AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (2024)

Table of Contents
Most Common Presidential Election AP Style Reference Terms Advance Voting, Absentee Voting, Early Voting, Mail-in Voting AP VoteCast Disputed Election Election Returns Electoral College Exit Poll Majority, Plurality Overvote Poll Monitors, Poll Watchers, Poll Monitoring, Poll Watching Precinct Precincts Reporting Race Call Ranked Choice Voting Supermajority Undervote U.S. Postal Service Votes Counted, Votes Cast Voting Congress, Congressional Conservative Democrat, Democratic, Democratic Party Democratic Socialism District Election Day, Election Night EMILY’s List First Lady, First Gentleman, Second Lady, Second Gentleman Fundraiser, Fundraising Leftist, Ultra-Leftist, Left-Wing Liberal, Liberalism Majority Leader, Minority Leader Misinformation, Fact Checks, Fake News PAC Party Affiliation Political Parties and Philosophies Policymaker, Policymaking Polls and Surveys Possessive Form Preelection, Reelection, Reelect President, Vice President Presidential, Presidency Presidential Election Press Secretary QAnon Republican, Republican Party Rightist, Ultra-Rightist, Right-Wing Representative, Rep., Reps. Tea Party AP Style Political Idioms “Alt-Right” Antifa Battleground States Black Lives Matter, #BlackLivesMatter, BLM Close Race Dark Horse Front-Runner Head to the Polls Kingmaker Populism Rank and File (n.), Rank-and-file (adj.) Stalking Horse Surrogate Swing States 2020 Election Timeline Notes Nov. 3rd Late November and early December Dec. 8 Dec. 14 Dec. 23 Jan. 3 Jan. 6 Jan. 20 FAQs References

Politics, and especially elections, can spark big emotions that result in writing bias or accidental inaccuracies. To prevent writing mistakes, use this AP style Elections Topical Guide. We include explanations that can help you generate stories about presidential elections in accordance with AP Stylebook rules. A list of recent political terms follows the election guide to help you understand and use the new phrases correctly.

Most Common Presidential Election AP Style Reference Terms

Here are the most commonly used terms referenced in AP style presidential election stories.

Advance Voting, Absentee Voting, Early Voting, Mail-in Voting

The act of allowing voters in some states to cast ballots before November 3rd is calledadvance voting. Each electoral system has anadvanced voting procedure, including voting in person,absentee voting,or voting by mail.

Absentee votingoccurs when someone requests a ballot to be sent to their home because they will not be able to vote in their state of residence on Election Day. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, those states that allowabsentee votingpermit anyone to request an absentee ballot. Some states are even sending instructions to registered voters on how to request an absentee form.

Some electoral systems rely primarily on mail to conduct business. For those states, using terms such as mail-in voting, mailed votes, and mail voting is acceptable.

For states with many voting options, using the preferred phraseadvance votingcan eliminate reporting bias thatearly voting may create.

Report voter fraud with care. The AP Stylebook stresses that President Trump claims mail-in voting can cause widespread fraud. However, multiple state reviews and officials in the Trump administration challenge this idea and say there have been no signs of significant fraud.

Compound modifiers should be hyphenated:

  • Ex: According to the governor, advance-voting procedures are well organized this year.
  • Ex: The request for mail-in voting forms overwhelmed the office.
  • Ex: The number of absentee-ballot votes was expected to be in the millions.
AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (1)

AP VoteCast

VoteCastis not an exit poll and should not be referred to as such. Conducted by NORC for the Associated Press at the University of Chicago,VoteCastcan be used as a secondary reference when referring to the survey or the poll.

Disputed Election

When writing about a disputed victory or a disputed election, use caution. Rely on reputable sources to assess the outcome and specify the report’s completeness and accuracy about the vote count.

Recounts should not automatically be considered disputed territory. Many states have automatically recounted voting areas with close election tallies. Candidates are also allowed to request recounts in many areas.

If one candidate disagrees with the election outcome, do not report it as disputed. If there is evidence of misconduct or fraud, the contest then becomes adisputed election.

  • Ex: No one disputed the race, but the vote recount began immediately upon finding there was a difference of fewer than 200 votes between the candidates.
  • Ex: When three counties were not included in the state’s final voter tally, Alexander Quinten disputed the outcome of the election.

