you not my perspective." Katherine chuckled, "surely you have some interest in what happened?" She almost teased.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Beyond the blacked out windows, the vehicle slowed before a wrought iron gate. Ahead for however long, a gravel road with bright green grass sprouting where tires never touched. Dense brush and verdancy filled the human eye for miles and miles. And even in the eye of a vampire they'd see only such verdure.

Perhaps five minutes later they slowed to a full stop, Y/N felt the engine wane and the driver step from his seat. Katherine's door opened first, bright afternoon shining into the vehicle. Y/N's eyes slammed shut and she winced away, blinking as she once more got used to the sun. Then the man rounded for Y/N's side. Still squinting, she stepped from the car upon tired legs. Almost sore from the long journey, she stretched out her knees as her eyes travelled upward. She scanned a magnificent house before her, towering ninety, maybe hundred feet. It seemed to have two levels, a curved roof planted perfectly—not that Y/N could see, of course—and windows with wooden grilles stretching the height of the structure.

"Thank you, Warren." She heard Katherine say, watching her hand a Benjamin to the driver.

He nodded, folding the note within his palm. "Have a good evening, Ms.Petrova." He said, offering a small bow before returning to the driver's seat.



Katherine stepped past Y/N toward the pair of tall french doors letting the girl follow close by. They stepped into a huge hallway, Katherine turning right at once, so used to the wonderful sight. But Y/N lingered, however, craning her neck to gaze at the excellent furniture, the impressive ceilings.

Funny. She'd usually find herself calling the height of ceilings in the Salvatore Boarding House absurd. Or, rather, the size of the house in its entirety. Though, there was no urge to describe this place as such. Perhaps it was just the entire change in aesthetic she appreciated.
A velvet couch in a stunning emerald green rested on the wall opposite her with two matching chairs sat on either side. Plants surrounded the seats, she saw, though as she peered longer about the room, she noticed plants in each direction she looked. Just how long it took to water all of them was a question she didn't want to know the answer of.

Arches of glacial green with white trim panelled the sage green walls, and the tile floor of an expensive brown marble; each slab too large to be of average price.

"Oh, come on." Katherin groaned, "I don't want you getting lost." She said and Y/N once
more met Katherine's irritated gaze. With a small roll of the eyes, she followed the woman where she stood at the end of the hallway and followed down the couple steps.
To the living space, Y/N presumed.

This room had a variety of furniture, each piece sat low to the ground in shades of browns or greens and made of leathers or velvets. The air smelled fresh and clean, as she strolled past impressive plants or, trees she may as well call them. She kept close to Katherine, travelling through the beautiful room. Faint music played from somewhere she didn't know, notes of a piano and strings of a violin played a melody she found familiar but couldn't name.
And they walked through the excellent room, Y/N in utter wonder while Katherine strolled so
casual. Further, they stepped into another hallway, lined with beautiful and expensive looking paintings before entering indeed Katherine's kitchen. Y/N had a rough idea about what Katherine's primary residence might look like however, she had only seen the woman that one time prior. Seeing just how she decorated her home proved to Y/N she hadn't the faintest who Katherine was. However naive it might have been to think she did.

Y/N expected Katherine to be a woman of dark luxury. Maybe it was the outfits, the cars, the chauffeurs. Though, Y/N certainly wasn't disappointed to discover such a beautiful home that she'd have the fortune of residing in for the night.

The kitchen they stepped into was long, the ceiling curved and with frosted windows. A long island rested in the middle of the kitchen and counters lined the walls on either side. Katherine walked to the fridge on the right and the girl caught a glimpse of dozens of red bags each with a visible O stamped on their label. Nothing more to refrigerate.

She pulled a bag and uncapped it before turning back around and meeting Y/N's gaze. She sighed. "I, uh..." Katherine pointed behind her with her thumb, "I forgot you need food."

Y/N snorted, shaking her head, "I brought a few energy bars. It's fine."

Katherine shrugged, "Okay... Do you want, like, water? Or something?"

"Uhh, sure." Y/N nodded.

Katherine filled a glass of water from the sink, soeaking again as she passed Y/N the cup, "I've arranged a meal for this evening but nothing more I'm afraid." She sighed and Y/N took a sip of her water. Of course Katherine didn't have any human food.
"No worries," Y/N shrugged, "can't really blame a vampire for not having food."

"Exactly." Katherin said, not caring enough to argue.



"Why are they taking so long?"
"Different routes," Katherine shrugged as they sat in her living room.
Y/N looked around the living room again, quietly wishing it was hers. She thought of walking in for the first time only a few minutes ago, seeing the amazing house standing so tall. The brighht sun as she stepped from the vehciel. Too she thought of that driver and just what he called Katherine. "Why'd the driver call you Ms.Petrova?" Y/N asked and earning an irritated sigh.
"So many questions..." Katherine mutter under her breath,
"Nothing. Why do you think so?" She deflected and Y/N held back a scoff, only shrugging.
"Fake name?" She suggested,
"Hm." Katherine nodded, "Decent guess though frankly, it is the opposite." Katherine said, sipping thick red from her glass. Y/N's mouth twitched slightly at the sight. "I was once the lowborn Katerina Petrova. Daughter of Antoni and Nadejda Petrova. At times I miss them much." Katherine said, not an emotion Y/N could read waved off her lips. "I've been Katherine Pierce for..." She start, looking off to searching for the number before nodding, "Five hundred, twenty-four years. There was a time when using Petrova wasn't safe. Now it's Pierce that isn't."
"We're here." Damon's voice echoed from the hall. The brothers met Katherine and Y/N in the living room, strolling in a taking their seats as casually as Katherine did. Seemed the two had witnessed such an estate. Damon chose the seat next to Y/N while Stefan the chair next to Katherine. Damon's familiar eyes met Y/N's, lingering longer, greeting her unlike he would perhaps had they not been there.
"Stefan, I heard about you and Elena..." Katherine started, "So truly grievous." She leaned forward and placing a hand softly on his thigh, "Might you need anything, time can always be made for you." She smiled. Y/N's attention was pulled away at once, her lip tugging in utter disgust as she watched Katherine, listening to the poison lacing her words.
Stefan's mouth twitched too, "Get your hand off me." He muttered, not looking at the woman. Katherine only smiled as she pulled back her hand, relaxing back into her seat satisfied.
"Always so dour." She sighed. The guests stayed quiet, letting an awkwardness stew. She turned to them, at once changing the subject. "Don Eyague Ladrón will arrive on the morrow once the sun is at its highest," Katherine spoke again, unbothered at any of their reactions,
"Eyague? What business does he have here?" Damon scoffed, earning naught but a narrowed glare from Katherine,
"You will refer to him as Don Eyague or he'll sell your heart to his whor*s who perform so-called magic." She sneered. Y/N's mouth dropped slightly and her brows furrowed at Katherine's language, "He is a very dear and old friend of mine so you will show him the respect he deserves."
"And how is Don Eyague supposed to help?" Stefan asked.
She sat silently for a few moments, trying to find the words. "One would think owning whor*houses round the globe would bring only money and violence. However," Katherine shrugged, looking off with an inspired expression. She sipped her blood bag. "His harlots have been a great investment. To us he brings news that without them may have been near impossible to reach." She shrugged, looking at each face in the room.
Each wore a look of slight bother. "They're called sexworkers, Katherine..." Damon said, trying to ease the awkward tension filling the room,
"From what I've seen..." She said, raising her brows once. She sighed "I questioned each juvenile in my sector, a few of them many times over. However, I could only find truths among my allies and friends. Don Eyague was one of few friends who had anything to share." She sipped the bag once more then stood, "As I said he shall share it all on the morrow. Now if you will all please follow me to your rooms."



She turned to follow Stefan and Katherine out, but his hand wrapped around hers, and he pulled her back. Her cheek met with his fit chest, and his arms wrapped around the top of hers,

"Hey," he said just above a whisper, holding her against him. She smiled, wrapping her arms around his torso,

"Hey," she said, just as softly. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, feeling his familiar warmth and hearing his steady heartbeat,

"How was the ride here?" He asked, still holding onto her,

"It was fine," she shrugged in his arms, "she really loves talking," she sighed and he chuckled, bringing his hands to her upper arms and finally pulling away. He looked down at her for a moment, playing with a piece of her hair by her face. The piece of hair he'd always play with. God she loved it when he did that... The corner of her mouth twitched into a small smile, awaying the thought.

"I was worried," he said, eyes on her lips but finally he gazed into hers again,

"About what?" She tilted her head,

"I don't know," he shrugged, "I'm just glad it was fine," he shrugged again and her smile widened slightly, "oh, also, did Katherine pick up food for you?" And she sighed at that,

"Unfortunately not,"

"sh*t," he sighed, looking to the side,

"It's fine, I brought a bunch of energy bars,"

"Still, I should've brought you something," he shook his head, "I'll ask her to get you groceries," he nodded,

"It's okay, Damon, honestly. I heard she's making dinner tonight and I packed enough for breakfast tomorrow."

"Are you sure?" He asked,

"Yes." she nodded,

"Okay, well I won't make this mistake again," he raised his brows once, "I promise," he said, hanging his arm around her shoulders as they turned to walk out.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Katherine was quite generous with the rooms she offered. They would rest in rooms next to one another, each as tall as that ridiculous living room and with furniture just as grand. It was just after 11:00 pm and the rain had picked up again. It flew against the tall windows, fogging the corners of each wooden grille. Y/N sat on a king sized bed beneath two layers of expensive cloth, comfortable after perhaps the most luxurious meal she'd ever experience. As the four sat at an expensive and old table, they were served an impressive crown roast of lamb while several different sides filled the rest of the table. Sautéed, roasted or charred, Y/N saw a dish of radishes that waved off notes of garlic, asparagus wrapped in pricey cured meats, brussel sprouts garnished with pears and pistachios and too many others she just had to try.

She wished greatly that Katherine had arranged for another meal. But like the woman said, only dinner would Y/N get to experience. She paused her cartoon, replaying the meal in her head once more, loving each minute of it. Then, her eyes gazed about her given room, fingers, touching the butter-like sheets against her skin. The bed was warm against the coldness seeping through the single-pane windows.

For a moment Y/N wondered why a rich vampire like Katherine would have such old-fashioned windows. Though, it didn't take too long to answer her own question. A satin, Jacquard duvet rested over her in a light green, cream lace trim adding all the more coziness. Her pillowcases matched and rested against a tufted crown top headboard in gold. And Y/N felt like a true princess. The floor was honey oak, a few intricately designed rugs of different greens or reds scattered the floor. An old vanity rested in front of the windows with a grand mirror perfectly clean. On the left of its surface, an assortment of beeswax candles, different heights and widths. On the right, a few books. Plants littered the rest of the room along with a couple antique lamps providing a warm glow. The two bedside tables had a bankers lamp on each with nothing more. It was just so stunning. Y/N thought of what Katherine's own bedroom looked like. How big it was compared these guest rooms, how different would the furnishings be.

Then came a knock at her door.

"Come in." She called, knowing it was him.

Damon walked in, closing the door behind him at once but the man said nothing. He looked at Y/N's bed, eyes moving around as he struggled to find the words.

So she spoke first. "What's up?" She asked, setting her laptop to her bedside table and lifting the covers off of her. She scooted near the edge of the bed, waiting there for his answer.

He looked up to her eyes, then looked away. "I've, uhm..." He shook his head for a moment, "I've come to the realisation that you can't be here." He finally said, not meeting her gaze.

"What?" She almost chuckled.

"You need to leave, Y/N."

"Can you... Elaborate?" Y/N asked, a laugh tracing her last words, face wound with confusion,

"Y/N, Katherine is bringing the owner of globally famous brothels here. Tomorrow. " His eyes were wide, wishing she'd hear him, "She's invited a world-class pimp to stay here--"

"Yeah, to help me," Y/N shrugged, "to help us. I doubt this Eyague--or, Don Eyague--will even notice me. I'm sure he's got bigger things to worry about." She almost laughed, finding difficulty in taking him seriously. Because, of course Y/N didn't want to meet this Don Eyague. No matter his esteem, no matter his power. But Katherine said specifically that the man would help. Had she wished to pawn Y/N off, she had plenty of time to do it before Stefan and Damon arrived.

"It doesn't matter." He argued, "I don't want him near you."

"Damon, do you even know him?"

"Certainly know of his work." Damon scoffed and at that she really did laugh,

"And I know of yours!" She said, "How many people have you killed, Damon? How many bloodlines have you ended?" She shrugged, "But I'm supposed to feel safer around you than this man who's coming tomorrow?" And he scoffed under his breath at that, "Look, I don't really wanna be near him either, but I'm apparently on some watchlist because this Elias Tyrell character is completely f*cked." She said.

He knew she wouldn't be leaving. Yet he argued more, "I don't care. We're taking a chauffeur and going home. Now." He said, stepping over to her bed, "Let's go." He placed a hand under her arm and pulled her lightly,

"What? No, Damon, no." She said, wiggling her arm from his grip as she stood next to him. They stood before one another only a foot apart. Her brows were pulled tightly together, lips tugging upward as she looked at Damon, face wound with utter distaste at his reaction, at his touch.

"Yes. Let's go." He repeated, putting his hand on her back and pushing her to the door lightly.

She tried to turn back around but his hand flattened on her back, pushing her a little harder, "No, Damon... Stop it--"

"You stop. You're going home." He said and in a tone as if he was annoyed.

"Ugh, Damon... Stop..." She said, trying to move away from his push as they neared the bedroom door. But the girl had no choice but to follow him along lest she made things physical. Or... Or maybe just vocal. "STOP!" She exclaimed, pushing the side of his chest with force she had never used before.

He stumbled away, only a little, before looking at her again with a face wound in annoyance. "Why are you being so stubborn about this?" He asked rudely,

"I'm not being stubborn. You are." She pointed at him. He looked at her finger then back up to her eyes.


Never had he spoken to her like that and never had she, him. And why? Because it was unsafe? With Elias Tyrell on her mind, Don Eyague was the last person she worried about.

She looked at the man, the vampire right in front of her, "Look, you are allowed to feel as though a situation may be unsafe and I do understand your intentions here. But you are not allowed--ever--to put your hands on me like you just did. Do you hear me?" She asked, and his eyes shot down to the floor, "Do you hear me?" She repeated, louder.

"Yes." He nodded "I'm sorry." He added quickly, glancing back at her.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever." Her head shook, turning away from the man for a moment, letting them sit in a silence as she thought of how to further her point.


"No, I want to speak." She said, holding a hand out to stop his words. "Do you think," she started, "that I wanna be here right now?" She asked, giving him a shrug. He said nothing. "Sure, dinner was nice, so is this house, this room. But I am also the only human in a house full of vampires. The only reason I'm here is because someone wants me dead." Damon looked away at that, taking in a breath, "And you saying I shouldn't be here, that it's not safe for me to be here... That's not really helping." She said, voice quieting, a tremble threatening to tighten her throat.

"Y/N, I hear you, but I can't..." He shook his head, eyes darting from hers as he bit his tongue.

Her brows pulled together, breath hitching at his words. "What, Damon?--"

"I can't just allow this!" He exclaimed, "I can't have you feeling any more grief, do you understand?" His brows furrowed too as he stepped forward, shrugging at her like it was obvious. "No more grief, no more hurt..." He said, stilling nearing her.

Her stomach flipped, butterflies jumping up her chest and she sucked in a quiet breath, studying those eyes, piercing blue. Then it was... It was him again. Not the man who tried to get her to leave, near uncaring for her challenges. It was just Damon. Her ally. Her companion. Her... Friend, she guessed she could say. She studied his face for a moment, as he slowed mere inches away. His brows knitted together as the back of his fingers traced her cheek, "I can't let it." He spoke softly, pale eyes fluttering down to her lips.

How greatly she wished he'd just forget the danger she might face. Forget any of his argument and simpy close the space between.

And it seemed he read her mind.

His fingers touched under her mandible and as she sucked in a breath his lips pressed to hers. Her eyes closed as she once more felt those perfect lips upon hers as they were that night after the theatre...

And it was so right. So true. He tasted of peppermint and bourbon and Y/N certainly preferred that old liquor taste on his lips rather than from a glass. And in just that moment it was as if his doubt and her fear melted entirely away between them. Melding one another together.

It was so good.

Relaxing against him, opening her mouth for him like he'd tasted her countless times before. A warmth rose within her like all she needed was this trigger for everything to come crashing down.

His thumb brushed her delicate visage and his left hand met her waist, walking her backward against the door, hungry and demanding.

Her skin kissed the old wood and he pressed his safe, strong and rugged body against hers. And it was truly like a switch flipped. Whatever desire and lust they had buried away those months before indeed nothing could get in it's way now. Without hesitating he kissed down her chin, along her jaw and down to her neck. He sucked a small love bites in her skin, nothing too deep but, for a moment, Y/N thought the twist of her skin was him... Biting her.

And while a certain fear swelled in her heart, it left just as quickly. For she knew Damon would never do that to her. Instead she felt the crown of her head pressed against the door and she let out a breathy moan as his touch sent a pulse down her body, to her sex.

And like he knew just what he did to her, Damon kissed sweetly up her neck once more and he was back on her lips again. His hand slid up her waist, just under her breast while he traced his thumb to her chin. He pulled away from her once more, swiping her bottom lip. For just a moment, it seemed as though he calculated something. As if he wished to stop himself before his desire chose his path that night. Seemed he'd live the latter with her that evening. His eyes dipped into hers then back to her lips before he pulled her backward with him. Lips planted on hers, tasting her tongue desperate and craving, he spun them around just as the back of legs felt her bed.

And, he laid her down. Smooth sheets chilled against her back and all the more reason to arch herself and feel his body sliding atop hers. His hand travelled down her body, squeezing at her waist and--just like she wished he wouldn't--he pulled away with a sigh that told her he felt just as much reluctance. He stood at the edge of the bed, touching his fingers to his lips for a moment as he caught his breath. Y/N huffed, moving herself to kneel before him, nearly matching his height. Her palms reached for his traps; left hand tracing up his neck, her thumb lining his perfect jaw while her right slid down to his clothed chest,

"I can't..." He whispered, closing his eyes and enclosing her hands with his,

"What do you mean?" Y/N breathed, kissing his cheek, impassioned, "Why?" She whispered, pressing her lips against his again. And as she did he kissed her back, wrapping his hands around her upper arms and pulling her close, savouring her lips.

"Mm, f*ck..." He heaved, tearing himself away again but only slightly. He let his lips brush against hers, "We can't..." he shook his head slightly, "It's not right," he said, bottom lip brushing against her top lip,

"Of course it's right..." She whispered, leaning forward to capture her lips only for him to tease her, ducking away like he was hard to get.

"Not yet." He whispered too against her soft lips, capturing her once more and this time for much longer. And she felt his energy so greatly right then. Like her heart was literally being pulled to him right before her. Her stomach flipped over and over again, the butterflies overwhelming. But he grabbed her wrists, pulling them off of him and he stepped back, looking at her up and down.

Finally, after too long, he sighed and looked to the right before turning around. He strode to her door and opened it, disappearing into Katherine's home and leaving Y/N kneeling on the bed breathless, gazing after him.


omg slayyyyyy.... yasss..

Chapter 18: Don Eyague


“Well, despite its tragedy, I’ll say you’re lucky it was one of his underlings rather than Elias himself,” he said and Y/N’s stomach flipped. Lucky? “Never liked that man,” his head shook and Katherine walked back in, in hand a crystal glass of dark red,
“When did you meet him again?” Katherine asked, handing him the glass,
“Thanks, dear. It was 1437’s winter,” he said, “a cruel one I remember,” he shrugged,


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

A part of him knew this wasn't where he should be. He should be at Elena's. On his knees and just begging for forgiveness. Offer her anything it would take for her to trust him again. Instead, he stood in front of her this early Summer morning.

"It's fine, Stefan, you weren't really—"

"Me... I know." He sighed and shook his head, "I..." he said, looking to the side then back at Caroline, "I'm sorry..." He said, "I'm so sorry Caroline."

She sighed, "Just... You shouldn't be here." Caroline said and at once he felt a part of his heart tighten.

What was he doing there? Back to his regular feeling self, and it was this girl's doorstep he happened upon first. "You're right." He nodded, taking a step back. His eyes tore from hers and the man turned around, saying nothing more as he stepped from Caroline's property. And he turned right, back to his house. Too, however, towards Elena's. And Stefan knew Jenna wouldn't be home just then. Part of him, no, all of him knew it was wrong to go now. Now that only Elena was in the house to open the door. He wouldn't give her the chance to shake her head 'no' to Jenna from the top of the stairs, just out of sight.

But he needed to see her. He needed to apologise again... He would do anything. So he stepped up the stairs to Elena's front door and gave it a knock. She was in her room, he heard. Sighing, she stood from her bed and walked downstairs. The door opened and that kindness in her eyes fell slightly, "Stefan." She said just above a whisper,

"Elena..." He studied her face. He hadn't seen her this closely in so long,

"Uh-uhm..." She shook her head, crossing her arms and avoiding his eyes, "What do you need?" The girl asked, spreading a sudden anxiety, warm in his chest.

"I, uh... I want to talk to you--I need to talk to you."

And at that she sighed. She nodded for a moment, "I know you do, Stefan... But you need to give me some time." Elena shrugged, voice smaller than before, tightened around a cry.

"Of course," He nodded, "I'm just... I'm so sorry, Elena." His brows furrowed and those chestnut eyes filled with regret.

Elena shook her head at that, "It's hard for me." She said, "You say that you're sorry but... What you did, it's... It's like you cared just enough to hurt me. And Caroline."

"Elena, I—"

"No, just listen for a sec, okay? Please." She put her hand out, "I know that this wasn't done with any... Any 'calculated malice' as Damon would say... I know that you weren't yourself." She nodded, speaking as if she needed to reassure herself, "But she's my best friend, Stefan. You said it yourself, you were finally letting the feelings you masked come out. And I understand the human mind is a complex device especially when you add a hundred and seventy years to it... So," she sighed, "I get it. You're sorry. You didn't mean to. I just need time." she shrugged and he nodded,

"Yeah... Yeah."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It still rained, pattering loud against the faded windows. She reached for her phone, seeing 06:03.

And at once she remembered.

Remembered his lips on hers longer than ever before. Her fingers reached her chin as she stared at the sheets, remembering his hands on her. The way he held her tight and close, his hands gliding so warmly up her body. She sucked in a breath, feeling a few butterflies growing within her. It felt so good... His chest sliding against hers as he held himself on top of her. How she tasted that expensive liquor on his tongue.

She let her eyes flutter closed once more, letting out a sigh as she thought of last night over and over, drifting again into rest.



Strolling through the living room, that beautiful piano still played, though a different melody than before. She looked right, hearing it came from somewhere she didn't know. Her eyes narrowed through the endless leaves and stems, hoping to find the music's source. But the room was too big, or the piano concealed too well. She shrugged and walked down that hallway lined with expensive paintings, meeting only Stefan and Katherine in the kitchen. Each face turned to Y/N as she walked in and she flashed them a quick smile,

"Good morning." Katherine smiled all knowing,

"Morning," Y/N raised her brows once, walking to the end of the island and leaning her palms against the cold marble.

"Did you enjoy your night?" It seemed Katherine teased, tilting her head.

Y/N only took a deep breath, ignoring the sudden anxiety and plastering a fake smile on her face, "It was great, yeah," she nodded, "never stayed somewhere so luxurious."

Katherine smiled too, "I may have given you the best of the three rooms." She shrugged, pushing herself from the counter and walking past Y/N into the hallway. Stefan cleared his throat and followed Katherine out, offering Y/N a small smile as he passed.

But Y/N lingered for a minute, standing at the end of the island and just feeling every thought within her.

Where was Damon? That was certainly her first thought. What he was thinking, her second. She sucked in a deep breathed, relaxing her neck as gazing at the curved roof. Rain patter down, echoing about the room. Calming, she could say, indeed compared to the man she would meet in but an hour.

Finally she turned and followed the two back from where she came.

This time as she stepped into Katherine's living room, she noticed two more bodies. Attendants, they acted, wearing basic and shapeless linens, keeping their eyes down. Y/N chose her seat in a low chair, green corduroy soft under her hand. Wherever Damon was, she was somewhat satisfied she didn't have to see him alone right then. Something about him saying it wasn't right struck something in her. What exactly was it that he waited for? It wasn't right, when did he think it would be?

Its entirety wrapped and ick around her, something certainly needing sorting the next time they were alone. Perhaps Y/N was no longer nervous to see this Don Eyague. Indeed, in a certain way, she was eager for the man's arrival.

"Damon." Katherine called, taking a seat on the same chair she did yesterday. Suddenly the piano stopped, seeming in the middle of a quite impressive show. Y/N heard a familiar sigh, then saw Damon strolling just from where that piano sounded.

Her brows pulled together, the girl hadn't heard Damon play before. She didn't really know he he did at all. At least not that well. Damon flopped in the chair across Katherine, legs at once stretching impolitely upon her expensive oak coffee table. He clasped his hands behind his head, and let out a sigh.

But Katherin scowled, "Urgh, will you please." She leaned forward, pushing Damon's feet from the table.

"Hey!" He said, extending his arms all puzzled.

"Have you forgotten basic formalities? Grow up. Sit up." Katherine rolled her eyes and so did Damon while he fixed his posture.

After some time the piano sounded once more, this time accompanied with a violin and much more quiet.

And at 12:00 pm on the dot, Y/N saw the three vampires turned their heads to the main hallway. Each of them stood, and the girl followed. At once a wave of angst shot down her spine, unknowing what exactly she'd see or hear.

Only Katherine stood from her seat and Y/N heard her take a few, unfamiliar deep breaths as she left for the front door. An uncertainty or nervousness that Y/N felt it unlike Katherine. The woman opened the door and from afar Y/N heard Katherine greet this Don Eyague, exchanging small conversation in perfect Spanish. The two laughed as they neared the living room, quieting as they stepped down the stairs. The tall man next to Katherine sighed and looked between the three. As he neared, Y/N took her time to study the man. She knew he'd tower over Stefan and Damon even as he walked across the room. He had a lean fit, but was clearly shaped. She could see a faint outline of muscle through the sleeves of his pin stripe, double-breasted suit jacket. His honey-brown eyes gazed into hers for only a moment as he studied the three, but even by that she saw a certain oldness, no matter if he looked a man in his 40's.

"Don Eyague." Stefan smiled, stepping forward with arm extended, "My name is Stefan Salvatore, it's an honour to meet you ," he spoke in Spanish, earning a smile from Don Eyague.

"You as well." He nodded, shaking Stefan's hand,

"Damon. Nice to meet you." Damon smiled tightly, offering his hand as well,

"Mm/" Eyague nodded, shaking his hand for less time than Stefan's, "And you, Dear?" He asked with a smile, looking past the brothers to Y/N,

"I'm Y/N. It's an honour to meet you, Don Eyague," She smiled, wishing he didn't notice her wicked heartbeat and extending her hand just as the brothers did.

The man smiled and stepped forward, comforting and kind, "The honour is mine." He nodded his head as he took her hand, and Y/N didn't quite know how to feel about it. The man then turned for the seat next to Katherine's. Each of them waited for him to sit before returning to theirs,

"As you know, Don, the girl is in hiding from Elias Tyrell," Katherine spoke at once,

"Indeed." He nodded,

"Would you be so generous to share your findings with these three?"

"Of course, Katerina." He smiled, reaching for her hand and giving it a small squeeze, "Have you a drink?"

"Oh yes, of course." She nodded, "Tara," Katherine turned for the nearest Attendant. Without hesitation Tara stepped forward.

"Have any of you had the misfortune of running into Elias?" Eyague focused on the three as Katherine asked for his drink.

Stefan shook his head, "Not that I can remember."

Damon shrugged, "Nope."

"Only one of his workers," Y/N said and each face turned to her. Her eyes glanced at Stefan and Damon, landing finally on Eyague.

"That's right..." He nodded "I heard he had sent a few lackeys to the West... It was Gillian, I believe, who swept the East Coast for you." His eyes narrowed slightly at the girl, "I imagine it was unpleasant?"

"Unpleasant is definitely one of the words I'd use." She shrugged, nodding and Eyague chuckled,

"Well, despite its tragedy, I'll say you're lucky it was one of his underlings rather than Elias himself." He said and Y/N's stomach flipped. Lucky? "Never liked that man." His head shook and Tara walked back in, a crystal glass of dark red in hand for each vampire.

"Remind me when was it you met him?" Katherine asked,

"It was 1437's winter," He said, sipping his drink "a cruel one I remember... At least for his fellowship. Which had grown quite impressively, I'll be honest. What some would call a village, in fact. But the man did not consider something as simple as the cold." He raised his brows once, "And sure he preferred his followers to be of vampire blood, but there's always a need for a witch or a human, somewhere. And despite carrying sixty-six years under his belt he acted like a boy, " Eyague recalled, lip tugging with disdain, "apparently he had quite the imagination as a child, yes. All his followers whom he befriended within the century of his birth could all speak to these brash ideas of his," he shrugged, "however this one in particular has been proven to be quite potent," he said. The four stayed silent, almost eager to hear this 'brash idea'.

"Politics," Eyague sighed and at that Katherine's brows pulled together,

"Politics? " Stefan repeated,

"That's like the only thing more boring than immortality," Damon's brows furrowed,

"My thoughts exactly, Bleeder," Eyague pointed to Damon. Y/N glanced over to catch Damon's face drop slightly at the name, but Eyague continued, "he's had the idea for quite some time. However it was only in 1983, I believe, that he truly started gaining sympathy for his cause," he shrugged,

"It's a mummer's farce," Katherine chuckled, shaking her head, sipping her drink,

"Maybe once," Eyague sighed, looking to Katherine, "whether we care to admit it, he's accumulated quite the alliance," and at that, her brows furrowed again, "I killed maybe two of his in your sector, Katerina," and Y/N saw her face drop, but only slightly, "and even I know it's not your fault," he said softly, reaching for Katherine's hand again. They smiled at each other, and he gave her hand a squeeze in reassurance,

"How could he so easily plant his guards here? Without a true whisper among any of us?" Katherine asked and all three studied her for a moment. Even Y/N found her uncertainty, lack of awareness odd. No matter her power even this Elias character undermined her.

"This is the question, darling," Eyague sighed, looking at each face in the room,

"So ,what, he wants her for his regime?" Stefan asked,

"I believe it's his only focus," Eyague nodded,

"He'd have no other use for her," Katherine suggested, looking to Eyague,

"What use does she already have?" Stefan asked quickly. As he heard what he said he turned to Y/N, "No, I mean like..."

"It's fine, Stefan," she smiled, "he's right. My powers, or whatever, aren't anything remarkable and it's impacts are too general," she shrugged,

"Yeah, that's what I mean," Stefan nodded, looking back to Eyague and Katherine,

"But with the right training?" Eyague asked her, "I imagine if Elias succeeded in his capture you would face power you could never imagine" he shrugged and Y/N's brows furrowed,

"Why not use a witch?" Damon asked,

"From what I've heard," Eyague said, glancing at Katherine, "you don't tire as a witch would. So it won't matter how long it takes to train you, not really. Not when your energy remains unaffected unlike any other supernatural being."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"I feel like that was a waste." Stefan sighed, relaxing in his seat and eyes moving around as he thought.

"Why?" Damon scoffed "We know his motive," he shrugged,

"Which could have been summarised in a letter," Y/N added and Stefan pointed at her with an open palm in agreement, looking at his brother,

"Exactly. I just don't know if it was worth a four... Eight hour car ride." He sighed and so did Damon, "His name is so familiar though..." Stefan said, leaning against the headrest, "Elias Tyrell... Elias Tyrell... God, I swear..." Stefan shook his head and looked at Damon, "I'm sure I've seen him somewhere. Or heard of him."

"I know what you mean..." Damon thought, "I mean, we very well could have," he shrugged, "you certainly could have. Memories in the first half of the 20th century ain't all that reliable," he shrugged again. Stefan sighed, his elbow propped onto the window sill, cheek resting against his balled up hand. They sat in silence for a while, until Stefan once more spoke up,

"I wonder why we didn't just arrive in this," Stefan said, his left hand touching the leather seat next to him.

"Yeah..." Damon said, furrowing his brows. He looked at her and she at him, finally, "She wanted you." He nodded, toward Y/N "Insisted you ride with her."

"Yeah..." Stefan nodded, "I completely forgot, what did she say? What did she want?" He asked, straightening in his seat, curious,

"I don't know—nothing...she shrugged, glancing out the too-tinted window, "It's not important,"

"Then you won't mind telling us?" Damon near challenged raising his brows expectantly. She rolled her eyes at that and glanced at her hands before looking between them again,

"She was..." She shrugged, "She wanted to tell me her perspective on everything that happened between you three." Y/N shrugged, earning a wild look from each brother.

"What? " Damon exclaimed, and Stefan laughed, "I'm sorry you're saying she just willingly gave you information?"

"Yeah..." Y/N shrugged,

"What did you do to her?" Damon asked, face concerned,

"I don't know," Y/N shrugged again, "she likes to talk."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She fell asleep at some point. Next time she visited Katherine she'd need to make sure she packed more food. The room smelled of wood and fresh linen, and opening her eyes, she saw a dimly lit guest room in the Salvatore Boarding House. Though, one different than the one she stayed in those couple weeks after that night, the night after Gillian. She sat up, peeling off the covers and swinging her legs off the side of the bed. Her stomach rumbled and her face wounded with discomfort. Making a beeline to the kitchen, she pulled her phone from her pocket, seeing 6:04pm. The house smelled of countless spices, surely coming from a dish Stefan made.

"Perfect timing." Stefan said as Y/N walked in. Damon glanced over his shoulder, matching her eyes for only a split second before looking back forward. He took a sip of his drink and stood from the barstool, walking past Y/N and out of the kitchen without a word. She raised her brows once at that and stepped forward as he left, taking the other barstool. She took a deep breath, watching Stefan dish up the both of them,

"That smells amazing." She sighed, closing her eyes and taking in every aspect of what she smelled,

"I knew you'd be hungry." Hw smiled, "I'm sorry, we should've known to bring you something."

"No, it's fine, I should've brought more." She shook her head, and waved him off,

"Yeah but we are the vampires, Y/N. It's more on us than you." he chuckled,

"Yeah, well... Whatever, you made me dinner. I forgive you." She shrugged, leaning her cheek on her hand. He laughed at that and slid her serving across the counter.

"Mm, I almost forgot..." Stefan started, pointing up for a moment. He walked around the island to that misc. cabinet, pulling something from the second shelf, "You're officially a part of the trauma-bonded vampire group, so," he said, opening his palm, "you get a key." He shrugged and Y/N smiled. She straightened in her seat and took the key from his hand.

"Cute," she smiled, "well, thank you. And don't worry, I won't use this as a ticket to be uninvited company." She said, holding up the key and he snorted, shaking his head and walking back to his bowl.
She watched Stefan for a moment. The friend before her. She knew she had to ask him. And she knew he'd tell her the truth. But, perhaps that was why she was hesitant, nervous.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked, voice no longer carrying the amusem*nt moments before. He looked up curious, brows furrowed,

"Yeah, what's up?" He asked kindly, studying her eyes. She chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment, thinking how to phrase it,

"I, uh..." She shook her head and moved her hair away from her face, "I..." She started again then sighed, "is this something that he does?" She finally asked, nervous. He sighed, looking down at his food then back up to Y/N,

"He's..." He started, shaking his head and looking around to think. He sighed, turning around to the sink and turning on the faucet. He rounded the island, standing next to her, "he's a very complicated person," he chose, speaking quietly, "which I'm sure you've figured out," he nodded, "I won't speak for him, but I do know... " Stefan started, almost reluctant to finish, "whatever it is he feels is real. Very real. He has no idea what to do with himself," he shrugged and at that she sighed.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Y/N pulled her phone from her pocket the second she heard Stefan drive off. Bonnie first and she picked up on the second ring,

"Bonnie, hey," Y/N sighed,

"Hey, what's up? You good?" She asked softly and Y/N smiled,

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," she nodded, "I uh... I just really need to talk to you guys, can you come over?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm leaving Mackenzie's in a few but I can be there in like twenty?"

"Yes, that's perfect. Thank you so much, Bon,"

"Of course, see you,"

"Bye," and she hung up the phone. Caroline next.

"Hey!" The blonde said quickly,

"Hey, Care," Y/N smiled,

"What's up?"

"Um... It's kind of an SOS. I really need to talk to you guys. Are you free to come over?"

"On my way," Caroline said and hung up the phone before Y/N could say anything. She chuckled, feeling her stomach flip at the loveliness of her friends. Finally, Elena.

"Hey," Elena said and Y/N could hear her smile behind the phone,

"Hey, I'm wondering if you're free?"

"Yeah, right now?"

"Yeah," Y/N nodded, "I need to tell you guys some stuff,"

"Of course, I'll be right over, is everything okay?" She asked and Y/N heard some movement behind the speaker. She was already getting ready to leave,

"Yeah. Just have interesting news," she said

"Okay, I'll head out in five," she said,

"Okay, thank you, Elena,"

"Of course," and they hung up.

Elena arrived first, but before Y/N closed the door, Caroline pulled into the empty parking spot out front. She nearly slammed on the breaks and jumped out of her vehicle. Speed-walking, she made her way around her car and up Y/N's walkway.

"Okay what happened?" Caroline asked, only halfway up the walkway. Y/N smiled at her friends readiness,

"Bonnie'll be here in five. I'll tell you everything then,"

"Okay, okay," Caroline nodded and Y/N closed the door behind her. The blonde beelined for the couch, and as she took a seat she set her mini purse on her lap and unzipped it, "okay so I brought a mickey just in case and–"

"Caroline!" Elena laughed,

"What? We need to be prepared for this! Y/N's got info requiring best friend opinions! This is a very serious matter," Caroline nodded, and her two friends laughed. Bonnie knocked on the door and Elena stood first to grab it. Y/N and Caroline turned around on the couch as Bonnie walked in,

"Hey!" Bonnie smiled at each face and slipped her shoes off, rounding the couch and sitting next to Caroline, "okay, let's do this," Bonnie said, crossing her legs on the couch and getting comfortable.

"f*ck, okay," Y/N sighed. She stood up and wiped her clean palms on her sweats. She rounded the coffee table and turned to the girls, looking at three slightly concerned faces, "okay," she nodded, "um..." She said, furrowing her brows, "Damon and I hooked up,"

"WHAT?!" Caroline exclaimed,

"Y/N!" Elena's hands fell down loudly against the couch and Bonnie's gasp was almost as loud as Caroline's 'what',

"I know , I know, " Y/N whined, covering her face and bending her legs slightly. She moved her hands to her temples, holding her head as she looked at the girls,

"Okay but what do you mean by hooked up?" Caroline asked, "Did you f*ck?"

"What? No! I mean... Almost," she shrugged and Caroline laughed while Bonnie covered her mouth in amusem*nt. Elena's mouth dropped with shock but there was no judgement in any of the girl's eyes, "he was trying to get me to leave because Katherine was bringing some weird guy there," Y/N explained, "and I didn't want to just leave, I couldn't just leave, obviously," she said, gesturing with her hands and looking at the girls. They all nodded, "And then... I don't know... One thing literally led to another and suddenly we were making out," she said and Bonnie's mouth dropped too.

"sh*t," Caroline whispered, nodding,

"Yeah," Y/N sighed,

"Well what happened after? What stopped you from... f*cking?" Bonnie asked,

"God, this is the worst part," Y/N groaned. She stepped forward and sat once more on the couch, "he stopped. And he said it wasn't right,"

"Sorry, he said what? " Caroline asked, shooting up from her seat and her tone almost angry,

"He said it wasn't right," Y/N shrugged, "Or wasn't right 'yet'," she said

"God, that is just so classic Damon. What a f*cking loser," Caroline rolled her eyes. She crossed her arms, and began pacing slowly. Bonnie smiled slightly and Elena's brows furrowed, eyes darting around the room as she thought,

"So what does this mean then?" Elena asked, turning to Y/N, "are you guys like... What are you guys gonna do?"

"I have no f*cking idea," Y/N sighed, flopping her back against the back of the couch.


Y'all get this eight hour early upload as a little treat... Lmfao literally 2:30 am... I mean, perfect time to read, right?
I usually wouldn't do this but I have something big happening in the morning so I felt it's better I upload earlier than later.
y'alllll please leave some feedback. Comments literally make my WEEK. That's right, my WEEK. I be at work, remembering your comment and then start smiling like a little girl. How are we feeling about this AU? What do you think is gonna happen? What are you looking forward to? How do you like the characters? Let me know your thoughtsss bae.

Love y'allll
for visuals and fic updates check out:

Chapter 19: apologies


“Look, I just can’t do this right now! Okay?” She spoke frustrated, smiling tightly and shrugging her shoulders, “this is a fully grown adult we are talking about here. A fully grown adult who has run off without any word,” she shrugged, “without sounding self-absorbed, we all know he left because of me. And now, I’m hearing you say that it would ‘be of value’,” she said, using her fingers as quotations, “to message him? What the hell are we talking about?” She asked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning back around and walking away,
“Y/N, just wait,” Stefan tried again but she huffed and turned back to him, “No. Okay? I am going home. I’m going to study for my Physics exam tomorrow, I’m gonna cook dinner and then I’m gonna have a good night’s sleep. We will look for him tomorrow. Goodbye,” she raised her brows once and turned around, speeding off. He didn’t follow her, thank god, but she heard his defeated sign as he turned back around for his car.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (13)

“I’d really appreciate it if you all messaged him,” Stefan said, eyes lingering on Y/N for a little longer than the other girls,

“Still nothing?” Caroline asked and Stefan shrugged,

“I’m sure it’s just a fit, but… Still. It might help to hear from you guys,” he sighed. Y/N didn’t say anything, just nudged her yoghurt with her spoon as she pondered the last little while.

Damon had been gone for nearly four weeks. Stefan first mentioned it the day after. Apparently he heard Damon’s car leaving in the early morning. Or, maybe for Damon, it was in the late night. But it was the day after Katherine’s that he left. Around 3:00 am Stefan heard that familiar rumble of Damon’s Mustang disappear into the night, no warning. And at first, he told the girls not to worry or think too much of it. Damon was an odd character, but, surely he was fine. But after the first five days, Stefan began to worry himself. Y/N could see a certain concern in his eye, unstopping.

He and Y/N had been doing some research, checking news sources from across the States. Over the few weeks of helping Stefan out, he taught Y/N a few tricks when tracking down a specific vampire,

“There’s almost always a tell,” Stefan shrugged, “it’s not always clear until you know them… Damon’s tell is robbery,” Stefan raised his brows once and Y/N furrowed hers,

Robbery ?”

“Mhm,” he nodded, standing from his desk. He walked for the cupboards on the right of his desk. He crouched down, opening the bottom left cupboard and pulled out an old binder. He walked back to his desk and placed it down. Y/N leaned forward as he opened it. The front page was an old file, dated in ‘92. The header read ‘Global Administration of Defence and Protection’ and underneath, in smaller print, ‘Record #NA-1008’. The rest of the page, a seemingly standard criminal record file, however there was no mugshot. She only knew it was Damon’s because his name was on it in bold. And, the more she looked at it, the file seemed… Not so standard. The coat of arms, the unit approving such a report wasn’t anything Y/N had seen or heard of. And it wasn’t as if she was some expert in the criminal system, but something was just… Off . With her brows pulled together, she read a report that listed countless of ugly crimes. Crimes that would result in a life sentence if presented to any reasonable jury. But nowhere in the file could an indictment be found. Damon Salvatore walked a free man despite allegations, and apparently evidence, against him regarding crimes involving first-degree murder, drug trafficking, fraud, countless crimes with a deadly weapon… And more…

Stefan turned a few pages. He landed on a Final Investigative report. One of many, it appeared, “so,” he sighed, “a person goes missing, right? Friends, family, co-workers, whoever it is… They notice, they stop by the person’s place…” Stefan laid it out and Y/N nodded along, “no forced entry, nothing. Whether they have a key or they call the police to open up the person’s place, they find a body drained of blood, and all valuable possessions gone. No fingerprints, no drops of blood,” he shrugged and Y/N tilted her head curiously, “it was actually quite an issue back in the 60’s and 70’s. That’s when it became his tell. Before the Whittmore’s he had a similar method of killing but it would be directed only to those who got in his way. All of those victims had criminal records and were actively wanted by this Unit,” he said, flipping to another report, crimes and words looking a little different, “of course, they were all vampires, so he wouldn’t leave them drained of blood. But every time, he’d rob them. After the Whittmore’s it altered from the criminals to innocents he’d just need to feed on,” he nodded and Y/N’s stomach flipped anxiously. To even imagine Damon going around and… And murdering people. There was something so conflicting about it. It was over fifty years ago, when he’d made that pattern. But he still did it. But… He was a vampire . A predator to humans… And what if they found such a pattern now? What would it mean to her?

