How the Ultrawealthy Have Exploited Roth IRAs (2024)

When individual retirement accounts (IRAs) were first introduced almost half a century ago, they were intended to help everyday Americans set some money aside for their retirement years. But the tax incentives that the new accounts provided weren’t lost on the rich or their accountants.

In recent decades, with the advent of the Roth IRA and relaxed restrictions on IRA rollovers, ultrawealthy Americans have reportedly built tax-sheltered accounts worth many millions—or even billions—of dollars. Here is how that happened.

Key Takeaways

  • Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) were introduced in the 1970s as a way for workers without pensions to set some money aside for retirement and get a tax deduction for their contributions.
  • The Roth IRA was added in 1997. Unlike the traditional IRA, Roth IRAs offered no tax breaks for contributions but allowed for tax-free withdrawals later.
  • While people with incomes over a certain amount are ineligible to contribute directly to a Roth IRA, they can contribute to a traditional IRA, then roll over that money into a Roth.
  • That strategy, called a backdoor Roth IRA, has allowed some wealthy Americas to build Roth IRA accounts with multimillion-dollar balances that will never be taxed.

IRAs Were Controversial from the Start

IRAs first became available in the early 1970s, made possible by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. Workers could put up to $1,500 of their income into an IRA each year and pay no tax on the money until they later withdrew it.

Initially, IRAs were limited to people without retirement plans at work, but that changed in 1981, when the Economic Recovery Tax Act opened them up to all workers and their spouses. The Tax Reform Act of 1986 then tightened the rules, setting income limits for tax-deductible contributions, based on whether the employee had access to a retirement plan at work. The new rules significantly reduced the number of people who could, and did, contribute to IRAs.

As commonplace as they seem today, IRAs were controversial in those early decades. Opponents argued that they gave a needless tax break to middle- and high-income Americans at the general public’s (and the U.S. Treasury’s) expense. As The Washington Post summed up the argument in 1989, IRAs “simply rewarded people pretty far up the income scale for doing something they would have done anyway.”

Enter the Roth IRA

By 1991, however, lawmakers had begun to discuss adding a second kind of IRA: the back-loaded or “Super IRA,” which—unlike existing IRAs—would provide no immediate tax deduction but allow for tax-free withdrawals in future years. Perhaps not surprisingly, that concept was controversial, too.

Six years later, however, the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 introduced just such an IRA. It came to be known as the Roth IRA, in honor of longtime IRA advocate William V. Roth Jr., then a Republican U.S. senator from Delaware.

Americans could open a Roth IRA in two ways: through annual contributions, much like a traditional IRA (but without a tax deduction), or by converting all or part of an existing traditional IRA into a Roth (and paying tax on the amount that they converted). In both cases, the law set income limits on who was eligible.

In 2010, however, the income limits on IRA conversions were lifted.

Anyone, no matter how wealthy, could convert a traditional IRA into a Roth if they were willing to pay the taxes. That led to the invention of the backdoor Roth IRA. Taxpayers who had too much income to contribute directly to a Roth could contribute to a traditional IRA, then roll over the money into a Roth. (There are no income limits on contributing to a traditional IRA today, although the extent to which a contribution is deductible depends on both the person’s income and whether they’re covered by another retirement plan at work.)

Multimillion-Dollar Roth IRAs

A 2014 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report delivered the surprising news that, as of 2011, some U.S. taxpayers had managed to accumulate $5 million or more in their IRAs. “A small number of individuals have found IRAs, and in particular Roth IRAs, to be an advantageous investment vehicle for purchasing disproportionately profitable assets at a low initial value, or transferring such assets from employer-sponsored plans, without paying more than a nominal amount of tax on their gains,” the GAO explained.

The report added, “The use of IRAs permits these individuals to accumulate far more in resources, under favorable tax treatment, than may be reasonably necessary to support them in retirement.”

In response, the Senate Finance Committee in 2016 proposed the Retirement Improvements and Savings Enhancements (RISE) Act, which would have, among other things, eliminated all Roth IRA conversions—not only from traditional IRAs but also from employer-sponsored plans like 401(k)s. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the committee’s ranking member, said, “It’s time to face the fact that our tax code needs a dose of fairness when it comes to retirement savings, and that starts with cracking down on massive Roth IRA accounts built on assets from sweetheart, inside deals.”