Election Returns

Election returns are typically considered outdated the moment they are published. Use sparingly. Early returns and inaccurate first vote counts are sometimes blamed but don’t rely on initial counts to accurately reflect the winner of the election. There are some states that require weeks to count provisional and advance ballots.

At the conclusion of the race, and once the state is called, describe the candidate’s victory in terms of percentage points instead of exact voting numbers. Report the state of the vote count, not the count itself. Also, since vote counts differ between reports from moment to moment, never state an exact number.

  • Ex: When the state called the race last night in Michigan, there were over 4.7 million counted votes, and less than an estimated 20,000 votes between Clinton and Trump.
  • Ex: The Wisconsin race was close and resulted in a narrow victory for Trump of approximately 1 percentage point.

Electoral College

The United States assigns electoral voters from each state according to the number of residents living within that state. There are 538 members in the Electoral College, which are assigned to equal the number of representatives in the Congress. The District of Columbia is the exception because it has three members in the college but no representatives in the legislature.

To win a presidential race, one party must collect 270 electoral votes. The electoral votes are determined by the state’s election and popular vote numbers. Sometimes the electoral votes are split, but more commonly, the votes are presented to one candidate. Capitalize Electoral College,but use lowercase when citing electoral vote(s).

The electoral system has been split five times since its inception. The latest example was in 2016 when one candidate won the popular vote, and the other candidate won the presidency.

  • Ex: The Electoral College decided to wait to cast their electoral votes until after lunch.

Exit Poll

When one of the major multi-media sources such as ABC or NBC conducts an in-person survey or interview at the time individuals are leaving the polling area, it is referred to as anexit poll. Theexit polls are run by the National Election Pool and are overseen by AP’s Emily Swanson as the director of public opinion research. Swanson must give consent before AP staff can cite or refer to the poll results.

  • Ex: The exit polls showed the voters favored the incumbent mayor.

Majority, Plurality

The difference betweenmajorityandpluralitycan be significant in an election. Amajority consists of more than 50% of the votes. A plurality is less than 50%, but involves ballots that still tally to the largest number of votes counted. A pluralityoften occurs when there are more than two candidates in the race.

  • Ex: It came as no surprise when the win ended with a plurality count of 33% instead of a majority of over 50% of the votes because five candidates were vying for the same position.


When a voter marks too many boxes for candidates on a ballot, it is called anovervote.

  • Ex: The ballot was discarded when the vote processor noticed an overvote – three presidential candidate boxes had been marked.
AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (2)

Poll Monitors, Poll Watchers, Poll Monitoring, Poll Watching

Partisan or nonpartisan citizen observers that are assigned to oversee ballot counting are known aspoll watchersorpoll monitors. The individuals are trained in monitoring election offices and polling places to look for irregularities in vote tallies. The observers can also suggest system improvements.

Monitors that favor one candidate, ballot or proposition over another are considered partisanpoll watchers.Poll watchingfor election fairness in local polling offices is established by allowing a select number of chosen individuals from each side to view tabulation to prevent possible contested issues in the counting procedure or voting fairness process.

Watchers can observe, not intervene or interfere, in the election process. However, some states give the poll monitorsrights to challenge voter eligibility. If a challenge is presented, a provisional ballot will be cast.

With more than half of the Election Day ballots expected to be cast before the election, the watchers’ power may be extended to monitoring advance voting. The individual ballots may need to be reviewed by both party observers to decide if the ballot is valid.

No hyphen is used whenpoll monitoringis reported as a noun, but when applying the term as an adjective, hyphenatepoll-monitoring.

  • Ex: The poll-monitoring procedures were modified in 2020 to allow poll monitoring for advance voting in California.


A precinct is an area inside a town, city or other municipality established for law enforcement or voting purposes.

  • Ex: Five polling centers were set up within each precinct to allow voters easy access in casting their vote.

Precincts Reporting

Avoid the termprecincts reporting when possible due to the potential inaccuracy represented by the numbers. When states with advance votes offer numbers for precincts reporting, percentages from a single county could skew the numbers. If precincts reporting100% of the numbers are in, there may still be numerous ballots from early or absentee voting that were not counted. If your story or narrative relies on this information, include an estimated number of outstanding votes with your graphics or text.