“So… If we see a trail where a victim’s been robbed and drained of their blood with no sign of forced entry… It’ll be him,” he shrugged and Y/N sighed, shaking her head,

“That’s insane…” She said, leaning back in her chair, “gruesome,” she raised her brows once,

“Definitely,” he agreed,

“But… How do we know he’ll stick to that pattern? Surely he’s expecting us to look for him,” she shrugged,

“We don’t,” Stefan said, “it’s just something to keep an eye out for,” he shrugged,

“Okay…” She nodded, “and this unit?” She picked up the folder, “Global Administration of Defence and Protection? I’ve never heard of this before,” she said, and he shrugged,

“Nothing open to the public, that’s for sure,”

“Do you…” She started, and he glanced up from the binder to her, “could this be the same unit that my parents…?”

He shrugged at that, “Wouldn't surprise me.”



She and Stefan agreed to do some more research that day. Stefan drove them back to the Boarding House after school,

“I know he left things weird, but uhm…” Stefan started and Y/N sighed, “I know I said it at lunch, I feel like a message from youspecifically could be of value.” He shrugged and she scowled under her breath and shook her head.

She looked out of the window,“Why? Why from me?” She asked, turning to him. He glanced at her, then back to the road and took in a breath,

“Okay, you know what, um…” She sighed, “can you… Can you just drop me off at home? We can do this tomorrow,” she shook her head, feeling a sudden spike of overwhelm,

“Wh-what?” He asked, glancing between her and the road,

“Just… Please can you drop me off at my house?” She asked, feeling an anxiety jumping up her throat and down her back. He slowed the Testarossa, pulling over,

“Why? What’s up?” He asked but she just sighed and turned to the door. She pulled up the lock and opened the passenger door, stepping out, “ Y/N ,” Stefan said, but she shut the door before he could really speak. She strode down the sidewalk, hearing Stefan open his door after her, “Y/N, wait!” He called, but she just sighed again and shook her head. She crossed her arms, feeling a nice early spring chill through her hoodie. And she wished she was just on a walk. Not feeling a type of anger, anxiety, dread and disbelief all at once, “Y/N,” Stefan said again, reaching for her shoulder. She spun around, face wound with indignation,

Look , I just can’t do this right now! Okay?” She asked, smiling tightly, fakely, and shrugged her shoulders, “this is a fully grown adult we are talking about here. A fully grown adult who has run off without any word,” she shrugged, “without sounding self-absorbed, we all know he left because of me. And now, I’m hearing you say that it would ‘be of value’,” she said, using her fingers as quotations, “to message him? What the hell are we talking about?” She asked. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning back around and walking away,

“Y/N, just wait,” Stefan tried again but she huffed and turned back to him,

“No. Okay? I am going home. I’m going to study for my Physics exam tomorrow, I’m gonna cook dinner and then I’m gonna have a good night’s sleep. We will look for him tomorrow. Goodbye,” she raised her brows once and turned around, speeding off. He didn’t follow her, thank god, but she heard his defeated sign as he turned back around for his car. She turned right, onto Bishop street, as he drove away.



Something sounded from upstairs. Just as she dropped the packet of noodles into the boiling water she looked up, glancing around her ceiling. There was a thump… She could have sworn it. Focusing her hearing, came another noise. Upstairs. In her room. Her stomach flipped and she opened a drawer, pulling out a knife first. Another thump, then she glanced at the knife. What was she thinking? She didn’t know how to fight with a weapon yet. They’d only been focusing on her powers… No fight training. She dropped the knife and closed the drawer, pulling a wooden spoon from the utensil holder by the stove. She grabbed her phone from the counter and opened the group chat with Caroline, Elena and Bonnie.

‘Hey so there’s this thumping noise coming from upstairs—I’m gonna go check it out but if you dont hear from me in ten minutes assume I’m dead’ she texted. With a sigh she walked to the stairs and looked up. Her phone buzzed,

‘Kk. Ten minute timer set.’ Caroline texted and Y/N chuckled. She took a breath, flicking the switch next to her. The upstairs hall light turned on and she stepped up the stairs. She took her time, trying hard to use her ears and figure out what she heard. She remembered leaving her window open that morning. Maybe a small gust of wind knocked something down. But, there was a certain energy in the air. A certain… Something that said it wasn’t just the wind. Something that urged her to just check. Just in case. And despite that being a classic start to a horror movie… There wasn’t a true sense of fear. She stepped onto the landing and walked to her closed door. She stood outside of it for a moment, glancing at the closed guest room door. It definitely came from her bedroom. She reached for the door handle and quickly, she turned it and pushed it forward. Her eyes widened and she sucked in a short gasp at the sight,

God ,” she sighed, burying her face in her hands for a moment, “ ugh , what are you doing here?” She asked, stepping forward. Damon leaned against her window frame, pulling her curtains back slightly and looking out at the moon, a perfect crescent that night. He let go of the curtain and looked at her, but said nothing. She rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone, messaging the group chat,

‘It’s fine’ she texted

‘Yassss’ Caroline replied,

‘you sure?’ Elena asked,

‘Yeah, I left my window open’ Y/N typed quickly, ‘lamp fell 🙄’

‘lolll okay’ Caroline texted and Y/N shoved her phone back in her pocket. An anxiety tugged within her, how he looked so casual and nonchalant,

“Where have you been?” She asked almost with disinterest and at that he sighed. He pushed himself off the wall and faced her fully. But again, he didn’t say anything. Her brows furrowed at that, and she nearly scoffed, “okay, well,” she shrugged, crossing her arms. She walked to her right, putting the bed between them, “if you won’t speak then, leave, please,” she said, gesturing to the door with her crossed arms, “I still need to cook dinner,” she shrugged,

“I’m sorry,” he said,

“What?” She asked, craning her neck slightly like she didn’t quite hear him,

“I’m sorry,” he shrugged,

“You’re sorry for what?”

“For everything. I’m sorry for leaving without notice and I’m sorry about putting my hands on you at Katherine’s and I’m sorry for kissing you,” he listed. Her anxiety turned quickly into an irritation… Why was he so casual? Speaking as if he didn’t care if she heard sincerity in his words,

“Are you serious?” She asked, a little quieter, brows furrowed,

“Yeah,” he shrugged, glancing at her desk chair. He walked to the chair, taking a seat, “it was an unfair position to put everyone in. I won’t do it again,” he shrugged once more and Y/N felt a tug in her heart,

“What the f*ck,” she sighed with a small smile, of shock she might add, playing on her lips. She shook her head and turned around. Back toward him, she brought her hands to her jaw, then up to her hair. She ran her palms flat over her hair in shock,

“What?” He asked, a hint of a sigh in his voice.

She shook her head, “what are you doing?” She asked, turning back around to him,

“What do you mean?” He asked, tone like he was indifferent,

“I mean this,” she said, gesturing between them, “us. What are you doing? You keep doing these things and you keep apologizing for them.” She said, earning silence from the man. He looked at her, face still and eyes relaxed. Damon looked bored. As if he listened to naught but a lecture and a dull one at that. “What? You have nothing to say?”

He scoffed, “I already said it. I’m sorry.” His voice dragged along the Y’s, patronizing and ugly.

Y/N’s eyes narrowed. A repulse so foreign threatening to consume any once tenderness or affection she had for him. “So, what?” She started, watching with a growing anger as he rolled his eyes and looked away, “You’re saying you have absolutely no self control? Can’t stop yourself from kissing any woman that stands in front of you for longer than three seconds?” She challenged, and at once his eyes snapped to hers. She poked at a pique she could see. Maybe it would jump out.

If she just pushed a little harder.

Or, gentler. “Look…” She started, softening her tone though face as stern. She stepped forward once, wondering if she should even say it at all.

Wondering why even through that distaste he so easily cloaked over her, still she wanted to tell him. An angst jumped up her throat, familiar doubts and insecurities biting back her tongue. “There’s something here, Damon…” She said it anyway.

But the man, vampire scoffed at that. He straightened his posture, looking away like a sheepish little boy.

Her brows pulled together fast, “don’t. Don’t do that—“

“Do what, Y/N?”

“f*cking scoff at me, Damon. God, why are you even here?” She asked face near bewildered and arms out in a shrug. “You could have texted me you’re sorry. Leave a voicemail, get Stefan to tell me. Could’ve waited ‘til I was at the Boarding House next.” She shrugged. He smirked at that, looking away again and shaking his head. “But no. You come all the way here, break in through my bedroom f*cking window, and scoff when I say there’s something here? Please.” She rolled her eyes this time.

“Well,” he shrugged, “I don’t really know what you want me to say.”

She looked at him for a moment. A defeat washing down her insides, cold and biting. “I’m disappointed…” She spoke choked up. Throat tighter and aching than she knew, voice quiet and cracking like a little girl about to cry. She drew in a shakey breath before speaking again. “You say these things… Trying to hurt me like we haven’t been growing closer this entire time,” she shook her head, “we’re not strangers, Damon—“

“But I WISH that we WERE!” He barked, shooting up from his seat. His hands flew to his head, “f*ck, Y/N, I wish we were strangers.” He dropped his arms to his side with a slap, “the sh*t we could’ve stopped if I’d just kept walking that afternoon…”

She said nothing. Mouth turning downward, pulling tiringly into a frown so frequently plastered upon her lips.

“Y/N, I…” He started, shaking his head. He stepped forward, slowly, “Have allowed the greatest dangers of our time stand in front of you, threaten you, hurt you.” He said, nearing her more, though still so far.

And, for some reason it was different. Perhaps she was silly to think it would be her doubts and worries stopping a blooming something. Of course it would be Damon’s hindering such a thing.

“Gillian found you so easily because of me—“

Elias sent her. He could’ve found me whether I moved her our stayed in the East.” she shrugged,

“What I know is you gotta stop hanging around us.” He said, and at once the room silenced.

She narrowed her eyes at the man, in utter awe at his speech. “Excuse me?” She asked.

“Stefan and I. We’re bad news and you’ll be safer—“

“Sorry, what? I know for a fact Stefan does not feel this way,”

“Oh, please, you don’t know,” he scoffed,

“I got some idea,” she shook her head.

At this point it was getting annoying. His stupid words, speaking nothing of value. Yapping like a lost boy that didn’t know what to do.

“What the f*ck are we even fighting about, Damon?”

He scowled, “I don’t know!” Looking away, he shook his head again.

“I know it’s not Stefan wanting me gone. Why do you?”

“Just… Because—

“No, if you’re gonna cut me out and do it in person with a fight, you owe me an answer.” She pointed at herself, stepping forward once, challenging.

He scoffed at that, mixed with a small laugh at her boldness. “I don’t owe you anything.”

“Yes you do. So what’s it gonna be? What’s your excuse?”

He said nothing, but this time his eyes wouldn’t meet hers.

Why?” She asked.



“Because I’m in love with you!” He exclaimed back at her. At once she sucked in a breath, holding when she should have exhaled. He let out the breath for her,

“I’m in love with you… And I know you know that…”

“Damon, I—“

“And because of it, Gillian confronted you. Because of it, you were the only human in a room with the most dangerous creatures to walk our Earth.” He stepped forward, “I can’t just let this to go on.” He said, shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.


“No. No matter how hard I try, I will never be able to keep you safe. You have to go.”

She rolled her eyes, “What? No!”

He stepped forward, “Y/N—“

“I’m not going anywhere. Leaving Mystic Falls, leaving you…” Her voice trembled past her lips. Y/N shook her head, “It won’t stop him.” She whispered, stepping forward as he did. “Damon, I…” She said, reaching for his shoulders. Her fingers reached his soft shirt, so easily she could reach for his strong cheek. “You know this is right… It has been right,”

He shook his head, frowning, “No, no…”

Yes, Damon-“

“No, you deserve better than… Than THIS!” He exclaimed, hands flying up to hers and pulling them from his shoulders, blue eyes widening with a disturb. “I need to protect you, and this is the only way.” His striking brows pulled together, but still his hands rested between them, around hers.

For a moment they stood in utter silence, faces of affection, tenderness and longing matching one and another, and she for a moment wondered just how fast her heart was beating. Surely the vampire standing but inches away heard every beat, heard the craving in the body before him.

His fingers grazed the girls cheek, friendly upon her soft skin no matter his words. With his thumb he touch her bottom lip, eyes fixed so desperately where he wanted to plant a kiss. And this time with intention. With a lust and ardour so profound only an act as that could convey. Every part of her he wanted to touch, to be consumed by her very being. “I shouldn’t…” He whispered, lifting her chin, and too her eyes stayed on his, breath trembling past her lips. She felt a pull toward him. Like it took every part of her being to stop herself from stepping only a few inches closer, pressing her lips to his.

“But I have to…” He said, barely audible and eyes stuck on her lips. Damon leaned forward, capturing her hungrily, a predator against his long sought prey. Sparks of oranges and reds flashed behind her eyes as she felt him against her. She relaxed into his touch, it was so right, she took no time to think as his tongue swiped her lip.

And it was more than at Katherine’s estate. It was more than the lust flying through his hands as he pushed her up against that door, kissing her almost as desperately as he did right then.

With her palms she pulled at his shirt, stretching the fabric from his chest and pulling the man closer. He was so warm, and so big. Towering over her like utter safety and protection. And unlike she wished, it was Y/N that pulled away, though for but a moment.

“You can’t…” She sighed, shaking her head and flicking her eyes closed. She leaned her head down for a moment before feeling his hands cradle her cheeks, guiding her eyes back to his.

“Tell me,” His searched hers, darting quickly and curiously.

“If you do this… Everything changes… You can’t leave again,” she whispered, brows knitting together as she reached for his wrists.

He said nothing at first, only planting a few kisses upon her lips then her chin then her cheek before he did finally speak. “Never.” He kissed her again, “Even if I wanted to.” His hands dropped, squeezing at her hips and walking the twoof them backwards, pushing her flush against the wall. Their tongues slid against one another smoothly as his hands slid slowly up her form. He squeezed at her waist, palms firm and keeping her where he wanted. Even as she tried arching away from the wall, trying so pointlessly to feel him against her, the man was strong. Too strong. He held her there, lips sucking faint marks into her soft skin.

When suddenly the man stopped. With a sigh he pulled away from her neck, sliding his tongue along his lower lip as he scanned her face. His thumb reached for her lip, swiping it once before he spoke. “Do you want this?” He asked.

And while she appreciated the ask, she wanted nothing more than to feel him f*ck her the way he looked at her.

So she nodded, “Yes,” she said, taking in a breath, “I want you to f*ck me.” She whispered, earning a smile tugging at his lips.

Quite quick with what she asked, it seemed, Damon turned them around and walked her backward a few steps. Surely, she’d feel the bed under her, him on top….

Quicker than she knew he spun her around, grabbing at her hips and pulling her back against him before she could drop down anywhere.

“Ah,” She let out a sigh, peering over her shoulder and feeling his hard chest flush with her.

He knew exactly what to do.

So she let her eyes flutter closed as his big hands slid down her arms and wrapped around her wrist. She let him bring her arms to her chest, holding them there while he took away one hand. One he’d use to pull the hair from her neck.

He sucked kisses along her shoulder, moving up torturously, “You’re so good to me…” He whispered, kissing just under her ear.

Her knees could shake if she let them, hoping the hand that held her wrists to her chest was strong enough to hold her up. She’d do anything for him to have his way with her. Indeed after he pressed his growing length against her, intimidating and obscene. The hand holding her hair away grazed downward, soft through her too-big shirt, until he pressed his palm flat on her lower back. He spun her back toward him, letting go of the hand holding her wrists, and instead taking hold of her upper arms.

He pulled her lips to his, letting his fingers reach for her chin softly.

She stepped back onto her bed, on her knees and let him follow her, palms firm atop his shoulders, pulling him closer and quickly.

And he seemed as eager as her, reaching for her cheeks and drawing her near, capturing her lips with such ardency.

“Get on your back,” he ordered between sloppy, wet kisses, barely moving his hands from Y/N for her to do what he asked.

Breathless, she followed instructions, glancing behind her shoulder before her back kissed her soft sheets. He didn’t meet her down there for a few moments, blue eyes of maya darker than she recognised and flooded entirely with lust and crave.

So she reached her arm upwards slightly, wanting him atop of her, only thinking of how heavy he would feel, how safe.

And he took her hand, lacing his fingers with hers before leaning down, stretching that arm she offered above her head.

He settled perfectly above her, holding himself up impressively and tasting her slower and longer.

Her knees brushed his waist, and he rolled his hips slightly. His still growing length pushed against her sex so perfectly, Y/N couldn’t help the whimper escaping her lips.

But he tore himself away and held himself up, strong, with his left arm as he studied her face again. “You want this?” he asked, tracing the side of her face with his index,

Touch me, Damon.” She whispered and at once he hummed, stamping his lips upon her again. His hands moved down her body familiarly, like he’d touched her just so many times before then. A man—a vampire, who knew entirely what the girl wanted. The same hands she knew could be blamed for unsightly misdeeds, to her felt so gentle and kind.

And the man did touch her. His palm flattened firm, sliding down her belly, reaching her heat. Her chest brushed against his, arching up at his touch. The thin cloth between them feeling like so little, yet so hindering. He would see all of her this night, and the thought sent naught but fire through her body.

But too quickly he pulled his hand away, instead bunching the fabric at her chest, pulling her up with him.

Y/N did as instructed, letting his fingers tug at the hem of her old shirt… Helping him pull it off. Everything moved so slowly before her. Feeling everything Damon did for her, to her, with her, a memory she knew she would think of long past this night.

He tossed her shirt over the foot of the bed, forgotten, before impatiently pushing her back down and reaching for her shorts. Hungry, he seemed, ready to take her like he must have with so many others. She pushed away the thought.

Then once more his lips were on hers. Bare legs and belly craving his skin upon hers. With some reluctance she took her hands from his strong jaw and cheeks and she reached down for his shirt. With his bare chest upon hers he pressed himself hard against her, hand squeezing at her waist and kisses messy along her jaw.

“Mmm…” A moan pushed past her lips, eyes fluttering closed as she rocked her hips with his. “f*ck, Damon…” She sighed, palms flat against his chest, sliding up into his hair. He hummed, lips stuck on her, sucking sweet nothings upon her neck that would be gone by morning. “You have a condom?” She asked, already out of breath, “sh*t, do we even need one?”

“Vampires can’t contract anything or procreate,” he said between marks, “but I got one if you want it,” he said, pulling lightly at the skin on her neck.

She let out a sigh at his touch, at his words, and perhaps unlike she thought, “I don’t care. I need you to f*ck me…” She said.

At that his hand relaxed at her waist, starting what she asked. But, not quite.

She let him touch her through her panties for a moment, teasing her, but then…

“No…” She spoke, shaking her head once. He looked up at her with haste. “I wanna feel you.” She said just above a whisper, peeling her eyes from his and studying the rest of the stunning face above her. Lips parted, making not a sound but sharp exhales, his bottom lip sucking in as she spoke.

“I don’t wanna hurt you.” He raised his brows once, pulling at the strap of her underwear and letting it snap back down upon her soft skin.

“Mm!” She sucked in a breath. “I want you inside me right now.” She said, lifting a leg and wrapping it over his hip, “Please…” She let out a breath.

His eyes travelled around her face, down her neck and to her chest. He raised his hand back to her cheek, letting his thumb swipe across her lips before he spoke. “f*ck…” She could barely hear it, but it sent jolts to her core.

He did what she asked, what she near begged, and he kneeled above her. Looking down, eyes taking in every inch of her, his fingers messed with his belt.

And before she could stop herself she sat up too. Her hands reached for his, wanting to undress him with her own fingers.

Perhaps feeling him could wait. If only she would taste him first.

It was but his boxers between them, and as her fingers curled behind the waistband she gazed up at him. Licking her lips slightly as she looked down, meeting his impressive size.

Indeed not that she’d expect anything less. For a moment she looked at his length, imagining him inside of her, f*cking her however he wanted.

“Can I?” She asked, looking back up, bottom lip sucked between her teeth.

“Baby, you don’t gotta ask,” he said, thumb swiping her cheek again, a touch she was growing fond of.

The girl took no time, flattening her tongue on her palm and reaching for him. Soft and wet she wrapped her hand around the base of his co*ck, moving up once then back down. Through her lashes she looked up at him, watching his eyes flutter closed. Arching her back, letting him see the best of her, she leaned her head closer. Tongue flat, and with pressure, she licked a stripe up his hard form.

“Mmm, f*ck ,” he let out a shaky breath, eyes squeezing shut. Her tongue played with his tip for a moment, before taking him in fully. Slowly she went further, then back up, a pace well-timed and steady. Her head twisted with her movements, letting her tongue do most of the work as she bobbed up and down slow and torturous. As she went back down, further than she had, his hands pressed just above her temples.

And for just a moment he held her there, around him, a deep groan slipping from his tongue before he pushed her off with a pop sounding in each set of ears. With quickness he pulled her face to his, planting a kiss on her lips before tossing her back down to the bed. Her back flopped upon her sheets, a gasp sounding from her at his power, at his strength.

He nodded down at her, “Take them off.” He ordered, and she did what she was told.

She slipped her panties down, and around her ankles he finished the job for her, tugging them off impatiently, roughly, before taking hold of her legs.

Hands hooked under he calves, he pulled her closer. She bit back another gasp, sex hot and throbbing at his force.

But then, things seemed to stop.

Slower, like before, everything played out in front of her. She watched as his hands caressed her knees, travelling down her thighs while his gaze fixed everywhere at once. She watched as he reached down and took hold of himself, tapping his co*ck against her swollen cl*t.

“Mm…” She whimpered, hands bunching up her sheets, tight in her grasp. Damon reached beside her, holding himself up as he guided himself in.

And it was then she understood what exactly he meant when he said he didn’t want to hurt her.

Her thighs tensed, shaking as his tip stretched her.

Oh, f*ck…” She whispered, brows pulling together. With a wince, her palm flew to his chest, flattening against him.

He stopped where he was. “You good?” He was already breathless, bringing his other arm up, and propping it nearly above her head.

She nodded, saying nothing, but her palm still touched him.

“Speak, angel…” He said, leaning down stamping a kiss on the corner of her lips.

A breath flew past her, “Keep going.”

And he didn’t hesitate. She felt his co*ck throb inside her as he moved again, just as slow, just as thrilling.

His head dropped slightly, grazing against the crook of her shoulder as he pushed himself deeper.

He buried himself inside her, pushing as deep he could feeling every one of her gasps and her whimpers around him. He throbbed inside of her, so desperate to pull out and ram himself back in…

But no.

With her he would take his time.

And she just felt so good. Her back arched as he worked further, his hips against the back of her thighs fully seated. She sighed, eyes closed and reaching her fingers atop his strong shoulders. His lip tugged into a small smile and he grabbed her hand, pushing it above her head.

But the man didn’t move. Hips against hers, his tip brushed against her spot so teasingly.

Her eyes fluttered clothes, feeling him inside her, tightening around him. And it was then he pushed himself impossibly deep inside her, she didn’t think there was any more of him.

Her mouth fell to an O and he couldn’t help himself. He pulled out fast, earning a sharp gasp, before slowly he pushed himself back in. “Oh f*ck,” he sighed, “you feel so good…”

His words shot fire throughout her, but he didn’t move.

So she rolled her hips slightly, back arching as his co*ck filled her every angle.

And for barely a second she caught a smirk playing on his lips at her movements, before he pulled himself out entirely and slammed himself back in.

She didn’t have time to stifle any yelp rolling from her tongue, any swears she’d yell or any ‘Damon’s’ she’d scream. And for how long he f*cked her, she didn’t know. Ramming into her mercilessly, blinding her with a pleasure that had but dangled before her eyes for too long.

It was only when Damon himself began growing tired, thrusts loosing pattern. Her hips were sore, wide for him for such time, a layer of sweat clung to her like a second layer of skin.

The only time she didn’t mind sweating.

With tired, worn words, “I’m yours, Damon,” she whispered, brows pulling together, and fingers reaching his cheek.

“You’re mine?” He barely asked, tone like he already knew.

Yours.” She said.

“Again.” He said low, that rough pace returning once more. But she didn’t at first, his tip slamming perfectly inside her each time, “Say it.” He ordered this time,

“Oh f*ck, Damon, I’m yours,” she gasped, “I’m yours, I’m yours…” She sighed, legs tightening around him.

“Mm,” he groaned, speed growing. Tears stung her eyes at his exhilarating pace, she wished it would never end. And it seemed like he wouldn’t,

“Oh f*ck…” She moaned, ears going fuzzy and eyes squeezing shut, “f*ck, Damon, keep going… Right there,” she nodded, waves of heat flooding throughout her body. And he did, slamming his co*ck into a tingle ready to shatter any second. And his pace slowed, only slightly, to be replaced by pounds. He rammed himself in her, hard and rough, right where she wanted. “I’m gonna come,” she managed to speak, brows aching from their furrow, “f*ck, Damon, I’m gonna come!” She said, heading pressing into the bed.

“Come, baby, come…” He spoke low and smooth, keeping his hips steady and f*cking her through her climax.

White flooded her vision, little stars forming behind her eyes. Her ears went fuzzy, a ringing from somewhere. Naught but shaky moans and whimpers trembled past her lips, thighs tightening around him. But he kept going, working her through it. She felt so much light, so much energy, it was overwhelming. She felt like she could cry–and it would be nothing but tears of joy and excitement and just love .

He slowed himself as she sighed, thrusts growing sloppy, rhythm unclear.

But he rammed himself in again.

Once, then twice, then finally he stayed there. Impossibly deep inside her, co*ck throbbing at her feel.

He pulled out just in time, ropes of white shooting across her stomach, painting her exquisitely. The man’s neck relaxed, eyes fluttering closed as he looked upward. Only for a moment, his hands reaching for her knees still propped up.

And with a final sigh he looked down at her, eyes lightening at the piece he’d created below.

A girl sweaty and worn by him, wearing him gracefully as she caught her breath.


“Bottom drawer under the sink,” she nodded to her bathroom, and with a final scan of Y/N he pushed himself from her and went for that towel. A smile crept on her face as he disappeared into her bathroom, ears still buzzing and an elation erupting within her.

Finally, he returned back, kneeling before Y/N again and swiping the parts of him near touching her sheets. He took his time cleaning her up, getting every spot, she noticed he’d brought two towels, the second considerably more cooled than the first.

“I need the bathroom,” she sighed as he tossed the two soiled rags into her hamper.

She took her time in there, aching smile unstopping upon her lips. Face flushed, lips plump and neck littered with stray love bites.

She sucked in her bottom lip at the thought, raising her fingers to each spot. Each spot Damon’s lips had been.

She and Damon just had sex.

Y/N covered her mouth, stifling a laugh, before shaking her head and pushing the door open.

And perhaps the quickest she had ever thunk, the idea of Damon not being there when she returned flashed before her eyes.

But still the man rested in her room, sat upon her bed and clad only in his boxers.

Y/N turned for her closet, “Honestly,” she started, slipping on new underwear, and pulling a fresh shirt over her head.


“I thought you were gonna come in me.”

He let out a chuckle, “You consented to non-protected sex, not a creampie,” he shrugged, his verbiage pulling a laugh from Y/N’s belly.

She kneeled onto the bed, moving to him.

And he reached for her, placing his hands at her hips and letting her sit on his lap. A smile, soft and and sweet, lightened her face as she watched him study her delicate visage, just… Looking at her.

Every part of her. How her legs straddled him perfectly, how her shirt hung from her shoulders. Those small marks he sucked into her neck, light enough to disappear by morning, and of course her perfect face.

“I’m sorry…” His brows pulled together, hand reaching for her cheeks.

For a moment, his words brought up a question, she tilted he head slightly, eyes narrowing as she thought of what exactly he apologised for. As if the past month hadn’t taken up so much of her mind, feelings grown wild and uncertain at the constant wondering where he was.

But she took a breath as the familiar ache of disappointment threatened to sever any prosper.

“I…” He shook his head eyes darting down then back up, “I can’t believe I did that.” He said, hand falling back down, wrapping his arounds hers. He squeezed her hands lightly, “will you forgive me?”

A small smile pulled the corner of her mouth and squeezed his hands back, raising them up and pressing light kisses to his knuckles, “I forgive you, Damon.” She started, pulling her hands away and reaching for his traps instead.

Her fingers travelled up to his hair as she leaned forward for him, butterflies as powerful as before jumping up her chest while she left a kiss softly upon his lips. “Because I love you too,” she whispered again his lips, stamping one, two, three more before sitting back up. “And because of that I have a lot more room for forgiveness,” she shrugged, earning a soft smile across his lips and a glint within his bright eyes. “I wanna hear about what you were up to, but… Tomorrow.” She sighed, “Right now I’d much rather watch a movie,” she said, leaning for the remote on her nightstand then pushing herself from his lap, flopping to his side. He smirked, too relaxing further in her bed, liking whatever she put on.


Y'ALLLLL I'M SO SORRY THIS IS LATE!!! Here's my excuse: I haven't written smut in so long and I'm so scared it's bad but I'm here for the people so imma just upload this. Like maybe i'm gaslighting myself into thinking it's bad, but we'll just see how I feel in a couple weeks. I'll have the perspective by then... LMFAOOOOO okay but... YO THEY JUST f*ckED!!!! WTRRRFFFFFF that's CRAYCRAY. WTAF! anyway... new chapter in 10 days.

Check out for visuals and fic updates!! (finding a good music player for the blog atm..)

~~much love!!

Chapter 20: bad argument


“Can’t I just…” She started, taking a deep breath,

“Hm?” He tightened his arms slightly,

“Can’t I just stay like this? With you?” She sighed, head against his chest. He chuckled,

“Come here,” he said, putting his hands on her upper arms and pulling away slightly. He looked down at her and she at him and he reached for her mandible. Leaning down he pressed his lips to hers, sweet and slow. Her hands reached for his as he held her delicate face. He separated them again and pressed his forehead to hers,

“We just gotta get through this one, okay?” He said just loud enough for her to hear over the rain


*****CW: mentions of R word*****

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (14)

He stood in his old Manhattan apartment that evening, drink in hand and the voice of his younger brother who relayed the events of just that mid-day.

Damon sought answers there in Manhattan. An arrangement with Edrick Congreve would bring him to Lenox Hill in just under a couple hours.

"It was..." Stefan sighed, and Damon could hear him pacing slowly about his room, stepping over fallen books, the sound of paper under him. "Scary, honestly. She was stronger than before, but I could also see she had a lot more control."

"Mm..." Damon nodded, putting the phone on speaker and pouring himself re-filling his drink. If Damon had the good fortune, Stefan would be hanging up soon. The man certainly didn't want to talk to Stefan right then, wishing to call only upon her.

But he hadn't any good reason to ignore his brother's call.

"Didn't exactly enjoy my leg being engulfed in flames." Stefan sighed and Damon snorted, strolling to his window.

He sipped his drink, "Engulfed in flames, huh?" He asked, looking out onto Central Park, the streets below still noisy.

"Yeah, half my leg. Would've lost it if she stopped any later." Stefan sighed, "Anyway. How's it up there?"

Damon rolled his eyes, "Uh, it's good. Seeing him in a couple hours." Perhaps he would need to hang up himself. "Look, I wanna call Y/N before it get's too late. I'll text you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, Yeah. For sure."

"Alright, bye." He said, and hung up.

At once he clicked on her contact, quite high on his recent call list. She picked up on the third ring.

"My girlll," He said before she could greet him, flopping on a tufted white armchair,

"Hey," she chuckled and he could just picture the smile on her face, "How are you doing? How is it up there?" She asked,

He sighed, shrugging as if she could see "Boring without you." He said, earning a laugh, "Missed this apartment though. I'm definitely taking you next time." Damon glanced about his old apartment, eyeing furnishings and decor he hadn't changed since the early 90s. "Though, it certainly needs better furniture."

She chuckled, "Knowing your taste I'm sure it looks great. Which neighbourhood again?"

"Upper Eastside." he shrugged,

"Right. Damn, okay..." She spoke through a smile, "Old Manhattan apartment in the Upper Eastside? Don't mind if I do."

"Mm, I miss your face." He sighed, eyes fluttering closed.

She giggled softly, "I miss yours. You said you're on your way back tomorrow?"

"Yep. Gonna see him in a couple hours." He nodded, standing from his chair at the thought of Edrick and sipping his expensive drink. He stepped for the window, meeting the similar noise just minutes before.

"Sounds good. You sound a little nervous..." She said, a hint of reluctance in her words. The girl hadn't yet asked him such a thing. He knew she was curious on how he would respond.

So he shrugged. "A little..." He said, "I guess. I think it's mostly the way in which I received his invitation."

"Mm." Y/N nodded,

"Ominous, to say the least." He sighed, and before she could ask him anything further, "Well, if you're down, should we find some dates for a trip back up here?" He asked.

He heard her chuckle, maybe the noise of her phone against her cheek as she shook her head at his deflection. "I'm down." She said, "I mean, if you wanna go soon, spring break's coming up in a couple weeks. But we can always wait until summer so we have more time to plan."

"Hm..." Damon nodded, "Spring break's the last two weeks of March?"


"Then let's do that. One sec, let me look at the calendar..." He muttered, pressing the call on speaker and checking his schedule.

Nothing needing his physical presence for the entire month. Surely they'd be back for the meeting with Mister Larson in April, perhaps long before. "Alright, how does... March 24th sound? We can drive up here, drive back down on April 2nd." He offered,

"That is perfect. Mary-Elizabeth only needs a couple weeks notice anyway."

"Then it's settled." He said, adding a new event to his calendar, "I'll take you to New York on March 24th." he smiled, turning the phone off speaker and holding it to his ear once more.

The girl laughed, "This is amazing, Damon."

"You are amazing." He said back, palm flattening on the chilled window-sill, "Our first vacation." He raised his brows once,

"I know, it's gonna real nice." She said, earning a half-smile and half-smirk. "Oh damn..." She muttered, voice further from the phone.

"What?" He asked,

"It's nothing. Just later than I thought." She chuckled,

"You goin' to bed?"

"Yeah, after this." she sighed sweetly,

"Well, don't let me keep you,"

"I wanna talk." She shrugged, "When will I see you?"

"Well, would you mind if your place is my first stop in Mystic Falls?"

"Not at all." She said softly

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It had been nearly a year since Stefan first provided that intel on a certain unease. And while it had taken as much time for Damon to see and speak to Edrick once more, he knew his old friend would have a good reason. Especially after receiving word from Edrick in such a way. By letter and handed to Damon in person by perhaps the most unassuming boy. He stood outside Mystic Grill last week, picking up lunch for Y/N, Ms.Sheila and himself. And that's when a boy, looking no older than seventeen, with a face Damon had never seen, approached him.

"Bleeder." The boy said and Damon's face dropped at once.

A darkness settled in his eye, cruel and dangerous as his mind traced back to what it was at his peak in the 20's. In the 20's, where he'd be referred to as only 'Bleeder'; few deserved the honour to speak his real name. It had been almost a hundred years, but he took satisfaction in knowing he wasn't forgotten.

He said nothing, only studied the boy's face and demeanour, listening to his heart and hearing hat familiar bounce only those like him have—a vampire he was, and walking about Mystic Falls without Damon's knowledge. Before his suspicion spoke however, the boy did first.

"Mister Congreve asked for me to deliver this to you in person." He nodded, unzipping his fanny pack and pulling out a letter. Not just a vampire but a juvenile. Not one of Katherine's, Damon could tell, but simply an underling. He smirked for a moment at the boy's lack of formality, but it fell as soon as the boy looked back up at him. It was a pattern throughout the almost two centuries Damon lived. As the years grew, juveniles became less and less acquainted with basic formalities. It certainly didn't make them less loyal or powerful, but it was certainly interesting to see. The boy handed Damon the letter and with a small bow, "An honour to meet you, sir." And walked away. A rectangular wax seal in gold stamped it shut, the classic live oak tree indented in the wax. Edrick's seal, no doubt.


You have my sincerest apologies in regards to my inability to create a reliable plan with you. I will be in my apartment in Lenox Hill for the next two weeks. Please, do not respond to this letter in any capacity. If you are to meet me, I will see you there. If not, I will see you again, after all of this is over.


And so here Damon stood, outside of one of many old buildings on 5th Avenue. He walked up the steps, through the old building to a semi-new elevator. He'd go to the top floor, like any building he'd meet Edrick in, and before he could knock, the boy who'd handed him that letter opened the door.


"Mister Salvatore, please." Damon corrected.

"Mister Salvatore." The boy repeated quickly, giving a small bow, "Please, come in." He stepped aside for Damon and he walked into the apartment. It looked as it did forty years ago and unlike Damon, he doubted Edrick had any wishes to change.

"May I take your coat?" The boy asked and Damon shook his head,

"Show me to him." He said, nodding for the door of the study down the long corridor on his left, utterly uncaring for this interaction.

"At once, sir."

Damon followed him down the lengthy hall, waiting as the boy knocked on the door and Edrick called for him to open, "Mister Congreve." The boy bowed as he pushed open the door, "I present Mister Salvatore." He said, stepping aside for Damon,

"Thank you, Henry." Edrick nodded, looking at neither him nor Damon. Henry gave another small bow and walked out, closing the door behind him. Damon heard his footsteps depart, seemingly back to the door. Edrick said nothing, just gazed out onto Central Park. Damon examined him for a moment. An almost full glass of brandy, held tightly in his grasp, a tiredness to his posture, and an uncertainty in his breathing.

"Well..." Damon sighed, strolling to the liquor cart, "Can I assume it's danger you're in to trust only a hand-written letter given directly to me?" He asked, pouring some cognac, the year 1762 still clear on it's label.

"Much has changed this past year, Damon." Edrick said, his tone grave, "And it is not I who is in danger." He sighed, turning around and facing his old friend. Damon turned too, taking a sip of the old drink.

"And you mean to say I am?"

"We all are." He answered at once, face reading true and grim and Damon found entirely off-putting.

He narrowed his blue eyes slightly and then tossed them. "Sorry if I have a hard time believing your vague statement." He said, rounding the leather chair in a tufted black before him and taking a seat.

Edrick only sighed and sat the seat across him. "You are aware of Elias Tyrell?"

Damon sighed at the man's name. Yet another utterance. "Clearly, not well enough."

"Interesting..." Edrick nodded. Something weighed in the air, something shifting so obviously. It was icky and ugly and Damon felt an angst rising within him. "Because I have the understanding you two crossed paths in 1921."

The man stifled a scoff and perhaps a laugh before he asked, "Excuse me?"

Edrick sighed. "1921, New Orleans. Upon traveling back from your business deal with Mister Larson and following the death of Aubrey Ford." he detailed and Damon's eyes narrowed. His brain racked those events Edrick listed. He remembered them. He remembered that ugly estate Mister Larson owned, the boring conversation they made before discussing the purchase of those properties. How could he forget that? To this day he received deposits from the property. Thousands upon thousands monthly. And he remembered the train ride back to New Orleans, his mind thinking of only his brother and the torments he committed in Monterey at the time. But Damon couldn't remember meeting Elias Tyrell. He'd met dozens of individuals in New Orleans and besides, his memory prior to the Whittmore's was entirely unreliable.

"Unfortunately, Edrick, I'll need more specific examples. I met countless lowlifes in New Orleans in 1921." he sighed, sipping his drink in hopes to ease the nervousness that rose in his belly,

"Rise and Revel speakeasy. Night of your return."

And that was all Damon needed.



"Mr.Salvatore." a voice spoke, assured. Damon looked up at a tall man with blonde hair, slicked back impressively. The man had arrived seemingly out of nowhere. Damon hadn't seen him in his initial scan of the speakeasy however, in all fairness, he had been quite distracted since taking a fancy to the woman who sat on his left. He glanced down at the man's extended hand then back up to his face. His face was gaunt, almost sickly, and cold eyes looked back at Damon's. He took the stranger's hand, "My name is Elias Tyrell, and I must convey my utter enthusiasm of meeting you at long last." The man said with a small bow. Damon narrowed his eyes slightly at this, looking him up and down. He appeared rather affluent.

A pin-stripe suit of dark and light brown hung on his sickly looking physique. His dark brown waist coat had four buttons that gleamed different shades in a certain light. It reminded Damon of a stone he had seen a few women garb around town. Tiger's Eye, he remembered them calling it. Brown leather shoes rested under his tan spats. Gold rings rounded a few of his knuckles, one crusted with Lapis Lazuli. A gold chain hung from his waistcoat pocket and the man wore no hat. Seeming not to ruin the perfectly slicked back hair.

Damon sighed and looked at the woman to his left. "You will not remember me or this night. Go home." He said to her, gazing deeply into her smitten eyes. The woman smiled and stood from her seat, turning away and stepping out of the speakeasy. Elias smiled and took her seat.

"Who sent you?" Damon asked,

"No one sends me anywhere." Elias smiled and Damon said nothing, face unchanging. "And I know no one sends you anywhere either. Thus, I've a proposal." He said and Damon scoffed under his breath.

"A proposal?" He asked, sipping his Rob Roy,

"One that combines our work as well a promise of our preservation." he shrugged simply,

"'Combines our work'..." Damon repeated, a humour in his tone, "Forgive me if I'm wrong, Elias, but your name sounds remarkably similar to a man that moves bodies." He raised his brows once and sipped his drink.

Elias chuckled, looking down at the table then back at Damon, "Usually I give the advice not tune into juvenile hearsay... However what you speakis true." He nodded,

"Well...Don Eyague's faced plenty of success. I find it hard to believe that he would allow another one of us to lead in his market." Damon shrugged, "Unless, of course... It is defiance that you suggest, and if that is the case..." He shook his head, "Don Eyague is not an opposition I wish for."

And at that Elias laughed. "Oh, Mr.Salvatore, no. No, no..." He shook his head, "You see, Don Eyague is strictly prostitution. You are absolutely correct in that he has faced near envious success, however... There are limits within Sex Work and he respects those limits." He said, "My services provide an experience to clients that are..." He shrugged, "More demanding. I simply seek to offer a man's deepest, darkest pleasures." And at that, Damon's stomach flipped, sickly. He bit back an ugly rage swelling within him. Trafficking. Of course. And with the utter chaos between the countries, he without a doubt was gaining more influence. "I've accumulated a considerable accounts on your past, Bleeder." He said and Damon's eyes narrowed at the name, "And from the origin of your name alone, I've grand desire to collaborate. Your agreeance would be a true honour." He said and Damon just scoffed, shaking his head at the silly, silly man.

"It's unfortunate you won't have honour." He sighed, downing the rest of his drink and standing up, "I don't work with rapers." His face relaxed into one of complete disdain. Elias' face dropped as well at the title, a certain wrath clear in his eye.



"How could I forget..." Damon whispered, mostly to himself. His eyes darted around the room, remembering everything,

"And he took you, didn't he? Afterward?"

"Yes..." Damon nodded, staring at a spot on the carpet as he recalled his capture, "Yes, afterward he found me. He brought me to his apartment... He tortured me, I remember now... My god, how could I forget?!" Damon exclaimed, shooting up from his chair and pacing the room.

