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Table of Contents
My Predictions & Interviews Gali Lucy Predictions Gali Lucy Predictions Gali Lucy- Unites States Elections - 12 August 2024 Gali Lucy - Israel Prediction - August 6.2024 Gali Lucy - Israel Prediction - "Attack" from Iran, short darkness, Deep state: cleaning & arresting Gali Lucy - Prediction 2024 Gali Lucy Interviews Gali Lucy Interviews 2023-12-28 - Gali Lucy 2024 Predictions - Interview with Mark Attwood Интервью Гали Люси с Мариной Лифшиз - Война в Израиле - 17 октября 2023 г. Гали Люся Интервью с Мариной Лифшиз - Прогнозы - 28 мая 2023 May 31, 2021 - JC Kay, Gali Lucy, Mark Attwood We are currently experiencing wonderful global chaos while the Paledians are cleaning up the world from the Deep state/cabal that destroyed the world for hundreds of years, and from the Reptilians who ruled underground for thousands of years. The world is being cleaned of corruption, corrupt economies, human evil, child kidnapping, pedophilia, drugs, weapons, and human trafficking.Humanity is separating from the Pisces age and entering the upcoming Aquarius Age, which will officially start in the year 2106, the age of healing, revealing the truth with quick justice, rapid death penalty, minimalization, inflation, and spirituality.In 2025, the year of light will enter, and peace in the Middle East will be announced.In 2027 and onwards, there will be public welcome encounters between humans and different life forms /aliens.Up to 2030, there will be a worldwide peace.Long before 2106, governments and intelligence agencies gradually will collapse, borders will be removed, citizens of the world will unite and establish communities, religions will be replaced with free faith, and the power will come back to the citizens, who will create their own community institutions. 1 4 2 5 3 מדיום, תחזיות ויעוץ טלפוני אישי Psychic - Medium, predictions, and phone personal counseling FAQs References

About me

Gali Lucy,

Psychic - medium, Author, Singer, Composer, and Architecture Engineer, who channels with The Creation's Entities since the age of six, using only her brain without additional tools.

As she wrote in her books - she came from the middle of the Age of Aquarius, year 3126.

She is highly respected around the world for her astonishing accuracy in predicting the future, both on a personal and global level, using X-ray remote vision ability.

She consults on a wide variety of topics around the world. All of her books were dictated to her through channeling.

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The war of light in the dark

Many came back in time from the futurealong with angels in a human body while scattered in all the countries worldwide.In order to save humanity from thousands of years of Satan's control,clean up the world and build the infrastructure for the Age of Aquarius.

At the beginning of each book, she mentions events from her life. A special event happened to her in 2014, in the process of writing her first book Divine Creation:

She experienced an encounter with the devil, who paralyzed her to the bed and leaned over her,

and then she threw him away fromher with a huge ball of firelight, that rose upfrom her stomach to her arm, and he vanished, he disappeared within a second.

Therefore, in the year 2014 = the world began its separation from Satan's world.

From 2014 until the end of 2024, the power centers of the Deep State, including their slaves, will be eliminated.

Summary 2024 Prediction:

From 2020 up to 2023. God held back his game and stopped the world for 3 years, it was From March 2020 until May 2023 – when the 'plandemic' occurred - to stop and take out of the game- those people who failed the test, by worshiping Satan and destroying God's creations.

God stopped the world for 3 years because the time has come to change an age, according to the game, moving from Pisces to Aquarius. To Clean up the world from human destruction, save the children, reveal the truth about governments, and bring back the power to the citizens by awaking them through chaos, because every new beginning requires chaos.

As I explained in my book 'The Future', there is a cycle of 52 years, that repeats itself and is divided into 25 years of chaos and then 27 years of new creation. On December 2023 we are ending 25 years of chaos and in 2024 we will begin the 27 years of new creation, that will start with distractions of the old corrupted world. Since 2018, Israel has belonged to the US and is under the control of the US Army and white hats under President Trump and the galactic coalition - who are saving humanity, they are hunting, arresting, exposing, and eliminating the reptilians and about 500K-800K members of the Cabal-Deep State inside the Army, parliament in Israel (which are millions in the world).