  • Ex: With 100% of all Alaskan precincts reporting, a win is being celebrated by the Jeremiah Kichler camp. However, there are still an estimated 25,000 absentee votes left to count.

Race Call

The Associated Press can call election winners based on vote count analysis, precinct data and polling research. Once the race call comes from the AP, it is no longer a projected race. Report it as a win, with no acknowledgment of the source required.

Ranked Choice Voting

When voters rank their candidate choice by preference in an electoral system, it is referred to asranked choice voting. If no winner can be determined from a majority of cast ballots, the rankings are used to determine the voters’ preference. Avoid using “RCV” to refer toranked choice voting, unless it is a subsequent reference, and the abbreviation must be used in quotations. No hyphens need to be used in the compound modifier.

  • Ex: The ranked choice voting system was used to determine a winner in the Eastern District, but the “RCV” results are now being contested after two boxes of absentee ballots were found under a table.


When asupermajority is required, the candidate must garner support with a threshold majority of 50% plus 1.


If a voter leaves propositions or offices on the ballot unmarked, the ballot is called anundervote.

U.S. Postal Service

Use the full title ofU.S Postal Servicewhen first mentioning the agency. Any subsequent references should be capitalized but can be limited toPostal Service.

Votes Counted, Votes Cast

The number ofvotes countedis not the same as the number of votes cast, so it is more accurate to use the counted subset when discussing election returns. In some states, this number can be expected to change for several weeks after the election.

  • Ex: Of the 10 million estimated votes cast, Tillson maintained a constant lead of more than 5,000 votes.
  • Ex: For two weeks after the election, the votes counted by the poll committee continued to show Martinez in the lead.


More voters are expected to cast their votes before Election Day than during any time in U.S. history. To accurately report this voting phenomenon, refrain from using phrases about voters casting ballots in “Tuesday’s election.”

  • Ex: Once the voting concluded on November 3rd, ballots could be accurately counted.
  • Ex: National polls were closed, and voting concluded on Tuesday night.
AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (3)

When writing AP style political stories, use the following terms.

Congress, Congressional

Unless you refer to the name of the Senate or House as a unit in an official capacity, use lowercase for the adjectivescongressorcongressional. Capitalize Congress only when referring to the formal name.


When discussing a philosophy or political party, useconservative in lowercase.

Democrat, Democratic, Democratic Party

Capitalize the name of the DemocraticParty in the U.S. when referring to its members. Use lowercase when the term is generic.

DemocraticreplacesDemocratin instances such asDemocratic-controlled territory,except when quoting an article.

  • Ex: The Democratic senator held a press conference at the golf course last Sunday.
  • Ex: Current social values are founded upon past democratic societies.

Democratic Socialism

Vermont’s senator, Bernie Sanders, and New York’s representative, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, embrace a political ideology known asdemocratic socialism. Capitalize the term only when the candidate represents the Democratic Socialists of America.

  • Ex: As a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, Bernie Sanders briefly outlined his political stance.


Always capitalize and spell outdistrictin reference to a geographical area. Use an ordinal number to identify the region.

Ex.: Results from the 2nd District came in just before midnight.

Election Day, Election Night

Capitalize Election Day when referring to the U.S. November elections. Use lowercase when reporting the termelection night.

Ex.: Kentucky’s Election Day scenario erupted in confusion on election night.

EMILY’s List

Emily’s Listis an organization focusing on the election and fundraising of women supporting abortion rights.

First Lady, First Gentleman, Second Lady, Second Gentleman

Often used to identify the spouse of the president of the United States, first ladyandfirst gentlemanare not official titles, neither aresecond ladyorsecond gentleman (spouse of the vice president). Use lowercase when using these titles, but when possible, rely on an official title.

Fundraiser, Fundraising

Fundraisersare methods used by political parties to raise money for campaigns, events and elections.

Leftist, Ultra-Leftist, Left-Wing

The termsleftist,ultra-leftistandleft-wingshould be avoided. Use more precise descriptors when writing about political leanings.

Liberal, Liberalism

When referencing aliberalphilosophy, use lowercase.

Majority Leader, Minority Leader

Use lowercase when referring to either themajority leaderorminority leader,unless identifying a formal legislative title with a name.

Ex.: Minority Leader Chuck Schumer celebrated with friends after his race was called as a win.