"Your time at the Whittmore's occurred quite shortly after. I'm not surprised it cleared from your mind. I doubt Elias' torture was as remarkable as theirs." Edrick shrugged, trying to validate his friend and his naive forgetfulness.

Damon slowed, face relaxing into a certain fear or anger or astonishment or perhaps all of those at once. "f*ck..."

"What?" Edrick asked, standing from his seat and stepping closer to Damon,

"It was him." Damon narrowed his eyes that still darted around the room, "All this time it was him..."


"I saw him. InMystic Falls this Winter."

"You saw him?" Edrick asked, panicked,

"Oh, sh*t..." Damon shook his head, "Edrick, this is really f*ckin' bad..."

He near spat, "What, Damon? What?"

"You know of the 'Unit'?" He asked, rolling his eyes slightly,

"Yes, of course." Edrick shrugged,

"Elias works for them." He said, words wrapped with defeat and awe.

"How can you be certain?"

"Because I saw him attend Christmas twenty-twenty-two, accompanying Carla and Glenn Y/L/N."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

He made it back much earlier than he planned, but hers was still the first stop. He went up the walkway, wishing he'd brought flowers or something. He'd just make time to get them while he got their coffee in a few hours. 5:43 am, he knocked on her door, hearing her stir slightly from the noise. He knocked again and her heart quickened slightly. He knocked one more time, and heard her tired sigh and just as sleepy footsteps. She stepped downstairs, he heard her look through the peephole, heart quickening slightly. Pulling open the door he a saw a smile lift her tired face,

"Aw, Damon," she smiled, reaching her arms atop his shoulders and pulling herself to him. His arms stretched around her back, holding her close. "You're early," she said softly, voice laced with sleep still,

"Didn't wanna wait," he shrugged, "let's get back to bed," he said just above a whisper,

"Mm, but it's so comfy here." She sighed, eyes closed as she held herself against him. He tittered, wrapping his arm around her waist and letting her lean tiredly against him as they walked back to her bed.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

He didn't know how to tell her. How does one say such a thing?

Yes, Y/N, the man whom actively seeks your pain is actually friends with your parents!

And he stayed in your home this winter! How about it?

It was all just so messy. And it was wrong of him to say nothing as soon as he got back. He knew it was. What was he waiting for, really? Damon told himself he just wanted to find a time where she was in the right headspace, but... What is the right headspace for something like that? A guilt riddled him, thickening each time he looked at her. Tomorrow. He'd tell her tomorrow. Or, maybe tonight if today's practice went well... But right then was simply not the time. She held the phone to her ear, face full of angst as Ms.Sheila spoke on the other end. Something about Y/N doing it without her--doesn't know how long it'll rain. It didn't matter what she said. What mattered was how it changed Y/N's demeanour so greatly. Whatever these powers were, he knew Y/N liked little of what came with them. He remembered her saying how much she had changed over the past few weeks. Her mental state, how she'd process things. The way she thought about Gillian and what that bitch of a witch did. She'd been growing in that regard, seeing things for what they were, accepting what was what. Ms.Sheila suggested it was something to do with the acknowledgment of her higher power as well as her at least once daily meditation. Her growth also manifested in her control. While she did have impressive control that first night under the full moon, everyone could speak to her improvement. But it didn't matter to her, he could tell. Her control, her acceptance, any of it. The fact she was capable of inflicting such pain was enough for her to hate whatever powers she had. So he watched as her grip on the phone tightened slightly, learning she'd only have him for today's practice. He could almost feel the anxiety that took hold within her. Sure, he offered comfort, support, anything she needed. But Ms.Sheila Bennett was certainly the most experienced in anything magic.

"Okay, bye." Y/N hung up the phone. The girl looked toward him, a certain upset in her eye. He was about to say something but she sighed first, and walked past him to the front door. The rain poured outside, it was so loud, even from where he stood in the grand living room. He turned, following his girl to the door just as she opened it. With another sigh she stepped outside, walking to the driveway. He followed her, as she carelessly strolled out into the rain, not thinking of her clothes or her hair. She always had an umbrella or a hood. He followed her, wearing no hoodie and carrying no umbrella. Her arms crossed as she stood in the middle of the driveway. She turned, expression reading the by now familiar certain dread. He walked up to her but she didn't focus on him, only forward.

"You can do this." He said, lifting her chin up slightly. Her gaze met with his and he saw that dread dwindle slightly from her eye. Her steady heartbeat quickened slightly, he heard, and as it did she wrapped her arms around him. The corner of his mouth tugged into a smile and he closed his arms around her too. His eyes closed, feeling the warmth of their energy against the coldness of the rain. He held her close and safe, forgetting the wetness of their clothes,

"Can't I just..." She started, taking a deep breath,

"Hm?" He tightened his arms slightly,

"Can't I just stay like this? With you?" She sighed, head against his chest.

He chuckled, "Come here." he said, putting his hands on her upper arms and pulling away slightly. He looked down at her and she at him. Those eyes that changed so much those past few months. And now she would have to perform her power, no matter how greatly she didn't want to. He just wanted to sweep her up in his arms, take her away. Take her East and show her the world while they were at it. They could run from Elias, surely. With Damon's contacts, of course they could. He studied her face and reached for her mandible, pressing his lips to hers, sweet and slow. Her hands reached for his as he held her delicate face and he separated them again, pressing his forehead to hers. "We just gotta get through this one, okay?" He said, as if he didn't want to just run away with her. As if she didn't want to run away just as bad, "And then we can chill, debrief, do whatever before Care's tonight." He said, and she nodded.

"Okay." She said quietly, and without his hearing he probably would've missed it. He leaned forward again, kissing her another time.

He pulled away and gave her one last peck before stepping back a few times, "You can do this." He raised his brows, "I know you can."

"Okay." She said, mostly to herself. He watched her as she took in a breath. Her eyes fixed on him, studying every inch of his body. And, like last time, like that night under the full moon, it suddenly felt wrong. Her gaze turned into a glare, looking at him as if she read every thought he had, every mistake he made. And in an instant he felt a needle prick his hand. Then another on his forearm. Then it felt like four at once striking his forehead. And in a swarm, what felt like a thousand needles flew toward him piercing every part of him. They stabbed his torso, his neck, his lips, his hands... His eyes. Ripping into his flesh in too short a time to process. He'd experienced pain before, he knew how to handle it. Hell, he'd spent nearly half a decade with the f*cking Whittmore's. He knew physical pain. But not even they had found a way to stab every square inch of skin at once.

"Agh!" He yelled out a cry, eyes bloody and clothes tearing, "Agh! Y/N, stop!" He winced, falling to the ground. And as he fell, the pain quit. At least she stopped when he asked. Similarly unlike the Whittmore's.

"Oh my god..." He heard her say, followed by quickened steps toward him, "Oh my god-oh my god..." She said quickly, kneeling next to him, though he couldn't see her, "Damon, are you okay?" She asked, and finally he saw a hint of light,

"My eyes..." He said, sitting up and touching the tops of his cheeks, "Eyes take longer to heal," he shook his head, "I need your help back." He winced, nodding to the Boarding House.

"Yeah, yeah." She nodded, lacing her fingers with his and pulling on his forearm, "Here." She said and he stood with her. The light grew as they walked through the rain. He noticed the shadow when they stepped under the porch and his vision darkening much more as they walked into the mansion. She sat him down on the long leather couch and took a seat next to him. He blinked his hurt eyes and saw a blurry mixture of dark browns and reds.

"What can I do?" She asked, still holding onto his forearm,

"I mean I'd love a drink if you're offering," he shrugged and the girl chuckled.

"I meant more in first-aid, but I will absolutely get you a drink." She stamped a kiss upon his cheek and stood from the couch, rounding for one of the many liquor carts Damon had invested in.

"Ah, I'll be fine. Might take a few minutes, but I'll heal."

He heard her give an uncertain 'mhm' before she turn a couple bottles. "Which one do you prefer?" She asked and he smiled,

"Uh..." He sighed, "sh*t, I just restocked it, I forgot what I put..." He said, looking at the blurry shapes around him, "Uhh, is there any Red Hook?"

"Mm..." Y/N thought out loud and he heard her turning another one of the bottles, "LeNell's Red Hook Rye?" She asked

"Yes.Half a glass of that would be lovely." He said and she poured him a glass, "And, feel free to pour one for yourself." He said as she rounded the couch again. The girl sat down and reached across his lap for his right hand,

"Here." She said, handing him the drink, "Thank you, but it's still not really my thing." He saw her blurry figure shrug and took a sip. "Besides, I much prefer the taste of it on your tongue." She said and he nearly spat out his drink.

He downed his sip and smiled wide, "Goddamn,I wish I wasn't half-blind right now." He said, resting his head against the couch, reaching his left hand for hers. By then he could see she was smiling. A car drove up his property, he heard, "I think Ms.Sheila's here," he said, blinking a few times. His eyelids had formed once more and then it was just a light fuzz surrounding his sight.

The front door opened, "Y/N?" The woman called.

Y/N stood from the couch and walked to the foyer, "Hey..." She said with a certain distance, "Um..." She started again. He looked at her, glancing at him then to Ms.Sheila, "I definitely did... Something." She spoke timid, fidgeting with her fingers. Ms.Sheila furthered into the home, down the couple steps to the living room. She locked eyes with Damon and he could now see the sight before him. Ms.Sheila furrowed her brows as she studied him. His ripped clothes and tired demeanour,

"The individual raindrops were the weapon?" Ms.Sheila asked, tugging at the shoulder of his crewneck shirt. He glanced at Y/N as she stepped toward them and the girl nodded. Ms.Sheila tugged at his shirt again seeing the countless tiny punctures.

"I think so... They... They hit his eyes." Y/N said quietly and he looked over at her. Her brows furrowed and she seemed somehow smaller than she did moments ago, "I blinded him," she said, quieter,

"Blinded him?" Ms.Sheila said, wearing a small smile of astonishment,

"She did it fast too. Quicker than the moon." he added and he saw her look away as he said that. A pang of anxiety raced in his chest. Should he not have said that?

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She asked if he was free for dinner. He was, of course, almost kicking himself that she beat him to the offer. For just a moment his mind filled with what she might need to tell him. Or ask him. Or ask of him. And he still hadn't told her about Elias. He rolled his eyes, tossing the book he wasn't really reading to the side. He grabbed his phone from the bedside opening his chat with Y/N. She had replied to his ask on when he should arrive,

"6 :)" she texted, and right after, "what should we eat?" She asked

"Stefan's making something, I can bring some?"

"Yess that's perf," she texted, "I'll see you later," and he liked her last message. He tossed his phone to the middle of the bed and stood up, rounding the bed to his door. He could hear Stefan's clanging of dishes or utensils the second he stepped into the hallway. He strolled down the hall, a comfortable fit of tan slacks and a boxy crew neck shirt, the one that showed off a little of his muscle. He turned right, passing the familiar old statues and walking down the stairs. He walked down, slowing to a stop as he passed the living room. Glancing at the liquor cart he debated a drink. With a shrug he strolled into the living room, glancing at the spot he found Y/N at only a couple months ago. A certain rage tingled within him, thinking about exactly why she was taken there to be hurt. Why didn't Elias just have Gillian take her? Was it a little game, mostly directed to Damon? Maybe Y/N was just a pawn in a bigger game. And he still had yet to tell her who Elias was. He hadn't even told Stefan. He took a deep breath, stepping away for the kitchen.

"I'm taking some to Y/N's tonight," Damon said as he walked in, nearing the stove, "just so you know," he added, looking into the pot on the stove,

Stefan shrugged, "I made a bunch," draping a kitchen towel over his shoulder,

"How's Caroline?" Damon asked with a smile he knew annoyed Stefan. He leaned across Stefan's cutting board and grabbed a couple almond slices and popped them in his mouth. Stefan sighed, stopping his cutting while Damon reached over him.

"I don't know," he said, cutting the cilantro again, "I haven't seen her in a while," he shrugged,

"Interesting," Damon said, rounding the counter and sitting on the barstool, "what's up?" he asked, his tone more serious. Stefan shook his head, still looking down. He took a deep breath and put the knife down, stepping back to lean against the counter behind him. Damon raised his brows once before Stefan looked at him.

"I'm in love with Caroline," Stefan admitted and again Damon raised his brows.

"That didn't take much," he said, reaching for another almond,

"Okay, no more I need them for the korma," Stefan put his hand out and Damon shrugged, "and..." he shook his head, "I guess I've known it for a while,"

"Mm," Damon nodded,

"Why aren't you... I don't know, surprised?" Stefan asked.

Damon shrugged, "well, remember that time when you were all like, ripper Stefan! Ahh!" Damon said, mimicking one of Stefan's victims and chuckling. Stefan narrowed his eyes, unamused and Damon rolled his eyes, "she and I went to Busan together. Obviously it came up," he shrugged and Stefan sighed.

"The problem's gotta do with Elena," he sighed,

"Of course it's gotta do with Elena," Damon sighed as well,

"We broke up. I know that. I'm getting over it," he said,

"But would you ever be able to really be with Caroline?" Damon finished his brother's thought and Stefan sighed, "unfortunately, brother, that's something I can't help you with," he smiled tightly.

Stefan shook his head and stepped forward to the island again, picking up the knife "only time will tell," he shrugged, "well, what about you?"

Damon furrowed his brows giving a look of confusion, "what about me?"

"You've been acting weird since New York," Stefan shrugged, "what'd Edrick have to say?"

Damon sighed, "you'll know after I tell Y/N,"

"Tell her what?"

"Don't worry 'bout it, brother," Damon smiled tightly and turned away. His smile dropped once his back was to Stefan, and he left the kitchen.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"Absolutely not," he scoffed,

"What if we're in a situation where we haven't taken appropriate measures and it happens anyway?"

"That is a bad argument," he shook his head, taking a bite of his food,

"Look, Damon," she said, taking a deep breath, "I could withstand the fire for just over a minute," she said and he heard the uncertainty in her tone, "taking your blood would just be a precaution," she argued and he rolled his eyes

"It's almost like you're trying to get me to say no," he shrugged, taking another bite. She put down her utensils, reaching for his forearm,

"Listen," she said quietly, and he put down his utensils too, "please," her brows furrowed and there was no denying the nervousness in her tone, "there's no use for my powers if I don't know how close I can get to their source. It's dangerous that way. Reckless," she shrugged, taking her hand from his arm and clasping hers together,

"What's reckless is letting a 20 foot wave crash onto you," he shrugged too,

"Damon, Ms.Sheila and I both have a strong feeling I'll be fine," she said, the uncertainty in her voice betraying her confident demeanour, "it's just in case," she said, "besides he wouldn't have any use for me if it didn't turn out fine,"

He huffed in amusem*nt at that, "so you're saying it's a win-win?"

"Or a lose-lose," she responded quickly and he narrowed his eyes slightly, "it's worth a shot," she shrugged, and he just scoffed. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he thought of the options in front of him. And he was so grateful she couldn't hear the spike in his heartbeat from the very idea of her turning. To be frank, there were few things stopping him from saying yes right away. The thought of turning her, or bringing it up, had already crossed his mind maybe a dozen times since boxing day. Definitely a dozen more times upon realising Elias had been in her home. He wanted nothing more than to just turn her and keep her safe. Stop Elias from seeking her power, or whatever he sought.

But that would never be his decision to make. And never would he force vampirism on someone. Certainly not her. But here she was, asking him for his blood. There was a part of him that hoped there wasn't such certainty she would be fine, but that fear and doubt he saw in her face as she asked him, made him guess.

So, selfishly, he spoke again, "okay. I'll do it," he said quietly and she nodded, the air shifting so surely. It was like his acceptance made it all too real. He felt an undeniable anxiety exuding from her as she exhaled and he reached for her hand on her lap. He laced their fingers and she met his gaze again,

"I'm sure you'll be fine too," he said, pulling the side of his lips into a small smile, and she smiled back, but weakly. He clicked his tongue and stood up, "come here," he said, holding her hand still. She smiled again, still sad, and stood with him. He lifted her hand to his shoulder then moved his arms around her torso. He pulled her close, "if Ms.Sheila thinks you'll be fine, we don't need to worry," he said just above a whisper, holding her tight and forgetting his thoughts moments ago. She needed him right now.

How was he supposed to tell her?

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She stood by the shore, now so easily feeling the lake and its power. She'd taken the small vial of blood Damon gave her. A metallic taste still lingering on her tongue. She didn't like it.

The lake was chilly that mid-spring day. Wind whipped past her ear, the water waved cold. And she'd have to go in that cold water in only few moments... She focused on the lake, feeling every part of it, every piece of energy that bounced from it. And just like last time, the water dipped in the centre then jumped up, higher than she expected. It crashed down, forcing a wave toward her. Her breaths quickened as it neared, heart speeding as the wave grew taller and taller. It towered thirty feet as it approached and it was then that she felt true fear. She stood still, focusing on the great wave and just imagining the worst. If she faced death it would be painful. Or would it just be pain and she would survive? At what lengths could she withstand her manipulation? But there wasn't any more time to ponder. She gasped as the wave crashed down on her head. And it felt as if a hundred feathers flew over her. Wet feathers, she might add, but it didn't hurt. The water submerged her, taking her with it on its way back home. She flew under the giant wave as it stretched back far from shore, twisting, flipping and turning... But she found she needn't any air. She didn't know how long it took, but finally the water spiralled down, twisting her in circles so disorienting. And then she still. She exhaled, noticing the bubbles floating up. And she straightened her legs and paddled upward, finally feeling a pressure in her lungs. She broke the surface and looked around her, taking heaving breaths. The lake had swept her far from the shore. All the way to the middle. She looked to shore seeing Ms.Sheila wave her arm and Damon crouching with hands over his mouth. She smiled, reaching a tired arm up to wave a couple times. A couple more deep breaths and she swam back to shore. She didn't die. Damon however, didn't quite believe it at first it seemed. The second she stepped from the water Damon stood, taking hold of her shoulders. He put two fingers to her neck, just under her jaw and felt for a pulse. He lifted her top lip and checked her gums,

"Oh my god, stop." She laughed, pushing his hand away with a small smile,

"No fangs, heartbeat's the same," he nodded and pulled her into a hug. She chuckled, letting him hold her,

"Alright, alright, my turn," Ms.Sheila smiled, tapping Damon's shoulder. He stepped back, holding the sides of her face for a few more seconds. Finally he stepped back and Ms.Sheila hugged Y/N too. "You did a really good job, Y/N," Ms.Sheila said, holding her tightly,

"Thank you," Y/N smiled. Damon turned around for the towel and draped it around her as Ms.Sheila stepped away, "thanks," she nodded to him,

"Let's go home," he raised his brows once, "get warm,"

"Yes. Get warm, relax.... Write everything down. We can discuss it tomorrow, okay?" Ms.Sheila nodded and Y/N smiled,

"Yeah," she said. Damon hung his arm over her shoulders as they walked back to the cars. Only a half an hour drive back to the Boarding house.

"Bye, Ms.Sheila," Y/N waved as she stood by the passenger door of Damon's Mustang,

"Bye, sweetie," the woman smiled and stepped into her car.

"Okay," Damon sighed, pulling a pile of clothes from his trunk, "put these on," he said handing her the pile,

"Oh my god, thank you so much for bringing these," she smiled, "I'm so stupid I should've thought to bring them," she chuckled, shaking your head,

"You are not stupid," he sighed, pulling out the last item from his trunk. He handed her the hoodie and she chuckled, shaking her head,

"Come on, give me your towel, I'll cover you," he said, and with a smile she handed him the towel. She put the pile of clothes on the roof of his Mustang and he stretched his arms out, holding the towel against the car on either side of her. Her shoulders stayed up in a shrug as she changed quickly. Her legs bounced slightly and he just knew how cold she was. She slipped on the last garment in the pile, one of his hoodies,

"Is this yours?" She asked, tugging lightly at the fabric as he folded up the towel.

He shrugged, "maybe," he said walking to his trunk, "you look good in them," he raised his brows once, popping it open. She chuckled and picked up the pile of her drenched clothes, "here," he presented a plastic bag and she dropped them inside,

"You came prepared," she smiled,

"Well I wasn't gonna let my girlfriend freeze to death," he said, casually. And she smiled, wider than she expected. She hadn't heard him call her that before. Maybe he noticed her smile, and his brows furrowed, "aw, your lips are blue," he said with a small smile, walking over to her. He reached for her mandible and with his thumb swiped her bottom lip, "wanna get some coffee?" He asked,

"Definitely," she nodded.

Tomorrow. He'd tell her tomorrow.


y'alllllllll plot twist. Benoit Rivett? Yeah it was Elias this whole f*ckin' time. Yes this was planned.
Anyway Damon's gotta tell her eventually. He's gotta tell her soon!

for fic updates and visuals check out !

as always ~~much love

Chapter 21: paths crossed in the 20's


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (15)

They arrived at a humble country home. A few people dressed fancy like them scattered in groups or pairs around the house, the boulevard and the yard. Damon pulled next to an old car Y/N didn't know the make of and they stepped out of his Mustang. He rounded the car to her side and offered his arm. With a smile and a quick flutter of butterflies, she linked her arm with his. They walked to the front door, surely, but Y/N's eyes darted around the property. Everyone seemed in their own conversations, and each outfit Y/N saw, her eyes lingered for a moment. Every fabric her eyes met she could tell was expensive and she wondered what exactly it was that Damon brought her to. He walked his way to the door like he had been here a thousand times, he seemed as comfortable as he did walking into his own room, and because of that, Y/N found herself worrying less. They stepped up the six stairs to the main foundation, meeting a tall man who stood at the front door.


"I'm gonna go find Mackenzie," Bonnie said, raising her brows once,

"Okay, I'll text you later," Y/N smiled, pulling Bonnie into a quick hug. She walked off, nearing a duo of girls that Y/N knew Mackenzie was friends with. Arm still linked with Damon's, they strolled to the front doors, up the steps and to the entrance. The Lockwood's home was quite impressive. Though, compared to the Salvatore Boarding House, it was almost average.

"It's not too late to change your mind," he leaned close to her ear as they stepped into the home,

"It's okay," she sighed, glancing at him then forward again, "gotta do normal things if I wanna feel normal," she said, glancing around at people of ages 15 to old, "but I definitely need a drink," she sighed and he smirked,

"I will get right on that for you," he said and she chuckled, "any requests?" he asked, slowing to a stop and unlinking their arms,

"Your choice," she smiled.


"Come on, let's change," he said, "give me your towel, I'll cover you," he said, and with a smile she handed him the towel. She put the pile of clothes on the roof of his Mustang and he stretched his arms out, holding the towel against the car on either side of her. Her shoulders stayed up in a shrug as she changed quickly. Her legs bounced slightly and he just knew how cold she was. She slipped on the last garment in the pile, one of his hoodies,

"Is this yours?" She asked, tugging lightly at the fabric as he folded up the towel. He shrugged, "maybe," he said walking to his trunk, "you look good in them," he raised his brows once, popping it open. She chuckled and picked up the pile of her drenched clothes, "here," he presented a plastic bag and she dropped them inside.

This had happened before. She could tell, now. She was... Dreaming. Seeing everything from an outside perspective... An outside perspective, watching everything play out how it did the day before, but as if she was spying on Damon and herself. And she didn't feel like herself. There was a certain familiarity, true. A certain recognition, a connection with whomever shared this perspective. But it wasn't her. She wasn't in Y/N Y/L/N's body. She looked down at her palms, seeing hands that weren't hers. And she looked up again, back at the scene of her and Damon, but she was much farther away now. Maybe half a kilometre, and given her distance between dream Damon and Y/N there's no way she could have heard them. But she did. Their voices were muffled, a little bit of an echo to them, but it didn't matter how far away she stood. She could hear exactly what they spoke of.

"You came prepared," the dream Y/N smiled, just like she did in real life yesterday.

"Well I wasn't gonna let my girlfriend freeze to death," Damon responded, expectedly. The person's stomach flipped, feeling an almost ick with Damon calling Y/N his girlfriend.

But then, the scene changed slightly. Suddenly it didn't go how it did the other day. Instead of giving her a sweet kiss and offering to get them some warm coffee, he simply rounded the Mustang in silence. He went to the driver's door and flopped in his seat while Y/N stood in place. Her face dropped, looking forward without expression. Whoever's perspective Y/N viewed this from, their brows furrowed, an eeriness washing over their body. And then the dream Y/N snapped her head toward them. As if the half kilometre distance meant nothing. The dream Y/N looked at this person dead in the eye, glaring, and face blank.

Her eyes shot open wide and she sucked in a quick breath. Friendly morning light shone onto Damon's clean linens. She was safe. It was just a dream. She laid next to him, comfortable and warm in the early spring. Hopefully her heartbeat wouldn't wake him up.

"You okay?" His sleepy voice asked and she smiled.

"Yeah," she sighed, turning around to face him,

"You sure?" He asked, putting his hand on her waist. He opened his eyes, "your heart's beating all fast," he raised his brows once sleepily. She looked down then shrugged, looking back in his eyes,

"Weird dream," she sighed,

"Seemed like a nightmare," he said, rubbing his hand up and down the side of her body, slowly,

"Not really," she said, "but it was weird... Like, a series of memories. You and I at the theatre, at the Lockwood's and then the carpark after the lake yesterday," she said, furrowing her brows and trying to remember, "I was watching us from a third perspective, and at first it was close-by," she started. She huffed and sat up, pulling her brows closer together as she remembered, "yeah... But then once I realised I was looking at myself from another perspective I was suddenly far away," she shrugged,

"Hm," he said, drawing pattern on the small of her back as he stayed lying down,

"Yeah and... And the more I thought about how I didn't feel like myself it got more strange. Like I was someone else who was spying on us yesterday and all of the other memories I revisited," she shook her head and turned to him who looked confused,

"Then what?" He asked, sitting up,

"She looked right at me. Or, I looked right at me..." She shook her head slowly, "it was so freaky... I was standing so far away but she just snapped her head and looked right into my eyes..."

"Like the Y/N who was talking to me in dream snapped her head to look at you?"

"Yeah," she nodded,

He made a face, imagining how creepy it was. "That's terrible."

"I know, it was gross," she said,

"Well, let me get us some coffee and cook some breakfast to take your mind off of it."

She chuckled, smile reaching her eyes and lighting them up. "You're so sweet."

"Only with you." He raised his brows once, stamped a sudden kiss on her lips then stood from his bed. "And, maybe later I can take your mind off it some other way." He spoke, taking slows steps backward to his closet. She let out a laugh, and he smiled, turning around.

"I'm thinkin' pancakes. You down?" He asked, pulling open a drawer and quickly fishing out a white shirt. He pulled open the drawer under it and took out some denim.

"So down," she smiled.

"Sweet. I'll probably be like half an hour. Gotta restock on pancake mix and maple syrup," he rolled his eyes, strolling out of the closet again.

"Wait, what?" She chuckled, scooting to the edge of the bed, "you don't need to get coffee and go to the store," she shrugged, watching him walk towards her, slowing his steps.

"So no grocery store but you do want coffee?" He asked sarcastically,

"One thing about me is I'll always accept a coffee delivery," she shrugged, earning a laugh, "but I feel bad, you going to the store as well. Why don't we just make something from what's already in the kitchen?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, "now I'm thinkin' about pancakes. And besides I offered," he spoke more quiet as a smile spread across her lips. He studied her face, reaching for that piece of hair by her face that he always reached for.

He swiped her jawline with his thumb, "you're cute," he raised his brows once before leaning down and stamping a firm kiss on her lips. He straightened then turned around for the shower, leaving Y/N with a wide smile.



"I'll text you when I'm back," he said, sweet and cool cologne wafting toward her as he leaned in for another kiss. He pressed his lips to hers sweetly, then pulled away.

"Okay," she smiled. The door shut quietly behind him and she relaxed back into his bed. God his bed was comfortable. Though, if a person had one hundred-eighty four years to experience beds, their primary residence better have a comfortable mattress. She chuckled, shaking her head at the thought. One hundred-eighty four years. Comical, really. And she just happened to be swept up in it. And because of her parents. God, her parents.

Once they entered her mind she sighed, eyes darting around Damon's ceiling but not really registering anything. Damon told her enough about his past to know her parents knew a whole lot more than they ever let on. Newport Beach 2007 they just showed up at his house. And Damon wasn't exactly an accessible individual. It was apparentlyweird that they found him. But maybe that was just what their job entailed. The ability to find anyone, any time. Maybe they knew about her recent development in awareness of the world. How could they not? But, Y/N didn't really know them. She didn't know them at all, actually. Maybe she knew a bit about her dad, who he was. But there wasn't a single thing she could say about her mother. She couldn't she even describe the kind of person her mother was. Not really.

"God," she whispered to herself, sitting up and shaking her head. She stood, wiping her clean palms on her pants before going for Damon's bathroom door. She did her thing, brushed her teeth, fixed up her hair a little, then went back out to her bag for a fresh outfit. The main thing on her mind was crossing the hall to Stefan's room. Maybe he was home. Maybe he'd wanna sesh. Slipping on her top, she went for Damon's door and opened it, looking left, down the incredibly long hallway. Absurdly long. Why did they still live there again? All those bad memories Damon spoke of and quite the hassle to clean. Or expensive to clean. Crossing the dark panelled floor she knocked a couple times. Though, he didn't respond. At least not for a little longer than usual. She raised her hand to knock a second time but he opened the door, quickly,

"Hey!" He sighed, seeming out of breath and in the middle of another thought,

"Hey," Y/N smiled, furrowing her brows slightly,

"What's up? How's it goin'?" He asked, crossing his arms and leaning against the door frame, door open just enough for him to fit.

"Uh, not much," she chuckled, "I was just wondering if you wanted to sesh?" She asked,

"Oh, um, yeah. Yeah, for sure," he nodded, looking behind his shoulder before pushing himself from the door frame, "yeah come on in," he nodded, turning around. Y/N chuckled under her breath and shook her head once he turned away from her. Hopefully she wasn't interrupting anything. She followed him in, caught a whiff of something in the air. A sweet floral perfume, unmistakenly. Caroline's signature. She narrowed her eyes at Stefan's back but relaxed as he turned toward her,

"Was Caroline here?" She asked,

His brows pulled together. "What? No, uh, no," he shook his head, "why?" He asked, quickly Y/N might add,

"Just smells like her," she shrugged,

"Oh," he said,

"Anyway, do you have any? I got some in my bag if you need," she changed the subject, seeming to Stefan's relief, and pointed behind her with her thumb,

"Oh, no worries, I got some," he said, turning to his desk. He pulled a stool from underneath and slid over the more comfortable chair for Y/N to sit in. He reached for a wooden box similar to Damon's that rested underneath a pile of papers. She saw a couple sheets of the cotton pages she gave him for Christmas.

She smiled then glanced back up at him. "I haven't had the chance to ask and I know it's been a couple months but, how're you doing? I gotta say I've noticed a lack in your usually sunny disposition," she smiled and he let out a laugh.

He sighed, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders."Ah, well, it's a break-up, so, very sad of course," he nodded, "but it wasn't like we were happy," he shrugged, looking over to her. She looked at him too, noticing the sudden distance in his eye, "what happened, happened," he shrugged again, "no point in being sad forever. And that's a very real option for me," he smiled slightly and she chuckled under her breath. He rolled them a joint as quickly as Damon would and sparked it, "how are you doing?" He deflected, "all pronounced and powerful," he raised his brows once, passing the joint.

She chuckled. "I don't even know, honestly," she took a puff, "it's all just... A lot," she sighed, smoking passing her lips,

"Always is," he nodded, "I mean the lake obviously turned out fine, but how'd it go?"

"I barely felt the water fall over me," she nodded, passing back to him, "it was like I was literally one with the water. It swept me back to the middle of the lake but I only needed air once it stopped moving."

"How long were you under?"

"Damon said it took five minutes for me to break the surface," she raised her brows once and he scoffed in astonishment,

"So you were just chillin' underwater, no need to breathe, for five minutes?" He said, reaching forward, giving her the joint. It burned impressively even.

"Yeah," she shrugged, "it was actually so f*cked up," she shook her head and laughed, looking over at him and he chuckled too, "I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I so easily could have died painfully, or just experienced pain with no death. Or I wouldn't have felt anything but wouldn't have been able to breathe for five minutes and died anyway," she shrugged, "so many things could've went wrong and I only really thought of all of them when it was time to face it,"

"Mm." He nodded. "Did it turn out how you hoped?"

She looked at him, then forward. "I guess, yeah. Either way I'd have to deal with something big," she shrugged, passing him the last of the joint.

"Fair enough," he nodded.

She liked talking with Stefan. He was easy to talk to.

"Well, what'd Damon have to tell you?" He asked, and at that, Y/N snapped her eyes to his. "What?" He asked.

"God, I knew there was something." She shook her head, looking forward then back to him. "He's been acting weird since New York."

"Yeah, yeah. He said he was gonna tell you a few days ago. Then tell me... Don't tell him I said anything," he turned to her, suddenly worried. Y/N looked at him, chuckling and shaking her head.

"I won't. I'll get him to tell me when he's back." She sighed.



The mansion was chilly, strolling down the hallway. She was comfortable in Damon's hoodie, meeting him in the kitchen to get her coffee, make pancakes and have Damon tell her what he's been hiding. How would she go about it? She didn't know, herself. Would he lie? Tell the truth?

Walking into the kitchen, he removed all the groceries from a tote bag. Her coffee rested next to his on the island. She went for that first.

"Thanks for getting this," she smiled, sipping her drink. He looked up, shooting her a kind smile and reaching for his coffee as well.

"You are most welcome."

She rounded the island, letting it rest between them. Angst rose within her, maybe the another sip of coffee would quell it. She took another then set it down. What should she ask?

But it wouldn't matter. Damon asked first. "What's on your mind?"

"Hm?" She asked,

"Your heart's all fast. Nervous." He shrugged, not looking up. He turned around to grab a bowl from the cabinet.

"Well," she sighed, "I'm interested in what you've been keeping from me since New York," she shrugged and at that, his motions slowed. He relaxed his arms, glancing to the side then back at her. He sighed, beginning to put what he'd taken out to cook with.

"I, uh..." He started, shaking his head, "I should've told you when I came back." He turned back toward her, looking into her eyes, "I'm sorry."

"Told me what?" She asked calmly, but her heart-rate still fast. He didn't say anything. Just studied her face. His brows pulled together slightly, sending another flight of anxiety throughout her. "What, Damon? You're freaking me out..."

"It was him." He said quickly, lightly. "At Christmas, it was him."


"The French guy your parents brought." He raised his brows once, "his real name's Elias Tyrell."

"What?" She asked. Her brows furrowed, face dropping. A numbness crossed her belly and moved up her chest, down her arms... "Are you serious?" She asked, a horror in her eye.

"I'm serious." He said softer.

"Oh my God..." She muttered. She slid herself onto the barstool, "He was in my house..." She whispered, the lump in her throat growing overwhelming as the cloak of uncertainty weighed even heavier upon her shoulders.


okay y'all some sh*t's gonna go down next chapter (spoiler (not really)) involving her parents and I'm considering just changing the parents names from M/N and F/N to a couple names I've thought of... I seriouslyyyy need some feedback with this, would y'all mind? (tbh I'm thinking of just doing it, but if anyone is against it, I'll seriously reconsider :))

for visuals check out and for fic updates check out

Chapter 22: foreign


I changed Y/N's parents to original characters y'alll. Their names are Carla and Glenn just so ya know!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (16)

The venue wasn't as nice as last years. Just as expensive, no doubt, but something was claustrophobic, no matter where one stood.

But... Where did she stand?

A dream. Again. This time Y/N could really tell. And again, she wasn't herself, no. She saw from eyes who'd set foot in such a place before. Turning her head, peering around the room, everyone dressed in fantastic costumes. Some scary, some enchanting. Some people wore masks, some wore makeup that gave a strange illusion. And... They were all vampires. For some reason, she knew they were...

Finally, her eyes stopped on a familiar girl. The girl was thinner looking, unhealthy. Her eyes were damp and a little reddened. Maybe she wasn't used to the white contacts that filled her eyes. The girl was scared. And she realised it was her. Another dream where she saw herself from other eyes. This time however, it was no memory. A hand landed lightly on this person's shoulder, and she turned to look.



Y/N's eyes shot open before she saw the face that belonged to the hand on her shoulder. Not her shoulder.

Someone else's.

She looked forward, at a room she'd never seen before. She sat up quickly, forgetting the tiredness behind her eyes and around her muscles. Her eyes darted around the room. It was quite small. Circular windows lined the walls and as she looked out... It was endless blue with a ground of white clouds. She let out a breath mixed with a whine and her eyes widened. Maybe Damon had shown this to her, she racked her brain of where she could be. No, no. He couldn't have. She was on a bed in a plane. She knew for certain she'dbeen here before. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep after a long day at work. Another shipment and she so greatly looked forward to that rest.

There was a light knock on her door and her stomach slammed with anxiety. So quickly she would be confronted. Her head pounded suddenly, mouth dry, dehydrated. And the door opened without her answering. A tall man walked in. The same cold and gaunt face from only a few months before stared at her. The face of a man her own parents welcomed into her home.

The man... Elias... Was young looking. No older than her. He wore a suit that was surely uncomfortable to fly in—a waistcoat in a pine green, pinstripe slacks in a matching green and a light yellow. A thin gold chain hung out of the waistcoat pocket and some Brogues on his feet. He smelled of parchment and cigarettes hidden by mint.

"Ah, you're awake," he said, and Y/N thought she heard a hint of a French accent. He walked in, closing the door behind him, "good," he sighed, taking a seat comfortably on the chair across the small room.

Her stomach tightened with fear, face numbed with anxiety. "Where are you taking me?" She asked, glancing out the windows at the fluffy clouds once more then back at him.

He smiled, looking down then at her, "Paris," he started, "then there will be a short drive to my estate," he smiled tightly. "Oh, I beg your pardon," he shook his head and stood up, "my name is Elias Tyrell, I'm thrilled we've finally been given a chance to meet. Truthfully, that is," he smiled, extending his hand, but Y/N did not take it, "please Y/N, if we are to collaborate you, at the very least, must be capable of shaking my hand." He spoke with a small smile, hand still forward.

"You had me captured and tortured and now you've kidnapped me. You expect me to just," Y/N shrugged, "shake your hand?" she asked with surprising sass. He sighed, letting his hand fall back, and rested once more in the arm chair.

"I'll admit that I was slightly out of order in that fiat," he nodded, "speaking frankly, I wished only to startle Damon," he sighed. And hearing his name rung something within her. Where was he? He must have known she was gone... Right? He must.

"Where is he?" She asked,

A look of amusem*nt hid behind his plain expression. "Damon? Oh he's in... Temporary holding," he shrugged,

"What have you done with him?" She asked nervously, quietly.

"Nothing, yet."

"Can I see him?" She asked, shifting forward slightly.

"Absolutely not." He chuckled, shaking his head. "And besides, even if I did allow it, it would be impossible! Haha!" He laughed, clapping his hands and standing up. "You see, dear, he's on tomorrow's flight. Anyway," he sighed, walking back for the door, "unfortunately, we will be sedating you once more when we land, but no worries, the injection is quite quick." He smiled, looking over his shoulder at her as his hand rested on the door handle. He turned it, walking out of her room.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Twelve Hours Earlier



"Elena, are you with Y/N?"

"What? No,"

"Have you seen her today?"

"No, Damon, why? What's wrong–" He hung up the phone and dialled Caroline next. "Caroline," he said, speed walking down Church street, passing Mystic Grill,

"What?" She asked almost rudely at his impatient tone,

"Is Y/N with you? Have you seen her today?" He asked quickly,

"What? No, why?" He groaned at her response and only a few metres ahead saw Bonnie walking down the street as well. "Damon? Hello?" Caroline asked and he hung up the phone,

"Bonnie," he said, eyes wide,

"What's up?" She asked, furrowing her brows and looking around them,

"Have you seen Y/N today?"

"No... Why, what's wrong?" Her eyes filled with a certain disquiet at Damon's demeanour. "Come on, let's go," she said, pulling his arm as she turned around and walked back the way she came. Damon's phone buzzed, Caroline calling back. He ignored it, shoving the phone in his pocket. The two turned down Maple Street. She pulled out her phone dialling her girl,

"Hey, Mac," Bonnie said,

"Hey! I just got us some coffees!" Damon heard the girl say over the phone. And if it weren't for the fact Y/N could be missing, he would feel bad,

"That's so sweet of you Mac," Bonnie smiled, "god," she said quietly, "I'm so sorry but something came up with my friend," Bonnie shook her head,


"I'm so sorry. I wouldn't cancel on you if it wasn't serious. I promise," Bonnie nodded,

"Okay," he heard Mackenzie say, "okay but you gotta make it up to me," she said kindly,

"I definitely will. I'll text you later okay?"

"Okay. Bye,"

"Bye," she hung up the phone as they neared Bishop Road, "is that Elena?" She asked, squinting her eyes and craning her neck slightly. Elena sped-walk maybe a block ahead of them, nearing Y/N's house no doubt.

"Damon, what the hell was that about?" Caroline's voice sounded suddenly. Bonnie jumped at her voice, looking right as she and Damon passed the Maple Street and Bishop Road crossroads. She pulled the phone from her ear and ended a call with Damon before shoving her phone in her mini-purse, "did you just call me and then throw your phone in the trash?" She asked, walking with them down Maple Street,

"I haven't seen or heard from her and she wouldn't leave without saying anything," he said shortly as they neared both Elena and Y/N's house. The brunette, now only half a block away, turned for Y/N's walkway, but caught the three in the corner of her eye as she turned. She stopped, letting them near her before making her way to Y/N's front door.

"What's happening? Has anyone seen her?" Elena asked, brows furrowed and arms crossed,

"No," Damon said, stepping past her and up Y/N's walkway. He slowed to a stop at her door, looking at the door. It rested so clearly ajar, markings on the frame. Forced entry. He looked behind him at the three girls. Brows furrowed and a certain terror in each eye glanced at the door then Damon, and he pushed it open.

He stepped inside. "Y/N?!" He called, speeding into her living room. He jogged down her condo, glancing into the kitchen and checking the bathroom. He ran back to the front and followed the girls upstairs. "Anything?" He asked, jogging into her room. Caroline picked something up from Y/N's bedside table and turned around. Her phone. "f*ck," he sighed, shaking his head.

"Her keys, her wallet..." Bonnie sighed, picking up each item and setting it back down. Elena jogged into the bedroom from the guest room across the hall.

"She isn't here?" Elena asked,

"I need you to find me who did this," Damon said, stepping toward Bonnie. She backed away as he neared, though slowed,

"What?" She asked,

"I know Ms.Sheila's got something in one of those mangy leather books. You need to find it, and find her," he narrowed his eyes, speaking sharply,

"What are you hoping I'll find? There's no forensics spell, Damon. Sheriff Forbes would be of more use," she argued and he let out a groan as he turned around. "I'll try a locator spell. Elena, can you drive me back to grams'?"

"Yeah," Elena said,

"I'm coming with you," Caroline said, stepping forward.

She and Elena walked out of Y/N's room, Bonnie lingering. "You coming or not?" She asked,

"No. Tell me if you find anything," he said and she didn't waste any time. She turned away and followed the girls downstairs and out of Y/N's condo. He looked around her room. He knew there was something here. Something of use. An answer. Or... A name... That's what it was. It was names that he looked for. Two in particular. He stepped toward her bedside table and pulled her laptop from it, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. He opened it, unlocked it and went to her contacts. Nothing. He opened her messages, skimming the sidebar for an unsaved number. And there it was. Like a gift. Almost too easy. He clicked on the text message, skimming the most recent message from Y/N to make sure it was them. It was. Something about her anger towards them about Christmas. But even that was too much for him to know. He forgot about it, dialling that unsaved number into his phone. He closed her laptop and stood from her bed. Pacing he decided on his message to them.

It's Damon. She isn't here. We need you.