The RISE Act failed to get off the ground, but the idea of restricting Roth IRA conversions lived on.

A $5 Billion Roth IRA

In July 2021, the Senate Finance Committee released a report showing that as of 2019, the number of taxpayers with at least $5 million in their IRAs had more than tripled since the 2014 GAO report. The numbers were still relatively small—about 28,000 taxpayers—but revealing. Of the 497 individuals with IRAs worth $25 million or more, the average account balance was greater than $150 million. The report called the accounts “mega IRAs.”

The Senate committee report came in the wake of a June 2021 ProPublica article based on what it said was tax return data from “thousands of the country’s wealthiest people.” It singled out tech investor Peter Thiel as an example, saying that over 20 years, he had managed to build a Roth IRA worth $5 billion.

ProPublica maintained that Thiel and others had “made an end run around the rules,” and it explained how that could be accomplished:

“Open a Roth with $2,000 or less. Get a sweetheart deal to buy a stake in a startup that has a good chance of one day exploding in value. Pay just fractions of a penny per share, a price low enough to buy huge numbers of shares. Watch as all the gains on that stock—no matter how giant—are shielded from taxes forever, as long as the IRA remains untouched until age 59 and a half. Then use the proceeds, still inside the Roth, to make other investments.”

The article’s headline crowned Thiel “Lord of the Roths.” It also showed that the back door isn’t the only route to great Roth IRA wealth, for those who find the right startup shares to buy for their accounts in a year when their incomes qualify them to invest in a Roth.

The Biden Administration Took Aim

In 2021, the Biden administration took up the cause, making several IRA-related provisions part of its Build Back Better framework. That November, the House passed its version of the Build Back Better Act. The legislation would have prohibited the rollover of after-tax contributions from traditional to Roth IRAs after Dec. 31, 2021.

The bill would have effectively ended backdoor Roths that are funded by contributions to nondeductible IRAs. However, the Build Back Better Act was rejected by the Senate and a slimmed down version of the bill was signed into law in August—the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. The law did not limit Roth conversions, and no current legislation has language that would do so.

What’s the Difference Between Roth and Traditional IRAs?

The major difference is how the two individual retirement account (IRA) types are taxed. Contributions to a traditional IRA are eligible for an up-front tax deduction, but withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. With a Roth IRA, there’s no up-front tax deduction, but withdrawals are tax free, subject to certain rules.

What Are the Limits on Roth IRA Contributions?

In 2023, total IRA contributions are limited to $7,000 for anyone under age 50 and $8,000 for those 50 and older. That’s per person; married couples can each have an IRA, effectively doubling the amount. There are also income limits on who is eligible for a Roth IRA.

What Is a Backdoor Roth IRA?

With a backdoor Roth IRA, someone whose income is too high to qualify for a Roth IRA first opens a traditional IRA (for which there are no income limits), then converts that account into a Roth IRA. There are also no income limits for Roth IRA conversions.

The Bottom Line

IRAs, which were created to encourage Americans with modest incomes to save for retirement, have since become a way for the ultrawealthy to enlarge their wealth and shield it from taxation. That has been particularly true with Roth IRAs. Congress has attempted to clamp down on practices such as backdoor IRAs through new legislation, but with little success to date.

How the Ultrawealthy Have Exploited Roth IRAs (2024)


How do the wealthy use Roth IRA? ›

How Does the “Rich Person's Roth” Work? Another advantage is there are also no annual contribution maximums. Depending on how the policy is set up, you may be able to contribute an endless amount of money each year, which will not only grow tax-free, but will also be tax-free upon withdrawal.

What is the controversy with Roth IRAs? ›

The article seems to allege that Roth IRAs are being used as illegal tax shelters by using them to purchase assets at below-market value. It states: "Thiel paid $0.001 per share — yes, just a tenth of a penny — for 1.7 million shares. At that price, he was able to buy a large stake for just $1,700.

How does Peter Thiel have 5 billion in Roth IRA? ›

According to ProPublica, Thiel was able to build a $2,000 Roth into a $5 billion tax-free kitty because he used the money in the account from the sale of eBay shares to buy shares of other startups at low prices.