Misinformation, Fact Checks, Fake News

Misinformationis a term used to describe false information about a topic that some individuals may mistake as the truth. Disinformation refers tomisinformationthat is spread intentionally and created to confuse and mislead society. The false sources can also come from exaggerations, honest mistakes and factual misunderstandings. Use of the term excludes satire, parody and opinions; however, propaganda, hoaxes and news story fabrications are included in this category.

Print materials, social media, broadcasts and websites can all spreadmisinformation. Even videos, audio recordings, and photographs can transmit misinformationwhen selectively manipulated or purposefully edited.

When using the termfake news, quotes should be used to signal deliberate falsehoods or exaggerated stories claiming to be news. Use of the term fake news”should be avoided when possible, and the information should be labeled asmisinformation. However, be specific when using either term to describe false information by reporting factual descriptions. False claim amplification should be avoided.

When information is in dispute, avoid partiality by labeling the article as fake news. If the term fake news is used in quotes, report on why it was used to report the misinformationand what the foundation of the claim is.

Alternative wording formisinformationandfake newsmay include erroneous reports, questionable reports, false reports, unverified reports or disputed reports.

Simplefact-checkingcan aid in debunkingmisinformationand fabricated stories and should be part of your writing. Research to affirm, verify or disprove leading statements is essential in maintaining copy accuracy and credibility. The goal is to usefact-checkingto explain exaggerations, falsehoods and political angles to hold public figures and politicians accountable for what they say.

When an assertion differs from known facts, note the differences. When disputed points or difficult questions require additional reporting, usefact-checkingto clarify the issue. When necessary, a separate piece should be written after thefact check.

Note these important points aboutfact-checkingdata:

Offer the assertion, state the problem and present correct information. Quote the data being checked and offer all facts. Back your argument with attributions or citations.

Don’t offer personal views when arguing your facts.

A person’s views and opinions should not be checked when they involve preferences or personal tastes, even when the ideas are outside society’s mainstream.

Fact checkscan use words instead of statements to prove they are correct or incorrect. Words can stand as false, true, selectively used, exaggerated, mostly accurate, clearly wrong, etc. Use data supported by the facts to prove yourfact-checks.

When you cannot confirm reports or statements, or the information can’t be verified immediately, say so. Remember to report your efforts to corroborate the facts.

Usage notes:

  • (n.) fact-checking
  • (n.) fact check
  • (v.) to fact-check


The Political Action Committee is often abbreviated asPAC. The organization collects and distributes money to political candidates, campaigns and parties. Federal law in the United States limits legal contributions, and those collected monies may not be given to campaigns by labor unions or corporations. The Federal Election Commission oversees the enforcement of contributions.

PAC may be used as a primary reference, but the full name should be spelled out in the story.

Asuper PACis a political organization allowed to spend and raise unlimited donor amounts for political purposes. The money collected by thesuper PACcan come from unions and corporations, which monies can then independently be donated to federal campaigns without restriction. The donations must be reported to the FEC, but there are no other restrictions as to donation amounts or locations.

Party Affiliation

The political party of any candidate is pertinent to all reporting on a campaign, issue or election, so always cite the party affiliation.

Political Parties and Philosophies

If the wordpartyis traditionally connected to a political organization’s name, capitalize both the party name and the word party.

  • Ex: The Republican Party meeting on Saturday night had more attendees than the Socialist Party gathering held next door.

Thepolitical philosophyis reported in lowercase, but when referring to members of a political party, capitalize the affiliation. This includes Conservative, Liberal, Communist, Socialist, etc.

When using a proper name derivative, capitalize it. The adjective or noun forms ofphilosophical namesshould be lowercase. The usage should be applied to Marxism, Nazi, fascism, communism, etc.

  • Ex: The Communist Party was shocked when the liberal Conservative Party voted that communism and democracy were incompatible.

A specific political description of a candidate’s views or philosophiesis better than a generic label of conservative or liberal.

Policymaker, Policymaking

Denote each term ofpolicymakerorpolicymakingas a single word.

Polls and Surveys

Refer to the AP Stylebook chapter on reportingpublic opinion surveysandpollsfor more information. Exaggeration and bias should be avoided.

Possessive Form

When proper names end in an “S,” add an apostrophe.