He texted and then looked around almost frantically as if to do something else. But, there was nothing. His heart beat throughout his body, his arms tingly and legs numb. He looked around her bedroom, the curtains pulled from the window, her desk, the nightstand, her bed. He wanted her to be sitting on the bed before him. Talking about her day at work, maybe there was a weird customer. He took a deep breath and went to the bathroom. In the cabinet under the sink he pulled out a small bag he'd seen Y/N bring over countless times. He went to the shower and inside, put all of the hair products he'd noticed her bring over. He retrieved another bag and opened the first drawer in her bathroom. He saw her toothbrush, toothpaste and the skincare she never failed to use. He packed that as well. Under her bed, he retrieved a duffel, packing those two bags of her hair and skin routine. Next was her closet, where he chose two sweatsuits that Y/N always wore. She would want these things once he got her back. He went for the vanity, grabbing a couple hair ties. Finally he packed her laptop, and went back downstairs, duffel bag slung over his shoulder. He turned out every light. For a moment he debated emptying out her fridge, but she would be back soon enough. A waste of food it would be, he told himself. He opened the door, locked it, and shut it behind him. He ensured it was locked, then walked out to his car. He dropped the duffel in the passenger side and rounded to the drivers. One day would he wait for Glenn and Carla, then he would turn to Katherine.



5:00 am. Damon hadn't yet drunk himself to sleep. He stood before the hearth in his living room, watching the warm flickers in the flames. His head was heavy, stoned and tipsy. Locator spell did jack. It was surely Elias who took her, who else? And it would be quite simply ignorant for a being that high-profile to travel without a witch. Y/N almost certainly had a veil over her location. And this witch, whoever it was, was more powerful than Bonnie or Ms.Sheila, and he hadn't yet decided just how big of a problem that could be for them. Fifteen more hours until he'd reach out to Katherine. Hopefully that number she gave him was still in service. He hated getting a hold of her the long way. But, the front door opened. Slowly, but surely. He sighed and turned around, half expecting Stefan or one of the girls. A familiar man and woman walked into his home, through the entry and down the couple steps to the living room. The woman, hair in a slick bun at the nape of her neck, wearing a large wool sweater and a white pencil skirt underneath. The man wore dark grey slacks with a matching blazer, and black turtleneck under it.

"Quick to respond," Damon said, looking at Glenn and Carla,

"She is our daughter," Carla said, her posture as perfect as it was sixteen years ago,

"Please, take a seat," Damon offered, smiling tightly with an open palm to the couch toward his right,

"Thank you, but we plan not to linger," Glenn said with a fake smile. Damon's eyes narrowed for a moment, but he relaxed his arm to his side once more.

"Have you already a plan?" He asked, crossing his arms comfortably. The pair each took a deep breath,

"Somehow or another," Glenn said,

"You're aware of who's taken her, correct?"

"We're not fools, Damon," Carla rolled her eyes, hands clasped behind her back, "Elias Tyrell. Which makes our job a lot more difficult," she said,

"He does not reside on American soil, we've limited accounts," Glenn said,

"You'll need contacts in Paris?" Damon asked,

"Correct," Carla said,

"Why don't you just call him?" Damon asked, confused at their dimwits. The pair narrowed their eyes slightly,

"I beg your pardon?" Carla asked,

"What? Monsieur Benoit Rivett? You're saying you haven't a way of communication with someone you spent Christmas with?" Damon asked,

"Monsieur has nothing of import to share with us," Carla said,

"Monsieur is what's of import," Damon said. Carla sucked in a breath, her brows knitting together slightly,

"I haven't any idea what you refer to. We do have a record of Elias Tyrell, photo and all. All we said was it's limited," Carla said,

"So you've seen him in person?" Damon asked, tilting his head at the woman, glancing at Carla for a moment,

"We haven't opportunity, no,"

"Interesting," Damon nodded, looking away at something between the two, "because I have," he smiled, looking at Glenn, slightly rocking on his feet. Damon saw Carla swallow anxiously,

"What are you trying to say," she asked, her heartbeat undeniably quicker than a couple minutes ago. But, it didn't matter. Faster than Damon could see with his own, old eyes, Glenn and Carla fell to the floor, each wearing a face of terror and a thick gash across their throats.

"NO!" Damon yelled, stepping forward once, "No, no, no," he whined, looking at the two humans struggling like fish out of water as their life's blood drained. Eyes wide, Damon looked at a man who stood between them, a little behind, on the steps.

"It really was natural selection," the blonde man shrugged, looking down at the dying mess below him. The man held a club of some kind with his right hand but Damon barely noticed. He looked up at the man, his throat tight and body more numb than before and Elias Tyrell just smiled at him. Though, his face dropped eerily quick. He wound his hand arm back and with sinister force, launched the club forward. It flew straight at Damon faster than he could react, plunging into his chest with deadly pain. His back struck the fireplace, the spear gouged into the hearth. Metallic, thick red filled his mouth, as he sucked in laboured breaths. The spear brushed his heart, there was no moving from here. Flames kissed his jeans, ready to burn through him.

Elias approached, taking two syringes from a small leather case. "Can't be too careful," Elias smiled, and sunk the first needle into Damon's jugular. Like the first lingering pain of a bee sting, excruciating vervain flooded his veins. He hated it. He felt every nerve in his body pinch and it was almost a relief when he blacked out.


Yeah idk why but like I just killed off Glenn and Carla and I just felt like they needed to original characters for that? idk. anywayyyy...
Also f*ck Elias, dude, me and my homies hate Elias. This is really bad news. I hate to say it but some sh*t's comin' up y'all. CW's will be provided when necessaryyy

make sure you check out for fic updates and visuals!
as alwayus ~~much love

Chapter 23: Caen


His green eyes held a certain comfort and Y/N knew she could trust him with her life. Y/N once more looked through the eyes of another’s; this memory seeming less distant than the rest. The man was well kept, his dark blonde curls in a clean haircut, and a light stubble carved quite sharp. He spoke to her in a language Y/N didn’t know. She hadn’t heard it before, but it could very well have just been the dream concealing something. Though, a certain stress crossed his face, and she felt it in hers too. On the man’s right, on the desk, there were files. Documents, similar to the one’s Stefan had shown her on Damon. The names on these ones, however, were Elias Tyrell and Katerina Petrova.


Okay y'all big cw for this chapter in general.
Specifically: murder, emotionally, physical and mental abuse, anxiety, panic attacks, depressive moments.
So if you can't consume that content right now, Next chapter is August 14th and won't be as upsetting.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (17)

He sat across from the man he hadn’t seen for over a hundred years though, neither had aged a day.

Y/N was here, he knew, but he couldn’t hear anything beyond the door.

“Why aren’t I healing,” Damon asked, forearm tensing at his two broken fingers,

“You can thank my witch for that,” Elias sighed, sitting relaxed in his seat, “a simple spell really,” he shrugged, leaning forward, “at least once you’ve found it. I use it primarily for training. I find learning a lot more effective when I remember my mistakes,” he shrugged again, reaching forward and snapping Damon’s middle finger,

“Agh!” He yelped and Elias chuckled, relaxing once more in his seat,

“And how perfect this all came to be!” He let out an airy laugh, “my once ideal business partner turned hostile, in love with the very girl I intended on taking,” he smiled, “nothing short of destiny if you ask me. Karma really does come around, Damon,”

“‘Karma’,” Damon scoffed, trying to forget the pain in his hand, “I don’t really know if a raper should talk about karma,” he shrugged and Elias whipped his left hand back and backhanded Damon’s cheek, “ugh!” Damon coughed at the wicked strike,

“You know how much I loathe that word, Damon,” Elias shook his head,“it is entirely misleading for what I actually provide,” he shrugged and Damon scoffed again, with whatever little energy he still had,

“You could have anything. Anything in the world,” he started and Elias began to chuckle,

“You’re absolutely right, Damon. And you just happen to be a part of my a process to do so.” Elias smiled, “an arduous path I’ve chosen, I cannot deny. Though, we vampires have too long lived without government or any sort of constitution or justice system,” he shrugged, “we need a leader, a system. And quite lucky I am no one else has beat me to it.” He smiled again, almost excited.

“And who will lead us? You?” Damon asked, “the poor French boy who never really grew up?” His lip tugged in disgust, earning another wicked smack across his cheek.

“How dare you,” Elias sneered, leaning close to Damon, forehead nearly pressed against his, “you speak poisons as if you didn’t pass the opportunity of a lifetime. If there’s anyone here still with a mind of a boy, I can say with certainty it is you, Damon Salvatore.” He spoke grim and in a flash raised his hands to Damon’s neck. He snapped it with an ugly crack, the younger vampire’s head hanging eerily limp. His body slumped over the chains binding him to the sturdy chair, and Elias sighed.

Shaking his head, he walked for the door. “Move him out of here, let him heal,” Elias rolled his eyes, walking past the woman and walking down the hallway.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“I’m sorry, I’m sure tomorrow will be better,” She said sheepishly,

Tomorrow, yes, tomorrow,” Elias rolled his eyes, “my God you haven’t any idea what war is like, do you?”

She had nothing to say.

Do you?!” He exclaimed, making Y/N jump slightly, “scared so easy by words and their volume,” he spat, “‘I’m sure tomorrow will be better’,” he mimicked, raising the pitch in his voice to match hers, “there is no room for error in war, Y/N. If you fail in a battle there is no trying again tomorrow. There is only death. You will do better now, I don’t care how tired you are.”



She lay on the ground once more as the Earth turned further from the Sun. The hard-wood floors in her given room were cold and uncomfortable, but she liked the ache in her bones after laying upon it for too long. She wondered why she was so tired.

“I don’t care how tired you are,” Elias had said that late afternoon, but… She wasn’t supposed to tire. She never had before. And she didn’t know why it started so suddenly… However in all honesty, she didn’t care for the reason. She just wanted it to stop. She wanted nothing more than to satisfy Elias. Stop his torment any way she could.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

His green eyes held a certain comfort and Y/N knew she could trust him with her life. Y/N once more looked through the eyes of another’s; this memory seeming less distant than the rest. The man was well kept, his dark blonde curls in a clean haircut, and a light stubble carved quite sharp. He spoke to her in a language Y/N didn’t know. She hadn’t heard it before, but it could very well have just been the dream concealing something. Though, a certain stress crossed his face, and she felt it in hers too. On the man’s right, on the desk, there were files. Documents, similar to the one’s Stefan had shown her on Damon. The names on these ones, however, were Elias Tyrell and Katerina Petrova. The man said Katerina’s name and they, whoever Y/N saw this through, nodded.

Her eyes shot open, and the dread washed over her body. She could forget the dream. She’d rather not dwell on it. She needed to be ready for the day. Though, something about the dream was odd. Then she remembered the last night.

It had been about a week since she awoke in that plane, and how greatly she wished she were back on it. She wore the linen pyjamas he assigned her, and stared at her sheets, unblinking. Remembering last night made her stomach curl.



“On our journey to power,” Elias said as they walked through the dimly lit hall. The corridor seemed disorienting. A little too narrow for how tall the ceilings were. Y/N walked silently next to him, “we may come across or be put in a position where we must act in ways we never wanted to,” he said quietly, his voice haunting the long corridor. She felt a tingle up her spine, something urging her to look back, but she dared not. Fearing something lurked behind her she shouldn’t see. And maybe that was what it was about Elias that made him so scary, “I don’t want there to be too much surprise when we’re in battle, Y/N,” he looked at her, she did not look back. He turned forward again, clasping his hands behind his back, “tonight, we must carry out an act that, while heinous, is necessary,” he said. Y/N’s stomach tugged anxiously, wondering what he could mean. Would she be hurt again? Did he take someone else? Would he hurt Damon in front of her? He slowed, stopping in front of a pair of doors. She stopped too, her heart quickening, hearing moans coming from the other side of the wooden door. It was a woman, she sounded in pain. “Be strong for me, Y/N,” he said, placing his hand on her shoulder. He opened the door, and guided her in, closing the door behind them. The room was hot and smelled of sweat and blood,

“It’s time, milady,” a woman Y/N didn’t know said. A midwife, she assumed. The woman cried out a noise Y/N never heard a human make. Her legs spread on the bed, hands gripping desperately at the sheets under her,

“God,” the woman exclaimed, “I can’t, I can’t I can’t,” she sighed, breathless, her chest heaving.

“I can almost see its head, milady, you have to keep going, you can do this,” the midwife said. There was only one midwife here. Y/N watched in shock, eyes wide and body stiff.

“Take a seat, dear,” Elias said, guiding her to a chair a few feet away. She sat, looking away from the woman on the bed. The flames were bright, waving heat throughout the already sweaty room. She felt a lump in her throat each time the woman screamed, feeling like she could vomit or cry.

The baby’s cry was almost deafening. Y/N looked over, seeing the exhausted mother falling asleep before even looking at her newborn. She stared, wondering why Elias took her here. The man beside her stood, pulling a thin tube out of his pocket. He walked to the bed, to the right of the woman who rested,

“You mustn't see this, my dear,” he whispered, and through her forearm, injected a needle that held a tan liquid. The woman winced weakly, and drifted into her sleep, breath calming. The midwife took the restless, cold baby and placed it on the empty table, only a few feet from the bed,

“Milord,” the midwife said, looking at her feet and stepping back from the babe. Elias sighed and turned around, looking at the squirming child. Reaching into his pocket once more, he pulled out something a little thicker than a pencil.

“She was turned too close to her delivery date,” Elias sighed, approaching the child on the table, “the babe turned as well,” he said, raising his brows once. He put his right hand on the babe’s left shoulder, holding it still, “it would be cruel to keep it alive,” he said quietly, the baby cried loud, begging for comfort. Y/N’s face fell, body shaky as she looked between Elias and the babe. She stood on weak legs,

“No,” she said, eyes blank as she stumbled to Elias. He wound his hand upward, “no, NO!” Y/N exclaimed. Elias flew his hand down, wooden stick in hand. Y/N turned around as he stabbed the babe, its cries ceasing with a cruel squish. She let out a sob, hands holding her head.

“Avery, take her,” Elias said, his tone disinterested.

“Yes, milord,” Avery said, walking toward Y/N. She put her arm around Y/N’s back and walked her from the room with haste. Tears rolled down her face and whines escaped from her, but she couldn’t sob.



She looked to the floor by the bedroom door. Seemed Avery had cleaned her vomit from last night.

How could she leave this place? There was no running. Where would she go? How far away from the next living person were they? Too many risks, and Y/N hadn’t yet grown reckless enough to try and outrun a vampire. Her eyes stung hot with tears, seeing the baby right before her eyes once more. He wanted her to see it. He wanted to show it to her, so he said. Had he anything to do with it? Was it him who turned this mother, her unborn child too? To show the heinous acts she might see on this journey to power of his.

One week marked a full moon, Elias made a point of telling her. Three times. And only a few hours before she watched Elias kill that baby, he told her how she would practise that night. Once the sun sets, she wouldn’t stop until dawn. She was tired already, yet he still brought her to that murder. His angle would be smart if Y/N hadn’t already thought it out. He wouldn’t have the opportunity to manipulate her like that. Make her more vulnerable, unregulated. See her powers out of her control. And she didn’t want to just satisfy him. Not anymore.

She focused, vision blurred and brought her fingers to her cheeks, wiping dampness she didn’t notice fall. Looking to her left, those papers she had signed. A pile of maybe a dozen, all bearing similar words and ridiculous orders. She hadn’t yet told Elias what books she wanted for her room, and these were all she had to read. Along with the entire manifesto, that is:

Under article 1 of the Cabinet’s oath of integrity and virtue, you, Y/N Y/L/N, acknowledge your oath of absolute and unconditional candour that the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell has mandated among all personnel. You vow that under no circ*mstance shall you attempt to deceive or conceal the truth from Elias Tyrell or any person or persons under the service for the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell.

I, Y/N Y/L/N, acknowledge my oath of absolute and unconditional candour during my service for the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell.

Under article 2 of the Cabinet’s oath of integrity and virtue, you, Y/N Y/L/N, acknowledge your oath of absolute and unconditional secrecy that the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell has mandated among all personnel. You vow that under no circ*mstance shall you attempt to contact or aid any person or persons outside of the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell regarding any information that can be considered a penetration of the Cabinet’s defence. You vow that under no circ*mstance shall you attempt to flee or evade the Cabinet during your service. You vow that under no circ*mstance shall you attempt to obtain intelligence regarding themes you do not service.

I, Y/N Y/L/N, acknowledge my oath of absolute and unconditional secrecy during my service for the Cabinet of Elias Tyrell.

And then the other maybe dozen pages underneath stating things so similar. She looked at her signature. Of course she signed it. She knew now that this would end only with his death. If he didn’t die, it didn’t matter anyway.

The clock on the wall ticked closer to 11:00 am. 9:40 only, thankfully. She put the paper down and walked in front of the mirror by her bed. Tired eyes looked back at her. She had lost weight already. Just like that dream. But, she didn’t look quite like that yet. Her eyes did, though. Just a little. Red and puffy and tired. Heavy bags and darkness surrounded her eyes, deeper than before. Why would Elias want a supposed important soldier to look like this? What if someone were to see?

She stared at her reflection, though the sight in front of her marbled as she stood once more in that room last night. With that baby. With that newly turned mother. Once more she saw Elias fly his arm down and kill that child.

“God,” she sighed, turning around and putting her hands on her head. She took a few steps forward, hands over her head as she looked down at the ground, seeing nothing but Elias stab that child over and over again. “f*ck,” she whimpered, brows furrowing. Her knees bent and she fell to the ground. She leaned over, hands over her ears and forehead pressing against the cold wood, “f*ck,” she whispered, face twisting into one of distress. Her brows furrowed and mouth frowned almost ugly as she remembered and replayed the night again and again and again. It just wouldn’t stop. She let out a sob, hands still holding the sides of her head, forehead against the ground. Her arms tucked tightly to her sides and she laid like a child having a tantrum. She wished she was just a child throwing a tantrum. Maybe back in that tiny house in Sacramento. When her mother worked at the hospital and her father stayed at home writing and researching all day. Like that one time when she threw her favourite plushie in the washer, thinking it was just like a bath, only to find it soaking when she took it out. Ruined, surely. And so she cried and cried and cried. Her father ran into the kitchen to see what had gone wrong because if Y/N was crying so much, surely something bad must have happened. And she wished her father would pick her up from the ground right now. Wished it was something as small as a plushie in the washer that she cried about. Wished that he could just lean against the cabinets with her in his arms and hold back a laugh at her reaction. That he would say he was sorry that it happened but not to worry. It could be fixed. She wanted her father. Her dad. The one she had all those years ago. But even if he was here… There was no fixing this. That baby was dead. And Y/N was here, by herself. Elias had mentioned Damon being somewhere nearby but she hadn’t seen him yet. She turned to her back, looking blankless at the ceiling. Her tears fell down her temples, into her hair and her throat was tight. Her eyes were empty and tired. She felt like she could die.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

It seemed dinner was Elias’ favourite time of the day. They always had it. Breakfast was optional, so was lunch. And sometimes, when Y/N would emerge from her room at 11:00 am, when neither Elias nor Avery would be behind her door to fetch her, she’d walk to the solarium and find only the cook, waiting to take her order. She’d be able to choose between six meals. But dinner, that was always something he attended and her attendance was required as well. And there was no order taking. Elias would have planned the dinner in advance it seemed; the meals expensive, delicious and choice each time. Could’ve cost thousands for all Y/N knew. Over the weeks too, he would share these small details about himself. Nothing really of import. Mostly just useless stories, sometimes scary. Y/N just found him to be a bad man through and through, no matter how many sad stories he’d share. Even that one where he told her about his very first dinner. First proper one, at least.

“It began in the 14th century,” he shrugged, cutting a small bite of expensive meat on his plate. “My family, we were what you would call peasants, you see,” he nodded, “supper was never really supper. Just whatever we could get our hands on, get ourselves through the day or night. And it wasn’t until after I turned I had a proper meal at all,” he shook his head, “I remember the first time I sat down at a table for dinner. It was a long walnut table and on it, rested enough food to feed every living person in Caen,” he said a little quieter, “and all of that food, every crumb, would be for the ten men I’d have dinner with that evening.

And I remember, for a moment I was angry. Angry that the men around me, who were so fat they couldn’t see their own feet, ate more than they could handle. While hundreds died starving in the streets,” he chuckled. Y/N eyed him, feeling the disdain radiating from him despite his laughter, “but all of those thoughts ceased as I took my first bite of the freshest fish I had ever eaten.

The first fish I had ever eaten. For years I hadn’t a clue why a person would eat such a thing. They smelled ghastly and in complete honesty they had me nauseous,” he shrugged, “I had just simply never had a meal that wasn’t spoiled. Ah, but then… Then it was the fruit. God, it was amazing,” he smiled and for a moment, she did too. She wanted to cry, instead. Get away from him and go to her bedroom. No, her given room. But maybe if he saw her smiling, maybe she cared what he had to say… Maybe it could change things. Whatever that meant.

“I just knew, from that point forward… Supper was something to cherish,” he nodded.

She did too. “I’ve always liked dinner too. Though, I’m lucky enough to not remember my first proper dinner.”Her voice was quiet, but no matter to his vampire ears. He nodded along, looking mostly at his plate instead of her. “I’m, um…” She started, brows pulling together and wondering if she should say anything at all. “I’m sorry it took so long for you to experience a proper dinner.” She said, and he looked up.

He nodded, “Yes. Thank you.”

“When was this?”


“You said you were considered “peasants”? When did you um… When did you turn?”

His eyes narrowed at her. He put his utensils down and lifted his napkin from his lap.

“I’d love to share.” He finally smiled, standing from his seat. He walked down the length of the table, standing next to her. “However, if I am to, you must join me for a drink.” He smiled wider. Her stomach flipped in an ugly anxiety but she smiled too, hoping he would mistake her quickening heart as excitement than fear.

“Of course,” she chuckled. And his eyes lightened slightly, and maybe if she had hearing like him she’d notice a fast heartbeat too. Extending his hand to her, she took it and stood. “Lovely.” He stood, walking along the table to her.

He led her to the same hallway as her room, passing her door. And at the end of the hall, he opened one of the two doors, letting Y/N walk in first. She met with a study she found nothing attractive about. It was almost embarrassing to have walked into such a poorly decorated space; how could a man as rich and old as Elias have such terrible taste?

The room itself had potential, no doubt. The right and furthest wall covered with windows, lovely dark wood flooring and shelves. He had the walls painted a deep juniper green, and if he really wanted to, there was surely some furniture here that matched the room. But no. He instead scattered too many pieces around the room. Seeming like simply collected furniture from different sets and times. Like he put just whatever he liked in there. And it was all… Quite boring. Nothing remarkable about any of the wood or cushions. Nothing of the few paintings that hung distastefully around the room. No worries about any rugs. He hadn’t any in there. And the curtains were too short, just over an inch of the window peaking past the bottom. She held back a scoff at the sight. There may as well have been an out of tune piano to tie it altogether. And Damon would’ve hated it too. Where was he?

Elias poured her a glass of whatever he was having and turned around to hand it to her.

“Thanks,” she said quietly,

“Please, take a seat,” he said and she did. She sat on the small couch upholstered in an old, smelly leather. Though, she realised her mistake as she sat. Elias took the seat right next to her, and she eyed that single arm chair across the coffee table. That would be hers if he were to take her in here again.

Her stomach twisted anxiously, and she took a sip of his drink. It was strong, like Damon’s and she still didn’t like it. However, she sipped more, hating it’s taste but liking it’s lull.

“So tell me.” She smiled, looking over for only a moment. “What’s your story?”

He chuckled. “A long one.”

“We have time.” She shrugged, looking at her glass. She could feel his eyes on her for a moment, like he thought of what to say first.

“I was born in the year 1371.” He said and Y/N glanced over. “Not too far from here, actually,” he smiled slightly almost wistfully as he looked forward, out the window. It was dark out, not a light for miles. Besides the moon, of course, nearly full.

“My family’s cottage was demolished centuries ago. Not that I miss it, however. It was filthy,” he shook his head, lip tugging in disgust. “Years pass. I’m a man now, doing the same job my father did. But then one day, we caught a pestilence. I don’t know who, but my mother relayed we stay inside. Others had it as we’d be permitted to stay inside for however long. Don’t remember.” He shook his head. Y/N listened closely, appreciating he wasn’t looking at her as he retold his life. “We were to die, surely. Others did. There would be no medicine for us. But then, one of the days, a curé arrives. He asks us to open the door…”

And Y/N’s brows furrowed at that.

“And who were we lowly peasants to deny? We warn him of our illness but he insists he’ll remain unaffected. The man comes in, a face I’ve never seen before, and he offers a pouch of drink,” he raised his brows once, “it was metallic in taste, though I could tell he used herbs to mask it. Our illness was gone within the day,” he shrugged,

“A vampire.” Y/N said quietly.

Elias nodded. “Vampire impersonating a priest. I’m sure there’s a joke in there somewhere,” and Y/N smiled politely at his joke. “Now we’d been cured. Would be back to work the next morning, however… I woke that night to a heat I’d never touched before.” He shook his head. “Someone had set a fire. It rampaged through too many cottages, I woke as it swallowed mine. And I died. So did my mother and father.” He nodded, looking back to Y/N. She looked away. “Wow.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry.”

“Thank you. What was most comical, to me, was that it burned my mother and father alive, but left me untouched just enough so I could come back.”

Y/N didn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to say.

““I would say it’s unfortunate, but had it not happened, I would’ve died a peasant,” he smiled tightly, repositioning himself slightly and placing his glass on the table. She reached forward too, setting her cup down, forgetting the rest of her drink.

He stretched his arm across the back of the small couch, reaching her back, and she didn’t move. That might upset him. “Thank you for…” He started then quieted. He didn’t say anything until she looked at him, “thank you for listening,” he smiled and Y/N smiled back tightly, not letting it reach her eyes. He studied her face, eyes moving down to her neck, then her shoulder. She felt a chill within her entire being but held it off. The hand on the rest behind her grazed her shoulder, “I wonder,” he said quietly, fingers touching her skin softly. Goosebumps scattered her skin at his touch and she hoped he didn’t notice, “I wonder how you feel…” He said again. He pulled his arm back, grazing across the top of her back. Then he rested it between them, reaching for her hand. She let him grab it, lace their fingers together but she put no pressure. He held her hand. She did not hold his. He slid slightly closer to her, his right hand reaching for her cheek. He turned her head to him and she looked over. He was so close… Too close. “I would kiss you…” He said, furrowing his brows, fingers gently touching her cheek, left hand holding her right,

“I…” She shook her head, lip trembling and brows furrowed, “I’m sorry, I…” She turned her head away, and his hand fell from her cheek, “I can’t.” She kept shaking her head. She turned her body slightly away from him, almost trying to hide. He clicked his tongue and sighed, relaxing back into his seat, eyes still glued on her. She kept looking forward, eyes wider than she knew and darting around anxiously. Looking at anything but Elias. He huffed and pushed himself up from the seat, grabbing both of their glasses and walking for the bar. She had upset him. Loudly the glasses clanged onto the bar’s surface. He was in a certain fit.

“I really try, Y/N, I hope you know that.” He spoke annoyed, and she looked over. “I am here, putting my life on the line every. Single. Day, just by having you here. And sometimes I find myself asking, for what?” His brows furrowed and he shook his head. He planted his palms on the bar and leaned forward, “I try, and try and try, but no one seems to appreciate me…” He sighed, “even you,” he said, quieter, turning around. She took in a sharp breath at that, feeling a numbness in her belly, “not even from you can I expect an ounce of appreciation, understanding,” he shrugged, pushing himself from the counter, eyes still on her. She looked down, “what, have you nothing to say?” He asked with disinterest, and at that she looked up again. His eyes pierced through hers from across the study and she felt the numbness spread up her chest and down her arms.

“Uhm,” she said, “I…” She glanced to the side then back to him, “it’s been difficult to um…” she shook her head,

“Yes?” He asked,

“It’s just… It’s just been a little difficult to, um… Adapt to this new lifestyle. I’ve known only one way for so long so… I might need more time…” She said softly, shakily. He smiled slightly at this,

“Of course, dear,” he said softer, “I understand,” he nodded, “I know you’ll learn to love me,” he nodded and her stomach flipped. It flipped in a way so icky she could vomit “it could be tomorrow, next week, next year… Even next century… I know you will,” he smiled, “and I will wait for that moment. No matter how long it takes,” he nodded once,

“You sound so sure,” she chuckled nervously,

“Ah, because I am,” he raised his brows once, “you see, I’ve crossed the globe countless times, loved countless women,” he nearly sneered, “yet they all pushed me away,” he shook his head, “whatever it was inside them… They’d just stop loving me. As if it was easy,” he said, and quicker than she thought she would,

“I don’t doubt it,” she said and his face that once read amusem*nt fell. Why did she say that? Stupid stupid stupid. He stepped toward her, fast and she stood from the couch, backing away a couple steps,

“What did you say?” He asked, standing in front of her,

“Nothing.” She said quickly, looking down. His hands shot forward, taking hold of her upper arms,

“DON’T LIE!” He yelled through gritted teeth, baring them at her. He walked toward her, backing her into a walk. She sucked in a shaky breath, eyes wide as she stared at anything but him, “look at me,” he hissed but didn’t, “I SAID,” he exclaimed, grabbing her chin and pushing her head back against the wall, “look, at me,” he said quieter and her eyes met with his. A small whine escaped her lips but she bit it back as soon as it sounded. “Just how many times have I told you the rules here,” he whispered, “how many times?” He leaned in, speaking somehow quieter,

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” she said, neck stiff as he held her chin in place,

“You are such a dumb girl,” he snarled, moving his face away from her ear and studying her face with a look of disgust, “I even took the extra effort to have Avery make you a copy. You have these rules in your bedroom do you not?”

“I do,” she nodded as much as she could under his hand,

“You acknowledged your oath written on those papers, correct?”

“Yes, yes. I’m sorry!”

“Then what did you say?”

“Nothing, I’m sorry…” she whined and at that he sighed. He let go of her face, replacing the violent grip on her left upper arm instead,

“Now you will see what happens to liars.” He said quietly, turning around and hauling her with him,

“No, no, please please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” She cried, tears already staining her cheeks. Her knees bent as she resisted, holding herself back, but she just slid across the floors as he pulled her along. She was no match for this vampire’s strength. “Please,” she sobbed, out of breath, “please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I’m sorry,” she said, sounding like a child.

“SHUT UP!” He barked, so close to her face. She let out a whine and sucked in a deep breath, holding it and trying her best to quell a panic attack that was nearly in full-swing. A breath escaped her lips like she was slapped in the back and just as fast she sucked in another breath, making sure to hold it for a few seconds. He walked her down the hall, past her bedroom and to the stairs once more, but went up. The wall on the left were windows all the way down, she saw maybe six pairs of doors on this level. He led her to the second pair and pushed open the door. It crashed open, slamming against the wall in front of his unnatural force, he shoved her inside. Her cheek smacked the hardwood, a warmth and tingle spread down the side of her face. She lifted herself up and looked back at Elias who stared down at her,

“I’m sorry…” She shook her head,

“I TOLD YOU… To shut up.” He said. “Stand.” He demanded but Y/N didn’t register it fast enough. She only really understood what he said once he lunged forward and reached for her already bruising upper arm again.

“Agh!” She winced at the ache and he furthered into the room, going left. He didn’t wait for her to get on her feet as he dragged her through the room, her lower half sliding against the wood as she scrambled to stand. He stopped after a few seconds and took hold of her other arm too. He lifted her and threw her once more. She expected another impact. Something hard. Something that hurt. And part of it hurt, but most of it was quite comfortable. He had thrown her onto a… Onto a bed. And as that registered, she scrambled once more to keep Elias in her sight. But he had stepped back. Maybe he wasn’t going to…

And then she felt that part of the impact that hurt again. She sat right on that uncomfortable part. She looked down, seeing something under the covers. Her brows furrowed somehow closer together and her eyes followed that something all the way up the bed. Her brows furrowed at what was surely someone in the bed. Her eyes widened at the sight and she crawled off the legs she sat on, she was thrown on. She let out a whiney breath, and sucked in another. Black hair, like a Raven’s, his structured face, at least behind the bruising. She gasped and crawled forward, tears already blurring her vision. She reached her hand out to touch him, but hesitated. He was so… Hurt. Her very touch could hurt him more. She sucked in a shaky breath and let out a quiet sob, barely seeing him behind her tears. She was almost grateful for it, though. She didn’t want to see him like this anyway.

This is what happens to liars, Y/N.” Elias said quietly and Y/N squeezed her eyes shut. She opened them again, a pounding in her head,

“Damon,” she whined, hand hovering over his body. She reached two fingers for his neck, maybe she’d feel his pulse,

“I wouldn’t do that,” Elias said and she turned her head to look at him, “he’s experienced quite a severe broken neck,” he said, “wouldn’t want to delay the healing process.” He raised his brows once and Y/N let out another sob, turning back to Damon. “Alright, well,” Elias sighed, “I believe my point’s been made.” He sighed and he grabbed Y/N’s upper arm again,

“Wait,” she said quietly, weakly. He dragged her off the bed, this time she found her feet quick enough.

“Wait, please,” she whimpered, upper arm already hurting and bruised, “I just need to talk to him, please.” she begged, but he stepped out of the room. She shot one last look behind her at Damon who lay beaten in that bed.


pheww.... Okay. This is really bad for everyone with Elias. We need to find out what's going on back in Mystic Falls...
For fic updates, extra tvd content and visuals go to my tumblr :)

as always
~~much love

Chapter 24: katherine's sector


"...No one I’ve met measures up to his power.”
“And what? He’s just gonna sit down and agree to help us because he’s feeling nice?” Stefan nearly scoffed.
“No, he will help us for the same reason I’m helping you,” she narrowed her eyes, “this is not about Y/N or Damon. Not to me, not to any Former involved in this, and if you two can’t wrap your head around the fact that those two are simply pawns in a game, maybe neither of you should be here.” Katherine said. “The only reason the both of you are here is because you are vampires. Your future is in as much danger as mine.”


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (18)They sat around the grand living room, waiting for their dearly despised guest. Bonnie repeated a small incantation, the flames brightening around the wicks of the six candles before her. Caroline watched intently, pale eyes darting from her friend to the wax. Elena held her knees close to her chest, sitting on the floor next to Bonnie, her back against the couch. Her eyes rested in a stare, a certain spot in the rug the brother’s cleaners wouldn’t miss next appointment. Stefan’s chestnut eyes were fixed on the floor too. His palms flat atop one of Damon’s many liquor carts, his arms extended, holding himself up as his head hung. He registered nothing in front of him. Just waiting to hear Bonnie’s defeated sigh. No glimmers of hope any longer.

Carla and Glenn had been dealt with, the girls kept their eyes away from the ugly stains that seeped into the edge of the rug. Initially, Stefan had called them to be picked up, removed. But as the responders arrived, three men did as well. Whoever they were—the Unit, Stefan presumed—they took their bodies. They left a will and testament, too. To be given to Y/N once she was back in their custody. Not that they would be of any help with that, of course.

“Nothing,” Bonnie sighed, peeling open her eyes.

Caroline scowled, flopping onto the couch, “Why? Why isn’t it working? It always does,” she asked no one in particular.

Elena nodded, standing up and crossing her arms. “Yeah, it worked with you,” Elena pointing to Stefan gesturing with her crossed arms. She turned, starting to pace the room slowly.

“Yeah, and Lexi,” Caroline added.

“Sure, but this is Elias Tyrell we’re talking about,” Stefan shrugged, “he’s almost seven hundred years old, no way he survived without some type of protection.”

“Another witch?” Caroline asked, annoyed,

“Former’s don’t become Former’s without one. It’s impossible,” he shook his head, walking to the liquor cart, “anyone?” he asked, raising an empty glass. They all declined, “I imagine Y/N and Damon are together,” he nodded and the girls sighed, “they’ve been taken somewhere, and Elias’ witch is likely warding off any external magic.”

“God this is impossible,” Caroline sighed.

“I wonder how he found one though…” Bonnie said quietly, letting the wax on her candles dry. “A witch willing to help…” She shook her head, taking a seat next to Caroline.

“It doesn’t matter how. He has one, and that makes everything more difficult.” Stefan sighed, downing the glass, and dropping it back on the cart.

A sudden rap came from the door.

He sighed again. “Katherine.” He said, walking out of the grand living room. He opened the door, Katherine stood sweetly a few feet away.

“Stefan.” her poised voice spoke, face wearing no worry. She was as done-up as usual. A trendy outfit that was surely uncomfortable to ride in—assuming she had travelled here from her estate, of course—and her hair and makeup pristine. Her eyes, while never light or full of my hope, were certainly brighter than anyone else’s in the Boarding House. The three girls rolled their eyes at the sound of her voice, each of them exchanging a certain glance as she furthered into the mansion. She sighed, stepping over the newly stained rug and taking a seat on the rarely used arm chair. Everyone looked at her, just waiting.

She looked at Stefan and shrugged, “a drink?” She asked as if it was obvious.

He rolled his eyes. “Stop it. Tell us what you know.”

“I will, Stefan, that’s why I am here. But I am going to need a drink.” She smiled, narrowing her eyes. He scowled, walking off, turning left out of the grand living room.

“Just here out of the kindness of your heart?” Caroline asked, tone snippy.

“Oh, I’m sorry, are you trying to be rude?” Katherine asked, her smile challenging, “is it because you’re still mad that I turned you into a vampire?”

Caroline’s jaw clenched slightly, eyes narrowing.

“If it is then I’m sure you’ll be happy to hear you’re much preferred in your vampire personality then your last.” Katherine smiled, tilting her head as Stefan returned to the living room.

“Stop it.” Stefan told her again, placing an expensive wine glass on the table beside Katherine. She tittered, eyeing him carefully as he poured only her a glass of old red. He placed the bottle on the table then stepped for the couch across the room, sitting on its arm.

“Go on.” He nodded.

“Damon and Y/N are no longer in America. Reportedly, Y/N was put on a jet yesterday. 7:00 am flight to Paris. Damon was put on the next flight out. He landed in Paris an hour and a half ago.”

“Well what are we waiting for?” Stefan asked.

“I have no information on where they went afterward.” She shrugged.

“Are you trying to find that out?” He was growing more frustrated.

“Unlike you and your girls here I am not entirely dim-witted. Don Eyague was notified of Elias’ movements as soon as his jet flew over Spain. He will share more of his findings once he has enough to share.”

“Then what’s next?” Stefan asked quickly. Katherine looked at him, taking a sip of her drink.

“What do you want to happen next?” She asked and he sighed. His knee bounced impatiently for a moment as he straightened his posture. His eyes glanced away from Katherine, biting back a growing angst and anger.

“I want to go back with you to your estate.” He said, eyes meeting hers once more.

What?” Caroline said sharply, heading snapping to Stefan. Elena looked over too, Bonnie already shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

“No way, Stefan.” Elena shook her head, hoping he’d look over and see the plead in her eye.

He looked over at Caroline, then Elena. “Don’t.”

Katherine’s eyes narrowed, looking between the three girls and Stefan. “Fine. I’ll take you.”

“I’m coming too.” Caroline added, eyes moving from Stefan to the much older vampire.

“Aha, no.” Katherine chuckled, waving her off and taking another sip of red.

“No.” Stefan said.

Yes. I’m the only other vampire here. They’re my friends too.”

“Damon is my brother, Caroline.” Stefan grumbled, looking over.

“And Y/N is my best friend.” She threw at him, earning a scowl and a roll of the eyes. “I am not going to just sit here, and hope to hear updates over a phone call, okay?”

“She’s certainly motivated.” Katherine sighed, placing the almost empty wine glass back on the table. She relaxed in her seat for a moment, looking only at Caroline.

What?” The blonde asked, same snippy tone.

Katherine smirked. “You can come. I’m sure your presence will be of use.”

“Okay.” Caroline nodded. She stood from the couch. “Okay. When do we leave.”

“I’ll permit forty minutes for you to pack any belongings and deal with your teachers. If you’re not back here by 9:00 pm, I’m leaving without you.”

“Okay.” Caroline nodded. “I’ll be back in time. You two stay here.” She said, to Elena and Bonnie, walking for the door. She went for her car right out front, trying to ignore his footsteps behind her. “You’re not convincing me to stay, Stefan.” She sighed, opening her car door and flopping in the seat. She pushed the window down, pulling on her seatbelt.

“You’re not coming, Caroline.” Stefan slowed at her window.

“Get in, or I’m leaving you in the dust.” She said, blue eyes stern. He groaned, rounding the car and hopping in the passenger side.

“You’re not coming.” He said as she pressed on the gas, pulling away from the Boarding House.

“Actually I am. Unless you’re planning on knocking me out, which I would never forgive you for by the way,” she looked at him, narrowing her eyes, “you’re not stopping me.”

“It is not safe for you, Caroline—“

“Look, just stop arguing with me while I’m driving.” She waved her hand, resting it back on the steering wheel again. He sighed, relaxing in his seat, but didn’t argue.



The second she pulled her key out of the ignition, Stefan stepped out of the car. She did too, walking quickly up her walkway, Stefan close behind.

“We are talking about this, Caroline.” He said, matching her speed as they walked up the few steps to her porch.

“And I’m sure we’ll have more than enough time to do that at Katherine’s.” She sighed, pushing her keys and unlocking her house, “or, from what I’ve heard, on our way to Katherine’s.” She said mostly to herself, stepping inside. She kicked off her shoes and jogged to her room.

“What, do you need me to get Liz? Have her tell you you can’t go?”

“Mom’s out of town ’til tomorrow morning.” She shrugged, pulling out the pink duffle bag he had seen so many times. She placed it on her bed, going for the dresser under her TV. She fished out maybe a dozen undergarments from the top drawer, a few t-shirts and tanks from the one underneath and a few shorts and sweatpants from the one next to it.

“Caroline, please. I do not want you there.” He shook his head. She stuffed the items messily into the bag then rounded the bed.

“I don’t care.” She raised her brows once, walking past him for the bathroom. But he stopped her. His arm reached past her, blocking her from leaving. She stopped in placed, taking an irritated breath and glancing to the side impatiently. He studied her face and stepped in front of her.

“Caroline.” He spoke softer,

What?” She shrugged, eyes meeting his. “I can do this.” She said, voice quiet too.

“I know you can, this isn’t about that.” He said, brows pulling together slightly. She looked away again, sucking in her bottom lip. Tears burned at her eyes, throat tightening. “I don’t want you any more mixed up in this than you already are…” He shook his head. A couple tears fell from each of her eyes, but before she could wipe them, he did. His hands reached for her mandible, his thumbs swiping away the dampness.

At his touch, she matched his gaze. “I can’t.” She shook her head. She reached up for his hands, curling her fingers around his palms and pulling them down, “I can’t sit here and pray everything works out,” she said, “I don’t have time, Stefan. Can you just help me get back to the Boarding House by 9?”

Though his expression fell slightly, defeated, he nodded. “Okay. I’ll sort out your teachers.” He said. “I’ll pick you up and we’ll be there by 9:00.” And she nodded. He stepped out of her room and she thought on his words for a moment. What if he was just lying?

“Stefan.” She called, following him out, catching him just as he reached for the door. “If you don’t come back and get me…” She shook her head, brows furrowing.

“I will.” He said. “I promise.” And he pulled open the door and left.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“It’s like you’re not even trying. Why would you bring us here?” Stefan argued, standing between Caroline and Katherine, both women sitting down. They argued for perhaps the dozenth time since Katherine had brought them there. Everyday that violin and piano played from somewhere hidden in that verdant living space. He enjoyed it last visit. Found it nice and calming. Now, it drove him up the wall.

