Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (2024)

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Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (4)

Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (6)

Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (7)


Bryony Jewell


13th April 2024



Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (8)


Bryony Jewell


13th April 2024



Hannah Berner has told how she finds the attention around her and husband Des Bishop's age gap amusing, saying that she's 'lucky' to have found a man who 'understands who he is'.

The comedian from Brooklyn, New York, and Des, 48, who lived in Ireland during his teens before moving back to the States, tied the knot in the Hamptons in May 2022.

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Speaking about their difference in age with the Irish Independent ahead of her gigs at Vicar Street in May, Hannah said: 'I’m 32, like I’m not a 20-year-old who doesn’t know what’s going on.'

Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (9)

She continued: 'I think, in your 20s, you don’t really know what you want. I think, as a woman, when you’re in your 30s, you want to be with a guy who has matured.

'His brain is fully formed. He understands who he is, he can handle a woman who is confident in herself. And I think I’m lucky that I found that guy. He’s experienced a lot in his own life.'

Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (10)

Hannah's never shied away from speaking about their age gap, she even made a brutal joke about it in her wedding speech, and in 2022 wrote an article titled 'Why I Chose to Marry a Zaddy⁠—And You Should, Too' for Elle.

In her post, she admitted that her 'silver fox' had caught her eye six years before sliding into her DMs but she thought a long-term relationship wouldn't work with Des in Ireland and her in the US.

She wrote that the age gap brought qualities in a partner she had never had before. Describing their first date as 'refreshing', Hannah said: 'He didn’t go in for a kiss at the end, and I liked that.

'I was emotionally connecting with him while wondering deep down what it would be like to date my first silver fox.'

Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (11)

Hannah and Des met during the pandemic and their connection was instant, with Hannah admitting that the early days of their relationship were 'intense'.

She told the Irish Independent: 'We got engaged before we even experienced being in a restaurant together. We’ve been married for two years, but we’re still kind of learning about each other.'

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Hannah Berner Amused By Attention On Her And Husband Des Bishop's Age Gap (2024)


What is the age gap between Hannah Berner and her husband? ›

While Bravo fans have been supportive of the Summer House alum's blossoming romance with the native New Yorker, others can't help but point out their 15-year age difference. Still, the gap has only benefited their relationship, according to Berner.

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What is Hannah Berner's age? Hannah is 32 years old, while her husband, Des, is 48. On the Chat Room, Hannah explained why she enjoyed dating an older gentleman. "Guys in their 20s are insecure.

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In February 2021, Bishop became engaged to Hannah Berner, a main cast member on the reality television series Summer House. They married at Bishop's home in The Hamptons in New York State on 13 May 2022.

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Hannah Berner started seeing now-husband Des Bishop before she began filming season 5 of Summer House in 2020 — and their romance not only survived the show, but they have since tied the knot.

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It's been awhile since Summer House fans have seen Hannah Berner, but it turns out that the alum is truly thriving in both her career and personal life — both of which still include her bestie and current Hamptons housemate, Paige DeSorbo.

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Hannah Berner and Des Bishop's Relationship Timeline

“He's a comedian, and I had watched him like five years ago at a comedy club. And then he DM'd me recently and I was like, 'Oh, that's the funny, cute guy. '” Hannah and Des got engaged on Valentine's Day 2021 and tied the knot in May of last year.

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Hannah, 30, and Des, 46, tied the knot on Friday, May 13, in a Hamptons beachfront ceremony. The couple got engaged on Valentine's Day in 2021. The following month, the “Berning in Hell” podcaster posed with her fiancé and showed off her ring via Instagram. “Thanks for the engagement shoot mom!

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Paige DeSorbo's boyfriend was Perry Rahbar from 2019 to 2020

"I didn't feel ready to take on certain things that I know that he is so ready for. He's 10 years older than me, so much smarter, so much more accomplished, just more mature. And I never wanted to let him down.

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Paige DeSorbo is still dating Craig Conover. They have been together since the fall of 2021. Paige DeSorbo and Craig Conover met in 2019 at a birthday party for Kyle Cooke, which was filmed for season four of Summer House. They remained friends and even starred together in the 2021 spinoff series Winter House.

Does the bishop have a wife? ›

Celibacy for religious and monastics (monks and sisters/nuns) and for bishops is upheld by the Catholic Church and the traditions of both Eastern Orthodoxy and Oriental Orthodoxy. Bishops must be unmarried men or widowers; a married man cannot become a bishop.

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A debonair angel comes to Earth to help an Episcopalian bishop and his wife in their quest to raise money for the new church.

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The comedian from Brooklyn, New York, and Des, 48, who lived in Ireland during his teens before moving back to the States, tied the knot in the Hamptons in May 2022.

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Des proposed to Hannah on Valentine's Day 2021 after dating for more than one year. “We clicked immediately. It has been quite an intense falling in love experience,” Des gushed about Hannah during an interview with RTE Radio 1 in September 2020, shortly after the duo moved in together.

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“We had talked about getting engaged, but I felt so content and safe in our relationship, I wasn't rushing it.” Adam Woolard gets down on one knee to propose to Hannah Brown. “(I loved) not only the intimacy of the surprise by ourselves, but also how we were able to celebrate with friends and family. And the surprise.

What is Hannah Berner doing now? ›

These career paths might appear unrelated, but each one has informed the other and ultimately led Berner to where she is today, with nearly 3 million TikTok followers, two podcasts (“Giggly Squad” and “Berner Phone”), a forthcoming Netflix comedy special, a spot on Variety's 2023 list of 10 Comics to Watch, and a ...

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Luke Gulbranson

He hooked up with Lindsay during the same season, but the two are now just friends. Luke was first linked to Bachelorette alum Tayshia Adams in spring 2023. The pair were seen spending Easter together with Luke's Summer House costar Lindsay, but the picture was later deleted.

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Hannah and Paige first met when the latter came in for a job interview at a company that Hannah was working at.

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Hannah Wasn't Funny On Summer House

While her new goal is to tell fart jokes at comedy clubs, her humor didn't land on Summer House. While the reality star claims it was just time for her to move on, it's possible there were other underlying reasons for her departure.


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.