Ex.: Charles Dickens’ novel was banned in four Kansas school systems after the election.

Preelection, Reelection, Reelect

No hyphen is required when usingpreelection,reelectionorreelect.

President, Vice President

Whenpresidentorvice presidentis used as a title before a proper name, the words should be capitalized. Use lowercase at all other times. There is no hyphen in vice president when used as an adjective.

  • Ex: Vice President Biden stopped to wave at his fans.
  • Ex: The president was escorted out of the building by armed guards after gunshots were heard.

Presidential, Presidency

Unless used as part of a formal name,presidential is lowercase. Always makepresidencylowercase.

  • Ex: The presidential limousine was washed by hand every Saturday afternoon.
  • Ex: The battle for the presidency raged on for months.

Presidential Election

Report the termpresidential electionin lowercase.

Press Secretary

Unless referring to a person with a formal title, usepress secretary in lowercase.


QAnon is an internet conspiracy theory promoted by right-wing extremists with apocalyptic beliefs.

Followers believe President Donald Trump is fighting against the “deep state” in a secret government campaign focusing on child sex trafficking by cannibals and satanic pedophiles. Followers read cryptic posts that are randomly published by “Q,” a supposed government insider.

QAnon emerged in 2017 on an anonymous message board, and dedicated followers discovered favored conspiracy theories. The site gained traction with many individuals and groups, including Trump supporters. The FBI issued a bulletin mentioning QAnonin May 2019. The report warned that extremists might become a threat through domestic terrorism and fringe beliefs that were “very likely” to lead to violent crimes.

SomeQAnonfollowers are anxiously waiting for “The Storm.” Supporters believe thousands of operatives in the “deep state” will be gathered and sent to Guantanamo Bay, including high ranked Democratic individuals such as Hillary Clinton.

The movement is sometimes referred to as “cult-like.” Many of the movement’s followers have run for pollical office, including Independent Party and Republican Party candidates.

Trump has not disavowed the QAnonmovement.

Republican, Republican Party

Capitalize bothRepublicanandRepublican Party. The abbreviation GOP, which stands for theGrand Old Party, can be used as a second reference.

Rightist, Ultra-Rightist, Right-Wing

Due to possible bias, avoid the termsrightist,ultra-rightistandright-wing. Use more precise political descriptions to avoid confusion or bias.

Representative, Rep., Reps.

As the formal title for members of the House, representativemay be abbreviated asRep.orReps.when used before public names.

Tea Party

Thetea party is a populist movement known to oppose the political establishment in Washington. Always use lowercase terms when referring to the group.

AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (4)

AP Style Political Idioms

Note the proper spelling, punctuation and capitalization of these AP style political idioms.


Avoid using the term “alt-right” to signify a political leaning movement toward racism, populism, and other biased groups. If required to use the word “alt-right”when clarifying what the political faction says, qualify and set it apart with quotation marks. Always use a hyphen and make it lowercase. More information is included in the Stylebook for your review.


When referring to anti-fascist groups or individuals,Antifa is often used. The term covers far-left militant groups that resist white supremacists and neo-Nazis. Use the word with a definition or explanation because the term is still generally unknown.

Battleground States

The states that could go either way in an election for the major political candidates are referred to asbattleground states. This includes presidential or statewide races.

Black Lives Matter, #BlackLivesMatter, BLM

Black Lives Matteris a 2012 political movement sparked by the death of Trayvon Martin. The globalBLMmovement’s goal is to eradicate white supremacy and systemic racism and to fight violence against Black individuals. Capitalize the first reference ofBlack Lives Matter, then it is acceptable to use BLM’sacronym as a second reference.

Many groups claim to be part of theBLM movement and use “Black Lives Matterin the group name. There are only 16 affiliates of theBlack Lives Matter Global Network. The Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation was created in 2014 after the death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. The organization provides funding and infrastructure to affiliated chapters. Use the group’s full name the first time, and then the BLM networkcan be employed in any following references.

If citing philosophies such as “blue lives matter” or “all lives matter,” remember they are not formal groups. Enclose all responses to theBlack Lives Matter movement in quotes, and use the lowercase.

Close Race

Unless you can back this term up with data from polls or election results, avoid the phraseclose racewhen describing a political contest.