He had stood from the small couch Caroline and him shared. The same one he and Y/N had sat on together when they were there only a couple of months back. Seemed Katherine always chose that green chair. The design was something old. Something Stefan would see around the homes in Mystic Falls back in the day. Before he was a vampire. It was carved beautifully, swirls and flowers traced so detailed between the arm of the chair and the seat. The cushions were different for the back and the seat. A pure cotton cushion with a beautiful paisley design rested underneath Katherine. It looked expensive, no doubt, and it was made of greens and yellows and reds. The back was a beautiful velvet, matching one of the greens in the seat. A prized possession, surely. And with Katherine’s money, no problem to keep it beautiful.

“If I’m not mistaken, it was you who wanted to be here.” The older vampire rolled her eyes and sighed. “Sit down.” But Stefan didn’t. He narrowed his eyes at her.

Now.” She said stern. It took a couple more seconds but Stefan stepped back, returning to his seat next to Caroline. “You remember my dear friend, Don Eyague, correct?” She asked mostly Stefan.

“Yes. I remember hitching a ride here and getting information that could have been sent in a letter.” Stefan nodded and Katherine just rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know him.” Caroline shook her head.

Katherine looked at her, brows pulling together. “Which is exactly why I didn’t ask you.” She shrugged. “God…” she mumbled under her breath, “anyway, he and I have exhausted plenty resources. Whispers and weapons alike. We have just recently gained access to very old and very powerful demon, and I am certain you’ll remember him too, Stefan” She smiled. His brows knitted together.

“Does the name Klaus Mikaelson mean anything to you?” Katherine asked, tilting her head slightly. His eyes dropped and he looked away. His heart sped up slightly, slowing after a breath.

“It’s been years. Almost a century.” Stefan sighed, still looking off.“Why? Why him?”

Katherine sighed, seeming to hold back a roll of the eyes. “What?” She shrugged.

“All of your contacts… Why Klaus? What does he have others don’t?”

“It’s Klaus Mikaelson. He has access to almost everything we could need. Having him on our side is never a bad thing. He’s over a thousand years old and while friends like Don Eyague are quite reliable and helpful, no one I’ve met measures up to Klaus’ power.”

“And what? He’s just gonna sit down and agree to help us because he’s feeling nice?” Stefan nearly scoffed.

“No, he will help us for the same reason I’m helping you,” she narrowed her eyes, “this is not about Y/N or Damon. Not to me, not to any Former involved in this, and if you two can’t wrap your head around the fact that those two are simply pawns in a game, maybe neither of you should be here.” Katherine said. “The only reason the both of you are here is because you are vampires. And with that, your future is in as much danger as mine, as Don’s, as Klaus’.

Besides his influence and his age, Klaus’ value is in regards to something entirely different.”

“You called him a demon instead of just a vampire…” Caroline said quietly.

“Hm.” Katherine nodded. “Hope for you yet.” She smiled tightly. “Three centuries ago there was word he had morphed into an individual species. One that Elias would certainly send scouts for, if he hasn’t already.”

“Individual species?” Stefan asked, face wound with doubt.

“That is what I said. Though, of course, it really isn’t my place to share such vital information with acquaintances. Perhaps he will mention it once he is here.

I’ll tell you this, when he arrives show him respect. Dress appropriately. And you…” Katherine pointed at Caroline, “I don’t want you speaking at all.” She said.

What? What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?”

But Katherine ignored her, looking back at Stefan. “He is very old, I don’t want any of us wasting his time.” Katherine said.

“Well, if he’s so powerful, why would he even worry about Elias?” Caroline asked.

“Why do you keep talking.” Katherine asked no one, shrugging her shoulder in pure annoyance. She moved her glare to Caroline’s pale eyes. “I regret bringing you.” She smiled tightly for a moment, then continued, “it is true that he rarely engages in business between vampires. He knows how we work, I imagine he’s vaguely aware of what exactly is happening. Elias is being quiet, however, and I cannot say with confidence if Klaus has knowledge of his most recent movements. I’m wanting to show him why having Elias in charge isn’t good for him either.

He would be treading the line on comfort and the unknown. I’m sure Klaus would rather deal with Elias now than deal with the aftermath of his tragic plots and learn a way around a new system of vampires.” She explained as if it was simple. Caroline’s brows furrowed at the woman. She looked so much like her best friend. Identical, but so different. And it seemed to be held all in her eyes. And this night at 1:00 am, though in lounge clothes, it seemed Katherine was ready for anything. There was a time Caroline couldn’t imagine being over five hundred years old. But now, she very well could. Katherine was terrible, sure. She was calculated and minacious, but something about her just drew Caroline in.While she may never be as cruel as Katherine, her power was something else.

“Anyway, I have sent word out, I assume he will seek conversation.”

“Sorry, we’re waiting on him?” Stefan asked, frustration growing once more.

“Yes, Stefan, there is difficulty in tracking down a thousand year old demon,” she said, lifting herself from the chair, “he does as he pleases, and I feel confident he will be here soon enough.” She picked up her wine glass and walked toward the hall. “Goodnight.” She said and walked out.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“You’re going to explore?” Katherine’s voice sounded from the end of the corridor. Their heads snapped to the sound, strange not hearing her presence before she spoke.She stepped up the couple stairs from the verdant living space, full glass of red in hand.

“A small walk.” Stefan said.

“Hm.” Katherine shrugged.

“I thought you were going to bed.” Stefan said.

“I said goodnight, Stefan. That is quite simply a farewell.” She sighed, walking past the two, still a long way to the doors at the other end of the hall. “At no point in the phrase ‘goodnight’ can you hear the words ‘I am going to bed and therefore will not see you until tomorrow’. You just can’t.” She sighed, turning her door handle and pulling open the ridiculously large and heavy-looking door with ease. “Anyway. The benches by the pond are quite lovely, I’ll say.” She shrugged, snatching a last glance at Stefan then Caroline as she strolled into her room.

With a sigh, the blonde stepped past Stefan, pushing the front door open and walking out into the comfortable spring air.

Not that any season would make a difference for either of them, but Caroline always loved spring. She remembered Stefan talking about spring once, maybe twice. He liked the flowers, the colours, the growth. So much he could paint from.

He followed her out, both of them silent under the nearing full moon. It was dark, but no matter to their supernatural eyes. They could see so clear in front of them, and far too.

The last time she and Stefan walked in a forest like this she was human. Her eyes wouldn’t just adjust to darkness like his. So he’d wrap his safe hand over hers and guide her all the way through. He’d walk slowly, let her take her time and step over the branches and roots. But she was a vampire now. No need to hold hands in the dark. No excuse.

The pond Katherine mentioned was quite lovely. Three benches a fair distance from one another around the water, Stefan and Caroline took a seat on one.

“This is more complicated than I thought.” Stefan finally broke their silence, staring at the grass under the trees. “I don’t know how he did it…” His head shook slowly.


“Got into America quickly and quietly enough to go undetected. At least until he was gone…”

“Well, Eyague—“

Don Eyague,” Stefan corrected, “don’t wanna refer to him so casually, trust me.”

“Okay…” Caroline nodded. “Well, Don Eyague notified Katherine as soon as he could.”


“So the issue’s here. In America… Isn’t this Katherine’s sector? Mystic Falls too?” She asked, and he nodded. “What does that mean for her? Can’t bode well if she let someone so dangerous just stroll through.”

He shook his head, “there’s too much going on right now. Too much unease. She’ll face repercussions I’m sure of it, but likely once it’s all over. Can’t deal with a new former among everything else.”

“God.” Caroline sighed, looking out far. She was still so new to everything. She had less experience than Stefan, but even he couldn’t match Katherine’s power, knowledge. He was as useless as her. Just sitting around, waiting to be helpful.

Caroline looked around, not really registering. The gears behind her eyes turned and turned. “He’s had juveniles roaming the East Coast for months… How many Formers or,Ancients are on his side? How can Katherine trust anyone?” She looked at him, like she was truly asking.

“I don’t know, Caroline.” He sighed, pushing himself from the seat and stepping forward. He stood a few feet away, hanging his head back, eyes closed. His brother was gone. No telling how long it would take to get him back. “We just gotta wait and see what Klaus says.” He sighed, looking forward again. His eyes prickled, the sight before him blurring. There was nothing he could do. He sniffled and let out a breath, almost regretting it as he heard Caroline stand.

“Hey…” She said softly, her hand meeting his shoulder. And he couldn’t stop himself. His head dropped slightly, face twisting into a look of upset. He frowned, brows knitting together almost achey.

“It’s my fault.” He said quietly, shaking his head.

Caroline stepped in front of him, “Stefan, this is not your fault.” She nearly scoffed at his claim, holding a softness in her voice for him.

He sniffled, looking into her eyes. “Yes, Caroline, it is.” His chestnut eyes pleaded with her.

“What do you mean?”

“Chicago. Last year.” He said, wiping a tear from his cheek. “There was this juvenile…”

“Right, yeah. He wasn’t from here…” Caroline said, and Stefan just nodded. She tilted her head slightly,

“Wh—“ She started, cutting herself off. “Wait, you think it was one of Elias’?”

“I know it was, Caroline.”

“Okay well, that doesn’t make any of this your fault. Elias had more than one juvenile here.”

“It was Darwin who followed me back, Caroline!” He exclaimed, his frustration and angst building up, “the same Darwin Damon and I killed. He followed me back to Mystic Falls and told Elias about Y/N. I’m sure of it.” He sighed, shaking his head and looking down again.

“Okay…” Caroline sighed too, glancing to the side and just trying to find the right words. “Okay listen.” She nodded. He kept his eyes to the ground, hands fumbling together anxiously. “Stefan…” She said softer, bringing her hands to his traps, “there is no way of knowing it was you. Darwin happened a while ago. And Carla and Glenn brought Elias to Y/N’s home for Christmas.” And at that, he looked up. “You cannot let this eat you up.” She shook her head. “We can’t afford that.” She whispered.

“Ugh…” He scowled at nothing, shaking his head and looking up. He sniffled and let out another breath. “God, you’re right. I’m being stupid.”

“You’re not stupid. You’re stressed.” She raised her brows once, letting her hands fall from his traps. With a sigh, she linked her arms with Stefan and walked them both forward. “We need to message Bonnie and Elena tonight.” She nodded.

“Yeah.” Stefan sniffled, “completely slipped my mind.”

“It’s fine. We just gotta remember to keep them in the loop.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“You can tell your boyfriend we can anticipate Klaus’ arrival in one week.”

“Seriously?” Caroline asked, stepping forward.

Yes, seriously.” Katherine rolled her eyes, rounding the counter. She opened the fridge’s door, reaching in for one of the many blood bags. Type O, of course.

“Would you like one?” The woman sighed, a certain disinterest in her voice.

“If you’re offering.”

“Yes, that is what that was.” She smiled tightly, rounding the counter once more for a couple glasses near the sink. She pulled two expensive wine glasses, a clink on the counter as she set them down. Seemed they’d share a blood bag. Caroline watched Katherine for a moment, quietly. Her pale eyes studied the old vampire’s face, seeing nothing certain behind her dark eyes.

“Uhm, Stefan and I were talking…”

“Oh, goodie. I am sure it will be full of insight and well thought out action plans.” Katherine smiled tightly, earning a scoff from Caroline. Her head shook slightly, seeing such a lack of care from Katherine.

“What happens to you?” Caroline asked, narrowing her eyes at the old vampire. “After everything? How can Katherine Pierce be trusted with the security of the North-Eastern Sector when Elias Tyrell trespassed without word?” Caroline smiled all daring.. The woman’s brown eyes darkened, piercing Caroline’s. And she stayed there for a moment, just glaring, the air thickening between them. The last time Katherine looked at her like that, was the last time Caroline was human. The old vampire shot around the island, reaching forward, fast, and gripping at Caroline’s throat.

“Ugh!” The blonde grunted, her back slamming into the fridge behind her.

“You dare speak to me like that in my own home.” Katherine snarled, bringing a hand to Caroline’s face. Her hand tight, she forced the girl to look at her. “You haven’t any idea how these things work, juvenile.” Her upper lip tugged in disrelish. “Careful.” she hissed, pushing herself away. She turned around, picking up the wine glass, the blood bag and left the kitchen. Caroline’s eyes stayed glued to the vampire’s back, breath heaving and face sore.


Okay Steroline... Okay...
Y'all we are almost done this gotdam book. holy f. I remember back in February I was like omggg the chapter with Y/N and Damon at Katherine's isn't for another like six monthsss. And now? They are in a relationship and currently in a high-danger situation.
Tbh tho I love writing Katherine chapters.

Chapter 25: August 24th!

for visuals, fic updates, excerpts and more TVD stuff check out my tumblr :)

as always
~~much love

Chapter 25: old demon


"...The ennead bears the presence in his heart. Five are known. Four are not.” He quoted, waving his hand as he recited it for the nth time.
“Impressive.” Katherine raised her brows once. “How long did it take you to memorise?”
He laughed again. “How long did it take to memorise yours?” He tilted his head slightly.
“Quite quickly, actually.” Katherine nodded.
“Oh, yes. Would only make sense for me to retain the very words that held my fate.” she shrugged, meeting his green eyes.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (19)

“What are you doing here?” Stefan asked, brows pulled together as he walked down the steps to Katherine’s living room. He studied the three men, each face turning to him at the sound of his voice and wearing a look of puzzle.

“Oh, Mr.Salvatore,” the one whose conversation Stefan interrupted sighed. He stood from the low chair, making that noise old men always make when they stand up. Stefan was happy knowing he wouldn’t grow old to be like that.

“We didn’t expect to see you here.” He stepped toward Stefan, hand extended.

He took it, giving a single shake. “So you’re not just on corpse duty?” Stefan asked, stepping around the man and sitting on the chair next to Katherine.

The man chuckled, shaking his head then turned to look at the two vampires. “My partners and I here are responsible for collecting deceased members of the Unit, yes. Sometimes however, there is information in need of sharing.” He sighed, stepping forward for his seat. The Unit. Stefan knew it was them, but this confirmation was certainly appreciated.

“Your name?” Stefan asked.

“This is Parker Y/L/N. Brother of Carla, in-law of Glenn,” Katherine answered for Parker, “apparently their names are of no import.” Katherine pointed to the two men who stood a little behind Parker.

“Exactly. Now, Katerina, I’d much appreciate it if we could get on with our business here.” He nodded.

“By all means.” Katherine extended her arm slightly.

“In private.”

“Would be of no use. I can imagine what you’ve to say, Stefan can be here.” She shrugged.

“Fine.” Parker sighed. “You’re aware of the complete chaos that’s erupted round the globe, correct?”

“Yes.” Katherine nodded once.

“Good. That will bode well once decisions are in need of making. Though, as I hope you are aware, we cannot afford an election right now. Not enough trust, and not safe for anyone while Elias roams about, apparently freely.” Parker raised his brows once. She sucked in a quiet breath only Stefan would hear, heart rising as well. Though, her face stayed as calm.

“You will keep your position and manage the North-Eastern sector until Elias has been dealt with. After him, you must be ready to accept the fact you could lose the election.”

“You speak with such conviction.” Katherine’s eyes narrowed, her mouth smirking.

“I share simply what is at hand. Even if you do win you will be known as the Clueless and Craven Katerina.” He almost laughed,

“You forget who you speak to, sir.” Katherine spoke, the whites of her eyes darkening, small black veins racing to her eyes. Her lips tugged slightly, baring two fangs, sharp. Parker straightened slightly, his heart quickening, and he looked away. “Your Unit may have a say in our system, but you must remember it is only because we allowed it. We could have killed all of you. Could still kill you now. Your deaths, while a waste of power, would be mere inconveniences to us. See, your tiny lives of what… 80? 90 years old? Even younger. Usually younger. Your lives mean absolutely nothing to us.” Katherine said, her eyes returning to normal, fangs retracting. “Thank you for your unnecessary visit. You may see yourselves out.” She smiled, nodding once. Parker stood from his seat, the two men behind him as well. He rounded his seat, walking to the steps to the main hall. He stopped before the stairs, turning back around to them.

“Goodbye, Katerina. Find her.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“It is only right we offer a proper dinner to him.” Katherine shrugged, leaning against the archway as some cleaners Caroline and Stefan had seen about the estate set the table.

“When is he arriving?” Stefan asked.

She pushed herself from the archway, turning and walking back into the kitchen, “four hours time. Your clothes will arrive in two.” She looked over her shoulder.

“Our clothes?” Caroline asked,

Yes, Caroline.” Katherine sighed, stepping to the fridge and pulling out a blood bag. “Drink, anyone?” She asked.

“Yeah.” Stefan and Caroline nodded.

“Okay well, help yourselves.” She waved her hand, backing away from the open fridge and to the glass cupboard, she took out three. Stefan grabbed a bag for him and Caroline to share, pouring their halves in the two left over glasses on the counter.

“So, who’d take your place?” Stefan switched the subject, handing Caroline her glass. Katherine’s eyes snapped to his as she took her sip.

She didn’t answer for a moment, as if she contemplated even wanting to. “Plenty will want it, I’m sure, though only one Former I know has a real chance.” She shrugged, taking another sip again. “This needs more.” Katherine muttered mostly to herself, setting her glass down with a clink and turning to a small wine fridge behind her. She pulled out an already open bottle, about half done.

“Hm?” She lifted the bottle slightly before landing it on the counter. She opened a drawer for the corkscrew and made quick work.

“I’m good.” Stefan said,


“Suit yourselves.” She shrugged, mixing the wine with the thick red. Caroline’s lip tugged up slightly as the old vampire took a sip.

“Amison Reed.”

“Sorry, Amison Reed?” Stefan nearly scoffed, Katherine’s eyes darting to his once more, threatening. “No way he’ll win.” He shook his head.

“Your confidence is appreciated, but the Unit seems to disagree.” She smiled tightly, raising her brows once.

“So this election would all be because of Elias?” Caroline asked, and both of them nodded. Caroline scoffed, “seems a tad dramatic…”

“It is dramatic.” Stefan nodded again,

“They’re completely over simplifying things.” Katherine shook her head, twisting her wine glass slightly. She looked up to them, giving a shrug. “Yes, there’s the issue of my ignorance to his arrival in my sector, but the issue stems from a much greater one. Loyalty within each sector, complete ignorance within The Unit. Elias Tyrell was dining with extremely significant names, under the guise of Benoit Rivett. He tricked The Unit. But that’s too messy,” she eyes narrowed knowingly, “it’s easier to just say it was me and call it a day. They’re scared. They will act and vote in fear.” She nodded, sipping her drink.

“How can you just be so calm about it?” Caroline asked, sipping hers as well,

“Because it would be entirely unproductive to stress about the inevitable. I will be voted out, this is factual. I’ll make my case, maybe they will listen. But I am near certain that Amison Reed will manage this sector, but it will not be for long. No matter how long it takes for them to see their mistake, this sector is mine. It always will be.”



“So, can I vote?” Caroline asked, taking a seat on the bench at the foot of Stefan’s given bed.

“Aha, no, unfortunately,” he shook his head, “I can’t even vote. Not old enough.”

You’re not old enough?” She asked, face wound with amusem*nt,

“Nope.” He shrugged, walking to the side of his bed and taking a seat. He laid down, back resting comfortable on the ridiculously expensive mattress. “Gotta be a former,” he shrugged, “unless you’re Damon, of course.”

“Sorry, what?” She asked, turning herself around slightly and leaning on the foot of the bed. “Damon can vote? He’s only like a hundred-eighty or something.”

“Yep.” Stefan nodded.

“Okay, well you can’t just drop some lore like that and not dive in.” She repositioned herself again, sliding to one end of the bench and leaning her back on its arm. She lifted her legs onto the seat, extending them across the tufted suede bench.

Stefan laughed at that. “Now that,”’ he sighed, sitting up again and turning to her, “is an incredibly long story. Most of which I was in ripper mode for.” He shrugged.

“Come on,” she bounced her legs all impatient, “this has been–by far–the most informative, chaotic, scariest and most interesting week of my entire life. So, unless this ‘incredibly long story’ is longer than…” She started, pulling her phone from her pocket and checking the time, “Three hours, you better spill.” She crossed her arms all dramatic, relaxing back into the bench.

He shook his head, chuckling. “Well…” He sighed, glancing around, “it was in 1917. He had the opportunity to connect with individuals that…” He waved his hand, trying to find the words, “were quite helpful. Offered him just what he needed to complete, at the time, the world’s largest transport of Cocaine overseas,” He shrugged

“Sorry, what?” Caroline asked, moving her legs off the bench and straightening.

“Brought in what would be a couple million today.”

“Are you kidding me? Damon?” She tilted her head.

“Yeah, I mean he set quite the standard. Formers were impressed with how quickly a juvenile marked his place in their world. They held–or, hold–a respect for him they hold only for Formers. Damon’s a juvenile still, of course, but he has as much influence as Katherine. He’s just less involved now.”

“What the actual f*ck?” Caroline asked mostly herself, looking around the room. Her eyes darted around, trying her best to comprehend Stefan’s words.

“Yeah, he actually earned his own title,” Stefan shrugged, “Damon the Devious.”

Damon the Devious.” She repeated, tone laced with humour as if it was the silliest thing she had heard.

“Oh yeah. Well, you know, you have Calculated Katherine, Sagacious Sam, Utari the Unyielding, Victoria the Victorious…” He listed, waving his hand. Caroline just looked at him, mouth slightly dropped and brows pulled together, quite confused, “I mean, I was given one, but… It certainly wasn’t out of honour.” He shook his head.

“Well, what’s yours?” She asked. And Stefan smiled nervously, looking down.

He shook his head. “Stefan the Savage.” He raised his brows, looking back up at her.

“Damn. That’s…”

“Fair, honestly.” he shrugged. She looked at him, a small smile forming. She chuckled, shaking her head.

“Well, what do you gotta do to get one? Where’s mine? Where’s Caring Care? Caroline the Classy? Courageous Caroline? Huh?” She asked and Stefan smiled sweetly,

“Oh, someday I am sure you’ll get it. But it takes work getting Former’s attention–”

A few knocks shuttered the door before Katherine pushed one of them open.

“Delivery.” She sighed, walking in with two hangers on her hand, garments wrapped in clothes bags. “Yours are in your room.” Katherine nodded to Caroline, reaching her hand out for Stefan to grab the clothes. He stood, pulling the hangers from her and walking for the round table by the windows. Unzipping the bag, he found a simple suit jacket in an Essex Green, double breasted and resting overtop a warm-tan button up. A small bag inside the larger one held a few gold pieces, surely cufflinks.

Stefan rolled his eyes at the sight, turning back to Katherine. “Thanks.” He raised his brows once.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

They heard Katherine and this Klaus character walking closer to the dining room. He spoke antiquated through an accent of older english.

The younger vampires sat across a narrow dining table from one another, dressed in their fancy and expensive garbs for this rare dinner. Stefan looked handsome in that custom suit, its jacket now taken off, he wore just the matching waistcoat. And Caroline looked extraordinary in that off-white dress. In a certain light, a faint sparkle shimmered from the fabric. It looked extra lovely with the full sleeve, fitted around Caroline’s arms. The dress met her ankles, flowing smoothly past her thighs. Maybe Katherine would let her keep it. But that wasn’t at all what raced through Caroline’s mind now. When she first heard his name, there was a certain intrigue. An ancient demon. A vampire who wasn’t just a vampire. But now, to be face-to-face with an ancient…

“Stand once they walk in.” Stefan glanced at Caroline, and she nodded, eyes glued to the open doors. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, sending angst up her throat with every beat. Stefan reached across the old and narrow table, grazing her hand. Her head turned quickly to his touch, then her eyes met his, so much calmer than hers. An almost sad blue and just full of worry. But his were so nice. So pretty and caring.

“We’re safe.” He said quietly, giving her a small nod. She nodded back, looking back to the open doors as Stefan pulled his hand away.

They strolled into view, nearing from quite far in that living room full of trees and flowers. She heard Stefan push his seat back slightly, so did she, standing without question, just waiting for this ancient vampire to enter the dining room.

He was… Quite pleasant looking. She didn’t really expect that. Truthfully, Caroline didn’t know what she expected. Maybe someone scarier looking. Your stereotypical vampire, too tall and buff for his own good, bright eyes that held so much darkness. Maybe a leather jacket.

Hm. So she half expected someone like Damon to walk in. Someone like Damon, but maybe who Damon was in the 20’s and 30’s, like Stefan had told her about. Her brows furrowed slightly, but she relaxed them just as fast.

The old vampire glanced up at the two juveniles for a moment, locking eyes with each of them for a split second before looking back at Katherine. Hands clasped behind his back politely, he was extremely good-looking, and not at all like the brooding, evil vampire that she half-expected. A clean hair cut, topped with lovely, dark blonde curls and a stubble trimmed sharp. Freckles dotted his nose and cheeks, and his eyes were an alluring hazel, a lot more green than brown. He had taken off his coat too, a waistcoat in a brown herringbone. Wool, naturally. It fit handsomely overtop his cream button up, a bow tie in a brown that fit between the shades of his waistcoat and shirt. His pants matched the wool herringbone, and he seemed quite comfortable in such formal attire. Though, Caroline thought, perhaps it wasn’t all that formal to him.

His shoes were expensive brogues and gold jewellery had been placed carefully. A few signet rings, one crusted with lapis lazuli, a gold watch and ear-hugging hoops. He looked expensive.

They stepped up the two stairs down to the dining room, Katherine finally looking at Caroline.

“This is Caroline Forbes. Juvenile. Born in 2005.” Katherine walked to Caroline’s side of the table, Klaus close beside her.

“Caroline.” Klaus nodded, extending his hand for the young vampire. She smiled politely, taking his hand for a couple shakes. Katherine gave the girl a small nod before rounding the table to Stefan’s side. And Caroline could act as if Klaus’ eyes didn’t linger on her as well, but she didn’t really want to. There was something she liked about it.

“And, perhaps you’ll remember Mr.Salvatore over here.” Katherine chuckled, reaching for Stefan’s shoulder. “This is Stefan Salvatore.”

“Oh, Katherine dear, I know who this is.” Klaus smiled nearing Stefan with an extended hand. Stefan chuckled, flashing a sweet smile.

“Mr.Mikaelson.” Stefan nodded, taking Klaus’ hand,

“Oh, please,” Klaus shook his head, putting his other hand over the back of Stefan’s, “Klaus is perfectly fine,” he pulled his hand away, “preferred, actually.” He pointed, eyes looking serious before breaking kindly once more into a smile then a light chuckle. Each of them laughed, Caroline too, a little nervous.

“Your seat.” Katherine nodded, pulling out the chair at the head of the table for Klaus before rounding to the other end, her seat.

“Thank you, Katerina.” He said, sitting himself down. Caroline watched Stefan closely in the corner of her eye. Trying to give Klaus her undivided attention but also know when to do what. Once Klaus seated, Stefan finally did as well. Caroline tucked her dress under her as she took her seat once more, focusing now on her breathing.

“Mm!” Katherine noised as she began to sit. She straightened her legs once more, “I must share the music sheets for this evening with my staff. Forgive me.” She nodded, earning a titter from Klaus.

“No worries at all.” He smiled. Katherine gave him a small look of thanks before turning back to the living room, disappearing into the greenery. Klaus turned to one of the housekeepers who stood quietly in the corner of the room, giving them a nod and beckon with a couple fingers. The keeper stepped forward, picking up a heavy-looking silver pitcher from the table. They lifted it with ease, bringing it to Klaus’ glass cup. A stream of red fell from the pitcher, filling until Klaus told them to stop. The housekeeper then turned to Stefan, bringing the pitcher over his cup. Quickly, the younger vampire's hand shot out, covering his glass.

“None for me, thanks.” He smiled, nodding to the person. “Caroline?” Stefan asked, her pale eyes flying to him.

“Hm? Oh, um. Yes. Yes please.” She smiled kindly at the housekeeper. Klaus eyed Caroline, studying her body for a moment, the mild fright in her eyes and her quickening heartbeat. A small smile tugged at his lips before he turned to Stefan. “It has been quite some time, Ripper.” Klaus said, reaching for his glass and taking a generous gulp.

“Quite.” Stefan chuckled, expression betraying the spike in his heart. Caroline knew he didn’t like that name. “I hope you’ll forgive me, I hadn’t any idea of your esteem at the time.” He nodded and Klaus rolled his eyes. “The ignorance of a ripper.” Stefan added.

“Oh, that’s why I like you so.” Klaus shrugged, “hadn’t a clue of who I was. You treated me as an equal and I very much respected that.” He said, earning a modest chuckle from Stefan. Caroline looked between the two. So interesting how they spoke to one another. She’d never heard of Klaus before this visit to Katherine’s estate, yet here Stefan sat, speaking to this ancient like friends who hadn’t seen each other since high school.

“Well, it appears you’re no longer a ripper,” Klaus smiled, “what happened there?”

“Well, the usual. Brother didn’t like my irresponsibility all that much,” Stefan shrugged.

“Oh yes, always a friend or family forcing us into good habits,” Klaus smiled.



They’d been talking about essentially nothing for the past two hours. Katherine somehow strung along the most boring of conversations. Though, Caroline’s interest or curiosity did spark slightly when Klaus mentioned his time in Britain after the death of the Queen. It was certainly something she’d journal about later, but she found nothing else they spoke of remotely interesting. Though, there was a sudden pause in their conversation. As their polite chuckles lessened, Klaus cleared his throat.

“Well,” he sighed, “I believe there are more important things to be discussed.” He nodded, looking across the table to Katherine.

“Indeed,” Katherine smiled, “shall we move to a more comfortable setting?” She asked, picking her napkin up from her lap and politely wiping the corners of her mouth.

“Please.” Klaus nodded, standing from his seat. Caroline and Stefan followed the older vampires out of the dining room, going to that lush living space. One of the keepers Caroline and Stefan had seen roaming the estate, walked past them towards the dining room, surely to clean up. Katherine reached for her arm.

“Tara, dear,” she said, and the woman stopped, looking politely at Katherine. “Might you grab us each a glass of red?”

“Of course, Ms.Petrova,” Tara nodded, wearing a kind smile,

“Thank you.” Katherine smiled sweetly. Instead of the dining room, Tara turned for the kitchen.

“I wish not to waste your time, sir,” Katherine spoke as each of them sat. Caroline and Stefan shared their usual couch, Katherine in that antique green chair and Klaus in a seat seemingly every guest chose.

“Of course.” Klaus nodded. Tara returned to the living space, an expensive marble tray resting on her flat hand. On it, four identical glasses, each filled generously with thick blood. She handed a glass first to Klaus, then Katherine. Caroline and Stefan were last, and Tara didn’t take the time to bow slightly or make eye contact with them. For a moment, Caroline wondered if Katherine told her not to.

“Thank you, Tara.” Katherine nodded to the woman. She turned to the old vampire, giving a small bow.

“Of course, Ms.Petrova. Have a good evening.” She nodded, stepping back to the kitchen. Caroline heard Tara mutter a small incantation, then a complete silence beyond the kitchen door. A muffling spell, surely.

“I first must query your knowledge of Elias Tyrell?” Katherine asked, crossing her legs. Klaus took a deep breath, looking off at nothing in particular, trying to recall such a name.

He frowned slightly, shaking his head. “Nothing of import. Bruits from a handful of premiers,” he shrugged, “claim he’s the germ of many disturbances within their individual trade.”

“Yes. He’s sparked plenty confusion. Already there’s quite a distrust between Formers.”

“Mm, I’ve heard this too, yes.” Klaus nodded, “whispers here and there speak of certain dearths of loyalty within over a dozen sectors. Can’t rely on any of the managers.”


“Well, we all know Elias’ maniacal desire or, inherent need for power and control. His little scheme of government is nothing new.” Klaus shrugged.

“True however, what is concerning is how easily he’s managed his latest affairs,” she nodded. Klaus studied her eyes for a moment, taking in a breath and adjusting in his seat.

“Go on.”

“Everyone has heard the story of the poor French boy and his crave for power. And we both know there was a time it wasn’t quite a story. It was something we’d talk about over dinner, something that had ever-growing news.”

“Right.” Klaus nodded,

“But then, in the 20th century, it suddenly stopped being a topic of conversation. There wasn’t anything new to share. It became something to remember. A true story. And it was only in the 80’s I started hearing Elias’ name again.”

“I remember hearing his name too.” Stefan nodded, the older vampires turned to look at him. “Damon, as well. I know for a fact Elias tried to recruit him.” He nodded,

“Is that right?” Klaus asked, tilting his head, and Stefan nodded.

“Precisely.” Katherine sipped her drink. “Damon and Elias’ interaction was in 1936, so, we can say with certainty he’s been active in his… Recruiting for nearly one hundred years. And thinking back on the whispers in the 80’s, I believe that was when he started putting things into play.”

“That would make sense,” Klaus nodded, “The Unit had started growing impressively at that time… And, I mean, we all know his abhorrent behaviour regarding them,” Klaus rolled his eyes,“anyway, this is all good and fun to hear. Why must you share news I could have surmised myself?” Klaus asked, tone changing slightly. It was strange. Caroline studied the man's body, his face and eyes. Unlike only moments before, he seemed… Irritated. There was a moment where his eyes read curiosity. His posture, uncertainty. But now there was none of that.

“You know I do not associate with the matters among vampires.” He shrugged.

“Well, his child-like dream of governing all vampires may no longer be a dream.” Katherine shrugged at him. “Now, I know these silly little vampire games mean little to you, but there can’t be much ease in knowing these endeavours of his could emerge successful.”

Klaus sighed at that.

“It appears that Y/N Y/L/N was a vital step in his process.” She said.

“In what manner?” He sighed, relaxing in his seat.

She shrugged again, “she commands the elements. Doesn’t tire as a witch would. I’m uncertain as to what exactly she is required for, however I presume it is in regards to her power.”

“Undeniably.” Klaus muttered. “He still resides in Caen?”

“Yes.” Katherine nodded. Klaus nodded too, leaning back in his seat. He looked off, face contemplating.

He sipped his drink, green eyes darting around the room like he watched a map only he could see. “I’ll find a way to deal with Elias. And, because you asked so nicely, I will try and include a rescue plan for your little friends,” he said.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t thank me. Do better.” He raised his brows once, eyes glaring into hers.

“Yes.” She nodded, speaking softly and little more anxious as Klaus stood.

“We cannot afford any sector managers f*cking things like you have,” he shrugged, picking up his glass, “well.” He nodded, sipping his drink and rounding his chair for the front hall, “I’ll need the night to decide the next course of action,” he spoke as he stepped away from them, much like Katherine would walk away from Stefan and Caroline. He stopped at the steps, looking back at them one last time. “Prepare for a flight East within…” He looked up and thought for a moment. “Two weeks.”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Again, I am sorry—“

“Your apologies are naught but empty words to me,” he smiled uncaring, “I’ve already agreed to help you, I’d much prefer we speak of truly anything else.”

And she sighed at that, downing the rest of her red drink, standing for another.

“No housekeepers here?” He asked,

“Not right in this room.” She said quietly, pouring her blood stained glass with an old bottle of wine. She couldn’t remember who’d gifted this to her. Or maybe she had bought it somewhere. Old enough to forget about. Nothing to celebrate over, “wanted some privacy.”

“Well, I too will have another.” Klaus dropped his glass to the table for her. With a roll of the eyes she turned on her heels, narrowing her dark eyes at him.

“Please,” he added.

She sighed, “empty words or not,” she picked up his glass too and turned back around, “I do wish we’d see one another outside such tragic circ*mstances.” And Klaus laughed at that,

“It always is something strange pulling us together. Haven’t seen you since your strife with Rebekah.” His brows raised once, and perhaps out of politeness, he didn’t comment on the sudden spike in Katherine’s heart.

Strife,” her head tilted as she stuck the cork back into the old bottle, “I’d hardly call killing my lover a strife,” she said, tone more serious and Klaus shrugged,

“Can’t blame her, really,” he sipped his red, “bound to curse that can be broken. I’m doubtful you can say you wouldn’t do the same.”

“Perhaps. Could be her uncertainty or, ignorance, that keeps me bitter. I feel as though I wouldn’t go around killing women and their loved ones until I knew what I was doing.” She handed the glass to Klaus, flopping down on that classic green chair.

“You are joking, right?”

“Not at all.”

Klaus just laughed. “My God, you truly believe she just did as she pleased? You’ve heard the prophecy. Wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve still got it memorised.” His brows raised, and she shook her head sheepishly, keeping her eyes down. “Rebekah’s had over a thousand years worth of souls to trial her prophecy on. She’s only gone through with five. Me, however, my brothers,”` he raised his glass slightly and she rolled her eyes.

“I’m certainly biased,” she nodded, “and your prophecy was a lot more dramatic I’d say,” she smiled playfully, nearly hiding behind her glass.

Mine? Mine? No, absolutely not. Rebekah’s… Yours was certainly the most difficult to decipher. I haven’t seen her in some time, she could very well be figuring it out still.”

Her eyes rolled slightly, “it was quite long… Not yours, though. What was it, what was it…” Katherine thought out loud, looking up as she scrambled for the words, “A presence in the heart, mistaken for one… Something about darkness, shadows and light…” Katherine shook her head, earning a chuckle.

“Once darkness shadows the light shall the beasts massacre come to a halt. On each eve of the waning night glow a part of the ennead shall be taken. The ennead bears the presence in the one heart. Five are known. Four are not.” He quoted, waving his hand as he recited it for the nth time.

Very impressive.” Katherine raised her brows once, earning a simple roll of his eyes.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Her head turned to the door, the sound of his footsteps growing closer. Would he knock?

Caroline eyed the door, awaiting a rap on the wood, but nothing came. Instead, she heard a crease of paper, and watched something thin fly under her door.

Brows furrowed, she waited for him to depart before walking over. It was thin paper, short but wide, folded once. She picked it up, opening it to some messy handwriting.


I wish to have heard your voice more this evening. Your eyes looked and heart sounded full of opinions, all of which I would quite enjoy hearing.

In one hour I will be in the main living space and I would very much like to get to know your perspective.

Join me for a drink.


“What the f*ck…” She whispered to herself, turning, and taking a few steps as she re-read the small letter.

Now, it was clear to her she wouldn’t be declining. But it wouldn’t stop her utter shock and disbelief at his scribbles. Ridiculous. Unbelievable! The man who said barely a word to her all evening. Oh, but her eyes looked full of curiosity and heart sounded so.

“Ugh.” She scoffed, flopping on the edge of her bed. As if she would say no.

He was extremely handsome. Something so charming about his gestures and words. There was something certainly off putting when it came to that defensiveness toward helping them, but for some reason she understood. He was a thousand years old after all.

But what would she wear? Katherine hadn’t mentioned this dinner. Made sense for her to supply wears for it. But then… Katherine didn’t really mention this after dinner drink either, and Caroline certainly didn’t bring anything for that. And, what, would she just show up to these drinks in her pink sweatsuit? The colours did match her perfectly, and she did look so cute in it…

No. No matter how awkward it may be, she’d have no choice but to appear once more in this dress.



He turned his head at the sound of her steps, and as Caroline entered the room, she saw he no longer wore that expensive attire from before. He stood as she walked down the steps, nearing her slowly.

“You’re still in your fancy garbs.” He smiled, eyeing her up and down for a moment. A small flutter of butterflies flapped within her at his words and eye that looked over her off-white dress once more.

“Yes well, you are the oldest vampire there ever was.” She shrugged, earning a chuckle.

True, however you may see that I’m not one to dress up all the time.” He shrugged and she glanced down at his fit. Much more casual than before, though still quite ready to go. He wore a white crew neck tucked into some wide leg slacks, his belt was clearly expensive.

“I wouldn’t mind at all if you’d prefer more comfortable clothes,” he shrugged.

“Good. Then I’ll be right back.” Caroline smiled tightly and departed back to her room, hearing another small chuckle leave him as she turned her back.



Caroline walked once more into that living space, this time wearing that set she once decided against on. Klaus met her eyes again, though they travelled her body for a moment, a little longer than when she wore the dress.

“Lovely.” He smiled, his green-hazel eyes matching her pale blues. He neared closer, offering his arm for her, and she took it.

“I must admit I only half-expected your arrival,” he smiled, leading her right, to a space she hadn’t yet seen in Katherine’s home.

“I’ll be honest and say I heavily considered, though who would I be to decline an invitation from an ancient?” She asked with some humour in her voice. He laughed.

“An ancient… I guess that isn’t too far off.” He shrugged. There was something that tugged in Caroline’s heart. Perhaps it was her anxiety, perhaps it was his good looks. Regardless, she did enjoy the difference in the man who walked next to her now than the man who sat at the head of the table during dinner. She noticed his eyes on her a handful of times through the long and boring dinner, that enchanting gaze made something in her brain ask questions. His letter wasn’t too far off.

They slowed at a solarium, passing by a grand piano with a very comfortable looking seat. No music sheets. He went for some seats in the corner, as if he knew which he preferred over which. Two chairs however, not a seat for them to share. And Caroline liked that of him. No matter how handsome he was. Another housekeeper Caroline had seen roaming the estate stood quietly nearby. Caroline didn’t know their name.

He lead her to one of the chairs, though before he sat,

“I did mention a drink. So what will you have?” He questioned, nearing the keeper. Caroline smiled, taking her seat,

“Uhmm…” She shook her head, “I don’t know. Whatever you’re having.”

“Oh, come on, Caroline. Katerina has everything. What will it be?” He said, smiling at her chary laugh.

“Aha, okay fine. I will have…” She looked up in thought, “I’ll have a Mai Thai.” She smiled sweetly,

Very nice choice.” He pointed at her, turning to the keeper as if this was as much his place as it was Katherine’s, “now, good sir, Katerina does in fact have a bottle of J. Wray and Nephew, correct?” He asked the keeper.

The person looked up at Klaus, wearing a polite smile, “why of course, Mr.Mikaelson.”

“Good. As she should.” He nodded, “well, my dear Caroline here will have a Mai Thai and I will have a Port Ellen. We will start with one, then another in forty minutes.” He nodded.

“Yes, sir.”

“Good.” Klaus smiled, turning back to Caroline and sitting in the chair next to her.

“Now,” Klaus started, getting comfortable in the leather seat, “how long have you known Katerina?”

Caroline tittered, re-adjusting too and sitting more cosy, “I mean a little while,” she shrugged, “but I barely know her.”

“Barely know her, yet you sleep in her home? Work with her even?” He questioned, studying her movements so intently.

Caroline laughed. “Yeah, well,” she shrugged again, “I’m here the same reason you are.”

“Sure, however Katerina would never let a stranger in this place.” He narrowed his eyes playfully.

“Well she did turn me, so,” Caroline nodded, “you know.” She met his eyes again.

She turned you?” His brows pulled together,


“Why? Katerina hasn’t been known to bite anyone with that intent for decades.”

“Ooh it’s a great story actually,” she cleared her throat, “and I was never really involved, but Katherine thought my turning would be excellent retribution for the drama between her and the Salvatore’s.” Caroline smiled tightly, face wound with bitterness,

“Ahh, yes.” He nodded. The housekeeper returned to the room, marble tray in hand with two beverages atop. Klaus straightened in his seat, “Katherine was always one to think up cruel punishments. Not one to let things slide that’s for sure,” he said, “thank you.” He nodded to the keeper, picking up the Port Ellen they’d placed on the table between Klaus and Caroline.

“Thanks.” Caroline smiled at the keeper, picking up her drink as well.

“And she never fails to drag someone else along in her failures,” he sighed, “to our transformations. No matter how involuntary. Cheers,” he reached forward slightly with his near-full glass.

Caroline smiled, “cheers.” And their glasses clinked lightly, the ice smacking against the glass all noisy to their ears. They each took a sip.

“Holy sh*t.” Caroline’s brows pulled together and she met Klaus' eyes.

“Good, huh?” Klaus smiled, sipping his old scotch.

“Yeah,” she nodded, “never had a drink more than twenty bucks.” She raised her brows and sipped a little more. Klaus chuckled.

“But anyway,” she sighed, relaxing once more in her seat, “drama with the Salvatore’s, she turned me to get back at them. Since then I’ve only really seen her in passing. This is the most time I’ve ever spent with her.” She shrugged.

“And how do you like it?” He sipped his beverage, leaning back in his chair.