  • The Israelihostages will return gradually in exchange for Arab security prisoners.

  • Some of the Gaza citizens will move to Egypt and some to the Palestinian Authority, which will build a state with a port in Israel.

  • In March 2024 in Israel and other countries - there will be a short lockdown, based on medical OR security OR EBS, in order to catch the enemies within / Deep State Cabal.

  • This is a biblical correction, from the time of Abraham and Sarah, finally now, Hagar and Ishmael will receive recognition and state.

  • In the second half of 2024, Trump will be back (May Or Oct) after the arrest of Biden the actor.

  • There will be huge public pressure from both sides in Israel - to sign a peace agreement by Trump, that will lead to peace in the Middle East, which will be announced in 2025, the year of the light, while peace in the Middle East is already sign in 2018 by President Trump. as I predicted in my book 'Divine Creation' in 2014.

  • Remember, that once there is peace in Israel, then world peace will gradually spread. What Israel is going through, every country in the world will go through from 2025 ongoing. First a cleanup from the Cabal-Deep State, then a situation of war, and at the end, a peace agreement will be signed. world peace will be achieved between 3-5 years.

  • In the second half of 2024, the truth will be revealed worldwide on TV, including the medical scam that killed millions and the public's outrage will rise and gradually abolish all government by creating new communities and social systems.

  • An Islamic war will rise worldwide, first against the Hebrew People and gradually against everything different from theirs, and it will take 3-5 years, to destroy all religions, then citizens will unite and protect each other. The deep state paid corrupt leaders in Africa, to create wars, so that refugees would flee to Europe and other countries, to destroy their countries from within.

  • A huge amount of people will die, to unite and raise the public worldwide, which will abolish religions, governments, and borders, while humanity will meet the aliens from 2028 - The songs from today will be spiritual, thank The Creation and every person is a singer.

  • From 2024 the wealth and health will be taken from those who had and will be given to those who struggled and suffered. A global correction has begun, the truth is revealed and justice will be done after thousands of years of slavery, domination, and suffering.

  • My dear ones Welcome to the Age of Aquarius :) Gali Lucy

My Predictions & Interviews

Gali Lucy Predictions

Gali Lucy Predictions

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מציג עכשיו

Gali Lucy- Unites States Elections - 12 August 2024


צפייה בסרטון

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מציג עכשיו

Gali Lucy - Israel Prediction - August 6.2024


צפייה בסרטון

English | Gali4u.com (5)

מציג עכשיו

Gali Lucy - Israel Prediction - "Attack" from Iran, short darkness, Deep state: cleaning & arresting


צפייה בסרטון

English | Gali4u.com (6)

מציג עכשיו

Gali Lucy - Prediction 2024


צפייה בסרטון

Gali Lucy Interviews

Gali Lucy Interviews

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חיפוש סרטון...

כל הקטגוריות

כל הקטגוריות
People & Blogs

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מציג עכשיו

2023-12-28 - Gali Lucy 2024 Predictions - Interview with Mark Attwood


צפייה בסרטון

English | Gali4u.com (9)

מציג עכשיו

Интервью Гали Люси с Мариной Лифшиз - Война в Израиле - 17 октября 2023 г.


צפייה בסרטון

English | Gali4u.com (10)

מציג עכשיו

Гали Люся Интервью с Мариной Лифшиз - Прогнозы - 28 мая 2023


צפייה בסרטון

English | Gali4u.com (11)

מציג עכשיו

May 31, 2021 - JC Kay, Gali Lucy, Mark Attwood


צפייה בסרטון

Gali Lucy is the author of the books:

1. Divine Creation

The meaning of life, who is God / The Creation, The Creators, The Created. Who created humanity on Earth? What is the purpose of humanity?