Dark Horse

When a political candidate emerges suddenly from the shadows, the individual is called adark horse.


The person in the lead in a political race is referred to as thefront-runner. Hyphenate the term and use it with care because information can be updated often, and that can make your data inaccurate if thefront-runnerslips behind.

Head to the Polls

Many voters may choose to vote by mail, so avoidhead to the pollswhen describing the election.


Historically, akingmakeris someone rich and powerful enough to boost a candidate into public office using their clout.


Populismis the idea and political philosophy promoting the power and rights of the ordinary people in contrast to the elite. Avoid referring to politicians or political candidates aspopulistunless quoting or paraphrasing texts; however, using the general term is acceptable.

Rank and File (n.), Rank-and-file (adj.)

When referring to ordinary political party members, it is acceptable to use rank and fileorrank-and-file.

Stalking Horse

A stalking horse is a person entering a political race to entice voters away from a specific candidate. The stalking horse then withdraws from the race and endorses an opposing candidate.


Avoid the termsurrogateto refer to a person of prominence who campaigns in the name of, or on behalf of, a particular political candidate.

Swing States

States without a history of voting in favor of solely the Democrat or Republican party in the past three elections are known asswing states.

2020 Election Timeline Notes

The process of seating the winning candidate for U.S. president has led to a legal battle over disputed vote counts in key states. When disputes occur, the government relies on the U.S. Constitution, which established federal law creating a procedure for calling the winner. The procedural steps cover a two-month period. Here are the key details and associated dates:

Nov. 3rd

Election Day in all 50 states begins the process of selecting the next president. However, the voters do not choose the winner. Instead, their votes are represented by state electors that pledge to support one of the candidates. The electorate ballot then signifies the voice of the voters of the state. Voting stops at the close of polls on Nov. 3rd, then the counting begins.

Late November and early December

Most states set a deadline for certification of their voter election results in late November. When the ballot count is disputed, or when one side decides to litigate the results, there is no penalty for missing the established deadline.

Dec. 8

The safe harbor deadline, Dec. 8, was established to protect electors from challenges by Congress after this date. Once the state certifies its electors by Dec. 8, Congress cannot ignore or disregard the representatives when making the final tally.

Dec. 14

Electors meet within their states by Dec. 14 to cast the state’s ballots for president. If a state misses this deadline, the electors from that region could be excluded from the electoral tally. If an electorate representative is seated between Dec. 8 and Dec. 14, he or she can still vote in the general count. Congress can challenge the newly seated electors, but after the state’s governor certifies the number and voting electors, the number stands.

Dec. 23

Dec. 23 is the date the electoral vote numbers are required to be reported to Congress.

Jan. 3

The newly elected members of Congress take their seats on Jan. 3 after being sworn in.

Jan. 6

All reported electoral votes are counted on Jan. 6. Once the votes are tallied, a winner of the presidential election can be formally certified.

If electoral votes do not show a majority winner, the House of Representatives, under provisions by the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, will vote to name the next president. This is done by allowing each state a single vote for a candidate, and when the delegation’s vote numbers reach 26 for one party, that person becomes president. The Senate uses the same method to choose a vice president.

If Congress challenges electors because of seating irregularities before Dec. 8, or if a state sends competing electorates to Congress, the House or Senate must determine which is the valid representative and which vote counts. This occurred in 1876, and a law passed in 1887 helps clarify the situation, although the issue has never come up again. For that reason, how the procedure may be corrected is still untested.

Jan. 20

The U.S. Constitution declares the presidential term will begin on Jan. 20. Inauguration takes place unless Congress is unable to certify a winner. According to federal law, an “acting president” would be designated to stand in until the issue can be settled. If Congress has certified neither the presidential race nor the vice-presidential race by this date, the House speaker becomes acting president. If the Speaker of the House position has not been filled, the Senate’s president pro tempore will become acting president.

By using this AP style Elections Topical guide, you can better ensure that you’re writing about the general election and AP style political terms correctly. Check out more of our articles to learn about AP Style Basics.

AP Style Elections Topical Guide (With General Political Terms) - GrammarMill (2024)


Is there an AP style checker? ›

AP StyleGuard is an automated style-checking tool for Microsoft Word or Outlook, developed by Tansa in collaboration with The Associated Press.