“I don’t know,” her head shook slowly, “like, this is really nice,” she lifted up her drink, earning a smile from Klaus, “this, too,” she added, gesturing her hand toward the absurdly large solarium, “I really like the bedroom she gave me,” Caroline nodded, “but the only reason I can even stay in that room, or, drink this drink, or, relax in this comically large solarium…”

Klaus laughed.

“Is because my friends have been taken by Elias Tyrell.” She ended, and Klaus’ eyes narrowed curiously at her tone. “So, sure, I like all of these things, but I’d much rather my friends back.”

“Hm.” Klaus nodded, eyeing her face, her hand gestures, the way her shoulders were always shrugging. “You have a great mind.” He nodded and she looked over at him.

She gave him a small laugh and shake of the head, “Great mind, huh? Quite the compliment from you.” She raised her brows once.

Oh, stop it,” Klaus rolled his eyes, taking some of his old drink, “yes, yes, I’m a thousand years old, this, this and that,” he waved his hand as he spoke, earning a laugh from the blonde next to him.

“Not just your age,” she pointed with her finger as her hand held the chilled glass.

“Then what?” He chuckled,

“Well…” She started, looking down at the chequered marble floor. Then she looked up, meeting his curious eyes and interested smile. “No, no. Nevermind.” And at that his mouth dropped, all shocked.

“What? No! You can’t just do that.” He shook his head, straightening in his seat and waving his hand slightly back and forth.

“Well, you know, Klaus, I’m afraid it’s just too impolite for a juvenile to ask.”

“Oh rubbish. Quit with all your vampire system terms.” His eyes narrowed playfully again and she snickered,

“Okay fine. I have a question.” She tilted her head slightly, wearing a sly smile, “is it true you’re not just a vampire?” She asked and he laughed, looking away.

“My God… And you act as if it’s the worst question in the world,” he smiled, taking another sip of his draining beverage, “it is true,” he nodded, “half-vampire, half-werewolf.”

Werewolf?” She straightened in her seat,

“Oh, please, you mean to say one has never crossed your path, Caroline Forbes?” He asked, smiling wide.

“What, like they’re common enough to run into?” She asked and he shrugged.

“Sure,” he shrugged, “I mean especially for you, being immortal and all.”

“Well, you’re certainly the first I’ve seen,” she sighed, “how’d it happen anyway? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“I don’t mind at all,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “it was over a thousand years ago. I’ve had time to… Move on.” He nodded, glancing away then back at her. “I was born with the curse of the moon. Mother slept with another man and I was born with it. It came from him. And for some time I couldn’t believe my mother. How could she do that to my father? To my older siblings? And it wasn’t until later that I discovered it was in an attempt to stop these attacks that had been ravaging our village,” he nodded and Caroline’s brows furrowed, “but it wasn’t that simple. They weren’t killing our people on purpose. They were wild animals one night a month. Few in our village knew they were men. The witches. My mother being one of them.

And then, eventually, they took my siblings too.”

“Oh my god.” Caroline mumbled,

“The deaths never stopped, though for years my mother needn’t experience anymore grief. Until one of those nights, they took my youngest brother. And that…” He shook his head, eyes staring at nothing, really, “that was it for her. It had driven her mad. Her inability to protect her children against the beasts. And so, she plotted a protection spell, one that would ensure our survival. No matter what.” He nodded. “You’ve heard of the significance of the permanence of death, I’m sure?” He looked at her again.

“Um, yeah. Yeah,” she nodded,

“Well, my mother is the reason we all know of that,” he smiled tightly, not meeting his eyes, “she committed the greatest atrocity in history. She defiled the order of the universe, and gave us immortality. And for it, each of my siblings and myself suffered.” He shrugged.


“Well, the universe must find a balance, right? One way or another,” he said,

“Yeah,” she nodded,

“And the universe promised my mother life eternal for her, her husband and her children. However in exchange, it would provide a new soul that matched the destiny our mother took from us. And there would be many throughout our lives.”

“What does that mean? A new soul matching your destiny?”

“There were just people. Ordinary people. Could have been you. Or Stefan,” he shrugged, “and these people would live out what could have been our lives. And they tormented us, sure, however there’s always a way to close the loop. The universe is not evil, it finds a balance. And that balance could be shifted upon the deciphering of our prophecies.”

“Okay, what?” Caroline shook her hand, eyes widening slightly, “prophecies?

“Yes, but I’ll stop myself there.”

“What? No, you gotta tell me.”

“Honestly, Caroline, there’s not much to tell after that,” he shrugged, “some of us were able to decipher them, shift that balance. Some of us haven’t yet. But it’s no matter in the end. Whether my mother did the spell or not, there would have always been the possibility of triggering the moon curse, and I’d have died long ago as a werewolf.”

Caroline didn’t really know what to say.

“I’m sorry that happened to you. And your family.”

She chose, earning a small nod and wistful smile.

“Yeah it was quite tragic.” He sighed, “but again. Quite some time ago.”

“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t sad,” she said, sipping her drink,

“True.” He nodded, “well enough about me,” he said, “how about this Elias character?” He questioned.

“Mm.” Caroline swallowed the rest of her drink, raising her brows at his question. “Don’t know much about him,” she shrugged, placing her glass back on the small table between them, “though it’s clear he’s quite dangerous.”

“Or perhaps just idiotic,” Klaus shrugged.

Caroline chuckled, “Perhaps, but… He’s managed a lot even if it’s idiocy.”

“There’s a nervousness you feel about him?”

“Well of course.” She spoke as if it was obvious, “he clearly has eyes here in America. And you said we should be ready for a flight to somewhere he most certainly has more eyes…” She shook her head, glancing away at the thought, “I can’t even comprehend the danger, yet I volunteered to be a part of this.” She nearly laughed.

“Do you feel in danger?”

“I don’t even know what to feel,” she scoffed, “I definitely feel in danger. I can’t even comprehend what he's capable of, he could so easily take me out of spite. Don’t know what use he’d have for me but it’s possible. We don’t even know why he took Damon, so…” She shrugged and he nodded, “or he could take Stefan or Katherine. Then we’d really be screwed.”

“Why only then would you be ‘screwed’? Wouldn’t they be in unfortunate circ*mstances if you were taken?”

“Sure, but it wouldn’t be as bad.”

“Why? Why put them before yourself?”

She shrugged at that, looking at the stone floor and shaking her head slightly. “I’m totally useless right now.”

“Oh okay, so we’re lying now. I see.” Klaus sipped the rest of his drink and Caroline looked over, face full of surprise.

“Hey!” She said, reaching over and pushing his arm playfully, “it’s not like I want to be useless, okay? It’s just…”

“It’s just what?” He laughed.

She rolled her eyes, “it’s just that I don’t know anything about this stuff. Maybe I’m not useless, but I don’t have that much to offer.”

“What, no connections? Nothing?”

“Aha, no…” She shook her head.

“Well, you certainly have some now.” He said, reaching into his pocket.

From it he pulled a small book, a pen in its spiral, “I want you to know that I will always answer a call from you.” He said, scribbling some messy words and a few digits, “always.” He said, ripping out the page and reaching over to her. She looked between him and the paper for a moment before taking it. It was an address.

“Now, I’d give you my phone number, but I never have the same one longer than a few days. Sometimes a few hours.” He shrugged, “but if you mail a letter requesting me to this address you’ll hear from me within the week.”


Holy ffffffuuuuuccckkkkkkkk. This one was longggg. 24 pages apparently. In times new roman and size 11 font. Kind of a slay.
A little Klaus backstory in this AU...
Okay but I ate that prophecy uppppp yo. Fr, fourty divided by five. Yep. ATE! Anyway, yassss Klausssss, we love him!

hope y'all enjoyed!

for visuals, fic udpates, upcoming chapter excerpts and extras, check out! (laptop is better so you can see my full blog... definitely not wanting validation on the adorable pink blog theme... LMAO)

as always
~~much love

Chapter 26: chaos


“Well, do we know where he is taking her?”
“Mm-mm,” he sipped his drink, shaking his head, “not yet. We’ll find out once we land.”
“Okay. Good.” Katherine nodded, reaching forward for her scotch. “Have you—“
Her phone vibrated in that familiar rhythm, she pulled it from her pocket. Looking at the screen, she accepted the call with a small groan, “I am not flying you here, Stefan.” She sighed.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (20)

"Why would you bring us just to leave us?!" Stefan yelled through the phone,

"My God, Stefan. You can't possibly expect my help if I am to worry about four others outside of myself. Klaus and I are already trying to get Damon and Y/N. I will not risk you two causing a mess of things! Besides, I have an event." She sighed, and he could almost see her flip of the hair and shrug.

"Katherine!" Stefan exclaimed in complete awe,

"Oh, absolutely not." Her voice sounding a little further from the speaker. She hung up.

"UGH!" Stefan yelled, chucking his phone anywhere. It smashed into the hardwood floors, cracking in a hundred places. "f*ck!" He yelled, bringing his hands to his head. Caroline paced the room, uncaring at his reactions or yelling. "God, I hate her!" He snarled, kicking one of her plant pots.

"Alright, alright. Don't take it out on the plants." Caroline rolled her eyes.

"What are we supposed to do?!" He asked, turning to her, taking a few steps.

"I don't know!" She exclaimed back at him, eyes widening slightly, "you know a lot more about this than I do! Klaus and I were getting along great last night. Didn't really expect them to up and leave." Her arms crossed, flopping into any seat.

"God, okay. We're gonna meet them there, then." He nodded, turning on his feet and speeding for the foyer,

"What?" She asked, turning to look at him, seeing he was already stepping out of the living space, "Stefan! Wait!" She stood from her seat, jogging after him. "We are not meeting them anywhere!" She called, rushing up the stairs around the corner, already so behind him.

"We are, Caroline." He sighed, pushing open the tall door to his given room. Silently, he walked for his bag, reaching for a few items on his bedside table and stuffing them in before zipping it shut.

"Stefan." She said, he didn't say anything. She scowled, marching forward and reaching for his shoulder. "Stop." Her eyes read stern, glaring into his,

"We are back at square one, Caroline. We know Elias is in Caen. I know a few guys in Normandy," he nodded, walking past her,

"Ugh, God, Stefan..." She groaned, but he stepped forward still. "Urgh, just STOP!" She shouted, her right foot stomping on the wood floor. He halted in place with a vexed sigh. Slowly, he turned, looking her in the eyes. He gave her a simple shrug.

"What do you want?"

She scoffed at that, "I want you to just wait for a second and think this through!" She shrugged,

"There's nothing to think through! Our friends, my brother, is still out there!"

"I know! And we know Katherine and Klaus are working to get them back, Stefan, just please, we need to think about this." She near begged. And as she silenced, he dropped his bag on the floor with a loud thump and turned off, leaving her in his given room with his still packed bag.

She didn't care where he went off to, as long as he stayed. With a sigh, she hauled his bag over her shoulder, and went back to her room.



The lined pages of her small journal rested on the island before her, her writing no longer neat in this sudden panic. She'd chosen Katherine's kitchen of all rooms to do her thinking. It was so clean and bright, and held certainly fewer things to distract her. A kind of kitchen Caroline wanted for herself in the future.

And those thoughts did enter mind whenever she'd stroll into the kitchen, but now, she thought of only what was next.

Maybe listing every possible plan of action would help her. Maybe. And so she pondered, wondering the outcomes if she and Stefan stayed here until Katherine was back. If they called her daily or every other day for updates. If they'd question the housekeepers then go to Paris, or Caen, like Stefan said. Or if they'd just go back to Mystic Falls, ask Bonnie and Elena for help.

She thought of everything she could. And she made sure to keep Stefan's bag close by, knowing it held his wallet and keys. No way he was leaving her in that estate alone. No way he'd just leave. Leave her like Katherine and Klaus left them. He just wouldn't.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Katherine gasped, a wide smile spreading her face, "oh, Don!" She spoke sweetly, stepping forward with her arms out. She met the man, wrapping her arms over his shoulders in a sugary embrace,

"Katerina, my girl," he chortled, hugging her tightly,

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" She said through her charming smile, pulling away from him slightly, arms still resting over his shoulders.

He shrugged, "not enough time to hand deliver a letter. And I know there are certain surprises you do not mind." He smiled, earning a small titter from his old friend. He looked past her, hands touching her waist and furthering from her slightly, "and you, sir." Don nodded, stepping past Katherine, "I thank you greatly for your communications." He stepped forward, hand out for Klaus.

"You are quite welcome. You've proved yourself to be incredibly useful, I cannot deny." Klaus smiled truly, taking Don's hand. His green-hazel eyes flew to Katherine's once more, "You will fly with Eyague, I will see you in Paris in seven weeks." He nodded, turning away and walking back for the car. Seeming he wouldn't be leaving in any of the jets about the runway.

They stepped up into the cabin, much more spacious than hers.

"Haven't been in here in too long," Katherine smiled, walking down the aisle to some comfortable seats.

"Yes, well yours is quite custom, I'm sure you'd have chosen it over mine if you could." He said, earning a small laugh.

"Yes, well. Here we are," she shrugged, taking a seat, "and I am quite happy to see your face."

"And I, yours." Don smiled, taking a single step closer and leaning down. He stamped a kiss on her cheek before sitting in the chair across from her. An attendant arrived quickly, placing a glass of blood for each of them on the table resting between their seats.

Don sighed, "I feel some shame, Katerina. I am so sorry I have been unable to properly share any information. It's unfortunate how late I informed you of Elias' arrival."

The attendant came by once more, this time holding two glasses of champagne.

Katherine rolled her eyes, reaching for the glass of red, "Please, Don, do not apologise. I have no idea what I'd do without you. You've done nothing but offer help, and quite truthfully, I am in your debt," she shrugged,

"Complete nonsense," he waved his hand, reaching for his drink too, "you will never be in my debt, Katerina." He smiled and so did she. "Some more recent developments, however." he nodded,

"Really?" She asked and he nodded, "hm. Didn't think there'd be too much else going on for him."

"Ahaha, well you aren't wrong there. One of my men spotted him leaving the estate," and her brows furrowed, "with Y/N," and Katherine straightened in her seat,

"With her? Why? Why would he do that?"

"Not sure. Doesn't matter." He shook his head, adjusting in his seat. Her head tilted, eyes narrowing for a moment, "what matters is that he hasn't left his estate since he got her. And when he did..."

Katherine smiled slightly, "he took her with him."

"Exactly," he pointed at her, "now, we mustn't act rash. We'll watch until the gala, see if he leaves with or without her until then," he nodded,

"Well, do we know where he is taking her?"

"Mm-mm," he sipped his drink, shaking his head, "not yet. We'll find out once we land."

"Okay. Good." Katherine nodded, reaching forward for her scotch. "Have you—"

Her phone vibrated in that familiar rhythm, she pulled it from her pocket. Looking at the screen, she accepted the call with a small groan, "I am not flying you here, Stefan." She sighed as the line connected.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"A long day ahead," Elias sighed. Y/N walked close behind, her legs already growing achey. "We have a few stops to make. We'll have dinner in the city." He glanced at her, flashing a small smile. When she didn't return it, he spoke again,

"Not sure where yet," he turned back forward, arms swinging nonchalantly by his sides, "but it will be somewhere nicecxsmasmfnfrnenw....."

She felt drunk, dizzy, disoriented. It was no longer that bright, narrow corridor that stretched so far before her. The sight was a lot darker, glimpses of light coming from either side of her. She blinked her eyes a few times, face feeling numb and fuzzy. The sight cleared into one of Elias' car. Or, just the car that awaited them after their flight to Paris.

"Y/N?" But she didn't hear it. So muffled in her ear as blurriness faded slowly from her eyes.

"Y/N." It spoke again, more loud. She moved her eyes up slowly, meeting that cold and thin face of his. She pushed herself up, her body limp and heavy, slumping to the other car wall as she balanced.

"Where...m I?" She slurred, feeling a nausea, her cheek smushed against the window frame,

"Just entering Paris." He smiled, peering out the window himself, then back at her, "we have an appointment at an old friend's studio. I'm sure you'll be more..." He waved his hand, studying her disoriented form, "awake... By then."

"You drugged me?" Her eyes stayed open this time, only just registering what passed the tinted windows.

"I did."

"Why?" She asked just above a whisper, the most energy she had.

"Y/N, I don't have the energy to explain my defensive strategies, okay? It is a lot easier knowing you haven't a clue how to leave." He sighed, rubbing his temples for a moment. She glanced at him, then back out. Her back struck the seat as she pushed herself up, rubbing her fingers together and trying to focus on anything. She couldn't remember when he stuck her with the syringe. Must've been after getting in the car. She could remember only the two of them walking to the foyer. And she knew she would never remember more.



The car stopped outside of a tall-ish building, just off des Champs-élysées on Rue Pierre Charron. He guided her from the car to the old building, leading them to a studio apartment, quite empty. There was a desk, maybe of wenge wood, a thin binder rested on top and a few neatly rolled measuring tapes.

"Stand here." He said, letting go of her arm as they approached the centre of the bright room.

He said nothing more. Going for the chair behind the desk and awaiting someone.

Y/N stood for some time before the doors opened once more, a woman walking in. She held a binder, a thick one, and she wore an outfit that looked stunning on her. Something that hugged her body perfectly, it was made of different greys. Each fabric on her of an elastane or lycra. It reminded her of the outfits Katherine would wear.

Oh, Katherine. Despite how odd the woman, or vampire, was, Y/N truly missed her.

She studied the rest of the woman, her long, pin-straight hair and expensive lash extensions. The thick binder in her arms looked heavy, but she carried it with ease. Y/N saw the word 'Petrova' was spelled along it's spine, and she could swear she knew that word from somewhere.

"Sahar." Elias nodded,

'Sahar.' Y/N repeated in her head. Elias stood from his seat and offered his hand. Sahar took it, giving him a nod as well.

"Mr.Tyrell." She said, placing the heavy binder on the desk he once sat at.

"I'd love for a small catch up, however I'll be honest that I would prefer to get straight to business." he smiled,

"No worries at all, sir."

"Good. I will first question these designs." He raised his brows, rounding the table again and flipping open the binder. Sahar nodded, taking a thin roll of measuring tape and turning back to Y/N,

"Anything, sir." Sahar nodded, face looking blank as she neared the younger woman.

"Hm..." Elias thought for a moment, flipping through a few of the laminated pages. Sahar kept her eyes off of Y/N's, instead just touching and moving her however at will. Placing a hand on Y/N's hip, she poked the small of her back, fixing the girl's posture.

"I feel quite keen on these golden pieces." He nodded, glancing at Sahar as she wrapped the tape around Y/N's waist, seeming her dozenth measurement already,

"Mm-hm, yes," Sahar nodded to, "to become a trend, I believe," she started, moving the tape up to Y/N's bust, "I imagine we can expect a similar fashion next year. My mind immediately goes to the Reed's, Beaufort's and Smith's." She said, wrapping the tape around Y/N's neck, still having yet to look in the girl's eyes.

"So you haven't heard or seen of anything else too similar?"

"Absolutely not." Sahar shook her head, "you two will look original. But..." She sighed, measuring Y/N's thighs then stepping away. She clicked her tongue, "I want her smaller." She said, turning on her heels and raising her brows at Elias.

"No worries," he shrugged, brows furrowing as if it was something he'd already considered.

"I'd say," Sahar started, strolling to Elias' side of the desk and turning a few pages as well, "I'd say a single inch off of everywhere."

And he promised.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"I am not flying you here, Stefan." She said as soon as the line connected,

"I know. And we won't be here when you're back. We're going back to Mystic Falls."
"Thank God." She said, hanging up the phone. His gripped around the phone tightened slightly, knuckles whitening before dropping his hand to his side. He clicked off the button, sliding it in his pocket as he took in a big breath, hoping it would quell his sudden rage.

"Ready?" Caroline asked, pink duffel slung over her shoulder. His eyes snapped to hers.

"I hate her severely." He sighed, picking up his bag and walking past her.

She shrugged, turning to follow, "you're definitely not the only one," she sighed.



Warren shut the door behind them, Caroline immediately clicking on a light for their four hour drive back home.

"We need to call Bonnie and Elena. Bonnie first, we'll need her and Ms.Sheila's help." She nodded,

"Okay," Stefan pulled out his phone, going to Bonnie's contact,

"And who were those guys in Normandy you were wanting to connect with?" She unzipped her duffel and took her notebook and pen, flipping open to the page from earlier that day.

He sighed, shaking his head, "I was just... Upset. Honestly, no one there could be of that much use to us. But, Edrick, we need to get to him."

"Edrick... I know that name,"

"Yeah, Edrick Congreve."

"God, right, I saw him in London." She sighed, scribbling down 'find Edrick'.

"Sorry, you saw him in London?" His brows pulled together, head turning to her,

"when were you in London?"

"Damon and I stopped there to see him before we went to Busan for Lexi last year," she shrugged, "okay but how are we getting a hold of him? Do you have his number?"

"Yeah, I..." He trailed off, looking down. He glanced to the side, brows pulling together again. He sighed.

"What?" She asked, "what is it?"

"We can't call him. I doubt the number's even running. Even in March formers trusted only hand-delivered letters. Remember he and Damon's little visit in New York?"

Caroline sighed, back meeting the seat and face relaxing, "right... Okay." She nodded, "okay, well... We'll send out a letter then."

"No, Caroline, we won't. We don't have anyone to get it to him." He sighed, unlocking his phone again and pressing Bonnie's number. She picked up on the second ring, "Bonnie, hey."

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

She awoke on one of the couches in the living room, Bonnie rested on the couch opposite and Elena curled up on that big and old chair. Her friends laid peacefully, faces relaxed from their usual stresses in the day. It would be about 9:00 am in Caen, and Caroline wondered what Y/N and Damon were doing. Was there a daily routine? Were they able to see each other? Were they even housed together?

The tapping of his footsteps met her ears, even from all the way upstairs, through his closed door. He was impatient or irritated, maybe both, and perhaps filing through some of those old folders he'd got from The Unit over the years. Maybe a few journals of his. She glanced once more at the two girls, lifting herself from the couch quietly and stepping for the grand hall.

The Boarding House had that certain chill to it. She remembered those few moments, when she was human, walking through those halls and up those stairs. And, as if she was going to the theatre, she'd always remember to bring a sweater to their place. Because they'd never pay for heating and rarely spark up their fireplaces. If you don't get cold, why pay for heat, right? And as she strolled to Stefan's bedroom, she wondered how the chill would feel to her human skin—she'd almost forgotten. Maybe goosebumps, something she'd never feel again, would raise, prickling her skin in defense against the frigid halls. But the thoughts all ceased at his voice, as she stepped right before his door.

"It's open." His voice spoke muffled. And even in this mid-spring, their old doorknobs too were cold, like ice. And while she found no discomfort as she turned the knob, she knew it was cold. It felt different than something warm did.

He sat at his desk, forehead resting on his palm as he scribbled away on some cotton paper.

"Hey." She sighed, strolling in and pushing the door shut behind her. She shot a glance at nearly everything she passed. Stepping over a few books, seemingly tossed haphazardly below the shelves that lined that left wall; from the desk he sat at, a couple ink bottles had fallen; one of the caps open, its staining ink seeped into the wood; his rugs were on diagonals, unlike how he'd usually place them—neatly, at the sides of his bed and that longer, skinnier one along the length of his bookshelf wall; almost every drawer and each cabinet in that too-big armoire by his bed was left open. His room was messy. Disorganised.

Even before, Stefan wasn't the most organised of people. His desk was always littered with papers, quills, pens, paints, markers, anything, everything. That round desk closer to his door was always covered with trinkets, rolls of paper, canvases—once, she'd seen maybe a dozen beeswax candles tucked under somewhere on it.

So, sure. Stefan's room was certainly the room of an artist or a wizard, or a vampire with just too much in his mind, but now it was something else. It was just chaos, and he sat among it all, focused only on what was before him.

"Hey." He returned, eyes glued to his page. Still writing, he reached under his desk for that smaller stool and stood from his seat. Finally he pulled his hand from the page.

"Something happen?" He asked, his eyes, almost full of indifference, matched hers. He sat down on that smaller stool, offering the more comfortable seat to Caroline.

"Oh, uh, no... I just..." She shrugged, taking that seat, "I just wanted to talk to you, or, be with you."

"Oh, um..." Stefan nodded, glancing away,

"I can leave, if you want. It's no worries," she started, lifting herself from the seat again.

He reached out slightly, brushing her hand, "no, no. Stay," he nodded, "I'd like you to be here," he said. "Do you want a drink?"

"Ah.. I don't know if I can," she truly thought for a moment, "but feel free to have one if you want," she shrugged. She glanced at the desk before her, seeing a journal open, above everything else. "What were you working on?" She asked, averting her eyes from his writing and looking at him.

He looked at his book too, reaching forward for it and flipping it closed, "nothing, really. My 2023 journal," he sighed, wrapping the book with its leather cords, "was reading a few of my older ones too. Didn't come up with anything..." He said quietly, tossing the journal back on the countless piles of everything on the desk before him, "how about you? Anything come up in your dreams?"

She sighed, "I wish... Been harder to sleep than usual." She shrugged, ignoring a sudden tightness in her throat and an angst spreading across her body.

And he nodded, "yeah..."

"I, uh..." He started, shaking his head and knitting his brows, "I'm really sorry for how I've been treating you, Caroline." He chose, the shake of his head turning into a nod as he looked up at her. Her light brows pulled together too, but she didn't say anything. She didn't really know what to say. Because, yes, he had been projecting a lot lately, but she'd planned on just talking about it with him after. Didn't really expect an apology. So she sat next to him, listening to words she wasn't ready to hear.

"You have done nothing but be there for me through this, and I'm sorry I haven't been able to return that," he nodded again, "it's unfair."

Her throat tightened even more, almost painful , and tears burned at her eyes. And she looked away, out the window to the front yard, mouth shaking into a frown.

"Care..." He said so quietly, moving his seat closer,

"This is so hard..." She whimpered, heading shaking slowly. Her voice ached, spreading a dread down her chest and stomach. Her tears streamed down her cheeks, full of misery, seeming no end. "I don't know what to do." She whispered, letting out a quick breath and sniffling a few times.

"Come here," he reached out his arm, grazing her hand. She looked at him, and let out a quiet sob, leaning forward. Her arms wrapped over his shoulders, his around her torso. Her cheek squished against him, holding him as close as she could—his arms so safe. He flattened a hand on her back, rubbing up and down, any comfort he could give. And her blurred eyes stared blankly ahead, not registering anything she saw, just full of unknowing.

"I'm so... Scared..." She whispered, shaky. His arms tightened a bit, hand stopped moving. "What if they're already—"

"Don't." He shook his head, "don't." His hands reached for her forearms, pulling them down, but still holding her close, "we can't think like that..." He said quietly, moving one of his hands to her cheek. He swiped away her tears and she looked down, like she was... Nervous. And he slid his hand down a little more just under her mandible and dragging his finger under her chin. He guided her to look at him, she didn't put up that much resistance.

"We'll find them." He nodded, thumb hovering over her chin. Her powder blue eyes gazed into his, he could always read so much from them.

He'd paint them some time. Some time in the future when they needn't worry of anything else.

There was so much behind them, so much that she thought. So many observations and feelings and opinions. From them he could see that certain fright of it all. He could see a frustration, perhaps at Katherine, maybe him. There was that defeat, so clear. And behind all of it, as she looked into his eyes then, he'd hoped his gaze matched that look of longing he could see in hers. And it didn't quite help that those eyes he sat entranced by glanced down every so often, landing on his lips then back up. And he couldn't stop himself much. He glanced down too, bringing his other hand to her other cheek, cradling her gentle face. She sucked in a quiet breath at his touch, but even with his hearing he barely noticed. They'd sat so much closer. He didn't even realise. Hovering mere inches from one another. And it was all so right.
Caroline sighed, eyes fluttering closed as she pushed herself those few inches closer, planting her lips onto his. He let her, opening his mouth and meeting her tongue, so intimately, like it wasn't their first kiss. He let his hands fall from her delicate face, palms sliding down her body to her waist. He pulled at her, just wanting to feel her on top of him. And she took no time, pushing herself from her seat and sliding onto his lap, feeling as much crave as he. His hands hooked under her thighs, pulling her closer to him. Any space between them closed. And they slowed for a moment; his hands tangled in her soft hair, her lips so sweet and soft against his. Tongues intertwined so impassioned and relieved and genuine all at once. And in that moment everything could have been right. To be with her so privately. She made him feel better. A warmth he hadn't felt in weeks rose within him. It rose like a peace, a tranquility he so rarely touched.

And then she tore herself away. Eyes still closed, her neck relaxed down slightly. His eyes peered open at her, seeing a face wound with what he would call regret or guilt or shame. Maybe all three.

"We can't do this." She whispered, standing from his lap. She sighed, turning from him and walking for his door.

And he didn't stop her. Didn't call out her name, or stand and follow her out. He watched her leave, closing the door behind her without looking back.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

"I'm just gonna get ready for bed." Caroline stood from the sofa, trying on a polite smile that she knew barely met her eyes.

"Okay." Her friends nodded, both of them offering a kind smile as she left the living room. She fought her hardest against a trudge that tried taking over her step; she didn't want her friends inquiring her newly felt disappointment and despondency. It was all so exhausting. The girls just here. Nothing to do.

Her skincare routine went by quick, then across the hall to her bedroom. As she chose her clothes for that night, she glanced at that blow-up bed in her closet. Maybe Elena or Bonnie would want it. She'd just ask when she was back out there.

She and Stefan had arrived only the day before. And, she was happy to be home. Despite what it meant.

Her cotton pyjamas hugged her softly, but she no longer found that usual joy in her nighttime routine. She couldn't really find joy in it ever since Katherine's. Maybe spending time there made things just too real for her.

Her friends would want her back in the living room soon, but she just couldn't make it. Not yet at least.

And so, she sat at the foot of her bed, on that pink tufted ottoman. Bonnie and Elena now muttered about a few spells Ms.Sheila had been looking into because of everything. Bonnie had mentioned a few hours ago how much training she and her Grams were doing.

Her hand wrapped tightly around her phone, she wondered if he'd even pick up her call. Worth a shot, right? With shaky hands, she turned the screen to her, unlocking her phone and going to her recent calls. He was the latest five. The sixth was one she'd missed from him. A disrelish tugged at her lip and she clicked his contact. It rang. And rang and rang and rang. He wouldn't pick up.

"Caroline." He said on that last buzz. "Hey." He sighed, and she could almost see him behind the phone. Holding it up to his ear, lazily. She could hear he stood outside, near a busy street. Cars swung by every once in a while, and that annoying buzz from every street lamp could be heard behind his voice.

"Care?" He asked, and she blinked, straightening her back.

She wished she'd written something down. Something rude and snarky, to really hurt him.

But that ball of tight in her chest didn't let her think that far. Didn't let her think that cruel.

So, she sighed and chose, "how could you do this?" She asked it with defeat and dismay, no matter how indifferent she wanted it to sound.

"Caroline, I'm sorry—"

"Don't you say that to me," her voice was shaky, "you and I were together in this, and you left me here. Stefan, how could you do this?" She asked, her voice was tight, full of an almost cry.

"I had to, okay?" He argued back, that sympathy flaking so quickly from his tone, "I saw these guys a year ago. They know Damon, alright?"

She shot up from her seat, brows furrowing with ire. "How could you just leave me out of your plan?" She almost hissed into the phone,

"It's quicker if I just went myself." He said, faster than she expected. She scoffed, pulling the phone from her ear, "Caroline—" But she hung up, tossing her phone to her bed. Arms crossed she turned away from the phone, just staring at anything.

"Back to square one." She said to herself barely audible and shaking her head. Some tears rolled from her pale eyes. It was so tiring. She hadn't felt exhaustion like that since she was human. Her body all heavy, eyes desperate to close. Just get under the covers of her bed, away from everything.

The door pushed open slightly behind her, the hallway light spreading further about her room.

"Hey," Elena's usual kind voice struck her attention. She looked over, brows still furrowed, cheeks stained with tears. Her stomach flipped nervous at the sight of her friend. Elena's face was written with such sweetness, loveliness and gentleness. Everything that betrayed the gloom Caroline felt at her core.

And Elena didn't know what happened between Caroline and Stefan. And Caroline couldn't just tell her.

"What's wrong?" Elena asked softly, furthering into that pink and white bedroom,

"Nothing, I'm just..." The blonde shook her head, swiping the back of her hand under her eyes, "I'm fine. I'm stressed, like all of us. Mad that he left." Caroline shook her head, offering a fake smile with some assurance. Elena nodded a couple times, studying her friend. Her stiff posture, shifting eyes, and that smile that didn't reach her whole face.

"Okay." Elena nodded, stepping forward again, "come here," she pulled Caroline close, offering her friend a kind embrace. And Caroline took it. Knowing she'd kissed Stefan, and knowing she would keep it from Elena until everything was over. Or until there was at least a calm in the storm.

And maybe now that he was gone she had to do it. Because, what were they to do but just wait, there in Mystic Falls?

"I came in to say I was gonna run home. I haven't seen Jenna properly in a couple days," she pulled away, "is that okay? It's no worries at all if you need me here." Elena kept her hands safely on Caroline's arms, and Caroline knew Elena spoke with truth. She would stay if Caroline needed her, and it would be no weight on her shoulders.

"I'm okay," Caroline nodded, "go see Jenna, I'll text you if anything comes up." She smiled, letting it reach her eyes a little this time.

"Okay. My ringer will be on," she raised her brows, flashing a sweet smile before turning away.

"Bye, Bonnie," Elena called out,

"Bye, I'll text you!" Bonnie called from the living room, and Elena left into the night.


omfgggg.... Steroline?!!!?!?!?!?!?
Dang y'all there are some layereddddd problems here!!!1!11!!!!! Stefan is being so annoying rn im ngl...

I miss Damon. I miss my mans.
Maybe we'll have to see how he's doing next chapter...

Which will be on September 13th! Mark yo calendars beyatch! New chapter every ten days. This ain't new. Been this way for past two hundred sixty days. (that's f*cking crazy...)

hope y'all enjoyed!
check out for visuals, excerpts on future chapters and fic updates

as always
~~much love

Chapter 27: one day


And so, as they strolled to wherever he wanted to, she pondered how she might ask the question on her mind. Elias had only ever expressed his desire for her. How she could help the success of his plans. How valuable she was to his cause.
But he said naught about Damon.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (21)

Like every other day for these past few weeks, Y/N pushed open her door at 11:00 am.

“It is not required for you to exit your bedroom at exactly 11:00 am, Y/N. You are well within your rights to leave earlier.” He said over dinner last night. And it took every ounce of restraint within her to not just scream at him. Tell him she’d rather never leave the bedroom. That she’d rather starve and die in that given room then do anything he asked.

But then there was Damon.

Damon, who seemed to occupy that windowless room on the third floor, across the wall lined with single-pane glass. Elias hadn’t mentioned any of his afflictions against Damon to be in relation to anything she had done, or said. At least not yet.

And so she bit her tongue at those words of his last night. She bit her tongue at most of the poison that would slip from Elias’ tongue. Anything she could do to keep Damon’s punishments from getting worse. Anything to keep Elias at ease.


The halls were as quiet as usual. Dark, narrow, barren of any tasteful furniture or decor. There were six doors on this floor, her given room one of them. There was a small breeze, kind of cold, despite nearing mid-May, and she walked the narrow corridor in the thin linen wears Elias gifted. One of five outfits he’d hung in her closet before she had even arrived.

Her size and all.

And today, to protect her delicate skin from the sharp halls, a thin turtleneck of pure cotton hung loosely on her figure under a linen dress, too-wide and unflattering straps over her shoulders, and those woollen socks.

It took the usual five minutes to arrive at the breakfast table, where she’d greet one of the housekeepers and relay what she wanted for breakfast. Not anything she wanted, of course. She’d always flip through the small menu that would rest on the table. Take her couple minutes to decide what she felt like.

Though, as she stepped into that small room, she saw no menu on the table. She saw no housekeeper, no chef, no server. Her belly dropped at its vacancy, racking her brain of anything important Elias might have told her the day before, or that week.

Had he already told her to meet elsewhere on that morning? Did he stand somewhere in his estate, waiting impatiently for her arrival? Would he be upset? And what would he do?

She turned around, peering out the door behind her for anyone. Then she stepped forward, to the breakfast table, taking her seat. That spot she’d grown somewhat fond of, looking over the bridge at the end of his property. It crossed a ravine maybe twenty feet deep. And just beyond the bridge, white oaks some towering 60 feet, others maybe a hundred, that seemed to stretch too far out.

Y/N didn’t really know how long her eyes gazed out that window, at the seemingly endless trees and absurdly large estate, but finally, her head turned back toward the room. Still only her. Twenty minutes she would wait.

And she did. Still no one. So, with that tight hunger in her stomach, she stood from the table and quietly made her way to the back foyer. The back foyer where she and Elias would meet routinely after her morning meal.

There he sat. On the small bench with posture impossibly perfect. His eyes already on hers as she glanced up at them, she shot them back down, holding back a grind of her teeth and clench of her fists.

“I thought you’d be able to figure it out,” he smiled, humour or perhaps impressiveness laced his tone. He stood from the bench, “you make me smile everyday.” He said.

Her body revolted completely at those words, a sickness welling in her stomach. She could vomit. Though quickly her mind was desperate to know whether or not her face or her body had conveyed that to him at all. She prayed it didn’t. Her stomach curled at that cold smile widening his face, an ick wrapping over her that she just couldn’t shake off. She looked away.



He looked different than the last time she saw him. Just as injured, no doubt. But it was just different this time. Deep cuts that had once rested on his cheek, neck, chest, all gone. But there were just as many, maybe more in other places.

“How often does he heal you?” She asked, touching his hand. His tired eyes stayed down, stuck on her hands that held his. He held her as tightly as he could. His knuckles already growing sore and exhausted.

“He’s done it four times,” Damon sighed, “really takes his time in between.”

She didn’t say anything to that. Her head slowly shook. Her tired face looked to his, then away, to the door maybe.

She sighed, placing her eyes back to his. “I have to get you out of here,” she said, and his eyes snapped to hers at that,

“You can’t,” his eyes somehow narrowed, “it’s too dangerous.”

She opened her mouth to speak.

“Just don’t, Y/N,” he said quietly, “Stefan and Katherine are working on things, I know they are. You can’t get yourself hurt.” He said with some stern.

Her brows pulled together, anxiety sinking in her belly. His eyes read a certain hardness, but his desperation was too clear. Glazing over any emotion in his face. He wanted nothing more than for her to lay low. To play her part until it was all over.

“I think he’s taking me somewhere…” She whispered, voice tired and laced with some defeat.

“What?” Damon asked, body tensing slightly, face full of disquiet,

“What if… What if they have a rescue plan and I’m not here?” She looked to his eyes again, her brows furrowed and eyes glassy,

“Why wouldn’t you be here?” His voice as quiet as hers, “where would he take you?”

She shook her head, “ I don’t know, I think it’s this party, or something,”


“I think… A couple weeks ago, maybe longer, he took me to Paris…” her hands squeezed at his slightly, “I was measured. He was asking some woman if anyone would be wearing something similar, she named some people she thought would wear it the next year or something– ”

“The Gala.” He muttered

“What?” She whispered,

“The Annual Grand Gala. June 1st. This year’s Paris.” He sighed, eyes darting from hers, looking away as if he saw something she couldn’t.

“I’ve never heard of it,” she shook her head, glancing in those familiar blue eyes,

“You wouldn’t.” He shook his head slightly, closing his eyes for a moment. “We don’t need to worry about where we are for their rescue plan. Nothing will happen unless everything is certain,” he sighed, “which is both good and bad.”

Y/N didn’t really know what to say. She glanced down, looking at his rough palm. The same rough palm she’d hold as she strolled through the old Boarding House. Him by her side, maybe his hoodie over her shoulders. Same palm that held her close all those time after practice. All of those moments where she would cry and say how unfair everything was. The same palm that wiped away those tears. All of her tears. Except these ones.

Too tired, and hurt. Instead just laying weak on a bed before her. Trapped. As helpless as she.

“You look different,” he said, raspy and hoarse voice piercing through her space. His eyes studied her more. Glancing down her shoulders, her body, her legs. “Is he feeding you?”

And she looked away. Technically he still was. They’d always have nice dinners. Portions might be smaller, but she still ate.

“Just enough,” she nodded, offering a small smile. She didn’t really know why she did it. She needn’t lie to him of all people. She needn’t provide him reassurance she was fine. No matter what she said, he knew she wasn’t. No one could be.

His eyes stayed on her for a moment before he looked away. He said nothing.

The doors at the end of the room burst open,

“Sorry,” Elias sighed, striding in, “couples time’s over,” he straightened his posture as he stopped next to Y/N, looking at her to stand, “get up. We must speak.” He nodded his head slightly back toward the door. Y/N didn’t take too much time. There were still the faint marks on her arms from the last time she showed reluctance.

She shot a final glance at Damon, his eyes full of that same reassurance she offered him.

She and Elias walked side by side in the too narrow corridor, early summer sun shining bright through the windows lining the left wall. It was warmer on her skin that evening, through her dark linen wears.

“Um…” She started, fingers linked in front of her, “thank you… For letting me see him,” she spoke quietly, keeping her eyes forward.

He looked at her for a moment, a small smile spreading his lips. “You are most welcome, Y/N,” he nodded, guiding them right, downstairs.

Elias had grown a little more comfortable lately, letting her speak more, and seemed to care more about her opinions. Even letting her see Damon once in a while.

And so, as they strolled to wherever he wanted to, she pondered how she might ask the question on her mind, no matter what Damon thought. Elias had only ever expressed his desire for her. How she could help the success of his plans. How valuable she was to his cause.

But he said naught about Damon.

So maybe there was a chance she could get him out of here. Even by way of words or emotion.

He pushed open one of the double doors they neared, waves of heating flying to Y/N’s face. He stepped inside, holding the door open for her.

“My solarium,” he smiled truly as she walked in. The air was wet and thick in her throat, moisture already beading on her skin. She looked around, feeling a familiarity to it. No, not familiarity. It somewhat reminded her of Katherine’s living room. All of those tall trees and bushes and flowers that made her living space so dense.

But this was nothing like Katherine’s. This room was ridiculously smaller than hers, and plants small and sparse.

A few could have been trees had they been in a larger pot. Some tiny plants or shrubs rested sickly in too big terracotta. It was all quite lame in her opinion.

“Can I ask you something?” Y/N asked, a few metres from the door now. She turned around to look at him as he shut the door behind them.

“After a drink.” He sighed, strolling right for the liquor cart. Like usual, he didn’t ask what she wanted, only pouring two glasses of what he was having.

“Take a seat, dear. Please.” He focused on pouring the drinks as he spoke, and she tore her eyes from him.

Furthering into that suffocating, humid room, she chose the small plastic chair next to a smelly leather couch. Though it looked quite comfortable, the reek was so mouldy and dank and she knew he’d take the seat right next to her had she chosen it.

With a tired sigh, he walked over to her, taking the chair opposite from her and closer than the sofa.

“Your question?” He asked, extending his arm to her. She took the drink from his hand and took a small sip to be polite.

“Yes, um…” She held the drink close to her, eyes stuck on the glass. “I was wondering if—“

“Please, Y/N, I’ve told you countless times how disrespectful it is to avert eye contact,” he sighed, bringing the glass to his lips. Her eyes snapped up to his, meeting the cruel, cold, deep green of his gaze. He kept his eyes on her even as he drank.

“I’m wondering when you will free him?” She asked,

“Free who?” He rested in his arm on the arm of his chair, glass dangling weakly from his hand. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips at his question. She hoped he didn’t notice the small spike in the heart from it.

“Damon,” she said, “when will you release him?”

“Well, I’m not too sure at this time,” he shrugged, “currently I haven’t any plans to kill him, but with you being here I don’t believe it would be smart of me to release him.”

She said nothing.