Why can't rich people contribute to Roth IRA? ›

"Unfortunately, the income limits on Roth IRAs make it difficult for many higher-income individuals to contribute directly to these accounts," said Hayden Adams, CPA, CFP®, director of tax and wealth management at the Schwab Center for Financial Research.

How do people have millions in a Roth IRA? ›

Still, the math behind becoming a Roth IRA millionaire still holds. Assuming an annual January contribution to your Roth IRA of $6,500 and an 8% average long-term investment return, you can expect to become an IRA millionaire in just under 34 years.

What income is too high for Roth IRA? ›

The consequences of a high income on Roth IRA contributions

If your income exceeds the cap — $161,000 for single filers, $240,000 for married couples filing jointly — you may not contribute to a Roth.

Are Roth IRAs in danger? ›

Are Roth IRAs safe? Every investment carries risk, so you have to decide whether a Roth IRA aligns with your financial situation and goals. Also note that a Roth IRA is simply a tax-advantaged account you use to invest; the investments are what carry risk.

At what age does a Roth IRA not make sense? ›

Even when you're close to retirement or already in retirement, opening this special retirement savings vehicle can still make sense under some circ*mstances. There is no age limit to open a Roth IRA, but there are income and contribution limits that investors should be aware of before funding one.

Why is my Roth IRA losing so much money? ›

Market fluctuations and early withdrawal penalties can cause a Roth IRA to lose money. Investing late or contributing too much can also result in potential losses. Diversification and considering time horizon can help mitigate risks in a Roth IRA.

Who owns the largest Roth IRA? ›

The story, based on confidential IRS data obtained by ProPublica, revealed that tech mogul Peter Thiel has the largest known Roth IRA, worth $5 billion as of 2019.

Who has the most money in Roth IRA? ›

Few stories have captivated the public's imagination quite like that of Peter Thiel's Roth IRA. Here is the journey from a modest contribution of $1,700 to +$5 billion, step by step.

What is backdoor Roth IRA? ›

A backdoor Roth IRA is a conversion that allows high earners to open a Roth IRA despite IRS-imposed income limits. Basically, you put money you've already paid taxes on in a traditional IRA, then convert your contributed money into a Roth IRA, and you're done.

What is the rich man's Roth IRA? ›

The Rich Man's Roth is an investment plan that allows high-income earners to enjoy tax-free growth of wealth and tax-free income. To achieve this, permanent cash value life insurance can be utilized so that one may build a large nest egg for retirement with no taxes imposed on the money stored in it.

Do billionaires have a Roth IRA? ›

I know you're shocked to be reading that the tax code is being exploited by some gazillionaire to avoid paying their fair share. But let's look at how a Roth IRA has turned into the go-to vehicle for sheltering billionaires' billions in appreciation.

Is the backdoor Roth going away in 2024? ›

Right now, the mega backdoor Roth is not going away as long as your employer plan allows it. That's good news! But it's not permanent news – there could be legislation on the way that eliminates the option to make after-tax contributions.

How to be a millionaire with Roth IRA? ›

Here's a breakdown of the steps to becoming a Roth IRA Millionaire:
  1. Open a Roth IRA account. ...
  2. Fund the maximum allowable contributions. ...
  3. Invest in low-cost index funds. ...
  4. Repeat every year. ...
  5. Be Patient. ...
  6. Other ways to fund your Roth IRA. ...
  7. The Bottom Line.
May 31, 2024

Can high earners use Roth IRA? ›

Income limits for Roth IRAs

$146,000 to $161,000 for individuals filing as single or head of household. $230,000 to $240,000 for married couples filing jointly. $0 to $10,000 for married individuals filing separately.

Is a Roth IRA a good way to build wealth? ›

A Roth IRA has some powerful tax benefits and the potential to grow your money exponentially before retirement. However, it's important to understand how these accounts work, what return you can expect, and how to maximize your account.

How can I make the most money with a Roth IRA? ›

Strategies to Manage Your IRA
  1. Start Early. Compounding has a snowball effect, especially when it's tax-deferred or tax-free. ...
  2. Don't Wait Until Tax Day. ...
  3. Think About Your Entire Portfolio. ...
  4. Consider Investing in Individual Stocks. ...
  5. Consider Converting to a Roth IRA. ...
  6. Name a Beneficiary.


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