When to hyphenate words in AP style? ›

Hyphen: –
  1. Commonly used terms where the meaning is clear, such as sixth grade teacher, or climate change bill.
  2. If there are more than three words modifying a noun. ...
  3. Any adverb that includes “very” or a word ending in “ly.”
  4. For words that describe dual heritage, like African American or Asian American.
Dec 30, 2022

What are the AP style rules? ›

Capitalize common nouns such as party, river and street when they are part of a proper name. Lowercase directional indicators except when they refer to specific geographic regions or popularized names for those regions. Capitalize formal titles that come directly before a name.

What dictionary does AP style use? ›

During a panel at the ACES: The Society for Editing national conference in San Diego on Friday, AP Stylebook Editor Paula Froke announced that Merriam-Webster is now the Stylebook's official dictionary, among other updates.

Can ChatGPT check for AP style? ›

ChatGPT can be used as a sub-editor. Journalists can input their articles for a last review before sending them to their editor, for example by asking ChatGPT to edit the article in a specific format like AP style.

Does Grammarly use AP style? ›

At this time, Grammarly does not make recommendations about the formatting of your text. This means that we are unable to enforce a specific writing style such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.

What is the dash rule in AP style? ›

Em dash: An em dash is also known as “the long dash” and is the only dash used in the AP Stylebook. It is always formatted with one space on either side of it. Use an em dash when interrupting a thought — like this mid-sentence parenthetical phrase — or when attributing a quote to someone.

When to use Oxford comma AP style? ›

The Oxford comma, or serial comma, comes before the conjunction in a list of three or more things. If you write, “The flag is red, white, and blue,” you're using an Oxford comma. If you write, “The flag is red, white and blue,” you're not. Either way, you're using correct punctuation because this comma is optional.

What words should not be hyphenated? ›

The adjective (which is a compound of two words: 'high' and 'quality') comes before the noun ('movie'). Attributive compound adjectives are hyphenated. Never hyphenate compounds including an adverb (generally, a word ending in 'ly'), whether attributive or predicative.

What are the three dots in AP style? ›

In AP style, an ellipsis is three periods with a space on either side. Like … so. You need both the spaces and all three periods. [RELATED: Make sure your team is up to date on the latest skills, strategies and practices.

What is the S rule in AP style? ›

For proper nouns that end in “s,” add an apostrophe to make it possessive. For common (non-capitalized) nouns that end in “s,” add an apostrophe and an “s.”

Is the AP style guide free? ›

We offer free trials of individual subscriptions and 10-user site licenses for AP Stylebook Online. Stylebook Online, our most popular product, is the searchable, customizable version of the AP Stylebook. We will include access to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the official dictionary of the AP Stylebook.

Which AP Stylebook lost its hyphen? ›

In 2014, editors removed the beloved distinction between over and more than. The hyphen itself gets some attention in Stylebook updates, too. In 2017, 3D and Walmart lost the hyphen. Email lost it way back in 2011.

What cities stand alone in AP style? ›

AP style does not require the name of a state to accompany the names of the following 30 cities:
  • Atlanta.
  • Baltimore.
  • Boston.
  • Chicago.
  • Cincinnati.
  • Cleveland.
  • Dallas.
  • Denver.
Jun 6, 2024

Is AP style always past tense? ›

There is no set tense; instead, you should be endeavoring to use present/past/future as necessary to make sure the events you are describing are as clear as possible. AP also recommends using time words (today, tomorrow, March 17, etc.) to anchor your piece and further reduce ambiguity.

How do I find AP style in Google Docs? ›

You can now check for AP style in Google Docs! Go to Add-ons in the Google Docs menu, choose Lingofy, then AP Stylebook.

Is there an AP style app? ›

The Associated Press Stylebook app offers current style guidance as you write or edit in Word.

Can you check what you got wrong on AP Exam? ›

If you've taken an AP Exam and want to review your answers to the free-response section, you can request a copy of your free-response booklet pages be sent to you. We can only send copies of booklet pages from the most recent exam administration.

What is AP style in proofreading? ›

AP style dictates basic rules for grammar and punctuation, as well as specific styles for numbers, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations, acronyms, and much more. The ins and outs of AP style can be found within the “Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law.”.


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Author: Tish Haag

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Views: 6013

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.