2. The Aquarius Age

We are gradually departing from the Pisces Age, rich in education, inventions, and technologies based on water, an Age of men, religions, and material spirituality. And entering the Aquarius Age, rich in advanced technologies based on air/gas pressure, aviation, and speed, an Age of women and united communities with world peace, spirituality, and encounters with our Creators, the aliens.

3. The Future: Based on the Ages theory

Astrological and numerological research regarding the Zodiac. She moved in time 4,000 years backward and 25,000 years forward, and discovered there is a mathematical pattern.

4. Messages from the Mystical Cards

The book contains 52 messages in the cards, which were received by the author with the help of channeling from The Creation Entities, in order to give hope and help.

5. Lenormand Tarot Deck Meaning: A guidebook channeled through Anne-Marie Adelaide's spirit.

Madame Lenormand was a psychic for over 40 years and gained much publicity and recognition in Europe for the advice she gave to Napoleon and his wife Josephine, the leaders of the French Revolution, and the French aristocrats. Upon her retirement from work, she returned to her hometown, even wealthier than the king of France. After her death, she didn't leave detailed information on how to read her cards.

Hence, in 2014 Gali Lucy decided to contact her and received simple instructions regarding how to read them. She wrote this guidebook for half a year thanks to Madame Lenormand's permission to channel with her.

Gali Lucy also sings frequency songs on her Gali Lucy YouTube Channel, while The Creation’s Entities are channeling through her.

We are currently experiencing wonderful global chaos while the Paledians are cleaning up the world from the Deep state/cabal that destroyed the world for hundreds of years, and from the Reptilians who ruled underground for thousands of years. The world is being cleaned of corruption, corrupt economies, human evil, child kidnapping, pedophilia, drugs, weapons, and human trafficking.
Humanity is separating from the Pisces age and entering the upcoming Aquarius Age, which will officially start in the year 2106, the age of healing, revealing the truth with quick justice, rapid death penalty, minimalization, inflation, and spirituality.

In 2025, the year of light will enter, and peace in the Middle East will be announced.
In 2027 and onwards, there will be public welcome encounters between humans and different life forms /aliens.
Up to 2030, there will be a worldwide peace.
Long before 2106, governments and intelligence agencies gradually will collapse, borders will be removed, citizens of the world will unite and establish communities, religions will be replaced with free faith, and the power will come back to the citizens, who will create their own community institutions.











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Put a smile on your face, believe in God with grace, cuze it's goanna to be AMAZING... Gali Lucy

חיוך על הפנים, תאמינו באלוהים כי הולך להיות מדהים.. גלי לוסי

Gali Lucy

מדיום, תחזיות ויעוץ טלפוני אישי

Psychic - Medium, predictions, and phone personal counseling

English | Gali4u.com (2024)


How to pass an English multiple choice test? ›

Use these five tips to help you ace the multiple choice questions on your tests and exams.
  1. Read the questions carefully. Make sure you understand what the question is asking. ...
  2. Answer the question without looking at the options. ...
  3. Eliminate the incorrect options. ...
  4. Answer all the questions. ...
  5. Manage your time.

How to pass the ACT English test? ›

ACT English Test Tips
  1. Be aware of the writing style used in each passage. When responding to a question, be sure to understand the context of the question. ...
  2. Examine the underlined portions of the passage. ...
  3. Note the questions with no underlined portions. ...
  4. Reread the sentence, using the answer you selected.

How to answer English speaking test? ›

Part 3 should take approximately 4 to 5 minutes to complete.
  1. Tip 1: Don't memorise answers. ...
  2. Tip 2: Don't use big and unfamiliar words. ...
  3. Tip 3: Use a range of grammatical structures. ...
  4. Tip 4: Don't worry about your accent. ...
  5. Tip 5: Pause to think. ...
  6. Tip 6: Avoid using fillers. ...
  7. Tip 7: Extend your answers.