“Though,” he started again at her silence, “surely I’ll grow bored eventually. Return him to that dreadful wooden house of his,” he shrugged. Perhaps a relief painted her face for a moment, she saw a small smile pull further at his lips.

“And…” She glanced down again, then back at him, “and myself?”

Elias narrowed his eyes questioningly.

“When will I be released?”

“Y/N, dear, I am not too sure about that either.” He smiled fully, reaching his eyes, “your value is incomparable. At this time there is no date I can commit to.” He sipped his drink, studying her body more as she took in his words.

“Okay…” She said, barely audible, “what are your… Hopes for me, then?”

He sighed at that, straightening in his seat and glancing away as if she had uttered the most annoying of questions.

“I mean,” she started again quickly, “I know we’ve been practising a lot. I know I’ll be able to help you… Magically, and such. But other than that…” She shrugged, eyeing the drink in her hand, though making sure she met his eyes every once in a while.

“You are here to keep my vampires in order.” He said, tilting his head slightly, “you are just a tiny piece of this puzzle,” he smiled.

Y/N’s brows furrowed,

“You are one of countless, mayhaps small, but necessary steps in the journey to power. And certainly, we have a long way to go.” He downed the rest of his glass and placed it on the table next to him.

“How can you expect…” She started, noticing his eyes snap to hers as she spoke, “how can you expect me to help keep them in order if you’re hurting him?” Her brows pulled together, looking up at him sheepishly. Tears scratched at her eyes, threatening to blur her sight. Elias shook his head, a dark grin widening his face. His eyes glared at her as if she was the dumbest girl to ever walk the Earth.

“I expect you to do it, because if you don’t you’ll find the dead bodies of those four friends you left in Mystic Falls in your bedroom,” he smiled tightly. Her face dropped quicker than she knew, “Stefan, Caroline, Bonnie and Elena, correct?” His head tilted, her stomach falling at the sound of her friends' names. “See, you’d wake up, either naturally or by the metallic stench of blood or, if I was feeling creative, their bodies would dangle above you…” He looked up, as if envisioning it, “and perhaps an arm, or a leg, would brush against you, maybe a nerve doing its final jerk and you’d wake up then…” He glanced off slightly, eyes moving around as he watched an affliction only he could see, “no matter how, you would wake up. And you would see them. Your friends, dead and gone, just scattered about your room.”

Her face grew tingly, hot and cold. The anxiety tugging at her belly was so heavy. She felt she could vomit.

“And then you would see Damon,”

The tears nicking behind her eyes pooled in her sight. His ugly and cruel visage blurred before her. And there was a relief she wouldn’t see him clearly as he spilled his toxic, vile words.

“He would be chained to a chair just at the foot of your bed,” Elias’ eyes finally matched hers again, “and I would make you kill him.” He nearly hissed.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, lips trembling into a frown she couldn’t control.

“And you would refuse. You would, I know you would. But you would still do it, in the end.” He smiled, near craving, “because I’d have brought my most minacious and vicious of vampires to hurt you however they please if you disobeyed. You may possess the power to obstruct a vampire and their path, Y/N Y/L/N, but that will not save you from being ripped apart.""

A breath passed her lips, a dread sinking down her entire being.

"I have lived centuries to master getting what I want. And you quite simply will never outwit me,” he shrugged. So nonchalant. So simple.

It was just how Elias had learned to live those past over six hundred years. Not a soul to tell him ‘No’. Not a friend to tell him he was wrong, when it mattered.

“How long, then?” She asked, swiping her tears away with haste. She tried ignoring the fuzziness in her ears. He was trying to scare her. And it worked.

Because, while it may have been a threat… Elias certainly knew those men he spoke of.

“Well,” he sighed, picking up his empty glass. He glanced at its lack of contents, gave a small shrug, then put the glass back down, “in my eyes, if everything goes according to plan of course… Being generous with time…” He tilted his head back and forth, looking around his room as he came up with a number or a date, “perhaps a decade.” He nodded, meeting her eyes again. Her stomach dropped somehow further, “I am fully expecting less than two decades but vampires… Ts, ts, ts, vampires are fickle, fickle creatures as I’m sure you’ve surmised. You may never be certain when striving to govern beings that crave utmost freedom. But eventually, they’ll understand.”

“And you’ll be the one in charge?”

“Why of course,” he shrugged,

“Not even a vote?” Her brows pulled together, for some reason she hadn’t even considered it before. He spoke of no other candidate. It was him. Only he would have choice to reign. And as she looked at him, that buzz in her ears spread down her neck, her chest, her arms. It grew fiery, tingling her skin in a rage she couldn’t quell.

“Y/N…” He shook his head, looking at her almost disappointed.

Her lips tugged up slightly, she couldn’t hold back, “You utter the words democracy here and there but what you truly seek is dictatorshi—“

Elias shot up from his seat and lunged forward. His hand wound back wickedly fast and swung back down, striking her cheek.

A grunt burst from her chest, her body smashing to the floor. The wood bit the top of her shoulder, a rupture of ache and sting flowing down her arm, her collarbone.

Her cheek tingled cold, stinging against the moist air.

“Do not make me do that again.” He spoke above her, glancing up and down her fallen body. She kept her eyes away, staying close to the ground, “you are to return to the bedroom until supper.” He said lowly before turning on his heels for the door.


okayyyyy shorty chapterrrr

fun stuff next one.

check out for visuals and stufffff
as always

~~much love

Chapter 28: the annual grand gala


He stood back up holding a small vile, and the boy drank its contents.
And Y/N watched him go back to work, the wound Katherine had him make already growing smaller, more healed. She barely noticed Katherine was almost half near finished her glass already.
“So how are you gonna get us out?” Y/N asked plainly, looking out at the guests mingling about the room, utterly lost in conversation. Caring of no one but themselves and maybe who they spoke to.


***CW: heavy descriptions of hunger***

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (22)

The early summer air was hot and sticky against her skin that June 1st morning. It smelled bright and sweet, as welcoming as it did last summer in Mystic Falls. But she didn't feel any of that welcome. Laying in bed, her body sore and stiff and achy. The pure cotton sheets under her back were hot. Every inch that spread her bed was hot. It seeped into her skin, like a human's touch, growing warmer and warmer. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Under her eyes, under her lips. She cursed the complete lack of airflow in that godforsaken estate, and sat up quickly, swinging her legs off the bed. She reached down, tugging at the hem of her nightgown and pulled it over her head. Like a towel, Y/N swiped the gown at her bare body. Mopping up any moisture she could as she strolled to her attached bathroom. She patted the dress behind her neck, letting the cotton soak up her sweat. She traced it under her breasts, hating how the dampness felt there. Then she patted her armpits, and tossed the cotton lazily into the laundry bag. She leaned over the clawfoot tub for the faucet, turning only the knob with an engraved 'F'.

She let the water run for a couple minutes, as Avery had instructed on Y/N's first night there, and turned back to the wide mirror stretching the length of the room. She looked at the tired girl before her. The ugly bruise Elias marked her with still lingered on her cheek. He'd struck her nearly two weeks ago, yet here she stood before herself, a darkening and yellowing blotching of skin that still carried a small throb here and there. Her delicate fingers grazed her wound. No one should have a mark like that.

She was much thinner than she looked in the mirrors at home, too. And unhealthily so. She hadn't the privilege of stuffing herself full on Stefan's elaborate meals. Hadn't the privilege of seeing her dear Damon show up right before her break at work, dinner in hand.

An ugly growl from her belly pulled her from the thought, her palm flying just between her ribs. The hunger hurt, worse than it did after Gillian. Worse than when she ate a total of three energy bars during her time at Katherine's. A wince slipped from her tongue, and she sucked in a breath, crouching down. She reached her other hand down, palm flat on the ancient tile floor, holding herself steady. Spots scattered her vision seeming at random. Little lights flew across her eyes as she felt her stomach tighten within her. It was like she was trying to digest something. But there was nothing there to digest. Her stomach moved and trembled, feeling like sandpaper inside her.

"God..." She sighed, "okay..." She nodded, stiffening her fingers for a moment, "okay, okay, okay..." She nodded again. She reached her hand out once more, gripping the edge of the tub, and safely she stood herself back up.

A fuzziness in her ear she hadn't noticed dwindled slightly, the spattering of the showerhead echoing like thunder in the tall bathroom. She crawled over the edge of the tub, kneeling on its cold cast iron ground. She reached for the bar on a small wooden bench just outside the tub, wetting it and lathering the suds between her hands. The oily base of the shampoo slid against her hands, the sulfates and glycerin bubbling and foaming between her fingers. She brought the bar to her hair, slicking her strands with every slide.

Water sprinkled down on her thighs, icy and cold. Like little pricking needles. She slicked her arms with the oily bar, and turned herself around.

Legs still folded under her, she tilted her head back, letting the frigid droplets fall to her hair. Saturating her strands so slowly, the pressure weak and waning. The light foam cascaded down her body, sucking through the drain. Her arms and fingers twitched at the coldness, a nausea built within her.

Mouth watering, her stomach aching, her throat tightening. Yet, nothing in her belly to throw up.

Finally Y/N emerged from her given room. 11:00 am on the dot. Everyday.

But, an anxiety riddled her being this day unlike any other. June 1st. Something was happening that day. She would be taken somewhere that day.

The Annual Grand Gala, Damon had said. Whatever that was.

"Y/N, dear!" Elias' voice echoed down the corridor from her left, "Exemplary timing, as usual." He smiled, giving her a small nod. She glanced down at the man's fit, something she hadn't seen nor ever imagined Elias to sport. A near see-through dress hung on his body, a high-neck, the sleeves loose and wrists fitting. A corset in an opaque and juniper green framed his waist, not too tight, just enough to show off his figure. The dress appeared to be a half button up–below the corset it flowed naturally, easily, just as above the corset was held together tight to his body. There were no more than three pearl buttons above the corset, the very top button fastened too, of course. A matching cravat was tied around the man's neck, but what Y/N's eyes were first drawn to was the sudden pink colour scattered around his outfit. His dress draped over some wide-leg palazzo pants in an Old Rose Pink. Her eyes danced over the other pieces in the same pink–in a similar shade, a jewellery piece had been fastened round his waist, as if mimicking the stitching to his corset. It seemed made to fit. No room for eating.

It detailed specs of a floral and swirly designs and, similar to the gold piece Sahar created for her, she assumed his had been refined "permanently" on his body. To be removed upon his arrival back from whatever event—The Gala–they would attend.

He seemed taller, too. Though, Y/N quickly understood it was from his platform boots, raising him an inch taller than he stood only yesterday. And his makeup was nothing remarkable. Just enough to accentuate his already freakish bone structure. Though, he had bleached his blonde brows and lashes, maybe toned them too. They rested in a ghostly white on his face. It reminded her of something...

She couldn't quite place it.

"Big day today." His face already widened in a smile, green eyes gazing into hers so readily. "Hm." He smirked, mostly to himself at her silence, "Here, darling," he offered his arm forward, and with less reluctance than the last time, Y/N took it. Something she found herself doing with more and more ease. It seemed Elias enjoyed having her hooked on his arm. Leading her about the massive estate. Keeping her close. And for the first few weeks, Y/N would take a moment and think before doing it. Think about how she had arrived at such a position. To be forced to take a stranger's arm, and let him guide her through a home just as strange.

But now, as her forearm hooked under his, there was no second thought. No wonder of "how did I get here?"

Because it no longer mattered how she got there.

She was there. And now she had to get herself out.

Get Damon out.

"We've a thrilling day ahead," he nodded, guiding them back where he came, maybe to the downstairs,

"Hm?" She hummed, raising her pitch in question too politely.

He glanced down at her, then to the side out of a passing window, "the day is June 1st, Y/N. And every June 1st is a thrill," he smiled, his eyes moving to the wood floor for a moment, "and," he added, turning them at the stairs though, unusually, led them up instead of down. They each took a step up, "surely you remember our visit with Sahar," he looked down at her questioningly, earning a nod from the girl, her eyes staying down, "yes, well, the piece has arrived quite beautifully," he nodded, "and while I may have selected the outfit you wear now as appropriate, I'd much rather you accompany me through this thrilling day wearing something more..." He said, waving his free hand slightly, looking up and away as he thought of his words, "engaging." He chose, looking back down at her.

Y/N's eyes stayed forward, letting the man speak at her as he pleased.

Finally he turned them to a pair of double doors, pushing one open and letting the girl walk in first.

The room was... Magnificent.

Unlike any other room in the estate she had yet seen. The ceilings much taller than hers, on it rested paintings that must have taken years, decades even, to paint. The entirety of the furthest wall was glass, peering out to the endless trees that littered the back of his estate.

Each piece of furniture seemed placed carefully, and to match. All of the same golden brown, and any colour she saw, all shades of green, paired beautifully with one another.

There was a bed in this room, much bigger than the one in hers. Its covers were linen, stuffed with a thick comforter despite the growing temperatures. Dozens of items were scattered across the bed, mostly gold pieces, a mixture of lengths and widths.

"Here, darling," Elias spoke quietly, walking past Y/N to the bed. His hands reached for two of the gold pieces, and he picked them up. He turned back toward her, walking forward with the small pieces. He raised them to her chest, just under her neck.

"Your collarbones," he smiled, pressing them against her clavicles, the gold chilled. "The welder will arrive shortly to assemble the pieces securely onto you. He was here only two hours ago to assemble mine but I'm afraid he's terribly disorganised and unfortunately had an impromptu client in Paris!" Elias shook his head, "of course however, he has been hired and paid so he will be here eventually," he nodded, turning around and placing the gold items back where he picked them from. A dread pulled in her belly, unsure where it came from. She hadn't a care about the welder and his impromptu client. She thought only of the gold Elias held against her. Her collarbones?

She hadn't put much thought as to what she was being measured for.

She had barely any energy to wash herself in the morning. Yet here she was to be expected to accompany Elias on a thrilling day wearing heavy gold. How much would she be able to move in those pieces? How tightly would they press into her?

"In the meantime, however," he looked back toward her, gesturing to the door behind her. Avery walked in, going straight for the vanity in front of the windows, "our dear Avery will ready your hair and makeup. She's quite talented. Assisted many individuals for the gala. Right, Avery?" He asked, stepping forward and turning his head to the housekeeper.

"Yes, milord," she nodded, pulling the stool from under the table.

"Right." Elias sighed. He looked around the room for a moment, eyes landing first on the pieces on the bed, then Avery, then finally Y/N. He clapped his hands together, "well then," he smiled, "I will return in time for our departure," he nodded, giving a small titter and stepping forward, walking past Y/N.

"We will change you into the bodysuit fore the welder's arrival," Avery sighed, not looking at Y/N and walking for the bed. She picked up a full-length fabric, its colour matching Y/N's skin. "Here, girl," Avery nodded. For the first time since Y/N's presence in his estate, Avery looked in the girl's eyes. Y/N stepped forward, finally reaching for the fabric. Avery turned around as she dropped the fabric, a privacy Y/N didn't initially expect.

But she was quick about it. Unlacing the boiled leather corset around her and letting it fall to the ground. She lifted the linen dress from over her head, and slipped herself into the tight bodysuit. It matched her skin eerily and, covered or not, she felt naked.

"Okay..." Y/N muttered, and Avery turned back to the vanity,

"Sit, girl," she pointed to the seat, reaching for a sleek pair of silver scissors on the wooden surface. Y/N did as she was told, resting her already tired body on the backless stool.

"We'll cut these straps. Bind the edges to make it look like your skin," Avery nodded, reaching forward and snipping Y/N's left strap, "usually, vampires would slice their body," Avery spoke quietly, tracing the closed blades under Y/N's collarbone. The girl's eyes shot up to the woman for a moment, then back down.

"They would let themselves heal with the fabric in their wound. No need for makeup," she shrugged, snipping the other strap. "Not good for nor easy on humans, however," she sighed, walking behind Y/N. "Oh, you know what..." Avery said, mostly to herself. She wagged a finger forward a couple times, "I shall begin with bleaching. Much more efficient," she nodded, walking for the attached bathroom.

"Bleaching?" Y/N repeated, turning on the stool and seeing Avery emerge with a small bin,

"Yes, for the brows and lashes. We mustn't stray too far from Elias' vision, dear," she smiled, dropping the bin onto the vanity.



Y/N glanced at herself in the mirror, seeing someone she didn't want to.

Now toned, her brows were a striking white, and eyelashes in a shade to match. Avery had since gelled Y/N's hair to her liking, making it look as slicked back as she could. As similar to Elias'.

Makeup would be next.

The door across the room creaked open, Avery turned for the noise, Y/N looked through the mirror. A man walked in, carrying a heavy looking bag and seeming out of breath.

Avery scowled under her breath, giving a shake of her head and turned back for the lower drawer. From it she pulled several makeup brushes, "you're late." She said, pushing the drawer shut.

"Cars only go so fast." He sighed. He set his bag on the bed, unzipping it for a tray. He quickly placed a few of the golden pieces on it and neared the two women.

"I am to start her makeup," Avery spoke displeased, moving out of the man's way without him asking. He simply got in her space, offering no room for her.

"Sure, if you can work around the goggles," the man shrugged. Avery simply sighed, turning from the two and strolling to a bookshelf. She traced her finger along the book spines, "will the goggles ruin the hair?" She asked, pulling out an old book with a worn cover,

"Nothing drastic. Easily fixed." He sighed, going back for his duffel.

The man took maybe fifteen minutes until he was ready to begin.

"Now, deary, this will most certainly sting, but Elias has so kindly offered his blood for you afterward should you reap any injury,"


"Yes." The man shrugged, then reached for some bulky looking goggles, "to protect your eyes," he smiled.

Y/N looked at the goggles for a moment, then at Avery, who'd since sat upon the large bed, reading a book with not a care what occurred mere feet from her. Y/N reached forward for them, pulling them over her head. Darkness tinted everything before her, and the man started his work. He began at her neck, with a certain tool Y/N didn't know the name of, he held two metal rods together, and with a flaming spark, he joined the gold pieces together at her chest. Her body jumped at the sudden heat near her skin, she sucked in a sharp breath and darted her eyes to him through her goggles. He didn't pay her any notice.

The heat was growing unbearable. Each zap sent a shock through her, and her body jumped in her skin. Parts of her blistered underneath the cooling gold, aching and begging to be chilled. It was awful. To be treated without any care. No breakfast to tide her over this cruel dress up. It was... It was too much...



"You didn't say she would faint!" Y/N heard Avery's near shriek through muffled ears. She laid on the bed where the vampire once read her book, eyes heavy and stomach tight.

"No one ever does..." The man spoke and looked at Y/N indifferent, arms crossed and eyes squinting slightly at her fainted form, "Hm." He shrugged, turning for the round table. He pulled out one of the seats, relaxing himself so casual. "Clients do however get quite warm in the process. They carry an extremely heavy piece of equipment on their body. If they're human that's quite exhausting. Forget about the sweating, most likely getting burned and they certainly don't heal with quickness... Anything else she, in particular, may be dealing with to make my job more difficult?"

Avery sighed.

"Avery, deary, I do have other clients needing service,.

"Your poor planning abilities are none of my business. You have been hired by Elias Tyrell. It is him you speak of walking out on."

"We speak of a girl, a human girl. I do not have time to work on a human who will faint every ten minutes." He shook his head, earning a scoff from Avery. His head tilted at her attitude, "This girl clearly hasn't eaten in days. She hasn't even the energy to wear such precious and individual attire." The man narrowed his eyes at Avery, "At the very least get the girl some bread. And me some wine." He raised his brows and the old vampire scowled, marching past the man.

Y/N's eyes held open slightly, studying the two speak. How they never strayed from formality. Why would he stand up for her? Was it only for his sake? Making his job easier...



"Have you finished?" Elias' voice sounded, the heavy door creaking forward, "it's about time we leave," the man strolled into the room, eyes finally landing on Y/N,

"Nearly there..." The man zapped the gold by Y/N's ankles, her body still jumping at each shock of heat. Little burns blistered about her body underneath each smooth weld of gold.

"Just her makeup, and I must fix her hair," Avery nodded. Elias sighed, stepping forward. He pulled a small vial from his sleeve, placing it lightly on the vanity.

"For you, dear," he nodded to Y/N, though she didn't see. She said nothing, keeping her eyes shut, squeezing them tight at each shock.

Finally the man pulled the goggles off of her, the late afternoon light near blinding. She squinted her eyes, barely noticing the swiftness in which Avery swept away the man.

"Out of my way," she muttered. His eyes glared at her for a moment as he packed his things, taking longer than he did to get it all out. "Your little stunt set us quite behind schedule," Avery grumbled to the girl, blotting Y/N's face of any moisture, "oh right," Avery shook her head, turning around for the vial Elias placed for Y/N. The girl took the vial, looking at its contents. Her lips tugged upward slightly, barely concealing her squick.

"Well, go on," Avery waved her hand, impatient. The girl sighed, pulling out its cork and downing the metallic red. She swallowed, followed by a small gag,

"Oh, stop being dramatic," Avery rolled her eyes, tugging the vial from her hand and rolling it on the vanity without care. Quickly, Avery tugged and pushed the golden frame around Y/N, moving the pieces away from her body to heal any open skin.

The aching in Y/N's bones lessened at once. The small burns that rested inches from one another across her entire body vanished, and the tingle in her bruised cheek dwindled entirely as Elias' healing blood flowed through her own. She felt better.

"We must work quickly. Put these in," she dropped the heavy gold frame back to Y/N's shoulders and slid a contact lens case across the surface toward Y/N, then reached for a spray bottle, "your hands." She demanded and Y/N put her palms out. Avery spritzed the bottle five times, a minty fragrance wafted to Y/N's nose, a hint of alcohol behind it. Avery spritzed her own hands then dropped the bottle back in its place, sifting through the single compacts scattered across the surface. Perhaps deciding which colour.

Y/N studied her face in the smaller mirror on the table, and she rubbed the sanitizer between her fingers, glancing behind her a few times at the man who packed up. She hadn't caught his name. She took a clean finger onto the contact, and lifted it to her eye, popping it in with ease. The most bearable thing she'd done so far. Except perhaps feel the thick gel in her hair. That wasn't too unbearable.

A small ring clouded her vision, but other than her peripheral being taken, she saw in front of her quite clearly. It was freakish. Pale eyes with only the holes of her pupils to contrast.

Avery brought a finger under Y/N's chin and turned her head, "close your eyes," she ordered, and Y/N did. A dry brush stamped a shade Y/N didn't catch almost lazily. As if it's placement was of no matter. And Avery moved onto her other eye with haste it seemed.

"Part your lips." Avery said too, and Y/N did.

Another brush, this one wet, and smaller, slid across her lips, coldly. A chilled product swiped across her lips, she wondered how it would settle.

"Alright," both Avery and the man sighed heavily. The woman looked toward him, "you're off?"

"I am," he nodded, "perhaps see you next year," he sighed, walking for the door,

"Hopefully not." Avery said, taking hold of a small white case. The man left without another word, and didn't take another glance at either of them.

Y/N took her eyes off of the door through the mirror's reflection, and instead at her own. The messy green eyeshadow, the same shade as Elias' outfit, stamped on her lids, under her bleached eyelashes and brows. Her lips coloured like liquid gold.

Avery opened the case, inside it shined and glimmered like jewels. They were rhinestones, seeming of true gold to match the welded garb on her body.

"I'd like these to be sewn, but glue will have to do..." Avery sighed yet again. So many setbacks because of Y/N's simple humanness.



"Milord," Avery bowed slightly at the man stood in the foyer, "I present Y/N Y/L/N."

A small smile crept on his face, and Y/N walked out from the hallway.

"Oh my," he whispered, smile widening at the sight of her, "come here, darling," he said, holding out his hand. She walked over, taking his hand. He brought his other hand up to her face, thumb gliding over the lines of gold stone Avery had sealed to Y/N's. Perfect and symmetrical, the gold lined the length of her nose on each side, and stretched up to her brows, lining the length of them. Then this thumb slid against the gold lining her jaw.

"It's perfect." He smiled, eyes gazing down at her body. His hands traced pieces of the heavy gold, "not too heavy?" He asked quietly, removing his hand from hers and placing them on the golden pelvis. She sucked ina breath, looking to the side, unfocusing her eyes,

"No," she shook her head, speaking barely audible,

"Good, good," he nodded, keeping his eyes on her like he wanted more,

"Lighter than I expected," she added, still looking away.

"Yes, well you can thank Sahar for ensuring a hollow garb instead of the solid gold us vampires are used to," he smiled.

She said nothing.

Finally, he leaned forward, stamping a kiss on her once bruised cheek before straightening once more and relaxing his arms back at his sides. An anxiety trembled in her legs, racing to her belly and up her throat at his touch, but she kept still.

"You look beautiful, doll," he smiled again, turning to her side and linking their arms, "we shall be back no later than three in the morning," he nodded to Avery,

"Yes, milord," she nodded back, and the pair left his estate for the evening.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

Elias had aquired a vehicle with tinted windows since their last venture from the estate. Though, Y/N wondered if it was her health that had Elias feeling reluctance in drugging her there. Too, he surely wouldn't want her in such a state at such an event. And he rolled down the windows as they neared their destination.

She could have sworn she'd seen the building in photos. Whether on social media or in documentaries, the building their chauffeur slowed in front of was absolutely stunning. It appeared to be a palace, or something just as grand.

The car door opened, and the muffled chatter of dozens of voices grew loud. There was a faint tune that played behind the talk as well, Y/N wondered where it came from.

Elias stepped out of the vehicle first, and rounded the car to Y/N's side, offering his arm at once. He held her hand as she stood on the uncomfortable gold, digging into the arches of her feet and squeezing her toes every step.

"Shall we?" He smiled excitedly, looking down at her. She looked up at the towering building, glancing at the steps to the front door. A few people stood about the front of the palace, white smoke rising from each group or pair or individual. A cigarette or a joint was held by every person she saw out there, and they all spoke to one another familiarly and as if ancient friends.

He guided them up the stairs, Y/N felt eyes on her every so often. She thought she heard the mutterings of Elias' name, she thought she heard the word 'girl' and 'human' here and there too, but he walked them into the grand building without any pause. Even the seven steps to the front doors had her gripping Elias' hand tighter. Her head grew slightly heavy as she caught her breath at the top of the steps.

"We are to meet someone upstairs," Elias sighed as they stepped inside. It was much cooler inside than out, and much louder.

Laughter echoed the halls and foyer, chatter riddled the air, turning into a buzz altogether. Y/N's eyes darted around, landing on every being in the room. Each dressed as ridiculously as her and Elias, though all varying colours, textures and aesthetics.

Some people wore makeup that gave an unsettling illusion. Some wore prosthetics that altered how they looked entirely.

Others walked around almost entirely naked, few garbs on their body to even call it an outfit.

A melody echoed through the palace too. Something she couldn't place, but matched both the venue and outfits quite well.

He led them to the stairs less than a dozen metres ahead. And they walked slowly, passing each person with care to not step on shoes, tug on fabrics or cause any other harm.

She eyed every person she passed, noticing there was something so similar about all of them. Because, sure. Perhaps they dressed entirely different, smelled different, looked unlike anyone else there, but... There was something.

Of course. It was something she noticed now, for better or worse. Each being she passed held certain paleness in their skin. Something dead and sickly about it.

They were all vampires. Every person she passed, every being she laid her eyes on could tear her apart in an instant, and feel naught afterward.

A quiet breath trembled from her, now thankful for the loudness of everyone's voices and that music that played from somewhere. He went even slower up these stairs than the one's outside.

They were more steep and plenty more than there were outside. And surely he knew how frail Y/N had grown the past few weeks. It was by his own demand.

Only half way up the staircase, she reached for the rail, the stone cold under her touch. She looked down at the vampires below, paying her no mind and dress in fantastic and scary outfits.

One, however, caught her eye quicker than the others. She turned her head a bit more, to a pillar on the right of the front door. Against it, leaned a woman who wore a dress in a stunning icy blue. No, a maya blue. Just like Damon's eyes. Y/N's lips twitched slightly in a small smile, but it dropped just as fast.

They stepped up another stair.

The woman, or vampire, stood alone, and Y/N saw some silver lining the tops of her shoulder, letting the dress drape down her back like a cape. There were designs in silver speckled on the fabric, at the very bottom and on the bodice.

She even wore a headpiece to match. Resting upon beautiful hair dark umber, a stripe of diamonds laid flat along her head and, if Y/N were closer, she'd see a small tear-drop jewel resting on the woman's forehead. Other stripes of diamond rested on the sides of the woman's head like loose chains.

And, as Y/N looked longer at this woman, she saw her dark eyes looking back. Quickly, she snapped her eyes back forward, stepping up the stairs with Elias.

But then...

Something stirred inside her belly at once. A type of fear, uncertainty, astonishment and joy all at once. She looked back over her shoulder at the woman, matching those dark umber eyes once more...

Katherine Pierce, leaned against the pillar, and she gave Y/N but a simple shake of the head before pushing herself from the stone and walking for the room on her left. Y/N's mouth dropped, throat dried, lips trembled.

Tears stung at her eyes, but she blinked them away as Elias stepped up the final stairs, leading her further away from the last person Y/N ever thought she'd be desperate to see.

He furthered down a grand hall, the music growing louder and louder.

"Beautiful, hm?" He looked down at her again, and she just gave him a simple nod, hoping he'd mistake her quick heart to be about the gala rather than seeing Katherine with her own eyes.

Finally they turned left into a room, bigger than any Y/N had ever seen.

It was loud inside and on the very right, a stage. Live music played, a woman singing beautifully just in front of her talented band.

Elias furthered into the loud room, fewer people resting about the seats compared to the dance floor just off of it. Vampires crowded the space, dancing in sync with the live music. If Y/N didn't feel that utter terror and unsafety, she'd have found it beautiful. Or, thrilling,as Elias put it.

They neared a low table, four comfortable chairs around it, one already taken. The man who sat in the seat wore a rather boring suit compared to every other outfit Y/N had seen so far, but still so clearly expensive. The man was familiar, and Y/N saw that the seat was taken by Don Eyague Ladrón, of all individuals.

"Don Eyague," Elias nodded, extending his hand. Y/N's eyes widened slightly as Don stood, towering over Elias as he took his hand with a small nod. "I thank you greatly for meeting with me," he smiled, taking the seat next to Don's. Y/N took a seat across from the old vampire, eyeing him cautiously, searching for any sign of alliance, or a plan...

But he offered only a glance at Y/N, his attention directed only to Elias.

"Quite the disturbance you've caused," Don spoke at a normal volume, though so quiet to Y/N's ears. Whomever sang on the stage maybe a dozen metres away held a true talent, the way their voice carried so far from where she stood with her band. And while a lovely melody, Y/N wanted nothing more than to hear what the vampire across from her had to say.

"Disturbance?" Elias questioned in a tone as if he hadn't a clue what Don spoke of, "I'm unaware of how my pursuits could be causing you any disturbance, however I'd love your enlightenment–"

"I care not for your fake courtesies," Don's lip tugged with disrelish. Y/N's throat tightened at the man's sudden words. Voice already full of irk, and honey eyes narrowing slightly, "I have plenty evidence to back my thoughts, however seeing you here and now offers me undeniable proof that you are aware, without a doubt, of the lengths in which your fool's cabal has harmed our system and continues to do so." Don Eyague said plainly, eyes glaring into Elias', "you have single-handedly sparked fury and mistrust among the oldest of alliances, yet I believe you expected me to sit here and not only turn a blind eye but endorse it?" A small smile spread across the Don's face, amusem*nt and perhaps astonishment lacing his every word.

Don Eyague sighed at the vampire's silence, "when can I expect your public resignation?" he asked, shifting in his seat slightly,

"Unfortunately, I cannot do that, Don..."

"Cannot or will not?" He replied with expert quickness.

Elias tittered nervously, "It is not that simple–"

"Except that it is. You have not the hardiness, lackeys nor competence, and never you will," the man sneered at Elias.

Y/N glanced at her captor, seeing a stillness in his posture she now knew to be wrath. His eyes were stuck on the old vampire, glaring like a little boy who'd heard the word 'no' for only the first time.

"To end a discussion I'd rather not be in," Don sighed, standing from his seat. He dusted off his expensive suit jacket, "put and end to this plot or I will. I expect your public resignation no later than the fourteenth of June. Good day," Don nodded at Elias, who eyes were stuck to the chair Don had stood from. While Elias' eyes strayed from the old vampire, Don Eyague glanced at Y/N too, giving her a small nod, and turning away just as fast.

A small spark of hope struck in her belly at his nod, vanishing as she felt Elias' grip on her forearm.

"Let's go," he grumbled, tugging her along as he stood from his seat.

He walked with haste out of the ballroom, Y/N struggling to keep up at his side.

He pulled her down the palace stairs, Katherine nowhere near that pillar she leaned up against. And as the man reached his arm out for the door, he stopped in place. Y/N bumped into him slightly, feeling a scream riddle through her body at the mistake.

But it appeared he was too distracted to even care.

He let out a sigh, "no." He said, shaking his head. He turned around, back to her, and took a deep breath. Only inches from her, he reached his hands up to her cheeks, cradling her face. His face neared hers too, and he pressed his forehead to hers... Intimately. Her brows furrowed at his touch, eyes prickling with scared tears as she kept her gaze down and away from him. "No, Y/N..." He shook his head against hers, "I will not let some short-sighted man make us leave such a lovely event," he smiled, opening his eyes and backing away from her only slightly, "and besides, when was the last time you attended the Grand Gala?" He dragged his fingers down her cheeks, gazing into her eyes with a type of adoration, "Look at me." He whispered in a cold voice. She shot her eyes at him at once. "I've friends here I long to speak with, and I want you to enjoy yourself here until we go home," he smiled, his thumbs swiping at her jaw.

Home. She took a breath at that word. And he knew what he said, a small smile twitching the corners of his mouth at her furrowing brows.

"I will come for you when it is time to leave," he leaned forward once more, stamping a wet kiss on her forehead, "don't try to escape. You can't," he whispered, and walked away from her, going to the rooms on the right of the door. She took a breath, looking forward to the door. So close. She could just turn the knob and leave.

Her eyes tore away from it, and she looked around. No one seemed to really notice her, or care. She walked the opposite direction Elias did, stepping down a few stairs into a grand, grand room.

It stretched incredibly far back, where a wet bar was tended by a single man.

There were dozens of people–Vampires–in this room, maybe over a hundred. Most of them sat in low, old furniture, some stood in groups or pairs talking business or catching up. Each of them, however, all sipped thick red wine from various glasses.

'Blood,' she thought, and her face twisted slightly in distaste at the sight. How everyone sipped so easily, like it was a treat that rested in their glass.

Perhaps utterly repulsive, at the very least they wouldn't smell her.

She strolled through the too-large room, heading straight to the bar at the very back. The vampires were scattered about more sparsely toward that end of the room, no need to push her way to the bar. And if Y/N Y/L/N was going to be held captive and taken to a party of vampires, she would at the very least have a drink. Maybe four.

"Double G&T please," Y/N asked the bartender who was no doubt under compulsion. The young man nodded, but for a moment she wondered.

Only that small rip of bread Avery offered still lingered in her stomach. Perhaps a double wouldn't be wise...

"Actually, a single... Please..."

The young man nodded again, pouring her a new drink with half the liquor.

"Smart." A familiar voice sounded from her left, "I could hear your belly grumbling from across the room." Katherine raised her brows once.

Y/N's stomach dropped a breath pushing past her lips, "Katherine," she gasped, and without thinking, wrapped her arms around the woman. And, hesitantly, Y/N felt Katherine hug her back. The girl's eyes closed sorely over her white contacts, relaxing in the old vampire's arms for a moment, before Katherine reached for Y/N's forearms over her shoulders. She pulled them down. "How are you here right now?" Y/N asked, desperate,

"It doesn't matter." Katherine sighed, "Act normal. Drink your drink," she shrugged, turning to the counter as the young man slid the drink across. Her elbows rested on the edge of the bar, one hand laying flat on the clean surface and the other propped under her chin.

"A glass of Fresh, if you wouldn't mind," she smiled at the bartender, as if he wouldn't do what she asked. Her eyes gazed into his and his face smiled too. His eyes brightened slightly, lips widening into a sweet smile. The boy raised his arm over a glass and slit his wrist, filling too much of the cup with red. He placed the cup in front of Katherine with a small bow then disappeared behind the counter for a moment. He stood back up holding a small vile, and the boy drank its contents.

And Y/N watched him go back to work, the wound Katherine had him make already growing smaller, more healed. She barely noticed Katherine was almost half near finished her glass already.

"So how are you gonna get us out? What's your plan?" Y/N asked plainly, looking out at the guests mingling about the room, utterly lost in conversation. Caring of no one but themselves and maybe who they spoke to.

"We haven't one. And I am not getting you out." She shrugged, raising her hand for Y/N to grab. The girl did so, with the little reluctance she'd grown used to, and Katherine guided them through the dozens of people in the room,

"How can that possible? Two months it's been and you haven't even an idea?" Y/N spoke quickly, nearly fumbling her stressed words.

The old vampire chuckled under her breath, "my-my, Y/N, you have learnt the way of formality quite well, I must say." she smiled, glancing at the young girl, "You almost sound like one of us..." She raised her brows with a certain glee.

"Katherine," Y/N urged, earning a roll of the eyes.

"Listen, a plan may be in the works but it hasn't any security and I for one refuse to half ass things."

"So we're waiting on your okay?" Y/N asked, more quiet and with a certain impertinence,

"Precisely." Katherine nodded. The old vampire glanced at Y/N's sullen face, and gave a small titter, "You stand in perhaps the most esteemed gathering on Earth yet you wish to leave. Stay a while, won't you?" Katherine shrugged, earning a simple sigh from the girl. What kind of a statement was that? Of course Y/N wanted to leave. No matter the import of such an event, she should never have been there in the first place. "So much to see," Katherine smiled, looking away from Y/N, "so many people to speak with," she flicked some tassles that hung on the brim of someone's hat as they walked by, "so much to hear," she sighed, leading Y/N away from the front doors and back up those stairs.

"What even is the Grand Gala?" She questioned, peering around at the garbs of varying dramatics and textures and colours.

"Wow, Y/N you really do keep surprising me. Speaking all formal—at least more so than Damon and he's the one with real experience," she chuckled at herself, "even referring to this event by its official name. You are a quick learner," she smiled, "the Grand Gala is quite simply a formal occasion for any important vampire over the age of two hundred. Though, here and there, vampires under that age restriction have been deemed suitable for attendance," she shrugged. Y/N nodded along, taking in the freaky makeup some vampires wore, and some of the nudity she hadn't quite expected.

"You know," Katherine added, "in all honesty, there's only ever been one vampire under two-hundred to be invited to the Gala. Damon," she nodded.

Y/N turned her head to her, "Damon?"

"Mhm. He first attended as a plus one to me, and I really had to fight for it. It was in the 80's and they were so scared of what it would mean if I'd brought a juvenile. Until they heard it was Damon the Devious, of course," she tittered.

"Damon the Devious... I forgot about that..." Y/N shook her head, walking at the slow pace next to Katherine, dragging along her heavy gold piece.

"Well you're lucky he isn't how he was. He'd have easily killed you for forgetting," Katherine raised her brows playfully. "Anyway... Everyone you see here is someone. Everyone here is in charge of the entire world," she smiled, "and you have the honour of attending it wearing one of my creations."

Y/N looked down at the wire frame that hugged her so uncomfortably, "one of yours?" Y/N asked, glancing down

"Le Voga di Petrova, my love. I never forget a design." She raised her brows once. "Haven't seen or used this one in decades, however. Coming back in fashion, I've heard," she gestured her hand, almost bored as she spoke.

"I've heard that too," Y/N said, earning a look of near astonishment from Katherine, "shockingly," she added,

"Shocking indeed," Katherine chuckled, "and where would you have heard such a thing?"

"Nowhere pleasant, is certain," Y/N nodded, "a woman. I think her name was Sahar–"

"Ugh," Katherine groaned, rolling her eyes dramatically hard, "my God, I hate Sahar. She's always f*cking things up and pulling sh*t from my archives because she can't think up anything new." The old vampire grumbled, earning a small giggle from the girl hooked on her arm. "What? What is it?"

Y/N shook her head, "no, no... Nothing. I've just... I just haven't seen you so upset about something like that before," she shrugged.

Katherine sighed, "yes, well, try running an industry for three hundred years only for some halfwits to try and take your spot," she grumbled,

"I believe it sucks," Y/N nodded,

"Indeed." Katherine agreed, turning left into that furthest, most loud room. The energy maintained since that of maybe half an hour ago when she and Elias had sat in the room. Everyone danced in the centre, stil few people seated in the chairs surrounding the dance floor. She blinked her eyes, feeling a sting with every close,

"f*ck," she groaned, looking up, eyes wide for a moment,


"These contacts... I hate them." Y/N sighed, looking back down, and reaching for her temples. She stretched the skin at her eyes, wishing for any relief.

"Well here," Katherine stopped in her tracks, turning to the girl. From a hidden compartment in her bodice, the vampire pulled a small compact, "take them out."

"I can't." Y/N said at once, eyes widening slightly and brows pulling together. Katherine just looked at her, confused. "I can't Katherine, he'll notice." Katherine snapped the compact shut again, keeping her eyes on Y/N's as she tucked it away once more.

"Obedient." Katherine raised her brows, turning back toward the chairs, "A blessing and a curse." She said, taking a seat in one of the deep leather chairs.

Y/N joined her, "It may be dumb but it's safer. And besides he's had Damon in that room..."

"Oh, please, Y/N, obedience to an individual who seeks nothing but your pain is not dumb at all." Katherine sighed.

Y/N glanced at her for a moment, brows pulling together slightly before she looked back out to the dozens of moving bodies. How people wearing even the most expensive of clothes danced without care,

"Is this your kind of thing?" Katherine asked as she sat them down in some low furniture, a few tables from where Don Eyague had sat. Y/N tore her eyes from the stunning scene and looked back at the beautifully dressed woman.

"First time I've seen anything like this," Y/N shrugged, "I'd probably enjoy it a lot more under different circ*mstances," she said and Katherine chuckled. Different circ*mstances.

Whatever was it that awaited her back at his estate? When would she next see Katherine so closely? Speak to her so freely? It wasn't as if Elias would invite a complete enemy to his table for dinner.

"Why didn't we walk out of the front door just now?" Y/N asked before she could think, her brows pulled together and heart speeding slightly.

Katherine rolled her eyes, "have we not gone over this?"

"But I'm right here. Right now. Can't you think of a last minute plan?" Y/N asked, her tone full of desperate,

"No, I can't. We are in Paris, only two hours from Elias' territory. I would not in a million years casually walk out of the Grand Gala with an Ancient's captive, and especially not under those circ*mstances. I am not suicidal, Y/N." She said, Y/N didn't say anything back. Only looked at Katherine, a hopelessness filling her eye. "But no matter," Katherine sighed. No matter to her."How is Damon?" She asked, taking small sips of her drink.

Y/N shook her head, glancing at the dancing crowd again for a moment. She sighed, "Hot good. Elias is..." She trailed off, thinking for the words, "He's got this room... It's enchanted by his witch so vampires don't heal."

Katherine smirked, "so it's true..." She nodded.

"What, you've heard of it?"

"Only whispers of such a room. Never anything serious," Katherine shrugged, "he may be a complete imbecile, but he does have good ideas here and there."

Y/N's brows pulled together at her, eyes crinkling slightly at the old vampire's words.

"What?" Katherine asked. Y/N scowled under her breath, looking away again and ignoring the sudden flare of frustration within her. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry," Katherine held out her hand, giving Y/N a look that read her sincerity, "he is a bad bad man who has done bad bad things."

Y/N simply rolled her eyes, a frustration warming within her, and an ickiness jumping up her throat. "I don't wanna talk to you anymore." Y/N said, keeping her eyes down. Katherine straightened her back slightly, almost surprised at the girl's words.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I want you to leave me alone," Y/N said quietly, looking over at the dancing vampires.

Katherine smirked, "I highly doubt this is a good time to show cheek to your only ally here," she raised her brows once, "do you mean to say you have enjoyed the solitude Elias keeps you in?"

Y/N moved her eyes down slightly at her words, but said nothing in return.

"Well then." Katherine smiled, standing from her seat at Y/N's silence, "I shall take my leave. I'm sure we will see each other again soon enough." She nodded, lips in a tight smile. Y/N's head turned to the woman at her words.

"Goodbye, Y/N." Katherine nodded, walking around Y/N's seat and disappearing out of those doors.

She was sure, was she?

Well Y/N would have very much appreciated some insight on just how soon Katherine was sure they'd see each other again. She scowled, turning back forward in her seat, away from the doors.

"Your hand, my lady?" A man asked from her right. She jumped slightly at the voice, turning to meet the dark eyes of a pretty looking man. He had no hair, his features soft and fem. He wore a complicated fit, seeming of different layers and textures. It was mostly silver and black, and the prosthetics stuck on his face made him look alien-like, as if his entire forehead was home to eight more eyes of pure black, with perfectly crafted eyelids and all. They could have easily been real, had they blinked once in a while.

Y/N nodded and in silence took a strange looking man's hand, standing from the comfortable seat and following him to the dance floor just as a slower song began.

She was grateful for it. Having barely the energy to carry herself and the gold upon her.

He guided her between several vampires, beginning a simple waltz. The waltz was familiar, Y/N tried placing her finger on where or when she had done it.

And it dawned on her. It was at the Salvatore Boarding House. That night where everyone slept over.

After dinner and a few drinks, Caroline insisted she prove to everyone that she knew how to waltz professionally. And, according to Stefan and Damon, she proceeded to display the most simple of waltz'.

A small smile crept on Y/N's face at the memory as her left hand rested tiredly on the stranger's shoulder.

"Might I ask you something?" The man asked, turning them around once. Y/N nodded. "What might a human be doing, walking free, at such a classified occasion?" He inquired, taking a few steps with her.

Her heart sped slightly, but she ignored the angst in her throat, "accompanying a friend,' she smiled tightly, responding with quickness.

"Hm," he nearly scoffed, "I wasn't aware Elias Tyrell kept human friends," he smiled daringly, and her body softened at his touch. She pulled away, stepping back from him for the door, but he tugged at her forearm and spun her back to him. His hands gripped tightly at her upper arms, holding her in front of him,

His voice grew muffled and blurry the second the words left his lips, "duo facti sunt unum..."


if this wasn't so serious...
I'd say this was actually Jackson Wang's party for vampires....
okay anyway.
The Grand Galaaaaa

visuals on excerpts on

as alwaysss
~~much love

Chapter 29: Manarola


Y/H/C = your hair colour


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (23)

Her body woke with a start, eyes opening wide from her rest. Early summer breeze swept across her face and her arms, the smell of roses, chamomile, salt and seaweed filling her nose. Tired eyes focused first on a lamp lit dimly on a table before a window, but nothing before her looked familiar. Then she saw stone walls and similar flooring, a balcony on her right between two thin windows. Beyond the balcony was dark. Some might say threatening if not for the crashing waves that sounded somehow nearby. The view was of the night's sea, surely, but Y/N couldn't see that yet. Whether it be her drowsy eyes or the dead of night, only endless darkness stretched beyond her windows.

She moved to her back, catching the sight of two doors near her left, but quickly she looked back down. At herself.

The gold no longer hung on her body, heavy and stiffening. The bodysuit was still tight on her however, the peeling at her chest and ankles looking like her own skin. Though, on any of her exposed skin, there were no burn marks. No injuries resting to show the removal of that tiring garb.

She sat in the bed, body still weak and weary. Her heart beat in her chest hard, she felt every flutter. There was a panic inside of her. How she got there. Where Elias had gone. Who else rested beyond the door of that room.

On her left, the table closest to her, she turned the knob of an old lamp. A bankers lamp, and a warm light snapped on. It was still dim, brightening slowly.

And she looked around at the room much smaller than the one in Elias' other residence. Prettier, at least. It held easier furniture and better decorations.

There were paintings on the walls, each of them crafted quite well. Of an oil base, they depicted a woman in each one. They all had dark brown hair and eyes to match. Their features resembled one another quite well, perhaps they were family. Whoever painted them, held quite a talent.

There were a few plants scattered about the room. One on the same table as the small lamp, one hanging next to the door across the room, and one of a low chest of drawers. The wood matched the bed frame Y/N rested on, a dark-oak with expensive quality. And, as her tired eyes studied the furniture a little longer, it seemed the chest of drawers carried almost too many things atop of it. And looking a little longer, she saw most of it rested quite out of place.

She lifted herself from the bed, weakly. Her bones already tired, muscles even more so. Last time she ate was that tear of bread fore the Gala.

But as she approached the low drawers, she looked at everything scattered on its surface.

A change of clothes sat atop rather than inside—a simple sweatsuit that could have been mistaken for one of hers at home—a rectangular box that read 'FX Removal' and 'Spirit Gum and Liquid Latex' in a bold print, and a collection of toiletries all brand new.

A suspicion rose within her, but she turned to the door across from her bed. With a small reluctance she pushed open the door, seeing an entirely ordinary bathroom.

Maybe not ordinary. It was certainly one of the most luxurious bathrooms Y/N had come across. More so than any of the loos in Elias' estate. Wherever he was in this residence, she knew they were no longer in the Caen estate.

She stared around the room a little longer. Catching vast darkness of the sea beyond her windows, the perfect stillness of everything in her room but the thin curtains at the balcony doors. Then her eyes landed on the door. The door that no doubt led to the rest of the home. With careful steps, she went for it, pressing an ear to the chilly wood.


No matter how long she stayed there, nothing.

So instead, she spun on her heels, collecting everything from the drawer's surface in her arms, and went back to the bathroom. It all sprawled across the ceramic counter as she dropped these given items. She first took the FX removal box, reading its instructions. She glanced up slightly into the mirror, eyeing the peeling bodysuits, then her face for a moment. Her Y/H/C brows, her tired and weary face.

Her... Y/H/C brows... Lashes too... Her eyes snapped back to her reflection, no longer seeing the stark contrast of her bleached brows and lashes. It was back to normal.

Perhaps the boldness was suitable for only the gala. Perhaps inappropriate for day-to-day wear.

Wouldn't be the first time something strange happened in her sleep.



The only thing she found remotely easing was the lack of curfew. Elias never confined her to her given room. He'd only ever make her leave it.

Except maybe that one time after he struck her, but that was completely unusual, and in that moment she wanted nothing more than to return back to that given room.

And by then she'd already learned his routine. Whether asleep or awake, there were only so many things he'd have on his to-do list after 11:00 pm.

She shook her head, pulling on the given hoodie–so different from the uniforms Elias had left in that old armoire in Caen–and zipping it up full. An anxiety panged her belly as she neared the door of the room. She took a small glance behind her shoulder, to the open patio.

Near silence beyond it. Her hand relaxed back down to her side. Nothing wrong with a little reluctance... She spun back around to the balcony instead. She took a single step out, the iron ground cold through her socks. Two chairs rested on either side of the door, beside them, their own little wrought iron table to match. She looked over the railing a few steps out, reaching her hands out for the cold rail.

The water so far below was much louder outside. Crashing onto the rocks more than a hundred feet down. And taking up all that space between her and the ocean and the rocks, houses. Stacks seeming haphazardly up the cliff, so dense together. The walls below the beige house she stood in were all of different colours.

She'd seen it before. She looked out, back to the horizon, to that other, less dense cliff on the other side of the bay. Yes she had seen the sight before, but just from that cliff.

And not with her own eyes. But in countless and countless pictures.

Italy. Manarola, to be exact.

Her hands squeezed at the railing as she looked out onto the sea. Pitch black, but noisy.

"Come stai?" A voice sounded from her right. Her head snapped to the noise, eyes meeting with an old man who rested on a balcony attached to the house just next to the one she stood in. Seemed she resided in the corner room and on the uppermost floor.

Y/N furrowed her brows at him for a moment, "sorry, I didn't hear you," she said, looking at him still in hopes he'd repeat whatever he said. She hadn't spoken to a human stranger in too long. And her voice felt strange in her throat, weak.

"Nessun problema," the man shrugged, standing himself up from the old chair. He stared out to the water for a few seconds longer until finally he retired back to inside.

She looked back out too, for maybe just as long as he did, then turned around.

Now she would face this new house. Perhaps running into Elias on her way through.

The door was much heavier than the bathroom's, but it wasn't that keeping in her mind. She walked out to something similar to the Salvatore Boarding House. Like the upstairs in that old wooden house that rested an ocean away, she neared the bannister a couple metres ahead of her door. And over it, stretched down maybe fifty feet, rested a living room, fashioned with big and comfortable looking chairs and sofas. Certainly much further down than the ledge in the old Boarding House, but something she could draw much familiarity from so quickly.

Her hand raised from the stone bannister as her eyes met with two strangers, and she crept back a few steps, breath quieting slightly.

She couldn't place either of their faces. Though, perhaps she was just too far away. The question that strung in her mind, fighting whether to push her back into that bedroom or down the stairs on her left, was simply how Elias would react if she were to greet them. Knowing she'd approached special guests—without his explicit consent.

But there were no rules of staying silent. No rules of ignoring house guests.

Y/N wasn't even permitted to ignore the house workers or keepers. He expected her to treat them higher than herself. And make her believe it.

But despite this, it was never anything she'd faced. He hadn't welcomed any visitors at the last estate. No opportunity to practise.

But the growl and rumble from her stomach gave her little choice. And if Y/N was a betting girl, she'd say that the kitchen was past the two in the room below.

She gripped her hands together, balled up in aching fists as she turned to the left. Her feet were numbing under her, cold through her cotton socks. She wondered why he hadn't put those woollen socks in the pile. Y/N much preferred them by then.


"You made it down," the woman said, turning away from the person next to her. Her dark eyes met Y/N's at once and suddenly, there was no longer any angst of what Elias would do, but instead where he had gone.

"Where's Elias?" She asked quickly, voice echoing in the tall room, eyeing the corridor on the other end of the space.

"Please," the woman nodded, extending her hand out slightly, "take a seat," she gestured to the large sofa across from her. Y/N's brows pulled together slightly, taking her eyes from the dark hallway and glancing between the two individuals and the couch the woman gestured to. An easy request. Nothing to get wrong.

So she rounded the seat, and sat herself down.

"I apologise for how..." The woman began again, looking off to think of the proper word only just as Y/N met the sofa, "unsophisticated, we were in retrieving you," she nodded.

Y/N shook her head, glancing away from them, to the floor. Retrieving her... Then her eyes snapped to the person sat next to the woman. And they were familiar.

"You... I saw you..." Her eyes narrowed curiously at the person next to the woman,

"You did. You danced with me, in fact," they nodded, "and you were a considerably easier magical target, to say the least," they shrugged,

"Yes, you were quite weak," the woman nodded, "and that very well may have been the only scenario in which we were happy to take possession of such weakness," she smiled. Y/N had nothing to say, her brows furrowed together as she studied those two. "Though, it was described you hold quite an individual power? I wonder why anyone would bother saying such a thing if you were never any threat to us," the woman shrugged, and kept silent. She raised a brow at Y/N questioningly once the girl didn't answer.

"Uh, um..." Y/N shook her head, "my performance has been... Lower than usual. I think the lack of breakfast made it more difficult..." She said quietly. The two before her turned to each other, exchanging a certain glance, "b-but I'm getting used to it," she added hurriedly, "I'm sure I'll be better by training time today," Y/N nodded near desperate.

"Hunger," the person raised their brows once to the woman.

Her smile tightened slightly, she turned back to Y/N, "curious," she said, narrowing her eyes at Y/N slightly.

"What is?" Y/N asked,

"His choice to withhold meals from you. Was it punishment?"

"Uh... No. I was to fit into a certain garb for the gala. The woman who measured me... Sahar, she demanded I lose weight for it."

And they both nodded at that.

"Where is Elias, if you don't mind my asking?" Y/N looked between them, "I hadn't a chance to see him after the gala. I would like to make sure he knows I am awake too," she nodded, the anxiety growing in her belly, her heart heavier again.

The pair just smiled. A curiosity and maybe fascination in their eyes. "Elias is not within reach at this time," the person nodded, "I do believe proper introductions are in order, however," they nodded, standing up from their seat. Only a few steps forward and their hand extended toward Y/N, "Enmei, is my name," they nodded and Y/N glanced at their hand. Thin and cold looking, like at the gala when they reached for her to dance.

But she took their hand, giving him three shakes before pulling it back.

Enmei gave a small titter at her sheepishness. The lack of eye contact—and no Elias to correct her—the drawing back of her hand. But they straightened, turning back to the seat next to the woman. Before sitting however, they reached for the woman's hand,

"And this is my other half, Utari. The Unyielding," their face widened with a smile, and Utari looked up at Enmei, seeming already lost in a love.

"Did Elias send you?" Y/N asked.

The both of them let out a chuckle, and the anxiety in Y/N's belly burned fast up her chest. It stretched past her neck, her cheeks warming all frustrated at their reactions.

"Did he send you?" Y/N asked again, voice quiet with some trepidation.

"Oh darling, would have done him nothing had he. Elias Tyrell is no longer your concern." Utari said plainly, "you are hungry, I imagine? What would you like to eat?" The woman asked.

But Y/N didn't say anything. Her brows tugged together further at the question. Whatever test this was, she wanted it to end.

"We will not tell you anything more until you've had a meal. Now what will you have," the woman's voice spoke sharper, frustrated at Y/N's suspicions.

"Anything. I'm not picky," she answered quickly upon Utari's words. The rumbling and tightened returning just at the thought of something to eat.

Utari rolled her eyes and stood from the seat, Enmei following her.

"Come, Y/N," she called behind her, walking off down a dark hallway.

Y/N glanced around her, eyes landing on nothing of use. The space was lit dimly, but something about the decorations and furniture reminded her of something. But the thought was swept away as the two furthered, and Y/N stood from the comfortable seat.

She walked behind them, thankful for their unhurried pace. And another question pulled her brain. One Elias never answered to her liking. One she grew fear of even thinking at times.

"What will you do with me?" She blurted out, betraying the consideration she thought she was under. Both of them glanced over their shoulders slightly before turning back forward.

"Your attendance here is expected by a dear friend of ours. We walk in her house now, in fact," Enmei said, "we were entrusted with the pivotal task of obtaining you from Elias' possession. You must believe we've no intent to harm you," their voice was kind but they kept their eyes forward still.

Y/N shut her mouth, eyes straining against the darkening hall as they walked deeper through the house.



She rested in her room once more, the sun already began shining onto the cliffs across the bay. The room she was given tinted a light morning blue as she wondered all of the things Utari and Enmei wouldn't answer.

"Why do you roam still? Your hovering is giving me frustration," Utari's eyes had pierced Y/N's,

"I-I'm sorry," the girl looked down, backing away a couple steps,

"Don't be sorry. Just leave to your room," she shook her head, waving her away.

And so she sat on the comfortable bed for about an hour by then. But her eyes snapped to the door, as the noise of someone turning the handle sounded. She straightened in her bed, awaiting whoever stood behind the door. It opened quickly, closing just as fast.

Y/N looked the person up and down, seeing a woman wearing a skin tight bodysuit, thin straps and in a chocolate brown. It was pretty against her golden skin. And that same skin held that paleness she now knew so well.

Her dark hair rested perfectly behind her shoulder, curled slightly, and that familiar Chanel No.5 wafted to Y/N's nose.

Eyes wide at the friendly face, Y/N gasped. "Katherine," she pushed herself from her bed, feeble body easing as she jumped into the old vampire's arms. Her muscles stiffened slightly at Y/N's touch, but she let the girl hug her.

"How am I here? How did you do it?" She asked, pulling away and darting her eyes around Katherine's face, desperate and shocked and elated all at once.

"An elaborate plan, in short," she nodded. Y/N shook her head, giving out a small chuckle, eyes full of wonder. "Though I must be candour and admit I did not greet you here to offer comfort or friendliness," she said, "I have news."

Y/N looked at her, saying nothing. But the old vampire walked past her, for the balcony,

"Sit with me," Katherine said, taking a seat on the left wrought iron chair. Y/N stepped forward too, following Katherine but holding an undeniable disquietude within her. Perhaps the vampire bore news of Damon. Y/N was clearly saved with success. But there was no saying Damon had encountered such fortune.

And so with her stomach tight in anxiety, she stepped out into the breeze, sitting on the chair on Katherine's right.

"Is it Damon?" Y/N asked before the old vampire could speak.

"No," Katherine responded quickly, giving a quick shake of the head, "Damon will be fine. His rescue is currently underway," she said.

Y/N's head turned to her, "right now?"

"Within the next three hours," Katherine nodded, "but that is not the news I must share," she gave Y/N a quick glance before looking back out. "You mustn't return back home without this information, so I shall make it quick." she nodded, the anxiety in Y/N's being returning quickly, and this time with a certain burn in her belly. "Elias Tyrell killed Carla and Glenn the night he took you and Damon," she stated plainly. A breath pushed itself past Y/N's lips.

A buzz grew in her ear, and she looked away from Katherine. Her throat tightened, like she could throw up. Perhaps Katherine had thought that through, however, waiting long enough to tell her. That small yet elaborate meal Utari and Enmei offered was long digested. Nothing Y/N could cough back up.

And in flashes, before her eyes, she saw her parents like they stood in front of her. Carla's expensive outfits, always in browns and beiges. Her father's familiar costly haircut.

But also how Carla would dress before their wealth. How she would look coming home from work, all tired and dishevelled, the air around her filling with the thick stench of chemicals, latex and hospital.

How Glenn's hair used to be messy all the time, unkept. Something he and Carla would occasionally get into arguments over. How she'd want him to just run a comb through it. They were going out for dinner, afterall.

The way Glenn would hunch over his computer screen for hours and hours each day. How Y/N would walk into the living room in the mornings, see him typing away on the noisy keyboard, and tell him it was time for him to take her to school. And still consumed in whatever universe he poured out onto the page, he'd mumble and nod yes, eventually tearing his eyes from the screen and grabbing the car keys as he passed Y/N out the front door.

And seeing how Elias treated Damon alive... She could only imagine what their deaths looked like. How vicious, ugly and cruel it must have been. How scared they must have felt.

"Why? How? In Mystic Falls? Why were they there?" Her eyes darted around, bottom lip trembling at the thought. God... Her parents. Both of them.

"How they were killed will be of no use to you," Katherine responded, "but they were there for you. To help find you. Damon called them in hopes that they would be of use..." Katherine said quietly. Y/N let out a small sob, bringing her palms to her face.

"f*ck..." She whimpered, crying into her hands.

Katherine offered no comfort. Sitting next to the girl, she didn't even look at her. Focusing her eyes on the vast darkness of sea before her.

Y/N didn't know for how long she wept, but eventually the noises just stopped. Her breath shook as she exhaled weakly, lips puffed and tears softening her cheeks. Her head raised frail, eyes too meeting the gaze Katherine held.

Out to the dark.

In Italy.

Y/N sat next to a vampire who spoke of her parents death–their murder. And they sat next to one another, a human of eighteen years and a vampire of nearly six hundred, as if it was the most average of things. And perhaps to them, after everything in even those three months, it was.

"What's next then?" Y/N spoke quietly. If it weren't for Katherine's supernatural ears, her words would have gone unnoticed,

"What's next is out of your hands," Katherine responded simply, "you will have one more hour to process what I've told you. Then you must be on a flight back home," she nodded, glancing at Y/N for a moment.

With a sigh, the woman stood, looking out to the darkness again, "I am sorry, Y/N. You deserved better." The woman placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder, but the girl's eyes stayed forward, the sight before her blurring again. Katherine retreated back into the house, letting Y/N sit on that balcony in the cool early summer air.


literally ten more days until the last chapter....

check out for visuals and stuff!!!

~~much love

Chapter 30: anger and defeat


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (24)

About an hour drive to her jet. The silence was numbing. Katherine spoke only a couple feet from her right, but it was all fuzzy in Y/N’s ear. She heard the woman talk about a certain him, utterings of time and place over the phone. But Y/N’s eyes were glued to the fast passing scene beyond the car windows. She felt more tired than she had ever, even at Elias’ and under his strict regimen. It was an exhaustion in every kind of way. More than just spiritual, from her powers. There was the physical from her hunger, the shock of being saved at long last. And then…

Her parents.

An emotional tire she hadn’t felt before.

And, she wondered why because, it wasn't as if they were good parents. Some would say they were bad, in fact. And perhaps they were. But it was still her mom. It was still her dad.

And Y/N hadn’t either anymore.

“Thank you.” Katherine sighed, pulling the phone from her ear, “he’ll be on a flight in fourteen hours,” her brows raised at Y/N. The girl said nothing, eyes still cast outside.

“Did you hear me?” Katherine asked, reaching forward and tapping the girl’s shoulder once. Y/N sucked in a short breath, head flicking toward Katherine.

“No.” She said, voice low and with a certain vex to it at Katherine’s interruption. She gazed back into the intimidating look the vampire gave her, unyielding.

With a small and barely audible hum of annoyance, Katherine spoke again, “Damon will be on a flight in fourteen hours.”

But still, Y/N didn’t react seemingly the way Katherine wanted her to. Or, expected her to.

“Thanks.” She said, expression unchanging, but voice as frustrated. She looked back out the window.

“What? What is it?” The old vampire’s voice grew impatient, a certain sharpness to her T’s and a tense to her lips.

Hiding a roll of her eyes, Y/N turned again and met those peeved dark eyes once more. They were so different now, holding none of the solace she offered at the Gala.

The girl shook her head, giving a small shrug. “I feel…” She shrugged again, “I feel angry. Defeated.” she chose, throat tight around her quiet words.

“Defeated? As you make your way safely back home?” Katherine asked, a humour sounding around her tone. Y/N rolled her eyes, unafraid if Katherine saw it or not.

“Well,” Katherine sighed, looking back forward and adjusting herself more comfortably, “you should have plenty of time for your anger and defeat on your flight and afterward. Are you hungry at all?”

Y/N said nothing.

Are you hungry?” Katherine asked once more, slower this time as if Y/N was too dumb to understand.

Her eyes closed tightly at the old vampire’s impatient words. She’d appreciate a little warmth at that time. Unlike the coldness and apathy in Katherine’s eyes and tone. There was a sincerity to it, Y/N could see, so similar to how she gazed and sounded before everything happened.

“Yes.” The girl finally nodded, looking back out the window and forcing away her burning, angry tears.

And without a word, Katherine dialled another number in her phone and lifted it to her ear. “Johnathan, hi,” the woman spoke, “yes, yes, all is well, no worries. You can expect us in thirty minutes. I must request however, that you do stock the fridge in the lounge. The girl will need at least three meals for her trip back West,” Katherine nodded, “mhm. Yes, should be more than enough. Thank you. Goodbye.”



“Warren will be waiting for you on Terminal Drive. He will escort you back to Mystic Falls,” Katherine nodded. She studied the girl for a moment. Seeing a small polite smile, completely unmatching her eyes. In them there was a flicker of that anger and defeat she muttered about. Katherine knew that flicker all too well, and surely Y/N’s would only grow.

But only time could really tell.

“Well then,” the old vampire sighed, turning around and walking for the door,

“Katherine…” The girl hid any trace of that impudent tone from earlier, and after catching what rested in the girl's eyes, Katherine knew it must have been hard for her. The old vampire would even call it pathetic if it weren’t for that small pity she felt for her.

She turned, tilting her head in question.

“I, uh…” Y/N started, standing from her seat, “thank you. For everything.” She said flatly.

Katherine scoffed, barely audible, “thank me once you’re healed enough to believe it,” she raised her brows once and stepped down the jet’s stairs, without another word from Y/N.

Her low heels met the concrete, and she turned once more, looking up into the jet.

“Blessed to see you, Ms.Petrova,” Jonathan nodded,

“And you, dear Jonathan,” Katherine smiled up at him.

“You request your jet to Corfu, still?” He asked,

“I do,” she nodded

“Then I shall see you there.”

The two of them smiled at one another, and Katherine turned back around, walking back to her too-big SUV. Pulling her phone from the tight pocket of her bodysuit.

She pressed on her contacts, searching for ‘Salvatore’.

She clicked on Stefan’s name. He didn’t pick up.

She called again, and on the third ring his voice sounded through the speaker,

“What? What do you want?” He asked. Katherine heard a door shut behind him and the jangle of keys being shoved in his pocket.

“Well that’s no way to greet an old friend,” she shrugged, her driver pulled open the car door and the vampire stepped up into the vehicle.

“Katherine, I’ve got people to see, what do you want?” He grumbled.

She rolled her eyes, “you’re expected in Richmond airport. My jet is just taking off, with Y/N in it,” she sighed,

What?” She heard him stop in his tracks. A small smile spread her lips, and she glanced down for a moment,

“Y/N will be arriving in America and you are required to meet her at the airport. she’s gone through quite the ordeal and I believe your pacific nature will be value to her at this time. I don’t want her with only Warren’s company on her travel back to Mystic Falls,” Katherine shrugged.

“Katherine, I'm in Newport Beach…” He argued

“Does it sound like I care where you are?”

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Then I shall see you there” He smiled, and with impressive strength, he pulled up the stairs and secured the jet closed.

The so-called Jonathan didn’t look at Y/N for some time. He turned immediately for the co*ckpit, exchanging words with the pilots.

Many words, in fact. Y/N watched for maybe ten minutes as they discussed something too quiet for Y/N to hear.

Though finally, after those ten minutes, Jonathan locked the door behind him and finally looked at Y/N.

“Well, Ms.Y/L/N, we will be taking off promptly,” he smiled, taking a seat across from her, “if you would fasten your seatbelt,” he said as he fastened his own.

They lifted off faster than any plane Y/N remembered being in. Perhaps it was all of the safety speeches beforehand, or the tight navigation between bays. Regardless, they were in the air quickly and after a ding on the overhead speakers, Jonathan finally undid his seatbelt.“I believe you are owed a tour, correct?” He asked, standing up and placing his hands politely behind his back and speaking in a kind and friendly voice.

Y/N smiled politely, dissimilar from the fatigue in her eyes. In truth, she wished nothing more than to be by her lonesome. Think of everything that happened, but that time, in a true past tense. But instead she answered the stranger, using that polite and more formal speech Elias insisted and Avery taught. “If you wouldn’t mind, sir,” she nodded.

“Oh, Ms.Y/L/N, I am no sir,” he chuckled. He extended his arm forward, down the aisle, “if you would please follow me,” he nodded.

He walked them away from that little seating area and into a true lounge setting. There were many seats, even a couch against one of the walls. At the end of the cabin, seeming a full dining room set. Chairs to match the table, table cloth to match the upholstery. It was all quite absurd, really.

The tour ended in the bedroom. As luxurious as any bedroom owned by Katherine, despite it being on a plane.

“You are welcome to the entire plane, you are welcome to stay just in this room, you are welcome to do as you like,” he nodded, “before I leave you however, I must ask if you would like something to eat?” He asked.

“Yes please,” she nodded,

“And what would you like?”

There was a suspicion that rose within her at that. Such an open question. Something that could so easily be a test of her greed…

“Whatever you think,” she nodded, offering a nod and that same fake smile.

“Well, Ms.Y/L/N,” he sighed, walking to the bedside table. From its drawer he fished out a small menu, laminated, “Ms.Petrova instructed I provide you at least three meals for your trip so I stocked up entirely. Browse through this and decide what you like,,” he nodded, extending the menu toward her. She took it from his hands, glancing down at the short list. “Take your time, of course, however once you have decided, please press this button here,” he said, pointing to a round button next to a light dial. She didn’t say much after that, but it seemed Jonathan didn’t mind too much.

“I shall leave you, then,” he nodded, giving her a small bow and walking past her and out of the room.

The menu was basic, and given the early hour they set off, she assumed it was none other than breakfast time. Not too many options, but perhaps the breakfast would be filling and decent. So she pressed the button and with haste Jonathan returned to the room to take her order.

“I would recommend looking out your window once in a while fore our journey cross the Atlantic. The sun begins to rise, and it’s a beautiful one over France today,” he smiled, walking once more out of the room and not returning again unless with her sandwich.

She ate the small meal in the chair and table too apart of the bedroom. She felt quite comfortable in there. Despite how annoyed Jonathan made her feel, she did enjoy that he assured she was free to do as she liked. First taste of autonomy in too long. And she relaxed at the table, peering out the window like Jonathan said she should. The last wink of land she saw under the plane would soon pass. A little too south to see Normandy, surely. But it didn’t stop her from thinking of it. Though… It was beautiful. Especially from so high up. She always loved looking at the ground from a plane. As most did, of course. But this time, there wasn’t the desire to see it up close as there usually was. She knew somewhere in that land they flew over, certainly more north however, resided the property in which she had been bound. Bound in every way, even physical toward the end.

And those hurt tears pricked at her heavy eyes. She wouldn’t be returning to France for some time. She wouldn’t wish to.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“Does it sound like I care where you are?” And Stefan could just see the look on her face. With a sigh, Katherine continued, “your friend needs you at Richmond Airport in ten hours, and if you cannot manage that your presence in California is entirely unproductive in the first place,” she sassed, and he sighed, annoyed, “Warren will escort the both of you back to Mystic Falls. Be there.” And she hung up the phone.

His eyes squeezed shut at the line ending, hand tightening around his phone for a moment. Y/N was on her way there. Right then. Plain as day, like it was nothing.

He could make it there in time, leave the Testarossa at LAX, hitch that ride back to Mystic Falls with Warren.

But Katherine said nothing about his brother.

It was his friend who needed him, not his brother. And there were few possibilities of what that could mean.

And Stefan guessed would have to just ask Y/N when he saw her. In ten hours.

He shoved his phone back in his denim, turning from the Newport mansion’s living room and speeding to the garage.

Not a word from Katherine in that month and half, but she was clearly busy for its entirety.Surely she could have given him some notice. Though, it was very much like Katherine to expect one to drop everything at her word. And while there was the utter displeasure at Katherine’s awful communication, he had only to worry of retrieving Y/N from Richmond.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

A near ten hour flight, and Y/N slept for most of it. A sleep considerably longer than any she’d had her time away.

And, she would have slept longer, if not for Jonathan’s annoying knock on the bedroom. Like a child from a nightmare, she shot up in the bed, like she wasn’t asleep, and she invited the man in.

“Good afternoon, Ms.Y/L/N,” he opened the door, holding a tray of what must have been the fruit bowl choice she saw on the lunch menu. He placed the small meal on Y/N’s bedside, “about forty-five minutes before we land. You should find a seatbelt in this seat should you prefer to stay in here,” he nodded. Y/N didn’t say anything. There was a certain burn within her, something that weighed clouding over every thought. Something that gave no benefit of the doubt, something that pointed the finger at everyone but her. She was annoyed at Jonathan already. Waking her up to tell her they’ll be in Richmond in forty minutes. Waking her up as if she had to pack her things and get ready. But she shook it off, for now. And when would she really see him again?

“Thank you,” she forced herself to say. Jonathan hadn’t really done anything wrong.

“I’ll check back in once it’s time,” he nodded, turning away and strolling once more out of the bedroom.



At least Jonathan remained quiet for their journey through the terminal. Only at the first doors did he say goodbye and wish her luck. And Y/N responded with that same tired smile she’d given him the entire flight. And she stepped out of the doors, then the second, seeing Warren’s black SUV right out front as Katherine said it would be. As well as someone leaning against it. Someone she hadn’t mentioned.

“Oh my god…” She whispered, and Stefan Salvatore looked up at her words.

“Y/N…” He muttered, stepping forward. Y/N took no time making her way over to him. And he met her in the middle, stepping forward with his arms out, to wrap sweetly around her. She ran into his arms, smelling the familiar flowers and cedar that Stefan always smelled of, feeling the friendliness and warmth of his touch.

A cry passed her lips, tears blurred her eyes, and she held Stefan tight.

They stayed there for perhaps minutes, Y/N so quick to cries and sobs and Stefan just there for her. However long she needed. And finally, once her sniffles and wheezes and cries lessened, he spoke up.

“Let’s get you home, okay?” He whispered, rubbing her back up and down, offering a comfort she could barely remember.

She nodded, opening her eyes finally, and pulling away slightly. And as he stepped back to open the door for her, she missed the care of such comfort. The warmth and weight of a hug like that. But like she was so used to, Y/N shook it off, and stepped into the vehicle.

The SUV was only slightly different than the one she and Katherine had taken months back. Back when she was visiting the old vampire’s estate. Same layout, same divider between the front and back, same lighting and comforts, but the tint wasn’t as strong. Only five percent on the back windows, and Y/N was quite grateful for it.

She looked forward to watching the trees on the each side of the interstate grow taller and thicker, older and leafier as they travelled closer to Mystic Falls.

“I’ve gotta ask...” Stefan began as Warren left the city, “How’s Damon? Why wasn’t he sent with you?”

And Y/N immediately shook her head, looking down at her hands, “He’s okay.” She nodded, “He's okay, but I don’t know what’s going on with him, really,” she shrugged, “Katherine said he would be on a flight in fourteen hours, should be on it soon,” she shrugged, “he was doing really bad while we were there…”

“You were together, then?” Stefan asked, turning in his seat slightly, ready to listen to anything she’d give him.

“Mhm,” she nodded, “Elias had us in his estate in Caen. He didn’t permit me any time with Damon until nearly a month in. He was…” She drifted off, heading shaking slowly and eyes still as she remembered what he looked like that first time Elias brought her to him. Unconscious and hurt. Bloody and beaten in that enchanted room. “Elias tortured him the entire time. Could have very well been a daily occurrence, but I didn’t see him enough to know.” She said, sight blurring before she could even realise.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

“The girls will want to see you,” he sipped his drink, leaning against the familiar, too-large kitchen island.

“Of that I have no doubt,” she sighed, resting her arms comfortably atop her knees brought up to her chest, “but I do not wish to see them just yet,” she shook her head, relaxing her neck and letting her brow rest against her forearms.

“‘Do not wish to see them’?” He asked, brows pulling together slightly,

Just. Yet.” She repeated that last part it seemed he purposefully forgot.

“Fair enough,” he nodded, “but they’ve been really worried these past couple of months, Y/N. They need to know you’re safe, that Damon will be. They’re completely out of the loop, they don’t even know I’m back yet.”

Y/N’s face wound with a wonder, and she looked up at the young vampire. “You’ve been gone?” She asked, realising she hadn’t put too far a thought into what her friend’s in the West were up to.

“Cross the country. West Coast mostly. Was in Newport Beach when I heard you were on a flight.” he nodded,

“Why? Why there?”

He shrugged, eyes away from hers, like he didn’t really want to say. “I was looking for Damon. For you.”

“And what could have possibly been in Orange County? Why not go to Katherine?”

“We did go to Katherine.”

“And what, you decided you knew better without her, then?”

“Caroline and I were at Katherine’s estate for maybe a week before she and one of her guests decided to leave the country without notice,” his eyes narrowed at hers, challenging, “and we could have stayed at the estate for the rest of the time. Been useless. But we went back to Mystic Falls, and I went anywhere I could to seek answers anyone would give me.” He said with a careful tone, she knew.

And the thought of how quick she was to assume negligence, crossed only one of their minds, for Y/N was too wrapped up in wondering why Stefan was suddenly so defensive on where he was and how quickly.

But she wouldn’t press him. “Then you have my thanks for your--however significant--collaboration with Katherine.” She said, catching a small narrow of his eyes.

“Why do you talk formal to me?” He asked, and at that, Y/N looked at him.

Something softened in her gaze at the question and she shook her head. "A habit. One I’ll need to break.”

“Elias?” Stefan asked, stepping forward for the table she sat at, and pulling out the chair across from her.

“Yes,” she sighed, eyes relaxing shut for a moment before she looked back up at Stefan, “thought my speech too informal for someone under an esteemed Lord such as himself.” She muttered, making no unusual expression, but there was a glint in her eye reading a sudden wrath. “I’ve had difficulty…” She started again, but clicked her tongue all annoyed and glanced to her side then back to him, “it’s been hard speaking like a normal person. Getting used to it again,” she shook her head, eyes moving about the old kitchen of the Boarding House. “I missed being here…” She said quietly, taking in the old grey brick and the dark walnut cupboards and drawers. The huge slab of dark granite in the middle of the kitchen, matching counters on the walls surrounding. The dishes drying in the rack, unlike at Elias’ estate, where it would always be spotless and messless.

Stefan didn’t say much, but his eyes were heavy on her. Like he calculated what every word she said or every movement she did meant. And it was already growing to irk her, but for now she would let it slide. Let his initial worry and angst of her state be unbothered or rivalled by her spreading unfriendliness and frustration.

“Well,” she sighed, feeling his gaze hard on her still, but ignoring it best she could, “I need to be alone for a moment, but you may call them should you desire. I’ll be ready for them in a half hour.” She walked away from Stefan, out of the kitchen and to Damon’s room. A much shorter walk to her destination than any of the other home’s she’d been staying in.

Stefan was getting on her nerves more rapidly as she thought of what they spoke of. How so clearly useless he had been–Caroline too–for Katherine and this unnamed guest to just leave them in the dust. How he decided to seek answers in only America for the entire two months. And he knew of Elias’ origin. Knew it was in Normandy that all of Elias’ juveniles had resided in for however long at some point in each of their vampire lives. Only for her to be rescued by strangers that treated the entire ordeal as a boring chore they just had to check off their to-do list.

She pushed open Damon’s door and shut it quickly behind her.

His beautiful sweet and cool cologne wafted up her nose, as if it lingered permanently about his room, no matter the time passed. He’d be able to wear that cologne again soon. Fourteen hours, Katherine had said before her flight. Perhaps Damon was arriving in America just then.

A flutter of butterflies, or perhaps adrenaline, burst in her stomach, shooting up her throat almost nauseating. Certainly he’d have enough time to heal on the flight. Maybe she would watch him simply waltz through the front door, uttering a too-cool remark about how much he hated Elias and how Elias was so dead.

Or, maybe, he wouldn’t be so casual. Wouldn’t be so humourous. He was… So hurt. So injured. Bruised and cut and broken and maimed on nearly every patch of skin Y/N was permitted to see, forget what she couldn’t. No. There wouldn’t be any humour. How could there be?



That near half hour later, a polite knock came to Damon’s door, followed by the once sweet voices of Elena, Bonnie and Caroline altogether.



“Y/N can we come in?” They called through the door. And without her really wanting to, Y/N’s eyes squeezed shut at the girls’ voices. She didn’t want to see them. Not then. Not the next day. Maybe not even the next week.

But she swallowed that darkness inside of her, and put on a fake tone of excitement, hidden slightly behind a veil of enervation, “come in,” she said, letting a smile widen her face. At once, a familiar blonde pushed open the door, and all three stepped inside quickly, Stefan behind them. Y/N stood from the bed, and regardless of whatever groundless anger or impertinence she felt toward anyone who stepped into the room, a true smile widened the fake one she had plastered on her lips. Her brows pulled together at the beautiful sight of her friends. And immediately, near every eye in the room filled with tears.

“Oh Y/N,” Caroline cried, pulling her friend into her arms without any hesitation. And Y/N too wrapped her arms around the comfort of her friend, eyes squeezed shut and lips trembling.

“Caroline,” she whispered, arms tightening around her friend, “Bonnie, Elena, come here,” Y/N peered her eyes open for a moment, inviting the other two into the hug. And with cries they both did, enclosing the worn girl in their affection.

“God,” Caroline sighed, reaching for Y/N’s upper arms and pulling away slightly. Bonnie reached for Y/N’s cheek, swiping away the tears, Elena got her other cheek.

“I missed you all,” Y/N nodded, face winding up again, poignant. The girls matched Y/N’s expression, leaning forward again and bringing her into another, longer hug.

“God, okay, okay, what can I do?” Caroline asked, pulling away again, “what can I do to help? Can I get you anything? Do you want to talk about anything?” She asked with haste, but Y/N quickly responded with a shake of the head,

“No, no. No talking. Not yet,” she said, closing her eyes for a moment, “it’s all still a lot,” Y/N nodded, “I should like to talk of anything else,” she smiled, giving them a nod. And they returned it, with small smiles that told Y/N just how much they pitied her.

And despite that pity, and how much it already begun loathe her, she ignored it as she ignored Stefan’s calculating eyes on her.

“Anything else, huh?” Bonnie asked, swiping a final tear from Y/N’s cheek with her bare hand. Y/N chuckled weakly, turning back for the bed. She moved to the middle, making room for the girls to join her.

Anything else,” Y/N nodded, “I’d much rather hear each of your day to days than discuss mine,” she said as her friends joined her.

They were good friends. They listened to her. “Well,” Elena started, “there was school, of course, but…” She shrugged.

“Honestly, Y/N, we were pretty preoccupied trying to figure out anything about you, Damon or Elias,” Bonnie said. Caroline looked between Bonnie and Elena, who seemed to scour their minds for any other bits of import that hadn’t anything to do with Y/N or Damon or the vile Elias. And when Caroline at Y/N, she saw her friend was rather troubled, in a way, at them bringing such a thing up. Afterall, she said she wanted nothing more than to speak of anything but.

“Well,” Caroline shrugged, earning a curious look from each of them. Even Stefan, who still stood, but leaned against Damon’s bedpost. “It was just on the news when Stefan called me, but, weird sh*t’s going on in Atlantic City,” she offered, making a face like she didn’t know how important Y/N would think it.

“What do you mean?” Elena asked. And Y/N liked that she wasn’t the only one who didn’t know about what Caroline spoke of.

“Well, it’s probably on YouTube, Y/N you have your laptop?”

Y/N nodded, “yeah, it’s charging there,” she pointed to the bedside closest to Caroline, and the blonde reached for it. She made quick work, tapping on its keyboard and pulling up the nearly forgotten social media.

God Y/N missed her computer too…

“Okay…” Caroline said, typing in ‘Atlantic City June 2nd 2023’

“Mm, one sec,” Stefan muttered to the girls, pulling a buzzing phone from his jeans. “Hey, everything okay?” He asked quietly into the phone. Caroline clicked on the second video that popped up.

A news reporter began speaking at once. “One hour ago, multiple civilians reported sightings of a military jet east-bound from the Philadelphia tri-state area. We can now confirm that a F-22 Raptor has shot down a civilian aircraft a short five miles from Atlantic City’s waterfront. We can assure there is no need for panic and we ask everyone to remain calm as authorities continue this investigation.”

And Caroline pressed pause.

“See? Weird sh*t,” Caroline shrugged.

“That was all her,” Stefan said suddenly, and each girl turned to him at once. His arm relaxed to his side, no longer on the line with whoever had called him. And the four that sat on the bed looked at him with a puzzle, not knowing quite what he spoke of. Except Y/N, perhaps, with that small pull of anxiety within her at Stefan’s words.“Her or someone else in the rescue party…” His brows pulled together, eyes narrowing at the sight on that laptop.

Katherine?” Bonnie asked, just above a whisper.

“She did it…” His head shook, eyes glued to the computer,

What?” Caroline stood up, nearing him at once, “Katherine did that? How do you know?” She demanded, the girls all watching for his answer, but Y/N. She too looked at the plane through the computer.

“She just called me… Asked if I’d seen the news…” He shook his head, glancing at each face before landing on Y/N’s.

“Then who was on the plane?” Elena asked, and Y/N held back a scoff at her foolishness.

And then at once, both Stefan and Y/N spoke.

“Elias Tyrell.”


literally the end.

Yes I'm annoyed that main girl is being ungrateful for her rescue. I guess it'll be something to unpack in the sequel....

Anyway thank you all so much for reading this, and thank you to those who've stuck with it since the beginning. Will be posting an announcement here at some pointttt within the next couple months!

check out for visuals :)

as always
~~much love

Love Unwritten - whatweknew - The Vampire Diaries (TV) [Archive of Our Own] (2024)


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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Views: 5907

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.