How to pass English language test? ›

  1. Work out the practical details. ...
  2. Practice does make perfect.
  3. Purchase a test-specific textbook or prep guide.
  4. Scribble down a new word every day.
  5. Challenge your ears by listening to podcasts.
  6. Watch TV shows or films (without subtitles).
  7. Read English-language newspapers and magazines.
  8. Study on the go with an app.
May 6, 2024

How to get a 100% on a test? ›

Follow these study tips to make your best grade!
  1. Get informed. Don't walk into your test unprepared for what you will face. ...
  2. Think like your teacher. ...
  3. Make your own study aids. ...
  4. Practice for the inevitable. ...
  5. Study every day. ...
  6. Cut out the distractions. ...
  7. Divide big concepts from smaller details. ...
  8. Don't neglect the “easy” stuff.

How do you get an A on an English test? ›

Here's our advice:
  1. Study what will be on the test. ...
  2. Don't fear memorization. ...
  3. Practice tests are your friends. ...
  4. Maximize your score.

How to pass the English speaking exam? ›

Practise answering questions similar to the exam questions and do at least one full test from start to finish. Recording yourself and listening back to it may help you to find ways to improve. Prepare some answers about common topics such as work or travel, but don't plan to give a memorised answer in the exam.

How to ace your English test? ›

Top tips to help you ace your English speaking exam
  1. Research the structure of the test. ...
  2. Make sure you answer the questions. ...
  3. Prepare well but don't memorise answers. ...
  4. Learn some specialised vocabulary related to your life and interests. ...
  5. Keep an eye on the time. ...
  6. Breathe!

How do I ace my English speaking test? ›

Tip 1: Practice Makes Perfect

Regular practice is key. Try conversing in English with friends, family, or even in front of a mirror. Set aside 10-15 minutes daily for English conversation. Use various topics to improve your fluency and confidence.

What must everybody do to pass the English test? ›

Ten Top Study Tips for Passing Your English Exams
  1. Write a Timetable. ...
  2. Do your Homework. ...
  3. Learn How to Pronounce Words. ...
  4. Learn Spelling Patterns. ...
  5. Learn the Meaning of Questions. ...
  6. Learn your Stock Phrases. ...
  7. Make a List of Vocabulary. ...
  8. Immerse Yourself in the Language.

Which English test is easiest to pass? ›

To sum it all up, there really is no absolute “easier” test between IELTS vs PTE. Ultimately, it all comes down to what you're looking for, your personal preference, and what certification your desired university accepts. For those who have decided on taking the IELTS, we've got you covered.

How can I pass every English exam? ›

How to Pass an English Exam – The 10 Best ways!
  1. Find out about the exam! Most exams test the four main skill areas: reading, writing, listening and speaking. ...
  2. Do some practice tests! ...
  3. Arrive in good time! ...
  4. Read the instructions! ...
  5. Trust your instincts! ...
  6. Guess! ...
  7. Prepare to read! ...
  8. Prepare to listen!

How can I be good at English multiple-choice? ›

Strategies for AP Lang Multiple Choice
  1. Answer all the questions. ...
  2. Don't spend too long on one question.
  3. Use the process of elimination to eliminate 2-3 answer choices. ...
  4. Look closely at the nuances of word choice within the answer choices.
  5. Make sure your selected answer actually answers the question being asked.
Oct 25, 2022

How to always pass a multiple-choice test? ›

How to Take Multiple Choice Tests
  1. Preview the exam. ...
  2. Start with questions you can answer readily. ...
  3. Recycle through the test. ...
  4. Set goals for time and pace yourself accordingly. ...
  5. Read the questions carefully: twice if necessary. ...
  6. Circle or underline key words in questions.

How to pass the English equivalency test? ›

You will need to revise your grammar, punctuation, spelling and comprehension in order to be able to pass the equivalency test. At QTS Literacy Tutor we have a perfect platform to help you prepare for your English equivalency test.

How to guess on a multiple-choice test? ›

When numerical options vary greatly, chances are that the best response is in the middle ranges. Eliminate the highest and lowest options. Certain questions have answers that are closely related or almost identical, except for one detail. This should be your clue to choose one of the two similar answers.


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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.